English Words of Arabic Ancestry

Collection of etymologies and word histories of English words that came from Arabic words

Author: Seanwal11111
Date: circa 2018

About seventy percent of the words in this collection were transferred from Arabic into the Latinate languages in the Mediterranean region in the medieval era, especially the 12th and 13th centuries, and subsequently were transferred from the Latinate languages into English. The other thirty percent entered European languages from the 16th century onward, sometimes going directly from Arabic into English, more often going through intermediate languages before arriving in English.

Only words in current use in English are included; rare and archaic words are omitted.

Words connected with the Islamic religion are omitted. For Islamic words, see a glossary of Islam Book ''A dictionary of Islam; being a cyclopaedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion'', by Thomas Patrick Hughes, year 1885. This book was written by a Christian clergyman. One of its virtues is that its copyright has expired. A similar book written by a Muslim clergyman may be better.(e.g.).

The main aim is to provide the evidence that the words came from Arabic, taking each word individually.

The words have been collected from machine-searchable etymology dictionaries [1]. At the end of the main list, a separate listing is given for about 30 English words that many dictionaries claim are descended from Arabic words, whereas the evidence for the claim is poor or very poor. These words are unlikely to be from Arabic. So there are two lists, one where evidence of Arabic parentage is good and strong, and the other where evidence is poor. There is additionally a separate list for around 60 botany names that have come from Arabic names, and another list for cuisine names.

Only one-sixth of the upcoming text is in the top-level body of the presentation. The other five-sixths is in the footnotes. To see substantive facts it is necessary to click into the footnotes. This is especially true when a word's derivation from Arabic is complicated.

Loanwords in alphabetical order

admiral, albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, alembic, alfalfa, algebra, algorithm, alidade, alkali, alkanet (plant), amalgam, ambergris, aniline (dye), apricot, arsenal, artichoke, assassin, attar, aubergine, average, azimuth, benzoin, bezoar, borax, camphor, candy, carat, caravan, caraway, carob, check, checkmate, cipher, civet, coffee, cotton, crimson, curcuma, damask, elixir, erg (landform), fennec (fox), garble, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, harem, hashish, henna, hookah (pipe), hummus (food recipe), ifrit (demon), intarsia (decoration), jar, jasmine, jerboa (gerbil), jinn, julep, jumper (garment), khat, kohl (eye makeup), lac & lacquer, lemon, lime (fruit), luffa (plant), lute, macrame, magazine, marcasite (mineral), massicot (mineral), mattress, mohair, monsoon, morocco (leather), mufti (clothing), mummy (corpse), muslin, nadir, natron (mineral), orange, popinjay, realgar (mineral), ream (of paper), rook (in chess), sabkha (landform), safari, safflower, saffron, sandalwood, saphena (vein), sash (ribbon), sequin (ornament), serendipity, sheikh, sherbet, sofa, spinach, sugar, sultan, sumac, swahili, syrup, tabla (drum), tahini, talc, talisman, tamarind, tambourine, tanbur (guitar), tangerine, tare (weight), tariff, tarragon, demi-tasse (cup), tincalconite (mineral), typhoon, varan (lizard), zenith, zero. More botanical names and certain other names are given separately after the main listing.

It is assumed you already know the meaning of today's English word.

1 admiral
أمير amīr, military leader, emir. Amīr is common in medieval Arabic writings as a commander on land (not sea). It has records in Latin from the 9th century onward as a specifically Muslim leader. A Latin record of a different kind comes from Sicily in 1072, the year the Latins defeated the Arabs in Sicily at the capital city Palermo. In that year, after about 200 years of Arabic rule at Palermo, a new military governing official was assigned as "knight, to be for the Sicilians the amiratus", where Definition at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -atus #2, a Latin noun suffix. You can see derivatives of it in today's English noun suffix -ate as in ''triumvirate'', ''episcopate'', ''principate'', ''consulate'', ''syndicate'', ''emirate''.‑atus is a Latin suffix on nouns. This title continued in mainly non-marine use during the next century among the Latins at Palermo, usually spelled am[m]iratus (spelled amiraldus in year 1113, where Book ''An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language'', by A. Brachet, translated from French to English, edition year 1878, has short intro to Latin ''-aldus'' in paragraph § 195‑aldus is a Latin suffix functioning much the same as -atus; spelled ammiral year 1112 influenced by Latin suffix Wiktionary definition for -alis, a suffix in Latin‑alis). In 1178 (and earlier) the person holding the title amiratus at Palermo was put in charge of the navy of the Kingdom of Sicily.[6] After that start, the word meaning an Admiral of the Sea was taken up at the seaport of Genoa in year 1192 as ammiratus referring to the grand admiral of Sicily, and at Genoa around 1211 as admiratus referring to an admiral of Pisa; and early 13th century Latin at Genoa also used the wordform amiragius (which has Italian suffix Definition at Wiktionary : -aggio‑aggio) meaning "admiral of the sea".[7] In 13th century Latin Europe the meaning as a specifically Muslim leader continued in independent circulation as well. The one word with two meanings has lots of records in all Latinate languages in the late medieval period. To be clear, the two meanings were (1) a Muslim military leader, practically always on land, and (2) a commander of two or more war-ships, practically always a Western Christian. Medieval Latin wordforms included amiraeus, ammirandus, amiraudus, amirallus, admiralius, amiragius, ammiratus, admiratus, and similar others, with both meanings.[7] In late medieval French and English the usual wordforms were amiral and admiral, with both meanings.[8] The insertion of the letter 'd' was prompted by allusion to the word admire, a commonplace classical Latin word.
2 albatross
الغطّاس al-ghattās, literally "the diver", naming birds who got their food by diving underwater, and occasionally it named the large diving seabirds of the pelecaniform class including cormorants.[9] Late medieval Spanish has alcatraz meaning large diving seabirds (first record 1386) and this Spanish word is undoubtedly from Arabic.[9] Spanish alcatraz entered English in 2nd half of 16th century as alcatras meaning large diving seabirds in the Indies seas. Alcatras has dozens of records in English in sea-voyages narratives in the late 16th and early 17th century ''Early English Books Online'' (EEBO) has nine 16th century English books having dozens of instances of alcatras_, alcatrace_, alcatraz_, alcatrarz_ birds. Another two dozen instances at EEBO are in the year 1625 Samuel Purchas collection of voyages narratives.(ref). The word also went into Italian in the 16th as alcatrazzi with same meaning Search for alcatrazzi | alcatrazi at Books.Google.com, with the search restricted to books printed in the 16th century. The results are in Italian in reports about voyages over the wide oceans. The word went into Italian from Spanish reports about the oceans and New World.(ref). The albatrosses are a class of large diving seabirds that are only found in the Southern Hemisphere and Pacific Ocean regions. Beginning in the 17th century, every European language adopted "albatros" with a 'b' for these birds, the 'b' having been mobilized from Latinate alba = "white".
3 alchemy, alchemical, chemical, chemistry
الكيمياء al-kīmīāʾ, alchemy, medieval chemistry, and especially "studies about substances through which gold and silver may be artificially produced".[10] The Arabic word had its source in a Greek alchemy word that was in use in the early centuries AD in Alexandria in Egypt in Greek.[11] The Arabic entered Latin as alchimia in the 12th century and was widely circulating in Latin in the 13th century.[12] In late medieval Latin, the word alchimia was strongly associated with the quest to make gold out of other metals, but the scope of the word also covered the full range of what was then known about refining metals and minerals. Late medieval Latin word-forms included alchimicus = "alchemical" and alchimista = "alchemist", as well as alchimia = "alchemy". By deletion of al-, those word-forms gave rise to the Latin word-forms chimia, chimicus and chimista beginning in the mid 16th century. The word-forms with and without the al- were synonymous until the end of the 17th century: The meaning of each of them covered both alchemy and chemistry.[13]
4 alcohol
الكحل al-kuhl, very finely powdered stibnite (Sb2S3) or galena (PbS) or any similar fine powder.[2] The word entered Latin and Spanish records in the 13th century spelled alcohol and meaning exactly the same as the Arabic word. In Latin in the 14th and 15th centuries the sole meaning was an exceedingly fine-grained powder, made of any material.[14] In various cases the powder was obtained by crushing, but in various other cases the powder was obtained by calcination, or by sublimation & deposition. In the alchemy and medicine writer Paracelsus (died 1541), the alcohol powders produced by sublimation & deposition were regarded as kinds of distillates; e.g., he regarded the ordinary soot deposited in chimneys as a distillate. With that viewpoint, he extended the word's meaning to distillate of wine. "Alcohol of wine" (ethanol) has its first record in Paracelsus.[15] The biggest-selling English dictionary of the 18th century defined alcohol as "a very fine and impalpable powder, or a very pure well rectified spirit" alcohol @ Nathan Bailey's English Dictionary, year 1726 edition. Bailey's dictionary was reprinted in more years than any other English dictionary in the 18th century. This implies it sold more copies than any of its competitors.(ref).
5 alcove
القبّة al-qobba, vault, dome, or cupola. That sense for the word is in medieval Arabic dictionaries.[2] The same sense is documented for Spanish alcoba around 1275. Alcoba semantically evolved in Spanish during the 14th to 16th centuries.[16] Alcoba begot French alcove, earliest known French in 1646 [3], and French begot English. (By the way, English "cove" is unrelated).
6 alembic (distillation apparatus)
الأنبيق al-anbīq, distillation apparatus for distilling, and sometimes the meaning was just the upper half of the distillation apparatus. The Arabic word came from Late Ancient Greek ambix | ambika with same meaning. The earliest chemical distillations were by Greeks in Alexandria in Egypt about the 3rd century AD. Their Greek ἄμβιξ | ἄμβικα for distillation (ἄμβιξ @ Lexicon of ancient Greek by Liddell-Scott-Jones (''LSJ''), year 1925. ἄμβικα AMBIKA is an alembic in the alchemist Zosimos, who lived in the 4th century AD and wrote in Greek. Zosimos was translated to Arabic in the 9th century. At the linked lexicon page, the alembic in Zosimos's alchemy book is cited by the abbreviated notation ''Zos.Alch.p.141B''. Zosimos's alchemy in Greek is at http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu example) became the Arabic al-anbīq starting in the 9th century (9th century text in Arabic plus translation to German : كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس ''Das Steinbuch des Aristotles'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912. Arabic الانبيق ''al-anbīq'' is on page 110 on last line.e.g. , Book in Arabic dated about 980 AD : بن أحمد بن يوسف الخوارزمي - مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm'' by Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi. Curated by G van Vloten, year 1895. الأنبيق ''al-anbīq'' on page ٢۵٧e.g.), which became 12th-century Latin alembic. In Latin the early records are in Arabic-to-Latin translations (Alchemy text ''Liber de Septuaginta'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. Latin date is estimated around year 1200. Published in Latin in Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France, volume 49, year 1906, pages 310-363, having word ''alembic'' on pages 317, 327 & 345.e.g. , Latin alchemy text titled ''Porta Elementorum'', dated circa 1200, is published in article ''The PORTA ELEMENTORUM of Pseudo-Avicenna's alchemical DE ANIMA'', by Sébastien Moureau, year 2013 in journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge Volume 80. The text is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. It has two instances of ''alembic'', which are on pages 188 and 190.e.g.). Alembic arrived in Latin along with some other Arabic alchemy words.[11]
7 alfalfa
الفصفصة al-fisfisa, alfalfa.[17] From the Arabic, later-medieval Spanish has alfalfez = "alfalfa".[17] In later-medieval Iberia, alfalfa had a reputation as the best fodder for horses. The ancient Romans grew alfalfa but called it an entirely different name.[18] The plant is usually called lucerne in today's British and Australian English. It is usually called alfalfa in American English. The American English name started in the far-west USA in the 1850s when alfalfa seeds were imported from Chile to California.
8 algebra
الجبر al-jabr, restoring of broken parts.[2] The word's mathematical use has its earliest record in Arabic in the title of the book "al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa al-muqābala", translatable as "the compendium on calculation by restoring and balancing", by the 9th-century mathematician Mohammed Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. This book was well-known in medieval Arabic mathematics. It was translated to Latin twice in the 12th century. In medieval Arabic mathematics, al-jabr and al-muqābala were the names of the two main preparatory steps used to solve an algebraic equation. For the medieval Arabs the phrase "al-jabr and al-muqābala" came to mean "method of equation-solving". The medieval Latins borrowed the method and the names.[19]
9 algorithm, algorism
الخوارزمي al-khwārizmī, short name for the mathematician Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (died c. 850). The word has no record in medieval Arabic mathematics except as a person's proper name. In Latin in the 12th century a few introductory tutorials for working with the Hindu-Arabic numbers have the word alchorismi or algorizmi in the headline of the text and there is an indication in the body of the text that it represents Al-Khwarizmi's name. In Latin in the 13th century the wordform was algorismus. In Latin and English from the 13th through 19th centuries, both "algorism" and "algorithm" meant only the elementary methods of the Hindu-Arabic number system.[20]
10 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Alidadealidade
العضادة al-ʿiḍāda (from عضد ʿiḍad, pivoting arm), the rotary dial for angular positioning on the Astrolabe surveying instrument used in astronomy. The word with that meaning was used by the astronomers Al-Khwarizmi (died c. 850) Article, ''Al-Khwārizmī as a Source for the SENTENTIE ASTROLABII'', by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1987, 9 pages. The article prints in Arabic some selections from a text written by Al-Khwārizmī (died c. 850). Arabic word al-ʿiḍāda is on print pages 228 & 229. The pages 228 & 229 are the second & third pages in the article. The article was reprinted in year 1989 in the book ''The Arabs and the Stars'' by Paul Kunitzsch.(Ref), Abu al-Wafa Buzjani (died 998) alidade @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876, has two quotations in Arabic from أبو الوفاء البوزجاني Abu al-Wafa Buzjani in footnotes #2 and #3 on page 23(Ref), Ibn al-Saffar (died 1035) Ibn al-Saffar wrote a 30-page tutorial on working with the Astrolabe. It is in Arabic in journal ''Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos en Madrid'' Volume 3, year 1955, curated by Millás Vallicrosa. The Arabic text is on print pages ٤٧ to ٧٦, which is PDF pages 158-187 in the linked PDF file. In this text the word العضادة is frequent and is on many pages. It is defined on page ٤٨ line 15.(Ref), and others. The word with the same meaning entered medieval Latin in the context of Astrolabes.[21] Crossref word azimuth, which entered medieval Latin on the same pathway.
11 alkali
القلي al-qalī | al-qilī, an alkaline material derived from the ashes of saltwort plants. Saltwort plants grow on saline desert soils and other salty soils. Saltwort plants were medievally collected and burned because their ashes contained a useful chemical. The dictionary of Al-Jauhari (died circa 1003) said "al-qilī is obtained from saltworts".[2] In today's terms, the medieval Arabic al-qalī ashes was mainly composed of sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate.[22] The medieval Arabs used it as an ingredient in making glass and making detergents. In the European languages the word's early records are in Latin alchemy and minerals texts in late 12th or early 13th century, spelled alkali, with the very same meaning as the Arabic word.[23] In Europe during 16th & 17th centuries the meaning broadened to include other chemicals with similar characteristics.
12 amalgam, amalgamate
الملغم al-malgham, amalgam, especially amalgam of mercury with metal.[24] In the European languages this word's earliest records are in late 13th and early 14th century Latin alchemy texts, where it meant an amalgam of mercury with another substance (nearly always a metal) and was spelled amalgama. Arabic alchemy arrived in Latin during the 12th and 13th centuries, and Arabic influence was pervasive in the Latin alchemy of the 13th and 14th centuries. In Arabic records before the 13th century, the word al-malgham | al-mulgham = "amalgam" is uncommon but does exist and was used by a number of different authors.[24]
13 ambergris
عنبر ʿanbar, meaning ambergris, i.e. a fragrant waxy material produced in the stomach of sperm whales and used historically for perfumery. Medieval ambergris was sourced mostly from the Indian Ocean's shores. From Arabic sellers of ambergris, the word passed into early-medieval Latin as ambar | ambra meaning "ambergris". Later, starting 13th century, the Latin ambra took on the additional meaning "amber", from causes not understood. The two meanings for the name ambra –i.e. "ambergris" and "amber"– co-existed for over four centuries in Western Europe. The qualifier gris was added to eliminate the ambiguity of ambra. The color of ambergris is grey more often than not, and gris is French for grey. An organic chemical extracted from ambergris is ambrein, first named in year 1820 Book ''Chemistry of Animal Bodies'' by Thomas Thomson, year 1843 on page 151, says the name ambrein was introduced by J-P Pelletier (died 1842) and his collaborator JB Caventou (died 1877) in their examination of ambergris in 1820.(ref), named in derivation from French ambre and the Latin ambra = "ambergris" whose parent was the Arabic ʿanbar. The parentage of the medieval Latin ambra = "amber" is unknown.[25]
14 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Anilanil, Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Anilineaniline, Definition at Wikipedia : Polyanilinepolyaniline
النيل al-nīl | an-nīl,[5] indigo dye. The medieval Arabs grew indigo dye plants commercially and they called them nīl.[27] The medieval Europeans used indigo dye imported from the Arabs sometimes. More often the medieval Europeans used European-grown Woad dye for the same purpose. From the medieval Arabic word an-nīl, the word anil became the usual for indigo in Spanish & Portuguese.[27] From Spanish & Portuguese anil, the word anil entered other European languages via the indigo supplied to Europe from the late 16th century onward by Spanish & Portuguese merchants who brought it from tropical America and India. Anil in English means a natural indigo dye from a tropical American plant. Aniline was created as a technical word in dye chemistry in the early 1840s.
15 apricot
البرقوق al-barqūq, apricot.[28] The medieval Arabic al-barqūq went into late medieval Spanish as albarcoque HispanicSeminary.org is a site with a searchable collection of late medieval and 16th century Spanish texts. Search for ''albarquoque'' and ''albarcoque''.(ref) and Catalan albercoc albercoc @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by AM Alcover & FB Moll, year 1962. It quotes albercocs in Francesc Eiximenis (died 1409) and albercochs in Anselm Turmeda (died c. 1423).(ref) meaning apricot. The early spellings in English included abrecok (year 1551), abrecox (1578), apricock (1593), aprecocke (1597) meaning apricot apricot @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1888, gives quotations from 16th century English(ref). The letter 't' in today's English apricot has come from a French wordform. In French the word starts around the 1520s as aubercot and abricot meaning apricot abricot @ ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales''(ref). This French was from the late medieval Spanish & Catalan albercoc. Apricot fruit trees were grown by the ancient Latins. It is unknown or not clear what motivated the late medieval Latins to adopt the Arabic name.
16 arsenal
دار صناعة dār sināʿa, literally "house of manufacturing" but in practice in medieval Arabic it meant government-run manufacturing, usually for the military, most notably for the navy.[29] The Definition at Wikipedia : Italian maritime republicsItalian maritime republics in the 12th century adopted the word to designate a naval dockyard, a place for building ships and armaments for ships, and repairing armed ships. In late medieval centuries the biggest such arsenal in Europe was the Definition at Wikipedia : Arsenal of VeniceArsenal of Venice. 12th century Italian-Latin had the spellings darsena, arsena and tarsanatus. 14th-century Italian-Latin and Italian had the spellings darsena, terzana, arzana, arsana, arsenada, arcenatus, tersanaia, terzinaia, all meaning a workyard for ships and in only some cases having navy building activity.[30] In the 16th century in French and English, an arcenal | arsenal was a naval dockyard or an arsenal or both (Book : History of the Peloponnesian War written by Thucydides (died c.400 BC) put in French translation by Claude de Seyssel (died 1520), first published in year 1527, reprinted in year 1559 with spelling changes. It has French ARCENAL(S) on nine pages meaning a place within which war-ships are kept in safety and security.e.g., arcenal @ French-to-English dictionary by Randle Cotgrave, year 1611e.g., arsenal @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1888, on page 465-466, gives quotations from English sources of the 16th & 17th centuriese.g.) and those two meanings are still in today's French arsenal (arsenal @ ''Dictionnaire de l'Académie française'', 8th edition, years 1932-1935e.g., arsenal @ ''Dictionnaire de l'Académie française'', 9th edition, years 1992-2011e.g.).
17 artichoke
الخرشف al-kharshuf | الخرشوف al-kharshūf, artichoke. The word with that meaning is in at least a half a dozen Andalusi and Maghrebi Arabic authors in the 10th to 14th centuries.[31] With the same meaning, there is Spanish alcachofa (first record around 1400), Spanish alcarchofa (1423), Spanish carchofa (1423), Catalan carxofa (1490; Catalan letter 'x' is sound /sh/), Italian carciofjo (circa 1525), German Cardchoffil (1539), French carchiophe (1542).[32] All of those are phonetically close to the Arabic kharshuf. Similarly close to the Arabic precedent is today's Italian carciofo and today's Spanish alcachofa, each meaning artichoke. Not phonetically close, starting 2nd quarter of 16th century: English archecokk (1531), French artichault (1535), German-Latin articocalus (1542), Italian artichiocco (1544), English hortichocke (1555), Italian arcichiocco (1568), Italian artichioffo (1590), English artichowe (1599), Italian arcicioffo (1611), all meaning "artichoke".[32] Etymology commentators near-unanimously say these wordforms have to have been mutated from the earlier Iberian and Italian wordforms. This predominant opinion has support from the background horticultural historical context. But the mutation is far outside the bounds of ordinary phonetic change, and the way it happened is poorly understood and not understood. There is not a competing alternative idea.
18 assassin
الحشيشية al-hashīshīya and حشيشين hashīshīn, an Arabic nickname for the Nizari Ismaili Muslim religious sect in the Levant during the Crusades era. This sect carried out assassinations against chiefs of other sects, including Crusading Christians, and the story circulated throughout western Europe in the 13th century and late 12th. Medievally in Latin & Italian & French, this sect was called the Assissini | Assassini.[33] Medievally in Arabic texts the wordform is al-hashīshīya [33] but by Arabic grammar this can be put in Arabic in the wordform hashīshīn also. Hashīshīn is the wordform in Arabic that the Latin Crusaders borrowed in the Levant. By well-known aspects of medieval Latin & Italian & French phonetics, it is well understood why the wordform got phonetically changed from the Arabic Hashīshīn to the Latinate Assissini.[33] The generalization of the sect's nickname to the meaning of any sort of assassin happened in Italian at the start of the 14th century. The word with the generalized meaning was often used in Italian in the 14th and 15th centuries.[33] In the mid 16th century the generalized Italian word entered French,[3] followed a little later by English.
19 attar
عطر ʿitr, perfume, aroma. The English word came from the Hindi/Urdu-speaking area of northeast India in the late 18th century and its source was the Hindi/Urdu atr | itr = "perfume"[34], which had come from Persian ʿitr = "perfume", and the Persian had come medievally from the Arabic ʿitr, which is an ancient word in Semitic.
20 aubergine
الباذنجان al-bādhinjān, aubergine. The plant's native place of origin was Myanmar and thereabouts. The plant was unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was introduced to the Mediterranean region by the medieval Arabs. The Arabic name entered Iberian Latinate languages late medievally, producing 15th century Spanish alberengena = "aubergine" and 14th century Catalan alberginia = "aubergine". The Catalan name alberginia was the parent of French aubergine, which embodies a change from al- to au- that happened in French. [35]
21 average
عوار ʿawār, a defect, or anything defective or damaged, including partially spoiled merchandise; and عواري ʿawārī = "of or relating to ʿawār, a state of partial damage".[36] In the European languages the word's history begins in sea-commerce on the Mediterranean in late-12th-century Italy as Latin avaria. In first half of 13th century at seaports Genoa and Marseille, the Latin avaria meant physical damage on gold and silver coins, particularly Arabic coins.[37] At seaports Savona and Genoa around year 1200, Latin avaria meant damage and non-normal expenses incurred during merchant sea voyages.[37] The Italian-Latin avaria begot 15th century French avarie with the same meaning, i.e. "damage expenses". The French begot English "averay" (year 1491) and English "average" (1451, 1502) with the same meaning. However, in some late medieval cases in Italy and elsewhere the meaning is a normal and predictable import-tax expense incurred in a merchant sea voyage.[38] Today, Italian avaria, Catalan avaria and French avarie have the primary meaning of "damage". The huge transformation of the meaning in English began with the standard practice in late-medieval and early-modern European merchant-marine law contracts under which if the ship met a bad storm and some of the ship's cargo had to be thrown into the sea to make the ship lighter and safer, then all merchants whose goods were on the ship were to suffer proportionately; and more generally there was to be proportionate distribution of any avaria. From there, the word was adopted by British insurers, creditors, and merchants for talking about their losses as being spread across their whole portfolio of assets, and having a mean proportion. Today's "average" developed out of that, and started in the mid 18th century, and started in English.[38]
22 azimuth
السموت al-sumūt | as-sumūt,[5] the directions, the azimuths. The word was in use in medieval Arabic astronomy, including particularly with the Astrolabe instrument, and it was transferred into Latin as azimut in the context of using Astrolabes, and records in Latin begin in the 1130s or 1140s.[39] The earliest in English is in the 1390s in a treatise on using the Astrolabe (Full text of ''Treatise on the Astrolabe'' by Geoffrey Chaucer (died 1400), in medieval English and modern English side-by-side. Has the word azimut about a dozen times.ref, azimutz @ Middle English Dictionaryref).
23 benzoin, benzene
لبان جاوي lubān jāwī, benzoin resin, literally "frankincense of Java". Benzoin is an aromatic natural resin from an Indonesian tree. In the later-medieval centuries, Arab sea-merchants shipped it to the Middle East for sale as perfumery and incense. It first came to Europe in the 15th century. Its European name benzoin is a great mutation of the Arabic name lubān jāwī. The linguistic factors that caused the mutation are well understood.[42] Among European chemists, benzoin resin was the original source for benzoic acid, which became the source for the 19th-century benzene.
24 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Bezoarbezoar
بازهر bāzahr | بادزهر bādzahr, a type of hard ball containing calcium compounds, sometimes formed in the stomachs of goats and some other ruminant animals. Today in English a bezoar is a medical and veterinary word for a ball of indigestible material that collects in the stomach and fails to pass through the intestines. Goat bezoars were recommended by medieval Arabic medical writers for use as antidotes to poisons. That is how the word first entered medieval Latin medical vocabulary.[43]
25 borax, borate, boron
بورق būraq, various salts, some used as cleaning agents and some used as fluxes in metalworking. Borax, i.e. sodium borate, was used medievally primarily as a fluxing agent in soldering gold and silver metal ornaments. The ancient Greeks & Latins used fluxing agents in metalworking, but borax was unknown to them. Borax was used among the medieval Arabs before it came into use among the medieval Latins. There was no borax in medieval Europe except as an import from Arabic lands. In all centuries until two centuries ago, the most important source of borax on the planet was at salty lakes in the country of Tibet, and it is quite possible that Tibet was the sole source on the planet. The Tibet borax was carried into international trade in northwest India. The borax of the medieval Arabs came from northwest India at least in part, and possibly all of it came from there. From Arabic būraq, the Latins adopted the name borax | baurach in the 12th century meaning borax for fluxing metals, and sometimes later more loosely in Latin it meant any kind of salts for fluxing metals.[44]  ﴾۝﴿ In medieval Arabic the more usual and more specific name for borax was التنكار al-tinkār. This name was adopted by the medieval Latins starting in the 12th century as tincar | atincar with the same meaning. Today's English tincal or at Wikipedia : Tincalconitetincalconite is a mineral variant of borax. Its name is descended from the medieval Latin tincar = "borax"[44], post-medievally conjoined with ancient Greek konia | konis = "powder", plus the conventional mineralogy suffix -ite. "Borate" and "boron" are post-medieval and are descended from the medieval "borax".
26 camphor
كافور kāfūr, camphor. The medieval Arabs imported camphor by sea from the East-East Indies for medical uses and aromatic uses. They resold some of it to the Latins. The medieval Arabs in general were fond of aromas and kāfūr = "camphor" was well known to them.[2] The medieval Latins were not so fond of aromas, and for them camphor was an item in medicine, in general. In Latin the word starts in the 9th century, though it is rare until three centuries later.[45]  ﴾۝﴿ Another imported Indies wood-product that had medical and aromatic uses in medieval Europe and had its name taken from medieval Arabic is sandalwood, from Arabic صندل sandal.[46] In Arabic these two names had come from the Indies along with the goods. The two names are in Sanskrit texts. Camphor and sandalwood were in use in Late Ancient India, aromatically and medicinally.
27 candy
قند qand + قندي qandī, sugared, made from cane sugar.[47] Cane sugar developed in ancient India. Medieval Persian word qand = "cane sugar" was possibly from Sanskritic.[48] The plant is native to a tropical climate. The medieval Arabs grew the plant with artificial irrigation and exported some of the product to the Latins. The word candi entered all the Western European languages in the later-medieval centuries.[47]
28 carat (gold purity, also gem weight)
قيراط qīrāt, a small unit of weight, medievally sometimes defined by reference to a weight of (e.g.) three barley seeds and sometimes defined as one twentyfourth (1/24) of the weight of a gold dinar coin. Medieval Arabic qīrāt was also in use meaning 1/24th of the money value of a gold dinar coin. In Italy in 12th & 13th centuries, Latin caratus most often meant 1/24th of the money value of Arabic and Greek gold coins. In Italy beginning in the late 13th century the word was adopted for talking about the proportion of gold in a gold alloy, especially in any gold coin, this happening soon after some city-states of Italy started new issues of pure gold coins.[49] The word's meaning as a small unit of weight is scarce in Western European languages in 13th century. The smallish number of 13th-century Western authors who use it meaning a weight have clearly had contact with Arabic sources in most cases. The meaning as a weight has growing records in the 14th & 15th centuries in Italy & France.[49]
29 caravan
قيروان qaīrawān, convoy of travelers journeying together, which could be a merchant convoy or military convoy. Qaīrawān is in all the main medieval Arabic dictionaries. It is somewhat frequent in medieval Arabic writings, even though it is not nearly as frequent as the synonymous Arabic qāfila.[2] Arabic qaīrawān had come from Persian کاروان kārwān with same meaning. Many English dictionaries say the word in the European languages had come directly from Persian without Arabic intermediation. Those dictionaries are mistaken. The word is in Latin in the 12th century. The early records in Latin include caravanis (1161), carvana (1190s), carrvana (1190s), carvane (1190s in French), caravana (1217), caravanna (1219-1225), karavenna (1250), carravana (1262), all meaning an overland convoy, and in a good few of those cases the people of the caravan are Muslims – quotations are at caravanna @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latinref , Declaration in Latin in year 1161 by king Baldwin III, king of Crusader Levant, published in book ''Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici, Ex Tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum'', curated by Strehlke, year 1869, having caravanis on page 4 on line 11ref , carvanna @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013. It quotes instances in British Latin in chroniclers who are talking about happenings in the Crusades in the Levant. The dictionary names its sources through abbreviations which are defined at: www.dmlbs.ox.ac.uk/web/dmlbs%20bibliography.html ref , French carvane is a dozen times in the Crusader narrative ''L'Estoire de la Guerre Sainte'' by Ambroise of Normandy, written in the 1190s. Ambroise has nostre carvane = ''our caravan'' meaning caravan of the Crusaders. Ambroise has ses carvanes = ''his caravans'' meaning caravans of the army of Saladin, the Muslim sultan.ref , Collection of medieval documents in Latin & French : ''Cartulaire général de l'Ordre des Hospitaliers de Saint Jean de Jérusalem'', in four volumes, compiled by Delaville le Roulx, years 1890s & 1906. Volume 3 page 51 has year 1262 Latin carravanerii and French karavanier meaning people who operate a caravan. Volume 4 page 39 has year 1302 Latin carravanis and French carrevanes meaning caravans. The four PDF files at linked page are very big and large and may be very slow to load yet be able to eventually load if you leave them loading in the background.ref. Besides the overland convoy, the word was used for a convoy of sailing ships in the 13th century in Italian-Latin, Italian, and Crusaders'-French, with wordforms caravan[n]a | carevane | carvane | carabanacaravana @ ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 224, gives 13th-century quotations for Latin caravana as a convoy of ships in Genoa authors. Source abbreviations are defined on pages 24-48.ref , Book in Latin : ''Annali genovesi di Caffaro e de' suoi continuatori'', Volume Two, curated by Belgrano & Imperiale, year 1901. Has events having carauanna year 1213 (page 127) and carauana year 1217 (page 144) in annals written shortly after the year of the event.ref , carovana @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini''. It quotes carevana | caravana meaning a convoy of ships in years 1282 & 1313 in Venice authors.ref , Year 1240 carabana navium Januensium = ''caravan of Genoese ships'' is quoted in the lexicon ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983 on page 157. The quote is lifted from the administration records of the ruler Frederick II of Sicily, who was Holy Roman Emperor and died in 1250.ref , Four 13th-century Latin documents are published under a headline ''Quatre Titres des Propriétés des Génois à Acre et à Tyr'', curated by Desimoni, in book ''Archives de l'Orient Latin, Tome II'', year 1884. The document that begins on page 225 has Latin caravann__ three times on page 229 meaning a caravan of ships at seaport Tyre (aka Ṣūr) in Crusader-controlled Levant. The date is 1264.ref , caravane @ ''Trésor du langage des galères: Dictionnaire exhaustif'', by Jan Fennis, year 1995, on page 487. Quotes the word in French authors in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 13th century.ref. At that time, Western European merchant ships going to foreign ports on the Mediterranean Sea often travelled in convoys for security reasons. Latin caravana = "convoy of ships" is at the port of Genoa in 1213, 1217, 1241, and 1247 – caravana @ ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, quotations for Latin caravana on page 224. ''Ligure'' means Liguria Province in Italy. The seaport of Genoa is in Liguria Province.ref. At the port of Genoa in the 14th & 15th centuries the laborers who loaded and unloaded the ships were called "laboratores de caravana" and they had a Trade Union called the Compagnia dei Caravanacaravana @ ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001 on page 224. Quotes Latin laboratores de caravana and Latin laboratores caravane in year 1381 and in 15th century. The quotations are extracted from the book ''Gli Statuti della Compagnia dei Caravana del porto di Genova (1340-1600)'', year 1965.ref , Book, ''Gli Statuti della Compagnia dei Caravana del porto di Genova (1340-1600)'', curated by Giorgio Costamagna, year 1965. The bulk of the book publishes Latin documents. Pages 13-14 has year 1381 ''Societate de laboratores de Caravana.... socius de Caravana.... Consorcia de Caravana....''ref. The word has been continuously in use in Europe since the 13th century meaning a convoy, especially in Italy. Late medieval Italian merchants have it in several kinds of applications contexts, spelled carovana | caravanacarovana @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'', a lexicon which has quotations of the word in 14th century Italian.ref. It was a rarity in late medieval French with the exception that it is common in French writers who were in the Eastern Mediterranean lands – caravane @ ''Les emprunts arabes et grecs dans le lexique français d’Orient (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)'', by Laura Minervini, year 2012 in journal ''Revue de Linguistique Romane'' Volume 76, on pages 119-120, gives a dozen quotations of caravan in medieval French in various spellings. Full article downloadable as PDF via the interface of the linked page.ref, caravane @ ''Dictionnaire du Moyen Français''. Quotes the word in one 15th century French travel writer who went to the Holy Land in the Levant.ref. English has a rare instance carvan circa 1497, which is in the context of info about the Holy Land in the Eastern Mediterranean – carvan @ Middle English Dictionary, quoting an English text that was published by printing press sometime between 1496 and 1498. The text gives info for people intending to visit the Holy Land.ref. An Italian-to-English dictionary in year 1598 has Italian caravana translated as English caravanJohn Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary, year 1598. In this printed dictionary the sounds /v/ and /u/ are not distinguished in the printing, and hence English caravan is spelled carauan.ref. Back in the context of the 12th and early 13th century, any Persian word would necessarily have to have had intermediation through some other language in order to arrive in a Western European language, because there was no contact whatsoever between Persian and any Western European language at the time. In practice the intermediary was Arabic. The great majority of the 12th-13th century Latin records of this word involve travellers in Arabic-speaking lands, particularly Latin Crusaders in the Levant and Latin sea-merchants going to Arabic sea-ports, and none are in Iranian-speaking lands.

﴾۝﴿ English van (type of transport vehicle) arose as a contraction of English "caravan" in the 19th century. Its word history is in New English Dictionary on Historical Principles under caravan @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1893caravan and van #3 @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1928van #3.

30 caraway (aromatic seed), carvone (organic chemical)
كرويا karawiyā | كراويا karāwiyā, caraway. The word with that meaning has many records in medieval Arabic.[50] Medieval Italian-Latin carui with the pronunciation CAR·U·I | CA·RU·I, meaning caraway, had come from Arabic karawiyā with same meaning. Carui was in late-medieval and early-modern French pronounced also CAR·U·I. Late-medieval English had wordforms carewy, carwy, carwey, caraway, and carui. The English had come from medieval Latin & French carui pronounced CAR·U·I in Latin & French.[50] Today's English "carvone" is a terpene oil from caraway seeds. Carvone has a stem carv- and a suffix chemical suffix -one is used in names of ketones & similar‑one. The stem is descended from medieval Italian-Latin carui pronounced CAR·VI in Italian (later pronounced CAR·VI in French also). Medieval Italian and Italian-Latin had a sound /u/ not far from a /w/ but did not use a sound /w/ in any words. The conversion of sound /w/ to sound /v/ in going from karawiyā to carui to carvi has parallels in other Arabic loanwords in medieval Italian-Latin.[50]
31 carob
خرّوب kharrūb, carob. Carob pods and carob seeds were consumed in the Mediterranean area in the classical Latin era. They had more than one name in classical Latin. But a name of roughly around carrubia with meaning carob is found in Latin from only the 12th century onward and its source was Arabic.[51] The medieval Latinate word is the parent of today's Italian carruba, French caroube, English carob.
32 check, checkmate, chess, exchequer, chequered, checkers, unchecked, checkout, checkbox, checkbook...
شاه shāh or الشاه al-shāh, king in the game of chess. The many uses of "check" in English are all descended from Persian shah = "king" and the use of this word in the game of chess to mean "check the king". Chess was introduced to medieval Europe through Arabs; Book ''A History of Chess'' by HJR Murray, year 1913. Pages 394-416 is a chapter titled :
''Chess in Western Christendom: Its Origin and Beginnings.''
history of chess
. The medieval Arabs pronounced the last h in shāh harder and more forcefully than how shah is pronounced in English or in today's Arabic, apparently.[52] The word is in mid-11th-century Catalan-Latin as the grammatical plural escachs = "chess" Book, ''Documentos lingüisticos catalanes, s. X-XII'', curated by Luis Rubio García, year 1979. Has two mid-11th century Latin texts with escachs. One of them is in an inventory list dated 1071 having parilios III escachs vivoril = ''3 ivory chess pairs'' meaning 3 ivory chess sets.(ref). It is in Italian-Latin in mid-11th century as the plural scaci | scachi | scacchi = "chess" An epistle by Petrus Damianus (died 1072) has Latin scachum or scacchum and also scac[c]hos, scac[c]ho, scac[c]horum, meaning chess. The book ''A History of Chess'' by HJR Murray, year 1913, prints this epistle in Latin on page 414-415 and translates it to English on page 408-409.(ref). Latin in southern Germany in mid-11th century has the grammatical plural scachi = "chess" The Latin text called ''Ruodlieb'' has scachorum ludo = ''game of chess''. Ruodlieb is date-assessed 2nd quarter of 11th century. Ruodlieb's author is unknown. The relevant paragraph of Ruodlieb is printed in Latin on page 415 and is put in English translation on page 412 in the book ''A History of Chess'' by HJR Murray, year 1913.(ref). Citations to more records in 11th century Latin are in scacus @ ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon'', by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976, on page 941. One of the citations is ''Liber miraculorum Sancte Fidis'' written at an abbey in south France, date-assessed 3rd quarter of 11th century, having tabulam scachorum and scachorum tabula, each meaning ''board of chess; i.e. chessboard'', where tabulam and tabula is grammatical singular and scachorum is plural.Ref. The plural was derived from the singular scac = "check (in the chess game)". Italian in late 12th and 13th century has singular scaco | scaccho = "check (in chess)" and scaco mato | scacco matto = "checkmate" and plural scacchi = "chess" scacco @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini(ref). The 11th-century instances in Italian-Latin and German-Latin cited above are writing down this Italian word. Medieval & modern Italian matto #2 @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (TLIO). One of TLIO's quotations is ''scaco mato'' in an Italian poem dated the late 12th century, poem originally untitled, poem published with a Latin title ''Proverbia quae dicuntur super natura feminarum'' published in journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'' Vol IX, pages 288-332, year 1885-6.scaco mato = "checkmate" was sourced from the medieval Arabic chess term شاه مات shāh māt = "king dies", for which examples in medieval Arabic are at Search for الشطرنج شاه مات at medieval texts at AlWaraq.net. Relevant results include texts by the authors الزمخشري Al-Zamakhshari (died 1144), الذهبي Al-Dhahabi (died 1348), ابن أبي حجلة التلمساني (died 1375), الأبشيهي Al-Abshihi (died c. 1446), and others. The wordform الشاه مات is also at AlWaraq.net and requires a separate search at AlWaraq.net.شاه مات shāh māt @ AlWaraq.net and Search for the phrase SHAH MAT in the book ''A History of Chess'' by HJR Murray, year 1913Murray's History of Chess.[4] Phonetically the mangling of the Arabic shāh into the European scac was done in Italian and/or Catalan. Spanish did not alter words in that way when borrowing from Arabic. Examples of phonetically parallel alterations: Italian-Latin medicinal-botanical discussed elsewhere on current pagecuscuta (late 11th century) was from synonymous Arabic كشوت kushūt ; medicinal-botanical In Latin : Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died 1521). Paragraph for tree-name scerbin in Book II.Latin scerbin (late 12th century) was from synonymous In Arabic : Paragraph for tree-name شربين in Book II of the Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina (died 1037). Instances in other medieval Arabic writers are obtainable by search for الشربين at AlWaraq.netArabic شربين sherbīn | sharbīn ; Catalan-Latin discussed elsewhere on the current pagealmatrac (year 1134) and Italian-Latin materacum (year 1232) were from synonymous Arabic مطرح matrah ; Italian-Latin discussed elsewhere on current pagealcanna (mid 12th century) and Catalan-Latin alquena (mid 13th century) were from synonymous Arabic الحنّاء al-hinnāʾ. French eschac and Spanish escaque are from Italian or Catalan. 12th-13th century French has grammatical singular eschac | eschec = "check (in chess)" and plural eschas | esches = "chess" eschec #1 @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français''(citations). French eschec begot English "check". French esches begot English "chess". 12th-century French has mat with the same meaning as the 12th-century Italian mato, from the Arabic māt, and it begot the "-mate" in English checkmate.
33 cipher, decipher
صفر sifr, the zero digit in the Hindu-Arabic number system. The zero digit was a key innovation for the positional notation of the Hindu-Arabic numbers. Outside of the realm of arithmetic, and before the Hindu numbers arrived into medieval Arabic, the Arabic word sifr meant "empty" – صفر sifr @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, at bottom of column 2 on page 1697, in Volume 4, year 1872. Sifr meaning ''empty'' is in all the main medieval Arabic dictionaries. Sifr meaning ''zero'' is in only a minority of them. Lane cites sifr meaning zero in dictionary ''L'' = ''Lisan al-Arab'' by Ibn Manzur, completed in year 1290. Lane's Lexicon altlink: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/?cat=50 ref. The word arrived in Latin Europe with the Hindu-Arabic numbers in the 12th century as Latin cifra, which begot English cipher. For the Latins, cifra originally meant numeral zero as a at Wikipedia : Positional notation for numberspositionholder. Later it was used to mean any positional numeral. Later still it took on the meaning of numerically encoded message. This last meaning, and decipher, dates from the 1470s in Italian, 1490s in French,[3] and 1520s in English. But in English "cipher" also continued in use as a word for nought or zero from the late medieval period until the 19th century.[54]
34 civet (perfume), civet (mammal)
زباد zabād, civet perfume, a musky perfume excreted from a gland in the قطط الزباد qitat al-zabād = "civet cats". Al-Mas'udi (died 956) said the zabād perfume was taken from a cat-like animal in India. Shams al-Din Al-Dimashqi (died 1327) said the African civet produced better zabād than the Indies' civets.[55] In Italian since the 15th century zibetto = "civet" (Text ''Navigazioni di Alvise da Ca' da Mosto'' by Alvise Cadamosto, dated about year 1465, is a report about the author's expeditions in West Africa. It mentions ''zibetto e pelle di gatti che fanno il zibetto'' as commercial products in West Africa. It is included in Volume 1 of Ramusio's navigations & voyages collection in year 1550. It is reprinted from Ramusio's collection in later centuries.e.g., Poem ''Il Morgante maggiore'' by Luigi Pulci (died 1484) has ''moscado, e zibbetto'', where ''moscado'' means musk perfumee.g., Book ''Notandissimi secreti de l'arte profumatoria'' [Notable secrets of the art of perfumery], year 1560. Has dozens of instances of word ''zibetto''. The book's author's name is stated as Giovanni Ventura Roseto Veneto at the bottom of page 73+1.e.g.). Wordform civet__ starts in Catalan 1372 & French 1401[3] (phonetically parallelwise, e.g. Arabic al-qobba ➜ Spanish alcoba ➜ French alcove; e.g. classical Latin liber ➜ French livre). Today the civet smell is manufactured synthetically and the chemical is called Definition at Wikipedia : Civetonecivetone.
﴾۝﴿ Incidentally, Arabic حبّ المسك habb el-misk = "musk seed", a seed with a musky perfume, is the source of the Latin botany genus name Abelmoschus and the English name Definition at Dictionary.com : Abelmoskabelmosk.[56]
35 coffee, café, caffeine
قهوة qahwa, coffee. Coffee drinking originated in Yemen in the 15th century.[57] Arabic qahwa begot Turkish kahve. Turkish speech does not use a /w/ sound in any words. The sound change from /w/ to /v/ in going from Arabic qahwa to Turkish kahve can be seen in many other words going from Arabic into Turkish (e.g. Arabic fatwa ➜ Turkish fetva, Arabic helwa ➜ Turkish helva). The Turkish kahve begot Italian caffè in the early 17th century. Caffè became the dominant word-form in European languages during the 17th century. European languages in and around the early 17th century also have numerous records where the word-form was being taken directly from the Arabic; e.g. cahoa in 1610, cahue in 1615, cowha in 1619 (French quaoué in 1646).[57]
﴾۝﴿ Incidentally, Definition at Dictionary.com : mochacafe mocha, a type of coffee, is named after the port city of Mocha, Yemen, which was an early coffee exporter.
36 cotton
قطن qutn | qutun, cotton. This was the usual word for cotton in medieval Arabic.[2] The word entered Latinate languages in the mid 12th century,[3] British Latin early 13th century (coto, cotonus, cotum @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013. The dictionary uses abbreviated identifiers which are defined in ''DMLBS Bibliography''.ref), and English 14th century. Cotton fabric was produced in ancient India and was known to the ancient Romans as an import, and the cotton plant was grown as a crop in late antiquity in Greco-Roman Egypt. But cotton fabric and cotton fluff were rare in the Latinate-speaking lands until imports from the Arabic-speaking lands in the later-medieval era at much lower prices.[58]
37 crimson
قرمزي qirmizī, color of a class of red dyes used in the medieval era for dyeing silk and wool. The dyes of this class were made from the bodies of certain scale-insects. Their dye colors are crimsons and near-crimsons. Such dyes are sometimes called cochineal dyes in English today. In ancient & early medieval Latin the cochineal dyes were called coccinus, vermiculus, and grana. The Arabic name qirmizī | qirmiz enters the records of the Latinate languages about year 1300, starting in Italy. Initially in Italian it referred to only one of the dyes of this class, the one called Armenian cochineal today. Italian from about 1300 onward has carmesi | chermisi | cremesi meaning this cochineal-type dye and its color. From about 1350 onward it is also in Italian and Italian-Latin in the wordforms carmisino | chermisino | cremesinus, where -ino | Definition at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -inus, a suffix in Latin. Derivatively -ino is a suffix in Italian.‑inus is a suffix of Italian and Latin. Overwhelmingly this dye's main use was to dye silks. The word in Italian came from Arabic, and the word in all other European languages came from Italian via exports of silk cloths from Italy.[59] In English, the word started in the English wordform crimesin (e.g. cremesin @ Middle English Dictionaryyear 1416) then contracted to crimsin (e.g. cremesin @ Middle English Dictionaryyear 1436) and then altered to crimson (e.g. Search for ''crimson'' and ''crymson'' at ''Early English Books Online'' (''EEBO'')year 1565). Crossref English kermes, which is a scale-insect species producing one of the cochineal dyes.
38 curcuma (plant genus), curcumin (yellow dye)
كركم kurkum, medievally meaning turmeric aka Curcuma Longa root, also medievally meaning certain other yellow dyes, and also saffron. The dyes give colours near saffron yellow. Curcuma plant roots were products of the Indies exclusively. Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) said kurkum is (among other things) a ginger-like root imported from the Indies and it produces a saffron-like dye.[60] In medieval Arabic dictionaries kurkum is (among other things) a yellow root and used as a medicine.[2] In Latin Europe the early records of curcuma are in 12th & 13th century medicines books that were translated from Arabic.[60]
39 damask (textile fabric), Definition at Wikipedia : Damask rosedamask rose (flower)
دمشق dimashq, city of Damascus. The city name Damascus is very ancient and not Arabic. The damson plum – which was earlier called in English 15th century English damasyn = damacene plum = damson plum @ Middle English Dictionarydamasyn and damascene plum and Book, ''The Herball Or Generall Historie of Plantes'', by John Gerarde, year 1597, on page 1314damaske prune – has a word-history in Latin and Greek that goes back to the era when Damascus was part of the Roman empire and so it is not from Arabic. On the other hand, the damask fabric and the damask rose emerged in the European languages when Damascus was an Arabic-speaking city and at emergence they referred to goods originally made in or sold from Arabic Damascus. Damask's early records in Europe are in the 14th century with the meaning of a decoration design style. In 14th century Europe, the damask fabrics had decoration designs that were borrowed from Middle Eastern design models, and the name damask reflected this, and in practice some large percentage of the damask fabrics were made in Italy. The 14th-century Italian word damasco is comparable with the 16th-century Italian word arabesco = "Definition at Dictionary.com : Arabesquearabesque design style done in Italy and elsewhere".[61]
40 elixir
الإكسير al-iksīr, alchemical "Definition at Wikipedia : Philosopher's stonephilosopher's stone", i.e. a pulverized mineral agent by which you could supposedly make gold (also silver) out of copper or tin or other metals. Al-iksīr has lots of records in medieval Arabic in the alchemy sense, for supposedly making gold.[62] From Arabic alchemy, it entered Latin as elixir in the 12th century meaning an elixir for supposedly making gold. The 12th century instances in Latin are in texts translated from Arabic. Elixir has many records in Latin in the 13th & 14th centuries. From the Latin, it entered English in the late 14th meaning an elixir for supposedly making gold (elixir @ Middle English Dictionaryexamples). The "elixir of life" magic medication is in 14th and/or 15th century Latin derivatively from the elixir for supposedly making gold. The word elixir is in all European languages today.
41 Definition at Encyclopedia (Wikipedia) : Erg (landform)erg (desert landform), 42 Definition at Encyclopedia (Wikipedia) : Hamadahamada (desert landform), 43 Definition at Encyclopedia (Wikipedia) : Sabkhasabkha (desert landform), 44 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Wadiwadi (desert landform)
In English, erg and hamada are technical words in geomorphology and sedimentology. Their entrypoint was mid-19th-century travel writers in North Africa, followed by late-19th-century studies of the Sahara Desert. Erg means sandy desert landscape, and hamada means rocky desert landscape with very little sand. The words come from Maghrebi Arabic عرق ʿerq = "erg" and Maghrebi Arabic حمادة hamāda = "hamada".[63]
سبخة sabkha, salt marsh. This Arabic word is in French and English in the 19th century in geography and geomorphology writers as Search at Google Books with search restricted to publications before year 1900sebka | sebkha | sabkha. Sabkha with a technical meaning as salt-flat terrain came into general use in sedimentology in the 20th century through numerous studies of the coastal salt flats on the eastern side of the Arabian peninsula.[64]
وادي wādī, river valley or gully. In English, a wadi is a non-small gully that is dry, or dry for most of the year, in the desert. 19th century start in English.
45 fennec (desert fox)
فنك fenek, fennec fox. European naturalists borrowed this name in the late 18th century.[3] In older Arabic writings, fenek also meant various other mammals.[65]
46 garble
غربل gharbal, to sift. Commonplace in Arabic before year 1000.[2] Early records in European languages are at seaports in Italy and Catalonia. They include: Latin garbellare = "to sift" in 1191 sifting mastic resin; Latin garbellus = "a sieve for sifting spices" in 1227; Latin garbellare sifting dyestuffs in 1269; Catalan garbellar = "to sift" is sifting spices and dyestuffs in 1315; Italian gherbellare in 1321 sifts spices, drugs and resins.[66] Those begot late medieval English garbele = "to sift spices". In Europe at that time, pepper and cinnamon and other Indies spices were imports from the Arabic-speaking Eastern Mediterranean, and the same goes for many botanical drugs, and a few expensive colorants. The spices, drugs and colorants had variable amounts of natural chaff residuals and occasionally had unnatural added chaff. In England among the merchants of these products in the late medieval and early post-medieval centuries, garbel | garble was a frequent word.[67] Sifting was the usual meaning in English until the 19th century, and today's meaning grew out from it History of English verb GARBLE @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1901(Ref).  ﴾۝﴿ In this etymology, the Medieval Latin garbellare = "to sift" is not descended from the Ancient Latin cribellare = "to sift".[68]
47 gazelle
غزال ghazāl, gazelle. Two species of gazelle are native in the Middle East. The word's earliest known record in Latin is in the early 12th century as gazela in a book about the Definition at Wikipedia : First CrusadeFirst Crusade. French has a record in the late 12th century as gacele in a book about the Definition at Wikipedia : Third CrusadeThird Crusade, and another early one in French is in the later 13th century as gazel in a book about the Definition at Wikipedia : Seventh CrusadeSeventh Crusade.[69] The change of vowel from ā to e in going from ghazāl to gazel is an example of a medieval Arabic vowel shift behavior called "imala".[70]
48 ghoul
غول ghūl, ghoul. Ghouls are a well-known part of Arabic folklore. The word's first known appearance in the European languages is French goule in an Arabic-to-French translation of the Definition at Wikipedia : 1001 Arabian Nights stories1001 Arabian Nights tales in 1712.[3] The 1712 French was put in English in 1738, with English spelling goule Book ''Arabian Nights Entertainments, consisting of One Thousand and One Stories'', VOLUME X, year 1738, where ''Goule'' is on page 123(ref). Another early appearance in English is goules in a popular novel, Definition and summary at Wikipedia : ''Vathek, an Arabian Tale''Vathek, an Arabian Tale by William Beckford, in 1786 ghoul @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'' (''NED''), year 1901, gives quotations for selected old instances in English(ref). Ghouls are in other English translations of the 1001 Arabian Nights tales in the 19th century.
49 giraffe
زرافة zarāfa, giraffe. The giraffe and its distinctiveness was discussed by medieval Arabic writers including Al-Jahiz (died 868) and Al-Mas'udi (died 956).[72] The word's earliest records in European languages are in Italian as giraffa in the second half of the 13th century, a time at which a few giraffes were brought to the Kingdom of Sicily and Naples from a zoo in Cairo, Egypt.[73] The animal has a few records in classical Latin under a completely different name.
50 harem
حريم harīm, women's quarters in a large household. The Arabic rootword means "forbidden" and thus the word had a connotation of a place where men were forbidden. (Crossref Persian & Urdu Definition at Wikipedia : Zenanazenana for semantics.) In Arabic today harīm means womenkind in general حريم harīm @ AlMaany.com Modern Arabic-to-English Dictionary. Translates harīm as : women, women in general, female members of the family, plural of woman; and also harem.(ref). 17th-century English entered English from Turkish حرم HAREM @ Turkish-to-Latin dictionary by Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, page 1749. Mesgnien Meninski lived in Istanbul for 9 years. His dictionary has also integrated coverage of Arabic and Persian. The dictionary's title is ''Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae''.harem | حريم HARĪM @ Turkish-to-Latin dictionary by Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, page 1753harīm, where the meaning was closer to what the English is.
51 hashish
حشيش hashīsh, hashish. In Arabic hashīsh has the literal meaning "dry herb", "rough grass" and "weed". It also means hemp grown for textile fiber. Its earliest record as a nickname for cannabis drug is in 13th century Arabic.[74] Its earliest in English is in a traveller's report from Egypt in 1598. It is rare in English until the 19th century. The wordform in English today dates from the late 18th century.[75] The word entered all the bigger Western European languages in the early to mid 19th century if you don't count scarce mentions in travellers' reports before then.
52 henna, Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Alkanetalkanet (plant), Definition at Wikipedia : AlkannaAlkanna (plant), Definition at Wikipedia : Alkanninalkannin (organic chemical)
الحنّاء al-hinnāʾ, henna. Henna is a reddish natural dye made from the leaves of a plant that is native in a climate that has high temperatures all year. Henna dye has been used in the Red Sea region from time immemorial. The English word "henna" dates from about 1600 and came directly from Arabic through English-language travellers' reports from the Middle East.[76] Alkanet dye is a reddish natural dye made from the roots of a Mediterranean-region plant (namely the plant Alkanna Tinctoria). The word alkanet is found in late medieval English and French. It has a Latinate diminutive suffix -et. Its stem came from medieval Italian-Latin alcanna meaning "henna", which was from Arabic al-hinnāʾ meaning henna.[77]
53 hookah (water pipe for smoking)
حقّة huqqa, a pot, jar or round container. The word arrived in English from India in the 2nd half of the 18th century meaning hookah hookah @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1901, quotes early examples in English writers(ref). The word in India was from Persian, and the Persian was from Arabic. The Arabic source-word did not mean hookah, although it re-entered Arabic later meaning hookah.
54 hummus (food recipe)
حمّص himmas, chickpea(s). Chickpeas were consumed in the Mediterranean region in the ancient era. For the medieval Arabs, chickpeas were frequently eaten Medieval Arabic cookery book in English translation : ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', translated by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. Book has 110 instances of ''chickpea''.(e.g.) and were called himmas.[2] In the 19th century in Syria & Lebanon & Egypt the word was pronounced HOMMOS.[78] This was borrowed into Turkish as humus. The Turkish entered English in the mid-20th century. The Turkish and English hummus means mashed chickpeas mixed with tahini and certain flavourings. In Arabic that is called himmas bil tahina and hommos bit-tahina. The hummus recipe in today's most common form seems to have started in Syria & Lebanon in the 2nd half of the 19th century. But in the Middle East in the medieval centuries people ate mashed chickpeas with various flavour enhancers, and in at least one medieval case tahini was mixed in with the chickpeas (Book, ''Medieval Arab Cookery: Essays and Translations'', by M. Rodinson, A.J. Arberry and C. Perry, year 2001. On page 383 it has one medieval recipe that mixes mashed chickpeas, vinegar, oil, tahineh [read: tahini], and spices and herbs.ref, Book, ''Delights from the Garden of Eden: A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine'', by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2003, year 2013. On page 125 it says a 14th-century Egyptian cookbook titled ''Kanz al-Fawa’id'' has recipes for a food named ''himmas kisa'' and at least one of these recipes is : Boiled chickpeas are mashed, then tahini with vinegar is added to the mash, and then other edibles are mixed into the mash.ref, Book, ''Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World: A Concise History With 174 Recipes'', by Lilia Zaouali, year 2007. On page 65 it has a medieval recipe for adding flavourings to puree of chickpeas. The recipe does not use tahini.ref). See also Addendum for Middle Eastern cuisine words below.
55 Definition at Dictionary.com : Afreetifrit or afreet (mythology)
عفريت ʿifrīt, an ancient demon popularized by the 1001 Arabian Nights tales.
56 intarsia (decorative wood inlay work)
ترصيع tarsīʿa, decorative inlay work. Medieval Arabic has plenty of records of tarsīʿa with this meaning.[2] It contains Arabic root verb رصع @ variety collection of Arabic dictionaries. One of the dictionaries is ''Arabic-English Lexicon'' by Edward William Lane (died 1876). The meaning of the verb is to put together, to join and attach together.رصع rasaʿa and Arabic verbal noun prefix Book, ''All The Arabic You Never Learned The First Time Around'', by James M. Price, year 1997, on page 139, in section headed ''Verbal Nouns''. Says the vast majority of Form II verbal nouns are constructed this way : ''A prefix of ت is added to the word while a sukuun is placed over the first radical. Then a ي, acting as a long vowel, is placed between the second and third radicals.''تَـ ta. The root verb means "to join together" and hence the noun rootwise means "joinery". Late-medieval and modern Italian has tarsia | tarsie = "decorative wood inlay work". An Italian dictionary in year 1681 defined tarsia as "a sort of mosaic made of wood... joining together diverse small pieces of colored wood" tarsia @ ''Vocabolario toscano dell' arte del disegno'', by Filippo Baldinucci, year 1681, on page 161-162. ''Intarsiare'' on page 77 is defined as doing inlay work of the ''tarsia'' kind.(ref). With same meaning, late-medieval and modern Italian has intarsio, intarsiare, intarsiato dated 1370s @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiintarsiata, in which an intensifying Italian-Latin Definition at Wikipedia's wiktionary : in-, a prefixin- = "in" has been inlaid in the word. In 19th-century English it was commonly spelled tarsia (Search for the phrase ''Tarsia Work'' in a search of text contents at ARCHIVE.ORG, doing this search through ARCHIVE.ORG's own text indexing facility.examples, Search for a word ''tarsia'' somewhat near a word ''work'' using SEARCH.GOOGLE.COM, with search results restricted to texts at the site archive.org.examples).
57 jar (food or drink container)
جرّة jarra, a large earthenware jar, an upright container made of pottery. Among the later-medieval Latins, a jarra was a large jar for the commercial transport of olive oil especially, and of other products to a lesser degree. Commercial documents in Italian-Latin at seaport of Genoa have jarra | iarra in years 1223, 1240, 1252, 1279, etc; records at Catalan seaports have gerra starting in 1249; Sicilian Italian iarra starts in the 1280s; coastal Occitan jarra starts early 14th century.[79] The Arabic jarra is commonplace centuries earlier.[2] The word was adopted from Arabic by Italian & Catalan sea-merchants, and then it was transferred from Italian & Catalan into Spanish.[79] In England the first records are in 1418 and 1421 as a container of imported olive oil. In its early centuries of use in English a "jar" was most often a container of vegetable oil for use as fuel for oil-lamps, it was earthenware, and it was considerably bigger than the typical jar in English today.[80]
58 jasmine
ياسمين yāsimīn, jasmine. For the medieval Arabs, jasmine was well-known and they had more than one species. The Arabic word was from Persian.[81] Jasmine plants were unknown to the ancient Greeks & Latins. Among the Latins, the word's earliest or near-earliest record is in a mid-13th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of a medicine book, in which a medicinal oil has extracts of jasmin flowers. The plant was grown in southern Latin Europe in the 14th century, which is the earliest recorded for the plant growing in Latin Europe under any name [82].  Definition at Wikipedia : Jasmone, an organic chemicalJasmone and Definition at Wikipedia : Jasmonate, an organic chemicaljasmonate are 20th-century organic chemistry words derived from jasmin.
59 Definition at Wikipedia : Jerboajerboa, Definition at Wikipedia : Gerbillinae, a taxonomic family of gerbil-type animalsGerbillinae + Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Gerbilgerbil, 60 Definition at Wikipedia : Gundigundi, 61 Definition at Wikipedia : Jirdjird
These are four classes of rodents that are native in desert or semi-desert environments in North Africa and Asia, and not found natively in Europe. Arabic يربوع yarbūʿa = "jerboa" entered Latin in the 17th century as aljarbuo | jarboa | jerboa Year 1692 book about the animals in the Bible : ''Hierozoïcon, sive Bipertitum opus de animalibus Sacrae Scripturae'', by Samuel Bochart (died 1667), edited by Johann Leusden (died 1699). Bochart and Leusden were able to read Hebrew and Arabic. The book's spellings are mostly Aljarbuo and Jarbuo. The book has spellings Jarboa and Jerboa also. The rodent called يربوع is the subject of column pages 1010-1016.(e.g.). The pronunciation of jerboa was YERBOA in Latin and in German etc, but not so in French etc. In the 18th century, the wordform jerboa continued in use, and additionally the wordforms jerbo | gerboa | gerbo came into use in books by European naturalists and travellers search @ GOOGLE BOOKS, restricted to books printed in 18th century(ref). In the early 19th century a European naturalist created gerbil__ as a Introductory summary at Wikipedia : Diminutive forms in LatinLatin diminutive of gerbo Book ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'' by Raymond Arveiller, year 1999 on pages 132-134. French wordform gerbille (whence English gerbil) was a creation of naturalist Anselme Desmarest in year 1804 and was first put in print in ''Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle'' in its supplementary Volume #24, which is at archive.org/stream/bub_gb_UGKWy5oEbf8C#page/n260/mode/1up (ref). North African Arabic قندي qundī = "gundi" was 18th century European borrowing. North African Arabic colloquial جرد jird = "jird", being a variant of standard Arabic جرذ jeredh/juradh = "rodent", was 18th-century European borrowing.[83]
62 Definition at Dictionary.com : Jinnjinn (mythology)
الجنّ al-jinn, the jinn. The roles of jinns and ghouls in Arabic folklore are discussed by e.g. Al-Mas'udi (died 956). Jinns are in the 1001 Arabian Nights tales.
63 Definition at Dictionary.com : Julepjulep (type of drink)
جلاب julāb, rose-water [2] and a syrupy drink جلاب Julāb in Arabic has been used for all sorts of syrups and sugary things diluted in water, although what it denotes in its narrow sense is rose-water. This is mentioned in translator's annotations in an Arabic-to-French translation of a book by Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (died 1231), translated by Silvestre de Sacy in year 1810, where the annotation on page 317 is annotating the translation on page 312.(ref), including a sweet base for a drinkable medicine. The Arabic-to-Latin medical translators Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) and Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187) are the early users of the word in Latin. They spelled it iulep | iuleb in Latin (In Latin : Arabic-to-Latin translations of translator Constantinus Africanus, volume 1, edition of Basel year 1536ref, In Latin : Arabic-to-Latin translation of medicine works of Ibn Sina (died 1037) in translation by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Link is year 1555 edition at Venice. Spelling is iuleb.ref). From the Latin medicines books, it arrived in English meaning a sugary drink. Like the word syrup, julep's early records in English and Latin are primarily in medicines writers (julep @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1901English examples). Like candy, sugar, and syrup, the word "julep" arrived in medieval European languages in conjunction with imports of cane sugar from Arabic-speaking lands.
64 jumper #1 @ Concise Oxford English Dictionary, year 2011. The word's meaning in British English is different from the meaning in North American English.jumper  (meaning a pullover sweater or a sleeveless dress)
جبّة jubba, an outer garment (''Dictionnaire détaillé des noms des vêtements chez les Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1845, medieval 'jubba' on pages 107 - 109ref, جُبَّةٌ @ Lane's Arabic-to-English lexicon, at page 371 (in 2nd column), year 1865, cites medieval sources for ''jubba'' meaning a garment. Lane also cites medieval ''jubba'' with other meanings.ref, Search for جُبَّةٌ at Baheth.info, a site with searchable medieval Arabic dictionaries. The dictionary القاموس المحيط by Fairuzabadi (died 1414) says والجُبَّةُ: ثَوْبٌ م , which is compressed notation for الجُبَّةُ: ثَوْبٌ معروف = ''the jubba is a well-known garment''.ref). In medieval Arabic, jubba was a common word for an outer garment. It did not have a narrow definition. In European languages the word is first seen in southern Italy in Latin in 1053 and 1101 as iuppa, meaning an expensive garment and made of silk, not otherwise described, and the same is in northern Italy in 1157. Approximately the first record in French is at about 1180 in a poem in which a Christian princess wears "a purple-ish jupe well-made of Muslim workmanship". Another French poet about year 1190 depicts Muslims wearing brocaded jupes. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Latin iuppum | juppum, French jupe, Italian giub(b)a, Spanish aliuba | aljuba, all meant a luxury jacket garment.[84] In English there is 14th-century ioupe | joupe, 15th-century iowpe | jowpe, 17th-century jup, juppe, and jump, 18th jupo and jump, 19th jump and jumper, all of them meaning a jacket.[85]
65 Definition at Dictionary.com : Kermeskermes : Definition at Wikipedia : Kermes insect genuskermes insects, Definition at Wikipedia : Kermes dyekermes red dye
قرمز qirmiz, red dye from the crushed bodies of certain scale-insects. Arabic dictionaries written medievally say al-qirmiz is "Armenian red dye"[2], which means the red dye from the Armenian cochineal scale-insects of today's English, and this meaning is not the same thing as the red dye from the Kermes scale-insects of today's English. The word was in use in the Middle East for centuries before it started to be used in the Western European languages. In the West it started about year 1300, initially in Italy, and initially meaning exclusively the Armenian cochineal dye.[59] In the Western languages the meaning changed to today's Kermes insect species beginning about year 1550.[59] The mineral Kermesite was so named simply because of the red color the mineral typically has 'Kermes mineral' (18th century start in English) and 'kermesite' (19th century start in English) @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1901(ref). Crossref crimson, which descends from the same rootword as Kermes.
66 Definition at Dictionary.com : Khatkhat | Qat and khat are two English spellings of the same wordqat, Definition at Wikipedia : Catha (plant)Catha (plant)
قات qāt, the leaves of the plant Catha edulis and the stimulant drug they contain. English khat came directly from Arabic qāt in the mid 19th century. Today's international technical botany name Catha came from the same Arabic word in the 18th century; the originating botanist was Peter Forskal, who visited Yemen in 1762-63. The organic chemistry names cathinone, methcathinone, and cathine are 20th century from Catha.
67 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Kohlkohl (cosmetics)
كحل kuhl | kohl, finely powdered galena (PbS), stibnite (Sb2S3), and similar sooty-colored powder used for eye-shadow, eye-liner, and mascara. The word with that meaning was in many travellers' reports in English, from travellers in Arabic lands, for centuries before it was adopted natively in English.[86] Crossref alcohol which was transferred from the same Arabic word at an earlier time by a different pathway.
68 Definition at Dictionary.com : Laclac, Definition at Dictionary.com : Lacquerlacquer, Definition at Dictionary.com : Lake #2. It is a class of pigments.lake #2, Definition at Dictionary.com : Shellac (''shell lac'')shellac
لكّ lakk | lukk | likk, lac.[87] Lac is a particular kind of pigmented resin, native in the Indies, used to make a varnish and also used as a red colorant. In the medieval era, lac was valued foremostly as a red colorant. The medieval Arabs imported the lac from India. The medieval Arabic word lakk and Persian lāk came from Sanskritic lākh | lakkha = "lac". The word commences in Latin as lacca in a physical manuscript dated about year 800 AD, although the word is very scarce in Latin until after year 1150. Late medievally it is quite common in Latin. The word is in Spanish, Catalan, Italian and French in the 13th-14th centuries. It is not correct that English "lac" came directly from India in post-medieval times. The English "lac" has its ancestry in the medieval Latinate lacca, and the same is true for the -lac part of "shellac" and "lacquer" and "lake (a pigment)".[87] However, there is a historical question over deriving the early medieval Latin lacca from the Arabic lakk. Early medieval Greek has λαχά[ς] lacha[s] meaning a red colorant, with records likely before the 8th century. The early records in Greek create the possibility that the word arrived in Mediterranean commerce from India without Arabic intermediation. The Latin lacca documented about year 800 possibly arrived in Latin through early medieval sea-commerce in the lac product with no Arabic intermediation involved.[88]
﴾۝﴿ Incidentally, two lesser-seen varnishing resins with Arabic word-descent are Definition at Wikipedia : Sandaracsandarac from Arabic سندروس sandarūs [89] and Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Elemielemi from Arabic اللامي al-lāmī [90].
69 lemon
ليمون līmūn, lemon. The cultivation of lemons, limes, and bitter oranges was introduced to the Mediterranean region by the Arabs in the mid-medieval era. The ancient Greeks & Romans knew the Definition at Wikipedia : Citroncitron, but not the lemon, lime, or orange. In Arabic, a single rootword underlies the names for the two fruits lemon and lime. Human use and cultivation of the lime fruit started in northern India. Less certainly, the same is probably true for the lemon. There is no evidence of human cultivation of the lemon anywhere in the world before the medieval era.[91] Ibn al-Awwam (died circa 1200) distinguished ten varieties of citrus fruits grown in Andalusia and he spelled the lemon as اللامون al-lāmūn and الليمون al-līmūn. Abdallatif al-Baghdadi (died 1231) distinguished almost as many different citrus varieties in Egypt and spelled the lemon as الليمون al-līmūn.[92] At least three Latin authors of the 13th century said lemon juice is suitable as a condiment on food and they spelled it limon in Latin (Text, ''Thietmari Peregrinatio'', by Thietmar, dated shortly after 1218. Thietmar was a German Christian pilgrim who visited Jerusalem and Damascus in 1217-1218. He says in Latin : ''They have there [in the Levant] LIMONES trees, whose fruit is acid and is valued as a seasoning.'' Text reprinted as an appendix in book ''Peregrinatores Medii Aevi'', curated by Laurent, edition year 1873.ref, Jacobus de Vitriaco (died 1240) lived in the Crusader-controlled Levant in the 1220s. His book ''Orientalis'', aka ''Historia Hierosolymitana'', says LIMONES are acidic fruits whose juice is good for flavouring meat and fish. In the paragraph where he says it, much of what he says has much in common with Thietmar's report, and presumably was adapted from Thietmar. Link goes to year 1596 Latin edition page 170.ref, limon @ ''Clavis Sanationis sive Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa aka Simon Januensis, dated about 1292, a medicines dictionary. It says : LIMON is a fruit with a lovely smell, has plenty of juice, but very acidic, suitable for seasonings, and it is consumed in salt condiments.ref). Records in Latinate start in the late 12th but are scarce until the later 14th ( illustration )Agriculture book of Petrus de Crescentiis in Italy in Latin around year 1309 has a two-page chapter about the citron tree and its fruit, but it has no mention of lemon, lime or orange (Book in Latin : ''Ruralia Commoda'' by Petrus de Crescentiis, aka Piero Crescientio, aka Pietro de Crescenzi, written around 1305-1309. The linked copy was published in 1538. It has an index of plants at the front pages.ref). The non-mention of lemon in Petrus de Crescentiis is a symptom and illustration that the lemon tree was uncommon in Italy up to that time. Another illustration is the set of six early records of Italian limone quoted at the lexicon ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (''limone #1 @ TLIOTLIO'') : approximately none of the six is earlier than 14th century, and three of the six are within travelers' reports from the Middle East. As reported by TLIO, the word lemon is in an Italian language version of the medieval Latin medicines text Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum, a text which has multiple versions in Latin. Contrary to TLIO, this Salernitan medicines item in Italian is almost surely 14th century, not 13th, because the lemon is absent in the Salernitan writings in Latin in the 13th century. In particular, there is no lemon in the five-volume Salernitan medicine collection In five volumes : ''Collectio Salernitana'', medieval Latin medical texts of the Salernitan School, published in the 1850s. The medieval date is the 150 years 1175-1325 for the bulk of the five volumes of texts. Volume 1 includes a version of the ''Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum''. That version does not have lemon. The ''Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum'' has many versions. Most versions cannot be well dated.Collectio Salernitana. During the course of the 14th century the lemon becomes increasingly mentioned in Italy (in Latin and Italian). In medieval documents in Spanish, there is not a known lemon until the 14th century with one exception in an Arabic-to-Spanish translation of a book about astrology & magic whose date is 13th century – ref: search @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español'' (''CORDE''). The corpus has ''limones o oliuas o maçanas'' in a document dated 1256. Lemons are not in the Arabic book titled the ''Ghāya'', and are not in the Latin book titled the ''Picatrix'', but the 1256 Spanish document and its date is discussed in the article ''Between the Ghāya and Picatrix. I: The Spanish Version'', by David Pingree, year 1981.CORDE. Likewise in Catalan the records start in the 14th century..  Derived names in modern organic chemistry in English are Definition at Wikipedia : Limonene is an organic chemicallimonene and Definition at Wikipedia : Limonin is an organic chemicallimonin.
70 lime (fruit)
ليم līm, meaning sometimes any citrus fruit, sometimes lemon and lime fruit, and sometimes a lime fruit. Medieval Arabic writers who used līm with the meaning of a lime fruit include Al-Qalqashandi (died 1418) Al-Qalqashandi's encyclopedia القلقشندي - صبح الأعشى has four instances of والليمون والليم = ''and the lemon and the lime''. One instance is المحمضات الأترج والليمون والليم والنارنج = ''the citruses citron & lemon & lime & orange''. Link downloads complete encyclopedia as one big searchable PDF file.(Ref) and Ibn Batuta (died 1369) In Arabic : Ibn Batuta's ''Voyages'', in year 1877 edition in volume III on page 126 line 4, where Ibn Batuta speaks of ''al-līm wa al-līmūn'', which implies that for him the ''līm'' and the ''līmūn'' were two distinct fruits.(Ref) and Ibn Khaldoun (died 1406) In Arabic : Ibn Khaldoun's مقدمة Muqaddima, in the edition of year 1858 in Tome 1st, Part 2nd, on page 259. Ibn Khaldoun's الليم ''al-līm'' is read as meaning ''lime fruit''.(Ref).[4] Arabic wordform līm historically arrived later than Arabic wordform līmūn; see lemon. Arabic līm was a Back-formation is defined as new word formation by deleting part of an existing word back-formation from Arabic līmūn. Spanish and Italian lima means lime fruit today. In bygone centuries Spanish and Italian lima | lumia meant also lemon-lime varieties distinct from today's lime. A Spanish-to-Arabic dictionary in year 1505 translated Spanish lima as Arabic lim lima @ Spanish-to-Arabic dictionary of Pedro de Alcala, aka Petrus Hispanus aka Petri Hispani, dated 1505, republished in year 1883, having ''lima arbol'' and ''lima fruta'' on page 293(Ref). Today in English, "lime" has become a color-name as well as a fruit. The color-name originated by reference to the fruit. It can be noted in passing that all the following English color-names are descended from Arabic words (not necessarily Arabic color-words): at Wikipedia : Apricot (color)apricot (color), at Wikipedia : Aubergine (color)aubergine (color), at Wikipedia : Coffee (color)coffee (color), at Wikipedia : Crimson (color)crimson (color), at Wikipedia : Lemon (color)lemon (color), at Wikipedia : Lime (color)lime (color), at Wikipedia : Orange (color)orange (color), at Wikipedia : Saffron (color)saffron (color), spinach green (color), at Wikipedia : Tangerine (color)tangerine (color).
71 Definition at Dictionary.com : Loofah (also spelled luffa)luffa or loofah
لوف lūf [93], luffa. Luffa is a tropical plant, native in Indochina. It was under cultivation with irrigation in Egypt in the early 17th century. The name was transferred into European botany nomenclature from Egypt in 1638.[93] The name has been in English botany books since the mid 18th century as "Luffa". In the later 19th century it re-entered English in non-botanical discourse in the wordform loofah @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1908Loofah referring to the at Wikipedia : Luffa aegyptiaca, a plant fiber used as a household scrubbing spongeluffa scrubbing sponge.
72 lute (musical instrument)
العود al-ʿaūd, the oud, i.e. the lute. Al-ʿaūd was one of the chief musical instruments of the Arabs throughout the medieval era.[95] The word lute is in all European languages today. It has its early records in European languages as Spanish alod about 1256 ( ref )An astrology book, "El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de las Estrellas" is an Arabic-to-Spanish translation dated about 1256. It has text: "E si Mercurio fuere, e Venus e Mars amos le cataren, di que es estrumente de ioglerias, assi como alod o rota o trompas o atamores." The three words rota, trompas, atamores are names of musical instruments. Text ''Libro complido en los judizios de las estrellas'', curated by Sánchez-Prieto et al., year 2006Ref for text ; DEAD LINK. Article in English, ''Libro Conplido en los Juizios de las Estrellas'', by A.R. Nykl, year 1954 in journal ''Speculum'', Volume 29 on page 91.ref for date. But this usage in Spanish, in translating an Arabic astrology book, should not be taken to establish that the word was in use in Spanish as a musical instrument at the time. To show that the word was actually in use in Spanish in the timeframe as a musical instrument you would need to show that the word was present in some other Spanish documents. Other Spanish documents do not start to show up until about 80 years later and then they use a different wordform., Italian-Latin lauto | liuto 1265 Lautum #2 @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin, quoting legislation of the city of Bologna, with date 1250-67, that prohibited people from playing lutes and violins and other instruments at nighttime(ref), Italian-Latin liuto 1271 ''Liuto'' is a musical instrument in text ''Practica Artis Music[a]e'', by Amerus, dated 1271, written in Latin in Italy. Text has : ''viella, symphonia, liuto et huiusmodi instrumentis patet''. Text was printed in a booklet with English introduction and curation by Cesarino Ruini, year 1977, and it has been online at the anthology ''Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum''.(ref), Catalan laut 1274 llaüt @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'' by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, cites ''laüt'' meaning lute in book ''de Contemplació en Deu'' by Ramon Llull dated 1274(ref), French leut about 1285 ( ref )Adenet le Roi, aka Adenes li Rois, is the author of poetry dated 1275-1290 (Adenet le Roi @ Arlima.net : Archives de littérature du Moyen Âgeref for date). He has: ''harperes... leuteres'' = "harp players... lute players" ‒ ''Berte aus grans piés'', by Adenés li Rois (aka Adenet le Roi), curated by Scheler, year 1874, on page 12, on line 296ref. He has: ''leuteurs... flauteurs... gigueours'' = "lute players... flute players... fiddle players" ‒ ''Li roumans de Cléomadès par Adenès li Rois'', curated by Van Hasselt, year 1865, Volume 1 on page 91 on line 2886ref. He has also: ''harpes... leus, rubebes et kitaires'' = ''harps... lutes, rababs and guitars'' ‒ ''Li roumans de Cléomadès par Adenès li Rois'', curated by Van Hasselt, year 1865, Volume 2 on page 251 on line 17275ref. Adenet le Roi writes leus as the grammatical plural of leut. Thereby he deletes the letter 't' in the spelling of the plural. Likewise he has the spellings "tel torment... grant damage... grans tormens" = "such torment... big damage... big torments"., Spanish alaút 1343 Long poem date-assessed 1330-1343 : ''Libro de Buen Amor'' by Juan Ruiz, in edition curated by Julio Cejador y Frauca, year 1913, in two volumes. The relevant word is in Volume 2 only. But Volume 1 has the curator's description of the manuscripts. Some manuscripts have spelling ''laúd''. Oldest manuscript is dated 1389 and has spelling ''alaút''.(ref). Laúd has been the usual wordform in Spanish since about 1400. In Portuguese the usual modern wordform for lute is alaúde which is notable for good phonetic fit to al-ʿaūd. Medievally the al-ʿaūd of the Arabs and the lute of the Latins were essentially the same instrument. The indications are good that the Latins borrowed the instrument design from the Arabs, as well as the word.[95] The word's earliest unambiguous record in English is in the 2nd half of the 14th century (per search @ Middle English DictionaryMiddle English Dictionary).
73 Definition at Dictionary.com : Macramemacramé
The textile fabric word "macrame" or "macrama" was not used in Western European languages before the 19th century. Macrame fabric was made by Western Europeans long before they started using the word macrame. The way the word entered 19th century Western Europe is not well reported and specially the way it took on the specific meaning of "macrame" is not well reported. Nevertheless everybody airing an opinion today says the European word was probably or definitely from an Arabic rootword, usually saying it came to Europe through Turkish. Medieval and early modern Arabic Headword قرم @ medieval dictionary ''Al-Sihāh'' by Al-Jawhari (died c. 1002) has:
.القِرامُ: سِترٌ فيه رقمٌ ونقوشٌ. وكذلك المِقْرَمُ والمِقْرَمَةُ = ''Al-qirām is a curtain with figures and design patterns. And it also occurs in the wordforms al-miqram and al-miqrama.''
مقرمة miqrama
was an embroidered covering cloth used as curtaining.[2] This word miqrama is rootwise formally related to the Arabic words Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1852قرام qirām = "embroidered curtain or veil", Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1852مقرم miqram = "tapestry", AlMaany.com modern Arabic-English dictionaryقرم qaram = "to nibble persistently", and Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1852مقرم maqram = "nibbling". Those words got transferred into Turkish. Mesgnien Meninski's dictionary of Turkish in year 1680 has those words as Turkish & Arabic words, and additionally has Turkish مقرمه maqramah @ ''Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae'' by F. Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, Volume 4, page-column 4839. In this dictionary the notation ''t.'' means Turkish, it means ''this word is not used in Arabic'', ''this word is specifically Turkish''. When a word is not labelled ''t.'' nor ''a.'' nor ''p.'', it means the word is used in Turkish & Arabic & Persian.مقرمه maqramah = "napkin, handkerchief", which is an additional meaning in Turkish arising out of the Turkish & Arabic مقرمة miqrama = "embroidered covering cloth". Miqrama | Maqrama fits good phonetically for macrame, but a gap in semantics remains unexplained.
74 magazine
مخازن makhāzin, storehouses, storerooms.[2] Makhāzin is somewhat frequent in medieval Arabic texts. It is composed of Arabic khazan = "to store" and the Arabic noun prefix Book, ''A Grammar of the Arabic Language'', by Caspari, Wright, Smith, Goeje, year 1898, prefix م 'm-' discussed under the section heading ''Nouns of Place and Time'', in volume 1, pages 124-130ma-. In the European languages the early records are in 13th century Latin as magazenum meaning "storeroom". The locations of writing of the 13th century Latin records are Mediterranean seaports, particularly Marseille, Pisa, Venice, Genoa, Palermo, and Acre. In at least half a dozen of these 13th century records the Latin magazenum is referring to commercial storage at North African seaports, including Tunis and Alexandria.[96] The word with meaning "storeroom" is still used today in Italian, Catalan, French, and Russian. Sometimes used with that meaning in English in the 16th to 18th centuries. But more commonly in English in those centuries a magazine was an ammunitions storage place, or a store of gunpowder, and later a receptacle for storing bullets. A magazine in the publishing sense of the word started in the English language and its start was in the 17th century meaning a store of information about military or navigation subjects (magazine @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1908, gives quotations for early and old usages of ''magazine'' in English.ref, Dictionary at ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales'' has a page for French word ''magazine'' and a separate page for French word ''magasin''. The two pages summarize the early and old usages of these two words in France. French ''magasin'' begot English ''magazine'' and afterwards the English ''magazine'' begot French ''magazine''.ref).
75 marcasite (an iron sulfide mineral)
مرقشيثا marqashīthā, iron sulfide.[98] Marqashīthā is in a 9th century Arabic minerals book. In the 10th and 11th centuries it is in minerals books by Al-Razi (died circa 930) and Al-Biruni (died circa 1050), and others. In European languages the earliest records are Latin marchasita | marcasita | marcacida in Arabic-to-Latin translations of minerals and medicines books dated late 12th & early 13th century in Latin, including the following translations: ''Liber de Aluminibus et Salibus'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. Latin dated about 1200. The unnamed Arabic author was influenced by a minerals book by Al-Razi (died c. 930). The surviving Arabic & Latin texts are published in ''Das Buch der Alaune und Salze'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1935. In section AG §39, Arabic مرقشيثا marqashīthā (page 43) is translated as Latin markasita (page 68). Section G §71 has Latin marchasita.ref , The alchemy book ''Liber de Septuaginta'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. It has not survived in Arabic. The date of the Latin is estimated around 1200. The Latin is published in ''Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France'', volume 49, year 1906, pages 310-363. It has almarchasita on page 346, marchasita on pages 341 & 352, marchasite on pages 335, 351 & 354.ref , ''De Anima in Arte Alchimiae'' is Arabic-to-Latin translation dated early 13th century Latin. The Latin is in the volume ''Artis Chemicae Principes'', year 1572, from page 1 to page 471 (whereas pages 473 - 767 is unrelated later alchemy). It has two dozen instances of marchasita or marcasita. Page 77 has ''armarcasita'' which represents al-marqashīthā.ref , ''Liber Secretorum Bubacaris'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation, translating كتاب الأسرار ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' of Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). It survives in Latin in more than one version. Extracts from Latin versions are in ''Ubersetzung und Bearbeitungen von Al-Razi's Buch Geheimnis der Geheimnisse'', year 1935, where Latin MARCHASIDE is on page 21 and Latin MARCHASITA is on page 37. The full Arabic original is at dlib.nyu.edu/aco/ and elsewhere.ref , Text ''Liber Sacerdotum'' is a Latin compilation about minerals, colorants, and metallurgy. Date assessed about 1200 as a compilation. Some parts of it are from an Arabic-to-Latin translation, and other parts are not. It has 15 instances of ''marcacida'' or ''almarcacida'' meaning the Arabic marqashīthā. Published in Latin in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893 on pages 187-228.ref , Book in Latin : ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Has Latin marchasita translating Ibn Sina's Arabic مارقشيتا mārqashītā | مارقشيثا mārqashīthā.ref. From the Latin, the word is in English from early 15th century onward. Today's English marcasite is defined scientifically as orthorhombic iron sulfide, but at Google Image Search : photographs of marcasite jewelrymarcasite jewelry is jewelry made from isometric iron sulfide.[99]
76 massicot (a Lead oxide mineral)
مسحقونيا masḥaqūniyā | مسحوقونيا masḥūqūniyā, a glazing material applied in the manufacture of pottery. In today's English, massicot is defined as orthorhombic Lead monoxide. In late medieval and early modern Europe, the most common use of Lead monoxide (including massicot) was in Lead-based pottery glazes. The history of the word massicot in the European languages begins with later-medieval Latin massacumia which was a pottery glazing material in Italy in the late 13th century, sometimes involving Lead monoxide and sometimes not, and it came from Arabic masḥaqūniyā (pronounced mas-ha-qun-iya) meaning approximately the same.[100]
77 mattress, Definition at TheFreeDictionary : matelasse is a type of cloth having a quilted and padded appearancematelasse
مطرح matrah, a large cushion or rug for lying on.[101] In Arabic the sense evolved out of the sense "something thrown down" from Arabic rootword tarah = "to throw", and Arabic noun prefix ma-. Classical Latin matta = "mat" is no relation. The Arabic 'h' in matrah is strongly aspirated in the throat and it is quite different from a Latin 'h'. The word is in Catalan-Latin in the 12th century as almatrac. It is in Italian-Latin in the 13th century as almatracium, materacum, matratium, matarazium, and similar. It spread into French and English in the 14th century. The mattress word at that time in Europe usually meant a padded under-blanket, "a quilt to lie upon", not a mattress in today's most often used sense.[101]
78 mohair
مخيّر mukhayyar, high-quality cloth made from fine goat-hair. The word has Arabic root khayar = "choosing, preferring" and Arabic noun prefix mu-. The original mohair was a cloth made from the fine goat-hair of Angora goats in Ankara province in Turkey. This mohair was made in Turkey in the late medieval period, although the name mukhayyar = "mohair" is not seen until the early post-medieval period.[102] In the name's early records in European languages, mohair is a cloth made in Turkey and imported from Turkey and the date is mid 16th century. In Italian commerce documents in the mid 16th century it is in the wordforms Book, ''Relazione di Persia'', by Michele Membré, written in year 1542. In this book an Italian traveler in Turkey at Çankırı City near Ankara [''città chiamata Cancria''] buys ''zambellotti e mocajari'' in year 1542. Edition published in year 1969.mocajari 1542 (where the Italian j is pronounced like English y), Book, ''Dello Specchio di Scientia Universale'' by Leonardo Fioravanti, year 1564, re-issued year 1567. On page 32 it names Moccaiari as an import to Italy from Beirut : ''Da Barutti si caricano... Zambelotti, Moccaiari, & altre simil cose.'' Pages 21+1 and 31+1 also have Moccaiari.moccaiari 1564, and Book, ''Monumenta Historica Slavorum Meridionalium Vicinorumque Populorum :: Tomus I, Tabularia minora et nonnullae bibliothecae : Volumen 1'', curated by Vincentio Makuscev, year 1874. Publishes 14th-16th centuries commerce documents involving the Adriatic seaports of Ragusa and Ancona. Page 507 has ''ciambellotti et mucaiarri''.mucaiarri 1570. It is in French in 1568 in the wordform Book ''Navigations et Peregrinations Orientales'' by Nicolas de Nicolay, year 1568 at page 151, has ''Marchandises de Levant comme Camelots, Mocayars, soyes''.mocayars and it is in English in 1570 as "Text : ''A discourse of the trade to Chio, in the yeere 1569''. Chio[s] is beside Çeşme on west coast of Turkey. The text says : ''The wares and commodities that are in the countreyes neere about Chio... [include] chamlets, mocayares, grogerams, silke of diuers countreyes.'' Text printed in Hakluyt's collection.mocayares" and in English in 1584 as "Text written in year 1584 with the title ''Money and measures of Babylon, Balsara, and the Indies, with the customes, written from Aleppo in Syria'', by William Barret. The text says: ''cloth of Wooll, Karsies, Mockaires, Chamlets, and all sortes of Silke.... Kersies, Mockairs, Chamblets, Silks, Ueluets, Damasks, Sattins & such like.''mockaire". The mutation in English to wordform "mohaire" is first seen in 1619.[103] Sometimes in making mohair, the cloth was put through a finishing step that gave a shimmering look. A shimmering on a cloth is sometimes nowadays called Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Moirémoiré, where moiré was a French wordform derived from English word mohair.[3]
79 monsoon, 80 typhoon
These two words referred to wind and storm events off the coasts of India and China in their earliest usages in European languages and are seen first in Portuguese in the early 16th century. Muslim sea-merchants, Arabs included, were active in the Indies long before the Portuguese arrived – see e.g. history of Islam in the Philippines, and camphor and benzoin in this list. Portuguese sailors adopted the two words from Muslim sailors in the Indies. موسم mawsim, season, used in Arabic for anything that comes round once a year, and used by late medieval Arab sailors for the annual season of favourable sailing winds for going to the Indies (and another sailing season to return from the Indies).[104] طوفان tūfān, a very big rainstorm, a deluge, and used in the Koran for Noah's Flood.[105] The histories for the two words are in the two footnotes.
81 Definition at Dictionary.com : morocco (leather)morocco (type of leather)
مراكش‎ marākesh, country of Morocco. This Arabic word has not been used in Arabic with the meaning of a leather, it seems. As name of leather, the English wordform "morocco" is a 17th-century refreshed spelling of the 16th-century English wordform maroquin ''maroquin'' @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1908(ref) from 15th-century French maroquin maroquin @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)(ref) meaning a type of flexible leather of goat-skin made in the country of Morocco or similar leather made anywhere, with maroquin literally meaning "Moroccan, from Morocco" ''Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch'', Volume XIX page 121, year 1967(ref). Country of Morocco was Marroch in 12th century Catalan-Latin Search for Marroc* (with asterisk) at ''Corpus Documentale Latinum Cataloniae''(ref), Mar(r)oc in late medieval French, Marrok in late medieval English Search for medieval ''Marrok'' in The Middle English Dictionary. There are a dozen instances of it in the dictionary's medieval quotations where its meaning is Morocco. In a half dozen of these instances, the Straits of Gibraltar is called the Straits of Marrok. The dictionary does not have a headword for it.(ref). Marroc was a truncation of مراكش‎ Marākesh = "Marrakesh city". Marrakesh city was the capital city of Morocco from its founding as a city in 1070 until 1269. Marākesh was the most-often-used name for the country of Morocco in Arabic in the later-medieval centuries (Search for مراكش in the collection of medieval Arabic texts at AlWaraq.net. Compare its frequency to the frequency of the alternative name المغرب الأقصى in the same collection.see a large set of medieval Arabic examples) and remained so in Arabic for many centuries after the city was no longer the capital city. The deletion of the -esh of Marākesh to get Marrok has two steps: The first step is Latinate conversion of "sh" to "s" because the sound /sh/ was not used in Latin and some other Latinatediscussed in a paragraph elsewhere on the current page, and the second step is the deletion of the "s" because "Marrakes" would sound like a plural and plural was uncalled for. Retention of the "s" is in Spanish in the 13th & 14th centuries as marruecos = "country of Morocco" marruecos @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español(ref). Today, in Spanish Marruecos = "Morocco" and Portuguese Marrocos = "Morocco" and this is grammatical singular in Spanish and Portuguese.
82 Definition at Dictionary.com : Muftimufti (clothing style)
مفتي muftī, mufti, an expert in Islamic law. The phrase 'mufti day' is sometimes used instead of 'own clothes day' in some English-speaking schools to mean a day when students and teachers can wear casual clothes and clothes in their own style rather than the institution's uniform or semi-uniform clothes. The term originated in the British Army in the early 19th century. It seems the term originated just because the clothing style of a mufti was much different from the army's uniform clothing at the time.
83 mummy (semi-preserved corpse)
موميا mūmiyā, a bituminous substance used in medieval medicine and in embalming, and secondarily sometimes it meant a corpse embalmed with the substance. The medieval Arabic word was transferred into medieval Latin medicine as mumia with the same meanings.[106] The meaning was extended to a corpse preserved by drying (desiccation), starting in the 15th century, in western European documents.[107]
84 muslin
موصلي mūsilī, fine lightweight fabric made in Mosul city in Iraq, usually cotton, sometimes linen.[108] The word entered Western Europe with the same meaning in the 16th and 17th century. The fabric was imported to Europe from Aleppo city by Italians at the time. The earliest record in English is muslina in a traveller's report from Aleppo in 1609. The ending -ina was an Italian addition. In Italian, a suffix -ina acts as a diminutive (communicates lightweight).[108]
85 nadir
نظير naẓīr, a point in outer space diametrically opposite some other point; or a direction to outer space diametrically opposite some other direction. That meaning for the word was used by, e.g., the astronomer Al-Battani (died 929).[109] Naẓīr in medieval Arabic more broadly meant "counterpart".[2] The Arabic '' here used is the Arabic alphabet's 17th letter, ظ , one of the alphabet's least-used letters, not the usual z. This letter has pronunciations in today's Arabic including the sounds of z, d, dh and zh, such as pronouncing Abu Dhabi as "Abu Zabi" or "Abu Dzabi". Nadir's early records in European languages are in 11th and 12th century Latin astronomy texts as nadair, nadahir and nadir, with the same meaning as the Arabic, and the early records are in Arabic-to-Latin translations.[109] Crossref zenith, which was transferred on the same pathway from Arabic astronomy to Latin astronomy.
86 natron (a mineral), English chemical name ''sodium'' has the scientific abbreviation Na in English. Na abbreviates ''Natrium'', which is the name for sodium in Modern Latin and Modern German. ''Natrium'' is a modern word created in derivation from ''natron''. natrium (Na)
نطرون natrūn, natron, i.e. naturally-occurring sodium carbonate. The ancient Greeks had the name nitron meaning naturally-occurring sodium carbonate. The medieval and eary modern Arabs had this spelled natrūn. In medieval and early modern Europe, Europe's biggest supply of natron was from northern Egypt. Today's Western European name natron, meaning hydrated sodium carbonate, came from the Arabic name.[110] In Europe shortly after sodium was isolated as an element for the first time, in the early 19th century, sodium was given the scientific abbreviation Na from a newly created Latin name, initially natronium, then natrium, which goes back etymologically to the Arabic natrūn.[110] [111] Also in the early 19th century, elemental potassium was isolated for the first time and was soon afterwards given the scientific abbreviation K representing a newly created Latin name kalium, which was derived from 18th century scientific Latin kali meaning potassium carbonate. Which goes back etymologically to medieval Latin alkali and Arabic al-qalī, whose main constituents were potash and soda ash (potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate) (crossref alkali).[22] [111]
87 orange
نارنج nāranj, orange (a citrus fruit). Arabic came from Sanskritic nāraṅga = "orange" (a citrus fruit). The orange tree came from India and it was introduced to the Mediterranean region by the Arabs in the early 10th century, at which time all oranges were bitter oranges.[91] The word is in all the Latin languages and Greek from the later medieval centuries. Today it is nerantzi in Greek meaning "bitter orange". Today it is naranja in Spanish. Today it is arancia in Italian, and orange in French, and this wordform with the loss of the leading 'n', occurring early as Latin arangia (late 12th century Sicily – George Gallesio's history of citrus fruits (year 1811) quotes ''arangias acetoso'' used in the Latin document ''Epistola Ad Petrum Panormitanae Ecclesiae Thesaurarium'', dated slightly after 1189, written in Sicily, authorship attributed to a writer named Hugo Falcandus.ref, arangium @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on pages 106-109, has quotations from 12th-14th century Sicilian sourcesref), has been the subject of several speculative explanations.
88 popinjay (parrot bird)
ببغاء babaghāʾ | babbaghāʾ, parrot bird. The change from medieval Arabic sound /b/ to medieval Latinate sound /p/ also occurs in the loanwords Julep, Jumper, Spinach, and Syrup elsewhere on this page. The French papegai = "parrot" has a late 12th century start date[3] and the English starts a century later. The wordform was affected by the pre-existing (from classical Latin) at Wikipedia, French edition : GeaiFrench gai = Diccionario de la lengua española de la RAESpanish gayo = at Wikipedia : Jay (bird)English "jay" (bird). Parrots were imported to medieval Europe via Arabic speakers.[112]
89 realgar (a mineral)
رهج الغار rahj al-ghār, realgar, arsenic sulfide.[113] In medieval times, realgar was used as a rodent poison, as a corrosive cleaner, and as a red paint pigment. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew the substance. Other names for it in medieval Arabic writings include "red arsenic" and "rodent poison". Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) wrote: "Among the people of the Maghreb it is called rahj al-ghār " (literally: "cavern powder"). In European languages the name's earliest records are in 13th-century Italian-Latin medicine spelled realgar Text ''Glosulae quatuor Magistrorum super Chirurgiam Rogerii et Rolandi'' is a lengthy 13th-century commentary upon the late-12th-century surgery book of Roger Frugard. It uses realgar powder medicinally for surgical wounds. It mentions REALGAR six times. It is published in ''Collectio Salernitana'', Volume 2, year 1853.(e.g.) also Italian-Latin regalgar anno 1275 Book ''Chirurgie de Guillaume de Salicet, achevée en 1275'' is the Latin surgery book of Guglielmo da Saliceto (died 1277) published in French translation in 1898, with translator's notes and a glossary of Latin terms used by Saliceto. REGALGAR is on preface page cxx and on page 45 footnote #1.(ref) also Spanish rejalgar | reialgar | reyalgar 1275-1295 search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) de la Real Academia Española(ref). In English some records in the 15th century spelled it resalgar resalgar @ Middle English Dictionary. Wordform ''realgar'' is elsewhere in same dictionary.(ref). As a factor in answering why the Latins adopted the Arabic word, there was a realgar mine in operation in medieval Andalusia.[113]
90 ream (quantity of sheets of paper)
رزمة rizma, a bale, a bundle.[2] [4] Paper itself was introduced to the Latins via the Arabs in and around the 12th and 13th centuries – the adoption by the Latins went slowly; at Wikipedia : History of paperhistory of paper. The Arabic word for a bundle spread to most European languages along with paper itself, with the early records in southern Europe. Medieval & modern Italian risma = "ream of paper" risma @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini''. Quotes from 14th century Italian.(ref). Spanish resma search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español, a database of old Spanish texts. Includes year 1462 ''resma del papel'' = ''ream of paper''.(ref). Catalan raima, first record year 1284 raima @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962. Quotes year 1284 Catalan ''Caxa de paper en que ha XVI raymes'' = ''box of paper in which there are 16 reams''. Medieval Catalan document @ pages 80 & 111 @ archive.org/details/documentssurlal00alargoog (ref), looks the forerunner of the English word-form. First record in English is 1356 Rem | Reme, with meaning ream of paper, in the Middle English Dictionary(ref).
91 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Rook #2 (Rook in chess game)rook (in chess), 92 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Roc (in mythology)roc (mythological bird)
رخّ rukhkh, (1) the rook piece in the game of chess, (2) a mythological bird in the 1001 Arabian Nights tales. The Arabic dictionary Lisan al-Arab completed in 1290 said the chess-piece name rukhkh came from Persian; crossref check. The bird meaning for Arabic rukhkh may have come from Persian too. But not from the same word. All available evidence supports the view that the two meanings of Arabic rukhkh sprang from two independent and different rootwords, while at the same time some uncertainty exists about what the rootwords were Article, ''Of Rukhs and Rooks, Camels and Castles'', by Remke Kruk, year 2001 in ''ORIENS: Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research'', volume 36 pages 288-298(ref). The chess rook is in French from about 1150 onward as roc roc #2 @ CNRTL.fr(ref).
93 safari
سفر safar, journey. Safari entered English in the late 19th century from Swahili language safari = "journey" which is from Arabic safar = "journey".
94 safflower
عصفر ʿusfur, safflower. The flower of this plant was commercially cultivated for use as a dye in the Mediterranean region in medieval times. From the Arabic word plus Arabic al-, medieval Catalan had alasfor = "safflower"; and medieval Catalan had also alazflor = "safflower" where Catalan flor = "flower". In medieval Italian, the Arabic word's -fur mutated into Italian -flore | -fiore which is Italian for "flower". Medieval Italian spellings included asflore, asfiore, asfrole, affiore, zaflore, zafflore, zaffiore, all meaning safflower. In medieval Arabic dictionaries the spelling is ʿusfur, but oral variants ʿasfar and ʿasfur would be unexceptional in Arabic speech and would be a little better fit to the Catalan and Italian wordforms.[114]
95 saffron
زعفران zaʿfarān, saffron. Zaʿfarān meaning saffron is commonplace from the outset of writings in Arabic.[2] It was common in medieval Arab cookery.[115] The ancient Latins used saffron and they called it crocus | crocinum and it has lots of records in ancient Latin texts. The earliest known for the name saffron in European languages is year 1156 Latin safranum = "saffron" at the seaport of Genoa in Italy in a commercial contract.[116] The name saffron became predominant in western European languages in the late medieval centuries, in wordforms that led to today's Italian zafferano, Spanish azafrán, French safran, German safran, and the organic chemical at Wikipedia : Safraninsafranin. The old name crocus | croco | croceus | croceo has plenty of records in medieval Latin and medieval Italian. It is not clear what drove the Latins to adopt the new name.
96 sandalwood
صندل sandal, sandalwood. A scent-emitting wood imported from India, popular among the medieval Arabs for its scent, often an ingredient in medieval Arabic medicines recipes. It was unknown to the ancient Greeks & Romans. Earliest record in Latin is in the late 11th century in an Arabic-to-Latin translation of a medicine book.[46]
97 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Saphena : The larger saphena and the smaller saphena are two major blood vessels in the human leg.saphena | Schematic pictures of Saphenous Vein at Images.Google.comsaphenous vein
الصافن al-sāfin, saphena vein, aka saphenous vein. The saphenous vein is in the human leg. It was one of the veins used in medieval medical at Wikipedia : The practice of bloodletting in medieval medicinebloodletting (phlebotomy). Bloodletting was the word's context of use medievally. Medical writers who used the word in Arabic include Al-Razi (died c. 930), Haly Abbas (died c. 990), Albucasis (died c. 1013) and Avicenna (died 1037).[117] In Latin the earliest known record is in an Arabic-to-Latin translation by translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) translating Haly Abbas. Bloodletting, which was practiced in ancient Greek and Latin medicine, was revamped in medieval Latin medicine under influence from Arabic medicine.[118]
98 sash (a kind of ribbon)
شاش shāsh, a ribbon of fine cloth wrapped to form a turban around the head and usually made of fine muslin.[119] In European languages the word's early records are in travellers' reports from Muslim countries. Among the earliest is this comment from an English traveller in the Middle East in 1615: "All of them wear on their heads white shashes.... Shashes are long towels of Calico wound about their heads." In the later 17th century in English, "shash" still had that original meaning, and additionally it took on the meaning of a ribbon of fine cloth wrapped around the waist. In the early 18th century in English the dominant wordform changed from "shash" to "sash".[121] [120]. Crossref word muslin which entered European languages from Arabic in the same timeframe. In Arabic today شاش shāsh @ AlMaany.com Modern Arabic-English Dictionaryshāsh means gauze or muslin.
99 sequin (shiney clothing ornament)
سكّة sikka, tool for coin minting, and by extension also meaning coined money and money coinage in general.[2] Medieval Italian zecca | cecha came directly from the Arabic sikka and meant about the same. Its first record in Italian is in year 1207-1208 in a trade treaty between the republic of Venice and the sultanate of Aleppo Quotation for year 1207-8 Venice Italian ''çeca'' (ç = z) is under dictionary headword ''zecca'' in ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (TLIO)(ref). The first known where zecca means the coin mint at Venice is in 1285 Book, ''Zecca: The Mint of Venice in the Middle Ages'', by Alan M. Stahl, year 2000, on page 33(ref). The Venice Italian zecca was the parent of Italian zecchino meaning a gold coin minted by the Republic of Venice. Zecchino was Frenchified as sequin, meaning the Venice gold coin. Production of the Venice Introduction at Wikipedia : Sequin (coin)sequin gold coin ended in 1797. The word might well have followed the coin into oblivion, but in the 19th century it managed to get itself applied to the small round shiny pieces of metal applied to clothing.[122]
100 serendipity
سرنديب Serendīb, the island of Sri Lanka. "Serendipity" was created in English in 1754 from "Serendip", an old fairy-tale place. The fairy-tale with the serendipitous happenings was Tale summarized at Wikipedia : ''The Three Princes of Serendip''The Three Princes of Serendip. "Serendip" was from the old Arabic name for Sri Lanka.[123] [124] Serendipity is fortified in English by its resemblance to the etymologically unrelated "serenity".
101 sheikh
شيخ shaīkh, sheikh. It has been in English since the 17th century meaning an Arab sheikh sheikh @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1914(ref). In English in the 20th century it took on a slangy additional meaning of "strong, romantic man". This is attributed to a hit movie, at Wikipedia : The Sheik (film)The Sheik (film), 1921, starring Rudolph Valentino. After the movie was a hit, the book it was based on became a hit, and spawned imitators.
102 sofa
صفّة soffa, a low platform or dais.[125] The Arabic word was adopted into Turkish, and from Turkish it entered Italian and French in the 16th century meaning a Middle-Eastern-style dais with rugs and cushions. The European-style meaning —a sofa with legs— started at the end of the 17th century.[125]
103 spinach
إِسبناخ isbinākh in Andalusian Arabic, and اسفاناخ isfānākh in medieval Arabic more generally, from Persian aspanākh | isfānāj, spinach. The spinach plant was unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was the Arabs who introduced the spinach into Iberia, whence it spread to the rest of Europe, and the same is true of the name as well.[126] The first records in English are around year 1400 spinache @ Middle English Dictionary(ref).
104 sugar
سكّر sukkar, sugar. The word is ultimately from Sanskritic sharkara = "sugar". Cane sugar was developed in India around 2000 years ago. The medieval Arabs grew the sugarcane plant on irrigated land. They made sugar on a somewhat extensive scale, although sugar was costly throughout the medieval era (very roughly on the order of 6 or 8 times costlier than wheat flour by weight in Arabic countries). Early records in Latin are at around year 1100 spelled zucharum and zucrum, which came from the Arabic sukkar.[127] Early records in England include the following in the account books of an Anglo-Norman abbey in Durham: year 1302 "Zuker Marok", 1309 "succre marrokes", 1310 "Couker de Marrok", 1316 "Zucar de Cypr[us]".[128] The Latin wordform sucrum or the French form sucre = "sugar" generated the modern chemistry words sucrose and sucrase.
105 sultan, Images of sultanas at Images.Google.comsultana
سلطان sultān, authority, ruler. The first ruler to use sultan as a formal title was an Islamic Turkic-speaking ruler in Central Asia, Tughril Beg (died 1063), founder of the Seljuq empire. He got the word from Arabic.[129] In Arabic grammar سلطانة sultāna is the feminine of sultān.
﴾۝﴿ Definition at Dictionary.com : CaliphCaliph, Definition at Dictionary.com : Emiremir, Definition at Dictionary.com : Qadiqadi, and Definition at Dictionary.com : Viziervizier are other Arabic-sourced words connected with governmental rulers. Their use in English is mostly confined to discussions of Middle Eastern history.
106 sumac
سمّاق summāq, the common sumac bush that grows natively in the Mediterranean region, especially the berries of this bush. Anciently and medievally, different components of the sumac were used in tanning leather, in dyeing, in medicine, and in cuisine. The sumac was a cultivated plant among the medieval Arabs, especially in Levant. They primarily cultivated it for its berries. Among the Latins the sumac was anciently called rhus (whence taxonomic Modern Latin at Wikipedia : Rhus coriaria, the technical botany name for the Mediterranean sumac bushRhus Coriaria). Late medievally in Latin and the Latinate languages the usual name became sumac. This Arabic name is found in Iberian-Latin in the 10th century and as such it is one of the earliest loanwords from Arabic. Sumac is in Italian-Latin in the 11th century in Arabic-to-Latin medical translations. The Latin entered 15th century English medicines books as sumac = "sumac berries". [130] [131] [132]
107 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : SwahiliSwahili (a language)
سواحل sawāhil, coasts (plural of sāhil, coast). Historically Swahili was the language used in commerce along the east coast of Africa, along at Wikipedia : Swahili coast2000 kilometers of coast: the Swahili coast. Swahili is grammatically a Bantu language, with about one-third of its vocabulary taken from Arabic.[133] The first known record of the word Swahili in English is in year 1814, says swahili @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1919NED.
108 syrup, 109 sherbet @ ''American Heritage Dictionary'', 5th edition, year 2011sherbet, sorbet
شراب shirāb | sharāb, a word with two meanings in Arabic, "a drink" and "syrup". Medieval Arabic medical writers used shirāb | sharāb meaning a medicinal syrup. It passed into Latin medicine as siropus | siruppus | syrupus with the same meaning. In Latin the earliest records are in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translations by Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087). The sound change from /sh/ to /s/ in going from shirāb to siropus reflects that Latin pronunciation did not use the sound /sh/ in any words. The -us of siropus is a carrier of Latin grammar and nothing more. In late medieval Europe a sirup was usually medicinal.[134] Separately from syrup, the same Arabic rootword re-entered Western Europe through Turkish in the 16th and 17th centuries. Turkish شربت sherbet | shurbet = "a sweet lemonade drink" شربت & شربة @ ''Thesaurus linguarum orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae'', by Franciscus Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, at columns 2794-2795. Has شربة ''sherbet'' as Turkish & Arabic & Persian, with same meaning in the three languages.(ref) entered with that meaning directly into English as "sherbet" sherbet @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles(ref). During the same time, directly from Turkish, the word entered Italian as sorbetto with the same meaning, and this entered English from Italian and/or French (Italian Book ''Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato'', Serie 3 Volume 2, year 1844, publishes 16th-century Italian writers located in Turkey. Page 229 has year 1581 Italian in Turkey saying ''sorbetto'' is a drink made of water, sugar, and aromatic flavorings.
More early records for Italian ''sorbetto'' are quoted at www.gdli.it/sala-lettura/vol/19?seq=483
1581 sorbetto
, English sorbet @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles1585 sorbet). The Turkish was from the Arabic wordform شربة shirba(t) | sharba(t).
110 tabla (percussion instrument in music of India)
طبل tabl, drum. English tabla is from Hindi/Urdu tabla which is from Persian tabla = "small drum" and Persian tabl = "drum" and Arabic tabl. The Persian is from the Arabic. In Arabic, tabl has been the usual word for drum (noun and verb) since the beginning of written records.[135]
111 tahini
طحينة tahīna, tahini. Derives from the Arabic verb for "grind" and is related to Arabic tahīn = "flour". The written Arabic tahīna is pronounced "taheeny" in Levantine Arabic speech. The word entered English directly from Levantine Arabic around year 1900, but tahini was very rarely eaten in the English-speaking countries until around year 1970. It is ancient in the Middle East.
112 talc
طلق talq, mica and talc. Common in medieval Arabic. Documented in Latin minerals books from around 1200 onward meaning mica and talc, spelled talc | talk in Latin, with the early records being in Arabic-to-Latin translations. Uncommon in the Latinate languages until the later 16th century. In all European languages today.[136]
113 talisman
طلسم tilsam | tilasm, talisman. Medievally in Syriac and Arabic this word was sometimes used with the meaning "incantation" and "magic spell". In Arabic medievally the word was mainly used with the meaning of an astrology-based inscribed amulet. An inscription of characters and images, created through the guidance of astrology, was supposed to forfend against a specific bad fortune or vitalize a good fortune. The thing bearing such an inscription was called a tilsam | tilasm. A classic Arabic text using the word with this meaning is Ghāyat al-Hakīm, a 400-page book about occult magic, astrology and talismans, dated 10th or 11th century. In Europe the word entered astrology with this meaning in the early 17th century, begining in French. The wordform in French from the beginning was talisman. The word's early users in French were able to read Arabic and they said the word with this meaning came from Arabic.[137]
114 tamarind
تمر هندي tamr hindī (literally: "date fruit of India"), tamarind. Tamarinds were in use in ancient India. They were not known to the ancient Greeks & Latins. They entered medieval Latin medicine practice from Arabic medicine. The Arabic-to-Latin translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) was the first writer to use this word in Latin. His translations have tamarindi in a dozen medicines recipes. Tamarind's medieval medical uses were various.[138] In the English language the records start late medievally in translations of Latin medical books tamarinde @ Middle English Dictionary. Has quotations for ''tamarinde'' in late medieval English.(ref).
115 tambourine (music percussion instrument), Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Tambour is a structural frame with an aspect of similarity to a frame of a drumtambour (a drum or drum-like frame)
طبول tabūl, drums. English tambourine is from French tambourin = "small drum" (15th century), which is from French tambour = "drum" (14th century), which is from French tabour = "drum" (13th century), which is from northern French tabor | tabur = "military drum used by Arab armies" (12th century), which is from Arabic taboul = "military drums, and any drums". Military drums were not in use in French armies at the time when the word emerged in French in the 12th century as a military drum. Most of the early records in French are in a genre of military-legend ballads known as chansons de geste in which war-drums are pounded by the enemy side only, and the enemy is non-Christian, usually Muslim. War-drums were in normal use in Arab armies from the 10th century onward, during actual battles and when marching. The Arabic tabūl | taboul has been the usual word for "drums" in Arabic since the beginning of written records of Arabic. In evaluating this etymology, different people have expressed different views about the prior probability of the phonetic change involved in the step from taboul to tabour.[140]
116 Photographs of tanbur or tanbourtanbur / tanbour, Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Tambouratamboura, at Wikipedia : Tambur in traditional music in Turkey. The tambur is plucked, but the name is also attached to a less-used variant that is bowed. The bowed one is called ''yaylı tambur'' where Turkish ''yayla'' means highland.tambur, at Wikipedia : Tamburica, a music instrument in Serbia and adjacent countriestamburica, at Wikipedia : Tanpura (instrument) in traditional music in Indiatanpura, at Wikipedia : Tambouras, a tanbur in traditional music in Greecetambouras, at Wikipedia : Tembûr, the Kurdish musical tradition for the tanburtembûr, at Wikipedia : Dombyra = домбыра = the tanbur in Kazakhstan, having pronunciation dombeura and dombueradombẙra
These are all long-necked guitar-type plucked-string musical instruments. The word occurs early and often in medieval Arabic as طنبور tunbūr | tanbūr meaning a long-necked guitar-type plucked-string instrument. The word is also documented in late-ancient Aramaic & Persian, pre-Islam. In English the name is modern and comes from all the languages of the modern Middle East.[139] Meanwhile, the English tambourine, a percussive instrument, is without any documentary evidence that would etymologically relate it to the string instrument name. Likewise, the Western European tambour = "drum" is not related to the Middle East's tambour = "string instrument" and claims to the contrary are errors induced by superficial info.[140]
117 tangerine
طنجة Tanja, city and port of Tangier in Morocco. Tangerine oranges are the same thing as mandarin oranges. They were not introduced to the Mediterranean region until the early 19th century.[91] The English word "tangerine" arose in the UK from shipments of tangerine oranges from the port of Tangier in the early 19th century. "Tangerine" means "of Tangier", but the word formation also had allusion to pre-existing English "tang"/"tangy". Word formation was in the UK.[141] The Arabic name for a tangerine is unrelated.
118 tare (weight)
طرح tarh | tirh and طرحة tarha, a discard, something discarded (from Arabic root tarah = "to throw").[2] The Arabic tarh | tarha was also used meaning "a deduction, a subtraction" طرح @ ''Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, Volume 2, year 1881. The book's abbreviations are explained in Volume 1 available at same website.(ref). In today's English the tare weight is defined as the weight of a package that is empty. To get the net weight of goods in a package, you weigh the goods in their package, which is the gross weight, and then discard the tare weight. Italian-Latin commerce records have tara = "tare" starting in the late 13th century.[142] The word is in England as tare starting late 14th century.[143] There is one record in Spanish in early 15th century where the wordform is atara, which helps to affirm Arabic ancestry because the leading 'a' in atara represents the Arabic definite article.[4] [5] [142] The tare weight is spelled tara in today's Italian, Catalan, Spanish, German, and Russian.
119 tariff
تعريف taʿrīf, notification, specification (from Arabic عرّف ʿarraf = "to notify"). In medieval Arabic the word was widely used and meant any kind of notification or specification.[2] Among the Latins the word starts in Italian merchants in the 2nd half of 14th century in sea-commerce on the Mediterranean meaning a tabular statement, such as an enumeration of products with selling prices; and the word is also in late medieval Italian meaning a single stated fee.[144] The Italian word was transferred into German, French and English in the 16th century meaning a tabular statement.[144] From the meaning of a tabular statement of different import tax liabilities on different goods, the meaning of an import tax grew out by metonymy.
120 tarragon (herb)
طرخون tarkhūn, tarragon. The word with that meaning was used by Ibn Al-Baitar (died 1248), who gives a description of the plant and mentions both culinary and medical uses. Tarkhūn comes up in medicine contexts in Al-Razi (died c. 930). It is mentioned in a culinary context in Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200). It is in a number of other medieval Arabic writers.[145] In later-medieval Latin, late 12th century onward, it comes up in medicine contexts spelled tarcon | tarchon and was acknowledged at the time to be from Arabic.[146] Up until then in Latin there is no record of the plant under any name, or at least no clear record. The records for Italian tarcone | targone, French targon | tragon, Spanish taragoncia | traguncia, English tarragon and German Tragon all start in the 16th century and all are in a culinary context.[146]
121 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : English ''tazza'' is a drinking glass in the style of a shallow bowl placed on top of a long glass stemtazza, Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Demitasse is a small ceramic drinking cup, half the size of an ordinary tea-cupdemi-tasse (cup)
طسّ tass | طسّة tassa | طاسة tāsa, round shallow cup or bowl, which was made of metal, and was typically made of brass.[2] The word was common in Arabic for many centuries before it shows up in the Latinate languages.[2] In Latinate it starts 13th century. It has loads of records in 14th-century Spain & Italy. The medieval Latinate taza | taça (ç = z) | tacia | tacea | tassea | tassia | tassa | tazza | tazze | tasse was a drinking vessel in the luxury category and it was very often made of silver – In Spanish : Search for taça @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Taza is a lesser-used wordform. Note medieval Spanish ''plata'' meant silver.ref, In Latin : Entries for ''tacia'', ''tassia #1'', ''tassa #2'', ''taxea #2'', ''tacea'', in Du Cange's Glossary of medieval Latin. Note medieval Latin argent__ meant silver.ref, Book of documents written in Sicily in Latin : ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II, by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. It has dozens of instances of 14th century ''tacia'', ''tazia'', ''tazearum''. In most instances it is explicit that the tacia is made from silver.ref, 14th-century Italian documents with ''tazza'' & ''tazze'' are searchable at ''Corpus OVI dell'Italiano antico''. The OVI Corpus also has 14th-century Italian documents with the wordform ''taza'' & ''taze''. In medieval Italian, argento & ariento meant silver.ref, In French : tasse @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français 1330-1500. Note medieval French argent meant silver.ref, tasse @ Dictionary of Anglo-Norman French. Quotes ''tasses d'argent'' (year 1396) and ''tassez d'argent'' (year 1399).ref, tassa @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by AM Alcover & FB Moll, year 1962. Quotes the word as ''taces d'argent'' (year 1410) and ''tassa daurada d'argent'' (year 1414), where Catalan ''argent'' meant silver. Also quotes ''taça del vi'' meaning ''goblet of wine'' in Saint Vincent Ferrer (died 1419).ref. English borrowed the word as Definition at Dictionary.com : Tasstass in the 16th century, which continued much later in colloquial use in Scotland, but today's English tazza and demi-tasse came from Italian and French in the 19th century.
80 typhoon duplicate of #80 above
طوفان tūfān, a very big rainstorm, a deluge. Like the word monsoon, typhoon in the European languages first occurs in Portuguese in the East Indies in the early 16th century. The Portuguese borrowed it from Muslim sailors in the Indies. The word's history is in note #105.[105]
122 Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Varanvaran (type of lizard), Definition at Wikipedia : Varanoideavaranoid (family of lizard types)
ورل waral and locally in North Africa ورن waran, varan lizard, especially the two species native in North Africa, namely Varanus griseus and Varanus niloticus. In Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries it was usually spelled with a letter L, e.g. "oûaral" (1725 French writer in Egypt – Book ''Nouveaux mémoires des missions de la Compagnie de Jésus dans le Levant'' Volume 5, year 1725, on page 194. The volume has a memo by a Jesuit missionary priest in Egypt, who writes of ''un Lézard nommé Oûaral''.ref), "warral" (1738 English writer in Algeria – Book ''Travels, or, Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant'', by Thomas Shaw, year 1738 on page 250ref), "worral" (1828 English dictionary – worral @ Webster's Dictionary, year 1828 editionref). But certain influential European naturalists in the early 19th century adopted the North African wordform with the letter N – varan @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. Outputs of influential naturalists include : François Marie Daudin in year 1802 has ''le varan d'Égypte''; Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in year 1802 has ''l'ouaran du désert''; and Blasius Merrem in year 1820 has taxonomic Latin VARANUS = German WARAN.ref. The V in place of W reflects Latinization. In Medieval Latin there was no letter W and no sound /W/, with some exceptions for some foreign names. The general non-use of W was continued in Modern Latin.
123 zenith
سمت samt, direction; سمت الرأس samt al-raʾs, direction highest upwards, zenithal direction, literally the "top direction". Samt al-raʾs is in the astronomy books of Al-Battani (died 929) and Al-Farghani (died c. 870), both of which were translated to Latin in the 12th century. From use in astronomy in Arabic, the term entered astronomy in Latin in the 12th century. The first record of the word zenith in European languages is in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of Al-Battani's book where the translation's Latin zenith meant "direction" (not "zenith") and the translation's Latin zenith capitis translated the Arabic phrase samt al-raʾs meaning the zenithal direction.[147] Details on how the Arabic wordform samt got mangled to the Latin wordform zenith are in note 148.[148]
124 zero
صفر sifr, zero. The use of zero as an elementary digit was a key innovation in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. The word's path into English was: medieval Arabic sifr meaning zero (two examplesArticle, "The Transmission of Hindu-Arabic Numerals Reconsidered", by Paul Kunitzsch, year 2003, Book ''The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives'', by various authors, year 2003, has a chapter ''The Transmission of Hindu-Arabic Numerals Reconsidered'' by Kaul Kunitzsch, where zero is four times on page 4.on page 4, cites ṣifr meaning zero in the book Tārīkh by Al-Ya'qubi (died 897-898) and in the book Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm by Al-Khuarizmi (lived c. 980). In both of those books, the صفر ṣifr is in the context of talking about Hindu numerals, حساب الهند and الاحرف الهندية. Both books are online in Arabic: Book تاريخ اليعقوبي, written by بن واضح اليعقوبي, was published in Arabic in two volumes in year 1883 with a book jacket title ''Historiae'', text curated by MT Houtsma. The word صفر meaning zero is in volume 1 page ٩٣ at line 9.Al-Ya'qubi's Tārīkh , Book مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', by Ahmed ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi (flourished circa 980 AD), curated by G. van Vloten, year 1895. Has chapter on Hindu numerals starting on page ١٩٣. On page ١٩۴ it has الاصفار as the plural of الصفر meaning zero. On page ١٩٧ at line 5 it has the phrase الصفر في حساب الهند meaning zero; and the same phrase is on page ٥٨ line 3.Al-Khuarizmi's Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm. in 9th-10th century) ➜ medieval Italian-Latin zephirum meaning zero (used in year 1202 by Leonardo Pisano, who was an early adopter of the Hindu-Arabic numbers in Latin) ➜ medieval Italian zefiro meaning zero (e.g., zefiro was used by mathematician Piero Borgi in the 1480s) ➜ contracted to zero in Italian in late 14th & early 15th century[149] ➜ French zéro starts 1485[3] ➜ English zero starts 1604 but is rare in English before 1800.[54] Crossref cipher.

Addendum for Botanical Names

The following plant names entered medieval Latin texts from Arabic. Today, in descent from the medieval Latin, they are international systematic classification names, commonly known as "Latin" names: Berberis, Cakile, Carthamus, Cuscuta, Doronicum, Musa, Nuphar, Senna, Taraxacum, Usnea, Physalis alkekengi, Melia azedarach + Azadirachta, Centaurea behen, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Cheiranthus cheiri, Piper cubeba, Phyllanthus emblica, Alpinia galanga + Kaempferia galanga, Peganum harmala, Salsola kali, Prunus mahaleb, Datura metel, Daphne mezereum, Rheum ribes and derivatively the genus Ribes﴿, Jasminum sambac, Cordia sebestena, Operculina turpethum, Curcuma zedoaria, Alpinia zerumbet + Zingiber zerumbet. The Arabic parent names and further details for each of those names are in note 150.[150] The following additional plant names are covered already in the earlier list above, where they are covered under the headlines of their vernacular English wordform equivalents: Alkanna (alkanet), Curcuma (curcumin), Jasminum (jasmine), Spinacia (spinach), Santalum (sandalwood), Tamarindus (tamarind), Cinnamomum camphora (camphor), Carum carvi (caraway). Altogether that is 38+ botany names that descend from medieval Arabic via medieval Latin and are in active use today. The list is incomplete, but not by much.

Over ninety percent of those botanical names were introduced to medieval Latin in a herbal medicine context. About a third of them are names of medicinal plants from Tropical Asia for which there had been no classical Latin nor ancient Greek name. Those names include azedarach, bellirica, camphora, curcuma, cubeba, emblica, galanga, metel, tamarindus, turpethum, zedoaria, and zerumbet. Another portion are ultimately from Iranian names of Iranian plants used in Iranian medicine, including at a minimum alkekengi, behen, doronicum, jasminum, mezereum, ribes, sebestena, taraxacum, and usnea, some of which were known as plants under other names in classical Latin and Greek. A substantial portion of the names were introduced into Latin by the Arabic-to-Latin medical translator Constantinus Africanus (died late 11th century). Another substantial portion were introduced by the Arabic-to-Latin translator Gerard of Cremona (died late 12th century). The medical translations of those two translators were widely circulated books in Latin medical circles late medievally. They were key for establishing most of the Arabic plant names in Latin.[150] A 13th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of a book about medicating agents by Serapion the Younger had hundreds of Arabic botanical names in the Latin translation and was a widely circulated book among apothecaries in late medieval Latin Europe.[151]

Medieval Arabic botany was primarily concerned with the use of plants for medicines. In a modern etymology assessment of one medieval Arabic list of medicines, the Arabic names of the medicines —being primarily plant names— were assessed to be 31% from ancient Mesopotamian names, 23% from Greek names, 18% Persian, 13% Indian (often via Persian), 5% uniquely Arabic, and 3% Coptic (Egyptian), with the remaining 7% of unassessable origin.[152]

In the 1580s the Latin botanist Prospero Alpini stayed in Egypt for several years. He introduced to Latin botany from Arabic the names Abrus, Abelmoschus, Lablab, Melochia, naming plants that were unknown to Latin botanists before Alpini, plants native to Tropical Asia that were grown with artificial irrigation in Egypt at the time.[153]

In the early 1760s Peter Forskål systematically cataloged plants and fishes in the Red Sea region. For genera and species that did not already have Latin names, Forskål adopted the local Arabic names as the technical Latin taxonomic names. This became the international standard for most of what he cataloged. Forskål's Latinized Arabic plant genus names include  AervaToday's Aerva is a genus of low shrubs occurring in warm arid places. The two species Aerva Lanata and Aerva Tomentosa are frequent, and Aerva Javanica is synonymous with Aerva Tomentosa. Aerva = Ærva. Forskål in his year 1775 book on Book ''Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica'' by Petrus Forskålpage 171 and Book ''Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica'' by Petrus Forskålpage CXXII says the plant he is calling Ærva and ''Ærva Tomentosa'' is called in Arabic in Yemen إروا Ærua and را Ra. Transcription of إروا Ærua can also be done as Ærwa. The long 'u' or 'w' in the Arabic Ærua/Ærwa was converted by Forskål into the Latin 'v' in Latin Ærva. That conversion was done by numerous other people in and around the 18th century; e.g. you can see on current page the Latin lizard-name VARAN was from Arabic ورن waran. Forskål says the Ærva plant is a high-frequency occurrence in sandy soil in Yemen. The plantnames dictionary by Abu Hanifa Al-Dinawari (died c. 895) has this plant spelled راء Rāʾ and says the plant is useful for stuffing cushions Downloadable, ''Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion'', by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986, on page 246(ref). In today's Arabic, the name is also spelled الآرى al-ārā.at Wikipedia : Arnebia. Peter Forskal in his book ''Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica'' in year 1775 on page 63 says the plant he is calling Arnebia is called in Arabic شجرة الارنب ''shajarat al-arneb''.Arnebia, Cadaba, Ceruana, Maerua, Maesa, Oncoba, Themeda, and others, and he borrowed further other names as species names (e.g.  oerfotaToday's Acacia oerfota, a.k.a. Vachellia oerfota, a.k.a. Mimosa oerfota, is a species of Acacia tree that grows in Egypt and Yemen and nearby. Peter Forskål spells the name Örfota in Latin. Forskål explicitly declares he took the name from Arabic عرفطة ʿorfota | عرفط ʿorfot. The place where he declares it is section "Mimosa örfota" in Book's front cover says book's author is ''Petrus Forskål''.Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica on page 177, year 1775.).[154]

Additional miscellaneous botanical names with Arabic ancestry include Crataegus azarolusazarolus + Acerola cherryacerola and genus RetamaRetama [155]; argelSolenostemma argel & seyalAcacia seyal [156]; Alchemilla [157]; Abutilon, Alhagi, Argania, Averrhoa, Avicennia, bonducCaesalpinia bonduc,  fagaraIn the botanist Linnaeus (died 1778), Fagara was a synonym of the entire genus Zanthoxylum. Zanthoxylum is a genus of many species of Sichuan pepper seeds. Today, Zanthoxylum Fagara is a tree species whose native range is Mexico and nearby. Today's technical name ''fagara'' is a modern resurrection of medieval Latin fagara, which had been brought into medieval Latin in translation of medieval Arabic فاغرة fāghara | fāghira. The meaning of the Arabic fāghara was and is Zanthoxylum peppers, a.k.a. Szechwan pepper, a.k.a. Sichuan pepper. The Arabic book The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina (died 1037) has Arabic فاغرة fāghara | fāghira and it was translated as Latin fagara when this book was translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1087). The word is uncommon in old botany writers. Old writers that provide it with botanical description include : Arabic فاغرة fāghara in Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) and Latin fagara in Johann Bauhin (died 1613).,  lebbeckLebbeck was introduced into Latin from Arabic plantname لبخ labakh in mid-18th century. The introducer was Fredrik Hasselquist (died 1752), author of Travels in the Levant... containing Observations in Natural History. Hasselquist says "Mimosa Lebbeck" is a large Acacia-type tree species that he saw growing in gardens in Cairo city in Egypt, and he says "the Arabs call it Lebbeck". The botanist Carl Linnaeus (died 1778) carried Hasselquist's species name ''Lebbeck'' into Linnaeus's own botany book. Peter Forskål (died 1763) in his Latin botany book Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica, on page 177, says "Mimosa Lebbek" is grown in gardens in Cairo city and he says the Arabs call it "Lœbach" and on page CXXIII he says it is synonymous with Serisch Indis = "Indian siris". Today's tree named Albizia lebbeck is identical to trees named Mimosa lebbeck and Acacia lebbeck in the 18th-19th centuries. The tree will not grow in Egypt without artificial irrigation. [158]; Mesua is a botanical genus whose native range is restricted to Tropical Asia. The genus was unknown to Latin botany until about late 17th or early 18th century. The botany name is an 18th century creation. It was created in commemoration of the late 13th century Latin medicinal botany author ''Mesue'', pronounced ''me-su-eh'', whose name was a pseudonym (pseudepigraph) from medicinal botany author Ibn Masawayh ماسويه (died c. 857).Mesua. List incomplete.

Addendum for Names of Stars in Night Sky

The top 100 brightest stars are relatively well known among sky watchers. These stars have traditional names in English. The majority of the names are descended from medieval Arabic. They arrived in Latin in the late 12th and the 13th century. An example is the 5th brightest star in the night sky, called Definition at Dictionary.com : VegaVega in English and Latin, from Arabic واقع wāqaʿ. More fully this star's name was النسر الواقع‬‎ al-nasr al-wāqaʿ in medieval Arabic (the full name is in medieval Latin at least once spelled annaceralwakaLatin star name ''annaceralwaka'' (an-naser al-waqa) is in a short Latin treatise on the Astrolabe by Rudolf of Bruges, who lived mid 12th century in the Languedoc area. Rudolf was born in Germanic-speaking Bruges. His Germanic background helps explain why he used the letter W in annaceralwaka. Latin writers of Italy and France used the letter V. Rudolf's text is in a book chapter under the chapter title ''The Treatise on the Astrolabe by Rudolf of Bruges'' curated by Richard Lorch, year 1999.ref). The 7th brightest star, Definition at Dictionary.com : RigelRigel, is from Arabic رجل rijl and more fully this star's Arabic name was رجل الجوزاء rijl al-jawzāʾ. Definition at Dictionary.com : FomalhautFomalhaut, the 18th brightest star, is from Arabic فم الحوت fom al-hūt. During recent centuries in English many of the traditional star names have been getting slowly displaced by a more systematic naming convention involving other names. But this has really not been happening for the top 30 or so best-known, brightest stars. For example, Vega is now also known as Alpha Lyrae, Rigel is also known as Beta Orionis, and Fomalhaut is also known as α PsA, but Vega, Rigel and Fomalhaut remain by far the most commonly used names for these three stars.

AldebaranDefinition at Dictionary.com : Aldebaran, DenebDefinition at Dictionary.com : Deneb, Definition at Dictionary.com : AltairAltair, Definition at Dictionary.com : BetelgeuseBetelgeuse and Definition at Dictionary.com : AchernarAchernar are others among the top 20 brightest stars. Their name ancestry path is: medieval Arabic star names ➜ medieval Latin star names ➜ English star names. A full list is at at Wikipedia : List of English star-names of Arabic ancestryref and alternatively organized lists are at Article ''The pronunciations, derivations, and meanings of a selected list of star names'', by George A. Davis Jr., in journal ''Popular Astronomy'', Vol. 52 pages 8 - 30, year 1944ref and ''(Un)Common Star Names'', a list by David Harper and L.M. Stockman. This list is derived from seven sources. The seven sources are named at the bottom of the list.ref. Related info can be gleaned from descriptions of the sky's brightest stars at Online resource : THE 170 BRIGHTEST STARS, by astronomer Jim Kalerref. Further history on star-names can be gleaned from DEAD LINK. Book ''The Arabs and the Stars'' by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1989, having a relevant chapter titled ''The Star Catalogue Commonly Appended to the Alfonsine Tables'' and a chapter titled ''Star Catalogues and Star Tables in Mediaeval Oriental and European Astronomy''.ref and Article ''A Note on Star Names - Especially Arabic - and Their Literature'', by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1979, 3 pages, with literature references for further readingref.

In Arabic The Book of Fixed Stars of Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (died c. 986) has descriptions and drawings of the positions of the stars and quantifies their brightnesses. This book was well-circulated among astronomers in the medieval Arabic world. It is one of the best sources for the star-names in medieval Arabic. It was translated to Latin in the late 12th century and was moderately well-circulated in Latin – Al-Ṣūfī's ''Star Atlas'' aka ''Book of the Images of the Fixed Stars'' survives in medieval manuscripts in Arabic, and in Persian, and in Latin. The linked page has a list of the medieval manuscripts. List compiled by Robert Harry van Gent. Van Gent says Al-Ṣūfī's Arabic was ''translated into Latin by an unknown scribe for William II of Sicily (1155-1189)'' and its earliest surviving Latin manuscript is dated ''c. 1270'' as manuscript.ref-1, Digitized Latin manuscript : Ms-1036 ''Sufi latinus''. Physical manuscript dated 1250-1275. This manuscript is al-Sufi's star book in Latin; and in addition its first seventy pages have many high-quality drawings & paintings that function as mnemonics for star constellations.ref-2. Al-Sufi's book was published in Arabic-to-French translation in year 1874 and this publication gives all of al-Sufi's star-names in Arabic and also gives some selected other portions in Arabic – Book ''Description des étoiles fixes par Abd-al-Rahman al-Sûfi'', translation to French by Schjellerup, year 1874. It has a page index for the Arabic star-names starting on print page 259, which is PDF page 268. The Table of Contents is at back of book.ref.

Addendum for Middle Eastern Cuisine Words

Part of the vocabulary of Middle Eastern cuisine is from Turkish, not Arabic. The following words are from Arabic, although some of them have entered the Western European languages via Turkish. Baba ghanoush, Couscous, Falafel, Fattoush, Halva, Hummus, Kibbeh, Kebab, Moussaka on moussaka [159], Shawarma, Tabouli | Tabbouleh, Tahini, Za'atar ... and some cuisine words of lesser circulation include Ful medames, Kabsa, Kushari, Labneh, Lahmacun, Mahlab, Mulukhiyah, Ma'amoul, Mansaf, Shanklish, at Wikipedia : Tepsi Baytinijan. It is spelled Tabsi Betinjan in ''A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine'', by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2003. It is a baked aubergine recipe which is comparable to moussaka.Tabsi Betinjan.... "Kebab" became common in the USA mainstream in the 1950s, helped by an increase in outdoor grilling. Apart from that, Middle Eastern cuisine words were uncommon and rare in English before 1970, being confined for the most part to travellers' reports. The same was true in all Western European languages, except for a longstanding Spanish alcuzcuz = "couscous" and 19th century French couscous. In the early 1970s the usage increased rapidly for some of the words.

Addendum for Arabic Music Words

Some Arabic words used in English in talking about Arabic music: Ataba, Baladi, Dabke, Darbouka, Khaleeji, Maqam, Mawal, Mizmar, Oud, Qanun, Raï, Raqs sharqi, Takht, Taqsim.

Addendum for Textile Words

The textile industry was the largest manufacturing industry in the Arabic-speaking lands in the medieval and early modern centuries. The list above included the six fabric names Cotton, Damask, Macrame, Mohair, Morocco, and Muslin, and the three textile dye names Anil, Crimson/Kermes, and Safflower, and the two garment names Jumper and Sash. The following are two near-obsolete textile fabric names not listed earlier.

In addition to the above, several now fully obsolete textile names were transferred during the medieval centuries from Arabic into Latinate and then from Latinate into English -- details omitted. The following are seven English textile names still in use today, whose ancestries are not established and not adequately in evidence, except it is established that six of the seven have medieval start dates in the Western European languages and the seventh started in the 16th century. An Arabic source may be one of the possibilities for each:
buckramDefinition at Dictionary.com : buckram, Definition at Dictionary.com : chiffonchiffon, Definition at Dictionary.com : gaberdinegaberdine, Definition at Dictionary.com : gauzegauze, Definition at Dictionary.com : satinsatin, Definition at Dictionary.com : taffetataffeta, Definition at Dictionary.com : waddingwadding.

English cordovan is a type of leather. The word cordovan does not have Arabic ancestry.[161].

FusticDefinition at Dictionary.com : fustic is a near-obsolete textile dye whose word-history in European languages begins in Languedoc and Catalonia in the 13th century. It is often asserted that it came from an Arabic word, but the assertion is surely wrong.[163] A dye word that conceivably might have come from Arabic is Definition at Dictionary.com : Alizarinalizarin, a foreign-looking word whose rootword is uncertain and whose first appearance in Western European languages is in the late 18th century.[164].


Words some people claim are from Arabic, but the evidence is deficient and defective

almanac, antimony, azure, bazaar, borage, caliber, carafe, carrack (ship), cork, drub, fanfare, garbage, gauze, genetta, guitar, hazard, lilac, macabre, mask, massage, racquet, risk, scarlet, soda, tartar, tobacco, traffic, zircon/zirconium, tuna (fish), albacore (fish).

Probably a few of the 30 words in this section are of Arabic ancestry. Most of them are probably not, or definitely not. More than a few are clearly not from Arabic. For most of them, a convincing root in a European language was missing, and so researchers turned to the possibility of an Arabic source for the word. And a specific Arabic source was proposed for the word. And this Arabic-source proposal is nowadays reported by many English dictionaries with a greater or lesser degree of confidence. But the evidence for the Arabic source is poor, defective and unconvincing. The 30 words also include cases where, in addition to lousy evidence from Arabic, a good non-Arabic-source proposal exists -- including the cases borage, caliber, cork, guitar, lilac, scarlet, tartar, tuna, and zircon (the good non-Arabic propositions for those words are in the footnotes below).

1 almanac
This word's earliest securely dated records in Europe are in Latin in the 1260s. A tiny number of possibly earlier records exist but come with insecure dates. In its early records in Latin it was spelled almanach and it meant a set of tables detailing movements of astronomical bodies for multiple upcoming years. Namely the movements of the five then-known planets and the Moon and the Sun. A lot of medieval Arabic writings on astronomy exist, and they do not use a word that can be matched to the Latin almanac. In medieval Arabic, the astronomy motion tables were called al-zīj | al-taqwīm | al-jadāwil. The 19th-century Arabic-word-origin experts Engelmann & Dozy said about almanac: "To have the right to argue that it is of Arabic origin, one must first find a candidate word in Arabic" and they found none.[4] There is a medieval Arabic المناخ al-munākh, which would be a good fit phonetically, but it has no semantic connection to the Latin almanac. The origin of the Latin remains obscure.[165]
2 antimony
This word occurs earliest in Constantinus Africanus (died circa 1087), who was a translator of Arabic medical books into Latin. His translations were widely circulated in Latin. His spelling was antimonium and he has the word in three separate translations. The Constantinus-influenced Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160) spelled it antimonium as well Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius. The link goes to images of a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. Manuscript owned by Mertz Library. ''Antimonium'' is on the bottom righthand side on page 19-20, which is image number 11. Platearius has a page about antimonium powder used in medicine.(ref). The meaning in medieval Latin was antimony sulfide and closely similar rocks (such as lead sulfide). Antimony sulfide was well-known to the medieval Arabs under the names إثمد ithmid and كحل kohl and it was well-known to the ancient & medieval Latins under the names stibium | stibi | stimmi. The Arabic-to-Latin translator Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187) used the Latin antimonium to translate the Arabic ithmid (In Latin : Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated from Arabic by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), edition annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died 1521). Paragraph for ''antimonium'' in Book II.ref, In Arabic : Ibn Sina's ''Canon of Medicine''. Search it for إثمدref). The medieval Latin name antimonium is of obscure origin. In the western European languages other than Latin, in the late medieval period, antimony is a "bookish" name arriving from the medieval Latin. It is found primarily in medicines books. Secondarily it is found in minerals books. Conceivably the Latin might have come from something in Arabic, but no precedent in Arabic has been found.[166]
3 azure (color), lazurite (mineral), azurite (mineral), lazulite (mineral)
These names are ultimately from an Iranian name connected to a large deposit of azure-blue rock in northeastern Afghanistan. Northeastern Afghanistan was the chief and maybe the only source-place for the most-desired type of azure-blue rock in the medieval era — the type called Lazurite today. The medieval name was also in use for other types of azure-blue rocks — especially the type called Azurite today. Medievally the rocks were usually crushed to a powder for use as a blue colorant in paints and inks (and less often were used as polished stone). From the powdered rocks used as paint colorants, "lazure | azure" was a color-name in many medieval languages. From the Iranian name, medieval Arabic had لازورد lāzward | lāzūard meaning particularly Lazurite and sometimes meaning the other rocks with a similar azure color.[181] Late-ancient and early-medieval Greek had the synonymous lazourion. This has a handful of records in Greek in the 4th-7th centuries AD.[182] The records in Latin start in the early 9th century as Latin lazurin, lazuri and lazur.[182] Later medieval Latin had wordforms lazurium, azurium, azurum, etc, synonymous with the Greek and Arabic. The period 4th-7th centuries was before the spread of the Arabic language with the onset of Islam. The territory of the Byzantine Empire in the 4th-7th centuries included the bulk of today's Turkey. There are good grounds to take it as true and correct that the 4th-7th centuries Greek word lazourion | lazour_, meaning Lazurite, went into Greek by an overland route from the Persian empire to the Greek empire, and did not go into Greek overland through Arabic-speaking territory. If the Lazurite product also arrived in Mediterranean Europe by transport across the Indian Ocean and up the Red Sea in the 4th-7th centuries, this route would not necessarily involve Arabic intermediation either. The numerous attestations of the Greek lazour_ in the 4th-9th centuries demonstrate that Lazurite was an item in Mediterranean commerce in the 4th-9th centuries. There are good grounds for judging that the Greek lazourion | lazour_ was the parent of the 9th-century Latin lazurin | lazuri | lazur. This means that the Latin word did not come directly nor indirectly from the Arabic lāzward.[182]
4 bazaar
This word is in nearly all European languages today. In Europe before 1800 it was mostly confined to traveller's reports from various Eastern lands and it was taken afresh from various Eastern languages at various times. It is ultimately from Persian bāzār = "bazaar". It is in late medieval Italian and Italian-Latin as Lexicon : ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, quotes medieval Latin ''bazale'', ''bazalium'', ''bazarium'', on pages 137-138, in Genoese authors. The meaning of a bazal__ is a bazaar.bazarium | bazale | bazar @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. Quotes the word in travel writer Lionardo Frescobaldi (died c. 1409), who was talking about a bazaar in Cairo city.bazar | Book, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated around year 1340. Pegolotti was a Florentine Italian. He says a market is called a ''bazarra'' by the Genoese Italians.bazarra | Giosafat Barbaro travelled in Iran in the 1470s and wrote a travel narrative. His wordforms are bazaro, bazari, bazarri in original Italian text. Downloadable in PDF format. Another Italian edition is titled ''Viaggio di Iosafa Barbaro alla Tana e nella Persia''.bazaro | ''Viaggio di Ambrosio Contarini'' is a narrative by Ambrogio Contarini describing his visit to Iran in 1474-1476. It has bazzarro & bazzarri & bazarro & bazarri. Text is in Ramusio's collection ''Navigazioni e Viaggi'' volume 2 year 1559, starting on page 112+1. An English translation is at archive.org/details/travelstotanaper00barbrich (year 1873) and uses English word bazaar.bazzarro = "bazaar". Medieval Italian-Latin has additionally a few instances of Downloadable book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001. ''Ligure'' is Liguria Province, whose main city is Genoa. The book has separate vocabularies for medieval Latin and medieval Italian. ''Bazariot_'' is in the two of them.bazarioto | bazariotus = "person who works in a bazaar". There is also French Article, ''Les emprunts arabes et grecs dans le lexique français d’Orient (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)'', by Laura Minervini, year 2012, on page 109, quotes French ''basar de Famaguste'', meaning a bazaar in Famagusta city in Cyprus, dated 1362 at Cyprus in appendage to ''Assises de Jérusalem''.basar (year 1362) , Book ''Le Voyage d'Outremer'' by Bertrandon de la Bro(c)quière is about the author's travels in Levant in 1432-1433. He has ''bathzar'' for bazaar on pages 60, 77, 131 & 135 of year 1892 edition. On page 77 the ''bathzar'' is at ''Hamant'' meaning Hama city in Syria. On page 134 he is at Bursa city in Turkey and spelling is ''bathsar''.bathzar (year 1432-1457) = "bazaar". Those medieval records involve the Eastern Mediterranean lands, and do not involve contact with Iranian-speaking lands excepting two Italian travellers in Iran in the 1470s which are later than the other records. The word is in medieval Arabic as بازار bāzār = "bazaar" although not with high frequency. Medieval Arabic البحث عن البازار @ AlWaraq.netexamples and البحث عن بازار @ AlWaraq.netmore examples. In French in the 16th & 17th centuries the word is in various travelers talking about bazaars in overseas cities, being Arabic-speaking cities as often as not – bazar @ ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'', book by Raymond Arveiller, year 1999, on pages 52-53ref. The word occurs in Italian in 16th-century travel narratives including Ramusio's voyages collection ''Navigazioni e Viaggi'' Volume 2, year 1559, on pages 66-78 prints a text by GM Angiolello (died 1525) and on pages 78-91 it prints a text by an unnamed Italian merchant composed around year 1513. These two texts are by Italian writers traveling in Iran and they mention bazzarri, bazzari, bazzariotti, bazzarro, bazarro, meaning bazaars. The two texts are in English translation year 1873 @ archive.org/details/narrativeofitali00greyrich ref and Bazarro & bazarri are in the book ''Viaggio di m. Cesare de i Fedrici, nell'India orientale'', year 1587. The author Fedrici -- aka Federici -- travelled in the oriental Indies in 1560s and 1570s. His travel book was first published in 1587.ref. A German traveler in Syria & Iraq in 1573-1575 has about 25 instances in German for Batzar = "bazaar" and one of his instances is that in Aleppo city "they have a great shoping center called Batzar by the inhabitants" – Book, ''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer'', by Leonhart Rauwolf, year 1582. Page 98 has ''ein grosses Kauffhauß , BATZAR von innwohnern genennet''.ref-1, Leonhart Rauwolf's travel book is in English translation in ''A Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages. Volume II. Containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolf's Journey into the Eastern Countries...'', Collection compiled by John Ray, year 1693, republished 1738. Search book for Batzar, including page 65.ref-2. A decent argument can be made that today's European word was borrowed late medievally from Arabic, starting in Italian, and that, despite later borrowings afresh, today's European word is in unbroken continuity with the late medieval start.
5 borage (plant), Boraginaceae (botanical family)
Borage is a native plant in the Mediterranean area. It was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans under another name. The name borage starts in medieval Latin as bor(r)ago | bor(r)agine and it is first seen in Constantinus Africanus, who was an 11th-century Latin medical writer and translator who grew up in Africa (Tunisia), he was fluent in Arabic, and all his writings were derived and translated from Arabic medical sources. Many of today's etymology dictionaries suppose the name to be from Arabic and report the proposition that Constantinus took it from أبو عرق abū ʿaraq = "sweat inducer", pronounced like "buʿaraq | buʿarag" in oral Arabic. But in medieval Arabic no such name is on record for borage, and Constantinus makes no mention of sweat in connection with borage, and moreover a good and convincing non-Arabic origin proposition exists for borrago.[167]
6 caliber, calipers, calibrate
Excluding an isolated and semantically unclear record in northern France in 1478, the early records are in French in the early and mid 16th century spelled calibre and equally often spelled qualibre, with two concurrent meanings: (1) "the interior diameter of a gun-barrel" and (2) "the quality, character, or degree of anything". A popular old idea is that the French word was borrowed from Arabic قالب qālib = "physical model, mold, template". But that idea comes with no evidence and it has no background historical context to support it. It is far more likely that the word was formed in French from medieval Latin qua libra = "what balance, what weight".[168]
7 carafe
It is acceptable enough to say that records for the word carafe in the European languages begin in the 14th & 15th century in Sicily in the wordform carraba, meaning a glass carafe, a glass vase for holding wine. Records in the wordform carrafa begin in southern Italy in the last 3rd of the 15th century.[169] Northern Italian records begin in the early 16th century, with their wordform being caraffa = "carafe". Mid 16th century Spanish garrafa = "carafe" was from the Italian word.[169] Throughout the first few centuries of the records in Italy, the carafe was usually made of glass. The most popular source hypothesis for the Italian word is based upon the medieval Arabic rootword غرف gharaf = "to scoop up a liquid, especially water", which produced medieval Arabic غرفة gharfa = "large spoon or ladle to scoop water" and medieval Arabic غروف gharūf | غريفة gharīfa = "large bucket for water". Those are a little off-target semantically and may be without specifically supporting transfer context for transfer into Italian. The Arabic gharaf = "to scoop water" was a rootword with an ability to generate further derivative words. It is possible that one of its derivatives was transferred locally in Arabic-ruled Sicily (10th & 11th century) and thereafter the semantics evolved somehow in Latin-ruled Sicily & southern Italy. Some of today's Arabic dictionaries have غرّافة gharrāfa = "carafe", but this is only found in relatively recent Arabic, so it is a borrowing from Europe.[170]
8 carrack
Carrack is an old type of large sailing ship. It was always a cargo transport ship. It normally had armaments to defend itself against hostile foreigners at sea but was not a warship in the strict sense. Its earliest European records are in the century from 1150 to 1250 at Genoa & Liguria in Latin spelled carraca | caraca (Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, quotations for Latin ''carraca | caraca'' on page 222. Abbreviations are defined on pages 25-48.examples in years 1157, 1213, 1225, 1238). Genoa & Liguria was one of the Mediterranean's biggest ship-building places in that century and the following century Article, ''Les chantiers navals en Ligurie du Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne (xii- xvi siècles)'', by Furio Ciciliot, year 2012, in journal ''Cahiers de la Méditerranée'' volume 84 pages 259-271. Article is based on 230-page monograph, ''Le superbe navi. Cantieri e tipologie navali liguri medievali'', by Furio Ciciliot, year 2005 in volume XLI of ''Atti e Memorie della Società Savonese di Storia Patria''.(ref). The Genoa & Liguria word went into Spanish in the late 13th century as carraca (search for ''carraca'' @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español. First record is dated between 1270 and 1284.ref , carraca @ ''Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española''. Says the carrack sailing ship originated among the Italians. Also says the source of the name is uncertain; i.e. the source of the Italian name is uncertain.ref). In England, where the start is late 14th century in Latin and English, the carracks in numerous early records are big merchant ships that sail to English ports from the Mediterranean Sea and are under the management of Genoa merchants (carik | carek | carak @ Middle English Dictionary. The quotations include year 1383 in Latin: ''a certain big ship, called CARRAK of Genoa''.ref, carraca @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013. It quotes : year 1386 carricis, 1388 carraka, 1405 caracas, c.1416 karricarum, 1418 carrakarum. In the quotations, the British Latin proper name ''Janu__'' means Genoa. The dictionary's sources are identified by abbreviations which are defined at www.dmlbs.ox.ac.uk/web/dmlbs%20bibliography.html ref). There is a good possibility that the Italian-Latin word was derived from early medieval Latin The verb ''carricare'' @ Niermeyer's Lexicon of Medieval Latin, year 1976 on page 147. Niermeyer's lexicon also has entries on nearby pages for the nouns: carricatio = carrarius = ''cartage''; carricamentum = carricatura = carricatus = carragium = ''cartage service''; and carrata = ''cart-load''.carricare | ''carrigare'' in Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latin. See also ''#1. carricare'', ''#2. carricare'', ''caricatum'', ''caricatorium'', ''carica'', ''caraca'', and ''carraca'' in Du Cange's glossary.car(r)igare = "to carry, to transport", which came from classical Latin carrus = "a cart" plus the Latin verb ending at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -icare, a Latin suffix‑icare which incorporates the Latin suffix at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -icus, a Latin suffix‑ic_. Classical and early medieval Latin was clearly and uncontestedly the parent of medieval Italian Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001. Has 12th century Italian-Latin ''carrica'' in Part 1 on page 228 (abbreviations defined on pages 25-48).carrica | carica #1 @ TLIOcarica | carico #2 @ TLIOcarico = "a cargo, a load"; carico #1 @ TLIOnave di carico = "cargo ship"; caricato @ TLIOnave caricata = "cargo ship"; caricare @ TLIOcar(r)icare = "to load a vehicle, to place a burden on anything"; carrata @ TLIOcarrata = "cargo"; carratura @ TLIOcarratura = "carting"; carroccio @ TLIOcarroccio | carrozza @ TLIOcarroz(z)a | carriaggio @ TLIOcarriaggio | carreggio @ TLIOcarreggio (having suffix at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -aggio, a suffix in Italian‑aggio) = "carriage". Native words for cargo and cargo-bearing can plausibly generate a word for cargo ship. The 2nd letter 'a' in carraca = "cargo ship" is slightly irregular if derived from the above native Italian and Latin. Only slightly. The following Italian wordforms are in late medieval Italian and are standard in modern Italian: Italian tonaca = classical Latin tunica = English "tunic"; Italian cronaca = classical Latin chronica = English "chronicle"; Italian indaco = classical Latin Indicum dye = English "indigo"; Italian sindaco = late classical Latin syndicus = English "syndic" (whence "syndicate"). Thus it is phonetically okay to take the Italian car(r)aca from the Italian noun car(r)ica and the Italian verb car(r)icare. However, the more popular belief is car(r)aca was somehow taken from Arabic. The most popular speculation is car(r)aca came from Arabic قراقير qarāqīr which was the grammatical plural of Arabic القرقور qurqūr = "cargo ship". An alternative speculation is car(r)aca was from Arabic حرّاقة harrāqa = "kind of warship", but the evidence for it is very poor Book, ''Classic Ships of Islam: From Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean'', by Dionisius Agius, year 2008. Discusses the meaning of medieval Arabic ḥarrāqa on pages 299-301 and pages 343-347. Semantically, as a seagoing vessel, ḥarrāqa was bigly different from carraca. On page 346-347 the author says he has not met evidence to support the speculated etymological connection between ḥarrāqa and carraca.(ref). I have found nobody with an evidentiary basis or good historical reason for preferring any Arabic source whatsoever here, except for the merely negative reason that carraca does not have a definite source in the native Italian and Italian-Latin words cited above. By the way, a type of old sailing ship with possible Arabic word-origin is Definition at Dictionary.com : XebecXebec, another is Definition at Dictionary.com : FeluccaFelucca, and another is Definition at Dictionary.com : DhowDhow, but the histories of those words has no bearing on the historical context surrounding carraca.
9 cork
The earliest known records in England are 1303 as "cork" and 1342 as "cork", each meaning bulk cork bark imported from Iberia – cork @ Middle English Dictionaryref. The ancient Romans used cork and called it, among other names, cortex (literally: "bark"). From that Latin, medieval and modern Spanish has corcho = "cork". Corcho definitely did not come from Arabic.[171] Corcho is the most likely source for the English word. Many English dictionaries claim on the contrary that the English word came from Spanish alcorques = "slipper shoes made of cork" and they claim the Spanish alcorques is surely from Arabic because of its "al-". But this Spanish "al-" word cannot be found in writing in any medieval Arabic author with a clear and reliable meaning of "cork shoes" or "cork". Evidence in Spanish supports the contrary argument that the "al-" in alcorques was solely Spanish, and that the corque part of the Spanish word descended from classical Latin without Arabic intermediation.[171]
10 drub, drubbing
Drub is not in European languages other than English. There is good likelihood that the English verb "drub" and the noun "drubbing" came from the Arabic verb & noun ضرب @ E.W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, year 1874, in Volume 5 on pages 1777-1782, discusses verb ḌARB and then noun ḌARB. For noun ضَرْبٌ ḌARB it says the plural is ضُرُوبٌ ḌURŪB and where it says it is at the top of column 3 on page 1781. The linked html page is for downloading the eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon. An alternative way to access Lane's Lexicon is: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/ضرب/?book=50 ضرب ḍarb = "whack, hit" and the Arabic noun plural ضرب ḍarb @ ''Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic'' by Hans Wehr, year 1976. It says : ḍarb has meaning ''beating, striking, hitting'' and for this meaning the plural of ḍarb is ḍurūb.ضروب ḍurūb = "whackings, hittings". volume for words beginning with letter D, year 1897A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles says about English drub: Appears first after 1600; all the early instances, before 1663, are from travellers in the Orient [i.e. the Middle East], and refer to the Bastinado was a legal punishment in which the soles of a person's feet were heavily whacked with a wooden stick. It was imposed for misdemeanor crimes in the Ottoman-ruled Middle East. bastinado. Hence, in the absence of any other tenable suggestion, it may be conjectured to represent Arabic ضرب ḍaraba (also pronounced ḍuruba), to beat, to bastinado, and the verbal noun ḍarb (also pronounced ḍurb). You can see at At the link, the search for drub has been restricted to books before 1681. You can see drub in many more books between 1680 and 1700 at same website. You can see that the word was fashionable in England in the 1680s and 1690s.Early English Books Online that 17th-century English "drubbed" & "drubbing(s)" is primarily in travel writers in the Middle East. In the earliest case where the writer was not in the Middle East, the writer says the American Indians in New England are so able to tolerate pain that "a Turkish drubbing would not much molest them" Book ''New Englands prospect'' by William Wood, year 1634, online at ''Early English Books Online''(year 1634). A travel book in English in 1677 says bastinado... on the soles of their feet... is the punishment which is properly call'd Drubbing Book ''The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier... through Turky, into Persia and the East-Indies'', year 1677. It is a translation of year 1676 French ''Les six voyages'' by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier. In the French text, the only term used is ''coups de baton''. The English translator puts it fourteen times as ''bastinado'' and eleven times as ''drub__''.(ref). A dictionary in English in 1706 has the definition: DRUB, to beat the Soles of the Feet with a Stick, a Punishment used in Turkey : Also simply, to cudgel or bang one soundly.Edward Phillips' late-17th-century English dictionary was greatly expanded by John Kersey in year 1706. Kersey added the word ''drub'' to the dictionary's 1706 edition.ref. The English word looks to be from Arabic ضروب ḍurūb. Yet there is still a residual insecurity that the English could have somehow been a survival from drepen @ ''Middle English Dictionary'', year 2001. Gives quotations for the past-tense wordforms drop_ & drap_, as well as for drep_.Late Medieval English drepen (having a past-tense drop_) from drepan @ Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by Bosworth & Toller, year 1921Early Medieval English drepan "to hit, to strike, to kill".
11 fanfare
English fanfare is from French fanfare. Earliest known in French is year 1542. Around then in the Western European languages the word for "trumpeting" carried the meaning "boastful" as well as meaning "playing the musical trumpet wind instrument". One of fanfare's first records in French is year 1548 The roaring of a bull would serve in lieu of a trumpet for incanting the fanfare of his victory Novel ''L'histoire Aethiopique'' by Heliodorus, translated Greek-to-French by translator Jacques Amyot, first published in year 1548, republished 1549. Says: ''chanter la fanfare de sa victoire''.(ref). Another early French instance is un fanfare hautain = "a haughty fanfare" (''La Tragedie d'Agamemnon, avec deus livres de chants'', by Charles Toutain, year 15571557). The French fanfare was almost certainly from Spanish fanfarrón (earliest known in Spanish 1517), meaning bluster, a person grandstanding, a talker who is full of bravado. Spanish fanfarrón and its plural fanfarrones (earliest known 1532) has many records in 16th century Spanish, and it is also in 16th century Spanish in the lesser-used wordform panfarrón (earliest known 1514) – Search for fanfarr?n* (with asterisk) @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). Search separately for panfarr?n*. The search for ?anfarr?n* finds both fanfarr?n* and panfarr?n*.ref: CORDE. Spanish fanfarria (earliest known 1577 – Book ''El pelegrino curioso y grandezas de España'', by Bartholomé de Villalba, was completed in year 1577. It was published in year 1886 in two volumes. Each volume has substring FANFARR__, and Volume 2 has fanfarrias.ref) was "ostentation" & "boastfulness" & "fanfare" in its early records, and its records are plentiful in the period from 1577 to 1650 – Search for fanfarria at Books.Google.com with the search restricted to books printed before year 1650. The Spanish dictionaries of the period 1599-1649 also have the verb fanfarrear | fanfarriar = ''to make a fanfare''.ref. 16th & 17th century Spanish writings also had farfante (earliest year 1545 at CORDE); farfante was semantically near fanfarrón and probably came out of the same rootword. Meanwhile, the French fanfaronnade (earliest known 1598 – fanfaronnade @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref) and the French fanfaron (earliest known 1609 – fanfaron @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref) were certainly from Spanish fanfarrón. Cotgrave's French dictionary in year 1611 defined the French fanfare and the French fanfaronnades as synonymous with each other. Cotgrave defined it as trumpeting and "bragging acclamation" Headwords FANFARE and FANFARER and FANFARONNADES in Randle Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary, year 1611(ref). Today's English has a rarely-used fanfaronade, defined in English dictionaries the same as the early-16th-century Spanish fanfarrón. The rootword of the Spanish word is undetermined and inconclusive. A source in the Arabic of medieval Iberia is one possibility. An Arabic candidate is: فرفار farfār | فرفرة farfara, which is in the medieval Arabic dictionaries with meanings including "talkative", "shouting", "frivolity".[172]
12 garbage
This English word is not found in bygone centuries in French or other languages. The early meaning in English was the low-grade yet consumable parts of poultry such as the birds' heads, necks and gizzards, and the earliest known in English is 1422, and its earliest spelling is "garbage".[173] During the 16th-17th centuries the meaning evolved to the non-consumable entrails parts of butchered animals. Some nouns formed by suffixing '-age' to verbs in late medieval English and not found in French: cartage (1305), leakage (1444 lecage), steerage (1399 sterage), stoppage (1465), towage (1327).[173] Garbage possibly may have been formed from English verb garble = "to sift". The earliest known for garble in England is 1393.[173] Garble came to English through the Romance languages from Arabic gharbal = "to sift".[66] The wordforms "garbellage" and "garblage" meaning the garbage or inferior material removed by sifting, are recorded spottily in English from the 14th through 18th centuries and those are clearly from garble. The proposed idea is that garbage, meaning the low-grade parts of poultry, was formed from garble meaning "to sift". The idea has phonetic and semantic shortcomings. It gets an airing because there is not a better idea available for garbage.[67]
13 gauze
English "gauze" is from French gaze, pronounced ga:z | gazz in French. The earliest known French is 1461 as a man's robe made of gaze. French dictionaries in 1573, 1607 and 1611 defined gaze as transparent fabric used as a foundation for making embroidery pieces. The dictionary in 1611 also said gaze also means transparent lightweight silk fabric. 13th century Latin has two instances of gasu | gazzatum meaning some sort of luxury garment fabric, a rare word in medieval Latin, probably some sort of silk. It is possible that the 15th century French word is fully independent of the 13th century Latin word. The source of the French word is obscure. Arabic words for silks are speculated as the source for the French word. More than one Arabic candidate has been proposed without adequate evidence. All propositions suffer from thin documentation in French for the first 100+ years of the word's use in French, and secondly they suffer from not having a close fit to the particular semantics of the French word.[174]
14 genet | genetta (nocturnal mammal)
Genet pelts were used medievally to make an edge-band of fur on woolen coats, and less often to make complete fur coats. The word is in 13th-century Catalan (Book, ''La Terminologia Tèxtil a la Documentació Llatina de la Catalunya Altomedieval'', by Laura Trias Ferri, year 2012, on page 418, ''yaneta'' and ''janetes''ref, geneta @ Diccionari.cat says year 1284 is earliest known in Catalanref), 13th-century French genete @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français''(ref) and 13th-century English genet #1 @ Middle English Dictionary(ref). There is no known generator word in Latin. Hence Arabic is a possibility, but there is no known generator word in medieval Arabic writings either. A 19th-century oral dialectical Maghrebi Arabic جرنيط jarnait = "genet" is on record ''Journal Asiatique'', 4th series volume XII, year 1849, volume I (of 2 volumes for 1849), article starting on page 537, in which Professor Cherbonneau reports a set of words found in use in vernacular North African Arabic. ''Jarnait'' on page 541.(ref) but the absence of a record for this in Arabic in any earlier century must disqualify it from being the parent of the European word (and the Maghrebi jarnait has not been connected to a meaningful root-word in Arabic or Berber, so it is liable to be from the European word).
15 guitar
Guitar is ultimately from ancient Greek kithara, which was a plectrum-plucked string musical instrument, described in ancient Greek as akin to a large lyre. Directly from the ancient Greek, there was cithara in ancient Latin. Guitar-type instruments are viewable on ancient Roman artworks (at Wikipedia : Pandura. Pandoura was an ancient Greek name for a guitar-type string instrument. The link has photographs from ancient Greek and ancient Roman artwork. The Romans did not use the Greek name pandoura.photo examples). The ancient Latin cithara meant a plucked musical instrument, including guitar-type instrument (Lewis & Short's Latin-to-English dictionary, year 1879, defines Latin ''cithara'' as English ''cithara, cithern, guitar, or lute'' (guitar and lute meant in the broad sense)ref, Search for stem string ''cithar__'' in the Classical Latin texts at Latin.PackHum.org. These texts have 163 instances of ''cithar__'' meaning cithara or meaning the musician who plays cithara. In these texts the cithara clearly means a string instrument played with a plectrum. But there is a lack of description of instrument design. More than one instrument design is probable.ref,  refAccording to one ancient Greek text, a cithara was akin to a lyre (lyra) but bigger, and more difficult to play than a lyre, and the people who played it had more practice. Learning to use the fingerboard on a guitar takes longer than learning to use a lyre. The text saying the cithara demanded more practice than the lyre may have been talking about a guitar-type instrument. There is a lack of detailed description of the cithara in ancient texts. Some interpretation is necessary, and multiple instrument designs are probable. Ancient Latin cithara has been interpreted by numerous people as “an instrument somewhat like a guitar”. One of the grounds for agreeing with them is that we can see guitar-type instruments depicted in ancient Latin artworks and we cannot see another candidate name for these instruments in ancient Latin texts. In the Latin texts, the cithara occurs frequently enough that it could not mean guitar-type exclusively; it probably encompassed all instruments that were plucked with a plectrum and were more elaborate than the lyre. ). Directly from the ancient Latin, cithara was in medieval Latin and Latinate languages meaning a guitar, and also meaning any plucked string instrument. As a specific example, a 9th-century Latin manuscript has colorful paintings of guitars on ten different pages and it has the word cythara in the adjacent text on eight of the pages (Stuttgarter Psalter pages 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' Latin manuscript at folio 108r (equals page 221) has colored painting of man playing guitar. The text immediately over the painting says ''cum cantico in cythara'' = ''with song on cithara''.108r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 125r (equals page 257) has colored painting of man playing guitar. The text immediately above the painting says ''exsurge psalterium & cythara'' = ''rise up psalterium and cithara''.125r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 83r (equals page 171) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text three lines above the painting says ''psallam tibi in cythara'' = ''I play the psalms for you on the cithara''.83r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 112r (equals page 231) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text four lines above the painting says ''psallite dño in cythara'' = ''psallite domino in cithara'' = ''play psalms for the lord [God] on cithara''.112r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 163v (equals page 334) has colored painting of man playing guitar, at the bottom of the page. Text following at the top of the next page (164r) says ''laudate eum in psalterio & cythara'' = ''praise him on psalterium and cithara''.163v-164r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 55r (equals page 113) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text three lines above the painting says ''Confitebor tibi in cythara'' = ''I will acknowledge you [God] on cythara''.55r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 69r (equals page 141) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text three lines below the painting says ''exsurge psalterium & cithara'' = ''rise up psalterium and cithara''.69r, Stuttgarter Psalter at folio 161r (equals page 329) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text four lines below the painting has ''incythara'' = ''on cithara''. In this 9th-century manuscript, paintings of guitars are on folios numbered 55r, 69r, 83r, 97v, 108r, 112r, 125r, 155v, 161r, 163v.161r). As another specific example, a 10th-century Latin manuscript has a colorful painting in which 14 people are playing guitars and the word citharas is written at the center of the painting (''Morgan Beatus'' is an illustrated Latin manuscript dated mid 10th century. The manuscript at folio 174v has a painting of people playing guitars. The manuscript is kept at Pierpont Morgan Library with archive number MS 644. More info at Pierpont Morgan Library at:
Morgan Beatus page 174v
). Medieval Latin cithara | cythara was pronounced SITARA. The word guitar starts as French quitarre (first record circa 1275), French guiterne (circa 1280), French kitaire (circa 1285), Italian chitarre (circa 1300; pronounced KI-TAR-RE), Italian chitarra (circa 1305), and Spanish guitarra (1330-1343) [175], each meaning a guitar-type instrument, where "guitar-type" is not defined with high resolution. The wordforms whose spellings begin qui- | ki- | chi- | gui- are treatable as one word, because a change from sound /k/ to sound /g/ happened easily and often in medieval Latinate languages. But change from beginning ci- to any of qui- | ki- | chi- | gui- has very few or no parallels within the Latinate languages around that time; i.e., a change from sound /s/ to sound /k/ or /g/ would be irregular and abnormal at the begining of a word. Therefore in likelihood, the wordform with the /k/ or /g/ that arrives in the Latinate records in the late 13th century was introduced from an external source, and unlikely to have evolved out of the pre-existing Latinate cithara. A minority of dictionaries say, and they are probably correct, there was an external source and it was the medieval Greek kithára = "plucked string musical instrument", which is a very common word in medieval Greek. Kithara has thousands of records in medieval Greek. A majority of dictionaries erroneously say the source was an Arabic قيتارة qītāra | كيثرة kaīthara = "plucked string musical instrument". An Arabic word of around the form qītāra | kaīthār occurs about ten times in medieval Arabic records, and in the places where it occurs it names an instrument used by the medieval Greeks and the Greek Christian Arabs and some other Christian Arabs. It has no known medieval record where it is used by non-Christian Arabs.[176]
16 hazard
Medieval French hasart | hasard had the primary meaning of a game of dice and especially a game of dice where money was gambled. It was also used meaning one throw of the dice. The early records in European languages are in Norman French and northern French. The early wordform is hasart. The first is about year 1150 [3], another is in 1155 Text ''Roman de Brut'', by Wace, dated 1155, in Norman French, has ''juent a hasart'' meaning playing the dice game called ''hasart''(ref), and the next is in the 1170s The poem ''Erec et Enide'' by Chretien de Troyes, dated 1170s, has ''hasart'' as a dice game. The relevant line of the poem is quoted at hasart @ ''Dictionnaire Électronique de Chrétien de Troyes''.(ref). Hasart is in well more than a dozen texts in French in the period 1180-1230, which you can see from citations collected in hasart @ ''Altfranzösisches Wörterbuch'', Volume 4, by Tobler and Lommatzsch. To read this dictionary you need to know the meanings of the dictionary's abbreviated citations for its sources, which are defined at: www.ling.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/ilr/toblerlommatzsch/util/tlbib.htm Tobler-Lommatzsch (year 1958), informed by Book, ''Würfel und Würfelspiel im alten Frankreich'', by Franz Semrau, year 1910. Downloadable as text-searchable PDF. Search it for wordform ''hasart'', which the book has one hundred instances of. The book gives citations for most of the late 12th & early 13th century French records of ''hasart'' although these are scattered through the book.Semrau (year 1910). Norman French hasart is in England before 1216 Anglo-Norman French poem ''Le Petit Plet'' by poet Chardri has the words est cheance, cum de hasart. The poem is dated after 1189 and before 1216. Info on how it is dated is in the introduction to the edition curated by Brian S. Merrilees, year 1970. An earlier edition is in book ''Chardry's Josaphaz, Set dormanz und Petit plet'' curated by John Koch, year 1879. (ref). Occitan azar is in southern France with the same meaning about 1200-1215 azar @ ''Lexique roman ou dictionnaire de la langue des troubadours'', by Raynouard, volume II pages 160-161, year 1838. About year 1200-1215 the poet Gavaudan (le Vieux) has : ''azars, ab datz galiadors'', where ''azars'' means dice games, ''datz'' means dice, ''galiadors'' means things deceptive or cheating, and the whole phrase means dice games played with imbalanced dice.(ref). Medieval High German has hasehart | hashart = "hazard dice game" with starting date about 1230 hasehart @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' by Benecke, Müller & Zarncke, year 1866. It gives quotes of the word in medieval High German texts. The earliest is in the poem ''Die gute Frau'' by anonymous, for which the date is about 1230.(ref). With the same meaning, Italian açar | azar has its first record about roughly 1240 in poetry showing influence from Occitan azaro @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' quotes from poetry by Uguccione da Lodi. Uguccione da Lodi's Italian poetry contains ''gallicismi'' (i.e. loanwords from French) and shows influence from Occitan. Uguccione da Lodi composed earlier than the 1260s and has been date-estimated the 1240s, although some estimate early 13th century.(ref). Latin in Italy has azardum | açardum | azar(r)um in the 1260s and 1280s (azardum + azardus + azarrum @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latin. Du Cange's glossary also quotes Italian-Latin ''ludunt ad açardum aleas et taxillos'', dated around year 1288.ref, Downloadable book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 104, quotes Latin ''ludum açardi seu tassillorum'' = ''game of hazard or dice'' dated 1262 in ''Il cartulario di Giovanni di Giona di Portovenere''ref). Spanish azar starts about 1250 search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). It has ''azar'' dated approx 1260, 1276, 1283, and later. CORDE has also a record to which CORDE assigns a date of 1240-1250.(ref). As quoted in the Anglo-Norman Dictionary, Norman French in England before 1216 has hasardur = "person who plays the hasard dice game" and circa 1240 has hasardrie = "hazardry, gambling, hazarding money in the dice game called hazard", which underscores that the root-word was well-established in Norman French before the records start to show up in Italian or Spanish. There is no candidate in Latin to be the French word's parent. Everyone agrees it did not descend from Latin. According to its etymology summary in some of today's dictionaries, the French word was descended through Spanish from an unattested Arabic oral dialectical az-zār | az-zahr = "the dice". But that proposition is extremely improbable because that word has no record in Arabic with that meaning until the early 19th century.[177] An alternative proposition, having the advantage of attestation in medieval Arabic, is to derive the French word from medieval Arabic يسر yasar = "playing at dice". Conceivably this might have entered French through the Crusader States of the Levant, but zero evidence is on offer for this, and phonetically it is mismatching the French hasart.[177] It is conceivable with far better likelihood that French sourced hasart from something in Germanic.[178] The French word is of undetermined origin. Notwithstanding that the source of the French is undetermined, the chronology of records cited above makes it practically assured that the word in Italy and Iberia came from northern France.
17 lilac
It is well documented that the common lilac plant was originally brought to Western Europe directly from Istanbul in the early 1560s. The earliest records in the Western European languages include botany books in Latin in 1565 and 1576 which explicitly say the lilac plant and the name "Lilac " was recently brought to Western Europe from the Turks and from Istanbul.[179] "Lilac" is in a botanist writing in English in 1596 and 1597, a date which ranks among the first for lilac in any vernacular Western European language.[179] The early Western European word meant exclusively today's Common Lilac plant. The plant's native place of origin was the Balkans, where it blooms in the wild with abundant flowers in late springtime. The Balkans is definitely where the Turks in Istanbul got the plant from. The Turks probably got the plant's name from the Balkans too, from a language of the southern Balkans, particularly Bulgarian. Alternatively and less likely, the Turkish name leylak might have existed in Turkish as something before the Turks attached it to the lilac. In any case, there is no basis for a derivation of the word from Arabic.[180]
18 macabre
European records begin in late medieval French, first known year 1376. All early records involve the very specific phrase danse macabre, which denoted a dance in which a figure representing death enticed people to dance with him until they dropped down dead The quote is from book ''Word Origins: The Hidden Histories of English Words'' by John Ayto, year 2005. You can see early instances of MACABRE in French at www.atilf.fr/dmf/  and at www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/macabre (ref). "Dance of death" = danse macabre. Non-Arabic candidates for the origin of the French word exist, but they have weaknesses (Etymologie de macabre @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref, macabre @ Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876ref). The meaning can be fitted to the Arabic مقابر maqābir = "graves", plural of مقبرة‎ maqbara = "grave", from قبر qabar = "to bury". Maqābir is frequent in medieval Arabic meaning a cemetery, as can be seen in the collection of texts at Link gives search results of search for المقابر. In AlWaraq's search results list, in the list's righthand column, the book titles and the page numbers are clickable. A search for المقابر is not same thing as search for مقابر.AlWaraq.net. Medieval Portuguese almocavar = "cemetery for Muslims or Jews" is certainly from Arabic al-maqābir.[183] But there is no known historical context for a transfer of the Arabic (via any pathway) into the French danse macabre. That is a major weakness.
19 mask, masquerade, mascara
In European languages the early records are in 14th century Italian as maschera = "mask put upon a person's face". Italian ch is pronounced /k/. The Italian is the source for the French, English and Spanish set of words.[184] The source for the Italian is undetermined. A weak speculative proposition for it is the medieval Latin precedent masca = "witch". Another weak speculative proposition is the medieval Arabic precedent مسخرة maskhara = "buffoon, jester".
20 massage
The English comes from French. The French is first recorded in 1779 as a verb masser = "to massage" which then produced the noun massage starting in 1808. The origin of the French has not been well explained. Most of the early records in French are in narratives of travels in the Middle East.[3] The practice of massage was common in the Middle East for centuries before it became common in West Europe in the mid-to-late 19th century (see Massage was practiced in the ''Turkish bath'' buildings. These buildings were called حمامات hamāmāt in Arabic.Turkish bath). Consequently there has been a proposal that the French word be from Arabic مسّ mass = "to touch". But the Arabic word for massaging was a different word, namely tamsīd | dallak | tadlīk. The fact that the early records in French did not use an Arabic word for massaging seems to preclude the hypothesis that the word they did use was borrowed from Arabic. Another proposal is the Portuguese amassar = "to knead" and the Spanish amasar | Spanish ''masar'' is a lesser-used variant of Spanish ''amasar''. Link goes to masar @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española.masar = "to knead", which are longstandingly commonplace in Spanish & Portuguese for kneading of bread dough.
21 racquet or racket (tennis)
The tennis racquet has a late-medieval start date in Europe. The tennis racquet is in late medieval French as raquette, synonymous with Italian racchetta and English racquet. It is nowadays widely reported as derived from a medieval Latin medical anatomy word rascete. The Latin rascete meant the at Wikipedia : Carpal bonescarpal bones of the wrist and the at Wikipedia : Tarsal bonestarsal bones of the foot. Rascete was a highly technical anatomy word in medieval Latin. The Latin rascete had its beginnings in Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) who took the bulk of his content from Arabic medical sources and he did indeed take the anatomy word from Arabic.[185] But there is no evidence to connect this anatomy word with the game word racquet. It would be a big leap in semantics to re-use the bones word as a word for a racquet. To warrant belief that this leap occurred, evidence would be necessary. Because no evidence is present, the idea has no merit. A smaller point is that to get raquette from rascete would be phonetically irregular and abnormal, because it calls for mutation to sound /k/ from sound /s/. Other etymology ideas try to connect racquet with other pre-existing words in late medieval Europe.[185]
22 risk
This word is nowadays in use with high frequency in almost every European language. It has been a business word in the Latin Mediterranean since the medieval era. It is seen earliest in the mid 12th century at the seaport of Genoa as Latin ad resicum = "at risk", and ad meum resicum = "at my risk", and ad tuum resicum = "at your risk" – Book, ''Genova Comune Medievale - Vita Usi E Costumi Dei Genovesi : Ricavati dal Cartulare di Giovanni Scriba, notaio Genovese dall' anno 1154 all' anno 1164'', by Fortunato Marchetto and Paolo Marchetto, year 2008. Book consists of extracts from commercial contracts in Latin at Genoa in years 1154-1164, plus modern Italian translation. The word ''resicum'' occurs dozens of times in these contracts.ref. The same phrasing is at the seaports of Pisa and Marseille at the end of the 12th century, with the spelling resegum. The great bulk of the surviving early records are in notarized commercial contracts and loan agreements, with most of them involving financing for sea-merchant ventures. The contracts say who is at risk for the loss from possible adverse events. The contracts are in Latin. The word's wordforms in 13th-century Latin include resegum | resigum | risigumBook in Latin, ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Tome 1, curated by Louis Blancard, year 1884. The book consists of notarized contracts and loan agreements at Marseille from 1200 to about 1260. It has dozens of instances of Latin resegum (first in year 1200). Also has resigum and risigum with same meaning. It has more than thirty instances of ''tuum resegum''. | Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001/2002. Under the Latin heading ''fortuna'' on page 399, it quotes Latin ''risicum'' in years 1239, 1242, 1253 and 1274. Book is downloadable as several PDF files. Book also has quotations containing late medieval Italian wordforms resico, resego, reisego.risicum | rischium @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin, quotes rischium & rischum in Italian-Latin in years 1267 and 1288rischium | rischum. The word's origin is undetermined and all proposals that have been aired about it are unsatisfactory. A proposal that it came from Arabic is at Article ''L'apparition du 'resicum' en méditerranée occidentale, XIIe-XIIIe siècles'', by Sylvain Piron, year 2004, 18 pages, in book ''Pour une histoire culturelle du risque'' by various authors.REF, in French, year 2004. The Arabic proposal is رزق rizq, which is a frequent word in medieval Arabic, but its meaning is too remote from "risk".[2]
23 scarlet
In European languages the records begin around year 1100 in Northwestern Europe in Latin spelled scarlata. The meaning was an expensive type of cloth made of wool. The scarlata cloth could be any color, including gray (Long French ballad ''Chronique des ducs de Normandie'', by Benoit, dated about year 1174, has ''d'un mantel d'escarlate gris''. Same author, Benoit de Sainte-Maure, wrote a different long ballad, ''Roman de Troie'', about 1165, which has the same phrase ''un mantel d'escarlate gris''.e.g.), black (Account books of the king of England in year 1178 have ''pro j pallio de nigra escarlata'' = ''for 1 pallium cloak of black scarlata cloth''. This is cited under scarlatus @ Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (''DMLBS''), year 2013.e.g.), white (Norman French poem ''Le Roman des Aventures de Fregus'', by Guillaume Le Clerc, is dated 1200-1240. An edition published in 1841 has ''une escarlate blanche''. An edition published in 1872 has ''une eskerlate blance''. The two editions copy from different medieval manuscripts.e.g.), dark red-purple (Norman French poem ''Guillaume de Dole'', date assessed about year 1210, has ''escarlate noir come meure''.e.g.), violet (Book, ''Documents et extraits divers concernant l'histoire de l'art dans la Flandre, l'Artois & le Hainaut avant le XVe siecle'', PREMIERE PARTIE, curated by Chanoine Dehaisnes, year 1886. Page 124 has year 1302 French ''une autre scarlate violete''. Page 185 has year 1308 ''une escarlate violete''.e.g.), brown (Year 1210 Latin at seaport of Genoa : ''scarlate brunete, quas porto negotiatum Ultramare'' = ''brownish scarlata, which I am bringing to the far side of the sea for resale''. Published in ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII : Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #1, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951, on page 334.e.g. , High German ''brûn scharlachen'' means ''brown scarlata cloth''. It is in three well-known poems of early 13th century. They are the poems ''Parzival'' and ''Willehalm'' by Wolfram von Eschenbach, and the poem ''Wigalois'' by Wirnt von Grafenberg. They are quoted in the book ''Historisches Lexikon deutscher Farbbezeichnungen'', year 2013, on pages 67 and 161.e.g.), green (Norman French tale ''Fulk Fitz Warine'' (or ''Fouke le Fitz Waryn'') has : ''se vestirent de un escarlet vert'' = ''they clothed themselves in green-colored scarlata''. The composition date is about year 1300. Print edition year 1855 on page 128 gives the French plus a translation to modern English.e.g.). But red was the most popular color by far. Scarlata with the meaning "red color" is found in the later 13th century and increasingly in the 14th and 15th centuries, concurrently with the continued meaning as "dense and smooth woolen cloth". For the medieval word origin, no candidate parent-word in Latin is known of. An Arabic candidate is mentioned briefly in some dictionaries, but the evidence to support it is very poor. From the contexts where the word's early records are found, a Germanic source is very much more likely, and a good specific Germanic candidate exists.[196]
24 soda, sodium
The chemical name sodium was created in the early 19th century as a derivative of "soda", where "soda" meant "soda ash", "washing soda", "sodium carbonate". The noun soda is in Italy & southeast France in the late 14th century as soda | souda meaning "soda ash" (two potentially early-14th-century records in Italy are unreliably dated). Catalan and Aragonese Spanish have the noun as sosa = "soda ash" reliably dated mid 13th century. The soda-ash product was made by burning plants that carry relatively high levels of sodium. When these plants are burned, their ashes have relatively high levels of sodium carbonate, a useful chemical. Besides meaning "soda ash", the medieval Latinate noun sosa | souda | soda had the meaning "saltwort plants", i.e. the sort of plants that were collected and burned to make the soda ash. The word is without a convincing derivation from a Latin or Greek antecedent word. Soda is often claimed to be from an oral Arabic suaed | suwad, which is a word found in oral Arabic begining in the 18th century meaning saltwort plant species whose ashes yielded soda ash. But that claim suffers from an absence of documentary evidence in Arabic before the 18th century. Also the Catalan wordform sosa was well established in Catalan for a century before the wordform soda is seen in Italy. A judgement that sosa and soda are "of unknown origin" remains defensible today. But soda is probably from sosa, and sosa is probably from a native Catalan rootword.[186]
25 Definition at Dictionary.com : Tartartartar (a chemical), Definition at Dictionary.com : Tartaric acidtartaric acid, Definition at Dictionary.com : Tartratetartrates (in chemistry)
Medieval Latin chemical name tartarum meant wine-dregs. Wine-dregs in today's terms are mainly composed of tartrates. The medieval name also meant the substance made by cremating the wine-dregs. The ancient Greeks & Romans made the same thing in the same way but did not use the name tartar. The Latin chemical name tartarum has a record securely dated 9th century. Other early records are 12th century Latin. An Arabic source for the Latin name was speculatively suggested in the 19th century but it has no support in Arabic nor in Latin. An Arabic source is certain to be wrong because of the 9th-century start date of the Latin and because of the absence of a corresponding word in medieval Arabic texts.[187]
26 tobacco
The English word came from 16th-century Spanish tabaco. Today many dictionaries say the Spanish word was derived from a word in the Amerindian language of Haiti in the Caribbean. But some Spanish dictionaries say the Spanish word was probably derived from a late medieval Spanish plantname that came from a medieval Arabic plantname.[188]
27 traffic
This word in European languages is seen earliest in Italian about year 1300. It has loads of records in the Tuscany area of Italy in the 14th century as the verb trafficare and the noun traffico. The verb occurs at least as early as the noun. The early meanings are "any business transactions", "to interact with, usually commercially", "commerce, including long-distance commerce", "bringing and transferring merchandise", "negotiate with" and also "negotiate with intent to deceive".[189] For the Italian word's origin, propositions have been aired for various Latinate and Arabic sources, but none convincingly. The following are English words of Arabic ancestry that got established in later-medieval Latinate commerce on the Mediterranean Sea with start dates in Italy earlier than in Spanish or Portuguese: arsenal, average, carat, caravan, garble, jar, magazine, sequin, tare (weight), and tariff. In view of those borrowings, and because "traffic" lacks a convincing derivation from Latin, an Arabic source for "traffic" is one possibility. But the early contexts where this word occurs in Italy give no sign that its source was in Mediterranean sea-commerce, with or without Arabs. The early Italian contexts do not have signs that the word could have been introduced into Italian through any kind of communications with Arabs. Meanwhile, the medieval Arabic dictionaries do not have a word that matches to "traffic" in phonetics and sematics.[189]
28 tuna (fish)
The English fish-name tuna has an Arabic phase in its line of descent, according to a popular report. In today's English dictionaries, the popular report of descent for "tuna" is the pathway: Ancient Greek thunnos = "tunafish" ➜ ancient Latin thunnus/thynnus ➜ medieval Arabic التنّ al-tunn = "tunafish" ➜ later-medieval Spanish atún = "tunafish" ➜ colloquial California Spanish tuna = "tunafish" ➜ late 19th century California English tuna ➜ international English tuna. This pathway is unsupported by the known history; it stands in reliance on unknown history and it is probably wrong. The word was common in ancient Greek and Latin; and common in late medieval Spanish; but very rare in medieval Arabic, and is not listed in medieval Arabic dictionaries. In English from the 16th to the 20th century the word was in the wordform tunny, which was in descent from the ancient Latin thunnus without an Arabic intermediary. Modern Italian tonno, Occitan ton, French thon, each meaning tuna, are descended from the ancient Latin thunnus without any Arabic intermediation. The California wordform "tuna" is not clearly or necessarily descended from the Spanish atún; there is no substantiation that California tuna came from Spanish atún. Moreover the medieval Spanish atún did not clearly or necessarily come from Arabic.[190]

29 Moving to a related subject, the Definition at TheFreeDictionary : Albacorealbacore is a species of tuna fish. The history of this name is validly traced back as far as 16th century Portuguese & Spanish albacora meaning tuna species in the Tropical High Seas. Albacora lacks a good derivation from Latin. Albacora, because of its al-, conceivably might have come from an Arabic word. But there is no precedent word in medieval Arabic with meaning of fish. Medieval Arabic writings have very little content about any and all edible sea fishes, and this has a crippling effect on looking for Arabic parent-name possibilities. Moreover, in Portuguese and Spanish the known history of the fish-name albacora contains nothing to support an idea that albacora could have come from any Arabic word.[191]
30 zircon, zirconium
English and French zircon are from German zirkon. It starts in German in mineralogists and chemists about 1780 meaning zircon gemstone. In the period 1780s-1820s many mineralogy writers across western Europe said the corresponding name in French is jargon or "jargon from Ceylon". The French jargon and the synonymous Italian zargone | giargone in the 17th and 18th centuries meant zircon gemstones, and gemstones that are visually very similar to zircons, in various colors. The late 18th century German zirkon was a scientifically defined species of jargon | zargone | giargone. The newly arrived late 18th century German name zirkon came from the pre-existing French & Italian name jargon | zargone | giargone and the long Note #193 below is mostly about showing the truth of that. The French & Italian jargon | zargone | giargone gemstone came from medieval French Gem-stone ''jagonce | jargonce'' @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français''. Citations for the medieval wordform ''jargonce'' are given under the heading of the wordform ''jagonce''. The dictionary cites documents by abbreviated labels. The abbreviations are alphabetically listed and defined at www.deaf-page.de/bibl_neu.php jargonce, medieval Italian giarconsia @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originigiarconsia, medieval Spanish iargonça | jargonça | search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españolgirgonça, medievally meaning zircon gemstones, and gemstones that are visually very similar to zircons, in various colors. This medieval Latinate name was descended ultimately from an ancient Mediterranean-wide name for a class of gemstones. There is no basis for deriving it from Arabic.[193]

The above 30 words were collected by searching English etymology dictionaries for the word 'Arabic'. The 30 words are summarily reported as of probable Arabic ancestry in at least some English dictionaries and usually in most. All of the dictionaries are mainly following tradition in their etymologies, even though any one of them occasionally steps away from tradition. It is not unusual for the dictionaries as a group to contain the same unsubstantiated traditional assertion. An uncounted number of words in English dictionaries possibly might descend from Arabic while the tradition in the English dictionaries is to report something else for them. Those words are not in the above list, because the list is merely words that the English dictionaries suggest Arabic ancestry for.


Notes about this collection of the English words of Arabic etymological ancestry

The words have been collected from the etymology dictionaries named in [note 1]. When a word is not in the collection, it almost always means that the word's ancestry is not traced to Arabic by any of the dictionaries that were used to collect the words. Although these dictionaries were convenient for collecting the words, they do not have enough evidence that the words came from Arabic. For some words, they claim the word came from Arabic when the claim is demonstrably false.

Obsolete words and rarely used non-technical words are not included in the collection, but some specialist technical words are included. For example the technical word "at Wikipedia : Alidadealidade" comes from the Arabic name for an ancient measuring device used to determine line-of-sight direction. Most English-speaking people have never heard of an "alidade", but the device's name is part of the vocabulary of English-speaking surveyors and civil engineers, and today's instrument uses modern technology, and is included in the collection.

About half of the words have their earliest record in a Western European language in the 12th or 13th century. About two-thirds have a medieval starting date in the West.

The translations of the medical translator Constantinus Africanus in the late 11th century have the earliest records of a good few of the Latin botany names that came from Arabic. If Constantinus's new words are excluded, then eleven or twelve words in the collection have a record in Latin before the 12th century. There is no word in the collection where the transfer into Latin occurred before the 9th century. The words that were transferred into Latin in the 9th century are restricted to the names of four exotic goods that the Arabs imported from across the Indian Ocean.[132] In the centuries before the 9th, some Semitic words were transferred into Latin —via Greek intermediation— including some that later propagated into English. For these Semitic-origin words, in most cases the Semitic source was not Arabic and in the rest of the cases it is impossible to know whether the Semitic source was Arabic or not. As an exception, the word "Arabic" was used by the ancient Greeks & Romans and surely came from Arabic عربي ʿarabī = "Arab".

An additional unquantified number of words or terms were brought into the European languages in and around the 12th and 13th centuries by Arabic-to-Latin translators who used loan-translations in preference to loan-words. The collection has been restricted to loan-words: It excludes loan-translations. The following is an example of a loan-translation. In Arabic, the words for father, mother and son were often used to denote relative properties of physical things. Surrounding the brain and spinal chord is a tough outer layer of membrane called in today's English the dura mater. The words dura = "hard" and mater = "mother" are each in Latin from antiquity. The medieval Latin anatomy term dura mater [cerebri ], literally "hard mother [of the brain]" is a loan-translation of Arabic الأمّ الجافية [الدماغ] al-umm al-jāfīa [al-dimāgh], literally "dry-husk mother [of the brain]" (a dry husk is a hard bark), and the translator in this case was Constantinus Africanus.[194] As another well-known example of a loan-translation, the mathematics word "sine" —as in sine, cosine and tangent— has its first record with that meaning in an Arabic-to-Latin translation in the 12th century, translating Arabic جيب jayb. Jayb had a second and quite unrelated meaning in Arabic that was translatable to Latin as sinus and the translator took up that connection to confer a new meaning to the pre-existing Latin sinus, in preference to borrowing the foreign word jayb, and the translator was probably Gerard of Cremona.[195]



  1. The etymology dictionaries used to collect the words were these:
      • CNRTL.fr online :: Etymologies of French wordsCentre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales :: Etymologies.
      • 400-page book about the German words of Arabic ancestry. Mostly the same words that are seen in English. German got the words mostly from French and Latin, and thirdly from other European languages.Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi, year 1998.
      • Brief summary etymologies of English wordsAn Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, by Ernest Weekley, year 1921.
      • Previewable at Google Books, 345 pages. This dictionary has the virtue that it delivers a big list of rare and archaic words. It has the vice that it is an uncritical compilation from other dictionaries. It replicates the errors of the dictionaries it copies from.The Arabic Contributions to the English Language: An Historical Dictionary, by Garland Cannon, year 1994.
      • Dictionary.com includes the year 2001 Random House Dictionary of EnglishDictionary.com.
      • Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876.
      • Arabic cusine and music words were collected from elsewhere.
      • A tiny number of other words came from elsewhere.
    While the above sources were used to collect the words, other sources were used to collect the evidence about the words, for the most part. The evidence sources are in the footnotes for the individual words. The final collection is in two classes: Words for which the evidence of Arabic ancestry is (1) satisfactory and (2) unsatisfactory.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l n o p q r s t u v w x  A number of large dictionaries were written in Arabic during the medieval era. Searchable copies of practically all of the main medieval Arabic dictionaries are online at ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com, and many are at AlWaraq.net. The website AlWaraq.net also has word-searchable copies of a large number of medieval Arabic texts on various subjects. AlWaraq's text collection is big enough that it can deliver a good indication of the commonness or scarcity of a word in medieval texts in general (but not for a technical word or technical meaning in some subject areas such as astronomy and mathematics), after you have experience with searching it and you have learned what the collection contains. Not everything in AlWaraq's collection is medieval. Of the medieval dictionaries, one of the most esteemed is Ismail ibn Hammad al-Jauhari's Al-Sihāh which is dated very shortly after year 1000. The biggest dictionary is Ibn Manzur's Lisan Al-Arab which was completed in year 1290 but the bulk of its contents came from a variety of earlier sources, including 9th- and 10th-century sources. Often Ibn Manzur names his source then quotes from it. A list giving the year of death of a number of the people who Ibn Manzur quotes from is in Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon volume 1 page xxx. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, in eight volumes, has much of the main contents of the medieval Arabic dictionaries in English translation, with omissions of several classes of words, as explained Introductory description at Wikipedia : Lane's Arabic-English Lexiconhere. The eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon are downloadable Download Lane’s Lexicon @ LaneLexicon.com. Originally published in years 1863-1893.here (or alternatively ''An Arabic-English Lexicon'', by Edward William Lane, published in eight volumes between 1863 and 1893. The linked page has the eight volumes in the DJVU fileformat and in the PDF fileformat. If you have a DJVU reader, the volumes are better downloaded in the DJVU format, because the particular PDFs are very big and unwieldy.here). The abbreviations used by Lane's Lexicon are defined in Lane's Lexicon volume 1, preface page xxxi. Page xxx must be referred to as well.Volume 1 page xxxi. The sites البحث @ مكتبة المصطفىAl-Mostafa.com and IslamicBook.ws have medieval Arabic books on various subjects in PDF format in machine-searchable text (and some PDFs non-searchable); you query their catalogs by author or title. Additional medieval Arabic books in machine-searchable text are at ABLibrary.net and Books.Rafed.net.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l  Information sourced from the French etymology resource at Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales : EtymologiesCNRTL.fr Etymologie, which has citations on its own behalf for the information. Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL) is funded by the French government.
  4. ^ a b c d e  Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann. 430 pages. Published in 1869.
  5. ^ a  ^ b  ^ c  Arabic al- = "the". In Arabic, sumūt = "directions" and al-sumūt = "the directions". Universally in Arabic the written al-sumūt is always pronounced AS-SUMŪT. The written al-nīl ("the indigo") is always pronounced AN-NĪL; and the written al-tarh ("the discard") is always pronounced AT-TARH. This pronunciation applies to al- in front of about half of the Arabic consonants. In front of the other half, the al- is pronounced AL-. The difference is known as Defined at WikipediaSun and Moon letters of Arabic.
  6. ^ admiral

    An in-depth treatment of the origin and early history of the European word "admiral" is in the book Amiratus-Aμηρας: L'Emirat et les Origines de l'Amirauté, XIe-XIIIe Siècles, by Léon Robert Ménager, year 1960, including the chapter headed "La naissance du terme “amiral”". The article "Le point sur l'origine du mot amiral", by Omar Bencheikh, 5 pages, year 2003, Le point sur l'origine du mot amiral, by Omar Bencheikh (2003)online, has the finding that the Arabic amīr = "commander" is unattested as a sea-commander in Arabic around the period when the Latins started using the word as a sea-commander in the later 12th century. This is consistent with Ménager's finding that the Latin meaning sea-commander evolved out of a title of governance in Norman Sicily from an original meaning of a commander on land in Norman Sicily. More about the 12th century amiratus in Norman Sicily is in the book Written by Hiroshi Takayama, year 1993Administration of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily. Quotations for the word in use in Latin Sicily in the 12th-13th centuries are in the book Aμήρ AMIR @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983 on pages 102-105Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia and in the book Urkunden... zur... Königreichs Sicilien in den Jahren 1198 bis 1273Book in medieval Latin, ''Urkunden und Briefe zur Geschichte des Kaiserreichs und des Königreichs Sicilien in den Jahren 1198 bis 1273'', curated by Eduard Winkelmann, year 1880. Search for AMMIRAT__ and AMIRAT__. in Latin wordforms ammirat_ | amirat_.
  7. ^ admiral

    Usage examples of medieval Latin amiræus, ammiratus, ammirandus, amirallus, amiraldus, admiralius, admiratus, amiragius, amiraudus, etc, are in ''Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch'', year 1967, is an unfinished dictionary of medieval Latin. It covers texts to the end of the 13th century. Its coverage of words that begin with the letters A or B or C got finished. The relevant headword is AMIRALDUS. Altlink: http://books.google.com/books?id=hIe88EhfAvwC Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch and amir @ ''Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis'' by Du Cange et al.Du Cange. In medieval Latin the meaning as a specifically Muslim commander starts earlier than the meaning as a naval commander. The same is true in medieval French. The earliest in French is in a well-known long ballad about war-battles between Christians and Muslims, the Chanson de Roland, dated about 1100. It has about three dozen instances of amirail or amiralz (plural) meaning exclusively a Muslim military leader on land – La chanson de Roland: texte du XIe siècle (published 1890)ref. A Crusader narrative in French in the 1190s has the word around twenty times meaning Muslim military leader on land and this medieval text has it spelled both amira__ and admira__Book, ''L'Estoire de la Guerre Sainte'' by Ambroise of Normandy, written in the 1190s, a narrative of the Third Crusade war. Link has medieval French plus modern French translation, year 1897.ref. The meaning "Admiral of the Sea" in French has its first record about year 1209 in the chronicler Geoffrey de Villehardouin, whose spelling is amiraus and the admiral he is talking about is in the Byzantine navy – ''La Conquête de Constantinople'' by Geoffroi de Villehardouin (died c. 1212), original French text, plus translation to modern French by Emile Bouchet, year 1891, volume 1, with medieval ''amiraus'' on pages 346 & 344 and modern ''amiral'' on pages 347 & 345.ref. Later in medieval French it is commonly spelled both amiral and admiral, with both spellings having both meanings. The French with meaning "Admiral of the Sea" had come from Italian. The word is in Italian-Latin at the seaports Palermo and Genoa in late 12th century meaning "Admiral of the Sea". Between 1191 and 1246 at Genoa it has wordforms ammiratus | admiratus | amiragius | amiraudus ref 1 Book in Latin, curated by L.T. Belgrano & C. Imperiale, year 1901Annali genovesi di Caffaro e de' suoi continuatori, Volume Two, year 1901, publishes annals of Genoa concerning events of late 12th and early 13th century, annals written nearly at the year of each event. On page 39-40 for an event in 1191/1192 there is in Latin: “Died in year 1197. Was Grand Admiral of Sicily.Margaritus of Brindisi the admiral [ammiratus] of King Tancred of Sicily”. On page 113-114 for an event in 1210: “they detained from these galleys of Pisa the better men, including one very high nobility Pisan who was the admiral [admiratus] of these galleys, Tegrimum by name”. On page 119 for an event in 1211: “the ship called Gorgie which had been armamented by the admiral [amiragius] His name is in Latin chronicles starting in 1210 and ending in 1221.Willielmus Porcus”. ,  ref 2 Genoa city is located in Liguria province. Vocabolario Ligure, year 2001, is a lexicon of the voluminous Latin documents that survive from medieval Liguria. Lexicon compiled by Sergio AprosioVocabolario Ligure Volume One has quotations for year 1191 ammiratus, year 1234 admiratus, 1235 amiragius, 1246 amiraudus, 1257 armiragius, 1282 admiragius, all meaning ''Admiral of the Sea'', all in Genoa/Liguria authors. The book cites its sources by abbreviated labels that are defined in Volume 1 on pages 24-48.. Late medievally in Italian the commonest wordform was am(m)iraglioammiraglio @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)ref: TLIO. Meanwhile in medieval Italian the usual word for "to admire" was ammirare (ammirare @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO) which was from classical Latin admirare with deletion of 'd'. Because the Italians did not use the letter 'd' in their pronouncing and spelling of admire and admirable, the absence of the 'd' in the Italian-Latin ammiratus = "admiral" cannot be taken as good simple evidence of the Arabic origin of ammiratus, although it does in fact reflect the Arabic origin. From the Italian-Latin wordform amiragius, the kingdom of Castille in Spanish around year 1252 created an official title "almirage de la mar " = "Admiral of the Sea" – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE), a big corpus of old Spanish texts. Restrict search to 13th century.ref-1, Article ''Alfonso X y el Almirantazgo castellano: Reflexiones en torno al nacimiento de una institución'', year 2000 in Volume 8-9 of ''Ius Fugit : Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos''. It says the terminology of admiral and admiralty was adopted by the Castillians from the Genoese (''el modelo genovés''). It has a 9-page section ''Sobre el origen y difusión de un término''.ref-2.
  8. ^ admiral

    A set of late medieval English examples of amiral | admiral, with both meanings, is in the Middle English Dictionary. The English with both meanings had come from French; French examples at Amiral | Admiral @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)Ref.
  9. ^ albatross

    Several bird-names in Spanish are established as having entered Spanish from Arabic during the medieval era. They include today's Spanish alcaraván = "curlew-type bird" from medieval Arabic كروان al-karawān = "curlew-type bird" and today's Spanish zorzal = "thrush and similar bird" from medieval Arabic زرزور zurzūr = "starling bird". Late medieval & 16th century Spanish & Portuguese alcatraz meant "seafish-catching large bird", such as cormorant, pelican and gannet bird. The European word's earliest known record, which is in Spanish in year 1386, says birds that maintain themselves on fish such as sea-eagles and alcatraces and other birds of the seaBook, ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998, alcatraz on page 230. Spanish in year 1386 has ''águila pescadora y alcatraces y otras aves de mar''. A book in Spanish circa 1440 says of the Habibas Islands: ''Hay en aquellas islas grand muchedumbre de aves que crian por el suelo de las islas, palomas, buldrejas, é alcatraces, é gaviotas, é falcones''.ref. In Spanish around year 1440, a group of very small islands in the Mediterranean Sea is described as breeding grounds for a multitude of birds including alcatrazes – same ref. The diary of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492 mentions several times that alcatraz | alcatraçes birds were sighted when the ship was far out on the ocean, far from any land – Search for alcatra* (with the asterisk) in ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español''. Christopher Columbus personally maintained a daily diary during the voyage, 1492-93. The diary came into the possession of Bartolomé de las Casas (died 1566), who reproduced it in a paraphrased form. Only this paraphrased form survives today.ref. A 19th-century translation of Christopher Columbus's diary into English has the Spanish alcatraz translated as English "booby | boobies" Book, ''The journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyage, 1492-93)'', translated to English by Clements R. Markham, year 1893(ref), where "boobies" are a class of diving seabirds related to gannets. Alcatraz is presumed by everybody to be from an Arabic word. But it is not very clear what the Arabic word was. On looking at candidate words, the leading candidate is the medieval Arabic الغطّاس al-ghattās = "the diver", from the verb غطس ghatas = "to dive in water". The verb is in many medieval texts and is in most medieval Arabic dictionaries, and the noun is easy enough to find in medieval Arabic sources in a generic sense of diver, but is scarce in the specific sense of the Spanish word. As one of the scarce instances, Ahmad al-Qalqashandi (died 1418), in a chapter on kinds of birds, wrote:   الغطاس al-ghatās, also called الغواص al-ghawās, is a black bird approaching near [the size of] the goose, it dives in the water to catch fish to eat.Al-Qalqashandi says: ومنها الغطاس ويقال له الغواص وهو طائر أسود نحو الإوزة يغوص في الماء فيستخرج السمك فيأكله.
    The entirety of Al-Qalqashandi's encyclopedia صبح الأعشى – القلقشندي, in searchable PDF format, is at: http://islamicbook.ws/adab/sbh-alaasha-.pdf
    , At AlWaraq.net : search for الغطاس in the book صبح الأعشى – القلقشنديalt-link. Which is interpretable as cormorant. Yaqut al-Hamawi (died 1229) and Zakariya al-Qazwini (died 1283) include الغطاسة al-ghatāsa in their lists of birds, but do not provide descriptions, except that al-Qazwini indicates it is a seabird – معجم البلدان – ياقوت الحموي. The geography book of Yaqut al-Hamawi in Wüstenfeld's year 1866 edition in Volume 1 on page ٨٨٥ on 17th line has الغطاس.ref-1, Zakariya Al-Qazwini has a statement about a certain fish-eating seabird: وهو طائر أسود يشبه الطائر الذي يقال له الغطاسة = ''it is a black bird similar to the bird that is called al-ghatāsa''. The link goes to Al-Qazwini's geography book, آثار البلاد وأخبار العباد – القزويني, as printed in year 1848 curated by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld, where الغطاسة is on page ٣٦٣ 363 on line 8.ref-2, غطّاس + غطّاسة @ ''Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, volume 2, on page 217, cites Yaqut al-Hamawi and Zakariya al-Qazwini for ghattās | ghattāsa as a diving waterbird.alt-ref. In today's Arabic, al-ghattās is a grebe, which is a diving waterbird of a different class (at Wikipedia, Arabic edition : الغطاسيات هي رتبة من الطيوررتبة الغطاسيات). Al-ghattās also means a human skin-diver. Al-ghattās is the candidate word favored today by a majority of the English dictionaries. It has the weakness that the phonetic alterations involved in moving from Arabic al-ghattās to Iberian Latinate alcatraz are irregular and unusual: In loanwords going from Arabic into Iberian Latinate, a conversion of gh- to c- is rare, and insertion of -r- is rare. The medieval Arabic word قادوس al-qādūs = "bucket of a water wheel" was certainly the parent of the late medieval Spanish word alcadus | alcaduz | alcaduçes with the same meaning; and this word has plenty of records in 16th-17th century Portuguese as alcatruz with the same meaning – Search for Portuguese alcatruz* (with the asterisk, which will deliver ''alcatruzes'') @ CORPUS DO PORTUGUÊS. The site's corpus has the word about twenty times in 16th & 17th century documents. Website's interface is unintuitive and awkward, but it works. Before starting search, click on the word ''Sections'', which will give you a pick list from which you pick time periods.ref for Portuguese. Because al-qādūs (the waterwheel bucket) is certainly the parent of alcatruz (the waterwheel bucket), we have a valid phonetic parallel that supports the view that al-ghattās (the diving seabird) is the parent of alcatraz (the diving seabird).
  10. ^ alchemy

    Medieval Arabic al-kīmīāʾ most often meant the effort to make gold out of non-gold metals. Using the word in this sense, some well-known medieval Arabic authors said al-kīmīāʾ is futile, occult, and spurious. In medieval Arabic the word can be found less often in the sense of other and more practical chemical and physical alterations of minerals, and any methods for doing so. A large number of medieval usage instances are in the texts at AlWaraq.net by searching for In AlWaraq's search results lists in the righthand column, the book titles and the page numbers are clickable. Clicking leads to a page of a book's text.الكيمياء and كيمياء and الكيميا. However, AlWaraq.net's medieval authors do not have hands-on experience in the subject; they only know its reputation.
  11. ^ alchemy  ^ alembic

    During the early centuries AD, the Greeks in Egypt developed new alchemical and distillation methods. These were not acquired by the Latins of Late Antiquity and they were unknown to the early-medieval Latins. The later-medieval Latins acquired the methods in the 12th century from the Arabs. The Arabs had acquired them in the early centuries after the onset of Islam (up to the 10th century) from ultimately Greek sources. The parent word of the Arabic al-kīmīāʾ was a Late Ancient Greek word chumeia | chemeia (χημεία) = "art of alloying metals, alchemy", which was used in Greek in Alexandria in Egypt in the writings of the alchemist Zosimos (4th century AD) and the Zosimos commentator Olympiodoros (biography of Olympiodorus of Alexandria5th‑6th century AD) – ref: χυμεία & χημεία @ Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Ancient Greek, in English, year 1925Liddell-Scott-Jones. Zosimos's alchemy was translated to Arabic during the early centuries of Arabic literature – ref: Book, ''Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Band IV: Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H.'', by Fuat Sezgin, year 1971. Zosimos on pages 73-76.Sezgin, volume IV pages 73-76. Distillation was the most important of the chemical techniques that were known to Late Ancient Greeks and medieval Arabs and unknown to early medieval Latins. A Short History of the Art of Distillation, by RJ Forbes, year 1948, "Chapter II: The Alexandrian chemists", "Chapter III: The Arabs", and "Chapter IV: The [Latin] Middle Ages".
    One medieval Arabic text that is a pretty good short introduction to alchemy is the chapter on alchemy in the book Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm by Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi (Biography of the 10th century author Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi in ''Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography'', year 2008, @ Encyclopedia.comlived about 980). It has definitions for most of the main alchemy words. It has five instances of الأنبيق al-anbīq = "alembic (distillation apparatus)". Book in Arabic plus footnotes in modern Latin : مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', by author Abû Abdallah Mohammed Ahmed ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi, curated & annotated by G. van Vloten, year 1895. The chapter on ''al-kīmīāʾ'' begins on page ٢٥٥ (255).Text in Arabic, أبو عبدالله محمد بن أحمد بن يوسف الخوارزمي - مفاتيح العلوم :: الباب التاسع - في الكيمياءalt-link.
  12. ^ alchemy

    It is longstandingly well-established that (#1) the Arabic al-kīmīāʾ entered Latin in the 12th century and (#2) a slew of Arabic texts in the domain of alchemy were translated to Latin in the late 12th & early 13th century. Note #11 above says the main thing about the historical context. One angle for a more detailed history is Written by Sébastien Moureau, year 2012, 113 pagesLes sources alchimiques de Vincent de Beauvais. Vincent de Beauvais, who died in 1264, compiled in Latin a general-purpose encyclopedia about all subjects. His encyclopedia has many instances of Latin alchimia | alchimista | alchimie | alchimiste | alchymiaThe website SOURCES DES ENCYCLOPÉDIES MÉDIÉVALES (SourcEncyMe) has a text-searchable copy of the Latin encyclopedia of Vincent de Beauvais aka Vincentius Belvacensis (died 1264)ref. For his encyclopedia he copied alchemy material from several Arabic texts that were available to him in Latin translation. One of the translations Vincent copied from has the not-often-found feature that the text in Arabic is available and securely dated 1020s and its Latin translation is available and securely dated about 1190s. This Arabic text has اصحاب الكيمياء āṣḥāb al-kīmīāʾ = "alchemy professionals" and the Latin translation has alkimie | alkimia = "alchemy" and alkimiste = "alchemist". The Arabic and Latin texts, and the info on how they are dated, are at ''Kitab Al-Shifa’ , Avicennae Congelatione et Conglutinatione Lapidum'', by Holmyard & Mandeville, year 1927, 90 pages. It was published as a short book. Downloadable as PDF file.Ref, DE CONGELATIONE ET CONGLUTINATIONE LAPIDUM. Being sections of the KITĀB AL-SHIFĀʾ. The Latin and Arabic texts, with an English Translation and English notes by EJ Holmyard and DC Mandeville, year 1927, 90 pages. Downloadable as PDF file.alt-link.
  13. ^ alchemy

    Regarding the formation of the word chemical from the word alchemical, the influential mineralogist Georg Agricola (died 1555) seems to be the earliest to have dropped the Arabic definite article al-, doing so in 1530. Agricola in his Latin works from 1530 onward wrote chymia (and chymista = "chemist"). Agricola had been instilled in the spirit of Renaissance Humanism and he wished to purify word-forms and return them to their supposed classical roots. He had no intent to make a semantic distinction between alchymia and chymia. Conrad Gesner (died 1565) used the word in Latin without the al- in the title of his medical book De remediis secretis: Liber physicus, medicus, et partim etiam chymicus, and this book was later also published in vernacular European translations without the al-. The semantic distinction between a rational and practical science of chimia and an occult alchimia did not begin until more than a century later, in the last quarter of the 17th century. Until about 1700, the word, as alchimia and chimia, covered the full range of what was then known about chemistry and metallurgy, even though at the same time the word was prominently attached to the effort to transmute cheaper metals into precious metals – Article, ''Alchemy vs. Chemistry'', by William R Newman and Lawrence M Principe, year 1998 in journal ''Early Science and Medicine'' Volume 3 pages 32-65. The article reviews the meanings of the words ''alchemy'' and ''chemistry'' in Europe up to the 18th century.ref-1, Article, ''From Alchemy to 'Chymistry' '', by William R Newman, a chapter in the book ''The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 3, Early Modern Science'', year 2006, on pages 497-517ref-2. For instance, Italian dictionaries published in 1612 and 1681 defined alchimia as "the art of refining and mixing metals" – alchimia @ ''Vocabolario degli accademici della Crusca'', year 1612 edition, defines alchimia as ''arte del raffinare, alterare, e mescolare i metalli''. The same definition is in the 1691 edition of this dictionary. The same definition plus a second and different definition is in the year 1729 edition of this dictionary.ref-1, alchimia @ ''Vocabolario toscano dell' arte del disegno'', by Filippo Baldinucci (died 1696), year 1681ref-2. An English dictionary in 1658 defined alchimy as "the art of dissolving metals, to separate the pure from the impure" – The dictionary is ''The New World of English Words'' by Edward Phillips, year 1658. The dictionary is text-searchable at the website ''Early English Books Online'' (EEBO).ref. An English dictionary in 1656 defined Chymistry as "see Alchimy" and defined Alchymy as the art of purifying substances – ref: chymistry @ ''Glossographia: or, A dictionary interpreting the hard words... now used in our refined English tongue'', by Thomas Blount. Link goes to year 1681 edition. Same definition is in year 1656 edition.page 129 & alchymy @ ''Glossographia'' by Thomas Blount (died 1679)page 16. In English in the 16th to early 18th centuries, the spelling was usually with a letter i|y as in chimic | chymic | alchimic | alchymic. In English during the late 18th & early 19th century the spelling with the letter e as in chemic took over. Examples in English over the centuries are at alchemy + alchemist @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1888NED--1 and chemic + chemical + chemistry @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1893NED--2. Chemistry is from chemist like masonry from mason, poetry from poet, and sophistry from sophist.
  14. ^ alcohol

    A dozen texts in Spanish in the 13th century have alcohol or alcofol meaning a fine powder. The most informative of them is the minerals book At HispanicSeminary.org : Full text of ''Lapidario de Alfonso X''. The book was commissioned by Spanish king Alfonso X (died 1284).Lapidario de Alfonso X (3rd quarter of 13th). Generally the alcohol powders were made from sulfide minerals; generally lead sulfide and antimony sulfide. Lead sulfide and antimony sulfide are sooty-colored rocks whose powders were used by women as eye-makeup. The Lapidario de Alfonso X, besides using the word as a noun, sometimes uses the word as a verb meaning "to apply a fine powder", as seen in the following two cases: "Si alcoholare con el fregamiento desta piedra los oios.... Las mugeres se alcofolaren con ella " = "They alcohol the eyes with the powder of this stone [as eye makeup].... The women alcofol themselves with it [as eye makeup]." The 13th century Spanish texts are online and searchable at search for alcohol* and alcofol* with the asteriskCorpus Diacrónico del Español. The mutation from letter H to letter F in wordform alcofol got its start in Spanish & Portuguese – ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, on page 14ref. An alchemy book translated from Arabic to Latin, translation dated around 1200, has Latin "Plumbum de alchofol, et Plumbum de litargiro" = "lead sulfide (PbS) and lead monoxide (PbO)" – Alchemy book ''Liber de Septuaginta'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. It is published in Latin in ''Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France'', volume 49, year 1906, pages 310-363. ''Alchofol'' on page 352, ''alcofol'' on page 330.Liber de Septuaginta. Another Arabic-to-Latin alchemy translation done in Iberia in early 13th century has many instances of alcofol, including "plumbum alcofolis" = "lead sulfide" – ''De Anima in Arte Alchimiae'' is Arabic-to-Latin translation. It is published in Latin within the volume ''Artis Chemicae Principes'', year 1572, from page 1 to page 471 (content after page 471 is different, later, and unrelated alchemy material). A better edition was published in year 2016 but is not free.De Anima in Arte Alchimiae. A Latin alchemy compilation in early 13th century incorporates an Arabic-to-Latin translation with the word spelled in Latin alkool and alchool (which in Latin is pronounced AL·KO·OL) – ''Liber Sacerdotum'' is a compilation about minerals, colorants, and metallurgy. It is date-assessed as a little after year 1200 as a compilation. It has old Latin material many centuries older than 1200. Elsewhere some of its parts are from an Arabic-to-Latin translation, and other parts are not. The Latin is on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893.Liber Sacerdotum. A medicines book translated Arabic-to-Latin in late 13th century has Latin cohol on about 30 pages, always meaning "an eyewash or a powder for an eyewash", involving powders of a variety of materials – Link is year 1531 printed editionDe Simplicibus Medicinis by Serapion the Younger. A Latin medicines dictionary in the 1290s defined alcohol solely as "a powder for an eyewash" – Author is also known as Simon JanuensisSynonyma Medicinae by Simon of Genoa. The main medical use of such alcohol | alcofol powders was in eye cleaning treatments for eye complaints; see at Wikipedia : Collyriumcollyrium. Alcohol is defined solely as an exceedingly fine powder in the year 1543 alcohol @ ''In Antidotarium Ioannis Filii Mesuae, censura. Cum declaratione simplicium medicinarum, & solutione multorum dubiorum ac difficilium terminorum.'' Written in year 1543. Authors were Franciscan monks named Angelus Palea and Bartholomaeus.In Antidotarium Mesuae, censura, a book which says on its front page that it intends to explain the meanings of ambiguous and difficult medicinal terms in Latin.
  15. ^ alcohol

    One of Paracelsus's followers was Martin Rulandus (died 1602). Martin Rulandus wrote a dictionary of Latin alchemy words in which he explained Paracelsus's viewpoint about the semantics of alcohol. Rulandus says the following five things: (1) alcohol is an exceedingly fine-grained powder; (2) alcohol vini is distilled wine; (3) it is an error to think of the fine powder as having been obtained by mechanical grinding; (4) Paracelsus's alcool powders, synonymous with alcohol powders, which are powders obtained from various minerals by Paracelsus, are prepared by first mechanically breaking up the mineral and then heating the mineral until it sublimates to a vapor, with the sublimation performed by a carefully tempered fire, so that the powder of the mineral may be liquefied as little as possible, but at the same time may ascend until the essence of the powder is seen sticking to the walls of the enclosure [like soot does]; and (5) the alcool | alcohol, be it a powder or a liquid, is a purified body [and in other words it is a distillate] – ref: Martin Ruland Book ''Lexicon alchemiae sive dictionarium alchemisticum'', by Martin Ruland, year 1612, on page 27in Latin and Book ''A Lexicon of Alchemy'', by Martin Rulandus the Elder, translated from Latin to English by Arthur E. Waite, year 1893, on PDF page 21 in linked PDF file. (By the way, in year 1894 the same English translator translated two volumes of writings of Paracelsus – downloadable in English at Archive.org).in English. Reference also RJ Forbes's A Short History of the Art of Distillation on Book, ''A Short History of the Art of Distillation'', edition year 1970, originally published in 1948page 107 regarding Paracelsus and on Book, ''A Short History of the Art of Distillation'', search for word ''sublimation''numerous pages regarding fine powders made medievally by sublimations and distillations. The same is covered by EJ Holmyard's Makers of Chemistry on Book ''Makers of Chemistry'', year 1931, bottom of page 111page 111 regarding Paracelsus and on pages Book ''Makers of Chemistry'' by EJ Holmyard, year 193158‑59 regarding fine powders made medievally by sublimations and calcinations.
  16. ^ alcove

    Alcoba @ Iberoromanische Arabismen im Bereich Urbanismus und Wohnkultur, by Y. Kiegel-Keicher, year 2005, on pages 314-319; and alcoba @ search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español.
  17. ^ alfalfa

    The agriculture writer Ibn Al-Awwam (died c. 1200) talks about how to cultivate alfalfa and one of his names for alfalfa is الفصفصة al-fisfisaIbn Al-Awwam's Book of Agriculture, in Arabic, together with translation to Spanish by Josef Antonio Banqueri, year 1802, Volume 2, on page 129 (Chapter XXII, article viii)ref, Clement-Mullet's French translation of Ibn Al-Awwam's Book of Agriculture, Volume 2, translator's footnote on page 126-127 talks about Ibn al-Awwam's names for alfalfa and related fodderalt-ref. The 13th-century Arabic dictionary Lisan al-Arab says الفصفصة al-fisfisa | الفِصْفِصُ al-fisfis is cultivated as an animal feed and consumed in both fresh and dried form. Medieval Arabic فصفصة fisfisa is handled in Lane's Lexicon under فصفصة = ''species of trefoil, a food for horses'' is in Lane's Arabic-to-English Lexicon under rootword فص at page 2403 column 2, in Volume 6, year 1877. Lane reports the plural of al-fisfisa was الفصافص al-fasāfis. Alt-link: All volumes of Lane's Lexicon in PDF fileformat at https://lanelexicon.com/updates/ headword فص.
    In Spanish & Catalan, a few late medieval records have alfalfez meaning alfalfa. A good example in Spanish circa 1390 is in the next paragraph below (note #18). In another example, a veterinary book in 15th century Spanish has alfalfez as an animal fodder and presumably it means alfalfa – ''Diccionari del castellà del segle XV a la Corona d'Aragó'', dictionary compiled by ''Grup d'història i contacte de llengües'', year 2013. It quotes from the late 15th century Spanish book ''Libro de Albeyteria'', which has three horse fodder names ''alfalfez'', ''alfaça'' and ''mielga'' on three different pages, and it is not clear how they differ in meaning. The dictionary interprets all three as meaning alfalfa.ref. The phonetic change from the Arabic al-fisfisa to the Spanish alfalfez is irregular, i.e., the 2nd letter L in alfalfez is abnormally different when you derive alfalfez from al-fisfisa. The abnormality can be attributed to Definition at Wikipedia : Dissimilation (in phonology)phonetic dissimilation because in Spanish a doubled syllable (as in fisfis) is most often perceived as clunky and unnatural. Doubled syllables are much more common in Arabic than in Spanish.
  18. ^ alfalfa

    The ancient Greek and Latin name for alfalfa was medica. The name medica was derived from the name of a country in ancient northwest Iran, at Wikipedia : Media (region in ancient northern Iran)Media, homeland of the Medes people. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed, probably correctly, Media was the place of origin of cultivation of the plant. Ancient Latin writers on agriculture who have something to say about the medica fodder crop include Varro (died 27 BC), Columella (died 70 AD), Pliny (died 79 AD), and Palladius (lived about 400 AD; muchly copied from Columella). Historically the major reason for growing alfalfa was that it was noticeably better than grass as food for working horses. Horses had more working energy, mainly because they were intaking more calories. The ancient Roman medica fodder crop was alfalfa, because the encyclopedia of Pliny says the leaves are trifoliate like clover (true of alfalfa) and the agriculture book by Palladius says it causes serious bloating in cattle until the cattle become adjusted to it (true of alfalfa) and Paladius says one sow-down lasts for ten years (true of alfalfa). Palladius's agriculture book was translated to Spanish with date around 1390. In that translation, Paladius's medica was written down in Spanish as alfalfez – ref: Palladius Link has Spanish text ''Libro de Palladio'', whose date is assessed as somewhat soon after 1385. The 4th-century agriculture book of Palladius had been translated from Latin to Catalan by Ferrer Saiol with date 1385. The Spanish ''Libro de Palladio'' has some signs it was translated from the Catalan.in medieval Spanish , Palladius, ''De Re Rustica'', with ''medica'' in book V section 1in classical Latin , ''The Fourteen Books of Palladius'', translated by T. Owen, year 1807. Alfalfa in book V section 1, on pages 199-200. Translation uses English word ''lucerne'' for alfalfa.in modern English.
  19. ^ algebra

    A late-medieval Arabic copy of Al-Khwarizmi's algebra book is reproduced in Book in Arabic : ''The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa'' [al-Khwarizmi], with annotations in English plus full translation to English by Frederic Rosen, year 1831. On page xiii Rosen says the transcription date of the Arabic manuscript is A.H. 743, which is A.D. 1342.The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa [al-Khwarizmi], year 1831. The earliest Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi's algebra treatise was by Robert of Chester and the year was 1145. Centuries later, some Latin manuscripts of this particular translation carried the Latin title Liber Algebrae et Almucabola. But the translation of 1145 did not carry that title originally, nor did it use the word algebrae in the body of the text. Instead it used the Latin word "restoration" as a translation of الجبر al-jabr, and the title it used was Liber Restaurationis et Oppositionis. It is published in Latin (plus English translation of the Latin) in Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi, curated by LC Karpinski, year 1915; Book at Archive.orgdownloadable. There is a separate and independent Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi's algebra book. Its Latin date is believed to be late 12th or early 13th century. Its text has three instances of Latin word algebra | algebre, always in the phrase "computatione in algebra et almuchabala", but it fails to define algebra or almuchabala, and it chooses much more often to use the Latin word restaura_ = "restore" – Book ''Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie'' Volume 1, curated by Guillaume Libri, year 1838, on pages 253-297, publishes one medieval Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi's algebra tutorial. You can see the translation's title on page 253 in the Latin headline.ref. Another mathematics treatise translated Arabic-to-Latin around the same time has three dozen instances of Latin aliabra | aliebre where the Latin 'i' is representing Arabic letter ج 'j' – Medieval Latin text ''Liber Mensurationum'' is published in article ''L'algèbre au Moyen Âge : le « Liber mensurationum » d'Abû Bekr'', curated by Hubert LL Busard, year 1968, in ''Journal des Savants'' Volume 2. The Latin text says the author is ''Ababuchri qui dicebatur Heus'' and it says the translator is ''Girardo Cremonensi''. This is an unknown Arabic author and no Arabic version of the text is known.ref. In the early 13th century in Latin the mathematician Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci wrote a chapter section involving the Latin title Algebre et AlmuchabaleBook in Latin, ''Liber Abbaci'' by Leonardo Pisano, written in 1202, revised in 1228. Edition curated by Baldassarre Boncompagni, year 1857. Section heading on page 406 in Volume 1 of ''Scritti di Leonardo Pisano''. The wordforms ALGEBRA and ALGEBRE are also elsewhere in the volume.ref. Leonardo Pisano had been influenced by an algebra book of essentially same title in Arabic by Abu Kamil Shujaʿ ibn Aslam (Biography of Abu Kamil Shuja Ibn Aslam, at an archive of history of mathematicsdied c. 930), this influence demonstrated by Leonardo's use of specific concrete numerical examples that Abu Kamil uses – Article, ''The Algebra of Abu Kamil'', by L.C. Karpinski, 12 pages, in journal ''The American Mathematical Monthly'', volume XXI number 2, year 1914. Search the article for the word Leonard.ref. The first known user of the phrase الجبر والمقابلة al-jabr wa al-muqābala is Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (Biography of Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, at an archive of history of mathematicsdied c. 850). Al-Khwarizmi is also the first known within Arabic mathematics to use the mathematical method that the phrase meant, although Al-Khwarizmi gives signs that he did not originate it himself – Book in Arabic plus translation to English : ''The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa'' [al-Khwarizmi], with notes and translation by Frederic Rosen, year 1831. Introductory pages viii - x.ref (pages viii - x). An algebra treatise by Omar Al-Khayyam (Biography of Omar Khayyam, at an archive of history of mathematicsdied 1131) has the phrase "al-jabr wa al-muqābala" in the title of the treatise, and it is downloadable Book in Arabic : ''L'Algèbre d'Omar Alkhayyâmî, publiée, traduite et accompagnée d'extraits de manuscrits inédits'', by F. Woepcke, year 1851in Arabic (plus French translation) (also in print in more than one English translation). An algebra treatise by Al-Karkhi (aka Al-Karaji) (Biography of Al-Karaji, also known as Al-Karkhi, at an archive of history of mathematicsdied c. 1029) uses the phrase, and defines the two mathematical terms الجبر al-jabr and المقابلة al-muqābala; Al-Karkhi's definitions are online in Book in French, ''Extrait du FAKHRȊ, traité d'algèbre par... ALKARKHȊ'', by F. Woepcke, year 1853, on pages 63-64French translation. The algebra in Al-Karkhi, Abu Kamil and Omar al-Khayyam was built upon the foundation in Al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khwarizmi's algebraic method was the same as the method of Diophantus of Alexandria, who Biography of Diophantus of Alexandria, at an archive of history of mathematicslived in the 3rd century AD and wrote in Greek. Diophantus's algebra book was in circulation in Arabic from the later 10th century onward, and was quoted from by Al-Karkhi (died c. 1029), but was not known to Al-Khwarizmi (refs below). At the time when the Latins started learning mathematics from Arabic sources in the 12th century, the Latins had no knowledge of the mathematics of Diophantus nor of any similar Late Ancient Greek mathematics. Refs: Book, ''Diophantus of Alexandria; a study in the history of Greek algebra''. Containing the text of Diophantus's ''Arithmetica'' in English, with an introduction and notes by Thomas Heath, year 1910. Mentions Al-Karkhī on page 5 of the introduction.Diophantus's Arithmetica in English with notes on its dissemination history by Thomas Heath, year 1910; and "Article published in journal ''Historia Mathematica'', volume 34, pages 45-61Simplifying equations in [Medieval] Arabic algebra", by Oaks & Alkhateeb, year 2007; and "Article published in ''Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science'', Volume 2, year 1996The Influence of Arabic Mathematics in the Medieval West", by André Allard, year 1996; and ''Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi'', curated, annotated, translated and introduced by LC Karpinski, year 1915Karpinski's book on pages 7, 19, 24, 33, 42, 65-66, 67, 159.
    In medieval Latin, and then derivatively in some late medieval European vernacular languages, the word "algebra" also had a medical sense, "restoration of broken body parts especially broken bones" – In Latin : Medicine writings of Al-Razi (died c. 930) translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). The linked book is a year 1544 print edition which also has medicine writings by other late medieval Latin medicine writers. Search the book for algebra, algebre, algebræ, algebrae.example , algebra @ Middle English Dictionary. Quotes the word in late medieval English in two medical books that were Latin-to-English translations.examples. This medical sense was entirely independent of the mathematical sense. It came from the same Arabic word by a different route. الجبر Al-jabr in the medical sense is in medieval Arabic medical writers Al-Razi (died c. 930) and others – Search for الجبر in the corpus of medieval Arabic texts at AlWaraq.net. Search results include الجبر in medical writings by Al-Razi (died c. 930). In the search results list at AlWaraq.net, the righthand column has clickable links.e.g., Book in Arabic : ''Canon of Medicine'' by Ibn Sina (died 1037), searchable. ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحث عن الجبرe.g. – whose medical books were translated to Latin in the late 12th and the 13th century.
  20. ^ algorithm

    The medieval Latin introductions to calculating with the Hindu-Arabic numerals usually had the word algorismus in their title. The introduction with the most medieval distribution was the one by Johannes de Sacrobosco, dated about 1230, about 20 pages long, which was also titled De Arte Numerandi = "On the Craft of Arithmetic". Its opening paragraph says algorismus is the craft of arithmetic – Latin text ''Iohannis de Sacrobosco Algorismus Vulgaris'' is published within the book ''Petri Philomeni de Dacia in Algorismum vulgarem Johannis de Sacrobosco commentarius. Una cum Algorismo ipso edidit'', curated by Curtze, year 1897.ref, Latin text ''Tractatus de Arte Numerandi'' by Joannis de Sacro-Bosco is published within the book ''A collection of treatises on the mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited manuscripts'', curated by Halliwell, year 1841.alt-ref. In 1534 the spelling algorithm(us) occurs in the title of a book on arithmetic methods, Algorithmus Demonstratus, published that year, written originally in the 13th or 14th century by an uncertain author. But in general, until the late 17th century and later, the spelling was algorism(us). The spelling algorithm(us) was effectively a new spelling in the mid 17th century, under the influence of the model of the word Logarithm, with the arithm taken from ancient Greek arithmos = "arithmetic" and the algor descended from medieval Latin algorismus = "Hindu-Arabic numeral system". Algorism and algorithm were synonymous and meant only the basic methods of the decimal number system until the late 19th century, at which point the word was almost obsolete, in any wordform. An English dictionary in year 1921 flagged the word as "archaic" – algorism @ ''An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English'', by Ernest Weekley, year 1921ref. But starting in the late 19th century algorithm was saved from oblivion by an expansion of the meaning to cover any systematic codified procedure in mathematics. The next paragraph is about how the word began in medieval Latin.
    The introductions to the algorismus arithmetic in the late medieval Western European languages include the late-medieval English and Latin texts at ''The Earliest Arithmetics in English'', curated by Robert Steele, year 1922. Publishes four short 15th-century English tutorials plus one in medieval Latin. The tutorials in English had been translated from earlier works in Latin, for the most part. Total of 80 pages.Ref at pages 3 and 33 and 72, and the year 1296 Latin at ''Algorismus'' in Latin about year 1296 in the encyclopedia by Johannes Egidius Zamorensis aka Juan Gil de Zamora (died c. 1318)Ref. In these and other introductory texts, it can be seen that people in late-medieval Europe generally assumed the name algorismus had somehow come from an Arabic or Indian or other foreign source, but they did not know what source. They did not connect it with al-Khwarizmi's name. Likewise, centuries later, the year 1828 Webster's English dictionary said algorism is "an Arabic term" Webster's English dictionary, year 1828 edition(ref), which was a false statement in the sense it was intended, because algorism was not a term in Arabic. The connection with al-Khwarizmi's name was made by historians in the 1840s. The evidence that al-Khwarizmi's name was the source of the medieval Latin word algorismus is in certain Latin tutorials which have been date-assessed as 12th century, and which had only low distribution in Latin, and which gave introductions to the Hindu-Arabic arithmetic in a similar way to one another. These several texts, and the relationships among them, are discussed in "Early [ Latin ] Texts on Hindu-Arabic Calculation", by Menso Folkerts, year 2001, 24 pages – ''Early Texts on Hindu-Arabic Calculation'', by Menso Folkerts. The title is referring to early Latin texts. Article published in journal ''Science in Context'' Volume 14, year 2001.online. Supplemental details are in "The Arabic Origins and Development of Latin Algorisms in the Twelfth Century", by André Allard, year 1991, 50 pages. The earliest of these Latin texts is theoretically date-hypothesized as mid 12th century. The location where the Latin was written was Christian-ruled Iberia. The Latin has to have come from some kind of Arabic source in Iberia somehow, but nothing matching has survived from the Arabic side. Other introductions in Latin evolved out of it, without input from other Arabic introductions. Four versions were produced by unknown or uncertain Latin authors having dates assessed as late 12th and early 13th century. One of these carries the title liber alchorismi and in medieval Latin the writing of a proper name with the initial letter lowercase was sometimes done, and thus alchorismi could be eligible for translation as Al-Khwarizmi (died c. 850). But in this version the stated author is magister iohanne = "master John" – Manuscript at BNF, dated about mid 13th century as physical manuscript, begins : ''Incipit prologus in libro alchorismi de pratica arismetice qui editus est a magistro iohanne.'' (photo of this text on linked page is zoomable by rolling the mouse-wheel). The manuscript at BNF has library-assigned archive number ''latin 15461''.ref. For that reason, and for additional reasons seen in the body of this version, the alchorismi in the title is better translated as "algorism". Another version begins "Dixit alchoarizmi..." where Latin dixit = "said (grammatically 3rd person singular)" – Photograph of the first page of the manuscript text ''Dixit alchoarizmi'' in manuscript owned by Hispanic Society of America with archive number HC 397/726. The manuscript is dated 13th century. The photo is printed in the book ''Les chiffres arabes à la conquête de l'Europe, 1143-1585'', by Alain Schärlig, year 2010, on page 45.photo of the 1st page of manuscript , Book, ''The art and influence of Islamic Spain : selections from the Hispanic Society of America'', by Heather Ecker, year 2004, photo plate number 39 on page 41.alt‑photo. And this version also survives in a closely corresponding variant manuscript that begins "Dixit algorizmi..." – Photograph of the first page of the medieval manuscript ''Dixit algorizmi''. Manuscript kept at Cambridge University Library with archive number Ms. Ii.vi.5.manuscript page photo. The medieval Latin words dixit alchoarizmi | dixit algorizmi get translated to modern English as "Al-Khwarizmi said...". A muchly different tutorial version begins "Intencio algarismi est in hoc opere..." which at least one translating historian has translated as "The intention of Al-Khwarizmi in this work is..." Article, ''Two Twelfth Century Algorisms'', by Louis C. Karpinski, year 1921, in journal ''Isis'' Volume 3 pages 396–413(ref). That translation is debatable. A related variant tutorial of late 12th and more probably early 13th century (Article, ''Two Twelfth Century Algorisms'', by Louis C. Karpinski, year 1921, in journal ''Isis'' Volume 3 pages 396–413ref for date) begins "Intendit algorismus in hoc opere..." which is translatable as "The craft of arithmetic intended in this work...". These early tutorials begot the name algorismus. The thing that most strongly indicates that the Latin algorismus was initially referring to Al-Khwarizmi (died c. 850) is that the versions begining "Dixit alchoarizmi..." and "Dixit algorizmi...", in the 2nd half of their first page, mention the title of a well-known algebra book by Al-Khwarizmi : "Et iam Latin PATEFECI means ''I have revealed''. It is a verb in the first-person singular. patefeci in libro algebre et almucabalah, idest restaurationis et oppositionisRobert of Chester's mid-12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of the algebra book of al-Khwarizmi was originally called Liber Restaurationis et Oppositionis and its first and last sentences have this phrase – ref: ''Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi'', curated by Karpinski, year 1915. The first sentence of the Latin text is on page 66 where it says ''incipit liber Restaurationis et Oppositionis''. By the way, on page 66 there is also a title ''Liber Algebrae et Almucabola'' but that title is a centuries-later late addition.first sentence , ''Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi'', curated by Karpinski, year 1915. The last sentence of the Latin text is on page 124 where it says ''Finis libri restaurationis et oppositionis''.last sentence. The phrase "restaurationis et oppositionis" used in the Dixit alchoarizmi tutorial is necessarily copied from Robert of Chester's Latin.

    Arabic ibn = Latin filius = English "son of". In Robert of Chester's translation, the name of Mohammed Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (died c. 850) is written in Latin as "Mahumed filius moysi algaurizim" and is also in wordforms algaurizm etc in medieval copies.

    Robert of Chester's Latin was done in year 1145. There is a separate Arabic-to-Latin translation of the algebra book of Al-Khwarizmi, whose Latin date is assessed as late 12th century. Its Latin title is "Liber Maumeti filii Moysi alchoarismi de algebra et almuchabala" – Book ''Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie'' Volume 1, curated by Guillaume Libri, year 1838, on pages 253-297, publishes a medieval Latin translation of Al-Khwarizmi's algebra tutorial, and the Latin title is printed on page 253.
       A year 1986 publication of the same Latin is at http://www.jphogendijk.nl/khwar/Hughes.pdf
    . The two words "algebra" and "almuchabala" are not found elsewhere in Latin mathematics until the 13th century.
    , quod uniuersus numerus sit..." = "And already I have revealed in the book of algebra and almucabala, i.e., restoration and opposition, that every number is..." – ref: Article, ''Thus spake al-Khwārizmī: A translation of the text of Cambridge University Library Ms. Ii.vi.5'', by J Crossley & A Henry, in journal ''Historia Mathematica'', volume 17 issue 2, year 1990. Translates the ''Dixit algorizmi'' text into English.Dixit algorizmi in English translation; for the Dixit algorizmi in Latin see the photos linked above and supplementarily Latin text ''Algoritmi de numero indorum'', aka ''Dixit algorizmi'', published in ''Trattati d'aritmetica'' Volume 1, curated by Baldassarre Boncompagni, year 1857. Text is copied from manuscript Ms. Ii.vi.5 at Cambridge University Library. This publication in some places erroneously prints ''Dixit algoritmi'' instead of ''Dixit algorizmi'' -- you can see this is an error by looking at the manuscript photo.Ref. The Dixit algorizmi tutorial has the word "Indian" at least 8 times and it says that what it is describing is an "Indian" system of numbering. A history book in Arabic by Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī (died 1070) states that Mohammed Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi authored an explanation of how to calculate with the "Indian" numerals – Book in Arabic : صاعد الاندلسي - طبقات الامم ''Kitāb Tabaqāt al-Umam'', by Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī (died 1070), curated by Louis Cheikho, year 1912, on page ١٤. Book has a chapter about sciences developed by people in India (العلم في الهند). In that chapter it is stated that Mohammed Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi explained calculating with the Indian numerals.ref. It is not clear that Al-Khwarizmi was the true original author, because: (#1) Al-Khwarizmi's algebra book – Text in medieval Arabic with modern English translation : ''The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa'' [al-Khwarizmi], curated and translated by Frederic Rosen, year 1831link-1, Text in medieval Latin with modern English translation of the Latin : ''Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi'', curated and translated by Louis Charles Karpinski, year 1915. The Latin was translated from Arabic in the mid 12th century.link-2 – does not use zero or positional notation, the key innovation of the Hindu-Arabic numerals (a late-medieval copy has the Hindu-Arabic numerals in labels on drawings), and (#2) no copy nor fragment of an Al-Khwarizmi algorism text survives in Arabic, and (#3) the earliest use of zero and positional notation that survives from any mathematics writer in Arabic is dated a century after Al-Khwarizmi died (Of all Arabic texts that do any mathematical calculation, the earliest surviving text that uses the Hindu-Arabic numerals was written by Al-Uqlīdisī (died c. 980). A set of the names of early records of the Hindu numerals in use in Arabic is in the article ''The Transmission of Hindu-Arabic Numerals Reconsidered'', by Paul Kunitzsch, year 2003, in the book ''The Enterprise of Science in Islam'', by various authors. Alt‑link : The whole book is freely available via archive.org/advancedsearch.php details), despite a good few surviving antecedent Arabic works on mathematics and math-intensive astronomy, and (#4) Al-Khwarizmi was medievally famous as a mathematician and When a writer adopts a pseudonym and the pseudonym is the name of a famous earlier writer, then the pseudonym is called a pseudepigraph, and the practice is called pseudepigraphy. The famous writer Aristotle (died 322 BC) is the declared author of texts that were written in the medieval era by a number of independent authors whose real names are unknown. These pseudo-Aristotles branded their texts with the reputation of the original Aristotle.pseudepigraphy was common in the era, and (#5) the founding text of the Latin text-family does not survive in Latin, and in other words the Latin texts are all "reworkings" and "hybrids", and in other words the presumed Arabic tutorial is unavailable in a faithful Latin translation.
  21. ^ alidade

    The Latin text Sententie Astrolabii is an Arabic-to-Latin translation of a tutorial about using astrolabe instruments. The Latin is dated around year 1000 (location: Catalonia). It has Latin hahidada and alhidade translating Arabic العضادة al-ʿiḍāda = "alidade" – Article, ''Al-Khwārizmī as a Source for the SENTENTIE ASTROLABII'' by Paul Kunitzsch, printed in year 1987 in book ''From Deferent to Equant'' by various authors, reprinted in year 1989 in book ''The Arabs and the Stars'' by Paul Kunitzsch. The article has medieval Arabic text and medieval Latin text side-by-side.ref. In Latin in the mid 12th century, an Arabic-derived book about astrolabes has Latin alhaidada = "alidade" – Link goes to Latin text of a short treatise on the Astrolabe by Rudolf of Bruges, who lived mid 12th century in Languedoc. Rudolf's text was derived from Arabic astronomy sources. Rudolf's text, curated by Richard Lorch year 1999, is published in book ''Essays in the History of Science and Philosophy Presented to John D. North'', year 1999, pages 60-75 in Latin, translation in English on pages 80-86.ref. With same meaning, the spelling allidada occurs in mid-13th-century Latin in another Arabic-influenced book about using the astrolabe – Book, ''Pseudo-Masha’allah, On the Astrolabe: A Critical Edition of the Latin Text with English Translation'', by Ron B. Thomson, year 2014. Pseudo-Masha’allah's compilation on the Astrolabe is dated 3rd quarter of the 13th century as a compilation. Some of its contents are a century older than the time of the compilation.ref. In the Spanish language in 3rd quarter of 13th century alhidada = "alidade" occurs about 250 times in astronomy books that were commissioned by the king of Castille, these books translated from Arabic for the most part – Edition at HispanicSeminary.org : ''Libros del saber de astronomía del rey Alfonso X de Castilla'', commissioned by the king of Castille and completed about year 1277ref. In year 1523 in Germany an introduction to astrolabes says in Latin: "Alhidada, an Arabic word, is a dial which turns and moves on the surface of an [astrolabe] instrument." – Book, ''Coelestium rerum disciplinae atque totius sphaericae peritissimi Iohannis Stoeflerini Iustingensis, viri Germani, variorum astrolabiorum compositionem seu fabricam.'' Edition year 1535, ''alhidada'' and ''dioptra'' on page 33. The author is Johannes Stöffler (died 1531).ref. For background context, see history articles on medieval astrolabes (Article, ''An Introduction to the Astrolabe'', by Darin Hayton, year 2012, 32 pagese.g., Article, ''Some remarks on Islamic astronomical instruments'', by David A. King, year 1992, in journal ''Scientiarum Historia'', volume 18 pages 5-23.e.g.). In the 18th century in English, Bailey's English Dictionary defined "alidada" as "the ruler or label that moves on the center of an astrolabe, quadrant, etc., and carries the sight." – Bailey's English Dictionary, 1726 editionref.
  22. ^ alkali  ^ kalium

    The medieval Arabic القلي al-qalī was obtained from succulent flowering plants that grow where water has relatively high levels of salt and consequently the plants have relatively high levels of sodium. When the plants are burned, much of the sodium ends up as sodium carbonate in the ash. Another major component in the ash is potassium carbonate. The ash also has calcium compounds and other compounds. Medievally these saltwort plants were collected on salty soils, including tidal marshes and saline desert soils, and the plants were burned for their ash, and this kind of ash was called al-qalī in Arabic. The desert-dwelling saltwort species (e.g. Photos of Halogeton at iNaturalist.orgHalogeton, Photos of Haloxylon at iNaturalist.orgHaloxylon, Photos of Seidlitzia at iNaturalist.orgSeidlitzia, Photos of Anabasis at iNaturalist.orgAnabasis) were burned in greater volume and were of greater commercial importance than the marsh-dwelling saltworts. Making glass and making soap were the main things the ash was used for. Ash from burning non-salty plants could be used for making glass and soap, and indeed was used, but the results were not as good. The chemical composition analysis of some ancient glass from the Mediterranean region suggests that the ash of saltwort plants (rich in sodium carbonate) could have been sometimes used as an ingredient in making glass thousands of years ago – Book, ''Ancient Glass: An Interdisciplinary Exploration'', by Julian Henderson, year 2013. By looking through the entirety of the book's table of contents you will see relevant section headings.ref. On the other hand, however, no synonym for al-qalī or saltwort ash occurs in ancient Greek or Latin writings.
    Al-qalī salt is made from al-qalī, says an Arabic dictionary dated about year 980 – أبو عبدالله محمد بن أحمد بن يوسف الخوارزمي - مفاتيح العلوم :: الباب التاسع - في الكيمياء Book in medieval Arabic plus footnotes in modern Latin : ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', by Ahmed ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi (lived c. 980), curated by Van Vloten year 1895. القلي al-qilī | al-qalī on page ٢٥٩ (259) on line 7.ref. Arabic milḥ = "salt". Medieval Arabic ملح القلى milḥ al-qalā | ملح القلي milḥ al-qalī = "alkali salt" was a product refined from al-qalī = "alkali ash". Al-Razi (died c. 930) has a description of the refining procedure – Book in Arabic : الرازي كتاب الأسرار وسر الأسرار ''Kitāb al-asrār wa sirr al-asrār'', by Al-Razi (died c. 930). Downloadable from Arabic Collections Online at http://dlib.nyu.edu/aco/. In this copy, باب ملح القلي is on print pages ٦ and ٧ which is PDF pages 34 and 35.ref-1 , DEAD LINK. Book in English translation : ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' by Al-Razi (died c. 930). Translated from German by Gail Marlow Taylor, year 2011, the German having been translated from Arabic by Julius Ruska, year 1937. This English translation is also titled ''The Book Secret of Secrets'' and also titled ''Book of Secrets''. Al-Razi's Arabic ''al-qali'' is in English as ''soda'' in this translation. The translation has a section headed ''Preparation of Soda Salt''. The soda salt is the refined soda ash.ref-2 , In Latin : ''Liber Secretorum de voce Bubacaris'' is Arabic-to-Latin translation of ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' of Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). It is in Latin in the 13th century in more than one version. Extracts from Latin versions are in ''Ubersetzung und Bearbeitungen von Al-Razi's Buch Geheimnis der Geheimnisse'', year 1935. The procedure for refining alkali ash is on page 71-72. Latin uses word ALKALI.ref-3. The procedure was: The al-qalī ash is mixed with about seven times as much hot water and this causes the desired components of the ash to dissolve in the water, then the non-dissolved components are gotten rid of by passing the water through a fine sieve, then the water is gotten rid of by evaporation, and then what is left is the dissolved components as solids. Sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate are extremely soluble in water. They were the main components of the al-qalī salts. The procedure removed much of the other components of the al-qalī ash.
  23. ^ alkali

    One of the earliest records of the word "alkali" among the Latins is in the Liber de Aluminibus et Salibus (English: Book on Alums and Salts), which is an Arabic-to-Latin translation with translation date about year 1200. Its text is in medieval Arabic and medieval Latin at Book in Arabic and Latin : ''Das Buch der Alaune und Salze'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1935. Arabic section A §78 (on page 52) has ملح القلي milḥ al-qalī. This is translated in Latin section G §78 (on page 81) as SAL ALKALI. Arabic section A §44 (on page 45) has ماء القلى māʾ al-qalī and it is translated in Latin section G §44 (on page 69) as ALKALI.Ref, where it can be seen that the Arabic القلي al-qalī was translated as Latin alkali. The minerals book of Al-Razi (died c. 930) is available in original Arabic and in 13th century Latin translation, where you can see that Al-Razi's القلي al-qalī was translated as Latin alkali and the word is in the book many times – note #22 above has the http links. Another Arabic-to-Latin translation dated early 13th century is De Anima in Arte Alchemiae. It has more than 60 instances of Latin sal alcali | sale alcali | salis alcaliText ''De Anima in Arte Alchimiae'' is within the volume ''Artis Chemicae Principes'', year 1572, from page 1 to page 471 (beyond page 471 is different, later, and unrelated alchemy). An improved edition of the early-13th-century Latin text has been published under title ''Le DE ANIMA alchimique du pseudo-Avicenne'', curated by Sébastien Moureau, year 2016.ref; the text does not survive in Arabic. Another 13th-century Latin text about salts and minerals is Liber Dedali aka Liber Luminis Luminum, much influenced by an unknown Arabic source. It has more than a dozen instances of alkali | alcali – DEAD LINK. Article ''The Texts of Michael Scot's ARS ALCHEMIE '', curated by Harrison Thomson, year 1938 in journal ''Osiris''. It publishes several versions of a text associated with the name of Michael Scot, who died in 1230s. Guessed as written late 13th and thus not written by Michael Scot. The text's versions have alkali (17 times) and alcali (9 times).

    Another source for one version of the text is: Appendix III on pages 240-268 at archive.org/details/anenquiryintoli00browgoog , which prints the Liber Dedali.

    The known and unknown history of the medieval versions is the subject of the article ''The ARS ALCHEMIE: the first Latin text on practical alchemy'', by Antony Vinciguerra, year 2009, in journal ''Ambix'' volume 57, in which it is argued that the Liber Dedali... contains the most ancient version of.... the Ars alchemie.
    . The above four 13th-century Latin texts speak of "sal_ alkali" (with Latin sal_ = "salt") with the very same meaning as the Arabic "milḥ al-qalī" defined in note #22 above. "Sal_ alkali" is easy to find in 14th & 15th century Latin alchemy – Book, ''Verae Alchemiae Artisque Metallicae'', a collection of Latin alchemy texts by uncertain and various authors, nearly all dated 14th and 15th century, printed in year 1561. The OCR'd text has three dozen instances of substring ''alkal_'', most of them in the form ''sal__ alkali''.some examples. Also spelled "DEAD LINK. ''Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in the United States and Canada'', by WJ Wilson, year 1939, is a 836-page report in Volume 6 of journal ''Osiris''. It has 70 instances of 15th century SALIS ALCHALI | SALE ALCHALI | SAL ALCHALI, on the pages from 60 to 146.sal_ alchali" in medieval Latin.
    14th century Italian has sale alkali (sale = "salt") – alcali @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (''TLIO'') gives medieval quotationsref: TLIO. "Alkali" is in the English language from the later 14th century on – alkali @ ''The Middle English Dictionary'' gives medieval quotationsref. In medieval French the word's known records are limited to two books that were Latin-to-French translations – details omitted. Earliest known in Spanish is dated around year 1500. Around that year, three new books have alcali | alkali in Spanish: All three are medical books translated from Latin to Spanish, two of them were written in Latin in Italy and the third written in Latin in France – Search for ''alcali'' + ''alkali'' in Corpus Diacrónico del Españolref, Search for ''alcali'' + ''alkali'' in 15th and 16th century Spanish medical texts at HispanicSeminary.org. Has instances in Spanish in translations of books originally written in Latin by Theodoric Borgognoni (Tederico), Saladinus of Ascoli, and Guy de Chauliac.ref. Medieval Spanish has plenty of records of the alkali ashes product under a completely different name.
    Alkali ashes were regularly imported from Arabic lands into Italy by the glass-making industry of late medieval Italy. That is the main subject in the article "Levantine Alkali Ashes and European Industries", by E. Ashtor and G. Cevidalli, in Journal of European Economic History, year 1983. The Levantine alkali ashes were produced in semi-desert places in Syria. They were the fluxing material of first choice in glass-making at Venice especially. Late medieval Italian writers connected with the glass-making industry in Italy most often used names other than alcali for the alkali ashes, but you can see two of them using the name alcali quoted in TLIO, link above.
    In the 17th-18th centuries, the alkali ashes was most often called "soda" and "soda ash" in English and throughout Western Europe (with wordform variants soude etc) – Book ''An universal European dictionary of merchandise'', by PA Nemnich, year 1798. It has English word ''Soda'' translated to 9 or 10 Western European languages. The dictionary treats ''Soda Ash'' as synonymous with ''Soda''. Search for SODA. Search also for BARILLA, which was synonymous with soda ash. This dictionary had been translated from German ''Waaren-lexicon in zwölf sprachen'', year 1797.examples.
  24. ^ amalgam

    Evidence that late 13th century Latin amalgama came from Arabic al-malgham with same meaning:
    It is stated in the dictionary of Ibn Sīda (died 1066): وكل جَوهر ذؤَّاب. كالذَّهب ونحوه خُلط بالزَّاوُوق: مُلْغَمٌ = "And any melting substance such as gold, etc, mixed with mercury is called مُلْغَمٌ mulgham" – ref: Dictionary titled المحكم والمحيط الأعظملغم @ Ibn Sīda's dictionary @ AlWaraq.net. Ibn Sīda's statement was copied into the dictionary of Ibn Manẓūr (died 1312) and placed under the rootword لغم L-Gh-MSearchable Medieval Arabic dictionaries. The ''Lisan al-Arab'' of Ibn Manzur says: وكلُّ جوهر ذوّاب كالذهب ونحوه خُلِط بالزَّاوُوق مُلْغَمٌ، وقد أُلْغِمَ فالْتَغَمَلغم @ Lisan al-Arab. Essentially the same statement about ملغم mulgham | malgham is in the dictionary of Abū ʿAlī al-Qālī (died 967), whose dictionary is titled al-Bāriʿ fī al-Lugha''Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache'', by Manfred Ullmann, Volume 2 (letter ل), on page 901, year 1991, quotes from page 279 of the al-Bāriʿ dictionary as published in 1975 curated by Taʿʿān = هاشم الطعان.ref , The 10th century ''al-Bāriʿ fī al-Lugha'' dictionary is downloadable as a PDF file inside a RAR wrapper file at the link. This requires that you have a program that can extract files from a RAR-format wrapper file. ملغم is on page 279 (on line 10) of the PDF file.ref (page 279).
    An Arabic alchemy text date-assessed about late 9th century has Lead (Pb) mixed with pyrite and copper, and it says "into this it is appropriate to mix mercury until it becomes a ملغماً malghamā". This text was compiled from Late Ancient Greek alchemy authors (who are named in the text). The Arabic compiler is named "Al-Ḥabīb" and the text is titled Kitāb al-Ḥabīb. Book, ''La Chimie au Moyen Age, Tome III : L'Alchimie Arabe... Texte et Traduction'', by Berthelot and Houdas, year 1893, on Arabic page ٥۴ (on line 3), where the Arabic text has: رصاصنا اذا خلط... وابار نحاس وعند ذلك ينبغى ان يخلط فيه الزيبق حتَى يصير ملغماً ثمَ يجعل انآئه ثم يطبخ. The Arabic text of ''Kitab al-Habib'' begins on Arabic page ٣۴ and ends on Arabic page ٧۸.Kitāb al-Ḥabīb text in Arabic ; Book, ''Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Band IV: Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H.'', by Fuat Sezgin, year 1971, on pages 91-94 for Kitab al-Habibref-1 for date, Book, ''La Chimie au Moyen Age, Tome III : L'Alchimie Arabe... Texte et Traduction'', by Berthelot and Houdas, year 1893, introductory info on pages 12-13 for Kitab al-Habibref-2 for date; and the text has been put in French translation under title Book, ''La Chimie au Moyen Age, Tome III : L'Alchimie Arabe... Texte et Traduction'', by Berthelot and Houdas, year 1893. French translation of ''Kitab al-Habib'' is on pages 76-115. In French on page 94 (on line 6) the Arabic word ''malghamā'' is translated as French word ''pâte'' = English ''paste''.Le Livre d'El-Habib.
    Book on Precious Stones by Al-Bīrūnī (died c. 1050), in its chapter about mercury, has grammatical plural ملاغم الذهب... ملاغم الفضة malāghim al-dhahab... malāghim al-fida = "gold amalgams... silver amalgams". Elsewhere in the same book Al-Bīrūnī has كالملغمة kal-malghama meaning a paste consisting of cow-dung and salt, where Arabic prefix kal- means English suffix "-like" = "sort of"; kal-malghama = "amalgam-like". كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني -- البحث عن ملاغمAl-Biruni's book in Arabic, In Arabic : كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني ''Comprehensive Book on Knowledge on Precious Stones''. بملاغم is in the chapter on mercury on page 137 where Al-Biruni writes ''doing gold-plating with gold amalgams and doing silver-plating with silver amalgams''. كالملغمة is in the chapter on iron on page 151.alt-link.
    Several Arabic alchemy texts of the Jabirean School have grammatical plural الملاغم al-malāghim | al-mulāghim = "amalgams" in the titles of the texts. These Jabirean School texts have not been published, and have not had the benefit of clear confirmations of the dates of their titles. But at least some of the titles are judged medieval, about 10th century. One of them is titled Tafsīr al-Malāghim = "Explication of Amalgams", pseudepigraphically attributed to Jabir Ibn Hayyan (died c. 820). Another is Kitāb al-Malāghim al-Awal = "The First Book on Amalgams", attributed pseudoepigraphically to Jabir Ibn Hayyan. Another is Kitāb al-Malāghim al-Saghīr = "Short Book on Amalgams". Some info about these Jabirean School manuscripts is at the USA National Library of Medicine at An Arabic alchemy manuscript which has manuscript catalog number MS A 33 at the USA National Library of Medicine: Description of item 4 in the manuscriptref , An Arabic alchemy manuscript which has manuscript catalog number MS A 33 at the USA National Library of Medicine: Description of item 1 in the manuscriptref , Arabic alchemy manuscript having catalog number MS A 33 at the USA National Library of Medicine : Photograph of page 1 of item 4 in the manuscript. The first line in the photograph says : ''Kitāb Tafsīr al-Malāghim l-Jābir Bin Hayyān''.ref ; and you can see some of them classifed as pre-12th century texts in Fuat Sezgin's Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Volume IV, on Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Band IV: Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H. By Fuat Sezgin. Year 1971.page 234 and Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Band IV: Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H. By Fuat Sezgin. Year 1971.page 269.
    Kitāb al-Asrār wa Sirr al-Asrār by Zakariya Al-Razi (died c. 930) is about minerals and medieval chemistry. It has التلغيم al-talghīm meaning amalgamation with a metal, including various named metals each being amalgamated with mercury. It has al-talghīm repeatedly over many pages, and also has تلغم talghamBook in Arabic : الرازي كتاب الأسرار وسر الأسرار ''Kitāb al-asrār wa sirr al-asrār'', by Al-Razi (died c. 930). In edition at ''Arabic Collections Online'' at http://dlib.nyu.edu/aco/ , بالتلغيم is on pages ٣٤ ، ٤٢ ، ٤٥ ، ٤٨ and تلغم on page ٣٥, and بالالغم on page ٣٨.ref: pages ٣٤, ٣٥, ٣٨, ٤٢, ٤٨, etc. Anyone who knows a little Arabic grammar can see that, formally speaking, talghīm involves a notional rootword لغم L-Gh-M with the Arabic grammar prefix 't-', while malgham involves the same rootword with the Arabic grammar prefix 'm-'.
    Late-10th-century Arabic book Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm = "Keywords of the Sciences", by Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi, is a technical dictionary for various subjects. It has a chapter on keywords in alchemy and metallurgy. It defines الإلغام al-ʾilghām | الألغام al-ʾalghām as "a body pulverized then mixed with mercury" – Book in Arabic with footnotes in modern Latin : مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', by Ahmed ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi (flourished circa 975 AD), curated by G. van Vloten, year 1895. الإلغام on page ٢٦٥ with curator's footnotes h , i , and k.ref , Biography of the 10th century author in ''Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography'', year 2008, at Encyclopedia.comref for the date. The same wordform is in an Arabic alchemy text dated roughly 10th century, by a pseudonymous author, where الالغام al-alghām means an amalgamation with mercury – Medieval book in Arabic : ''Arabische Alchemisten: II. Ǧaʿfar Alṣādiq, der sechste Imām'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1924. الالغام is on line 15 on print page 5 of the Arabic text, which is PDF page 182. The curator has comment about it in German in footnote #4 on page 72-73 of his German translation, which is PDF page 72-73.ref: Julius Ruska year 1924. The wordform al-ʾalghām is odd-looking and contributes to the assessment that the notional rootword لغم L-Gh-M is only notional, only a retrofit, and not the real root. More about the rootword is later below.
    The book Shams al-maʻārif al-kubrā has been printed several times with attribution to author Ahmad al-Buni who died in 1225, but the authorship of it is a complexity, and some parts of it have a date of composition around 16th century – Article, ''Notes on the Production, Transmission, and Reception of the Major Works of Ahmad al-Buni'', by Noah Gardiner, year 2012 in ''Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies'' Volume 12 pages 81-143ref , Book (PhD dissertation), ''Esotericism in a manuscript culture : Aḥmad al-Būnī and his readers through the Mamlūk period'', by Noah Daedalus Gardiner, year 2014ref. It has a chapter about alchemy. The alchemy chapter has الملغمة al-malghama meaning an amalgam – Book in Arabic : شمس المعارف الكبرى ''Shams al-maʻārif al-kubrā'' attributed to أحمد بن علي البوني Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī Būnī, a.k.a. Al-Buni, died year 1225. In the linked copy, the الملغمة on print page ٣٧٨ is on or near electronic page 384.ref: page ٣٧٨ on lines 10, 14 & 25 , This link has the same book printed by a different printeralt-link: page 399-400.
    The researcher Manfred Ullmann, reading unpublished old Arabic alchemy manuscripts, has found a very small number of other texts with (ة)الملغم al-malgham(a) meaning "amalgam, especially amalgam of mercury with metal". His findings are in his Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache, year 1991, under letter L on ''Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache'', by Manfred Ullmann, Volume 2, on page 901page 901 & ''Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache'', by Manfred Ullmann, Volume 2, on page 902page 902; and in his book Katalog der arabischen alchemistischen Handschriften der Chester Beatty Library, two volumes, years 1974-1976.
    Next, medieval Syriac has at least two records of ܡܠܓܡܐ malagma with meaning "amalgam". One is in the Syriac-to-Arabic dictionary of Bar Bahlul, dated 3rd quarter of 10th century. Bar Bahlul says in Syriac that a ܡܠܓܡܐ malagma of mercury with silver is called الملغمة al-malghama in Arabic. Ref: Bar Bahlul's 10th century Syriac-Arabic dictionary published in year 1901 curated by Rubens Duval, volume 1, entry for headword ܐܦܪܘܣܠܝܢܘܢ ''aphroselinon'' on page 267ܐܦܪܘܣܠܝܢܘܢ @ Bar Bahlul column 267, line 25; ref also "Notices Alchimiques Tirées du Lexique Syriaque de Bar Bahloul", Book ''La Chimie Au Moyen Age, Tome II: Alchimie Syriaque'', by Marcellin Berthelot and Rubens Duval, year 1893, on page 134, item #66, which is within the chapter ''Notices Alchimiques Tirées du Lexique Syriaque de Bar Bahloul''.item lexical #66, by Rubens Duval, year 1893. The other record of Syriac ܡܠܓܡܐ malagma = "amalgam" is in an early medieval Syriac alchemy text – ref: Having ܡܠܓܡܐ on page 194 col 2. Supplement done by Jessie Payne Margoliouth.Supplement to Payne-Smith's Syriac Dictionary, year 1927, which is citing the following medieval Syriac alchemy text: Book, ''La Chimie Au Moyen Age, Tome II: Alchimie Syriaque'', curated by Rubens Duval and Marcellin Berthelot, year 1893, publishes a Syriac alchemy text with ''malagma'' on page 12, on 19th line. The book's introduction discusses the date and estimates approx 8th century.ܡܠܓܡܐ @ page 12, line 19 (in Syriac).
    In medieval Syriac records, the far more common meaning for ܡܠܓܡܐ malagma is a medicinal ointment for a skin inflammation, a poultice, a bandage dressing – Hassan bar Bahlul's lexicon is a Syriac-to-Arabic dictionary that was written in the 10th century. It translates Syriac ܡܠܓܡܐ ''malagma'' as Arabic مرهم ''marham'', which is English medicinal ointment or medicinal bandage dressing. In edition curated by Rubens Duval, year 1901, this is at Volume 2 column 1088, on the first line of the column.ref , Brockelmann's ''Lexicon Syriacum'', year 1895 page 187, translates Syriac ''malagma'' as Latin ''malagma'', which is English medicinal ointment, bandage dressing, poultice. Brockelmann cites Syriac texts that use this word.ref , ''Compendious Syriac Dictionary'', by J. Payne Smith, year 1903 on page 275, translates Syriac ''malagma'' as English ''soothing ointment''. This Syriac-to-English dictionary is an abridgement of the Syriac-to-Latin dictionary ''Thesaurus Syriacus'' by R. Payne Smith, year 1879.ref , ''Supplement to Payne-Smith's Thesaurus Syriacus'', year 1927 on page 194, translates Syriac ''malagma'' as English ''emollient plaster'' (also translates it as ''amalgam'')ref. This meaning was also in use for the Arabic al-malgham prior to the 20th century in Arabic. The Arabic-to-English dictionaries by Richardson year 1777, Barretto year 1804, Johnson year 1852, and Steingass year 1884, translate Arabic ملغم malgham as English "an emollient poultice or unguent" or "softening ointment" and they do not translate it as an amalgam – ملغم MELGHEM @ ''A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English'', by John Richardson, year 1777, at page-column 1840ref , Joseph Barretto's Persian-Arabic-English dictionary year 1804 on page 783 has Persian & Arabic ملغم MELGHEM defined as English ''unguent for sores'', i.e. medicinal cream for skin sores.ref , ملغم malgham @ ''A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English'', year 1852. This dictionary incorporates the year 1777 dictionary of the same title done by John Richardson (died 1795). It has expansions and edits done by Francis Johnson (died 1876).ref , ملغم malgam @ Steingass's Arabic-to-English dictionary, year 1884, page 1056, says the meaning is ''softening ointment''. This dictionary by Steingass is heavily derived from the 1852 Johnson's Richardson's dictionary and is a more concise version of it.ref. Golius's Arabic-to-Latin dictionary, year 1653, translates لغم lagham as medicinal ointment and does not translate it as amalgam – Jacobus Golius's Arabic-to-Latin dictionary, year 1653, column 2143, has لغم ''lagham'' translated as Latin ''parum unguenti seu odorati linimenti''. Additionally Golius's dictionary has unrelated translations for this word.ref. This لغم lagham is an only-notional root لغم L-Gh-M getting extracted from malgham by reading the initial 'm' as the grammar prefix 'm' and removing it. The true root is a foreign import. That is, Arabic malgham = "medicinal skin dressing" came from the Syriac malagma with same meaning. The Syriac word has records in early medieval Syriac, and it came from ancient Greek μάλαγμα malagma with same meaning, a word with plenty of records in Greek in medical writers including Galen (died c. 200 AD) and Aetius Amida (lived early 6th century). In the medieval Arabic medical writers, medicinal malgham is clearly a rare word, and hard to find. Meanwhile in the medieval Arabic alchemy writers, numerous words have no native root in Arabic and arrived in Arabic alchemy on a specifically alchemical pathway from Greek alchemy. It follows that the alchemical Arabic malgham = "amalgam" may be from Greek alchemy specifically.
    To repeat, Arabic malgham and Syriac malagma are each on record meaning both "amalgam" and "medicinal skin dressing". Medievally and continuing almost until the invention of modern antibiotics, amalgams containing mercury were used in medicinal ointments and bandage dressings to treat skin sores, because they were effective. Mercury's effectiveness is in 19th century British medicine texts such as Book, ''A compendium of current formulæ, approved dressings and specific methods for the treatment of surgical diseases and injuries'', by George H. Napheys, year 1878, on page 22 and many other pagesref and ''The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics'', by Jonathan Pereira, Volume 1, year 1852 on page 786ref. Other effective and commonly used amalgams for skin infections involved lead metal (Pb) or lead monoxide (PbO). In the 19th century in Britain, an officially approved and commonly used dressing for infected skin was an amalgam of (#1) lead monoxide, plus (#2) pure mercury, plus (#3) sulfurated olive oil – Formula for ''Plaster of Mercury'' in ''The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics'', by Jonathan Pereira, Volume 1, year 1852, formula #163 on page 786. On nearby pages, the book gives slightly varying formulas that were approved by the standards-making bodies of the medical colleges of London, Edinburgh and Dublin.ref. Very similar recipes, using mercury for problems of the skin, are in medieval Arabic in a medicines book by Ibn al-Jazzar (died c. 980), though he does not use the word malghamBook in Arabic plus English translation : زاد المسافر وقوت الحاضر ل ابن الجزّار , ''Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary'' by Ibn al-Jazzār (died c.980), translated by Gerrit Bos, year 2015. This publication does not have the full Arabic book. It only has chapters 7 to 30 of PART 7. English ''quicksilver'' means mercury in chapters 22 and 24 on pages 119 and 134.ref, Article, ''Healing with Mercury : The Uses of Mercury in Arabic Medical Literature'', by Natalia Bachour, year 2015, in journal ''Asiatische Studien''. Search for Ibn al-Jazzar.alt‑ref. Two dozen formulas involving lead-based amalgams for medicinal skin dressings, and a few involving mercury, are in Arabic in Ibn Sina (died 1037) and Najm al-Din Mahmoud (died 1330), although they do not use the word malghamArticle, ''Healing with Mercury : The Uses of Mercury in Arabic Medical Literature'', by Natalia Bachour, year 2015, in journal ''Asiatische Studien''. Ibn Sina's so-called ''Killed mercury'' is discussed in the article on pages 846-847. Altlink : core.ac.uk/download/pdf/200784839.pdf ref , Book 5 of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine is formulations for mixing several things into one medicine. Book 5 in section 11 has formulations for metallic minerals (often White Lead, اسفيداج , اسفيذاج) as ingredients in pastes and creams for treating skin inflammations. ref , Medicines recipes book in Arabic plus French translation : كتاب الحاوي في علم التداوي من نجم الدين محمود , مقالة خامسة ''Le Livre de l'Art du Traitement de Najm ad-Dyn Mahmoud [died 1330]: Cinquième Partie'', year 1903. Lead (Pb) and Lead monoxide (litharge) and White Lead (céruse) are in skin bandages in chapter 47 starting page ٢١٧. Litharge mixed with mercury and olive oil is in sec 16 of chap 19 on page ١١٩ (translated on page 89).ref. Similar skin dressings are described in ancient Greek and Roman medicine writings; e.g. Cornelius Celsus (died c. 50 AD) has a skin dressing that is an amalgam of lead monoxide, melted resin, and olive oil – Celsus's book ''De Medicina'' has skin dressing formulas involving lead monoxide (litharge), green copper oxide (verdigris), and resin, in Part V section 19. Celsus called those skin dressings emplastra in Latin. He has less-heavy skin dressings he calls malagmata in Latin. In Part V section 17 he states the difference between emplastra and malagma[ta] as medicated dressings on the skin. Link has Latin and English side-by-side.ref.
    The re-location of the vowel that occurs in going from malagma to malgham is something that frequently and characteristically occurred in medieval Arabic words coming from Greek. As a good example, the medieval and modern Arabic for "phlegm | phlegmatic" is بلغم belgham from ancient Greek phlegma. Vowel re-location does not occur in Latin borrowings from Greek, nor in Latin words within Latin. Malagma = "medicinal skin dressing" is a pretty common word in classical Latin and medieval Latin. Any idea that this Latin malagma could be the parent of the Latin amalgama = "amalgam" would be an impossible idea linguistically because of the relocated vowel in the middle and because of the extra 'a' at the front. The newly arrived 13th century Latin amalgama does not have a plausible word-origin in terms of any other Latin or Greek precedent word either. Meanwhile, the loss of the first letter 'L' in going from the Arabic al-malgham(a) = "amalgam" to the Latin amalgama = "amalgam" is called Definition at Wikipedia : Dissimilation (in phonology)phonetic dissimilation and it is something that often happens in the context of borrowing foreign words. Phonetically the Arabic al-malgham is unimpeachable as a match for the Latin amalgama. The overall historical context —profusely documented in 13th century Latin— is that the Latins were actively adopting alchemy material from Arabic sources in the 13th century.
    However, numerous etymology dictionaries are still unconvinced that the Latin amalgama came from Arabic al-malgham. The basis for their doubt is their information that the Arabic word is unattested or very poorly attested in medieval Arabic texts. This information was prevalent among late 19th century etymology books amalgam @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1888 page 262, says : ''An Arabic adaption of Greek MALAGMA with prefixed AL- [is a suggestion we have heard] .... But no instance of the use of these as chemical terms is cited from Arabic writers.''(example in year 1888). Henri Lammens in year 1890 said correctly about amalgam: "Until we have collected examples... in the literature of Arabic alchemy, the proposed etymologies remain in a state of conjecture" amalgame @ ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890 page 22(ref). Henri Lammens and Reinhart Dozy and certain other 19th century etymology writers had read lots of literature in Arabic, but very little in the domain of alchemy. They had not come across an Arabic malgham meaning amalgam. Amalgams were called by words derived from the rootword خلط khalt = "to mix" in Arabic literature in most cases, medievally and post-medievally. 19th-century Arabic does not have any record of malgham meaning amalgam, it seems; and more exactly it is not in any of the dictionaries and if it occurs elsewhere it must be very rare. 20th century Arabic dictionaries have malgham with the same meaning as the European word amalgam, no more and no less, and it looks clearly borrowed from the European word.
    The situation about amalgam's word-origin is that the quantity of medieval Arabic alchemy texts available in published form is still truly small, and the ones in manuscript form generally pose challenges about dating them (the physical manuscripts usually have dates from the 15th through 18th centuries). The quantity of medieval Arabic material published from the domain of medicine is a lot more plentiful than from alchemy, but the medieval Arabic medicine books speak of amalgams and bandage dressings through the use of words other than malgham. Likewise in medieval Latin, the records of amalgama are in the alchemy books and are not in the medicine books. Latin alchemy books with amalgama include the "Pseudo-Geber corpus" titles Liber Fornacum and De Inventione Perfectionis, both of which are in Latin at A volume in Latin titled ''Verae alchemiae artisque metallicae'', year 1561, publishes several texts of the Pseudo-Geber corpus. Search the volume for substring ''amalgam__''. The volume also has texts that are not part of the Pseudo-Geber Corpus. Texts of the Pseudo-Geber Corpus have also been published in other outlets. Text ''De Inventione Perfectionis'' is also known by title ''De Investigatione Perfectionis''.Ref and in English translation at Book, ''The Works of Geber'', translated from Latin to English by Richard Russell, year 1678, reprint 1686Ref. Some of the "Pseudo-Geber corpus" is late 13th century Book, ''The Summa Perfectionis of Pseudo-Geber: A Critical Edition'', edition by William R. Newman, year 1991. Editor's introduction talks about how the Pseudo-Geber book ''Summa Perfectionis'' is dated late 13th century.(ref), but the titles just named were more likely written in the early 14th century Book, ''The Summa Perfectionis of Pseudo-Geber: A Critical Edition'', edition by William R. Newman, year 1991, editor's introduction on pages 72-82(ref). To my knowledge, the word's potential instances in Latin prior to the early 14th century are very few in number and are beset by serious insecurities about their dates. Instances are plentiful in the 14th and 15th centuries in Latin, some more examples of which are in ''Katalog der mittelalterlichen lateinischen Papierhandschriften aus den Sammlungen der Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha'schen Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft'', by Elisabeth Wunderle, year 2002. Search for word ''amalgama''.Ref and Book, ''Verae Alchemiae Artisque Metallicae'', a collection of Latin alchemy texts by uncertain and various authors, nearly all dated 14th and 15th century, published in 1561, 550 pages. OCR'ed. The quality of the OCR is not too bad. Search for substring ''amalgama__''.Ref. The origin of Latin amalgama is less understood than the other medieval Latin alchemy words in this page's collection -- Alchemy, Alcohol, Alembic, Alkali, Borax, Elixir, Marcasite, Talc, Tincar/Tincal, each of which is securely dated in Latin in several Arabic-to-Latin translations of alchemy material of late 12th and early 13th century Latin. Amalgama does not occur in those translations. To more solidly support the judgement that amalgama came from Arabic al-malgham, it remains desirable to collect more instances in medieval Arabic alchemy texts. But the Arabic instances given above -- the unpublished ones found by Manfred Ullmann included -- are effectively enough. The transfer channel into Latin remains foggy. Transfer date seems to be very late in the 13th century.
  25. ^ ambergris

    Medieval Arabic dictionary definitions and medieval Arabic texts that talk about عنبر ʿanbar = "ambergris" are at Rootword عنبر in Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, year 1874 (page 2168), reproduced at website ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.comعنبر @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon , searchable medieval dictionariesعنبر @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com , In Arabic with French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Prairies D'Or by Al-Mas'udi (died 956), volume 1, year 1861. Download and machine-search the French text for ''ambre'' and see the corresponding Arabic text on the same pages.عنبر @ Al-Mas'udi (died 956) volume 1 , search medieval Arabic texts @ AlWaraq.netالعنبر @ AlWaraq.net + search medieval Arabic texts @ AlWaraq.netعنبر @ AlWaraq.net. The word is frequent in medieval Arabic texts, as you can see at AlWaraq.net.
    For a majority of Arabic speakers today, any written letter pair -nb- is pronounced -MB-. In the medieval era for at least some Arabic speakers, the written ʿanbar was pronounced ʿAMBAR. ʿAnbar was pronounced ʿAMBAR in Damascus in the early 16th century – Italian physician Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521) lived for two decades in Damascus. He did an annotated edition of Gerard of Cremona's Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina's ''Canon of Medicine''. His annotations are printed in the page margins in 16th-century Latin editions. Adjacent to ambergris, Bellunensis notes the name in Arabic is HAMBAR, where his letter H is representing the Arabic letter  ʿayn.ref.
    The start of the Arabic word عنبر ʿanbar has a consonant sound  ʿ [ayn]. It is a good sign that the Arabic word was not sourced from Europe.
    Ambergris is unrecorded among the ancient Greeks & Latins under any name, after possibly excluding one Greek nugget of very doubtful interpretation. In medieval Latin, ambar commences in three 9th-10th century sources located in northern France, northern Italy and Switzerland, wherein ambar is a vivaciously aromatic substance, and assuredly it is ambergris –  ref‑1 Quote dated late 9th or early 10th century: ''Revulsoque sarcophagi operculo, mirificae virtutis AMBARE suaviter redolentis viri [scilicet Sebastiani] faciem demonstrant.'' Written by a monk Odilo at the abbey of Saint-Medard in northern France. It occurs in Odilo's narrative of the relocation of the bones of Saint Sebastian from Rome to Saint-Medard. Odilo is saying in the above sentence that when the lid was lifted up off the coffin-tomb of Saint Sebastian, there appeared a wonderfully virtuous AMBAR smell pleasantly emitting from the bones of the saint. Saint Sebastian died in 286 AD. His relics were relocated in 826. Odilo of Saint-Medard died about 925. Odilo's narrative is titled Translatio Sebastiani and has been published more than once.,  ref‑2 A Latin poem, dated probably 9th century, location northern Italy, says: ''nardei qui sedulo et ambaris odorem ore spirabas, dogmata philosophorum '' = ''intense nard-oil [odour] and AMBAR odour you were exhaling from the mouth, the doctrines of the philosophers''. The poem is published in Rhythmi aevi Merovingici et Carolini, volume IV parts 2 & 3, on page 721, year 1923. This item for ambar is cited in the unfinished Latin dictionary Mittellateinisches WörterbuchAMBAR is a headword in the volume for letters A-B, year 1967, year 1967.,  ref‑3 Latin medicinal recipes text Antidotarium Sangallense has late 9th century estimated date. In text title, Antidotarium means "compendium of antidotes" and Sangallense means the big medieval monastery at Saint Gallen in Switzerland. The text is Book ''Studien und Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur'', by Henry E Sigerist, year 1923. The book publishes early-medieval Latin medicinal recipes texts. One of its texts is assigned a title ''St. Galler Antidotarium'' or ''Antidotarium Sangallense''. The relevant bit is at the top of page 89.online. The text has one recipe headlined Confectio timiame, where Latin timiame is from Greek θυμιαμα = ''incense''. This recipe has a list of ingredients with the Latin names: In medieval Latin it is spelled also cozumbrum, cozimbrum, cociumbrius, corimbr[i]um. It is a resinous incense. One later medieval source defines it as ''red storax'', another defines it as ''liquid storax'', another defines it as ''incense'' and says it has ''pleasant smell'', another says it is synonymous with θυμιαμα.cozumbrio... Storax, an incense resinstorace... THUS is frankincense, an incense resin. THUS was more often spelled TUS in Latin. THUS and TUS are included in 10th-11th century Latin glossaries published in ''Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum'' Volume III, curated by Goetz, year 1892, at archive.org/details/corpusglossarior03linduoft thus... Myrrh, an incense resinmirra... Mastic resin, usable as an incensemastice... Spikenard, very fragrant essential oil (also known as ''nard oil''), can be used as an additive in incensesspica [read: spica nardi]... crocoSaffron... Here ''aloen'' is aloeswood, aka lignum aloes, very aromatic wood, totally unrelated to aloe veraaloen... Camphor, an aromatic woodcafora... muscoMusk... ambar. All of them are strongly odoriferous. The position of the word ambar at the end of the list adjacent to Latin musco (English ''musk'') implies it is likely that the ambar means ambergris, not amber. This recipe is also the location of the earliest record in Latin for the word camphor, here spelled cafora. Greek starting in the 10th century has kafora | kafoura meaning camphor. Medieval Arabic kāfūr meant camphor. The Arabic kāfūr went into Latin & Greek medicine from Arabic medicine. The Latin cafora in the above list of ingredients is additional support for reading the above ambar as meaning ambergris (not amber), because: (#1) the Arabic ʿanbar never meant amber in medieval Arabic and (#2) the above cafora increases the likelihood that the above ambar was from the Arabic ʿanbar.. Next in medieval Latin, ambra is in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translations by Constantinus Africanus (died late 11th century), where Latin ambra is translating Arabic ʿanbar = "ambergris". One of Constantinus's translations says correctly “ambra comes from the belly of a certain beast of the sea” – In Latin : ''Opera Constantinus Africanus'' Volume 1, published at Basel in 1536, with ambra on page 357 in the text ''De Gradibus''. ''De Gradibus'' was a translation of ''Kitab al-adwiya al-mufrada'' written by Ibn al-Jazzar (died c. 980).ref. Another one of Constantinus's translations says there is little difference between ambra and musk in their medicinal actions – Latin text ''De Communibus Medico Cognitu Necessariis Locis'' is alternatively titled ''Pantegni Theorica'' or ''Pantechni Theorica''. It is a translation by Constantinus Africanus translating the Arabic of Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi (died c. 990). The edition at Basel in year 1539 on page 136 has the statement: ''Ambra calida est & sicca. Actiones suae parum dissimilant musco.''ref, Book ''Omnia Opera Ysaac'', printed at Lyon in year 1515, prints the translations by Constantinus Africanus, including the text ''Pantechni Theorica''. ''Pantechni Theorica'' has a subheading ''De naturis aromatum'' on Pantechni page Fo xxiiii+1. It has the statement : ''Ambra... actiones eius a musco parum dissimilantur.''alt-ref. Subsequently ambra is in 12th & 13th century Latin medicines writers in Italy influenced by Constantinus's translations – 12th & 13th century Latin medical books of the Salernitan School are published in the five-volume collection ''Collectio Salernitana'', years 1852-1859. Search for substring ambra in the five volumes. The Salernitan School's way of doing medicine was much influenced by the Arabic translations of Constantinus Africanus.examples. Late-12th-century Arabic-to-Latin medicine translator Gerard of Cremona translated Arabic ʿanbar as Latin ambra, meaning "ambergris" – In Arabic : Entry for عنبر in Book Two of the Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037). Linked copy is print edition year 1593.ref-1, In Latin : Entry for ''ambra'' in Book Two of Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). The linked OCR'd book has ambra in Latin wordforms ambra, ambre, ambrę, ambræ.ref-2. Away from medicine, 13th century Italy has several poets who sing the praises of the scents of ambra and musk in Italian, and their ambra clearly means "ambergris" – ambra @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO.
    In Greek in the late 11th century, medicines writer Symeon Seth has ἄμπαρ ampar clearly meaning "ambergris". He says it is a grey-colored coagulation, fatty, collected from fish, found in India and Yemen – In Greek : Book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth published under title ''Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus'', curated by Langkavel, year 1868. Page 26 says ἄμπαρ AMPAR is ''fatty'' (Λιπώδες), collected from fish (συνάγεται εξ ιχθύων), found in India (Ινδικη) and at sea-coast of Yemen (εὐδαίμονος Αραβίας), and it occurs in the color grey or off-white (ὑπόλευκον) and also black (μέλαν) and also orange-ish (κιρρόν).ref (page 26), In Greek : Book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110), curated by Langkavel, year 1868, has ἄμπαρος AMPAROS on page 72 on line 15 in the phrase ''a combination of musk and AMPAROS and Indian aloeswood''. Musk and Indian aloeswood have lively fragrant odor as their main feature. Therefore the AMPAROS in the context must mean ambergris not amber. The AMPAROS is in grammatical genitive singular case and it carries the OS as the genitive case-ending.ref (page 72), In Latin : Greek-to-Latin translation of Symeon Seth's book on foods and medicines, printed in year 1538 at Basel city.ref (page 95). The Greek medicines writer Aetius of Amida lived in 6th century, but the handed-down and received version of his text is infiltrated by later additions of approx 11th century. The problem with the Aetius of Amida text is discussed elsewhere on the current page at Note #26; the problem is that the Aetius text has multiple composition dates. Assuredly part of the additions around 11th century, the Aetius text has ἄμβαρ ambar, which the text does not define but it uses it medicinally alongside musk Aetius of Amida's medical encyclopedia is in 16 divisions called ''books''. Book 16 was published in Greek in year 1901, curated by Skevos Zervos. It has ἄμβαρ immediately beside μόσχος (moschos = musk) on pages 169, 170 & 171. Book 16 also has ἄμβαρ on pages 163 & 168. The ἄμβαρ is an ingredient in medicines recipes in all cases.(Ref), which implies it more likely means ambergris not amber. Furthermore the Aetius text uses the word ηλεκτρον elektron for amber Aetius of Amida's medical encyclopedia is in 16 divisions called ''books''. The first eight ''books'' were published in Greek in one physical volume in year 1534. ''Book 2'' is a dictionary of medicinal substances, and it has Ηλεκτρον Elektron on page 29 on lines 5 & 6. It says Ηλεκτρον is also called σούχινον, which is Latin suc[c]inum, the usual Latin name for amber. ηλεκτρο_ is also elsewhere in the encyclopedia.(Ref), which again implies the text's ambar means ambergris. More early records in medieval Greek are cited at ''Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), Lexicon of Byzantine Greek, year 2014ἄμπαρ ampar | ἄμβαρ ambar @ LBG, year 2014, a lexicon of medieval Greek up to the end of the 13th century. Greek has three different securely-dated records for ampar | ambar in the 10th century. The LBG lexicon, linked above, assigns the meaning "amber" to these records. But LBG's interpretation "amber" in each one of those records is very insecure and is disputed, and a number of people, myself included, say the right interpretation in medieval Greek is always "ambergris" not "amber" –    details   Book of the Eparch, also known as Book of the Prefect, is a set of Byzantine trade regulations issued in the 10th century in Constantinople. It includes ἄμβαρ ambar in a list of exotic foreign imports and the English translation of the list is as follows: pepper, spikenard, cinnamon, aloeswood [aka agarwood], ἄμβαρ AMBAR, musk, frankincense, myrrh, balsam, indigo, lac [a red dye from India, was secondarily used as a lacquer], lapis lazuli, golden wood [suggested interpretation: yellow sandalwood, an aromatic wood from India]In Greek, ''Le Livre du préfet ou L'Edit de l'empereur Léon le Sage sur les corporations de Constantinople'', curated by Jules Nicole, year 1893 in journal ''Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois'', volume XVIII. See page 41 line 18. Side-by-side is translation of Greek to modern Latin, but the translation has bad errors on some words. Much better translation is in German edition ''DAS EPARCHENBUCH'', year 1991.text in Greek. The Book of Ceremonies of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII (died 959) includes ἄμπαρ ampar in a list as follows. The Emperor's cabinets should include ointments, various incenses, fumigations, mastic, frankincense, sugar, saffron, musk, ἄμπαρ AMPAR, aloeswood wet and dry, true cinnamon of first and second grades, cassia cinnamon, and other aromaticsBook in Greek, ''Constantini Porphyrogeniti imperatoris : De cerimoniis aulae byzantinae'', curated by I.I. Reiske, year 1829, Volume 1 on page 468 on line 16.text in Greek. The Appendix to the "B Recension" of Hippiatrica is Greek with a composition date of mid 10th century (Book, ''The Sources, Compilation, and Transmission of the Hippiatrica'', by Anne McCabe, year 2007. Hippiatrica is a compilation with multiple composition dates and mainly it is far earlier than 10th century. The composition date of the appendix of the ''B Recension'' is put in the reign of Constantine VII (died 959).ref for date). It has a list that begins: ἄμβαρος AMBAROS, musk, aloeswood, cinnamon, cloves, spikenard, white pepper,...Book ''Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum, Volume 1'', curated by Oder & Hoppe, year 1924 on page 446 line 17. Different versions of Hippiatrica exist, and the versions have different appendixes. The link is going to the appendix of the version called ''Hippiatrica Berolinensia'', called abbreviatedly ''B'' or ''B Recension''.text in Greek (page 446 line 17). And two pages later it has: aromatics... musk and aloeswood and ἄμβαρ AMBAR and cinnamon and cloves and pepper...Book ''Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum, Volume 1'', curated by Oder & Hoppe, year 1924 on page 448 line 7text in Greek (page 448 line 7). In each of the above three books the ambar/ampar occurs immediately beside the word "musk", which implies its meaning is much more likely to be "ambergris" not "amber". And in each of the three books the ambar/ampar is also immediately beside aloeswood, an aromatic wood imported from the Indies. The primary feature of aloeswood is that it has a strong and pleasant smell. The earliest record in Greek where ambar/ampar's meaning is presented clearly and unmistakeably is in the book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110), where the meaning is "ambergris". About year 1300 in Greek a text includes the list: "musk, Greek book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110) defines Greek νέτ NÉT as a composition of three named strong aromatics (page 72 in year 1868 Langkavel edition). νέτ NÉT is scarce in Greek. The word is in medieval Arabic as الندّ AL-NADD with same definition. It is much more frequent in Arabic. Greek νίται NÍTAI is scarce and is translatable as the aromatics in νέτ NÉT and AL-NADD.Nítai aromatics and ἄμβαρα AMBARA, camphor and cassia-cinnamon" – Book in Greek with translation to English: ''Digenis Akritis: The Grottaferrata and Escorial Versions'', curated and translated by Elizabeth Jeffreys, year 1998. Relevant Greek is in Grottaferrata version of Digenis Akritis tales, and it says : μόσχοι, νίται καὶ ἄμβαρα, καμφοραὶ καὶ κασσίαι. The Grottaferrata manuscript is dated about 1300 as a physical manuscript.text in Greek. Which again is a list of odoriferous substances, implying the ambara is "ambergris". Another medieval Greek text from roughly the same timeframe has ἄμπαρ ampar grouped with the odoriferous substances musk, camphor, sandalwood, aloeswood, saffron, cloves & rosewater – A certain anonymously-authored Greek text carrying title ''Peri Trophon Dynameos'' has a date range from 11th to 14th century. It is in Greek in ''Anecdota Atheniensia'' Volume 2, year 1939, curated by Armand Delatte, with curator's intro on page 466-467, with ἄμπαρ on page 475 line 26. The linked electronic file has both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of ''Anecdota Atheniensia''.text in Greek – implying its ampar is "ambergris". One recent historian and translator of medieval Greek says (with emphasis added by me): "[Medieval] Greek ambar... always means ambergris" – Book, ''Tastes of Byzantium'' by Andrew Dalby, year 2003, year 2010. Ambergris is on page 41 and other pages. (The English ambergris on page 142 is translating the medieval Greek ἄμπαρ that was curated by Delatte year 1939 Volume 2 page 475 line 26).Ref: on page 41, Book ''Tastes of Byzantium'' by Andrew Dalby, year 2010. It is downloadable at www.academia.edu. Another site with a downloadable copy is VDOC.pub/.alt‑link.. It is secure that Greek ampar | ambar was a foreign loanword in medieval Greek, because in the 10th century it is put in the lists of exotic foreign imports, and it is not documented until the 10th century, and there is no obvious parent-word in Greek, and the concurrent use of the two wordforms (ἄμπαρ | ἄμβαρ) is another sign of its foreignness.
    The earliest I know of where Latin ambra means "amber" is mid-13th century. Thomas de Cantimpré's Liber De Natura Rerum was completed in year 1244 and was written in northern France. It uses the longstanding Latin succinus for amber but it says succinus is also called lambraSearch for ''Lambra'' at website SOURCES DES ENCYCLOPÉDIES MÉDIÉVALES. The site has the ''Natura Rerum'' encyclopedia of Thomas de Cantimpré aka Thomas Cantimpratensis (died c. 1272). The site also has the ''Speculum Naturale'' encyclopedia of Vincent de Beauvais aka Vincentius Belvacensis (died 1264). The info about lambra in Cantimpré's ''Natura Rerum'' got copied into Beauvais's ''Speculum Naturale''.ref. In 1257 or 1258 at Marseille, "buttons of ambra" and household objects made of silver are given as collateral for a loan of money – Book in Latin : ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume ONE, curated and annotated by Louis Blancard, year 1884 on page 214ref. That item means amber, not ambergris, as affirmed by the following four quotations from a little later in time. 1277 or 1278 at Marseille: "five gilded ambre buttons, value 90 denarius coins... twelve plain silver buttons, value 14 denarius coins" – Book in Latin : ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume TWO, curated and annotated by Louis Blancard, year 1884 on page 410ref. 1278 at Venice: "gold metal threads (for ornamenting clothes) and silk and buttons of ambro.... gold rings and small-pear-shaped pieces of ambro" – Latin text ''Judicum Venetorum in causis piraticis contra Graecos decisiones'', year 1278, published on pages 159-281 in Volume 3 of ''Urkunden Zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte Der Republik Venedig, Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Byzanz und Die Levante'', year 1857. Word ''ambro'' is on pages 255, 262, and 277.ref. Year 1300 at Venice: "one new overcoat garment of scarlata cloth with decorations of pearls and with 8 buttons of anbro" – ambra @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini''. Has quotation ''inprima varnaçon J novo de scarlato con frisadura de perle e con botoni VIIJ d'anbro''. The quotation is copied from page 29 of the book ''Testi veneziani del Duecento e dei primi del Trecento'', year 1965, curated by Stussi.ref. Latin by an author from Genoa in Cyprus year 1300: "gamera una de blavo claro cum botonis septem de ambray" = "one light-blue overcoat with seven buttons of amber" – Text in Latin : ''Actes passée à Famagouste de 1299 à 1301 par devant le notaire Génois Lamberto di Sambuceto'', curated by Desimoni, published in book ''Archives de l'Orient Latin, Tome II'', year 1884, ambray on page 102 on 6th line.ref. In 1320 a well-known poem by poet Dante Alighieri has: "come in vetro, in ambra o in cristallo / raggio resplende sì" = "like in glass, in amber, or in crystal / a ray is resplendent". In the 1330s in Italian, Pegolotti's manual for international trading mentions the product ambra a dozen times and it clearly means "amber" sometimes (and sometimes it is not clear) – Book, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated around 1340, curated and annotated by Allan Evans year 1936. Search text for ''ambra''.ref.
    The great majority of medieval ambergris was sourced on the shores of the Indian Ocean. That includes the east coast of Africa (the Swahili coast), the west coast of India, and the Maldives islands. The coast of Iberia was also a source. Info about ambergris's medieval sources is in Al-Mas'udi (died 956) linked above, and ambre @ ''Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen-âge'', by W. Heyd, year 1886, Volume 2 pages 571-574ambre @ W. Heyd (year 1886 in French), and Book in English : ''Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India'', by Garcia da Orta, translated from Portuguese to English, year 1913 (year 1563 Portuguese), chapter on ''amber'', meaning ambergris, on pages 20-27. Garcia da Orta makes several statements about where ambergris was being sourced from in the 16th century.ambergris @ Garcia da Orta (died 1568). The Indian Ocean ambergris was brought to the Mediterranean region by Arab traders, who called it ʿanbar and that is the parent word of the medieval Latin & medieval Greek ambra | ambrum | ambar | ampar with the same meaning. The word never meant "amber" in medieval Arabic. Meanwhile in the medieval Mediterranean region, amber mostly came from the Baltic Sea region of northern Europe. One can imagine in the abstract that a word of the form ambra meaning amber could be brought to southern Europe by traders from the Baltic region. But no supporting evidence is found in the northern European languages for that. The records in Latin only show that the Latin word began with one meaning (ambergris) and later had two meanings (ambergris and amber). When the meaning is amber, where the word came from is undetermined and obscure. It could not have come from an Arabic source, because the medieval Arabic ʿanbar is unattested meaning amber.
    Possibly the word meaning "amber" came from the north shore of the Black Sea, because one of the medieval trade routes for Baltic amber was down the Dnieper River from Belarus to the Black Sea ("Defined at Wikipediatrade route from the Varangians to the Greeks"). Italian sea merchants started commercial colonies at Caffa and other places on the north shore of the Black Sea in the 13th century, which is when the word ambra meaning "amber" has its records starting in Italian-Latin. The lands on the Black Sea's north side at that time were predominantly populated by Turkic speakers (Cuman language). Unworked bulk amber was sold out of boxes and sacks at Constantinople in the 1330s, reported by Pegolotti, link above.
    Many English dictionaries have endorsed the speculative idea that somehow the European ambra meaning "amber" was derived from the European ambra meaning "ambergris". But this idea makes no sense semantically. And the proponents of it do not offer medieval documentation to support it. Rather, the medieval documentation shows that people did not regard the two products as being in the same category. The ancient and early-medieval Latins used amber and they named it suc(c)inum and electrum and glaesum. In any hypothetical scenario where the later-medieval Latins ignored those names and adopted the name ambra = "amber" as a derivative from their ambra = "ambergris", there would have to be a driver that drove them to do that. There is no trace of any such driver in medieval writers.
    Although the two products were not in the same category, when a writer uses the word ambra in Europe in and around the 14th century, it is not clear in numerous cases whether the intended meaning is "ambergris" or "amber". Each substance was grinded up and consumed as a medicine, occasionally. Amber was mostly for making ornaments. Ambergris was mostly for making perfumes, notably including perfumed medicines. The two incompatible meanings of ambra are presented in two sets of quotations from 13th-14th century Italian at ambra @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)ambra @ TLIO, and two sets from 14th-15th century French at ambre @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)ambre @ DMF, and two sets from 14th-15th century English at aumbre @ Middle English Dictionary (MED)ambre | aumbre @ MED, also late medieval English laumbre @ Middle English Dictionary (MED)laumbre | lambur (solely meaning amber) @ MED. Extra note about semantics: Medieval pomme d'ambre | pomo d'ambra | pomo de aumbre was a A pomander was a scent-emitting small basket, ball-shaped, ornamented, usually made from metal, with gaps on it for the scent to come out, and you put scent-emitting substances into the basket, and hang the basket in a room. Small pomanders were suspended on a chain hanging from the human waist. A pomander was regarded as a visual ornament as much as an odorant. The wordform pomander was late. The early wordform was pomme d'ambre, where ambre meant ambergris. pomander, which has nothing to do with amber.
    As far as I can see the European word meaning "amber" did not start in Iberia. But a Spanish minerals book dated 1250-1278 has alambre clearly meaning "amber" – At HispanicSeminary.org : Full text of ''Lapidario de Alfonso X'', dated 1250-1278. Text has ''alambre'' meaning amber. NOTE: This text has a number of mineral names that are isolated records, i.e. the names are not found elsewhere in Spanish during the two hundred years after the date of this text.ref. It is an isolated record. Medieval Spanish alambre | arambre normally meant "copper" and came from a rootword that seems unrelated to "amber". Medieval Spanish vocabulary is well done at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). Spanish ambra = "ambergris" has numerous records in the 13th & 14th centuries at CORDE. But ambra | ambar | ambre = "amber" is absent in Spanish until the 15th century at CORDE. CORDE is not all-encompassing, but it encompasses a body of texts so big that the absent word must be very rare in Spanish until the 15th. Adding more confusion to the picture, Portuguese dictionaries in the 16th and 17th centuries said the Portuguese word for amber is alambreDictionary, ''Hieronymi Cardosi Lamacensis Dictionarium ex Lusitanico in latinum sermonem'', by Jerónimo Cardoso, year 1562 edition. Alambre is on PDF page 21 of linked PDF file. Altlink: http://purl.pt/15192 ref,  ref Portuguese alambre = Latin succinum = Latin electrum (English "amber") is in Jerónimo Cardoso's Portuguese-to-Latin dictionary in editions printed in 1643 and 1694. The same is in Bento Pereira's Portuguese-to-Latin dictionary in alambre is on PDF page 26 in the given electronic PDFedition year 1647 and edition year 1697. The same is in Rafael Bluteau's Portuguese dictionary in year 1712 (on page 205 of Volume 1). The dictionaries are downloadable at Biblioteca Digital de Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal..  
    In summary, ambra = "amber" is a difficult and unsolved problem and many people have jumped to ill-founded conclusions about it. Ambra = "ambergris" is a solved problem.
  26.  Relevant for the words AMBERGRIS, CAMPHOR, GALANGAL, SANDALWOOD, ZEDOARY Problems with Aetius of Amida

    Aetius of Amida was the producer of an encyclopedia of medicine, 700+ pages, in Greek. Its date is standardly put at early 6th century AD and thereabouts. The bulk of the Aetius of Amida encyclopedia looks genuinely about that date. As handed down and received and propagated, the Aetius text has certain medicines names that are not found elsewhere in Greek until the 10th century. These particular names were in widespread use in medieval Arabic medicine and the particular medicines are aromatics that came from across the Indian Ocean. As reported by the Greek lexicons search @ Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Lexicon of Ancient Greek, year 1925LSJ or search @ ''Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG) Lexicon of Byzantine Greek, year 2014LBG, the propagated Aetius text has the following five words and spellings: ἄμβαρ ambar = "ambergris", καφουρά kafoura = "camphor", γάλαγγα galanga = "galangal", Encyclopedia of Aetius of Amida is organized in 16 divisions, called ''books''. As of year 2016, the only edition of ''book XI'' that has ever been published in Greek is inside the volume ''Oeuvres de Rufus d'Ephese'', curated by Daremberg & Ruelle, year 1879, on pages 85–126 and pages 568–581. ζαδώρ is in a medicinal recipe on page 575 last paragraph, where ζαδώρ is beside γαλαγγά = galanga.ζαδώρ zador = "zedoary (an edible aromatic root from Indies)", σάνδανον sandanon = "interpretation: sandalwood". Each of those five words is in Greek in the Appendices to the Hippiatrica, which are medicines recipes reliably dated mid 10th century Book, ''The Sources, Compilation, and Transmission of the Hippiatrica'', by Anne McCabe, year 2007. The Hippiatrica was composed before the 10th century. Two copies of Hippiatrica are in two physical manuscripts dated 10th century. These two manuscripts are called ''Hippiatrica Berolinensia'' and ''Hippiatrica Cantabrigiensia''. The two have different appendices. Their appendices were composed in the 10th century.(ref for date) and in which the spellings are the same except sandalwood is spelled Book in Greek, ''Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum'', curated by Oder & Hoppe (years 1924 & 1927), in Volume 2 on page 193 at lines 3 & 5. Volume 2 page 193 is part of the Appendix text of ''Hippiatrica Cantabrigiensia''.σανδαλον sandalon and zedoary is Book in Greek, ''Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum'', curated by Oder & Hoppe (years 1924 & 1927), in Volume 1 on page 449 at line 17. Volume 1 page 449 is part of the Appendix text of ''Hippiatrica Berolinensia''. This appendix's ζαδώριον is immediately adjacent to ζιγγιβέρεως = ginger. Six lines earlier on same page is γαλαγγά = galanga.ζαδώριον zadorion. A minority of the five are also in other 10th century Greek sources (search @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), year 2014LBG). Also, those five words have starting dates in the Latin language in the late 9th or the 10th century except that sandalwood starts late 11th century in Latin. In Greek, in the timeframe from Aetius in the 6th to Appendices to Hippiatrica in the 10th, there is a significant number of documents mentioning aromatic imports from the Indies, and the mentions are mainly in medicinal contexts. In other words, the surviving records for pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, etc, are mainly in medicines contexts, and the quantity of the records in the timeframe is not too small to draw conclusions from, in Greek. The records in Latin can be added to the Greek to increase the quantity of records. To say it again repetitiously, we have a body of late-ancient and early-medieval medicines documents with lots of aromatics and they do not have the above five aromatics we see in Aetius. Aetius's encyclopedia has a big number of medicinal treatment recipes. Nearly every recipe calls for a multiplicity of ingredients and especially aromatic ingredients. The ingredients that were genuinely in use in 6th century medicine – including pepper, ginger and cinnamon – occur very repeatedly in the Aetius recipes, whereas the five anomalous words named above are only in a very small number of the recipes, and are in recipes only – Most of Aetius is freely online in Greek. Yet still it is not in machine-searchable Greek. All of Aetius was translated to Latin in 16th century, translator Janus Cornarius. Cornarius's Latin is online in OCR'd copy. It has OCR errors but is quite usable. Search it for counts of occurrences of PIPER, MYRRH, NARDI, ZING (for zingiber), CINAMOM, CAFIA (= casia), CAPHUR (camphor), FANDAL (sandal), AMBRA, GALANG, ZADOR.Ref. In Aetius's encyclopedia, the first 100 pages (all of Bib-1 §1 and a subset of Bib-1 §2) is a dictionary of medicinal substances. This part of the encyclopedia gives the names and main medicinal attributes of the elementary medicines, handled individually. It does not have any of the five anomalous medicines named above. If the five had been genuinely in use in Aetius's time, then it would have been senseless to have omitted them in this part of the encyclopedia. The manuscript cataloging site Page headed ''Aetius Amidenus, Libri medicinales'' at website ''PINAKES: Textes et manuscrits grecs''PINAKES : Textes et manuscrits grecs gives a list of 177 Greek manuscripts that have a portion or all of the Aetius encyclopedia (this number includes manuscripts that have only fragments). In Pinakes's list, no manuscript of the Aetius text is dated before 11th century, excluding one small fragment dated 10th century, and what is dated 11th century is less than the complete encyclopedia. The manuscripts are at substantial variance and conflict with each other in the subsections of the encyclopedia that are medicinal treatment recipes. When historians look at the multiplicity of recipe variants across the different Aetius manuscripts, it is clear there is a multiplicity of composition dates, and the problem is, in general, there is no way to know the composition dates and no way to know what variants are older. An introduction and overview of the situation is "in journal Revue des Études Anciennes, tome 86 pages 245-257Problèmes relatifs à l'édition des livres IV-XVI du Tétrabiblon d'Aétios d'Amida", by Antonio Garzya, year 1984, 12 pages. Aetius's recipes are the scene of damage from medieval enhancements and alterations; the problems are more than the five words named above. But on the other hand, Aetius's encyclopedia is fundamentally okay and tractable in the sections dealing with physiology and everything except the treatment recipes. It is practically impossible that the five words be in medicine treatments in Aetius genuinely in the 6th century and be undocumented before it and after it until the 10th century; and instead what is practically certain is that the five words are part of enhancement insertions done about 11th century. The five histories of the five words are handled individually in the book you are now reading. The five of them entered Greek from Arabic in the 10th century. Efforts at getting hold of a reasonably authentic Aetius text were the subject of research reports by various people during the 25 years 1987-2012 – The link has the Table of Contents of Conference Proceedings on the subject ''Trasmissione e ecdotica dei testi medici greci'', published in the years 1992, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, & 2010. Search the table of contents for eleven instances of AEZIO, which is the Italian wordform for Aetius. All of these Conference Proceedings were overseen and edited by Antonio Garzya and Jacques Jouanna.ref, Book, ''Per l’edizione del primo dei “Libri medicinales” di Aezio Amideno'', by Irene Calà, year 2012. Table of Contents is at end of book. It has :: Chapter 3: Manuscript tradition of Book One of Aetius of Amida's Medicinal Books. Chapter 4: Info for collating the codices of Book One of Aetius. Chapter 5: Further considerations for doing a Critical Edition of Book One of Aetius.ref, Book ''Medici Bizantini:...Aezio...'', curated by Roberto Romano, with Antonio Garzya, year 2006. Includes an edition of Aetius's 16th book, in ancient Greek, plus Italian translation. The curator surrounds the anomalous words with square brackets but keeps them on the page. Related curator's footnotes are numbered #384, #385 & #386 at foot of pages 536-537; also pages 546-547. Greek ἄμβαρ__ AMBAR__ is four times on page 546 and the curator puts it inside square brackets at all times and he says it is from Arabic anbar.  DEAD LINK .ref.
  27. ^ aniline

    In medieval Arabic the word for indigo dye had the word-forms al-nīl and al-nīlaj. Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) freely intermixed both word-forms – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref (page 866). The geography writer Al-Muqaddasi (died c. 995) said نيل nīl produces an azure blue color and is commerically cultivated as a plant in southwest Yemen Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic : Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, Volume III, year 1877, curated by M.J. de Goeje. On page 98 on line 9 Al-Muqaddasi says: ونيلها الذي لا نظير له كانه لازورد = ''and their indigo is unrivalled, it is like azure''.(ref) and in Palestine (Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic, curated by de Goeje, year 1877, on page 175 on line 1 has النيلref, Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic, curated by de Goeje, year 1877, on page 181 on line 10 has النيلref, Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic, curated by de Goeje, year 1877, on page 186 on line 10 has نيلref). Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200) said the al-nīl plant is used for dyeing clothes – In Arabic : Volume 2 of Book of Agriculture by Ibn al-Awwam, with translation to Spanish by JA Banqueri, year 1802. Search for word النيل. On page 307-308, Ibn al-Awwam says two types of plants are cultivated under the name النيل al-nīl, and Banqueri here translates this name as ''woad dye''.ref, In Arabic : Volume 1 of Book of Agriculture by Ibn al-Awwam, with translation to Spanish by JA Banqueri, year 1802. Page 88 has النيل والفوة ''al-nīl wal-fuwwa'', which Banqueri translates as ''el añil y la rubia'', which is English indigo and madder dye.ref. Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (died 1231) in his description of Egypt said "النيل al-nīl is abundant [in cultivation in Egypt] but inferior in quality to that of India" – Book in Arabic : عبد اللطيف البغدادي - الإفادة والاعتبار في الأمور المشاهدة والحوادث المعاينة بأرض مصر. Abd al-Latif Al-Baghdadi's book says : والنيل يكثر بها ولكنه دون الهندي. It is translated to French at the bottom of page 36 at archive.org/details/relationdelegypt00abda ref. The Indigofera plant genus has a number of species that are usable as indigo dyes. Among the medieval Indians in India, the indigo dye was from the species Indigofera Tinctoria. Among the medieval Arabs more than one Indigofera species was in cultivation – ref al-nīl in Ibn al-Awwam. The species Indigofera Argentea was the predominant commercial species of indigo grown in Egypt in the 19th century – Book, ''Letters from Egypt and Syria'', by William Arnold Bromfield, year 1856, on page 162 says : ''INDIGOFERA ARGENTEA is to this day universally used in Egypt for dyeing the common blue cloth of the country.''ref, Book, ''Text-book of Egyptian Agriculture, Volume 2'', edited by Foaden, year 1910, on page 513 says : ''The form of Indigofera grown in Egypt is the I. argentea.''ref. Indigofera Argentea grows unattended (no irrigation) in the hot arid climate in Sudan.
    More info can be gleaned from the book A book of historical geography. Written by Jenny Balfour-Paul. 270 pages.Indigo in the Arab World, year 1997.
    In late medieval Spanish the corresponding word is uncommon. It has late medieval Spanish records as anil (c. 1295), annil (after 1250+ ; 1482), annir (1250; 1300; 1501) – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) at Real Academia Españolaref, anil @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena (died 1974) and others. Online at University of Murcia, year 2014.ref. The word and wordform añil started to become common in Spanish in the 2nd half of the 16th century. In Portuguese in the early 16th century at least three commerce writers in India have anil | anill = "indigo dye". Supplementary history info for al-nīl or anil is in Article, ''Las plantas textiles y tintóreas en al-Andalus'', by Expiración García Sánchez, year 2001, 38 pages, explains on page 441 that the medieval Arabic term ''habb al-nīl'' is to be understood as utterly unrelated to indigo-type plantsref, indigo @ ''Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen-âge'', by W. Heyd, year 1886, Volume 2, on pages 626-629ref, anil + aniline @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1888ref, anilin @ ''Arabismen im Deutschen'' by Raja Tazi, year 1998, on pages 190-192ref, DEAD LINK. Article ''Growth and Decline of Indigo Production in Colonial Brazil'', by Dauril Alden, year 1965, 26 pages. Includes an eleven-page review of worldwide sources of imports of indigo to Europe in post-medieval centuries.ref. The word "anilin" | "aniline" was created by a chemist in Germany in year 1840 and contains the chemical suffix -in | -ine.
  28. ^ apricot

    Arabic البرقوق al-barqūq means plum nowadays. The botanist Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) grew up in the Maghreb and later lived in Syria. He wrote that the word means apricot in the Maghreb and a species of plum in Syria – برقوق @ Ibn al-Baitar's book in Arabic : الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref (on page 106). Ibn al-Awwam (died circa 1200) lived in the Maghreb and wrote a book on agriculture. His book has a section on how to propagate apricot trees, and he says al-barqūq means apricot – In Arabic : ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, with translation to Spanish by Banqueri, year 1802, in Volume One (of two volumes) on page 336ref. The Arabic dictionary of Fairuzabadi (died 1414) says al-burqūq is an apricot – Fairuzabadi's dictionary says : والبُرْقوقُ: إجَّاصٌ صِغارٌ، والمِشْمِشُ. Fairuzabadi's dictionary has its definition for البرقوق located on the last line of its treatment of a rootword البَرْق. The dictionary is titled القاموس المحيط and is at numerous websites.ref. Fairuzabadi lived in the eastern countries including Syria, but in the preface to his dictionary Fairuzabadi acknowledges that he has copied a lot from the dictionary of Ibn Sida (died 1066), who lived in the Maghreb.
  29. ^ arsenal

    Medieval Arabic دار صناعة dār ṣināʿa was a manufacturing operation of the ruler of the State, and could mean making weapons for the military, or constructing and equipping war-ships ''Dār al-Ṣināʿa'' is an encyclopedia article title in Brill's ''Encyclopaedia of Islam'' 2nd Edition, year 1961 & 1965(ref). Al-Mas'udi (died 956) wrote: "Rhodes is currently a dār ṣināʿa where the Byzantine Greeks build their war-ships" – In Arabic with French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, Chapter XXXIIAl-Mas'udi's 10th century Arabic. Ibn Batuta (died 1369) wrote that soon after Gibraltar had been retaken by Muslims from Christians in 1333 a " dār ṣinaʿa " was established at Gibraltar as a part of military strengthening there – In Arabic, plus translation into French : Ibn Batuta's ''Voyages'', in 1879 edition in volume IV page 356-357Ibn Batuta's 14th century Arabic. The historian Ibn Khaldoun (died 1406) quotes a recommendation of the caliph Abd al-Malik (died 705) to build at Tunis a " dār ṣināʿa " for the construction of everything necessary for the equipment and armament of seagoing vessels – ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, on page 205Arsenal @ Engelmann & Dozy year 1869. In the following example the wordform is slightly different. The geographer Al-Ya'qubi (died 897-898) wrote: "A city in southern Lebanon. Also known as Tyre city. Descriptions of Ṣūr city are collected in English in the book ''A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the Works of the Medieval Arab Geographers by Guy Le Strange.'' Year 1890.Ṣūr [in Lebanon] is a coastal city, and it has a دار الصناعة dār al-ṣināʿa, and from here go out the ships of the sultan for the war expeditions against the Byzantines, and it is greatly fortified." – Book in Arabic : البلدان ''Al-Buldān'' by بن واضح اليعقوبي Ibn Wadih al-Ya'qubi, curated by Juynboll year 1861. It has دار الصناعة on page ١١٥ = 115, at line 13.Al-Ya'qubi's 9th century Arabic. During most of the centuries of Arabic rule in southern Iberia, a naval shipyard was in operation at Algeciras harbour in southern Iberia. The naval shipyard at Algeciras is called a dār al-ṣināʿa or dār ṣināʿa in a history book by Abd Allah ibn Buluggin (died soon after 1090), and in a geography book by Al-Idrisi (died 1165), and in a history book by Ibn `Idhari (died after 1312) – Book in English translation, ''The Tibyān: Memoirs of ʻAbd Allāh B. Buluggīn, Last Zīrid Amīr of Granada'', كتاب التبيان للأمير عبد الله بن بلقين, by Abdallah ibn Buluggin, put in English by Amin Tibi, year 1986. Search for word NAVAL in text and translator's notes.ref, Book in Arabic : ''Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne par Edrīsī [aka Al-Idrisi, died 1165]'', edited by Dozy & de Goeje, year 1866. Al-Idrisi has دار صناعة on page ١٧٦ on line 13 in his description of الجزيرة الخضراء = Algeciras. It is translated to French on page 212.ref, Book in Arabic : ''Al-Bayān'' by Ibn `Idhārī كتاب البيان المغرب لابن عذاري المراكشي. Book has a handful of mentions of دار الصناعة (has also دار الصنعة and دار صنعه), and has a larger handful of mentions of الجزيرة الخضراء meaning Algeciras, and has also الخضراء meaning Algeciras. Book is in machine-searchable format at a number of websites.ref, Article, ''Las atarazanas musulmanas de Algeciras (siglos X-XIV)'', by Torremocha Silva, year 2011-2012 in journal ''Estudios sobre Patrimonio, Cultura y Ciencias Medievales''ref. Additional records in medieval Arabic texts are cited in Article, ''Les arsenaux musulmans de la Méditerranée et de l’océan Atlantique (VIIe-XVe siècle)'', by Christophe Picard, year 2004, in book ''Chemins d'outre-mer : Études d'histoire sur la Méditerranée médiévale'' by various authors.Ref.
  30. ^ arsenal

    The word arsenal has early records in European languages in the Latin wordform darsena meaning dockyard at Genoa in 1147, Pisa in 1162, and Sicily in 1209 – ref: tarsanatus @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983 on pages 375-378Caracausi, year 1983. With meaning dockyard, the port of Amalfi in southern Italy in the 12th century has Latin wordforms arsena and arsina, while the port of Venice has Latin arsana in 1206 and arsenatus in 1272 – same ref. With same meaning, wordform tarsanatus is at the port of Messina in Sicily in 1147, while the ports of Palermo & Messina in the 1280s & 1290s have the wordform tarsianatu in Latin documents – same ref. In continuation from the above Latin early wordforms, Italian documents in the 14th century have arsenà @ TLIOarsenà = "naval dockyard" and 14th century darsenà @ TLIOdarsenà | terzanà @ TLIOterzanà = "small dockyard" – ref: search @ TLIO, a lexicon of 13th & 14th century ItalianTesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. In contrast to those wordforms, at the port of Pisa are Italian wordforms tersanaia (date 1313-1323), tersanaja (1343) (where Italian j is pronounced y), tersonaia (1375), terzinaia (later 14th century), meaning dockyard – terzanaia @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO , arsenal @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL.fr)CNRTL. Those 14th century wordforms at Pisa look independently influenced by direct contact with the Arabic dār sināʿa and in other words they do not look evolved out of the prior Italian-Latin tarsanatus | darsena | arsana. In 13th-15th centuries in Catalan and Catalan-Latin, with meaning dockyard, and naval dockyard, are wordforms daraçana (ç = z), daraçanale, darassana, darasanal, etc – Book, ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Antonio de Capmany, year 1779, reissued 1962. Search for all words that begin DARA. Includes ''darassanali'' (year 1356), ''daraçanal'' (year 1378), ''daraçana''.ref , Book, ''Crónica'' by Ramon Muntaner, dated 1325-1328, has numerous instances of ''darasanal(s)'' meaning naval dockyard(s). Link is print year 1844.ref , drassana @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by AM Alcover & FB Moll, year 1962. Quotes ''daraçana'' in years 1341, 1360, 1378. Also quotes ''daraçanam'' year 1230.ref , Book about the port city of Valencia, ''Valence, Port Méditerranéen au XVe siècle: 1410-1525'', by Jacqueline Guiral-Hadziiossif, year 1986. Search for ''daraçana''.ref. Those Catalan wordforms display contact with an Arabic form having a definite article, i.e. Arabic dār as-sināʿa. Spanish had wordform taraçana in the 14th & 15th centuries, with same meaning as the Catalan and Italian word – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españolref. The year 1495 Spanish-to-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija uses a Spanish wordform ataraçana and translates it to Latin as Latin navale, which is English "dockyard for ships" – Latin-Spanish and Spanish-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija aka Antonius Nebrissensis, dated 1490s, and the link is edition year 1513. Has Spanish ''ataraçana'' = Latin ''navale''. Has also Latin ''navale'' = Spanish ''ataraçana delas naves''.ref. Ataraçana with its vowel before 't' and its vowel before 'ç' apparently reflects two Arabic definite articles. The Spanish wordform (a)taraçana is not found in Italian sources, and it is understood as influenced by Arabic semi-independently of the Italian sources, even though the Spanish is fundamentally from Italian. The point of mentioning all those wordform variants is that they help affirm that the 12th century Italian-Latin darsena | arsena had come from the Arabic dār sināʿa.
  31. ^ artichoke

    Three medieval Andalusian Arabic authors with khurshuf | kharshūf meaning "artichoke, cardoon" are cited in A Dictionary of Andalusi Arabic, year 1997 on The dictionary uses the notation XRŠF and xuršuf for خرشف = khurshuf. The three Arabic authors cited for khurshuf are: (1) LZ = book Lahn al-'awamm by Abū Bakr az-Zubaydī (died 989), (2) IH = Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmi (died c. 1181), (3) IZ = Ibn Zamrak (died 1393). Dictionary compiled by Federico Corriente. Abbreviations are defined on pages xiii-xvii.page 153 -- the three authors are Abu Bakr al-Zubaydi (died 989), Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmi (died c. 1181), Ibn Zamrak (died 1393). An Andalusian Arab Ibn Baklarish (died early 12th century) spelled it kharshuf in his book Mustaʿīnī, as reported by Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe, by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, page 85-86Reinhart Dozy year 1869. Health benefits of eating الخرشوف al-kharshūf are mentioned in a book on foods and medicines by Ibn Khalṣūn, who lived 13th century in Maghreb. Ibn Khalṣūn's book is online at كتاب الأغذية – بن خلصون Kitab al-Aghdhiya – Ibn Khalsoun. Ibn Khalsoun's book is published in Arabic plus French translation by Suzanne Gigandet, year 1996 (translation titled ''Le livre des aliments''). His book has five sections. Link goes to Arabic text of fifth section. Search it for الخرشوف. The French translation is at books.openedition.org/ifpo/5509 Ref. An Andalusian Arab Ibn al-Khatīb (died 1374) spelled it خُرشُف khurshuf and he talks about preparation ways for eating it, and he is quoted at Book, ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 on page 219Ref. The above six Arabic authors, or at least the last three named above, really do not describe the plant nor the foodstuff. But the things that they do convey have nothing contradicting the meaning "artichoke, cardoon". All the known medieval Arabic authors who used this word were located in the Far Western part of the Arabic-speaking world. The rest of the Arabic-speaking world used other words, but one of the other words was حرشف harshaf = "artichoke, cardoon", which was obviously the parent of the Far Western kharshuf, as was noted by Reinhart Dozy year 1869 and artichaut @ Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876Marcel Devic year 1876. Ḥarshaf was also in use in the Arabic Far West (Book in Arabic : ''Kitāb al-Filāḥa'' by Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200) in Arabic together with translation to Spanish by Josef Antonio Banqueri, year 1802. Volume Two has الحرشف on pages 303, 365, and 369. The same volume has also الخرشف on page 440.e.g.).
  32. ^ artichoke

    Spanish alcachofa | alcarchofa | carchofa = "artichoke, cardoon" starts in the first quarter of 15th century. Its earliest Spanish records are quoted in the book Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media at Book ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 page 218page 218 + Book ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 page 219page 219; and numerous Spanish records of late 15th & early 16th century are at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del EspañolRef. Catalan carxofa = "artichoke" has first record around 1490 – carxofa @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Antoni Maria Alcover (died 1932) and Francesc de Borja Moll (died 1991). It quotes ''carxofes'' in the book ''Tirant lo Blanch'' which is dated 1490.ref, carxofa @ Diccionari.cat, online dictionary of today's Catalan, gives the year of earliest record in Catalan as 1490. The dictionary copies this year from other publications.ref. The early records in French include year 1535 artichault, 1542 carchiophe, 1544 charchiophe, 1550 artichaux, all meaning "artichoke[s]" – ref: DEAD LINK. Article ''Addenda au FEW XIX : 8e article'', by Raymond Arveiller, year 1978 in journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'' Volume 94 pages 281-282. The article was republished in a book titled Addenda au FEW XIX, by same author, in year 1999, on pages 180-181. The relevant two pages of the book may or may not be viewable at books.google.com/books?id=8p7yCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA180 Addenda au FEW XIX. Italian has artichioc(c)o in years Book, ''Il Gentil'huomo'', by Sebastiano Fausto da Longiano, published at Venice in 1544, mentions ''le castagne, ouero a lo artichiocco''1544, Andrea Calmo (died 1571) used the word ''artichiochi'' in letters he wrote in the late 1540s. His letters are in the book ''Le lettere di Messer Andrea Calmo'', curated by Vittorio Rossi, year 1888.1547, Book, ''Studien zum venezianischen Wortschatz des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts'', by Elke Sallach, year 1993, on pages 28-29. Quotes artichiochi in 1547, 1548 & 1552.1552, Book, ''Libro della natura et virtu delle cose che nutriscono'', by Bartolomeo Boldo, year 1576. ''Artichiocco'' on page 66.1576, and Italian has arcichiocco in years Book, ''Studien zum venezianischen Wortschatz des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts'', by Elke Sallach, year 1993, on pages 28-29. Quotes year 1568 arcichiocco.1568, carcioffo @ ''Volgare et Latino'', a dictionary by Filippo Venuti, year 1573 edition. On page 153 it says Italian carcioffo & Italian arcichiocho are the same as Latin ''Cinara'' [Greek ''Kinara'']. On page 68 it says ''ARCICHIOCCO leggi Carcioffo''.1573, and Italian has artichioffo in year carcioffo = artichioffo @ ''Dittionario volgare et latino'' by Filippo Venuti, year 1590 edition on page 1821590 and arcicioffo in year The Italian-to-English dictionary by John Florio in its year 1611 edition has : Italian arcicioffi = Italian arciciocchi = English artichockes1611, all meaning "artichoke". Further Italian wordforms are mentioned at artichiocco @ ''Origines Linguae Italicae'' by Ottavio Ferrari, year 1676Ref. Botany authors in German in 1539 and 1543 have Cardchoffil meaning "artichoke" – ''Kreütter Buch'', by Hieronymus Bock, year 1539, year 1546. It has a chapter headed ''Von Welsch Distel'' in which it says : ''...hiess bei den Walen Cardchoffil.... die Walen sagen Cardchoffil''. In German writers, Welsch meant Southern Europe and Walen meant people of Southern Europe. Link is 1546 edition. 1539 edition is at: books.google.com/books?id=AeVaAAAAcAAJ&q=Cardchoffil ref, Book ''Das Kräuterbuch'' by Leonhart Fuchs, edition year 1543. Its chapter titled ''Von Strobildorn'' is about artichoke. Book was published in Latin in 1542 and in German in 1543.ref. A Latin botany book in Germany in 1542 mentions a slew of "corrupt" names that some people "nowadays" have used for artichoke, one of which is the name ArticocaBook : ''De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes'', by Leonhart Fuchs, year 1542, having chapter on artichoke on pages 791-793. The book's main and non-corrupt names for artichoke are SCOLYMUS and CINARA. The ''corrupt'' names are Arcocum, Alcocalum, Cocali, Articocalus, Articoclus, Articols, Articoca.ref. Early records in English are cited in artichoke @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1888NED.
    The ancient Greeks & Latins ate artichokes, as discussed at Article, ''Plants and Progress'', by Michael Decker, in Journal of World History, Volume 20 Number 2, year 2009, artichoke on pages 201-203Ref: on pages 201-203. The ancient Greek medical writer Galen (died c. 200 AD) wrote a book titled The Properties of Foodstuffs. In it, Galen says: The thorny plants are moderately good for the stomach. Among these plants are the golden and spindle thistles... and the over-valued artichoke [Greek: kinara].... It [the kinara] is unwholesome food, especially when already rather hard.... So it is preferable to boil it down and eat it in this way [i.e. boiled], adding coriander if one is taking it with oil and fish sauce, but without coriander if one prepares it in a pan or fries it. Many people also eat the heads [Greek: kefalàs], which they call ‘whorls’. The English translator in a footnote says that his English word ‘whorls’ is translating Galen's Greek sphondyloi and he comments: sphondyloi are the circular weights that are used in spinning. These are the flower heads of the artichoke, which is the item we consume today. It is clear that what Galen has been referring to up to this point is the thistle-like artichoke plant.Book, ''Galen on the Properties of Foodstuffs'', translated and annotated by Owen Powell, year 2003. Page 104 translates section 50 of book II, and page 178 has a translator's footnote.ref: Galen in English translation , Text in Greek : ''De alimentorum facultatibus'' by Galen, curated by Helmreich, year 1923, in Volume 4.2 of series ''Corpus Medicorum Graecorum''. Relevant part is section 50 of book II, which is on pages 315-316 of the volume.Galen in ancient Greek. It is clear too that people in Galen's time were also consuming a part of the plant other than the heads. Namely, they were also consuming the stalks of the leaves (i.e. cardoons; at Wikipedia : a photograph of cardoon leaf-stalks boiled with garlicphotograph of boiled cardoons). You can see in other ancient texts that Galen's opinion that the artichoke is "over-valued" and "unwholesome" is not representative of the generality of ancient opinion. Further review and discussion of what is said about artichokes & cardoons in ancient Greek & ancient Latin texts is at Book, ''A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins'', by Johann Beckmann (died 1811), translated from German to English, has a chapter on artichoke in Volume 1 on pages 212-221 of the English year 1846 editionRef: on pages 212-221.
    It is thought today, but more evidence is desirable, an improved artichoke cultivar arrived late in the medieval era, and was the impetus for the spread of the new name in Europe in the 15th and early 16th centuries.
  33. ^ assassin

    "Genesis of the word Assassin" is §610 of the book History of the Ismailis, by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin, year 1998. The book has the history of the Nizari Ismaili religious sect in the medieval Levant. This sect was pejoratively nicknamed the Ḥashīshīya by other Muslims in the 12th and 13th centuries. The book says: The earliest reported application of the term Hashishiyya to the Ismailis occurs in the anti-Ismaili polemical epistle issued in 517 [Hijri] / 1123 [A.D.] by the then Fatimid regime in Cairo on behalf of the caliph. The book quotes five medieval Arabic texts using the nickname الحشيشية al-hashīshīya for the Nizari Ismaili sect. A dozen more such texts are available at Search for الحشيشية in the books at AlWaraq.net. Results include the history books by Abū Shāma al-Maqdisī (died c. 1268) and Al-Dhahabi (died 1348).AlWaraq.net. A history book by Abū Shāma al-Maqdisī (died 1267-1268; lived in Syria) has الحشيشية al-hashīshīya about two dozen times meaning Nizari Ismailis – Medieval text : أبو شامة المقدسي - الروضتين في أخبار الدولتين: النورية و الصلاحية. Its title translates as ''The two meadows on the events of the two governments: Nur al-Din's and Salah al-Din's''.ref, This link is for when the first link dies.altlink. The nickname hashīshīya | hashīshīn has been sometimes interpreted as implying that the medieval Nizari Ismailis consumed hashish, but this interpretation is without good evidence and it is very liable to be mistaken. The writings of the medieval Muslims (Sunnis, Shi'ites, Ismailis) do not say that the Nizaris used hashish drug or any other drug – DEAD LINK. Article, ''The Use of Bāṭinī, Fidā'ī and Ḥashīshī'', by Shakib Saleh, year 1995 in journal ''Studia Islamica'' Volume 82. The relevant info about the Ḥashīshiyya is at bottom of page 41 and top of page 42, and lowest third of page 40.ref. Evidence is very good that the 12th century Nizari Ismailis assassinated political opponents on many occasions.
    Referring to the same religious sect, the Crusader historian William of Tyre (died c. 1190) has it in Latin as AssissiniBook ''Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum'', by William of Tyre. Book was finished in year 1184. It has wordforms assissinorum (6 instances), assissinis and assissinos.ref. William of Tyre says "we do not know where the name is taken from" In Latin : Chapter ''Describitur Assissinorum secta'' in book ''Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum'', by William of Tyre(ref), which implies he knows the name is a nickname. Crusader historian Jacobus de Vitriaco (died 1240) has it in Latin as AssasiniBook in Latin : ''Orientalis, sive Hierosolymitanae'', by Iacobus de Vitriaco, aka Jacques de Vitry. The book has a few pages of discussion of the so-called ''Assasini'' sect. ''Assasini'' is the spelling in print year 1596 on page 40. Incidentally, a modern French translation of this book is at gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1121191/f56.image where spelling is ''Assissins''.ref. Events chronicles compilers in Latin in 1190s-1230s have Assassi referring to the same Levantine sect – assassini @ Du Cange. It mentions Latin chronicles compiled by Roger Hovenden (died c. 1202) and Matthew Paris (died 1259). The chronicles by Matthew Paris incorporate the chronicles compiled by Roger of Wendover (died 1236).ref. Independently, a German diplomat visited Egypt in 1175 and he spelled it in Latin Heyssessini and this was copied into a chronicle in Latin by Arnold of Lübeck (died c. 1212) – Book, ''Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum'', by Arnold von Lübeck, completed in 1210, curated by I.M. Lappenberg year 1868, ''Heyssessini'' on page 274. Arnold von Lübeck's ''Heyssessini'' is quoting from a report by Burchard of Strassburg who in 1175 went on an official diplomatic mission to Egypt on behalf of king Frederick I Barbarossa. Some manuscripts of Arnold's chronicles have it spelled ''Heissesin''.ref. Referring to the same sect, the word is in at least a half dozen authors in the 13th century in the Italian language, most of them spelling it assessiniassassino @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO. The broadening or conversion of the word's meaning into any assassin or any murderer is seen in Italian from about 1300 onward; and 14th century Italian has assassino, assassinare, assassinato, assassinàtico, assassinatore, assassinerìa, assassinagione, as documented in Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO).
    Latin spelling and pronunciation did not use the sound /sh/ in any words. When medieval Latin and Italian borrowed words from outside the Latinate languages, the foreign sound /sh/ was converted to /s/ or to "sc". Here are some examples of that, gathered from elsewhere on this page, involving other Arabic loanwords in medieval Latin and Italian: Arabic مرقشيثا marqashīthā ➜ Latin marcasita ➜ English marcasite (a mineral); Arabic كشوت kushūt ➜ Latin cuscuta ➜ English cuscuta (a plant); Arabic أشنة ushna ➜ Latin usnea ➜ English usnea (a plant); Arabic شراب shirāb ➜ Latin sirop(us) ➜ English syrup; Arabic شاه shāh ➜ Latin scac(us) ➜ French eschac/eschec ➜ English check (in chess); Arabic خرشف kharshuf ➜ 16th century Italian carciofo (English "artichoke"). Likewise, Arabic حشيشية Ḥashīshīya + حشيشين Ḥashīshīn had its sound /sh/ converted to /s/ in the medieval Latin and Italian Assissini | Assassini. Separately from that, the loss of the leading 'h' sound in going from Ḥashīshīn to Assissini is explained by the fact that any leading /h/ was usually not pronounced in Italian and French and Latin in medieval Italy and France. In Italian spelling, as well as in Italian pronunciation, words received with a leading /h/ usually have the h deleted. E.g.: classical Latin habitus ➜ Italian abito @ Etimo.itabito (English "habit"); classical Latin herba ➜ Italian erba @ Etimo.iterba (English "herb"); early medieval High German harpfe ➜ Italian arpa @ Etimo.itarpa (English "harp").
  34. ^ attar

    The word attar is not used in European languages other than English. One of its first records in English is in year 1788 in a writer located in Lucknow city in the Hindi/Urdu-speaking area of north India and this writer says: The Attar is obtained from the Roses by simple distillation and the rose flowers are grown specifically for purpose in fields in the Lucknow hinterland – Article ''Process of making Attar or Essential Oil of Roses'', by Lieutenant Colonel Polier [a resident of Lucknow], year 1788 in journal ''Asiatic Researches: Or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, for Enquiry Into the History and Antiquities, the Arts and Sciences, and Literature of Asia'', Volume 1, on pages 332-335.ref. Also during the 1780s the word was in English as "otter of roses" in another report from India – Article, ''An Account of the Method of making the Otter of Roses, as it is prepared in the East Indies'', communicated in a letter from Donald Monro in year 1783, first published in year 1790 in journal ''Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh'', Volume 2 at Part 2 at pages 12-13.ref. In Urdu, عطر ʿatr | ʿitr = "perfume" – عطر @ Urdu-to-English Dictionary by John T Platts, year 1884, searchable at site ''Digital Dictionaries of South Asia''ref. Spelling in Hindi is इत्र ittr | itr | itra = "perfume" – Site DIGITAL DICTIONARIES OF SOUTH ASIA has dictionaries for many languages of India and adjacent countriesref. Among the English speakers in India in the 19th century it was Otto of Roses, or... Attar of Roses, an essential oil obtained in India from the petals of the flower, a manufacture of which the chief seat is at Ghazipur [Ghazipur city in Hindi/Urdu-speaking north India]otto @ ''A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903ref. Fanny Parks was a native of England who lived in India from 1822 to 1838 and was based at Allahabad city in the Hindi/Urdu-speaking area of north India for most of that time. She wrote about India: The Muhammadans, both male and female, are extremely fond of perfumes of every sort and description ; and the quantity of atr of roses, atr of jasmine, atr of khas-khās, etc., that the ladies in a zenāna put upon their garments is quite over powering.Book ''Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque, During Four-and-Twenty Years in the East; with Revelations of Life in the Zenana'', by Fanny Parks, year 1850, Volume 1 (of two volumes), on page 386.ref.
  35. ^ aubergine

    The book on agriculture by Ibn Al-Awwam in late 12th century Arabic has a 3-page chapter on how to grow the aubergine. The book has dozens of mentions of the aubergine. Ibn al-Awwam's spelling is البادنجان al-bādinjān = "aubergine" – ref: In Arabic : Ibn al-Awwam's ''Kitāb al-Filāḥa'', in Volume Two of year 1802 edition, in which البادنجان is the subject of pages 245-251. Curated by JA Banqueri, with side-by-side translation to Spanish.Volume 2, In Arabic : Ibn al-Awwam's ''Kitāb al-Filāḥa'', Volume One of year 1802 edition, with translation to Spanish by JA Banqueri, where البادنجان is translated as berengena or berengenasVolume 1. The most common spelling in medieval Arabic is الباذنجان al-bādhinjān = "aubergine". The word is in loads of medieval Arabic writers. The plantnames dictionary by Abu Hanifa Al-Dinawari (died c. 895) has the comment that the name dhinjān came to Arabic from Persian – Downloadable, ''Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion'', by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986, bādhinjān on page 94ref. Nobody disagrees with that comment today. It is widely believed that the Persian name came from India, as the plant itself did.
    For aubergine in European languages, an early example is Catalan alberginia in year 1383 at Book ''Regiment de la cosa publica'', by Francesc Eiximenis (died 1409), has ''alberginies'' within a list of fruits and vegetables. Downloadable as text-searchable PDF.Ref. The earliest in Catalan is in 1328, says albergínia @ Diccionari.cat, a dictionary of today's Catalan, which gets the date from dictionaries of historical CatalanDiccionari.cat. 15th century Spanish has instances of all of the spellings berengena | alberengena | verengena | alverengena | bereniena | berenjena | verenjena | verengenal, all meaning "aubergine", all in 15th century Spanish texts available at search @ HispanicSeminary.org and search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Despite plentiful instances in the 15th, the word is a rarity before the 15th in Spanish or Catalan.
    The change in the vowels in going from the Arabic الباذنجان al-bādhinjān to the Spanish (al)berengena is well understood: it is the Introduced on current page at Note 70medieval Arabic imala vowel shift. Medieval Arabic texts have also a lesser-used wordform باذنجانة dhinjāna البحث عن باذنجانة @ AlWaraq.net(Ref), which has a terminal vowel in correspondence with the terminal vowel in the Spanish word. However, the change from the sound /dh/ to the sound /r/ in going from the Arabic al-bādhinjān(a) to the Spanish (al)berengena is poorly understood and not understood. It is an irregular and abnormal phonetic change, which demands a second look over the correctness of the whole etymology. On second look, everything about the historical context and the semantics, and everything except one thing about phonetics, affirms the etymology is okay. (A somewhat similar irregularity is Spanish cola = "tail" from Latin coda | cauda = "tail").
    The aubergine was in provincial French two centuries ago under the name albergine''Dictionnaire De La Culture Des Arbres Et De L'Aménagement Des Forêts'', by J.A. Bosc and J.-J. Baudrillard, year 1821, on page 18, says French ''albergine'' is a synonym of French ''aubergine''ref, ''Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle'', by Bory de Saint-Vincent and others, Volume 1, year 1822, has a dictionary headword ''albergaine ou albergine'', for which it says: See ''aubergine''.ref. The French albergine had come from late medieval Catalan albergínia. In the French language, a phonetic shift from -al- to -au- is a common occurrence on condition that the L is not followed by a vowel. French words showing the shift from -al- to -au- that have later been transferred into English include auburn, faux, mauve, sauce, and chowder, as well as aubergine.
  36. ^ average

    In medieval Arabic, the word عور ʿawr meant "blind in one eye", and the word عوار ʿawār meant "any defect, or anything defective or damaged". The medieval Arabic dictionary definitions are under عور @ search @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com and translation to English of what is in the medieval Arabic dictionaries is at E.W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword عور starting on page 2193, in Volume 5, year 1874. The eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon are downloadable in PDF format at the linked page. Lane's Lexicon is text-searchable at http://ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com/?cat=50 عور @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, pages 2193 & 2195. In the medieval Arabic texts, the wordforms search @ AlWaraq.net. In AlWaraq's search results, the book titles in the righthand column are clickable. Clicking on a book title will bring up the relevant text snippet[s] within the book. The book's page numbers are presented beside the snippets. The page numbers are clickable for bringing up the whole page of text.عواري ʿawārī and search @ AlWaraq.netعوار ʿawār or search @ AlWaraq.netعوارة ʿawāra are frequently used when referring to things that have ʿawār, i.e. damage. This can be seen in the searchable collection of medieval Arabic texts at AlWaraq.net and at other searchable collections online. Abstractly in Arabic a wordform ʿawārīa can be readily formed to refer to things that have ʿawār. But in practice the medieval Arabic dictionaries do not have the wordform عوارية ʿawārīa and none of the medieval Arabic texts at AlWaraq has the wordform ʿawārīa. Reinhart Dozy (year 1881) cites an instance of Arabic ʿawārīa meaning "merchandise damaged by seawater" but the date is post-medieval. The fact that Reinhart Dozy did not cite a medieval source is another good indication that a wordform ʿawārīa is rare and hard to find in medieval sources. To repeat, the corpuses of medieval texts show that ʿawār | ʿawārī | ʿawāra was a frequently used word in medieval Arabic meaning defective and damaged.
  37. ^ average

    At the port of Genoa in years 1200-1210, the word, as Latin avariis (ablative plural of avaria), is in numerous notarized commercial contracts where it is referring to physical damage on gold and silver coins. The main cause of coin damage was deliberate at Wikipedia : Coin clippingcoin clipping, i.e. a slender piece of the gold or silver has been cut off at the outer edge of the coin. Intentional damage on gold and silver coins was commonplace in the medieval era. As a result, precision weighing of the coins was commonplace, especially for gold coins. At Genoa in 1200-1210 avariis is in contracts where there is a promise of a future payment of a stated number of gold and silver coins, and the promise has the stipulation that the payment amount shall be "clear/clean/pure/neat/net and with just weight for all avariis", apparently meaning that damaged coins shall be acceptable but would be precisely weighed and would require top-ups to satisfy the value of the agreed number of perfect coins. One contract at Genoa dated 15 September 1200 says that 26 bezant gold coins promised shall be "mundos silicet ab omnibus avariis ad iustum pondus de Tripoli " which I translate as "clear, that is, from all physical damage to a just weight using the precision weighting procedure of Tripoli in Crusader-controlled Levant". It is the case that most of these contracts at Genoa involve sea-commerce with explicitly-named Arabic-speaking places and involve Arabic coins or Crusader coins – Book in Latin, ''Guglielmo da Sori: Genova - Sori e dintorni (1191, 1195, 1200-1202)'', Volume 1 (of two volumes), curated by Oreste et al, year 2015. Avariis on page 298: ''b(isantios) XXVI Sulie mundos et iusti ponderis, quos promitto dare..., mundos s[c]ilicet ab omnibus avariis ad iustum pondus de Tripoli''.ref, Book in Latin, ''Guglielmo da Sori: Genova - Sori e dintorni (1191, 1195, 1200-1202)'', Volume 2 (of two volumes), curated by Oreste et al, year 2015. On page 705: ''bisantiorum CCXXXI Sulie mundorum et iusti ponderis ab omnibus avariis mundorum et ab omni datica''ref, Book in Latin, ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII: Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume 1, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951. The volume has many instances of AVARIIS.ref, Book in Latin, ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII: Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume 2, year 1951. Search for AVARIIS.ref; (Website ''Notariorum Itinera : Centro Studi Interateneo''. On linked page, search for the title ''Lanfranco (1202-1226), tomo'' and download volumes 1 & 2. On same page, search for the title ''Guglielmo da Sori. Genova-Sori e dintorni (1191, 1195, 1200-1202)'' and download volumes 1 & 2. The volumes by Guglielmo da Sori are also accessible via NotariorumItinera.eu/CollanaItinera.aspx alternative links). The contracts at Genoa in years 1200-1202 have coins named bisantios Sulie, where Sulie = Surie = Syria = Levant. As a general rule, bisantios Sulie meant gold coins issued by the Christian Crusader government in Levant and less likely meant gold coins issued by an Islamic government in Levant.  ¶ The commerce vocabulary at seaport of Marseille in the 13th century was under the influence of the bigger seaport at Genoa. At Marseille during the first half of 13th century, avariis is in numerous notarized commercial contracts and loan agreements where it is referring to physical damage on gold and silver coins. In the Marseille contracts, the coins are, or will be, transferred to another person. As part of the notarization in some cases, it is stated that the coins are "justly weighted... and free from all avariis excepting known exceptions left unitemized" – Volume 1 page 84 in Blancard's ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', year 1884e.g. Latin in year 1235: "bizanciis auri sarracenatis Alexandrie [i.e. Egyptian gold coins], rectis et justi ponderis, mundis... omnibus avariis, renuncians in his expressim atque scienter exceptioni non numerate pecunie." About half of the Marseille contracts involve sea-commerce trips from Marseille to named Arabic-speaking places and involve the gold coins that the contracts call bisanti | bisanci, which in general were coins issued by Arabic governments or by the Crusader government. Coins under that name conceivably could have been issued by the Byzantine government, but in context it is a practical certainty they were not Byzantine-issued, and the contracts in many cases explicitly say the coins are "Saracen bezants". The early-13th-century Marseille commercial contracts are in Latin at ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume 1 (of two volumes), curated by Louis Blancard, year 1884Ref.  ¶ The following is in Latin written at the seaport of Savona near Genoa in northwest Italy in 1203 or 1204. It refers to the seaport Buzea/Buzee = Bugia = بجاية Bejaia in Algeria: "At Bugia there were expenses [Latin exspendit] for food and drink and all things for the ship's crew of 42 bezants [local Arabic gold coins] and 9 miliarenses [local Arabic silver coins].... At Bugia there were expenses for the ship's sails and the ship's rudder and all avariis of the said ship, which came into being at any and all locations, amounting to 11 bezants." – Book in Latin, ''Il cartulario del notaio Martino: Savona (1203-1206)'', curated by Dino Puncuh, year 1974. Avariis is on pages 186-187, 189-190 and 335.ref (page 186-187), This link is for when other link does not work. On the linked page, search for book title ''Il cartulario del notaio Martino''.alt‑link, Search for book title ''Il cartulario del notaio Martino'' and then download the book.2nd alt‑link. The same author in Latin a few pages later has a ship at the seaport Septa = سبتة Sebta = Ceuta in Morocco, where "there were expenses for the food storehouse of the ship and for local servants of the ship and for avariis of the ship" (page 190). Those usages of avariis carry the meaning of wear-and-tear damage to the ship, as I read them. The same author at Savona about a year later writes of a deputy ship-captain who "paid 13 solidos coins of Barcelona, happening in that part of the world,... in avariis rerum recuperatarum" (page 335), which I think is translatable as "for recuperating things from damage", more literally "for damages of recuperated things", and also it can be translated as "for expenses of recuperated things", and in the context it is implicit that the damage and recuperation was to the ship.  ¶ The word's very earliest records in Latin that I know of (excluding one certain case whose date is questionable) are in four notarized contracts written at Genoa in 1190. One of these contracts created a partnership to finance a sea-merchant to visit Syria to buy and sell. The contract says: "Nullum dispendium debeo facere super hanc societatem, nisi in avariis eiusdem" = "No expense is to be made owing upon this partnership, except for avariis." In that sentence avariis is a specific kind of expense. A closely similar sentence is in three other partnership contracts written by the same contract writer in year 1190 – Book in Latin, ''Oberto Scriba de Mercato (1190)'', curated by Chiaudano et al, year 1938. Avariis on pages 159, 176, 209 and 263. The book is part of the series ''Notai Liguri''.ref. He does not define avariis. As I read him, the intended meaning is exclusively physical damage expense; i.e. the financing partners bear the risks of unexpected damage and they owe the operating partner reimbursement in the event of damage expenses.  ¶ A different kind of example in year 1214At Savona in 1214, William and Bernard declare in writing that they have received in safekeeping from Raymond ten sacks of steel. They declare it is Raymond's intent that the steel be given to Girard. They promise to give the steel to Girard. Then William and Bernard declare: "si quid expenderimus pro ipso açario in avariis debet nobis dare dictus Girardus" = "if we would have to pay out anything for this steel in avariis we must give to the said Girard" – Book in Latin, ''Il cartolare di ‘Uberto’: Volume I [of two volumes] : Atti del notaio Giovanni, Savona (1213-1214)'', curated by Antonella Rovere, year 2013, on page 483. Altlink @ https://notariorumitinera.eu/ Ref. Which I read as saying that if the steel is damaged or lost during safekeeping then the keepers must pay compensation to Girard..
  38. ^ average

    The Arabic origin of Italian avaria was first reported by Reinhart Dozy in the 19th century. His summary is in his 1869 book avaria @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869.Glossaire. The seaport of Genoa is the location of the word's earliest records in Latin, late 12th century. More than a hundred instances of medieval Latin avariis | avarias at Genoa are in documents published at the website StoriaPatriaGenova.it – At StoriaPatriaGenova.it : Collection of books of notarized commercial contracts by Genoese notaries, written in Latin in 12th-14th centuries, published during the 20th centuryref-1, At StoriaPatriaGenova.it : More books of notarized commercial contracts by Genoese notaries, written in Latin in 13th-14th centuries, published during the 21st centuryref-2, Google search for Latin word AVARIIS at StoriaPatriaGenova.itref-3. The Latin lexicon ''Ligure'' means Liguria province in Italy. ''Vocabolario Ligure'' is downloadable as several PDF files. The relevant PDF is ''(Latino), pp. 1-250 – A/C''.Vocabolario Ligure by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, has a collection of medieval Latin examples from Genoa on pages 115-116. You can see in Aprosio's collection that the word's meaning had a multiplicity of facets. In many contexts it is hard to see what facet of the meaning was intended by the medieval writer. In Catalan and Catalan-Latin in and around 14th century, averies | aueries meant expenses of damage to ship or cargo at sea or some other expenses of a merchant sea venture – examples at avaria @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962ref, Book ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Antonio de Capmany, year 1779, reissued year 1962. Search for AVERIES and AVERIIS and AVARIIS having dates in years 1258, 1314, 1323, 1353.ref, Book, ''Historia del derecho en Cataluña, Mallorca y Valencia'', Volume III [of four volumes], curated by Bienvenido Oliver, year 1879. Page 296 has Bienvenido Oliver's 19th-century report concerning the medieval meaning of Catalan AUERIES | AVERIES. Page 638 has medieval AUERIES. Word AUERIES is also in Volume IV.ref. Summary info about early records in French is at Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesavarie @ CNRTL.fr. The synonymous Netherlands avarye | avarie | avarij | averij | haverij has its first record in the mid 16th century; averij @ ''Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal'' (WNT), year 1894, plus 20th century supplements by ''Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL)'', year 2007. The examples of historical usages are hidden in the interface until you checkmark the box labelled ''citaten'' at top of page and click the arrow symbols on lefthand side of page.examples @ WNT @ INL. For the English word, see firstly the definition of "average" in the English dictionaries published in the early 18th century, i.e., in the time period just before the huge transformation of the meaning in English: Edward Phillips' English dictionary was expanded by John Kersey in year 1706Kersey-Phillips' dictionary year 1706 , Thomas Blount's English dictionary was first published in year 1656. The year 1707 edition is reworked and different from the early Blount's editions.Blount's dictionary 1707 , ''A Merchant or Trader's dictionary'' is one chapter in the book ''Trades Man's Treasury'', by Edward Hatton, reprinted year 1712, first published in the 1690sHatton's dictionary 1712 , average @ Bailey's English Dictionary, year 1726 edition. First edition was in 1721. It is partially copied from Kersey-Phillips dictionary year 1706.Bailey's dictionary 1726 , average @ ''Cyclopaedia: Or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences'', Volume 1, by Ephraim Chambers (died 1740), edition year 1741E. Chambers' Cyclopaedia dictionary 1741. Ephraim Chambers' encyclopaedic dictionary in 1741 says English "average" means: The unforeseen damage to a ship or to merchant goods loaded in the ship, and also the expense of this damage, and furthermore average is more particularly used for the quota or proportion which each merchant or proprietor in the ship or loading is adjudged, upon a reasonable estimation, to contribute to a common average [where AVERAGE means DAMAGE EXPENSE]. Such sum shall be divided among the several claimers by way of average [i.e. damage expense] in proportion to their respective interests and demands. Some complexities surrounding the English word's history are discussed in Book, ''Contested etymologies in the dictionary of the Rev. W. W. Skeat'', by Hensleigh Wedgwood, year 1882Hensleigh Wedgwood year 1882 page 11 , ''An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language'', by Walter W. Skeat, Errata and Addenda at the end of the book, year 1888 editionWalter Skeat year 1888 page 781 , ''A Handbook of AVERAGE, for the use of merchants, agents, ship-owners, masters, and others. With a chapter on Arbitration'', by Manley Hopkins, 1859. Hopkins worked in the marine transport insurance industry. He gives very detailed legal info about the word's meaning in mid 19th century marine law contracts.Manley Hopkins year 1859 page 1 and average @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1888NED, year 1888.
    Today there is consensus that today's English "average" descends from the medieval Italian-Latin avaria. There is also consensus that the following four points about the origin of Italian-Latin avaria are correct: (#1) among the Latins the word avaria started in the 12th century and it started as a word of Mediterranean sea-commerce and its early records are in Italian seaport locales writing in Latin, especially at Genoa; and (#2) there is no rootword for avaria to be found in Latin; and (#3) a number of Arabic words entered Italian-Latin and Italian in the late 12th and the 13th century starting as terms of Mediterranean sea-commerce (see elsewhere on this page the word histories for caravan, carat, garble, jar, magazine, tare, and 14th century tariff); and (#4) the medieval Arabic عوار ʿawār | عواري ʿawārī – for which Note 36 above links to a large set of medieval Arabic records – is phonetically a good match for Italian-Latin avaria because conversion of Arabic و w to Italian-Latin 'v' was regular ﴾ details ﴿You can see the conversion happening elsewhere on the current page in the four medieval Italian-Latin words caravana, carvi, Vega, and dovana is an obsolete wordform, but it is discussed elsewhere on the current pagedovana. The current page gives the medieval Arabic parent-word for each those four words. The Arabic parent-word has the Arabic letter و w. The current page has history for those words taken individually. It has references to Italian-Latin documents containing the words in the 13th century. Moreover, medieval Italian did not use the sound /w/ in any words. and Italian suffix -ia @ Treccani.it Vocabolario on line‑ia was a suffix in medieval Italian-Latin & Italian (accented Italian suffix -ìa @ Treccani.it Vocabolario on line‑ìa in today's Italian). Most commentators agree about a fifth point: (#5) The medieval Arabic عوار ʿawār | عواري ʿawārī = "damage | relating to damage" (Note 36 above) is semantically a good match for the Italian-Latin avaria = "damage or damage expenses". Some commentators have been dubious about #5 for the reason that early records of avaria have, in some cases, a meaning of "an expense" in a broad and general sense – ref ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, ''avaria'' on pages 115-116 (pages 25-48 have the definitions of the abbreviations of the document sources)Aprosio (Italian-Latin) and avaria @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO (in Italian). My Note 37 above has a set of the word's earliest records in Latin, with attention to the meaning. My view and the view of numerous other people is that the meaning "an expense" was an expansion from "damage and damage expense", and the chronological order of the meanings supports this view, and the broad meaning "an expense" was not the most commonly used meaning. On the basis of the above points, the inferential step is made that the Latinate word came from the Arabic word.
  39. ^ azimuth

    In medieval Arabic astronomy the usual word for a direction or an azimuth was السمت al-samt and the grammatical plural of this was al-sumūt. Normally the medieval Arabic texts on astronomy use the word in the grammatical singular. The astronomy book of Al-Battani (died 929) has سمت samt 189 times in the singular and only once in the plural – In PDF format : البتاني - الزيج , aka كتاب زيج الصابئ , Al-Battānī's ''Kitāb Al-Zīj''.ref, زيج الصابئ -- البتانيalt‑link. The Book of Optics of Ibn al-Haytham (died 1040) is not an astronomy book but it is notable for having about 90 instances of the plural سموت sumūt = "directions" – ابن الهيثم - كتاب المناظر. Text searchable. In case the link dies, this book is available at other websites, including www.islamicbook.ws/amma/almnadhr.pdf ref. The astronomer Maslama al-Majriti (died 1007) divides the circle of the horizon into divisions that he calls السموت al-sumūtMaslama al-Majrīṭī says : هذا فتكون قد قسمت دائرة الافق على السموت . He says it in his notes on Ptolemy's ''Planisphaerium'' as published in Arabic under title ''Las obras matemáticas de Maslama de Madrid'', year 1965, and republished online.ref. With same meaning, السموت al-sumūt is in the astronomer Ibn al-Saffar (died 1035; was a student of Maslama al-Majriti) (Ibn al-Saffar more often uses the singular al-samt) – Ibn al-Saffar's tutorial on working with the Astrolabe is in Arabic in journal ''Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos en Madrid'' Volume 3, year 1955, curated by Millás Vallicrosa. In linked PDF file, the Arabic text is on print pages ٤٧ to ٧٦ which is PDF pages 158 to 187. Word السموت is on page ٦٥ line 7 and on page ٦٩ line 12.ref (pages ٦٥ and ٦٩). Al-sumūt was always pronounced AS-SUMŪT in Arabic This point about pronunciation was introduced in Note #5 on the current page(ref). AS-SUMŪT was the source of the medieval Latin azimut | azimuth. Numerous Arabic astronomy texts were translated to Latin in the 12th and early 13th centuries – Book ''Arabic astronomical and astrological sciences in Latin translation : A critical bibliography'', by Francis J Carmody, year 1956. 200 pages. The astronomy texts are outnumbered by the astrology texts.ref, Article, ''Greek–Arabic–Latin: The Transmission of Mathematical Texts in the Middle Ages'', by Richard Lorch, year 2001. The article includes math-intensive astronomy texts as well as mathematics texts. It excludes astrology texts. On pages 317-318 it has a summary tabulation of math-intensive texts that were translated Arabic-to-Latin medievally. On pages 322-325 it has more details.ref. Most of the translations do not use the word azimuth in Latin. The ones that do are talking about Astrolabes. Surviving in Latin from the 11th and 12th centuries are a handful of Arabic-to-Latin translations on making and using Astrolabes – These handful of texts are named in the curator's intro to the short Latin text ''The Treatise on the Astrolabe by Rudolf of Bruges'', intro by Richard Lorch, year 1999, on pages 55-56. The text of Rudolf of Bruges itself has ''azimuth'' in Latin (pages 72 and 73 at link) and it has been dated mid 12th century. Published in book ''Essays in the History of Science and Philosophy Presented to John D. North'', year 1999.ref, alt-link. But azimuth is not found in the 11th century Astrolabe texts in Latin. It starts in Latin in Astrolabe texts dated mid 12th century (years 1133-1153). It is likely that the only fountainheads of the word azimuth in Latin are one or two Arabic-to-Latin translations done in the mid 12th century. One of these is a 25-page tutorial on working with the Astrolabe written by Ibn al-Saffar in the Latin translation done by Johannes – it is in medieval Latin at Book ''Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo'', by José Millás Vallicrosa, year 1942. Relevant Latin text is Appendix I on pages 261-284, having AZIMUT page 271, ATZUMUT page 275, AZUMUT 276, AZIMUT + ASZIMUT 279. At linked html page, entire book is downloadable as PDF by clicking ''Descargar grupo''.Ref (pages 261-284) and in medieval Arabic at Ibn al-Saffar's كتاب العمل بالاسطرلاب is in Arabic in journal ''Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos en Madrid'' Volume 3, year 1955, curated by Millás Vallicrosa. In linked PDF file, the Arabic text is on print pages ٤٧ to ٧٦ which is PDF pages 158 to 187.Ref (pages ٤٧ to ٧٦). More history info in Glossar der arabischen Fachausdrücke in der mittelalterlichen europäischen Astrolabliteratur, by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1982/1983, 100 pages.Ref.
  40. ^   Empty note #40 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  41. ^   Empty note #41 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  42. ^ benzoin

    Jāwā refers to the island Java in today's Arabic. But it referred to the adjacent island Sumatra in the medieval travel writer Ibn Batuta (died 1369), who wrote: "The island al-Jāwa gives its name to the incense al-jāwīyī." Ibn Batuta wrote اللبان الجاويّ al-lubān al-jāwīyī, where لبان lubān = "frankincense". Elsewhere he wrote "perfumes... such as agarwood, ambergris and الجاويّ al-jāwīyī." – In Arabic plus translation to French : Ibn Batuta's ''رحلات'' ''Voyages'', in volume IV on page 228, first published in year 1853-1858. Translation by Defrémery & Sanguinetti.ref-1, In Arabic plus translation to French : Ibn Batuta's ''رحلات'' ''Voyages'', in volume III on page 234, first published in year 1853-1858. Translation by Defrémery & Sanguinetti.ref-2, benjoim @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869alt-ref.
    The explanation for how the Arabic lubān jāwīyī or lubān jāwī got mutated to the English "benzoin" is as follows and it involves four different causative factors. The word is in Catalan in the mid-15th century spelled benguy and benjuí and benjuhí benjuí @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962. Cites the word in three 15th-century Catalan books (namely: ''Llibre de conexenses de spicies'', ''Spill o Libre de les dones'' and ''Tirant lo Blanch'').(ref), and in Catalan the definite article was lo. The word is in French in 1479 spelled benjuyn benjoin @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales(ref), and in French the definite article was la | le. In French the letter j is pronounced not far from the neighborhood of zh (as in "soup du zhour") and that is similar to the Arabic letter ج j. But in Latin and Italian, the letter j is pronounced as y (as in "Yuventus"). Therefore writing z instead of j would be somewhat more phonetic in Italian. Benzoin is in Italian at Venice in 1461 spelled benzoi (''Rerum Italicarum scriptores'' Volume 22 column 1170 year 1733, curated by Muratori, publishes an epistle dated 1461, in which around 30 kilograms of BENZOI is a gift sent by the government leader of Egypt to the government leader of Veniceref, benzoin @ ''A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903, on page 87alt-ref). Phonetically similarly in Italian in 1510 an Italian traveller in the Arabian peninsula wrote "Zida" for Jeddah city English translator's footnote #3 on page 7 in book : ''The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta, Arabia Felix, Persia, India and Ethiopia, AD 1503 to 1508'', translated to English from the original Italian edition of 1510, published 1863(ref). Similarly around the same time in Italian, Venice dialect Book in Latin : ''Traités de paix et de commerce et documents divers concernant les relations des chrétiens avec les Arabes de l'Afrique septentrionale au moyen age'', curated by De Mas Latrie, year 1866. Has zara, zaram, zare, zaris, zarris, zarram, all meaning jar, all in Venice authors in 14th & 15th centuries. The linked copy's text is machine searchable.zara | zarra @ John Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary year 1598zarra = widespread Italian giara @ John Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary year 1598giara | giarra @ TLIOgiarra = Arabic jarra = English "jar". Venice Italian ''Dizionario del dialetto veneziano'', by Giuseppe Boerio, year 1867 editionzardìn = widespread Italian giardino = French jardin = English "garden". Florence Italian had benzoin in the wordforms bengiuì | bengioi | bengioino in the 16th century ( ref )Wordform bengiuì is in year 1550 book Ricettario... de Medici... di Firenze. Wordform bengioi is in year 1564/1566 Compendio dei Secreti by Leonardo Fioravanti. Wordforms bengiuì and bengioíno are in year 1611 Italian-to-English dictionary by John Florio. The three books just named are at Books.Google.com.. In the Italian of Venice, 'z' was most often pronounced near the 'zh' in "soup du zhour", and this differs from the widespread Italian 'z'. Another phonetic aspect in going from Arabic lubān jāwī to European benjuí | benzoi | bengiui is the apparent change in the vowel going from Arabic bān to European ben. In medieval Arabic, the spelled lubān was generally pronounced LUBEN and they call that behavior the Current page at Note 70 gives an intro to imalaArabic imala vowel shift. Another phonetic aspect is the appended letter 'n' in French benjoin and Italian benzoino. This 'n' is a Latinate suffix descended from classical Latin ‑inus. Parallelwise: medieval Italian verzi @ TLIOverzi ➜ medieval Italian verzino @ TLIOverzino; medieval Italian arancio @ TLIOaranci ➜ medieval Italian arancino @ TLIOarancino; medieval Italian cremisi @ TLIOcremisi ➜ medieval Italian cremisino @ TLIOcremisino; medieval Italian celeste @ TLIOcilestra ➜ medieval Italian celestino @ TLIOcilestrina.
    The principal Indonesian tree that produces the benzoin resin is called the Styrax benzoin tree in today's English botany books. It is related to a native Eastern Mediterranean tree, the Styrax officinalis, which has a somewhat similar aromatic resin, which was in use in the Mediterranean region in antiquity and medievally. The Mediterranean Styrax resin was called in medieval Arabic لبنى lubnā, ميعة mayʿa, and أصطرك asturak, and it is easy to find in medieval Arabic writings. In contrast, the Indonesian Styrax resin is hard to find in medieval Arabic writings and it does not seem to have arrived until late in the medieval era and the same is true of the name لبان جاوي lubān jāwī.
  43. ^ bezoar

    To see the word bezoar in medieval Arabic, search at AlWaraq.net for البادزهر and البازهر and بازهر and بادزهر . In medieval Latin, bezoar is bezahar in the late-12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translations of the medical books of Ibn Sina (died 1037) and Al-Razi (died c. 930), at In Latin : ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'', translation of Ibn Sina's ''Qānūn fī al-Tibb'', translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), print edition year 1544. Search for bezahar, and albezahar.Ref and In Latin : Medicine works of Al-Razi translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), print edition year 1544. Bezahar is on pages 196, 197 & 433.Ref. It is lapis bezaar | lapis bezahar in the late-13th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medicines book of Serapion the Younger at In Latin : Serapion the Younger's aggregation of commentary from many commentators about medicines. ''De lapide bezaar'' is on page 261-262. The author name ''Serapion'' was a false attribution from an anonymous Latin translator. The book's Arabic compiler was Ibn Al-Wafid (died c. 1070) and/or a student of Ibn Al-Wafid.Ref. It is bezard in the late-13th-century Latin medicines dictionary of Simon of Genoa at bezard @ ''Clavis Sanationis sive Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa aka Simon Januensis, dated c. 1292Ref and Simon of Genoa says the word is Arabic. Historically in the Middle East and in Europe, the original bezoar of Central Asia was expensive and the trade volume in it was very low. Historically sometimes other concretions were recommended for use as antidotes and were called bezoars in the looser sense of the word. In Western European authors, the 17th century was the high tide of the reputation of the bezoar stone as antidote medicine.
  44. ^ borax and tincal

    Medieval Arabic بورق būraq encompassed multiple salts. The salts included naturally-occurring sodium carbonate (aka natron) and sodium borate (aka borax). Medieval būraq meant sodium carbonate in most cases. It would be an error to interpret the medieval būraq as meaning borax without specific info in the context. In some medieval contexts, the word būraq has a qualifier attached to it to give more specificity to it. On the other hand, medieval Arabic التنكار al-tinkār was specifically borax. An early minerals book in Arabic, dated 9th century, titled The Stone Book of Aristotle, pseudonymously authored, says: (1) būraq is a class of salts and the class includes al-natrūn (i.e. natron) and al-tinkār; and (2) al-tinkār exists on the shores of salt-marshes and is used in shapening and soldering of gold – Book in medieval Arabic : كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس ''Das Steinbuch des Aristotles'', curated and translated to modern German by Julius Ruska, year 1912. تنكار tinkār is stone #63 on page 123. بورق būraq is stone #46 on page 118. نطرون natrūn is stone #47 on page 118.ref (pages 118 & 123). Al-Razi (died c. 930) named six types of būraq salts. Among Al-Razi's named types of būraq, one was tinkār, another one was "goldsmith's būraq" (denoting some other mineral salt in customary use by goldsmiths for soldering metals), and another two or three of the named types were sodium carbonate brought from different geographical places with different impurities admixed – In Arabic : ''Kitāb al-asrār wa sirr al-asrār'' by Al-Razi (died c. 930). Page ٢ (PDF page 30) has seven names for seven types of boraxes. One printed name احمر is read as اخمر (causative of خمر). Page ٦ (PDF page 34) has more info about some types of boraxes. Page ٦٩ (PDF page 97) has plural بوارق and singular بورقا and same sentence has تنكارا and نطرونا.ref, DEAD LINK. In English : Al-Razi's ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' translated to English from German by Gail Marlow Taylor in year 2011, after German translated from Arabic in year 1937 by Julius Ruska. The English translation is also titled ''Al-Rāzī's Book of Secrets''. In this translation, Al-Razi's بورق būraq and بوارق bawāraq are put as English ''borax'' and ''boraxes''. You have to bear in mind that al-Razi's word's scope is much broader than the English borax. On page 4 the English translation has: Of boraxes, there are six: borax of bread, natron, borax of goldsmiths, tinkar, borax from Zarāwand, and borax of willow. Al-Razi's details about these boraxes is on pages 10-11 under the headline ''The Kinds of Borax''.ref. The author Al-Hamdani (English short biography of al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad al-Hamdānī [ الحسن بن أحمد الهمداني ], written by Christopher Toll in ''Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography''.died c. 951), in a book about production of precious metals, has al-tinkār and al-būraq as two similar substances for fluxing a precious metal – Book : الحسن بن أحمد الهمداني -- كتاب الجوهرتين العتيقتين المائعتين من الصفراء والبيضاء
    The linked edition has four instances of التنكار. One instance is :
    ووضع عليها التنكار أو البورق والملح ، وسبك ، فإذا
    Seven instances of البورق or بورق are at the link but this number includes instances written by the edition's modern commentator.
    . Some medieval Arabic dictionaries say būraq is used as a rising agent for bread dough, causing bread to inflate during baking, and it is evident that this kind of būraq consisted mainly of sodium carbonate – Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon gives the medieval definitions for the word بورق under the rootword برق on page 191 column 3, in Volume 1, year 1863. Altlink for Lane's Lexicon: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/برق/?cat=50 ref. Another widely used medieval application for sodium carbonate was as a cleaning agent; i.e. sodium carbonate was an ingredient in soaps and clothes' washing powders. Ibn Sina (died 1037) says būraq salts are of multiple types, and he says būraq salts have uses as cleaning agents – In Arabic, text searchable : القانون في الطب لابن سينا. The book has more than 250 instances of بورق. It has more than 100 instances of البورق or البورقي or البورقية meaning the būraq class of salts. It also has a few instances in the plural wordforms البوارق and البورقيات meaning the multiple types of بورق salts.ref, In Arabic : بورق @ Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, Book Two. Book Two has بورق as a section headword. The link is the Book Two section concerning بورق in the year 1593 print edition. The year 1593 print edition elsewhere has the phrase أصناف البوارق meaning ''the types of buraq salts''.alt-link. In the same book, Ibn Sina says tinkār is a fluxing agent for gold, and he says tinkār is medically useful against tooth decay – In Arabic : تنكار @ Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, Book Tworef, In Arabic : تنكار @ Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, Book Twoalt-link. Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) in his medicines book says firstly that tinkār is used by goldsmiths and jewellers more than by anyone else and they use it as a fluxing agent in soldering metals – Paragraph about تنكار on page 167. Paragraph about لحام الذهب on page 772. الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref (page 167; also page 772). Al-Biruni (died c. 1050), in a book about precious stones, used vinegar with small quantities of each of "tinkār" and "būraq" (two distinct substances) as a gentle cleaner to improve the luster of white pearls – كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني -- البحث عن تنكارref, كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر – البيروني -- يقول في الصفحة 80 : ''قيراط نوشادر وحبتين تنكار وحبة بورق وثلاث حبات قلى''ـalt-link – and surely his būraq meant sodium carbonate and his tinkār meant sodium borate.
    Medieval Arabic has reports of البورق al-būraq collected at salt-water lakes in Iran & Iraq & Syria – In Arabic : Geography book of Ibn Hawqal (died c. 988), curated by Goeje in ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'' Volume 2, year 1873. Page ۲۴۸ on line 8 has ملح البورق meaning ''buraq salt''. The same page on line 10 has البحيرة ارمية بورق الصاغة meaning buraq from Lake Urmia in northwest Iran.ref , Search for the phrase البحيرة البورق in the geography book of Al-Idrisi (died c. 1165). Al-Idrisi says salt-water lakes in Iraq and Syria have al-būraq which is used for bread-making. Al-Idrisi's geography book is titled نزهة المشتاق and is online at multiple websites.ref. Today none of the salt-water lakes in Iran & Iraq & Syria has borates dissolved in it (not counting miniscule quantity). Sodium carbonate occurs in significant quantity in some salt-water lakes in that region. Therefore, the al-būraq salt in those medieval reports was not borax. There is no evidence that borax was sourced from anywhere in Iran in all history until the 19th century. You can find a contrary assertion in some historians. The burden is on them to show their evidence is for real. They fail.
    The foremost supply source for borax in the medieval era, and 16th-18th centuries also, was evaporites on the perimeters of lakes located on plateaus in the Himalay Mountains. It is believed nowadays by numerous historians that the Arabs and Persians were introduced to tinkār from India and that the name تنكار tinkār (tankār in Persian) originated from the medieval Sanskritic word ṭaṅkaṇa @ Digital Corpus of Sanskritṭaṅkaṇa meaning borax from Tibet & Kashmir. Search for wordforms ṭaṅkaṇa ṭaṅkana ṭaṅkaṇaka ṭaṅkaṇakṣāraDigital Corpus of Sanskrit has hundreds of medieval instances of ṭaṅkaṇa | ṭaṅkana | ṭaṅkaṇaka | ṭaṅkaṇakṣāra meaning borax; and additionally medieval Sanskrit has other words that are translated as borax – Search for English ''borax'' in word meanings at Digital Corpus of SanskritDigital Corpus of Sanskrit , Search for BORAX in ''The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary'', by V.S. Apte (died 1892), revised and enlarged edition year 1959, online at ''Digital Dictionaries of South Asia''Apte's Sanskrit-to-English dictionary. Thereby it is clear that borax was well known in medieval India. During the 16th to 18th centuries, the high north of India – more exactly Tibet – was the principal source of borax in international trade worldwide. It may be that Tibet was the only source on planet Earth during all centuries until the 19th century. This is discernable from info in two later paragraphs below. Borax and similar borate minerals can occur as surface evaporite deposits when a land's surface is intermittently flooded by water containing dissolved borax or borate. But, except in Tibet, the percentage borates in these deposits is small and minor, and there is no evidence these deposits were ever used commercially.
    The Latins of the ancient and early-medieval eras used metalworking fluxing agents. Latin name: chrysocolla. But borax was unknown to them. One of the first records in Latin for the substance borax, and for either of the names borax or tinkar, is in a late-12th-century enlargement of the Latin text Mappae Clavicula, in a section headlined "Composition of Niello is a metal. It is an alloy of copper, silver, and lead sulfides. It is black in color. It is used in metal ornaments and engravings, where typically it is a color-contrasting inlay beside a lighter-colored metal. niello with gold", where the borax is used as a fluxing agent: "detempera atincar, i.e., burrago, cum aqua; et cum hoc distempera nigello" = "blend tinkar, i.e. borax, with water; and coat (distemper) the niello with this" – One version of ''Mappae Clavicula'' is called the Phillipps-Corning version. It is published in journal ''Archaeologia'' in year 1847, where relevant text is recipe #195 on page 225. It is dated late 12th century. Earlier versions of Mappae Clavicula do not have this recipe.ref. Slightly earlier, in mid-12th century, a Latin medical writer in southern Italy said "borax" is an import from the far side of the sea (meaning the Arab lands), and he said it is in the form of a white powder, and he mistakenly said it was derived from a tree gum – Book ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'' by Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160). Link goes to images of a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. ''Borax'' is on page number 37-38, which is image number 20. Manuscript is owned by Mertz Library.ref. Other early records of the word borax in Latin are in Arabic-to-Latin translations of alchemy texts dated about year 1200 in Latin – they include the texts ''De Anima in Arte Alchimiae'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. The Latin is printed in the volume ''Artis Chemicae Principes'', year 1572, from page 1 to page 471 (whereas pages 473-767 is unrelated later alchemy). It has about seventy instances of BAURACH or BAURAC, and a few BORACE. Its composition date and authorship is discussed in the publication ''Le DE ANIMA alchimique du pseudo-Avicenne'' by Sébastien Moureau, year 2016.ref-1 , ''Liber Secretorum de voce Bubacaris'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation of كتاب الاسرار Kitāb al-Asrār of Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). Its subject is minerals and medieval chemistry. It is in medieval Latin in more than one version. Extracts from Latin versions are in ''Bearbeitungen von Al-Razi's Buch Geheimnis der Geheimnisse'', year 1935. BORAX & BORACI__ on pages 23, 34, 40 & 66-67.ref-2 , The alchemy text ''Liber de Septuaginta'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. The Latin is dated about 1200. It is published in ''Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France'', volume 49, year 1906, on pages 310-363. It has wordforms bauracia, baurax, baurac, bauracorum.ref-3 , ''Liber Sacerdotum'' is a Latin compilation about minerals, colorants and metallurgy. Its date is assessed early 13th century as a compilation. It has content from Arabic-to-Latin translation in some places, and not in other places. It has 5 instances of word BORAC__. The Latin is printed on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893.ref-4. Medieval Latin spellings included baurax | baurac | baurach | bauracia | borax | borace | boracibus, Book ''Verae Alchemiae, Artisque Metallicae'', year 1561, a collection of late medieval Latin alchemy writings by Pseudo-Geber, Pseudo-Ramon-Llull, and other uncertain authors. The collection has the word spelled BAURAC, BAURACE, BAURACHIIS, BAURATIA, BORACE, BORACIA, BORAX, BORACIBUS, etc.et cetra. The word's medieval Latin meaning was sometimes the same broad meaning as in Arabic – ''De Anima in Arte Alchimiae'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation, dated early 13th century Latin. It has about 70 instances of baurach or baurac. It uses this substance as a metals flux. But in some instances the Latin word means the Arabic būraq as sodium carbonate, not borax. The text is within the volume ''Artis Chemicae Principes'', year 1572, on pages 1 - 471.e.g. , baurach @ ''Pandectarum Medicinae'' by Matthaeus Silvaticus, dated c. 1317. Book is heavily influenced by Arabic medicine practices and it uses many Arabic medicines words. It defines ''baurach'' as sodium carbonate. Among things it says : ''baurach armenum est defertur ab armenia'', which is referring to sodium carbonate exported from Lake Van, a big salt lake in medieval Armenia. Lake Van is rich in sodium carbonate.e.g.. But normally in medieval Latin the meaning was a substance used as a metals fluxing agent – Latin text ''Liber Sacerdotum'' uses BORAC__ to help melt metals, including gold and copper. Text is in Latin on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893.e.g. , Medieval Latin encyclopedia ''Speculum Naturale'' by Vincent de Beauvais (died 1264) says BORAX is used in soldering metals. Vincent de Beauvais says : ''borax consolidates silver with silver and also tin with tin.'' This book mentions BORAX in several places.e.g. , ''Sinonoma Bartholomei'', late 14th century Latin glossary, says BORAX is gum used in soldering of metals. Published with annotations by J.L.G. Mowat, year 1882.e.g. , borax | boras @ Middle English Dictionary gives a dozen usage quotes from late medieval English. Some of the quotes are from books that were Latin-to-English translations. The dictionary also gives a few quotes in medieval Latin.e.g.. The late medieval Latin borax fluxing agent usually meant what we call borax today, but sometimes it meant any fluxing agent. The same was true for the medieval Latin tincar | atincar | attincar | tinkar | atinkar | attinkar | tinchar | athincar, i.e. it was a fluxing agent, and it was usually borax, and it was not always borax. Likewise, chrysocolla in later-medieval Latin literature could mean either one certain specific material with fluxing uses or else any fluxing material. Examples of the medieval Latin tincar | atincar | attincar | tinkar | atinkar | attinkar | tinchar | athincar include ''Liber Sacerdotum'' is a compilation about minerals, colorants and metallurgy. It has 18 instances of tincar | atincar | attincar | altincar. It is assessed early 13th century as a compilation. It has content from Arabic-to-Latin translation in some places but not in other places. The Latin is on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893.ref , ''Liber Secretorum Bubacaris'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation of ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' of Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). Its subject is minerals and medieval chemistry. It is in medieval Latin in more than one version. Extracts from Latin versions are in ''Bearbeitungen von Al-Razi's Buch Geheimnis der Geheimnisse'', year 1935. ATINKAR on page 23, TINCHAR on pages 34 & 40.ref , Article, ''Practical Chemistry in the Twelfth Century: Rasis de aluminibus et salibus'', by Robert Steele, year 1929 in journal ''Isis'' Volume 12 pages 10-46. The article prints a Latin text. The text has wordforms tincar, atincaris, and antincar. At top of page 39, antincar is applied to molten silver metal: argento... pone eas in crucibulo cum aliquanto antincar aut nitro.ref , A certain medieval Latin text is published in book ''Das Steinbuch des Aristotles'' curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912. On page 193 the Latin says ATTINKAR is very effective for fluxing gold. ATTINKAR is also on page 191 line 12. This medieval Latin text is somehow derived from a medieval Semitic source, as discussed on pages 66-67.ref , Book, ''Picatrix : The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-Hakīm'', curated by David Pingree, year 1986. The Latin Picatrix is mostly a translation of the Arabic ''Ghāyat al-Hakīm''. The Latin has 8 instances of ATTINCAR. The translation into Latin has been date-assessed late 13th century, except that the Latin Picatrix additionally incorporates a 14th century text titled ''Flos Naturarum''.ref , Article, ''The FLOS NATURARUM ascribed to Jābir'', by Charles Burnett and David Pingree, year 2009 in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Volume 72. Publishes a 14th-century Latin text which says ''cito consolidare ut cum atinkar'' for fluxing gold (on page 48) (variant manuscript copy on page 57 says ''cito solidare sicut cum attincar'').ref , Latin TINCAR @ Book Two of ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' by Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Print edition year 1544.ref , ''Liber aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus'' by Serapion the Younger is Arabic-to-Latin translation dated 13th century Latin. It quotes the medicines writer Isḥāq Ibn ʿImrān (died c. 908) who says in the Latin translation: ''TINCAR is from a species of salt. And in its taste one finds the taste of baurach [interpret: sodium carbonate], and it has with this a little bitterness'' (on page 279 in linked copy).ref , Latin TINCAR @ ''Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa, dated 1290s. It says tincar is synonymous with borax and is a fluxing agent for gold (''capistrum auri''). It cites tincar in Gerard of Cremona's Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine (''Aui'').ref , Book ''Alchemiae quam vocant Artisque Metallicae'', year 1572, is predominantly the same thing as the book titled ''Verae Alchemiae, Artisque Metallicae'', year 1561. It collects late-medieval Latin alchemy writings by various unknown or uncertainly known writers. It has all the wordforms atincar | attincar | athincar | tinkar.ref , DEAD LINK. ''Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in the United States and Canada'', by WJ Wilson, is a 836-page report published as Volume 6 of the journal ''Osiris'', year 1939. It has 15th-century ATHINCAR on pages 104 & 111 and TINCHAR page 126, and 15th-century ATINCAR & ATTINCAR on page 36.ref.
    From the Latin, 15th century English has borax | boras and attincar.
    In Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, borax was an import from the Indies (often still transported via Egypt and Venice), trade volume was small, the price was expensive, and its main use was as a fluxing agent in gold and silver metalworking. In the European metallurgy literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, borax was commonly called "tincar" | "atincar" and it was also called "Arabian borax", and "borax". Martin Ruland's year 1612 Lexicon Alchemiae has the definitions of that time period for atincar, tinckar, borax, boras, baurac, and chrysocollaIn Latin : ''Lexicon Alchemiae sive Dictionarium Alchemisticum'', by Martin Ruland, year 1612. The dictionary sometimes has multiple incompatible meanings for a mineral word. This reflects that the word was used with different meanings at the time the dictionary was written.ref, In English translation : ''A Lexicon of Alchemy by Martin Rulandus the Elder'', translated from Latin to English by Arthur E. Waite, year 1893.ref.
    A year 2005 historical review of borax | tincar | tincal imported to Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries is "Borax, Boric acid, and Boron – From exotic to commodity"Article by Jaime Wisniak, year 2005 in ''Indian Journal of Chemical Technology'' Volume 12 on pages 488-500 and a thing I take from the review is: No evidence of extraction of borax, or boric acid or any borate, anywhere in the world outside of Tibet until year 1818. The same finding is in the book Book, ''The Tincal Trail : A History of Borax'', by NJ Travis & EJ Cocks, year 1984. The bulk of this book is about the commercial history of the borax industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. The book's first two chapters are about the pre-19th century history of borax. A History of Borax, which includes a sub-point on page 24 A History of Borax by NJ Travis & EJ Cocks, year 1984, says Snippet view only. Book not free online.on page 24 concerning travel writers in Iran or Persia: John Mandelso [died 1644; aka Johan de Mandelslo] and Jean Chardin [died 1713], who both paid particular attention to minerals in Persia, saw nothing of borax there. Says on page 24 concerning Iran or Persia: There have been no reports of sodium borate being found in any lake deposits there.. In one sentence, a summary of the evidence is: There are more than 57 borate-containing Tibetan lakes... and very likely all of the world's borax from antiquity to 1818 came from these deposits. ( ref )I have copied that one sentence from the book Borates: Handbook of Deposits, Processing, Properties, and Use, year 1998 on page 58 (Book written by Donald E. Garrettonline). The book is not a history book. It summarizes the history of extraction of borates that is given in the book The Tincal Trail : A History of Borax, year 1984.. The way that the borax was extracted in Tibet is in several English reports from India in the 1780sRobert Saunders, a resident of Bengal, visited Tibet in 1783. In an article published in 1789 he says: Tincal, the nature and production of which we have only hitherto been able to guess at, is now well known, and Thibet, from whence we are supplied, contains it in inexhaustible quantities. It is a fossil brought to market in the state it is dug out of the lake, and afterwards refined into Borax.... Although tincal has been collected from this lake for a great length of time, the quantity is not perceptibly diminished ; and as the cavities made by digging it soon wear out or fill up, it is an opinion with the people, that the formation of fresh tincal is going on. They have never yet met with it in dry ground or high situations but it is found in the shallowest depths and the borders of the lake, which deepening gradually from the edges towards the center contains too much water to admit of their searching for the tincal conveniently.Article, ''Some Account of the Vegetable and Mineral Productions of Boutan and Thibet. By Mr. Robert Saunders, Surgeon at Boglepoor in Bengal'', year 1789 in journal ''Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London''. Tincal is on page 96-97.Ref: print pages 96-97. Today it is known the borax in the Tibetan plateau's lakes is being replenished by thermal water springs coming up from far underground. These waters arrive at the surface carrying borax and other borates dissolved in them. The solubility of borax in water is unable to exceed a certain max concentration rate. The borax concentration increases when some water is evaporated to the sky at the lake's surface. Hence, when the concentration is max, some of the borax is precipitated to the lake's floor.

    In the 1780s William Blane resided at Lucknow city in the lowland plains of northern India. He never visited Tibet. He got info about borax from a resident of Nepal who visited Lucknow. William Blane wrote in 1786: I am assured, by many of the natives, that all the borax in India comes only from the mountains of Tibbet.... That it is really brought from the Tibbet mountains is certain, as I have myself often had occasion to see large quantities of it brought down, and have purchased from the Tartar mountaineers, who brought it to market.... I have never heard of its being either produced or brought into this country [i.e. India] from any other quarter. William Blane's informant from Nepal has mostly accurate info about how the borax was dug as natural evaporites in Tibet, which Blane retells at Article, ''Some Particulars Relative to the Production of Borax'', by William Blane, year 1787 in journal ''Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London''Ref: print pages 297-300.

    Giuseppe (aka Joseph) da Rovato resided at Patna city in the northern India lowlands in the 1780s. He never visited Tibet. By specific arrangement and appointment, he interviewed a native of Tibet who was acquainted with harvesting borax. Rovato's report, dated 1786, is at ''A Letter from the Father Prefect of the Mission in Thibet, F. Joseph da Rovato, Containing Some Observations Relative to Borax'', 3 pages long, published in English translation in 1787 in journal ''Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London''. It was also published in Italian in same journal.Ref: print pages 471-473. He says: Twenty-eight days journey to the north of Nepal, and twenty-five to the West of Lassa [Lhasa], the capital of Thibet, there is a vale... the inhabitants of which are wholly employed in digging the borax... the soil being so barren as to produce nothing but a few rushes.... There is a pool of a moderate size, and some smaller ones, where the ground is hollow, in which the rain-water collects. In these pools, after the water has been some time detained in them, the borax is formed naturally.

    The above 1780s reports may leave the impression that the source of borax was in only one valley, whereas in fact a very big and wide area in Tibet has borax-infused lakes. A year 1906 book Tibet and the Tibetans has a section headlined "The Salt Lake District" and it says Book ''Tibet and the Tibetans'', by Graham Sandberg, year 1906, has a chapter devoted to lakes, within which it has a section headlined ''The Salt Lake District'' on pages 41-44on pages 41-44: The thick far-reaching margins of saline crust encircling these lakes is evidence of an evaporation.... The salt soda and borax are principally collected from the thick deposits fringing such lakes and, being filled into 20-pound bags, the bags are placed in couples on the backs of sheep. Flocks of seven hundred sheep thus loaded are to be encountered patiently bearing these products either west into Ladak, or south to the markets of Nepal. Borax seems to occur most profusely on the plains of Majin, a district N.-E. of Ngari Khorsum [westernmost part of Tibet]. It lies there near the surface in vast tracts, and any amount may be had for the digging.... Borax sufficient to supply the potteries of all Europe is here lying unused.... In the Tibetan fields, however, great slackness of demand now prevails ; nevertheless, in one borax field in the plains bordering on the eastern-most sources of the Indus, one survey explorer noted 100 men at work.

    More reading is in the science book Book is partly a translation of a book written in Chinese in the 1980s.An Introduction to Saline Lakes on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, by Zheng Mianping, year 1997.
    . Year 1766 was before those 1780s publications about how the Tibetan borax was being obtained. In 1766 an encyclopedic dictionary of chemistry by a well-informed French chemist said about borax: We are even ignorant of its origin.... Borax is not found in Europe. It is brought from the East-Indies in a state which only requires a slight purification.... But it is not yet known whether this matter be a natural or an artificial substance, nor whence, nor how it is obtained.borax @ ''A Dictionary of Chemistry'' by Pierre Joseph Macquer, year 1777 English edition. Translated from year 1766 French ''Dictionnaire de Chymie''.ref, ''A History of Borax'' by NJ Travis & EJ Cocks, year 1984, on page 10alt‑ref. The 9th century Arabic Stone Book of Aristotle said al-tinkār exists on the shores of salt-marshes (ref: Book in Arabic : كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس ''Das Steinbuch des Aristotles'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912, where تنكار tinkār is stone #63 on page 123يكون على سواحل السبخة). That statement in the so-called Stone Book of Aristotle is interpretable as probably the evaporites of the Tibetan lakes and nowhere else, because nobody anywhere before the late 18th century delivers information that would support another interpretation.
    Nathan Bailey's English Dictionary in the early 18th century defined tinkar as synonymous with borax and defined borax as "a mineral used by goldsmiths in melting and soldering of gold" – Bailey's English Dictionary, year 1726 editionref. Samuel Johnson's English dictionary, mid 18th century, defined tincal as "a mineral.... What our borax is made of" – tincal @ Samuel Johnson's English dictionary, edition year 1785. Year 1755 edition says same thing.ref. As reflected by Nathan Bailey's tinkar versus Samuel Johnson's tincal, there was a change in wordform from tincar to tincal. The wordform tincal became predominant in Europe in the 18th century. Practically all of the borax in 18th-century Europe was being shipped from northern India by sea by Europeans. Contrary to some reporters, it is not correct that the wordform tincal came to Europe from a native language of the Indies. This wordform came from the Indies from the Portuguese tincal, which came from the medieval European tincar, which came from the medieval Arabic tinkār. The wordform tincal has its earliest known records in the early 16th century in Portuguese in India. To appreciate the substantial overall influence that Portuguese had on English vocabulary in the Indies, see the book A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words, on preface pages xviii - xixBook by Yule & Burnell, year 1903. The book has 700+ instances of ''Portuguese'' plus 153 ''Portuga__''.. As one piece of the evidence for the Portuguese and European origin of the wordform tincal, with date between 1512 and 1515 the Portuguese writer Tomé Pires has tincall, and at about the same date the Portuguese writer Duarte Barbosa has tincal, with both writers assuming the word needs no explanation to a Portuguese reader. Both of those writers wrote their books in the Indies. Both of them list tincal as a market commodity at Cambay in Gujarat province in northwestern India, a commodity that Portuguese merchant shipping at Cambay might carry to Europe – Downloadable book, ''Encontros civilizacionais no Oriente : visões sobre a alteridade nas obras de Duarte Barbosa e de Tomé Pires'', by Carla Sofia Saraiva Luís, year 2010. In the book's Anexo 15, the word-frequencies of the words used in Tomé Pires's ''Suma'' (= Su) and Duarte Barbosa's ''Livro'' (= Li) are listed and compared. Search for ''tincal''.ref, The book ''Livro'' by Duarte Barbosa (died 1521) includes ''tincal'' in the goods for sale in ''Guzarate e Cambaia'' meaning Gujarat & Cambay. In the linked edition, this ''tincal'' is on print page 82, and ''tincal'' is for sale in Malabar on print page 232. The linked edition is curated by Augusto Reis Machado in year 1946. Barbosa's spelling is ''tinqual'' in an edition in year 1867 at books.google.com/books?id=wa1AAAAAcAAJ ref, Book in English : ''The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires'' translated from Portuguese by translator Armando Cortesão, year 1990. Tincal is in the book's section about trade at Cambay, on page 43-44.ref. Another piece of the evidence for the European and Portuguese origin of the wordform tincal comes from Garcia da Orta writing in Portuguese in India in 1563. His name for borax was tincal (he also referred to it as crisocola). He said the tincal on sale at the trading centers of the west coast of India was brought there from the northern interior of India and came to the coast through Cambay and Ahmedabad city in Gujarat, and he said the name for it in the Gujarati language is the same as the name it has in Arabic, namely (he said) tincar – ref: Garcia da Orta Book ''Coloquios dos simples e drogas da India'' by Garcia da Orta, year 1563, republished year 1891, where tincal is in Volume 1 on page 277. (Volume 1 page 281-282 has comment about tincal by the book's 19th-century curator Ficalho).in Portuguese and Colloquies on the simples & drugs of India, by Garcia da Orta, translated to English by Clements Markham, year 1913, chapter headlined ''criscola'' on page 162-163in English translation. British reporters in India in the 1780s said the mountains in the far north of India are the only known source of borax in India – they are quoted in the previous paragraph above. As cited in another of the previous paragraphs above, Latin atincar starts in the late 12th century and has plenty of records in medieval Latin, mostly in alchemy writers. The Latin atincar begot late medieval Spanish atincar = "borax or fluxing agent" (Medicine book ''Menor daño de la medicina'' by Al(f)onso Chirino (died c. 1429) says Spanish ''atincar'' is synonymous with Spanish ''borraj'' i.e. borax. NOTE : Records of ''atincar'' start in Latin 150 years before they start in Spanish. After the records start in Spanish, the output of records continued to be more numerous in Latin than in Spanish. This implies the Latin was the parent of the Spanish.Spanish example circa 1422). Synonymously the wordform atincal is in 16th-century Portuguese. A Portuguese-to-Latin dictionary in year 1562 has: "[Portuguese] Atincal = [Latin] Chrissocola " – atincal @ ''Hieronymi Cardosi Lamacensis Dictionarium ex Lusitanico in latinum sermonem'', by Jerónimo Cardoso, year 1562 edition. Atincal is on PDF page 44 in linked PDF file. Altlink: http://purl.pt/15192 ref. It is easy to see in an etymology dictionary of Portuguese: English "azure" = Portuguese azul from medieval Latin azurium; English "carat" = Portuguese quilate from medieval Arabic qīrāt; English "paper" = Portuguese papel from medieval Catalan paper and ultimately from classical Latin papyrus; English "azarole hawthorn" = Portuguese azarola from medieval Arabic al-zaʿrūr; Portuguese atafal @ ''Vocabulario portuguez e latino'', by Rafael Bluteau, in Volume 1 on page 623, year 1712. In Portuguese the word ''atafal'' is scarce, and what gets used in its place is ''retranca''. Additional Portuguese dictionaries with a definition for ''atafal'' include:
    = Spanish atafarra @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Españolaatafarra from medieval Arabic ثفر @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexiconالثفر al-thafar. The quantity of writings in Portuguese before 1500 is smallish overall, and is small in the categories of writings that might likely mention tincal or borax. So you can put little weight on the fact that the Portuguese tincal is undocumented until the Portuguese went to the Indies. Book ''Glossário Luso-Asiático'' by Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, year 1919, has glossary treatment of Portuguese word ''tincal''. It quotes five 16th-century writers who mention tincal as a trade item in India.Tincal @ Glossário Luso-Asiático, year 1919, has quotations for tincal in four additional 16th-century Portuguese writers concerned with Portuguese commerce in Asia and none of them is inconsistent with the conclusion that the word entered Portuguese in Europe.
  45. ^ camphor

    Camphor is unrecorded among the ancient Greeks and Latins under any name. A medicinal kafora occurs in a Greek medicines text dated mid 10th century, namely Appendix to HippiatricaThere are different versions of the Greek Hippiatrica texts, and they have different appendixes. The relevant appendix text is part of the version called Hippiatrica Cantabrigiensia, which Anne McCabe calls C for short. (The other notable version is Hippiatrica Berolinensia, aka version B). The relevant appendix to Hippiatrica is dated mid 10th century. The information basis for this appendix's date is in the book also titled ''A Byzantine Encyclopaedia of Horse Medicine''The Sources, Compilation, and Transmission of the Hippiatrica, by Anne McCabe, year 2007, on pages 277-279 and other pages. Meanwhile, the relevant appendix's text is printed in Greek at Book in Greek, ''Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum, Volume 2'', curated by Oder & Hoppe, year 1927, on page 193. Page 193 has καφόρα on line 2, and has σάνδαλον on line 3, and σανδάλον on line 5.Ref: page 193 on lines 2 & 3 & 5 having καφόρα kafora and σανδαλον sandalon meaning camphor and sandalwood.. That is the word's earliest reliably dated in Greek. In the late 11th century, camphor is in Greek as kafoura in a writer influenced by Arabic medicine, Symeon Seth – In Greek : Paragraph headed περι καφουρας at page 58-59 in the book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110), published under book title Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus, curated by Langkavel, year 1868. Besides page 58-59, καφουρά is also on page 61 line 7.ref, Article in English: ''Complete list of foodstuffs in Symeon Seth’s SYNTAGMA DE ALIMENTORUM FACULTATIBUS arranged alphabetically in Greek. Selected items for which full translation'', by Alison Noble, year 2014, 9 pages, published by Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies. The article translates Symeon Seth's paragraph about camphor.ref. Symeon Seth says kafoura is a gum of a tree that grows in India. That statement by Symeon Seth is the earliest in Greek that delivers a description of the kafora | kafoura | kamfora. More citations in medieval Greek are at καμφορα + καφορα @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), a lexicon of Byzantine Greek up to 13th century, year 2014καμφορα KAMFORA @ LBG. A record much earlier in Greek in the medical writer Aetius of Amida is reported by some reporters, but the dating is afflicted with serious problems and it is surely wrong. The problems with Aetius of Amida are elsewhere on this pagediscussed at Note #26 above.
    In Latin, the early records for camphor are in the wordform cafora in aromatic medicines recipes date-assessed as having been written in the 9th century at monasteries in Germany and Switzerland – Book in medieval Latin with translation to modern German : ''Der LORSCHER ARZNEIBUCH, ein medizinisches Kompendium'', year 1992. Curated and translated by Ulrich Stoll. The Latin text survives only in the sole manuscript Codex Bambergensis Medicinalis 1, aka Staatsbibliothek Bamberg Msc.Med.1. The Latin text has ''cafora'' three times. The book is downloadable as searchable PDF file via interface of linked page.ref-1 (Der LORSCHER ARZNEIBUCH, aka Codex Bambergensis Medicinalis 1, curated by Ulrich Stollaltlink), Latin text ''Antidotarium Sangallense'', also titled ''St. Galler Antidotarium'', is within the book ''Studien und Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur'', by Henry E Sigerist, year 1923, where ''cafora'' is on page 89 on line 3. The text is in a parchment manuscript of 9th century date, says the curator on page 78.ref-2. In Latin the insertion of the letter 'm' in wordform camphora is first seen in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087). The wordform with 'm' is in a manuscript of a Constantinus Africanus translation dated 1150-1175 as physical manuscript – ref: Constantine the African, ''Theorica Pantegni'', word-searchable transcription of the Helsinki manuscript, Codex EÖ.II.14, dated 3rd quarter of 12th century as a physical manuscript. The ''Pantegni'' book is in two parts, ''Theorica'' and ''Practica''. The manuscript has only the ''Theorica'' part.camphora & camphara in Codex EÖ.II.14. The Book of Simple Medicines of Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160; was influenced by Constantinus's translations) has it as Latin camphera | camphora in a physical manuscript dated perhaps about 1200 – Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'', aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius in a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. The manuscript is owned by Mertz Library. Entry for ''camphera'' is at the pages numbered 40-41 which means the images numbered 21-22.ref. In any wordform, the word is of great rarity in Latin before Constantinus. Constantinus's translations have dozens of instances of this word as an ingredient in medicines recipes – In Latin : Collected Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. Top of page 370 says camphor is a gum from trees that grow in India. The given OCR'd copy has 47 instances of substring CAMPHOR.ref. Reflecting the popularity of camphor in Arabic medicine, the word camphor_ occurs more than 200 times in Arabic-to-Latin medical translations done by Gerard of Cremona in late 12th century Latin – Book in Latin : ''Canonis Medicinae'', translating ''Qānūn fī al-Tibb'' of Ibn Sina (died 1037), translation by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), in print edition year 1555 annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died 1521). The OCR'd copy has 202 instances of substring CAMPHOR. This book is not the only medical book that Gerard of Cremona translated.ref.
    By the way, late medieval Spanish alcanfor, as well as Catalan camfora, came from the Italian-Latin camphora = "camphor". In particular, the Spanish alcanfor did not come from Arabic. This is demonstrable from the several medieval Spanish wordforms and their dates at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (''CORDE'')CORDE. At CORDE, the word was in Spanish as camfora/camphora and canfora for 150 years before the first record of the wordform alcanfor in Spanish. The Spanish wordform alcanfor does not start until about year 1400, which is fully 300 years after the start of the Latin camphora. If Spanish had gotten it from the Arabic كافور kāfūr = "camphor", then the wordform in Spanish would have been alcafor. Medieval Spanish had no alcafor | cafor | cafora, and Arabic had no kānfūr. The Spanish alcanfor was from the Spanish canfora, which was the most-used wordform in Spanish medievally and was from the Latin camphora. Spanish has a small but significant number of words where Spanish speakers prefixed al- to the word when the word in Spanish did not come from Arabic. This behaviour by Spanish speakers is in several places elsewhere on the current page. You can find it by searching on this page for aduana, alambre, albérchigo, alcaparra, alcorque, almadreña, almastica, almirage, atún, azufre. The al- or a- on those words is not enough evidence that the word entered Spanish from Arabic. When I look into the histories of those particular words I find there is enough evidence to believe they did not enter Spanish from Arabic.
  46. ^ sandalwood

    English "sandalwood" descends from medieval Latin sandalus | sandalum. The medieval Latin is ultimately from ancient Sanskrit candana @ Digital Corpus of Sanskritcandana = "sandalwood", and Sanskritic vernacular chandan, Urdu spelling چندن @ Urdu-to-English dictionary of John T. Platts, year 1884, searchable online at ''Digital Dictionaries of South Asia''چندن tchandan. In the medieval Mediterranean region, the sandalwood product was always an import from the Indies. It arrived in Mediterranean markets through Arabic-speakers, mostly through Egypt. It was called ṣandal in medieval Arabic. Ṣandal wood was commonly used and well-known among the medieval Arabs, as demonstrated by the large number of instances in medieval Arabic authors at AlWaraq.net: البحث عن صندل @ AlWaraq.net. In a minority of medieval instances, صندل does not mean sandalwood.صندل and البحث عن الصندل @ AlWaraq.netالصندل.
    A History of the Materia Medica by John Hill in year 1751 said the following about sandalwood and I quote it because it is mainly correct: There are some who suppose the Ancients [meaning ancient Greeks and Latins] were acquainted with these [yellow, white and red sandalwoods].... But as Dioscorides and Galen are both wholly silent about them, it is very probable they were not known at all in their Time ; at least it is very evident that they were not known in Medicine. The Arabians [meaning the Arabians in Latin translations read by John Hill] are the earliest Authors we find making any certain Mention of them; they call them Sandal, and the modern Greeks speak of them as they do.Book, ''A history of the materia medica: containing descriptions of all the substances used in medicine'', by John Hill, year 1751, on page 683ref. Kosmas Indikopleustes was a Greek sea-merchant who personally visited India in the 6th century AD. One 21st-century historian says correctly: For sandalwood under any name, the first mention in surviving texts from the Mediterranean world comes in the Christian Topography of Kosmas Indikopleustes. He calls it tzandana, which is an accurate Greek transcription of the name that would have been used in the Indian portsArticle ''Some Byzantine Aromatics'' by Andrew Dalby, in book ''Food and Wine in Byzantium'' by various authors, year 2007. Sandalwood on page 56. NOTE : The article has errors, though it is mostly correct.ref. Kosmas Indikopleustes mentions the word only once, and only as a trade item at seaports in Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean, and he does not have it as a trade item going to the Mediterranean region – Book, ''The Christian Topography of Cosmas... translated from the Greek... with notes'', by J.W. McCrindle, year 1897, on page 366ref – and so he gives no indication the Mediterranean people had a use for it. Sandalwood was in extensive trade among the Indies people in Kosmas's time, as shown by many hundreds of mentions of candana in ancient and early medieval Sanskrit texts – candana @ Digital Corpus of Sanskrit. Among the items of info at the linked page: The word candana occurs 106 times in the book Suśruta-saṃhitā, an ancient medical compendium in Sanskrit.ref. Kosmas Indikopleustes's wordform tzandana (Book in Greek, ''Patrologiae Graecae Tomus LXXXVIII'', year 1860, on page 445. Incidentally, the word τζανδάναν does not occur elsewhere in Greek and so an internet search for τζανδάναν quickly surfaces Kosmas's text.τζανδάναν) is not found anywhere else in Greek and it looks like Kosmas wrote it down phonetically for a trade product he had encountered ONLY in the Indies.
    According to some modern reporters, sandalwood is documented in Greek in Late Antiquity in wordforms santal__ | sandan__ in more than one author. But those modern reporters are not correct, because the offered documentation is not valid when critically examined. In the centuries before and after the instance in Kosmas in the 6th century, in Greek, in any wordform, there is not a correctly dated instance with the correct meaning until the mid 10th century, and it is very scarce until the 12th century – search @ Liddell Scott Jones (''LSJ'') Lexicon of Ancient Greek. Lexicon has no σανταλ_ (santal_). Linked edition is at and after year 1925. An earlier edition misleadingly insinuated σανταλ_ was in ancient Greek meaning sandalwood. The earlier edition had relied on erroneous comments by Claudius Salmasius (died 1653). The lexicon has no σανδαλ_ (sandal_) meaning sandalwood. The linked website requires visitor registration. Registration is free. Altlink : search @ https://LSJ.gr/ ref‑1 ,  search @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'', year 2014, Lexicon of Byzantine Greek covering centuries up to and including the 13th. With the meaning sandalwood, the lexicon has wordforms σανδαλον and σανταλον and σαντάλη. For some of the Byzantine documents cited by the lexicon, the composition date is 12th-14th century and not known with better precision than that. The linked website requires visitor registration. Registration is free.ref‑2 ,  ref‑3 Periplus of the Erythraean Sea is a well-known Greek text dated 1st century AD. Periplus in paragraph 36 has DEAD LINK. Book in Greek : ''The Periplus Maris Erythraei: Text with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary'', by Lionel Casson, year 1989, on page 72 line 6 (with English translation on page 73 line 5).ξυλων σαγαλινων  (Book, ''Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea'', year 1809. It publishes texts in ancient Greek side-by-side with modern English translation. It has ξυλων σαγαλινων on page 94; and the translation puts it as ''sandal wood'' on page 94. Translated and annotated by William Vincent (died 1815).alt‑link) which some Early Modern readers interpreted as sandalwood. The interpretation is an error. It is discussed in a 3-page article "Periplus Maris Erythraei 36: Teak, Not Sandalwood"in journal ''The Classical Quarterly'' volume 32, by Lionel Casson, year 1982. ref‑4 In medieval Greek, most early records for sandalwood are in the same texts that have the early records for camphor. Surrounding these texts are good and bad assignment of dates. Elsewhere on the current page, the date assignment issues for the Aetius of Amida text are discussed at Note #26: Problems with Aetius of Amida. The date of the Hippiatrica Appendix is covered at Note #45: Camphor elsewhere on current page.,  ref‑5 A Greek papyrus text validly date-estimated around year 300 AD consists of formulas for doing magical things and it has the statement: λαβὼν πίτυρα πρῶτα καὶ σανδαλον [sic] καὶ ὄξος ὅτι δριμύτατον καὶ ἀναδεύσας μάζια – DEAD LINK. Article, ''Notes on Two Michigan Magical Papyri'', by David Jordan, year 2001 in journal ''Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik'' volume 136. On page 187, Greek text at line numbered 21 exactly reproduces the σάνταλον [sic] of the published papyrus in the Preisendanz edition of year 1974. But on page 191 David Jordan reports that what is actually on the papyrus is σανδαλον (sandalon, not sántalon).ref-1, Book ''Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection'' Volume 3, curated by John Garrett Winter, year 1936. The book prints texts in Greek. The relevant Greek σάνδαλον [sic] is on print page 125 at line 2. The same word is in the same document on print page 124 at line 11.ref-2. A published translation in English is: "Take bran of first quality and sandalwood and vinegar of the sharpest sort and mold a cake." That English translation has been published in more than a half dozen outlets including Book, ''The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation'', by Hans Dieter Betz, year 1992, Volume 1, on page 297. It has ''sandal-wood'' in translating the papyrus numbered LXX in the book ''Papyri Graecae Magicae'' Volume II, curated by Preisendanz, 2nd edition, year 1973-1974.ref, DEAD LINK. Article, ''Fragments from a Catabasis Ritual in a Greek Magical Papyrus'', by Hans Dieter Betz, year 1980 in journal ''History of Religions'' volume 19, where page 288 has ''sandalwood''.ref, Book ''Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection'' Volume 3, curated by John Garrett Winter, year 1936. Text in Greek-to-English translation has English ''sandalwood'' on page 129 near bottom of page. Greek text has σάνδαλον on pages 124 & 125. Translator has a note about it on page 128 where he says ''Liddell and Scott give only σάνδανον in the sense required''. Translator has another note about σάνδαλον at bottom of page 126. At bottom of page 129, ''C. B.'' = ''Campbell Bonner'' (died 1954).ref, Website PAPYRI.INFO has links to hi-res photos of the relevant papyrus and has complete translation to English of the papyrus's text. Search for ''sandal-wood''.ref, Online resource at University of Michigan, ''Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity'', by Gideon Bohak, year 1995. The chapter headed ''Recipe-Books'' quotes from an English translation of Greek ''PGM LXX'', where ''PGM LXX'' means papyrus numbered LXX in ''Papyri Graecae Magicae'' 2nd edition, Volume II, curated by Preisendanz, year 1973-1974.ref. It is in error. A first iteration for another translation is: "Take premier bran and SANDALON and very bitter vinegar and In LSJ lexicon of ancient Greek, ἀναδεύω is firstly English ''soak, steep'' and secondly English ''mix into a paste''. Ancient Greek μᾶζα is firstly cake of bread or lump of bread dough, and secondly lump or amalgam of any kind. The second and broader meaning is the first meaning in later times for μάζα | μᾶζα. Rootwise relatedly, μαζί means ''together with''. Hence ἀναδεύσας μάζια is translatable as soak together.soak them together or mix them together." With the limited context you get to see above, you cannot tell what the SANDALON is supposed to be. There is no historical basis for presupposing SANDALON could be sandalwood.

    An expert on Greek papyri, David Jordan, DEAD LINK. Article, ''Notes on Two Michigan Magical Papyri'' by David Jordan, year 2001 in journal ''Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik''. On page 191, David Jordan talks about edible fishes for translation of the relevant papyrus's Greek SANDALON. On page 193, he gives in conclusion his own translation of the pyprus's difficult sentence.in year 2001, mentions that SANDALON has ancient Greek records where it means an edible seafish like the sole fishes. SANDALON is translated as English "a flat fish" in σάνδαλον @ Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Greek–English LexiconLSJ lexicon of ancient Greek, year 1925. Also mentioned by David Jordan: The above Greek papyrus text has been put in Spanish translation Book, ''Textos de Magia en Papiros Griegos'' by Calvo Martínez & Sánchez Romero, year 1987. Relevant bit is Papiro numbered LXX and footnote numbered 346 on electronic page PDF 191 in linked PDF. Footnote 346 says σάνταλον [sic] is ''Palabra de sentido dudoso''.(online) where the relevant SANDALON | SANTALON is left untranslated and is footnoted as "word of dubious sense".

    I believe the SANDALON in the context means a sandal shoe. It is necessary to go into context details for this. First needed is acquaintance with the ancient Greek goddess Hecate, aka Hekate, a goddess of magic, mostly a goddess of protective magic and sometimes a goddess of bitter, wicked witchcraft. In the well-known Greek drama Medea by Euripides (died c. 406 BC), a husband abandons his wife to marry another woman, and the abandoned wife says: "By the goddess I worship most of all, my chosen helper Hecate.... bitter will I make their marriage for them" – Full English translation of ''Medea'' is online at http://perseus.uchicago.edu/. The following is another translation of the relevant bit. It was published in 1846: ''I swear it by my mistress whom I reverence most of all gods, and whom I have chosen as my coadjutor, by Hecate.... Bitter for them and mournful will I make their marriage.''ref. One of the symbols of Hekate was a sandal shoe, and predominantly this was in grammatical singular, one sandal shoe. A common word for sandal shoe in ancient Greek was σανδαλον SANDALON. In the Greek papyri of late antiquity, the sandal shoe of Hekate is numerous times said to be brass or bronze or golden, and in other words Article, ''Die Sandale der Hekate-Persephone-Selene'', by D Wortmann, year 1968 in journal ''Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik'' Volume 2 on pages 155-160.

    Separately from this article, you can see three ancient examples of σάνδαλον SANDALON as sandal shoe as symbol of Hekate in ''Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos'', by Luis Muñoz Delgado, year 2001, 183 pages, online at http://dge.cchs.csic.es/lmpg/σάνδαλον
    there are numerous records of χάλκεον τὸ σάνδαλον and χρύσεον τὸ σάνδαλον and χρυσοσάνδαλον, etc, in relation to Hekate
    . In Greek late antiquity, sometimes the myths and traditions attached to Hekate were blended with those attached to the goddess Ereshkigal. In the papyrus in question, Hekate Ereshkigal is named as a single entity. The papyrus in question is only one sheet of paper and has only a half page of text. The following is most of it:
    Charm of Hecate Ereschigal against fear of punishment. If he [interpret: he a punishment daimon] comes forth, say to him: I am Ereschigal, the one holding her thumbs, and not even one evil can befall her. If however he comes close to you, take hold of your right heel and recite the following: Ereschigal, virgin, bitch, serpent, wreath, key, herald's wand, golden sandal [Greek: σάνδαλον] of the Lady of at Wikipedia : Tartarus. It was a mythical Hell underground. It was a component of the mythical Underworld. The mythical goddesses Hecate and Ereschigal resided in the Underworld. Tartarus was more hellish than the rest of the Underworld.Tartaros [i.e. the golden sandal shoe of Hecate]. And you will avert him.... PHORBA PHORBA at Wikipedia : Brimo. Wikipedia says : In ancient Greek religion and myth, the epithet Brimo — ''angry'' or ''terrifying'' — may be applied to any of several goddesses with an inexorable, dreaded and vengeful aspect that is linked to the Land of the Dead... [and one of those goddesses is] Hecate....BRIMO This is incantatory verbiage. It is comparable to English ''abracadabra''.AZZIEBYA. Take bran of first quality and one sandal shoe [Greek σανδαλον [sic]] and very bitter vinegar and soak them together. And write the name of so-and-so upon it, and inscribed in such way you whisper over it into the light the name of Hecate, and this: Take away his sleep from such-and-such a person, and he will be sleepless and worried.
    . In Latin, the earliest for sandalwood is in the late 11th century in the Arabic-to-Latin translations by Constantinus Africanus, where Latin sandalum translated Arabic sandal. There is no record in Latin prior to Constantinus. The Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume One consists of Arabic-to-Latin translations of medical books and it contains this word about 125 times – In Latin : Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. Search the OCR'd text for the substring ANDALI, which will surface sandali OCR'd as fandali.ref (requires substring search) – a number that reflects the substantial role that sandalwood had in Arabic medicine. As offspring from Constantinus's translations, the word is frequent in the Salernitan School of Latin medicine writings of the 12th and 13th centuries – ''Collectio Salernitana'', Volume 2, year 1853, publishes Latin medicines authors of 12th & 13th centuries. Pages 81-386 is the compilation titled ''De aegritudinum curatione'', which has 40+ instances of SANDAL__. ''De aegritudinum curatione'' acknowledges that it has copied some of its content from Constantinus Africanus.e.g., ''Collectio Salernitana'', Volume 4, year 1856, publishes medieval Latin medicines authors. Search for SANDAL. The Table of Contents is placed at the end of the volume.e.g., Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160), in a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. A paragraph about medicinal ''sandali'' is on page number 125-126 which is image number 64. The manuscript is owned by Mertz Library.e.g.. Powder of sandalwood was put as an additive in medicines. The aroma was a key feature, but the Arabs believed it had medicinal virtues beyond the aroma, and their beliefs were adopted by the Latins. Many records are in Latin in the later-medieval centuries. Reflecting the late medieval popularity of sandalwood, the word is in late medieval Italian, Catalan, Spanish, French, and English, all spelling it with a 'd' as in sandal, all taking it initially from the Latin. The vast majority of sandalwood's medieval Latin & Latinate records are in medicine contexts, and the specific medicine usages were copied from Arabic medicine practices. (The Arabs for their part had copied from the medicine practices of the Indians for sandalwood). Modern dictionaries who have endorsed the conclusion that the medieval Latin name was from the medieval Arabic name include sandalo #3 @ Vocabolario Treccani on line in Italian. This dictionary says about the Italian sàndalo meaning sandalwood : ''It is from medieval Latin sandalum, which is from the Arabic ṣandal ; the Greek form σάνταλον (santalon) is not well documented.'' Treccani's motive for mentioning Greek is that a still-alive and erroneous old tradition says the word is documented in Greek in antiquity.ref, sandalo #2 @ ''Dizionario italiano : il nuovo De Mauro'', a concise dictionary compiled by Tullio De Mauro and other people. It says : for Italian sandalo when the meaning is sandalwood, the Italian came from medieval Latin sandalum which came from Arabic ṣandal. The same thing is said in the Italian dictionary at http://www.GDLI.it/ ref, σάνδαλον @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'', year 2014, lexicon of medieval Greek. Says medieval Greek ''sandalon'' meaning sandalwood came from Arabic ''sandal''.ref, sandal @ ''A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903. Says Arabic ṣandal was the source of the Latin & Greek word with meaning sandalwood.ref, santal @ ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales'', around year 2000. Says: modern French ''santal'' came from medieval French ''sandal'' which came from medieval Latin ''sandalum'' which came from medieval Arabic ''ṣandal''.ref, sandal-wood @ ''An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English'', by Ernest Weekley, year 1921. Says Western European word was from Arabic ṣandal.ref, sandelholz @ ''Deutsches Wörterbuch'' by FLK Weigand (died 1878) and others, 5th edition, year 1909. Says Greek & Latin word came from Arabic ṣandal.ref, ṣandal @ ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Europäischen (Germanischen, Romanischen und Slavischen) Wörter Orientalischen Ursprungs'', by Karl Lokotsch, year 1927. Says Greek σανδαλιον meaning ''sandalwood'' came from Arabic ''ṣandal''. Also says the Western European word came from Arabic.ref, sandelholz @ ''Arabische Wörter im Deutschen'', by Andreas Unger, year 2006ref, sandel- (sandelboom, sandelhout) @ ''Etymologisch Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal'', by Johannes Franck and N. van Wijk, edition year 1912 on page 568. Says Arabic ṣandal was the source for the word in Greek and Latin.ref, sandelhout @ Etymologiebank.nl : Gives quotations from four etymology dictionaries of the Netherlands language. Includes ''Nederlands Etymologisch Woordenboek'' by Jan de Vries, year 1971, who endorses the Arabic source for the European word.ref.
    Today's scientific or New Latin name for the sandalwood tree genus is "Santalum", with a letter 't', which is a wordform not found in Latin Europe until the 16th century. This is a Renaissance-era refashioning modelled after a Greek wordform santal__. The wordform with 't' was adopted by 16th-century Classicizing Latin Humanists. Those Classicizing Humanists include the Latin medicines writers Joannes Ruellius (died 1537), Jacobus Sylvius (died 1555) and Leonhart Fuchs (died 1566). Their classicizing agenda meant it would have been proper for them to spell it with 't' if it had been in use with 't' in antiquity. Thus, apparently, their motive for adopting 't' was they believed it was in Greek in late antiquity. The wordform santal__ with 't' with meaning sandalwood is not found in Greek until 12th or 13th century – see the previous paragraph in the refs labelled ref‑1, ref‑2, & ref‑5. Greek of the 12th century was too late for 't' to be proper for the classicizing Latin agenda. In some Latin medicines books in the 1540s, a dead writer who had used the spelling with 'd' was republished with the spelling changed everywhere to 't' –  e.g. Latin medical writer Symphorien Champier died in 1539. Several medicines writings by him were published as an aggregation in one volume in year 1522, in which, for the meaning "sandalwood", the spelling is consistently SANDAL__Book ''Practica nova in medicina ... De omnibus morborum generibus'', by Symphorien Champier, year 1522. The book contains several texts that had been published in the 1510s as separately standing-alone texts.ref. Essentially the same aggregation was republished again in 1547. The 1547 edition's spelling is consistently SANTAL__Book ''Practica nova in medicina ... De omnibus morborum generibus'', by Symphorien Champier, year 1547.ref. e.g. Book In this book, text in ordinary typeface is by Ioannes Mesue, while text in italic typeface is comments written by Jacobus SylviusDe re Medica, libri tres, by Ioannes Mesue, late 13th century Latin, annotated by Jacobus Sylvius (died 1555), edition year 1542. The medicines books of Mesue were printed repeatedly in late 15th & early 16th century, from which one can see that the original spelling in Mesue's books was sandal__. Jacobus Sylvius in this 1542 publication has changed Mesue's spelling from sandal__ to santal__..  
  47. ^ candy

    Many medieval Arabic dictionaries online – including Al-Jauhari's Al-Sihāh dated about 1003 – have قند @ Searchable Medieval Arabic Dictionaries @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.comقند qand defined firstly as the juice or honey of sugar cane. Secondly they define qand as this juice solidified. By Arabic grammar, qandī = "from qand, or of qand ". In medieval Arabic texts qand is a somewhat frequent word. But qandī is very hard to find; qandī does not show up in the text collections available via note #2 above. Although qandī is very rare and possibly completely non-existent in texts, qandī is usually preferred to qand as the parent of the European "candy" for phonetic and syntactic reasons.
    Candy's earliest dates in the European languages are in spelling candi in Italian-Latin medicines writings prior to year 1250 and they include the three books Salernitan medicine text ''De aegritudinum curatione'', 300 pages long, is a compilation by an anonymous compiler. It is generally dated about 1190s. Conceivably, maybe, some medicines recipes might have enhancement insertions of later date. Text has two instances of ''candi'' in medicines recipes. Text is in ''Collectio Salernitana'' Volume 2, year 1853 (pages 81-386) where ''candi'' is on pages 260 & 309.De Aegritudinum Curatione , Salernitan text in Latin : ''Eene Middelnederlandsche vertaling van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ, met den Latijnschen tekst der eerste gedrukte uitgave van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ'', curated by Van Den Berg, year 1917. Latin ''candi'' occurs three times. Date of the Latin is before 1250 and probably not much before 1250. Remarks on date of the Latin is at https://doi.org/10.4000/medievales.2283 Antidotarium Nicolai , Gilbertus's compendium is of the Salernitan School in content. Its composition date is assessed as probably the 1240s; ref for date = archive.org/details/gilbertusanglic00hand . In the edition printed at Lyon in year 1510, page xix+1 has two instances of candi in medicines recipes. The recipes indicate that the candi is muchly akin to penidii (id est فانيد aka penide).Gilbertus's Compendium Medicinae. The word is in Italian-Latin prior to 1250 in the form zuchari candi (sugar candy) as well as just candi. Other early attestations in European languages include: French candi ≈ 1256 (this French is located in a compilation and translation of Italian-Latin medicine material); Italian-Latin çucari canti (sugar candy) = 1259; Italian candi = 1310, Italian zucchero candi = 1330s; Spanish candi = 1330-1343, Spanish açucar candio (sugar candy) = 1337-1348; Netherlands Dutch candijt = 1351, Netherlands suycker candy ≈ 1377, Netherlands candi = 1397; German kandith ≈ 1400, German sucker candigen (sugar candy) = 1445; English sugur candy ≈ 1420, English sukyr candy ≈ 1440. British Latin sucri candy ≈ 1390. Refs: candi @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (DMLBS), year 2013. It quotes Gilbertus Anglicus (died c. 1250), who was educated in the way of doing medicine of the Salerno School. Gilbertus Anglicus is a Salernitan source, not a British source. DMLBS also quotes ''candi'' in John of Gaddesden, whose output was compiled from Continental Latin medicines texts.DMLBS, Lexicon ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 216, quotes year 1259 Latin ''çucari canti''. The whole of the year 1259 text is in ''Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria'' Volume XXXVI, year 1906, on pages xxvi-xxx, at archive.org/details/attidellasociet36sociuoft Aprosio, candi @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO, ''Corpus OVI dell'Italiano antico'' is a searchable corpus of 13th-14th century texts in Italian. Search for ''candi''. Results include ''çucheri candi'' in a Latin-to-Italian translation of the Antidotarium Nicolai.Corpus OVI, candi @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français''. It cites ''candi'' in Aldebrandin de Sienne's medicines book, which is French compiled and translated from Italian-Latin sources. Also cites French ''çucre camdi'' translating Latin ''zuchari candi'' in translating the Antidotarium Nicolai. Candi is a rarity in medieval French. Its rarity is illustrated by the low quantity of citations at http://atilf.fr/dmf/ and at DÉAF.DÉAF, Medieval Spanish cande, candi, candil, candio @ ''Los arabismos del castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998, on page 140-141Maíllo, kandij @ Netherlands Dutch etymologies by Nicoline van der Sijs and othersEtymologiebank, Book, ''Arabismen im Deutschen'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998 on page 259Raja Tazi, Book, ''Geschichte des Zuckers'', by Edmund O. von Lippmann, year 1890, on page 242, reports ''sucker candigen'' dated 1445 in LübeckGeschichte des Zuckers, candy #1 @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1893. Cites English ''sugur candy'' dated 1420s-1430s in an English poem titled ''Cure Cocorum''.NED, ''Promptorium Parvulorum'' is an English-to-Latin dictionary dated about 1440. It has English ''sukyr candy'' translated as Latin ''sucura de candia'' (on page 484 in print edition year 1865).Promptorium parvulorum, candi @ ''Etymologische Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der Romanischen Sprachen'', by C.A.F. Mahn, year 1855, on page 47Mahn.
  48. ^ candy

    One short introduction to the history of sugar among the Persians & Arabs in the medieval period is on pages 20-25 in the book The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical Geography from its Origins to 1914, by J.H. Galloway, year 1989. Another introduction is the chapter "The Origin and Expansion of Sugar Production in the Islamic World" in the book Sugar in the Social Life of Medieval Islam, by Tsugitaka Sato, year 2014. Both of those books say sugar cultivation spread from India into Iran and then went from Iran into the Arabic-speaking countries.
  49. ^ carat

    In the early records of the word carat in English, carat referred to the purity of gold, most often of gold coins, and it is only later on that it is seen additionally as a unit of weight. In English the earliest known for carat as purity of gold is 1469 – carat @ Middle English Dictionaryref: MED. The earliest known in English where the word was used as a weight is 1555 – carat @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1893ref: NED, search @ ''Early English Books Online'' (EEBO). Search results include year 1555 ''carattes'' as a unit of weight for weighing rubies and pearls, in a book translated Italian-to-English (Italian author Pietro Martire d'Anghiera, English translator Rycharde Eden).ref: EEBO. The English with both meanings is traceable to Italian (via French). In the following paragraphs, most of the attention is put on the word's use in Italy in and around the 13th century. The aim is to affirm that the word in 13th century Italy had come from Arabic. Nearly all 13th century records in Italy are in Latin.
    In medieval Arabic, قيراط qīrāt was frequent with the meaning of a unit of weight (lots of instances at البحث عن قيراطAlWaraq.net). It had more than one definition as a unit of weight. The definition by reference to the weight of a gold dinar coin was common in the early centuries of Islam and was still mentioned in late medieval Arabic (A number of searchable medieval Arabic dictionaries mention this definition, as you can see from searching for القيراط in the dictionaries. The medieval dictionaries put the word underneath a rootword قرط.e.g., The dictionary by Ibn Manzur (died 1312) says :
    القيراط جُزء من أَجزاء الدينار... وأَهل الشام يجعلونه جزءاً من أَربعة وعشرين
    ). But in mid & late medieval centuries the weight of the gold dinar coin varied across different Arabic government issuers. In the 13th century in particular, gold dinars of different weights and sizes were in circulation at the same time, although the gold purity was almost always high (i.e. 23+ carats) – DEAD LINK. Article, ''The Dinar versus the Ducat'', by Jere L. Bacharach, year 1973 in ''International Journal of Middle East Studies'' Volume 4. Says on page 84: The dinar had a traditional weight standard of 4.25 grams, but with the advent of Saladin's rule in Egypt (1171 AD) this tradition was dropped, and for the next several centuries the governments in Egypt issued gold coins of varying weights, while at the same time almost all issues had gold purity of 23+ carats.ref. Qīrāt in medieval Arabic was also a pricing term meaning 1/24th of the value of a gold dinar coin or a 1/24th part of anything – Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword قرط has a paragraph for قيراط. It quotes from dictionary by Al-Fayyoumi (died 1368). Al-Fayyoumi's dictionary's headword قرط, containing القيراط, is in Arabic at the same website.ref, ḳīrāṭ @ E. J. Brill's ''Encyclopaedia of Islam'', First Edition, Volume 2, year 1927, on pages 1023-1024, reports medieval definitions of the Arabic ḳīrāṭ = قيراط qīrāt.ref.
    Arabic qīrāt was descended from ancient Greek keration, which anciently meant a small unit of weight. In medieval Greek, keration (plural: keratia) also meant 1/24th of the value of the Byzantine Greek gold coin and this meaning was in medieval Greek over many centuries including the 10th and 13th centuries – Book ''Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy'' by Michael F. Hendy, year 1985. Page 506 quotes ''keration'' in ''Book of the Prefect'' (aka Eparch) in 10th century. Page 536 (table 24) gives keration's role in Byzantine coinage about 1300. Search for ''keratia'' throughout Hendy's book. The word is on many, many pages.ref.
    For the medieval Latins, the word "at Wikipedia : Bezantbezant" (in medieval Latin in wordforms bisancius etc) meant any Arabic or Greek gold coin. It also meant a gold coin issued in the Crusader-controlled Levant in substitution for an Arabic gold coin. In Italian-Latin in Italy, and in Italian-Latin in the Crusader-controlled Levant in commerce documents, the word caratus | karatus | caractum has the meaning 1/24th of the money value of a bezant gold coin in years 1164, 1191, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1210, 1216, 1219, 1225, 1243, 1244, 1249, 1261 and later, and in about a third of these cases the bezant was issued by an Arabic government, about a third were issued by the Levant Crusader government, and a third were issued by the Byzantine government – Latin karatus/charatus @ ''Vocabolario Ligure'' [Liguria in Italy], by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 224. In the quotations, ''perpero'' means the Byzantine gold coin, and ''bisanci'' means Arabic gold coins. The quote from year 1164, ''de bisanciis xlviii minus iii. karatis alexandrie'', is referring to Alexandria in Egypt and means bezants issued by the Egyptian government.ref , Book in Latin : ''Guglielmo Cassinese (1190-1192), tomo II'', year 1938, a book belonging to the publication series ''Notai liguri''. Page 2 has year 1191 ''dare promittit bis[ant]. sarracenales... xliii et caratos iii'', where one caratos means 1/24th of the money value of one Saracen bezant coin. Altlink: https://notariorumitinera.eu/Digital_Library_Bibliografica.aspx ref , Book in Latin : ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII : Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #1, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951. Has year 1210 CARAT__ at Genoa on pages 268, 271, 286 & 290.ref , Book in Latin : ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII : Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #2, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951. Has six instances of ''caratis'' or ''caratos'' at Genoa with dates 1216 and 1225 meaning 1/24th of a bezant. The bezants are ''bisantios... sarracenales de Acri''.ref , Book in Latin : ''Il cartulario del notaio Martino: Savona (1203-1206)'', curated by Dino Puncuh, year 1974. Wordform is ''caract_''. Page 181: ''in Alexandriam [Egypt]... bizantios sarrazinales LXII et XX caractos'', year 1203 or 1204.ref , Book in Latin : ''Notai liguri del sec. XII : Giovanni di Guiberto (1200-1211), tomo I'', curated by Krueger et al, year 1939. Has four instances of year 1203 ''caratulos'' meaning 1/24th of one bezant coin in notarized agreements involving sea-commerce in Eastern Mediterranean. Altlink : www.storiapatriagenova.it/BD_vs_sommario.aspx?Id_Collezione=7 ref , Texts in Latin : ''Archives de l'Orient Latin, Tome II'', year 1884. Publishes year 1249 and year 1300 commerce documents by Genoa authors located in Eastern Mediterranean at Acre and Famagousta. Documents have KARAT__ meaning 1/24 of a bisant coin.ref , Book in Latin : ''Urkunden Zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte Der Republik Venedig'', Volume 2, covering years 1205-1255, curated by Tafel & Thomas, year 1856. Search for ''kar.'' which is abbrev for ''karat''. The Greek gold coin ''perpero'' is abbreviated ''pp''. Hence ''pp xxx et kar. vi'' means 30 perperos and 6/24 of one perpero. Book has also karat and caratum.ref (kar. = karat). In 1266 in Italian there is maybe a usage for carat as referring to gold purity, but maybe not. With clear meaning as the degree of gold purity in gold coins, in Latin there is 20½ caratis circa 1260 (13th century Latin documents : ''Acta Imperii inedita seculi XIII: Urkunden und Briefe zur Geschichte des Kaiserreichs und des Königreichs Sicilien in den Jahren 1198 bis 1273'', curated by Winkelmann, year 1880. On page 766, the Sicilian ''augustalis'' or ''augustale'' coin is stated to be made of gold of twenty and one-half CARATIS of gold and the remaining metal of the coin is stated to be bronze and silver.ref, Article, ''Ueber die Goldprägungen Kaiser Friedrichs II. für das Königreich Sicilien und besonders über seine Augustalen'', by E. Winkelmann, year 1894. Search for Latin CARATIS. Winkelmann declines to put a date on this Latin. Others put date in 3rd quarter of 13th century, while others put it before the death of king Friedrich II who died in 1250.ref), and 20 karattis in 1311 (Book, ''Acta Henrici VII imperatoris Romanorum et monumenta quaedam alia medii aevi'', Part 1, year 1839, on page 97. Publishes a legislative act of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII (died 1313) which has ''viginti karattis ad aurum finum pro marcha'' = ''gold fineness at twenty carats for Mark coins'' (German Marks). Date 1311. This item is cited in Niermeyer's Lexicon of Medieval Latin. ref ), and 24 quaratis in 1327 (Book, ''Histoire de Dauphiné et des Princes qui ont porté le nom de Dauphins'', Tome Second, year 1722, page 214. Publishes a text dated 1327 having ''florenos de viginti quatuor quaratis auri fini'' = ''Florin coins of 24 carat gold fineness''. This item is cited in Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latin. ref ), and in Italian carati | charati in 1307 (Italian text ''Tractatus algorismi... Milan Trivulziana MS 90'', carrying written year 1307 and author's name Jacobo de Florentia (elsewhere spelled Jacopo da Firenze). The text includes a tabulation of different gold coins with the degree of fineness of gold in the coins. Search for CARATI & CHARATI. Text curated by Jens Høyrup, year 2007. ref , Book ''Jacopo da Firenze's Tractatus Algorismi...'', medieval Italian text curated and translated to English by Jens Høyrup, year 2007. Search for CARATI and CHARATI.alt-ref), and Italian 21 carrati in 1324-1328 (''Corpus OVI dell'Italiano antico'' is a searchable corpus of 13th-14th century texts in Italian. It has wordforms charati | karati | carati | carrati. The corpus includes a text by Jacopo della Lana dated 1324-1328 having the word with meaning degree of purity of gold. ref ). Among the Latins, the above two distinct meanings both started in Italian commerce. In 14th-century Italian commerce a carato could also mean the twentyfourth part of anything – carato @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. Has quotations from 14th century.ref, Book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated roughly 1340. Book has 547 instances of CARATI and 69 of CARATO. The meaning is the twentyfourth part of something. Especially the twentyfourth part of a coin.ref.
    Seaport of Marseille in the mid 13th century has the Latin wordform cairat__ meaning "carat". Marseille documents include year 1238 "cxi bisanciis et xvi cairatis sarracenatis Acconis" ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Tome 1, curated by Louis Blancard, year 1884, on page 121 and also on seven other pages by search for substring ''cairat''(ref) meaning 111 bezants and 16 carats (carat = 1/24th of one bezant) of the bezant coins issued at Acre city (Acconis) in the Crusader-controlled Levant. Marseille-Latin wordform cairat__ and Catalan-Latin wordform quirat are closer to Arabic qīrāt in the wordform, compared to Italian-Latin wordform carat__. Catalan quirat has earliest reported record in 1315 – quirat @ Diccionari.cat, an online dictionary of modern Catalan. It has copied the start date from publications about historical Catalan and Catalan-Latin.ref. 14th century Catalan quirat examples: Book, ''Colección de documentos inéditos del Archivo General de la Corona de Aragón'', Tomo 39, compiled by Bofarull, year 1871. Book has ''quirat'' on four different pages in the same document. Date 1315.year 1315, Book, ''Les Monedes Catalanes'' Volume 3, by Joaquim Botet, year 1911. Starting on page 311 and ending on page 418, search Volume 3 for 14th century ''quirat''.years 1338, 1356, 1362, 1370, and Book, ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Antonio de Capmany, year 1779, reissued year 1962. Quirat(s) on page 322.1381. On the basis of the chronological order and the frequency of records, the word in Catalan was sourced from the word in Italian, notwithstanding that the Catalan wordform quirat shows independent contact with Arabs. In some of the above-linked Catalan examples, the meaning of quirat is gold purity degree, a meaning which was not in use in medieval Arabic; it went into Catalan from Italian. In Catalan in 1315 the meaning of quirat is a tax in Muslim jurisdictions, which is classifiable as being not the same word. The word that Catalan took from Italian is a word still in use in Catalan today, while the word that Catalan took directly from Arabic is dead in Catalan -- except that it affected the Catalan wordform. The next paragraph is about the historical context surrounding the start of the gold-purity semantics in late 13th century Italy.
    For five centuries before 1250, the States and kingdoms of Western Christendom did not issue gold coins, except for a few short-lived and minor issuances in Christian Iberia and Sicily-Naples (for details on the exceptions see Article, ''Gold coinage of Europe before 1300AD'', published by The Australian Numismatic Society Library, date 2012ref) (another minor exception is that gold bezants were intermittently issued in the Crusader-controlled Levant at Acre, 1140s-1250s). Silver was the metal of choice for money in the West in those centuries. Starting in 1252 in Republic of Genoa, 1252 in Republic of Florence, and 1284 in Republic of Venice, the northern Italian city-states started issuing 24-carat gold coins. These were well received, and then some other States followed their example, including France in 1290 and England in 1344. During the five centuries prior to 1252, gold coins were almost continually issued by the Arabs and the Greeks. The Arabic and Greek gold coins were well-known in the commercial Latin Mediterranean, because they were accepted as payments in international trade. The Arabic gold coins had multiple independent State issuers, and varied in their gold purity in time and place. In the 13th century in Egypt and Syria, they were generally 23- to 24-carat gold – Article, ''The Standard of Fineness of Gold Coins Circulating in Egypt at the Time of the Crusades'', by A.S. Ehrenkreutz, year 1954, 5 pagesref, Article, ''Quseir al-Qadim : a Hoard of Islamic Coins from the Ayyubid period'', by Cécile Bresc, year 2008 in journal ''Revue numismatique''. The gold coins in this particular hoard were made in Egypt in early 13th century and they have ''a percentage of fine gold of about 96-97 %''.ref, Article, ''Mamluk Monetary History: A Review Essay'', by Warren C. Schultz, in journal ''Mamlūk Studies Review'', Volume III, year 1999. On page 186 it reports that the reign of Baybars (years 1260-77) ''is characterized by gold coins of high purity''.ref. The generality of the coins of the 13th century Maghreb were of this purity as well – Book, ''The Numismatic History of Late Medieval North Africa'', by Harry W. Hazard, year 1952, section headed ''Metrology''ref. The two main sources of new gold for the Arab and Mediterranean trading regions in the 13th century were in Africa: The Niger-Mali area (carried north to the Maghreb) and the southern Sudan area – ''Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages'' : Volume 2 : ''Afro-European supremacy, 1125-1225'', by Ian Blanchard, year 2001, on page 913. Some further info extractable by searching the book for word ''Maghreb''.ref, ''Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages'' : Volume 3 : ''Continuing Afro-European supremacy 1250-1450'', by Ian Blanchard, year 2005. The book has a chapter titled ''Sub-Saharan Africa Gold Production and Trade 1250-1450''.ref. The gold coins issued by the Byzantine Greeks were 24-carat up until the middle of the 11th century, and their purity was reduced from then onward. Byzantine purity in the period 1220 to 1280 was 15-carat to 17-carat gold – Article, ''Byzantine Money: Its Production and Circulation'', by Cécile Morrisson, year 2002, a chapter in the downloadable book ''The Economic History of Byzantium'' published by Dumbarton Oaks, year 2002/2007. At linked html page, to download the book, click on button labelled  INTERNET ARCHIVE . Figure 4 between print pages 912 and 913 is a graph that shows the percentage of gold in the 13th century Byzantine gold coins.ref. Minting and circulation of Byzantine gold coins much declined during the 13th century and completely ceased at mid 14th century – Chapter ''Byzantine Money: Its Production and Circulation'', by Cécile Morrisson, year 2002, in downloadable book ''Economic History of Byzantium'' by various authors.ref, Book ''Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy c.300-1450'', by Michael F. Hendy, year 1985ref. 13th-century Italian merchants on the whole did more commerce with Arabs than with Byzantines. But Italian trade with Byzantines was still substantial in the 13th century – Downloadable Book, ''The Economic History of Byzantium From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century'', year 2002/2007. In section headed ''Exchange, Trade, and Markets'', the book's chapters by Klaus-Peter Matschke and John Day show that commerce conducted by Italians in the Byzantine lands in the 13th century was substantial in volume and multifaceted, and many Italian merchants were involved. Book is downloadable at  INTERNET ARCHIVE .ref. As repetition, the Arabic qīrāt was 1/24th of an Arabic gold coin and the Greek keration was 1/24th of a Greek gold coin, and in 12th & 13th century Italy the word "bezant" meant both Arabic and Greek gold coins, and the Italian-Latin word carato in its early use meant 1/24th of the money value of both Arabic and Greek gold coins. Because the parent word of the Italian carato was longstandingly established in both Arabic and Greek, the Italian carato could have come from Arabic and Greek at the same time. When the meaning is "purity of gold", carato is better assigned more predominantly to Arabic (not Greek) because the 13th century Arabic coins generally were 23- to 24-carat gold while the Greek coin was not.
    The 12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of the Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) by translator Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187) was influential in Latin medical circles. In the translation, Ibn Sina's Arabic قيراط qīrāt is always translated as Latin kirat, its meaning is a small weight unit, the word is used about 40 times in recipes for medicines, and Ibn Sina says: In Arabic, text searchable : القانون في الطب لابن سيناكل قيراط أربع شعيرات = In Latin : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Quote is taken from near the end of Book V.omnis kirat est iiii grana hordei = "all carats are four barley seeds". In the late 13th century another medicines book in Arabic-to-Latin translation has Latin kirat as a weight unit in medicines recipes – Book, ''Liber Aggregatus in Medicinis Simplicibus'', by Serapion the Younger, an Arabic-to-Latin translation. The translation's Latin medicine vocabulary is influenced by the vocabulary in Gerard of Cremona's translation of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine. It has Latin ''kirat'' a dozen times as a weight unit in medicines recipes. The Arabic author was of the school of Ibn al-Wafid (died c. 1070) in Iberia.ref. Early in the 14th century in Latin in Italy a 3-page tract was written to clarify the definitions of the weight units in Latin medicines recipes. The tract invokes Ibn Sina's Canon as the principal authority for the definitions. The tract lists the Latin spellings karat, kirat, karatos''Tractatus Dini de ponderibus et mensuris'', by Dinus de Garbo, aka Dino di Garbo, aka Dinus Florentinus (died 1327). Printed as a chapter in some editions of Dinus's book of commentaries on Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine. The printed ''Auic.'' and ''Aui.'' and ''A.'' are abbreviations for Avicenna, i.e. Ibn Sina (died 1037). In this 3-page tract the authority of ''A.'' is repeatly cited.ref‑1,  ref‑2 Book Von Axel Bergmann. Aus dem Institut für Geschichte der Pharmazie der Philipps-Universität Marburg.Der TRACTATUS DE PONDERIBUS des Mondino de’ Liuzzi und andere metrologische Kleintexte des lateinischen Mittelalters, year 2008. It says in German on page 10: Actually, the ''Ponderibus'' of Dino del Garbo [died 1327] is nothing more than an editing of the ''Tractatus de Ponderibus'' of Mondino de’ Liuzzi (died circa 1326), who, like Dino del Garbo, studied medicine as a student of Taddeo Alderotti in Bologna. Book gives a critical edition which handles the medieval variants of the tract. The edition has Latin ''Karat vel kirat'' on page 110-111. The edition and its footnotes has more than 200 instances of the Latin string AVICENNA meaning Ibn Sina (died 1037).. It is okay to suppose that the wordform karat__ ousted the wordform kirat in Italian-Latin medicines recipes because phonetically karat__ was standard with the 13th century Italian merchants.
    The word is in late 14th & early 15th century French in the grammatical plural wordforms karas | karaz | caras | caraz | quaras | quarais | quaraiz | quarraz = "carats", meaning both the gold purity degree and a small weight unit – carat @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)ref, Book, ''Glossaire français du Moyen Âge à l'usage de l'archéologue et de l'amateur des arts, précédé de l'inventaire des bijoux de Louis duc d'Anjou dressé vers 1360-1368'', by Léon de Laborde, year 1872. Search for substrings quara, kara, and cara.ref, Book, ''Inventaires mobiliers et extraits des comptes des ducs de Bourgogne... Tome Second : 1379-1390'', compiled by Bernard & Henri Prost, year 1913. Search for substrings kara and cara.ref. Records in French or French-Latin are overall much later than in Italian-Latin except that one or maybe two isolated records are in French in late 13th century, both of which are in texts that show contact with Arabic sources and they have the word as a weight unit – carat @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français'' (DÉAF)DÉAF.
  50. ^ caraway + carvi

    Arabic الكرويا al-karawiyā or الكراويا al-karāwiyā = "caraway seed" is in medieval Arabic general-purpose dictionaries. It comes up as a spice in dozens of recipes in the 10th-century cookery book of Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq Medieval cookery book in English translation : ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', by translator Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. Includes a glossary of the Arabic culinary words. The book has 90 instances of English word caraway.(ref), and in dozens of recipes in an anonymous Arabic cookery book of the 13th century (Book in English : ''Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook : The Book of Cooking in Maghreb and Andalus in the era of Almohads [13th century]''. Translated from Arabic by Charles Perry. Reformatted to PDF fileformat by Candida Martinelli, year 2012. Search for word CARAWAY.ref , Article, ''A Fragrant 13th Century Spice Box of al-Andaluz'', by Dar Anahita. In a certain Andalusian Arabic Cookbook dated 13th century, in its first eight chapters, having a total of 345 food recipes, caraway is a flavoring ingredient in 46 of the recipes.ref). The way to grow the plant is discussed in Ibn al-Awwam's 12th-century book on agriculture الكراويا @ Ibn al-Awwam's Kitab al-Filaha, in Arabic alongside translation to Spanish by Banqueri, year 1802, volume II, particularly Chapter XXVI article ii on pages 254-256(ref), and the plant is mentioned repeatedly in the 10th-century Arabic Book of Nabataean Agriculture كتاب الفلاحة النبطية @ AlWaraq.net. This book uses the wordforms الكراويا and الكرويا and كرويا.(ref). The seeds are used as a medicine in the medicine books of Al-Razi (died c. 930) AlWaraq.net : كرويا @ كتاب الحاوي في الطب – أبو بكر محمد بن زكريا الرازي(ref), Ibn Sina (died 1037) In Arabic : Ibn Sina's القانون في الطب. Search for الكراويا(ref), Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) Book : الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. In the linked copy, كراويا is the subject of discussion on pages 723-724. Page 745 says كمون أرمني: هو الكراويا(ref), and many others. In medieval Arabic the name "Armenian cumin" was a synonym for karawiyā meaning caraway seed, as reported by Ibn al-Baitar Ibn al-Baitar's book on foods & medicines says:
    كمون أرمني: هو الكراويا
    and Ibn Maimoun (died 1204) A medicines catalog by بن ميمون Ibn Maimoun is in searchable format at ABLIBRARY.NET and it says
    [sic] كرويّه يقال لها أيضا الكمون الأرمينى [sic]
    . A reporter in medieval Persian says one of the exports of Armenia & Azerbaijan is karawiyā In English translation only : حدود العالم HUDUD AL-'ALAM, geography book in Persian by an unnamed compiler in year 982 AD, translated by V Minorsky, year 1937. The region of Armenia & Azerbaijan is the subject of pages 142-145 and within those pages the Persian ''karaviyā'' (i.e. karawiyā, meaning caraway) is mentioned as an exported product.(ref).
    It is assessed by today's botanists that the caraway plant is native in Northern Europe, and native in the Armenian Highlands, and not native in most Arabic-speaking areas. The medieval Latins adopted a number of culinary spices from the medieval Arabs, and adopted the Arabic names for them in a number of cases. A majority of these spices were from the Indies. A few were from plants native in the Mediterranean area. The better-known spice-names adopted as names by the medieval Latins from the medieval Arabs are: cubeb, curcuma, galangal, lemon, orange (medieval oranges were all bitter), saffron, sumac, tamarind, tarragon -- each discussed elsewhere on this page. The two spices saffron and sumac were commonly consumed by the ancient Greeks & Romans, but it is demonstrable that the two names saffron and sumac were adopted by the medieval Latins from medieval Arabic. The medieval Latin carui = "caraway" was taken from medieval Arabic as well, as argued in the following paragraphs.
    From Arabic al-karawiyā, 14th & 15th century Spanish had Search for ''alcarauea'' in the medieval Spanish texts at HispanicSeminary.orgalcarauea | ''alcarauia'' @ Spanish-Latin dictionary of Antonio Nebrija, first edition 1495, link goes to edition year 1513alcarauia | ''Diccionari del castellà del segle XV a la Corona d'Aragó'', year 2013, quotes ''alcarahueya'' in the year 1499 Spanish book ''Libro de Albeyteria''. The book was written in Catalan by Manuel Díez (died 1443) and translated to Spanish by Martín Martínez de Ampiés (died c. 1513).alcarahueya | Article ''Sobre El Léxico Aragonés :: Indice Léxico Y Documental : Mercaderías Entradas Por La TAULA DE FRAGA En El Ejercicio 1445-1446'', written by J.A. Frago, year 1979. Fraga is a town located on border between Aragon and Catalonia and its local speech has features of Aragonese and Catalan. Lexicon published in ''Actes del cinquè Col·loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes'', year 1980, on page 424.alcarahuya | 15th century manuscript ''Tratado de la patología general'', also titled ''Tratado de medicina'', by anonymous author, has 3 instances of alcarabea, and 3 instances of alcaravea || alcarauea. Transcription of manuscript is at HispanicSeminary.org. Facsimile of manuscript is at http://bdh.bne.es/bnesearch/detalle/bdh0000065095 alcarabea = "caraway". 14th & 15th century Catalan Book, ''Llibre d'establiments i ordenacions de la ciutat de València .I. (1296 - 1345)'', is a set of medieval texts, curated by Antoni Furió, year 2007. Alcarahuya is 3 times on page 411.alcarahuya | alcarauya, alcarauyia @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval. Colección de aranceles aduaneros de la Corona de Aragón (siglo XIII y XIV)'', compiled by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1968alcarahuye + alcarauya = "caraway". The writing system in the medieval Latinate languages used one and the same letter for the two sounds /u/ and /v/. The word in today's Spanish is alcaravea. You can see the 15th century Spanish wordform alcarabea listed above. It signals that the 14th-15th century wordform alcarauea was pronounced ALCARAVEA at least sometimes. But you can also see the 15th century wordforms like alcarahuya, which are signalling clearly a different pronunciation. Medieval Sicilian Italian has caruya | caruye = "caraway" with date before 1312 – caruya @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 163ref. Its pronunciation was maybe KAR-U-I-A or KAR-VI-A. Its wordform on its face -- caruya, caruye -- is foreign-looking and says it came from the Arabic karawiyā.
    Latin carui = "caraway" occurs dozens of times in the works of the Arabic-to-Latin medical translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) – In Latin : ''Opera Constantinus Africanus'', Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. The given OCR'd copy has 32 instances of OCR'd string ''carui''.ref ,  ref Book, Omnia Opera Ysaac, published at Lyon in year 1515. Nearly all of this 900-page book is the translations of Constantinus Africanus. The book's publisher attributed the original authorship of all of it to an Arabic author Isaac (Isaac Israeli, aka Isḥaq al-Isra’ili, died c. 932-955). Hence the Ysaac or Isaac in the book's title. The publisher was much mistaken about that. However, a more problematical thing about this publication is it propagates some text insertions done in Latin by anonymous undated people sometime later than Constantinus Africanus. The insertions are mainly in the ''Practica'' chapters towards the end of the book. Constantinus's translations in edition at Basel in the late 1530s is generally preferable to the edition at Lyon in 1515.. The Latin word and wordform carui meaning "caraway" is easy to find from the 12th century onward. It is apparently entirely absent in Latin before Constantinus Africanus -- but there is a hurdle or complication involved in saying this. Ancient Greek karo | karon | karos, and ancient & early medieval Latin careum meant aromatic edible seeds and the name may have meant the caraway. In the ancient and early medieval records, the name is uncommon and the species it names is never clear. Dioscorides in Greek in the 1st century AD said "Karo[s] is a... little seed.... It has much the same nature as anise. The boiled root is edible as a vegetable." – Dioscorides ''Materia Medica'' in English, translated by John Goodyer and Tess Anne Osbaldeston, year 1655 and year 2000. Search for KAROS in Book 3 only. Dioscorides in Greek is at : archive.org/details/b21459162_0002 , having καρώ in Book 3 § 57, on page 70 (Wellmann edition)ref. Many aromatic seeds (including caraway) can be fitted to that statement within the botanical family at Wikipedia : ApiaceaeApiaceae. The Latin encyclopedia of Isidore of Seville (died 636) has no mention of caraway, though it has a chapter on cultivated aromatic edibles in which it mentions cumin, anise, corriander, fennel, dill, parsley, chervil, and lovage, all of which are plants in the Apiaceae family and have edible aromatic seeds, and the roots of around half of them are edible after boiling them for a while; In English translation : ''Origines'' by Isidore of Seville, translation by Barney et al, year 2006. Book XVII chapter xi on page 357 is about edible aromatic garden-grown plants (flavourful seeds and herbs).Isidore in English, In Latin : ''Origines'' by Isidore of Seville, book XVII chapter xi ''De odoratis oleribus''Isidore in Latin. The medicinal-botany book of Macer Floridus in Latin in France in the 11th century has no mention of caraway, though it mentions cumin, coriander, fennel, dill, chervil, lovage, celery seeds, fenugreek seeds, and others – ''Macer Floridus - De Viribus Herbarum'', a Latin medicinal-botany text dated 11th century. Curated by Choulant, year 1832.ref. The Latin agriculture book of Palladius (lived circa 400 AD) does not mention caraway, though it mentions cumin 7 times, coriander 8 times, and has fenugreek seeds, anise, fennel, dill, and some other Apiaceaes – ''De Re Rustica'' by Palladius, in Latin together with translation into modern French, year 1844. Packaged with ''De Re Rustica'' by Columella under book title ''Les Agronomes Latins''. Palladius copied somewhat from Columella.ref. The early medieval Greek agriculture book of Cassianus Bassus has numerous mentions for each of cumin, anise, fennel, dill, Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages has an intro to the aromatic seed ''Trachyspermum ammi'' aka ''Carum copticum'', a native in the Mediterranean area. Was known in Greek as ammi (ἄμμι, ἄμις, ἄμμιος). It is a member of the Apiaceae family.ammi (ἄμμι) seeds, nigella seeds, fenugreek, and others, and no mention of any karo akin to what Dioscorides mentioned – Cassianus Bassus's agriculture book was translated to Arabic in the 9th century. The 9th century Arabic with translation to modern Spanish : ''Edición, traducción y estudio del KITAB AL-FILAHA AR-RUMIYYA (Tratado de agricultura griega) de Qustus b. Askuraskinah (Casiano Baso Escolástico)'', by FJ Mariscal Linares, year 2015. Includes searchable indexes for plantnames.ref-1, Book in Medieval Greek : ''Geoponica sive Cassiani Bassi scholastici De re rustica eclogae'', curated by Beckh, year 1895. This is a relatively late version of ''Geoponica''. It has Greek word καρναβαδιον karnabadion, which is understood as meaning caraway. Back of book has index of Greek vocabulary.ref-2. The medicines encyclopedia of Alexander of Tralles, 6th century Greek, has no karo or caraway, though it has numerous mentions for cumin, coriander, fennel, lovage, ammi, nigella, etc – Alexander of Tralles's Greek side-by-side with German translation in edition by Theodor Puschmann was published in 1879 in two volumes. Volume 2 has a pages-index for the Greek vocabulary of the medicinal substances. The link goes to this index.ref. Symeon Seth is the author of a book on foods and medicines in Greek in the late 11th century. Symeon Seth's book has no karo, though it has talk about the Apiaceaes anise, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, parsley, and the non-Apiaceaes nigella, mint, etc – In Greek : The book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110), published under book title Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus, curated by Langkavel, year 1868.ref-1, Article in English: ''Complete list of foodstuffs in Symeon Seth’s SYNTAGMA DE ALIMENTORUM FACULTATIBUS arranged alphabetically in Greek'', by Alison Noble, year 2014, nine pages, published by Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies.

    Alison Noble translates Symeon Seth's Greek καρναβαδιον as English ''caraway''.
    . Symeon Seth and some other medieval Greek texts have καρναβαδιον karnabadion meaning caraway seed – καρναβαδιον @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'', year 2014, a lexicon of medieval Greek. Cites καρναβαδι(ο)ν in medieval Greek authors, including Symeon Seth. The lexicon says the meaning is caraway.ref, Book ''La Scala Copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris: Transcription'', curated by Henri Munier, year 1930, publishes a Greek-to-Arabic dictionary having a later-medieval date before year 1423. On page 135 on line 12 the dictionary has Greek καρναβαδιν = Arabic كراوية.ref (on line 12), In Latin : Carnabadum @ ''Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa, about year 1292. Says ''carnabadum .g. est carui'', which translates as ''carnabadum is a Greek word and its meaning is Latin carui''.ref. Karnabadion was a foreign name in medieval Greek and it corresponds to medieval Arabic قرنباد qarnabād | قرنباذ qarnabādh | qaranbād meaning caraway, which is documented in medieval Arabic with low frequency meaning caraway – medieval Arabic examples include In Arabic : Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) says قرنباد and قرنباذ is another name for كراويا. Says it on pages 723 and 668 in the linked PDF. ابن البيطار - الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذيةe.g., Arabic author Ishaq al-Isra'ili (died c. 932; aka Isaac Israeli) says ''qarnabād'' means cultivated caraway seed. This info is reported by Nawal Nasrallah in her book ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', year 2007, on page 658, where spelling is قرنباد. Al-Isra'ili's book الأغذية ل الإسرائيلي is online searchable at ABLIBRARY.NET, where spelling is القرنباذ.e.g., قرنباد QURUNBĀD @ ''Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, Volume 2, year 1881, on page 340 of the year 1927 re-issue. It cites this word with meaning ''garden caraway'' in the Arabic medicines book ''Mostaʿīnī'' written by Ibn Baklarish around year 1100.e.g. (the word went into Arabic from Persian qaranbād). Hortulus by Walafrid Strabo (wrote in Latin, died 849, lived in Germany) is a short commentary on the virtues of miscellaneous ancillary garden plants, it mentions chervil, dill, celery seeds, mint, and some others, and does not mention caraway – Latin text ''Hortulus'' by Walafrid Strabo, about 10 pages long, is published as an appendix in the book ''Macer Floridus - De Viribus Herbarum'', curated by Choulant, year 1832ref. Herbarium of Apuleius, roughly 5th century Latin, does not mention caraway – In Latin : ''De Medicaminibus Herbarum'', by Apuleius, year 1537 edition, with annotations by Gabriel Humelberg. This publication has an index of plantnames at the end of the book. The index does not have caraway. A more recent publication of Apuleius, titled ''Pseudoapulei Herbarius'', is at http://cmg.bbaw.de/epubl/online/cml_04.php (it has Index Nominum Plantarum on page number 340).ref. From the above set of non-mentions, we can say that the caraway was not in widespread use in Latin or Greek before the time of Constantinus Africanus. The Latin agriculture book of Columella (died 70 AD) has one mention of a thing careum: "Dry flavorings... such as careum, cumin, fennel seeds, Egyptian anise". This word in Columella has been read as meaning caraway by some translators Book ''Les douze liures de Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella'', year 1555. Translator's annotation on page 558 under the heading ''Annotation sur le quarante & neufiesme Chapitre''.(e.g.) and not by others ''De Re Rustica'' by Columella in Latin and modern French translation in book titled ''Les Agronomes Latins'', year 1844. French translation by Saboureux de la Bonneterie (died 1781) reviewed and edited by Désiré Nisard (died 1888). Latin on page 486 (lower righthand side) has ''careum, cyminum, semen foeniculi'', and the French translation is on the same page (upper righthand side).(e.g.). Pliny (died 79 AD) wrote: "Careum is an exotic plant, which derives its name from the country in which it was first grown, Caria [in southwest Turkey]; it is principally employed for culinary purposes." – Pliny's ''Naturalis Historia'', book XIX chapter 49, translated to English by Bostock and Riley, year 1855ref. Today's botany reference books say the native range of the caraway plant does not include west Turkey nor Greece, even though the plant is native in the highland country in east Turkey and Armenia Reference tome: Flora of Turkey by PH Davis et al, in Volume 4, year 1972, in section for Carum on pages 347-349. Its main points are the same as the main points in Flora Orientalis by Edmond Boissier, in Volume 2, year 1872, in section for Carum on pages 878-883.(ref). Pliny's "exotic" careum is liable to be something other than caraway because the Apiaceae family has hundreds of edible aromatic species and the few mentions of the careum in ancient texts do not give specificity. The Latin cookery book of Apicius, roughly 4th century AD, has recipes involving an undescribed flavouring called in Latin careum and carei, and it is often read as meaning "caraway seeds" Book in English translation: ''Apicius: Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome'', being Apicius translated to English by Vehling, year 1936. Search for CARRAWAY [sic], which is translating Latin careum.(e.g.), and sometimes is read as "carrot seeds" – Book in Latin : ''De Re Coquinaria'' by Caelius Apicius, curated by CH Schuch, year 1855, year 1867. Search for CAREUM and CAREI. The curator Schuch, in footnotes on pages 66 & 105, suggests Apicius's CAREUM is best interpreted as carrot seeds.ref. Latin text Capitulare de Villis in France about year 800 has a list of useful garden plants to be grown, the list includes "cumin, rosemary, careium, chickpea..." and the careium is often read as meaning "caraway" – ''Capitulare de Villis'' : In Latin and English side-by-side. English translation by Loyn and Percival, year 1975, was originally published in the book ''Documents on Carolingian Government and Administration''.ref, ''Capitulare de Villis'' is in Latin in the book ''Capitularia Regum Francorum'' Volume One, curated by Alfred Boretius, year 1883, where ''careium'' is on page 90 on 3rd line, and it is translated to modern German in footnote #19 on the same page. The translation says the meaning is caraway.alt-ref. Reading careum | carei | careium as meaning "caraway" was controversial back in the 16th century Book, ''In Antidotarium Ioannis Filii Mesuae, censura. Cum declaratione simplicium medicinarum, & solutione multorum dubiorum ac difficilium terminorum.'' Written in year 1543 by Angelus Palea & Bartholomaeus, who were two monks in Italy. Under headword ''carui'' on page 60-61, this book says the ''caro'' in Dioscorides should NOT be read as caraway. Should be read as ''daucigenus'' = ''a sort of carrot''.(e.g.) and 19th century caraway @ ''A History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin'', by Friedrich Flückiger and Daniel Hanbury, year 1879. Says on page 305: The opinion that this plant [caraway] is the Κάρος of Dioscorides, and that, as Pliny states, it derived its name from Caria (where it has never been met with in modern times) has very reasonably been doubted.(e.g.) and 20th century DEAD LINK. Article, ''The Carrot as a Food in the Classical Era'', by AC Andrews, year 1949 in journal ''Classical Philology'' Volume 44. On pages 191-192 it gives citations to ancient texts that have ancient Greek KARO & KARON and ancient Latin CAREUM. On page 192 it gives references to modern articles by which you can find a diversity of modern opinion about what these names named anciently. On page 192 and other pages, the article is marred with bad facts and idle speculations.(e.g.). The information basis for reading it as caraway is very slim, vague, and questionable, though it may be correct. If it were correct, it would not imply that it was the parent of the medieval Latin carui. From the phonetic point of view it would be an irregularity to produce the Latin carui out of the Latin careum | carei | careium. The first records of Latin carui are in Constantinus Africanus's translations and this is one sign that carui arrived from the Arabic. A second sign is that carui is indeclinable in Latin grammar. Carui is the wordform in Latin in the nominative singular case. It is irregular and foreign in Latin for a noun to have a case-ending like the case-ending in carui in the nominative singular.
    Constantinus Africanus's translations were influential among the Salernitan School of medicine writers of the 12th & 13th centuries. One of those was Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160). Platearius lived in southern Italy. He wrote: "Carui herba est et semen . in transmarinis partibus et sicilia reperitur copiose" = "Carui is a herb and seed. In overseas places and Sicily it is obtained abundantly." – Book ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'', aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius. Link goes to images of a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. ''Carui'' is on the bottom right of page number 51-52, which is image number 27. The text in this manuscript makes heavy use of abbreviations. Manuscript owned by Mertz Library.ref, Book ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'', aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius, in an edition printed in year 1512. Has a paragraph headed ''De carui''. The first two sentences in the paragraph begin with the word ''Carui'' in the Latin nominative singular.alt‑copy. His book's word "overseas" always means the Arabic-speaking lands. His book was translated to French in the 13th century. The 13th century French translation says: "Carui.... c'est la semence d'un[e] herbe qui creist outre mer" = "Carui is the seed of a herb that grows overseas" – Book, ''Le livre des simples médecines: Traduction française du Liber de simplici medicina dictus Circa instans, de PLATEARIUS, tirée d'un manuscrit du XIIIe siècle'', curated by Paul Dorveaux, year 1913, on page 55, last paragraph. NEEDLESS TO SAY, the medieval manuscript says carui and does not say carvi.ref. Which is discordant with the idea that this name was in continuance from the careium grown in France in the Capitulare de Villis.
    Constantinus Africanus lived in Italy and so did most of the writers of the 12th-13th century Latin records of carui. Italian medievally has it spelled carui = "caraway". Several points in this paragraph and the next paragraph below show that carui must be read aloud as CARUI and CARVI, both. Today's Italian has it always carvi. Today's Italian cavolo = "cabbage" is in medieval Italian as cauolo, caulo, kaolo, colo cavolo @ TLIO(ref), from Classical Latin caulis | colis = "cabbage". The medieval Italian-Latin carui was from the medieval Arabic karawiyā in the opinion of today's Italian dictionaries, those dictionaries including carvi @ Treccani.it, an online Italian dictionary with brief etymologiesTreccani, carvi @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (''TLIO'') : Click on the button labeled ''Nota etim.''.TLIO, carvi @ Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana (''GDLI''), years 1961-2002, in volume 2 on page 820, says : Italian carvi was from medieval Latin and the medieval Latin was an adaptation from Arabic Karawia.GDLI, carvi @ ''Dizionario italiano : il nuovo De Mauro'', a concise dictionary of today's ItalianDe Mauro, carvi @ Dizionari Garzanti LinguisticaGarzanti, carvi @ Sapere.it, an online Italian dictionary with brief etymologiesSapere, carvi @ ''Gli arabismi nelle lingue neolatine: Con speciale riguardo all'Italia'', Volume 1 (of two volumes), by Giovan Battista Pellegrini, year 1972Pellegrini, carvi @ ''Vocabolario etimologico della lingua italiana'', by Ottorino Pianigiani, year 1907Pianigiani. Medieval Italian and Italian-Latin did not use a sound /w/ in any words (although it did have /u/ near /w/). Phonetically changing an Arabic /w/ to a medieval Italian-Latin sound /v/ has parallel examples elsewhere on the current page in the histories of the three words "average", "caravan" and "Vega" – those three words have records in the 12th-13th century in Italian-Latin. Medieval Italian-Latin dovana is another example of going from Arabic /w/ to Italian-Latin /v/. Some documents with dovana in medieval Italy : year Book, ''Raccolta di scelti diplomi pisani'', curated by Dal Borgo, year 1765. It has Latin dovana in a trade treaty of Pisa in year 1256 (on page 60). It has Italian dovana in a trade treaty of Pisa in year 1264/1265, in which the treaty's other party is emirate of Tunisia (pages 215 & 217).1256+1265, Book ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 350, quotes Latin ''dovana'' at Carrara town, located 50 kilometers north of Pisa.1260, doganiere @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. Quotes ''lo dovanieri della dovana'', year 1330, location Pisa.1330, Book ''Bandi lucchesi del secolo decimoquarto: tratti dai registri del R. Archivio di stato in Lucca'', curated by Salvatore Bongi, year 1863. Search for ''dovana''.1336+1346, Book ''I Diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino'', curated by Michele Amari, year 1863. Page 304-305 has six instances of ''dovane'' or ''dovana'' in a treaty agreement in Latin between the city-state of Pisa and the emir of Tunis, dated 16 May 1353. ''Dovana'' is also elsewhere in the book with medieval date.1353, In Italian : A maritime Statute enacted at the seaport of Ancona in Italy in 1397, published in ''Collection de lois maritimes antérieures au XVIIIe siècle'', Volume V, curated by Jean-Marie Pardessus, year 18391397. Dovana is synonymous with Italian duana | doana | dugana | dogana, whose earliest records in European languages are in Latin at seaports in Italy in 2nd half of 12th century as duana (Downloadable lexicon : ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001. Latin ''duana'' is at port of Pisa in year 1154, at port of Savona in year 1162, at port of Genoa in year 1203. Latin ''duana'' is on page 351-352. Latin ''doana'', ''dovana'', and ''dugana'' are covered separately on other pages.ref , duana @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on pages 212-214. Quotes Latin ''duana'' at the ports of Palermo and Messina in years 1170-1185. Gives a citation for Italian ''doana'' in a Venice author in year 1207.ref), and this came from Arabic ديوان dīwān.  The Italian duana | doana was the parent of the synonymous Spanish aduana | adoana –  ref At the Spanish text database search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español, Spanish records start in 1270s as doana and adoana and all early instances in Spanish are referring to duanas at Mediterranean seaports, especially the seaport at Seville. The Spanish speakers did not possess any Mediterranean seaport in Iberia until their military victories in the 2nd quarter of 13th century. The word has records at the following seaports in Italy with the following start dates in Italian-Latin: Pisa 1154, Savona 1162, Palermo 1170, Salerno 1174, Messina 1185, Genoa 1203, Venice 1207, Marseille 1210 (Marseille under influence of Genoa). The early Italian-Latin word was a word of marine commerce. Spanish borrowed many words from Italy in the domain of Mediterranean marine commerce in the years 1250-1350, which is the years just after the Spanish speakers got possession of some Mediterranean seaports. The Latinate syllable du- | do- for the Arabic __ديو dīw__ is phonetically distinctive and it was a creation done in Italy and it was not transferred from Italian into Spanish until a century afterwards. In a hypothetical scenario where ديوان dīwān had been transferred from Arabic into Spanish directly, a notional normal Spanish wordform would have had the syllable di- | de- and not du- | do-. ﴿. Another example is the 12th century Italian-Latin 12th century Crusader documents in Latin published under title ''Les archives, la bibliothèque et le trésor de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem à Malte'', curated by Delaville Le Roulx, year 1883. On page 133 ''bedevinos'' and ''bedevinis'' (''qui habitant in tentoriis'' = ''who live in tents''), written in year 1178 in Jerusalem by Amalricus, vicecount of Naples. Page 239 has Index Verborum for ''Bedevini''.bedevini = 13th century Italian beddovini @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originibeddovini = modern English "bedouins", spelled In Latin: ''Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi'', a chronicle of the Crusade of king Richard I of England in the Levant in 1189-1192. Published as Volume I of ''Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I'', curated by William Stubbs, year 1864. The Latin word ''Bedewin-'' is on pages 13, 262, 317, and 386.Bedewini by a Crusader chronicler from England in the Levant in the 1190s writing in Latin (he being from England, he had no problem with using the letter w). It was spelled most often in medieval Latin beduini (probable pronunciation: BED-U-INI). It was from Arabic بدوي bedawī(īn) | بداوي bedāwī(īn). Modern Italian ovatta = "wadding" (earliest known 1667/1674 – ovatta @ ''Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana'' (''GDLI''), years 1961-2002. For the start of datation of ovatta, GDLI cites the article ''Nuove datazioni di tecnicismi sei-settecenteschi'', by Andrea Dardi, year 1980.ref) came from French ouate = "wadding" (earliest known 1493 – reported at ouate @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref), which is the same word as German watte = "wadding" (earliest known 1682 – watte @ Deutsches Wörterbuch von Grimm et al, year 1961 and earlier. Herkunft dunkel.ref).
    Medieval French had carui meaning caraway. The majority of its records are in medicine books influenced by Constantinus Africanus. That includes all of its French records before 1360 that I have seen. The word is uncommon overall in medieval French. One book with carui in French about year 1300 cites "Constantin" by name a half dozen times – Text called ''Euperiston'' (dated circa 1300) in book ''Anglo-Norman Medicine, Volume 2'', curated and annotated by Tony Hunt, year 1997. The word ''carvi'' is printed on page 166. NEEDLESS TO SAY, the medieval manuscript says carui and does not say carvi.ref. That book has also in French berberis, borage, cuscute, sene, which are botanical names that have their earliest records in European languages in Constantinus Africanus. Writers and printers used one and the same letter for the two sounds /u/ and /v/ in all words until the later 17th century. Some 16th-17th century French books have the explicitly printed caruï, which signals that the medieval and early post-medieval French carui was pronounced caruï (KARU·I) at least sometimes. Examples of the printed French caruï meaning caraway: year Caruï occurs 4 times in annotations on page 558 in the book ''Les douze liures de Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella des choses rustiques, traduicts de Latin en François, par feu maistre Claude Cotereau Chanoine de Paris, la traduction duquel ha esté soigneusement reueue & en la plupart corrigée, & illustrée de doctes annotations par maistre Iean Thierry de Beauuoisis'', year 15551555, Caruï occurs 3 times on page 289 in ''Les commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medecin senois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride. Traduits de Latin en François par M. Antoine du Pinet''. The book has both caruï and carui. The link is going to the year 1605 edition. The book was printed in year 1572 with same thing on same page, i.e. page 289. The 1572 edition is at : archive.org/details/gri_33125012606816 1572+1605. After printers began distinguishing u from v in the late 17th century, a book printed in 1682 in French has "avec la ſemence de carui" ''La pratique de medecine avec la theorie'', by Lazare Riviere, year 1682 on page 348(ref); similarly a book in 1683 in French has "suivi... carui... genevre... carui... Name of a 17th century composite medicine (named from town-name Orvieto in Italy) orvietan... carui... A resin from a Tropical American tree (name came from a language of Tropical America) guaïac... carui... convient... carui " Book ''Le médecin françois charitable qui donne les signes & la curation des maladies internes qui attaquent le corps humain'', by J. Constant De Rebecque, year 1683(ref); and similarly in books in ''Pratique generale de medecine de tout le corps humain, de Michel Ettmuller. Traduction nouvelle. Tome Second.'' Year 1699.1699 and ''Traité de la matière médicale, ou L'histoire et l'usage des médicamens'', by Tournefort and Besnier, year 17171717. This shows the word being pronounced KARU-I. The medicines book Regime du Corps by Aldebrandin is a 13th-century French compilation and translation from 12th-century Latin books. Aldebrandin has the word spelled caroi in French Book ''Le Régime du Corps'', by Aldebrandin de Sienne, curated by Landouzy & Pepin, year 1911. Word ''caroi'' occurs three times.(ref), which again shows that the medieval carui was pronounced KARU-I at least sometimes; i.e., caroi shows that carui was not pronounced KARVI. Today in French it is carvi, which came from the Italian carvi.
    English "caraway" came from the medieval Latin & French carui pronounced in Latin & French as KAR·U·I & KA·RU·I. Late medieval English has it spelled carewy | carwy | carwey | carewey | carawaycaraway @ Middle English Dictionaryref. The spelling carui occurs in late medieval English medicines books – carvi @ Middle English Dictionaryref. The English "caraway" does not show classical Latin breeding: The letter 'w' was created in medieval northern Europe to represent a sound that did not occur in medieval Latin (except in Germanic names in medieval Latin), and the words of the English language with the letter 'w' are rarely of Latin descent.
    Today's international Latin botany name for the caraway plant is Carum Carvi. The carvi component of Carum Carvi is judged to be from medieval Arabic karawiyā intermediated by medieval Latin carui=KAR·U·I and late medieval Italian carui=KAR·VI. The modern Latin botany name carvi was used in creating the names of the organic chemicals "carvchemical suffix -one is used in the names of ketones and analogous chemicalsone", "carvechemical suffix -ol is used in the names of alcohols and phenolsol", and "carvacrol" (-acr- = "acrid"). The carum component of Carum Carvi was lifted by 16th-century taxonomists from the carum in a year 1516 Greek-to-Latin translation of Dioscorides's Materia Medica by translator Ruellius, where the translation had put Dioscorides's Greek karo[s] as Latin carum.
  51. ^ carob

    The medieval Arabic kharrūb = "carob" has forerunning documentation in the 3rd to 5th centuries AD in Syriac & Aramaic as ḥarrūbā = "carob" – Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon @ HUC.edu. Lexicon compiled by Steve Kaufman, circa 2015.Dictionary of Aramaic and Syriac. The medieval Arabic dictionaries have two or three Arabic wordforms: خرّوب kharrūb | خرنوب khurnūb | kharnūbDownloadable Book, ''Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion'', by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986. Has Arabic ''kharrūb'' and ''khurnūb'' on page 214.Dictionary of Plants by Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (died c. 895) , خرّوب under rootword خرب @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon (year 1874), online at ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.comخَرُّوبٌ underneath خرب @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon. The geography book by Al-Muqaddasi (died c. 995) lists the carob as a product that is rarely produced outside the Levant – In Arabic : ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'', Volume III, year 1877, publishes Al-Muqaddasi's geography book. Has الخرنوب on page ١٨١ on line 9.ref, In English translation: ''Description of Syria including Palestine, by Mukaddasi circ. 985 A.D.'', translated by Guy Le Strange, year 1886. Carob on page 71.ref. The carob is associated specifically with the Levant in various other medieval Arabic authors – ref Search for الخرنوب الشامي in the medieval texts at AlWaraq.netالخرنوب الشامي @ AlWaraq.net , Search for الخروب الشامي at AlWaraq.netالخروب الشامي @ AlWaraq.net.
    No documentation of the word carob in Latin having a date before the 12th century has been found by me and I say reporters finding the contrary are in error about their documentation -- details omitted. A very early record in Latin is "arboribus de quarubiis" = "carob trees" in a Latin Crusader in the Levant believed correctly dated 1116-1137 – carruba @ Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia, by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 162ref. French quarobles = "carobs" is in a Crusader in the Levant in the 1190s – Book, ''L'Estoire de la Guerre Sainte : histoire en vers de la troisième croisade (1190-1192)'', by Ambroise of Normandy, a Crusader in the Levant who wrote his chronicle in the 1190s in French. Link has medieval French and translation to modern French year 1897. The modern translation has ''caroubes'' on page 381, which is in translation of the medieval ''quarobles'' on page 117 line 4362.ref. Year 1263 in Sicily in Latin: "land on which are trees of carruba, almond, and fig" – carruba @ Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia, by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 161ref. Year 1273 Occitan at seaport of Narbonne: "garrovas e prunas secas" = "carob pods and dried plums" – Book ''Ville de Narbonne: Inventaire des Archives communales... Série AA :: Annexes de la Série AA'', curated by Mouynès, year 1871. A toll tax tariff on page 130.ref. Circa 1317 a Latin medicines book listed the Latin spellings karnub, carnub, karubia, carrubia, currubia and said it is synonymous with Latin xiliqua | siliqua''Pandectarum Medicinae'', by Matthaeus Silvaticus, date circa 1317, says ''carnub id est currubia vel xiliqua''ref. A Latin encyclopedia compiled in the 1240s used only the name siliqua for carob and it has two short chapters about carob pods & carob trees – In Latin : paragraph headed ''De siliqua'' in encyclopedia ''Speculum Naturale'' by Vincent de Beauvais (died 1264), in the section on fruits and juices (de arborum fructibus & succis). Vincent quotes from Isidore of Seville, Pliny, Dioscorides, and Galen on the properties of ''siliqua''.ref-1 , In Latin : paragraph headed ''De silere ac siliqua'' in encyclopedia ''Speculum Naturale'' by Vincent de Beauvais (died 1264), in the section on common uncultivated trees (de arboribus communibus, videlicet silvaticis, & agrestibus).ref-2. Siliqua was an old Latin name for carob pods and carob seeds, although the Latin siliqua also meant the pod of any legume. Carob has a small but significant number of records in classical Latin under this old name. Propagation of the carob tree is described in the ancient Latin agriculture books of Columella (died 70 AD) and Palladius (lived c 400 AD) – In classical Latin plus translation to modern French : ''Les Agronomes Latins'', year 1844, publishes the agriculture books of Cato, Varro, Columella, and Palladius. Search for French word ''caroub'' and Latin word ''siliqua''. The Latin word ''siliqua'' meant any bean pod and seed husk, and often this did not mean carob.ref. Preparation ways for eating the carob pods are described by Pliny (died 79 AD). Carbonized remains of carob pods have been reported at an archeological site of ancient southern Italy – Article, ''Carob tree, Ceratonia siliqua'', by I Batlle and J Tous, year 1997, on page 22, which is citing the article ''Carbonized food plants of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the Villa at Torre Annunziata'', by FG Meyer, year 1980.ref. Because the Latins already had the name siliqua for carob, the Latin adoption of the Arabic name kharrūb seems unmotivated. I presume and believe there was a driver that drove the Latins to adopt the Arabic name, but I do not see what it was. In late-medieval sea-commerce by Italians, the carob pods were called car(r)ube | carobbe | carroba, they were transported in large sacks, and there are enough surviving records to show that the overall volume of trade in them was not very small – Texts in Latin : ''Actes passée à Famagouste de 1299 à 1301 par devant le notaire Génois Lamberto di Sambuceto'', curated by Desimoni, year 1894 in journal ''Revue de l'Orient Latin'' Volume 2. Has ''carrobarum'' six times. Page 125 ''sachos tercentos carrobarum'' = ''300 sacks of carob pods''. Likewise on page 134. But on page 284 it means ''carat''.ref, carruba @ TLIO, citing the early 14th century Venetian trade manual ''Zibaldone da Canal'' having Italian: ''C de li sachi de le carobe de Çepro'' = ''a hundred of the sacks of the carobs of Cyprus''ref, Book, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, about year 1340, curated by Allan Evans year 1936. Search for multiple instances of car[r]ub[b]e.ref, Chapter ''Economy'', by Nicholas Coureas, in book ''Cyprus: Society And Culture 1191-1374'', by various authors, year 2005. Page 108-109 is about the carob in the 14th-century Cyprus economy. It cites a few commercial records written in Italian-Latin in which carobs were put on a ship in Cyprus and exported.ref, Book, ''Tariffa de i Pesi, e Misure corrispondenti dal Levante al Ponente'', by Bartholomeo di Pasi [aka Paxi] da Vinetia, first printed in 1503, re-issued in 1540. Linked is 1540 edition, OCR'd. In the linked copy, eleven instances of ''carobbe'' are obtainable by searching for the substring ''arob''.ref, Book, ''Storia documentata di Venezia'' Volume III, by S. Romanin, year 1855, on page 383, has import-tax regulations at Venice in year 1338 having Latin ''caparis sinapi et carobis''ref, Book, ''La «pratica di mercatura» datiniana (secolo XIV)'', curated by Cesare Ciano, year 1964. Publishes an Italian commerce text dated around 1380. Has ''carube'' meaning carob pods on page 80. Text says that carob pods sell by the hundredweight and they discount 10 pounds per hundredweight for the tare.ref, Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', written around year 1440, has a list of trade goods at the city of Pisa and the list includes ''Charubba di qualunque luogo''. In printed edition year 1766 on page 50.ref, Book ''Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV'', curated by Francesco Zambrini, year 1863. 14th century Italian cook-book mentions a food ingredient ''garobbi'' as an optional addition in a vegetable stew.ref.
  52. ^ check

    When borrowing a word from Persian whose last letter was ـه h , medieval Arabic changed the last letter to q or j in some cases. A few examples are given in Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri LammensLammens, year 1890 page 103 footnote 1. Another example is medieval Arabic نيلج nīlaj = "indigo dye" from Persian نیله nīlah with same meaning Johnson's Richardson's Persian-Arabic-English dictionary, year 1852, on page 1346. The dictionary marks a word with ''P'' meaning it is Persian, and/or marks it with ''A'' meaning it is Arabic. See P نیله and A نيلج .(ref). Another example is medieval Arabic بورق būraq = "sodium carbonate and similar salts" from Persian بوره būrah with same meaning Johnson's Richardson's Persian-Arabic-English dictionary, year 1852, on page 258. The dictionary marks a word with ''P'' meaning it is Persian, and marks with ''A'' meaning it is Arabic. See P بوره and A بورق .(ref). Those changed spellings are evidence that Persian terminal ـه h was pronounced ‘hard’ in medieval Arabic.
  53. ^   Empty note #53 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  54. ^ cipher  ^ zero

    Based on the number of medieval manuscript copies that survive today, the most-often-read introduction to the Hindu-Arabic numbers in Europe in the medieval era was the one by Johannes de Sacrobosco written in Latin about 1230, about 20 pages long. Another popular one was by Alexander de Villa Dei, written in Latin about 1220, about 10 pages long. Both of them use cifra | cyfra for "zero" and they have it more than two dozen times each – In Latin : Sacrobosco's and Villa Dei's introductions are in the book ''A collection of treatises on the mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited manuscripts'', curated by Halliwell, year 1841. Search for Latin cifra.ref, In Latin : ''Iohannis de Sacrobosco Algorismus Vulgaris'', published in book ''Petri Philomeni de Dacia in Algorismum vulgarem Johannis de Sacrobosco commentarius. Una cum Algorismo ipso edidit'', curated by Curtze, year 1897. Search for Latin cyfra.ref. In the English language from the late medieval period until the 2nd half of the 19th century, the name for zero was usually either "nought" or "cifre | cipher | cypher" – ref 1anought @ Middle English Dictionary , ref 1bcifre @ Middle English Dictionary , ''cipher'' in the year 1828 Webster's English Dictionaryref 2a , ''zero'' in the year 1828 Webster's English Dictionary. Compare it with noun ''cipher'' in same dictionary.ref 2b , Graph of frequency of ''zero'', ''nought'' and ''cipher'' in time intervals over the years from 1605 to 1955, in texts indexed by Google Books Ngram Viewer. A word's frequency in a time interval is expressed as a percent of all words in all indexed texts in the same time interval. Ngram Viewer shows that ''zero'' bypassed ''nought'' in popularity at about year 1870.ref 3. Nathan Bailey's English Dictionary in 1726 defined "zero" as "a word used for cypher or nought especially by the French" – ''zero'' in the year 1726 Bailey's Dictionaryref. Samuel Johnson's English Dictionary in 1755 and 1785 did not include the word zero at all. Meanwhile, the use of "cipher" & "decipher" to mean "encrypt" & "decrypt" entered English in the 16th century, borrowed from French – New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1893cipher @ NED , New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1897decipher @ NED , Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaischiffre @ DMF , Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisdéchiffrer @ DMF.
  55. ^ civet

    The statements of Al-Mas'udi and Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi about زباد zabād = "civet" were noted by civette @ ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890Henri Lammens, year 1890. Al-Mas'udi's 10th century geography book is in Arabic with al-zabād at In Arabic and French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, year 1864, Volume 3 page 57 has الزباد on line 1 & line 2Ref. Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi's 14th century geography book is in Arabic with al-zabād at كتاب نخبة الدهر في عجائب البرّ والبحر, curated by Mehren, year 1866, on page ١٥٩ (159) on secondlast lineRef. Zabād is closely related in form to the Arabic زبد zabad = "foam" but is not necessarily derived from it.
  56. ^ abelmosk

    The "abelmosk" plant or "musk seed" plant is called Abelmoschus moschatus in today's botanical Latin. It is a native of Tropical East Asia. It requires a 9-month-long growing season an intro to growing abelmosk(ref). In Egypt it was in irrigated cultivation in the late 16th and early 17th centuries and that was when European botanists got specimens of it from Egypt and adopted the name from Egypt. The Italian-Latin botanist Prospero Alpini (died 1617) visited Egypt in the 1580s. He called the plant in Latin "Abelmosch", "Aegyptii Mosch", and "Bammia Muschata", where at Wikipedia in Arabic: ar:باميةبامية bāmiya is Arabic for at Wikipedia : Abelmoschus esculentusokra, a.k.a. Abelmoschus Esculentus, mosch is Latin for musk, Aegypti is Latin for Egypt, and Abel is an Italian-Latin representation of Arabic habb el- = "seed". Ref: Edition year 1629 book has headline ''Bammia Muschata'' on page 197De Plantis Exoticis by Prospero Alpini. The botanist Johann Veslingius visited Egypt around 1630. He wrote the name in Latin as "hab el mosch" in Book by Joannus Veslingius, year 1638. At page 65 is section headed ''De Ab el mosch''.De Plantis Aegyptiis Observationes et Notae ad Prosperum Alpinum, by Johann Veslingius, year 1638. The plant was called "''Ketmia Aegyptiaca'' @ The Gardeners Dictionary by Philip Miller, year 1735. It cites ''Tourn.'' meaning the botanist JP de Tournefort (died 1708) as the taxonomic originator of the name ''Ketmia Aegyptiaca''.Ketmia Aegyptiaca" by some other European botanists of the 17th-18th centuries. The abelmosk seed is small and the odor is mainly in the shell. In 17th-18th century Europe, the whole seeds were used as a room odorant and some people carried whole seeds in clothing. The odoriferous essence was extractable by steam distillation, a method well-known to perfume makers. Arabic حبّ المسك habb el-misk, literally "musk seed", meaning the aromatic seed of the abelmosk plant, has no reported record in medieval Arabic with this meaning. In the big collection of medieval Arabic texts at AlWaraq.net, the phrase or a variant of it occurs a few times, but the meaning is not this seed in the contexts. This seed is apparently not present under any other name in any of the better-known medieval Arabic texts that have lots of content about aromatic botanicals – more about that point is at elsewhere on this pageNote #153 below. Today's Spanish dictionaries have abelmosco = "abelmosk". No record of this occurs in Spanish until a time long after the word was brought to European botany from Egypt by Prospero Alpini (e.g. Book, ''Curso elemental de botánica, téorico y práctico'', by Casimiro Gomez Ortega & Antonio Palau, year 1785. In this book ''Linn.'' means Linnaeus (died 1778) and the book's Spanish word ''abelmosco'' is derived from the ''abelmoschus / abelmoschi'' used in botanical Latin in northern Europe in books by Linnaeus and others.Spanish year 1785). Therefore, Spanish abelmosco is from the modern Latin abelmoschus of Alpini and his followers.
  57. ^ coffee

    Book written by William H. UkersAll About Coffee, year 1922, chapter 1 "Dealing with the Etymology of Coffee" and chapter 3 "Early History of Coffee Drinking". This book reports: Coffee-drinking as we know it has its earliest reliable record in mid-15th-century Yemen; it arrived in Cairo in the early 16th; it became widespread in the Ottoman Empire during the 16th; and it arrived in Western Europe in the early 17th. All the coffee of the 16th and 17th centuries came from Yemen. Most of it arrived in Mediterranean markets through Egypt. The earliest importers into Western Europe were at Wikipedia : Republic of VeniceVenetians who used the word caffè (1615), from the Turkish kahve. Venetian sea-merchants at that time had predominance in all kinds of seaborne trade between the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Europe. This pushed their wordform caffè to prevalance in Western Europe. Derivatives from it are seen in today's German kaffee, Spanish café, etc. The English wordform coffee and Dutch koffie has an overall shape that reflects influence of the Venetian caffè.
  58. ^ cotton

    Book: The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, by Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui, year 1981, "Chapter I: Cotton cultivation in the ancient and medieval world" and "Chapter II: The Mediterranean cotton trade 1100–1600".
  59. ^ crimson  ^ kermes

    Late medievally, crimson was in the wordforms: Italian chermisi | carmesi | cremisino, French cremesy | cramoisi | cramoisin, Spanish carmesi | cremesin | carmisin, English cremesyn | crimsin, Latin cremesinus | carmesinus, all referring to red color from cochineal-type cloth dye. Most of those wordforms have a Latinate suffix -ino | -inus. Parallelwise for the suffix: medieval Italian verzi @ TLIOverzi ➜ medieval Italian verzino @ TLIOverzino; medieval Italian arancio @ TLIOaranci ➜ medieval Italian arancino @ TLIOarancino; medieval Italian celeste @ TLIOcelest(r)e ➜ medieval Italian celestino @ TLIOcelest(r)ino.
    The Italian carmesi | carmisi is in Italian since around year 1300 (earliest at cremisi @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO is c. 1310-1320). That is a century earlier than the first for carmesí | carmesy in Spanish (earliest at Search for carmes* (with asterisk) @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE is c. 1430). Italian carmesi came from Arabic qirmizī in the Eastern Mediterranean exclusively. Details about the Arabic and Italian records are coming up in the paragraphs below. Also below is an intent to show that the word in Spanish & Catalan came from Italian. Longstandingly everybody has agreed, correctly, the European word came from the Arabic qirmiz(ī). But there have been misconceptions and fogginess about the way it came from Arabic, which the following 18 paragraphs intend to clear up.
    A number of distinct scale-insect species yield similar but distinct red dyes. The distinctions are going to be relevant. All of them are cochineal insects and cochineal dyes in my terminology (another terminology uses the word cochineal more narrowly than I will be using it). Kermes cochineal is one of them. The Kermes insect is native in the Mediterranean region. It was used as a red dye by the Greeks and Romans of antiquity. In ancient Latin texts the usual word for the Kermes insect was coccum, and by extension coccum | coccin(e)us meant rich red color – coccum @ Lewis & Short dictionary of classical Latin, year 1879ref, coccineus @ Lewis & Short dictionary of classical Latin, year 1879ref. As shown in the next paragraph below, in medieval Arabic texts the word qirmiz meant most often the insect which in today's English is called Armenian cochineal, being of the insect genus Porphyrophora, and not the genus Kermes. The Porphyrophora cochineal insects are not native in the Mediterranean region, and were not propagated alive there, and the question of how often they were imported as a dye into Latin Europe is surrounded with difficulties and lacks a good answer. The Porphyrophora cochineal insects in medieval trading came in two species, Armenian cochineal and Polish cochineal. The Armenian one lives in Armenia and Iranian Azerbaijan. The Polish one lives in Poland and Ukraine. The Polish and Armenian species have the same active dye chemical (carminic acid). The Kermes cochineal has a similar but distinct dye chemical (kermesic acid). Another similar but distinct cochineal in medieval trade was Lac cochineal, from insects native in India (having dye chemicals named laccaic acids). The cochineal that is native in Mexico & Peru became the dominant cochineal in Europe before 1600 for two economic reasons: these insects contain ten times higher concentration of dye chemical (namely, carminic acid) and the insects were propagated and harvested with relative ease in Mexico & Peru. The cornerstone of the similar but distinct dye chemicals is anthraquinone (C14H8O2). The shade of an anthraquinone red can be changed towards orange or towards purple by mixing it with an acid (for orange) or an alkali (for purple) or a sulfate salt (cochineal @ ''The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature'', volume 8, year 1819, gives details on the coloring effects of numerous various additives added to Mexican cochineal in solution. These effects also happen when these additives are added to the other anthraquinone reds too.examples).
    The dictionary of Al-Sahib Ibn ʿAbbad (died c. 995; lived in Iran and Iraq) states: "قِرْمِزُ qirmiz is Armenian red dye" – الصاحب بن عباد : المحيط في اللغة. Writes: قِرْمِزُ صِبْغٌ أرْمَنِي أحْمَرُ. The linked website gives this. It also gives very similar statements about قرمز in other medieval dictionaries.ref. The dictionary of Ibn Sida (died 1066; lived in southern Iberia) states: "القرمز al-qirmiz is Armenian red dye. The dye is said to come from juice of worms living in scrublands. The word is Arabicized Persian." – Ibn Sida's dictionary says :
    القرمز: صبغ ارمني احمر يقال: إنه من عصارة دود يكون في آجامهم، فارسي معرب
    By Internet search for the above set of Arabic phrases, you can find in searchable format at several websites Ibn Sida's dictionary ابن سيده -- المحكم والمحيط الأعظم. The linked website's copy of Ibn Sida's dictionary was obtained from www.AlWaraq.net.
    . Ibn Sida's statement was copied into the dictionaries of Ibn Manzur (died 1312) and Fairuzabadi (died 1414) – القرمز @ search @ www.Baheth.info. The site has the dictionary of Fairuzabadi (i.e. القاموس المحيط) and the dictionary of Ibn Manzur (i.e. لسان العرب).ref, القرمز @ search @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com. The site has the dictionary of Fairuzabadi (i.e. القاموس المحيط) and the dictionary of Ibn Manzur (i.e. لسان العرب).ref. The geography book of Al-Istakhri (died c. 957; lived in Iran) gives information about the exports and commercial activities of many regions. Al-Istakhri says al-qirmiz dye is an export from the territory of what is now Republic of Armenia and adjacent Azerbaijan (medieval territory's capital town دبيل Dabīl = at Wikipedia : Dvin, capital of medieval emirate of ArmeniaDvin). Al-Istakhri does not mention qirmiz produced anywhere else. He says the qirmiz comes from worms and is used for dyeing wool – In Arabic in Volume 1 of ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'' : The geography book by Al-Istakhri, curated by M.J. de Goeje, year 1870, reprinted 1927, القرمز on page ١٨٨ [page 188] on line 5ref. Al-Istakhri's info was replicated by Ibn Hawqal (died c. 988) and by Hudud al-'Alam (text compiled in 982) – In Arabic : Geography book of Ibn Haukal (aka Ibn Hawqal) curated by M.J. de Goeje, year 1873, having قرمز on last line of page ٢۴۴ [page 244], in Volume 2 of the series ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum''ref, Book in English only : حدود العالم HUDUD AL-'ALAM, geography book in Persian by an unnamed compiler in year 982 AD, translated by V Minorsky, year 1937. Translator's Preface says the book's compilation ''systematically utilized'' Istakhrî and many sections ''are practically a mere abridgement'' of Istakhrî. Sections concerning Azerbaijan & Armenia have Persian QIRMIZ twice. English CRIMSON on pages 142-143.ref. The geography book of Al-Muqaddasi (died circa 995; lived in Palestine, visited Iraq and Iran) has a chapter about the region of Azerbaijan & Armenia. Al-Muqaddasi in this chapter says that a special feature of this region is "its wonderful qirmiz worms" – Al-Muqaddasi's geography book is titled المقدسي البشاري : أحسن التقاسيم في معرفة الأقاليم . It is published in Arabic in ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'', Volume III, year 1877, curated by M.J. de Goeje. In discussing the region in and near Azerbaijan, Al-Muqaddasi says that one of this region's notable products is العجيبة ديدانه قرمز = ''its wonderful qirmiz worms'' -- at linked page ۳۷۳ [page 373] at line 13.ref. He says Armenia & Azerbaijan "is without rival for... their qirmiz and their fabric patterns and their colors" – In Arabic : ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'', Volume III, year 1877, curated by M.J. de Goeje, publishes Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic. It has قرمز ''qirmiz'' on pages 373, 380 and 381. On page 380 it says on line 8: ولا نظير لـ... قرمزهم وانماطهم وصبغهمref. Al-Muqaddasi says "al-qirmiz is a worm that comes out of the soil" and it is gathered in the vicinity of Dabīl town in Armenia – In Arabic : ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'', Volume III, year 1877, curated by M.J. de Goeje, publishes Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic. The link goes to page ۳۸۱ [page 381] where Al-Muqaddasi says: دبيل.... وعندها يوجد القرمز وهي دودة تظهر في الارض تخرج اليها النسوان ينقرنهاref. The Armenian cochineal insect larvas feed underground on the roots of certain herbaceous plants. When the larvas change into adults they come to the surface to mate, and die soon afterwards. The cochineal-rich female adults were collected at the surface in the mating season in Armenia. (But in Poland it was necessary to dig up the soil to collect the Polish cochineal insects). A certain short text is attributed to Al-Jahiz (died c. 869; lived in Iraq), and the attribution to Al-Jahiz is maybe a false one, but anyway it is quotable as a medieval text by somebody: "Al-qirmiz of Armenia.... It is said about al-qirmiz that a herbaceous plant in its roots brings on the growth of a red worm." – الجاحظ : التبصرة بالتجارة
    He writes:
    القرمزي الأرمني المنير .... وزعم أن القرمز حشيشة تكون في أصلها دودة حمراء تنبت
    , كتاب التبصرة بالتجارة – الجاحظ. Searchable text has three instances of القرمزalt-link. In contrast to all the above authors, Ibn Al-Baitar (died 1248; lived near Mediterranean Sea coast) has a description of qirmiz and "qirmiz worms" that clearly means the Kermes cochineal and cannot mean the Armenian cochineal – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref (page 664). Ibn al-Baitar is in a minority among medieval Arabic authors in using the word with this meaning. Most of the medieval Arabic records of qirmiz are in authors located in Iraq and Iran. Medieval Iraq and Iran has numerous records of qirmiz, but whenever this qirmiz is described it means the Porphyrophora cochineal from Armenia & Azerbaijan. In other words there is no description from medieval Iraq or Iran of qirmiz meaning Kermes insect or Kermes dye. The Kermes insects feed exclusively on the sap of the young branches of two species of small Quercus trees that are native and commonplace in the Mediterranean rim region. Primarily the Quercus Coccifera, and secondarily the Quercus Ilex. But these two Quercus trees do not grow natively in Iraq or Iran as adjudged by today's botanists (Quercus Coccifera @ OakNames.org, a website of International Oak Society, a society devoted to the study of the trees of the genus Quercus. It has a list of all the nation-state territories containing any part of Quercus Coccifera's natural distribution territory.ref, Quercus Ilex @ OakNames.org gives the plant's natural distribution territory in terms of nation-statesref, Quercus Coccifera @ GRIN Global (a botany database). Under the heading ''Distribution'', it says the plant is native all around the Mediterranean Rim (excepting Egypt), and not native in Iraq nor Iran nor elsewhere.ref, Quercus Ilex @ World Checklist of Selected Plant Families ( http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/ ). Says the Quercus Ilex plant's native distribution is South Europe and Turkey. Its distribution does not include Iraq or Iran. The same info for Quercus Ilex is at http://www.CatalogueOfLife.org ref, Search for the plant Quercus Coccifera at CatalogueOfLife.org. At the site's page for Quercus Coccifera, under the heading ''Distribution'', the site lists the places where the plant grows as a native species.ref, Quercus Coccifera @ Oaks of the World website. Under the heading ''Range'', says the Quercus Coccifera plant's range is the Mediterranean Region. This means the plant's range does not include Iraq. The website is written in English by Jean-Louis Hélardot. ref) and they have not been introduced there in non-tiny numbers. Therefore the Kermes insects were not gathered in Iraq or Iran. As a point of Arabic grammar, "relating to qirmiz " = "qirmizī ". Al-Razi (died c. 930; lived in Iran), in a book about medicine, has a bandage dressing with صوف قرمزي souf qirmizī = "wool dyed with qirmiz " – الحاوي في الطب – الرازيref. Al-Biruni (died c. 1050; lived in Iran), in a book about precious stones, says: "The color of the ruby stone is red.... It comes in various quality grades.... The most desirable is the pomegranate grade.... As an analogy, if you drop qirmizī blood [دم قرمزي] onto a polished silver plate you get the ruby color of the pomegranate ruby." – كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني -- البحث عن قرمزي. Book is online in Arabic at numerous websites. (By the way, the book is in print in English translation by translator Hakim Mohammad Said, with English title ''Knowledge on Precious Stones'', year 1989, where qirmizī is on print page 30).ref (on page 20). Other examples of Arabic writers who mention qirmiz and whose books are at AlWaraq.net include: Al-Ya'qubi (died 897-898; born in Iraq, lived in Armenia and Iran, later lived in Egypt) اليعقوبي : البلدان
    Al-Ya'qubi writes: مدينة أسيوط وهي من عظام مدن الصعيد، بها يعمل الفرش القرمز الذي يشبه الأرمني = ''the town Asyut is among the biggest towns in Upper Egypt, there they make al-qirmiz carpets that are similar to the Armenian ones''.
    , Ibn Duraid (died c. 933; lived in Iraq) Ibn Duraid's dictionary has the statement : قِرْمِز، إنما هو دود أحمر يُصبغ به = ''qirmiz, indeed it is a red worm for dyeing with''. The dictionary is titled جمهرة اللغة لابن دريد.(Ref), Ibn Abd Rabbih (died 940; copied from Iraqi sources) ابن عبد ربه : العقد الفريد
    He writes: جُبَّة خَزّ قِرْمِز = a JUBBA garment of KHAZZ fabric with QIRMIZ dye
    Medieval records in the Armenian language show the name of the Armenian cochineal dye in the Armenian language was vortan garmir | vordan karmir, where garmir | karmir = "red" and vortan | vordan = "of worms" – Article, ''Kirmiz'', by H. Kurdian, 3 pages, year 1941 in ''Journal of the American Oriental Society'' Volume 61 pages 105-107. ref . Armenian writer Ghazar Parpetsi lived in the late 5th century AD and he wrote: "The valley of Ararat grows a sort of grass on which breed insects from which vortan is produced, used for profit and for gorgeous dyeing" – same ref; (Book in English translation: ''Ghazar P'arpec'i's History of the Armenians'', translated by Robert Bedrosian, year 1985. It contains an alternative English translation of the same sentence. Search it for the word WORMS.alt-ref). The Arabic geographer Ibn Hawqal (died c. 988) said about Armenia and adjacent Azerbaijan (includes the Azerbaijani provinces in today's Iran): "Throughout this country the Persian and Arabian languages are understood. The inhabitants also use the Armenian tongue and other tongues." – In English : ''The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian Traveller of the 10th century. Translated from a Manuscript'', by Sir William Ouseley, year 1800, on page 163. Note: Ouseley's manuscript differs in many places from De Goeje's much better Arabic edition of Ibn Hawqal published in 1873.ref – and essentially the same statement is in the geography book by Al-Istakhri (died c. 957) – Arabic book المسالك والممالك by الإصطخري al-Istakhri, in section headed أرمينية والران وأذربيجان. Al-Ikstakhri says: speech in Azerbaijan & Armenia & Arrān is Persian and Arabic; and the people of دبيل Dabīl city and its vicinity [in today's Armenia] speak Armenian; and people around برذعة [which is Barda city in today's Azerbaijan] speak الرانية ar-rānīa.ref.
    In medieval English and all western European Latinate languages in all of the relevant medieval centuries, the main name for the Kermes insects and Kermes dye was Late medieval English grain #6 @ Middle English Dictionary. Late medieval English ''grain'' had multiple meanings. The Middle English Dictionary gives a set of quotations for ''grain'' where its meaning is the Kermes dye. In order to see the quotations where grain means Kermes, you have to go to the SIXTH listed meaning for the word ''grain'' in the dictionary.grain | grana @ ''Pigment Compendium: A Dictionary of Historical Pigments'', year 2007, on page 173grana | granum. That was true before and after the arrival of the word qirmiz. In medieval English and in all those medieval European languages, the word grain meant firstly what grain means today (edible seeds) and secondarily it meant today's Kermes.
    A Venice Italian merchant report titled Zibaldone da Canal dated probably about 1310-1320 (Book ''Zibaldone da Canal : Manoscritto mercantile del sec. XIV'', curated by Stussi, year 1967. The book's different chapters have different assessed composition dates, and some chapters have revisions after the chapter's basic composition date. date is complex) has one of the very early records in European languages for the word crimson and it occurs in the statement "Seda carmesì se pesa a Laiaça " cremisi @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)(ref: TLIO), which is translateable as "Crimson silk in the unit measurements of the seaport town of Laiaça in the at Wikipedia : Armenian Kingdom of CiliciaArmenian Kingdom of Cilicia", today's town at Wikipedia : YumurtalıkYumurtalık on the southeast coast of Turkey. Laiaça was also written Laiazo | Lajazzo by the medieval Italians. At this seaport with date of 1305-1307, a Venice merchant ship loaded goods onto the ship, with the goods itemized in writing in Venice-Latin, and one of the items was a jacket made from çendato carmesi Book ''Le Trésor des Chartes d'Armenie'', compiled by Victor Langlois, year 1863, being a collection of medieval documents by Latins on matters involving Cilician Armenia. Page 175 has çupam de çendato carmesi. Venice Latin çupa(m) = Venice Latin zuppa(m) = Genoa Latin iupa(m) = Sicily Latin juppa(m) = a jacket garment. Page 174 in footnote #7 gives the basis for the year 1305-1307 date.(Ref), where Venice-Latin çendato meant "cendal silk".
    In the 1330s in Italian the international merchant reporter Francesco Pegolotti has frequent mentions of trade in the grana dye at a wide variety of places in Europe. Pegolotti makes it clear that the dye he calls grana | grana da tignere was the Kermes dye. When Pegolotti writes seta chermisi | seta chermusi, where seta = "silk", he is talking about something different from grana, but he has no description. But once again it is notable Pegolotti's only mention of chermisi is in the context of trading at the seaport he calls "Laiazo in Armenia", and his only mention of chermusi is in trading at the nearby seaport of Famagusta on the island of Cyprus. Commonly in Pegolotti's time, internationally tradeable goods in Armenian Cilicia were brought to the market at Famagusta for re-export elsewhere (Book chapter : ''Famagusta and Levant Trade... : The Role of Famagusta as a Distribution Centre of Oriental and Local Merchandise to the West (1300-1340)'', in the book ''Medieval Famagusta: socio-economic and socio-cultural dynamics (13th to 15th centuries)'', by Seyit Özkutlu, year 2014r1, Book chapter : ''Les relations économiques entre Chypre et le royaume arménien de Cilicie d’après les actes notariés (1270-1320)'', by Catherine Otten-Froux, in the book ''Arménie et Byzance'', by various authors, year 1996r2). Pegolotti's book is at In HTML fileformat : ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died c. 1347), curated by Allan Evans in year 1936Ref, In PDF fileformat : ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died c. 1347), curated by Allan Evans in year 1936alt-link.
    The manuscript known as the Codex Cumanicus is a dictionary for its first 108 pages. As a physical manuscript its date is about 1330; and its original composition date is put about few years or a few tens of years earlier The ''Codex Cumanicus'' text was republished in year 1981 together with a new introduction in English by Louis Ligeti. The introduction describes how the text is dated. Altlink: core.ac.uk/download/pdf/35132862.pdf (ref for date). The Codex Cumanicus dictionary was written by an Italian author on the northern shores of the Black Sea. It consists of three columns of words, the first column being words in Italian-Latin, the second column being the corresponding words in Persian, and the third column the corresponding words in the Turkic language of the Cuman people, a people who lived on the northern shores of the Black Sea. A section of the word-list is headlined in Latin "merchandise pertinent to merchants". It has Italian-Latin word cremixi. Italian spelling cremixi was pronounced approx KREMISI; medieval Italian written letter 'x' was sound /s/ (classical Latin letter 'x' was sound /ks/ and was converted in Italian to sound /s/). Lots of later documents in Italian have cremex as a certain type of crimson dye, and Italian cremixi = cremexi = cremixino = cremexile = "dyed with this crimson dye"; e.g. two dozen instances of Italian-Latin cremex(i) | cremexili from 2nd half of 15th century are in Book, ''L'Arte Genovese della Seta nella normativa del XV e del XVI secolo'', by Paola Massa, year 1970. Published in ''Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria'' Nuova Serie Volume X Fasc 1 (1970). Pages 209-238 dated 1465 & 1466 & 1479 have two dozen instances of substring CREMEX for dyeing silk.Ref. The Codex Cumanicus translated the Italian-Latin cremixi as Persian cremixi, which represented Persian qirmizi. On the line immediately above cremixi, the Codex Cumanicus has Italian-Latin virmilium (English meaning: vermilion) translated as Persian surg, which is Persian سرخ surkh = "red". Codex Cumanicus is ''Codex Cumanicus'' edition year 1880 curated by Géza Kuunonline.
    Italian glossary article CREMISI @ TLIO, linked above, quotes from five early documents with the word in northern Italy between 1310 and 1350 and it is noteworthy that in each document the word is an adjective attached to silk cloth. In Sicily in Latin with dates between 1350 and 1393, luxury goods inventories have two dozen instances of carmisino | carmixino | carmixina | charmisino and in all instances the word is an adjective attached to silk cloth – ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II [of six volumes], by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. Searchable.ref: Bresc-Bautier. The adjective meant "dyed with a certain kind of red dye".
    Italian merchant Giacomo Badoer (died 1445) was a trader in Constantinople in the late 1430s and he kept account books. He bought cremexe dye in Constantinople for resale in Italy. He also bought seda cremexi meaning silk dyed with this crimson dye. He wrote that cremexe dye and cremexi silk arrived at Constantinople from across the Black Sea from Trabexonda (aka at Wikipedia : Trebizond, a kingdom that existed from 1204 to 1461. The kingdom's headquarters was in the city of Trebizond on the southeastern shore of the Black Sea.Trebizond aka at Wikipedia : today's Trabzon city on the Black Sea in TurkeyTrabzon, the largest seaport on the southeast shore of the Black Sea) – Book, ''Il Libro dei Conti'', by Giacomo Badoer, written in 1436-1440, published in 1956. This book has the word ''cremexe'' on 81 different pages. It has word ''cremexi'' on 42 pages. It has word ''Trebexonda'' on 39 pages. The link at Google Books allows searching for ONLY A FEW SHORT SNIPPETS.ref-1, Book, ''Il libro dei conti di Giacomo Badoer : Complemento e indici'', by Giovanni Bertelè, year 2002. It publishes complementing info and word indices for Giacomo Badoer's ''Il Libro dei Conti''. It has word ''cremexe'' on 19 pages. It has word ''cremexi'' on 13 pages. It has word ''Trabexonda'' on 34 pages. Google Books allows searching for ONLY A FEW SHORT SNIPPETS from it.ref-2. Which effectively means the dye came from Armenia.
    A mid-15th-century treatise about the silk industry in Florence, by an anonymous Florentine author, includes prices for dyed silk cloths. The silk cloths dyed with chermisi are more expensive than the silk cloths dyed with grana''L'Arte della Seta in Firenze: Trattato del secolo XV'', by an anonymous 15th century author, curated by Girolamo Gargiolli year 1868. Prices of dyed silk cloths on pages 100, 101, 102, and 112. Dyeing costs on page 78. The last page of the 15th century treatise is page 124 and the rest of the book is 19th century commentary.ref (pages 100-102). This 15th century treatise uses the word grana about 30 or 40 times. It makes it clear on page 109 that grana means the Kermes cochineal. It uses the word chermisi about 90 or 100 times. Despite that frequency of use, you have to read between the lines to deduce that its chermisi means the Porphyrophora cochineal. It says chermisi minuto dye is twice the price (per unit weight) compared to chermisi grosso dye; and it says chermisi minuto yields twice as much color by unit weight than chermisi grosso does – ''L'Arte della Seta in Firenze: Trattato del secolo XV'', by an anonymous 15th century author, curated by Girolamo Gargiolli year 1868ref (pages 32 and 109). Consistent with that, an Italian merchant Giovanni da Uzzano conveys the following three points in a merchandise book dated around 1440 written in the Florence region: (1) five weight units of the chermisi minuto is equivalent to ten weight units of the chermisi grosso for the same dyeing power, and (2) when the chermisi dye is on the silk there is no distinction between minuto and grosso, and (3) there is a distinction between chermisi dye and grana dye upon finished silks, and the silks dyed with chermisi sell for substantially more money than the silks dyed with grana – ref: ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', dated 1442, published year 1766, where page 116 has the headline : ''In che modo si fà lo saggio del Chermisi minuto e grosso''. In the text, Uzzano's ''denari 5'' means a very small unit of weight (ref denaro @ TLIO).page 116-117, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', dated 1442, published year 1766. Prices of dyed silk cloths are given on pages 171 and 107 where silks dyed with chermisi are far more expensive than the other dyed silks.page 171, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', dated 1442, published year 1766. Various dyed silk cloth prices are on page 107. Compare the chermisi against the grana.page 107. The cochineal was sold as dried insects, the Polish Porphyrophora insect is much smaller than the Armenian Porphyrophora insect, the Polish has a higher concentration of dye chemical per unit weight, the main dye chemical is identical in the Polish and Armenian insects, Italian minuto = "small, fine, minute", grosso = "big". Therefore today's readers interpret the qualifier minuto as Polish cochineal and grosso as Armenian cochineal. In reinforcement of this reading, an Italian merchant in Azerbaijan dated 1510-1514 has cremesi grosso at an Armenian-speaking town "Alangiachana", a place he says is two days journey [A different Italian traveller, namely Caterino Zeno, dated early 1470s, says town ''Alangiacalai'' is two days journey north above ''Tauris''. ''Tauris'' is Tabriz city. Published in English translation in ''A Narrative of Italian Travels in Persia in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries'', translated by Charles Grey, year 1873, on page 52.north] from Tabriz city. He says: "In this town there is a great quantity of cremesi grosso" – Text ''Viaggio d'un mercatante, che fu nella Persia'' is a travel narrative by an unnamed Italian merchant. It is printed in Ramusio's voyages collection Volume 2, year 1559, where on page 87+1 it says: ''In queste ville nasce anche gran quantità di cremesi grosso.'' In the narrative's first & last chapters, the unnamed author gives the dates of his voyage. English translation year 1873 on page 192 at archive.org/details/narrativeofitali00greyrich ref, The website Bibliotecaitaliana.it has all of Ramusio's collection ''Navigazioni e Viaggi'' in searchable format in one big text file, which is 12 megabytes as text and 16 megabytes as html. At the linked page at Bibliotecaitaliana.it, wait 15 or 20 seconds for the page to load the megabytes and execute a formatting script. Then search for the phrase ''cremesi grosso''.alt-link. A trade document at Florence Italy in year 1441 has four barrels of "cremisi minuto" imported from Germany for use in silk clothmaking at Florence – Book ''Die deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter'' by Lorenz Böninger, year 2006 on page 260, cites Italian ''cremisi minuto'' in year 1441 in a document kept in ''Archivio di Stato, Firenze'' (= ''ASF''). The document's ''cremisi minuto'' was transported to Florence from Nürnberg. Also page 260 cites ''cremisi tedescho'' in year 1486 in a commerce document kept at Florence in Archivio di Stato, Firenze.ref (on page 260), and in the same ref you can get a citation to a trade document at Florence in 1486 having item "cremisi tedescho", where tedescho means "German". A book about dyeing written at Venice in 1548 has the phrase "chremesino menuto & todescho" = "crimson of the small & German kind" – Book, ''Plictho de larte de tentori che insegna tenger panni, telle, banbasi et sede'', by Giovanventura Rosetti, year 1548, which is the first edition. Book has no page numbers. On the linked page, if the last line of the 2nd paragraph does not contain the phrase ''chremesino menuto & todescho'' then go to the other linked copy.ref, Book, ''Plictho de larte de tentori che insegna tenger pani, telle, banbasi et sede'', by Giovanventura Rosetti, year 1560 edition. Book has no page numbers. The quote is on the very last line of the linked page, where the spelling is ''CREMESINO MENUTO & TODESCO''.alt-link. Which means the cochineal from Poland. It arrived in Italy through the intermediation of German-speaking merchants. The same dyeing book in 1548 says in Italian: "grana or Kermes" comes in three grades and "the grana of Armenia" is one of the ones in the best grade, and a few sentences later it says "the best grade is collected on the ground" [interpret: Porphyrophora is best grade], and it says the other grades are "collected on trees" (i.e. they are the Kermes scale-insects on Quercus trees) – ''Plictho de larte de tentori'', by Giovanventura Rosetti. The link is the year 1560 printing. About five pages after the start, there is a paragraph headed ''Capitolo della grana ouer Kermes''. It says about this dye that ''la miglior de tutta si è quella che è raccolta di terra'' and it says the lesser grades are ''raccolta in arbori piccoli'' and it says ''veramente la grana de Armenia è nel numero della bona''.ref. The qualifiers minuto and grosso are only scarcely in other records. One of the scarce other records is that a trader from Venice bought cremisi grosso at Aleppo at the end of the 14th century, as reported at Book, ''Storia documentata di Venezia'' Volume III, by S. Romanin (died 1861), reprint year 1912 on page 342. For ''cremisi grosso'' dated late 14th century, the book cites its source on page 341 footnote #2, and is an unpublished manuscript at Venice labelled ''Cod. Cicogna N. 1232''. I cannot tell from the terse words of the citation what this source actually is, although surely I think it is genuine.Ref. It is reasonably inferable that the cremisi grosso at the Aleppo market was transported there from Armenia. Another one of the scarce instances is "cremexe grosso et menudo" in year 1482 in a list of commodities regularly bought by Venice merchants at Constantinople – Article ''Les marchands vénitiens à Constantinople d'après une TARIFFA inédite de 1482'', by Alessio Sopracasa, year 2011, 170 pages, in journal ''Studi Veneziani'' Volume LXIII pages 49-220. Cremexe grosso on page 75.ref.
    A decree of the Senate of the city of Venice in 1457 restricted the silk industry in Venice to using only four different dyes for dyeing silks red, and the four were: cremisi, grana, lacca, and verzino, where cremisi meant Porphyrophora cochineal, grana meant Kermes cochineal, lacca meant Lac cochineal, and verzino meant Asian brazilwood – Book, ''The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice'', by Luca Molà, year 2000. Chapter 5: ''Dyeing''. Venice decree of year 1457 on page 115. Note: this author deliberately uses the English name ''kermes'' to mean the Porphyrophora cochineal. The name he uses for the Kermes cochineal is ''grain''.ref. Local guild regulations of the silk industry in a number of towns in 15th century Italy show that the Porphyrophora dye was frequently used to dye silks; and the silk industry used Kermes frequently too, but Porphyrophora was preferred to Kermes for dyeing silks in 15th century Italy – Book, ''The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice'', by Luca Molà, year 2000. Chapter 5: ''Dyeing'', starting page 107. Note: this author deliberately uses the English name ''kermes'' to mean the Porphyrophora cochineal. The name he uses for the Kermes cochineal is ''grain''.ref. Cochineal dyes in general were used on silks and woolens, not on linens nor cottons. But the woolen industry of 15th century Italy almost never used the Porphyrophora cochineal, and some woolens guilds prohibited it – same ref. The Kermes cochineal was preferred for wool. Notice that in all of the above Italian sources, the chermisi/cremisi dye is used on silk and only silk.
    An Italian merchant book published in 1503 has cremese dye distinct from grana dye. It has cremese listed as merchandise that is regularly bought in Constantinople by traders who resell it in Italy. In particular they bring it from Constantinople to named towns in Italy having a silk cloth industry – ''Tariffa de pexi [aka pesi]'', by Bartholomeo di Paxi [aka Pasi] da Venetia, year 1503. It says ''cremese'' purchased at Constantinople is carried to Venice, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Lanzano (i.e. Lanciano), and Ragusa (Dubrovnik). Each of those towns had a silk industry in the later 15th century with the exception of Ragusa. Ragusa was an entrepot seaport which would have re-exported the ''cremese'' by sea.ref, Book ''Tariffa de i pesi [aka pexi]'' by Bartholomeo di Pasi [aka Paxi] da Vinetia, year 1540 republication. It republishes the year 1503 edition with many spelling changes, but does not have changes in substance. Search for substring CREME in order to find cremese.alt-link. The word cremese occurs about 12 times in this book, while the word grana meaning Kermes dye occurs about 70 times, and in some sentences the cremese and grana dye products are in the same sentence. The book also has cremesini. While the cremese is dye merchandise, the cremesini is an adjective on cloth merchandise and the cloths are silks.
    Spanish in the late 15th century had the following wordforms meaning cloths dyed crimson, in the usual case, and in a few other cases meaning crimson paint color: cremesí, cremesyn, cremesin, cremesina, carmesi, carmesí, carmisi, carmisyn, carmisin, carmesino, carmesines, carmesín. All of those have the letter 's'. Not included in that list is Spanish carmin, carmín, carmini which will be discussed separately in a later paragraph because its history is much different. All the wordforms with the letter 's' are very rare in Spanish before the 15th century, probably fully non-existant before year 1400, and are uncommon before the late 15th. The Spanish search the CORDE databaseCorpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) has no example of it before 1400. CORDE's early records in Spanish are in the form cremesin | cremesyn circa 1400, a wordform that on its face is qualified to be straight from the Italian cremesina | cremisino. French has cremesin in 1342 (cramoisin @ ''Dictionnaire du Moyen Français''. It quotes year 1342 ''veluyel fin, cremesin'' in French royal expense accounts.ref, Book ''Nouveau recueil de comptes de l'argenterie des rois de France'', curated by L. Douët-d'Arcq, year 1874. It has ''cremesin'' on page 26, and ''cremasin'' on page 28, and the year 1342 date is on pages 20 & 36.alt-ref), which is 60 years earlier than the first known Spanish cremesin. French has cremesy in 1352 (cramoisi @ ''Dictionnaire du Moyen Français''. It quotes year 1352 ''fin velluau cremesy'' in French royal expense accounts.ref, Book ''Comptes de l'argenterie des rois de France au XIVe siècle'', curated by L. Douët-d'Arcq, year 1851, having cremesy on page 287alt-ref), which is 80 years earlier than the first known Spanish carmesí and 150 years earlier than the first known Spanish cremesí. Sicilian-Latin has year 1350 carmisino and 1355 carmixino Book ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II, by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014, on pages 436, 438, 446(ref), which are 100 years earlier than the earliest known Spanish carmisin | carmesino. I have already mentioned that Italian carmesi by a Venice author in 1307 and another Venice author about 1310-1320 are 120 years earlier than the first known Spanish carmesi. The earliest reported for Catalan carmesí | carmesina is 1398-1399 Year 1398-1399 Catalan book ''Lo Somni'' by Bernat Metge has ''vestit de vellut pelós carmesi'' = ''dressed in piley crimson velvet''. This item is quoted at CARMESÍ @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, online at https://dcvb.iec.cat/. It is the earliest known for CARMESÍ in Catalan. (ref). In England, draps de cremosyn is in Anglo-Norman French in 1402 (The English parliament in year 1402 prohibited persons of non-noble rank from wearing ''draps de cremosyn''. The law was written in French. ''Draps de cremosyn'' is translatable as ''cloths of crimson'' but in context it meant silk cloths and the ''cremosyn'' referred to a red dye on silks. The law is printed in ''Rotuli Parliamentorum'', Volume 3, on pages 506 & 593. The publication ''Rotuli Parliamentorum'' is dated 1767-1783 for volumes 1 - 6.ref, The Middle English Dictionary, under the dictionary's headword ''velvet'', gives a quotation from year 1402alt-ref), and cremesyn | crymesyn starts in English in 1416 cremesin @ Middle English Dictionary(ref), which is about the same starting date as in Iberia.
    The driver of the word into France, Sicily, Catalonia, Spain and England was silk cloths made and dyed in Italy. The silk cloth industry greatly expanded in northern Italy in the 14th century and continued expanding in the 15th. Very little silk cloth was made in Iberia or in France in the period 1300-1450, and the very little that was made was of lower quality than the silk cloth exports of Italy – DEAD LINK. Article ''Silk in the Medieval World'', by Anna Muthesius, at pages 325-354 in book The Cambridge History of Western Textiles Volume 1, by various authors, year 2003. The article is mostly about silk-making in Italy. It talks about silk-making in Iberia and France starting on page 340.ref-1, Book, ''The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice'', by Luca Molà, year 2000, pages 21-23 summarizes the scale of the silk industry in Iberia and France in the 14th and 15th centuriesref-2. The late medieval European word was closely associated with silks to such a degree that draps de cremosyn (1402 England, link above) is definitely translatable as "crimson silks" (not crimson cloths) and velvette cremesyn (1420 England) is definitely translatable as "crimson silk velvet". The large market share of the Italian producers of silks in 14th-15th century western Europe, considered together with the chronological order of all the word's records, and the word's medieval semantics (especially in Italian the differentiation from grana dye), imply that it is exclusively the Italian carmesi | chermisi | cremisi that came from the Arabic qirmiz(ī). The word in all the other European languages descended from Italian. In saying this, I am excluding the wordforms lacking the letter 's', i.e., excluding carmine | carmín | carmini, which descended from a different rootword and will be discussed in a later paragraph.
    In Latin and Italian the written 'ch' was pronounced /k/. I mentioned the feeding habits of the Porphyrophora and Kermes cochineal insects in two earlier paragraphs. This paragraph is about the historical meaning of the name Chermes | Kermes and in particular the paragraph shows that in Europe in the early 16th century the biological meaning for Chermes | Kermes was Porphyrophora and it was not Kermes. Anciently in the Greek medicinal botanist Dioscorides (died c. 100 AD), cochineals were called coccus and coccus baphica where Greek baphe = "dye" – In an English translation, Dioscorides says: ''KOKKOS BAPHIKE is a little shrub full of sprigs, to which cling grains like lentils which are taken out and stored. The best is from Galatia and Armenia, then that from Asia and that from Cilicia, and last of all that from Spain.... That in Cilicia grows on oaks [and this coccum on oaks is] similar in shape to a little snail.''ref. In year 1540 Antonio Musa Brasavola wrote in Latin: Other people believe the coccus in Dioscorides is our chermes.... But I dissent from such opinion, because Dioscorides says it grows on woody shrubs, whereas it is herbaceous plants from which our chermes arises.... Our chermes grows underground.Book ''Examen Omnium Syruporum'' by Antonius Musa Brasavolus, year 1540 edition. It says on page 44 : ''herba autem est, ex qua nostrum chermes ortum habet: Coccus autem infectorius nascitur ex frutice.'' It has more to say about chermes on pages 45-48. It says on page 48 : ''Nostrum autem chermes... sub terra nascitur'' -- which is correct for Porphyrophora and cannot mean today's Kermes.ref. In that statement, Brasavola is saying chermes means Porphyrophora and does not mean Kermes. Brasavola on the same page also says the coccus in Dioscorides is the grana dye, not chermes. In that statement, coccus and grana mean Kermes. In year 1541 Jacobus Sylvius wrote in Latin: Chermes is dug up commonly in Poland from the root of a herb similar to Saxifraga; it [chermes] is different from coccus baphicaBook : ''Methodus Medicamenta Componendi'', by Iacobus Sylvius aka Jacques Dubois, year 1541, year 1548, page 107. His Latin botanical ''bipinnellæ'' translates to today's Saxifraga genus & today's Anagallis genus & similar herbs.ref. In that statement, chermes means Porphyrophora while coccus means Kermes. In year 1543 a medicines book by monks Angelus Palea & Bartholomaeus says in Latin: Chermes or Kermes, or charmes etc, designates grana dye, and that much is expounded by everybody. However, a multiplicity of types of grana are used by dyers and fullers. But there are two principal types of grana, one of which is absolutely just called grana dye and this one is alternatively called coccus.... The other grana is called grana chermes or simply chermes, and not called absolutely just grana.... The grana dye with the cognomen chermes is only used to dye silk. And this grana is found on the roots of certain herbaceous plants.Book ''In Antidotarium Ioannis Filii Mesuae, censura. Cum declaratione simplicium medicinarum, & solutione multorum dubiorum ac difficilium terminorum.'' Year 1543, 1546, on page 30. The book's preface indicates the authors were two Franciscan monks who lived near Rome.ref. In the late 1540s botanist Pierre Belon was talking about Kermes cochineal when he said about the Greek island of Crete: The revenue from the scarlet grain named Coccus baphica is very great in Crete.... Small trees of Coccus, from which the inhabitants collect the scarlet grainTravel book in French, ''Les Observations...'' by Pierre Belon. Pierre Belon visited the Eastern Mediterranean lands in the years 1546-1549 and published his observations in 1553. Search text for word Coccus. His phrase ''arbre(s) de Coccus'' means today's Quercus Coccifera tree(s).ref. In the early 1550s botanist Pietro Mattioli was talking about Porphyrophora cochineal when he said: True Chermesinum is gathered from the roots of certain herbaceous plantsBook in Latin : Petrus Matthiolus's Commentaries on Dioscorides, year 1554 edition (enlarged from earlier editions). Chapter headlined COCCUM INFECTORIUM. Matthiolus says: ''Chermesinum vero, quod est pimpinellae radicibus decerpitur''. One definition for ''pimpinella'' is elsewhere in the same book. The 16th-century plantname ''pimpinella'' was attachable to plants in the Saxifraga family and similar.ref, Year 1558 Latin edition of Petrus Matthiolus's Commentaries on Dioscorides, on the page situated between page 515 and 517alt-link. However, Pietro Mattioli at the same time proposed that the name Chermes would be validly usable to designate the Mediterranean coccus dye insect, meaning today's Kermes. He had a deliberate technical reason for this. More exactly, he had a technical reason for rejecting the established Latin name coccus. The details involve the fact that Mattioli and practically all 16th century botany & taxonomy experts wanted Dioscorides's names to be the foundation for standardized terminology, and the fact that Dioscorides said the best "coccus" came from Armenia and Galatia in the uplands of Turkey. Dioscorides also said the coccus in Cilicia grows on oak trees. Dioscorides said some coccus look like lentils while some others look like little snails. Dioscorides's coccus was glaringly ambiguous in Mattioli's reading of it. Therefore Mattioli took the position that the Latin name coccus was too ambiguous to be a technical name for Kermes. Mattioli put forth an erroneous rationale for why Chermes would be an acceptable replacement name for CoccusBook in Latin : Petrus Matthiolus's Commentaries on Dioscorides. Chapter headlined COCCUM INFECTORIUM. Link is year 1554 edition.ref, Year 1558 Latin edition of Petrus Matthiolus's Commentaries on Dioscorides, on page 515alt-link. This semantics by Mattioli for chermes was new. It caused some confusion (In Latin : The works of Leonhartus Fuchsius (died 1566), volume 1, year 1566, on page 50 and search the whole book for CHERMES.e.g.), yet it was quickly accepted by many taxonomy and botany scholars. The botanist Johann Bauhin (died 1613) did not like it, and he aired an argument against it across several pages (''Historia Plantarum Universalis'' by Johann Bauhin, Volume 1, pages 107-114, year 1650pages 108 and 113), although in the end he did not reject it. The international Latin botany community of that era wished for standardized meanings for their plantnames and insectnames. They got part of their wish into reality by not only standardizing on Dioscorides but by standardizing on Matthioli's interpretations of Dioscorides. Matthioli's unnatural definition of Chermes is the only fountainhead for this definition for Chermes in the nature books, I believe.
    In conclusion and review of all the foregoing, the Italian carmesi | chermisi | cremesi at its onset meant specifically and exclusively the Armenian cochineal, in light of the following eight summary points: (#1) Armenian cochineal is what the Arabic qirmiz(ī) referred to most often in medieval Arabic texts; and (#2) Armenian cochineal in Italy was necessarily an import from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and involved contact with easterners who used the word qirmiz(ī); and (#3) Italian traders expanded their overall activity in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea in the 13th & early 14th century (details omitted) and this included expansion in their trading with the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, and we have three independent records of Italian merchants importing silk cloths dyed with carmisi | chermisi from Armenian Cilicia in the early 14th and these are among the very earliest records of the word in a European language, and another of the earliest records comes from an Italian on the farther shores of the Black Sea; and (#4) the Porphyrophora dye is chemically behaviorally different from the Kermes dye, and hence medieval Italian traders and dyers had a motive to have distinct names for these two dyes; and (#5) the Polish Porphyrophora was called "chermisi minuto" and this was appropriate because chemically as a dye it is practically the same thing as the Armenian Porphyrophora; and (#6) the Kermes cochineal in Italy generally did not come from Arabic-speaking places, rather it generally came from places on the north side of the Mediterranean Rim, including Greece and Languedoc (illustrations)Francesco Pegolotti circa 1340, linked above, has a list of major source-places for grana dye and at the top of the list are the Greek islands and the southeast side of Adriatic Sea, and Pegolotti has also southeast France in his list. The anonymous mid-15th-century Italian treatise about the silk industry in Florence, linked above, says grana dye comes from near Lisbon in Portugal and from Spain, northwest Africa, southeast France, and "many other places". The Tuscany merchant Uzzano in 1440-1442, linked above, names grana dye sourced from Corinth in Greece and from Provence in southeast France and some other named places. and moreover the Kermes cochineal was collected on the Mediterranean rim from time immemorial and it had longstanding names in Italian, and there was no motive for Italians to adopt a foreign name for Kermes in the 14th century; and (#7) in Italian the name grana continued to be the most frequently used name for Kermes cochineal for three centuries after the arrival of the name chermisi into Italian, and during these centuries the two names continued to be semantically distinct in authors who were aware of the distinction between Kermes and Porphyrophora; and (#8) post-medievally, in breach of vernacular usages, mid 16th century bookish scholars followed Matthiolus in rejecting the name coccus and adopting the name chermes to designate Kermes.
    In late medieval Latin there was a medicinal drink called "Alchermes confection". It was a drink containing cochineal crimson dye plus varying other ingredients. Its early records in European languages are in Italian-Latin medicines books influenced by Arabic medicine. The drink named alchermes | alkermes is frequent in Europe-wide Latin medicines books of the 16th century. These books frequently state that the originator of it was "Mesue". The Latin name "Mesue" is pronounced ME·SU·Eh. It literally referred to the medical writer Ibn Māsawayh (died c. 857; lived in Iraq). But some books of a much later composition date circulated in Latin with this author's name as a A pseudepigraph is an author's pseudonym that rides on the reputation surrounding a well-known antecedent name.pseudepigraph. The Latin "Mesue" books were among the most widely read medical books in Latin in the century starting in 1471, as evidenced by how frequently they were reprinted by printing-press. The most widely read of the Latin "Mesue" books is a pharmacy book with the Latin title Grabadin, commonly alternatively titled Antidotarium. It has the Latin phrase "confectio alchermes" and has a recipe for the confection (Link goes to a copy of the ''Grabadin'' published in 1513 ref ). The composition date of the Latin Grabadin is put in the late 13th century. A handful of pages of its text are in two physical manuscript fragments date-assessed late 13th (Book, ''Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles'', by Mirella Ferrari, Richard H. Rouse, year 1991, on page 117ref , Auction catalog item : ''Bifolium from an extremely early manuscript - of Mesuë the Younger, Grabadin''. Has a photo of a page of the bifolium. Says the manuscript date is 13th century. Auction was by Bloomsbury Auctions in London W1 UK on 09 Dec 2015.ref ). Five dozen manuscripts of it survive from the 14th and 15th centuries (Article ''L'electuaire, un medicament plusieurs fois millenaire'', by Liliane Plouvier, year 1993. It says on page 107 : 65 manuscripts of the Antidotarium of Mesue of the 13th-15th centuries were identified by researcher Ingrid Klimaschewski-Bock and the 65 are cataloged in an appendix of the book ''Die 'Distinctio Sexta' des Antidotarium Mesuë'', by Klimaschewski-Bock, year 1987. ref ). It was first printed in 1471. The following is a mid-16th-century edition of the Grabadin / Antidotarium where extra paragraphs of annotations about alchermes have been added by commentators on Mesue: In the linked edition, the text by Mesue is in larger typesize; and annotations by Christophorus de Honestis (died c. 1392) and others are in smaller typesize; and annotations by Jacobus Sylvius (died 1555) are in the italic typeface. Alchermes is on page 79+1.Opera Mesue. The Latin Grabadin was done in Italy, everyone agrees, though complexity and uncertainty exists about other aspects of the authorship. The title word Grabadin was a word sourced from Arabic, and so was the word alchermes.
    Corresponding to the Italian-Latin alchermes confection, the Spanish language had the synonymous confection alquermes. Earliest known in Spanish is 1493 Book of laws : ''Las pramaticas del Reyno: Recopilacion de algunas bulas'', printed by printer Miguel de Eguya in year 1528. In a regulation of apothecaries, it has the words ''confaciones deleytables, assi como de germis alquermes & otros cosas semeiantes : & confaciones amargas''. Which is on page ''fo. LXXXVI''. The previous page has a preamble saying the law is issued in the name of king & queen Fernando & Isabel. {[Year was 1493]}.(ref). It has been used in Spanish only spottily since then. The word is in Spanish in 1554 in the Italian-Latin wordform "confection Alchermes" Spanish medicines writer Andrés Laguna lived in Italy from 1545 to 1554. In 1554 he completed a book in Spanish which has the statement ''confection Alchermes, aquella muy cordial''. The book is mainly about Dioscorides's Materia Medica.(ref). By reason of the late 15th & 16th century historical context of its emergence in Spanish, it is impossible that alquermes could have entered Spanish from Arabic. The number of words that Spanish borrowed from Arabic in the 15th-16th century is almost nil and Spanish had no practical basis for borrowing this word from Arabic in the 15th-16th century -- no known basis in contact with Arabic medicine, or in borrowing a new use for kermes from Arabs. Spanish medicine of the 15th-16th century borrowed many words from Italian-Latin medicine (including the word alcali : note #23 above). Spanish also borrowed words from vernacular Italian. The database of medieval and early post-medieval Spanish texts at alquermes @ Corpus Diacrónico del EspañolCORDE is not all-encompassing, but it is big enough to be roughly representative. Anyone who looks at CORDE can see that today's Spanish etymology dictionaries are without a basis in Spanish for their claim that the Spanish alquermes came from the Arabic of Iberia. It came from the Italian-Latin of "Mesue" and his followers.
    This paragraph is about the history of the medieval Spanish word carmin, which is the parent of the post-medieval English word carmine. In the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, the market for cochineal dyes was heavily dominated by the imports of cochineal from southern Mexico and Peru Book, ''Cochineal Red: The Art History of a Color'', by Elena Phipps, year 2010(illustrations). The Mexican cochineal insect is an Americas native. Chemically the dye it produces is the exact same as in the Armenian cochineal. The chemical is called carminic acid. English "carmine" commences as a dye-name and color-name in English in the late 17th century –   ref  The "carmine" dye is mentioned as a painter's colorant in year 1685 in an English book about the practices of colouring, the book titled Polygraphice by William Salmon, enlarged edition 1685, online at http://Books.Google.com. "Carmine" is mentioned as a dye in an English medical book in year 1692 and the same William Salmon is the author, and it is online at Early English Books Online Search @ EEBO. William Salmon's book says: ''Carmine, to wit, Grana Nostra, doth tinge or Dye Silk''.(ref).

    The year 1893 New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (carmine @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principlesonline) gives a set of quotatations of early records in English for the word "carmine" meaning the colorant. The earliest quotation it gives is year 1712 in a medical book that was a French-to-English translation (1694 French carmin – Histoire generale des drogues, by Pierre Pomet, year 1694ref). This start date for "carmine" in English is about 300 years later than the start date for "crimson" in English.
    . In 18th century English it meant cochineal imported from the Spanish-speaking Americas, nearly always mordanted, and the use of the mordant was usually part of the practical meaning of carmine. With same meaning, carmín was frequent in 17th century Spanish – ref: search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) text databaseCORDE. Carmín was well established in Spanish before it shows up in modern French. In medieval French there was a rare charmin, on record about 1165 and about 1200 – Book, ''Early Blazon: Heraldic Terminology in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries'', by Gerard J. Brault, year 1997. Glossary entry for word ''charmin'' on page 140. Has citations for this word in poem ''Roman de Troie'' by Benoit de Sainte-Maure about year 1165 and in poem ''Folque de Candie'' by anonymous author about year 1200.ref – and the medieval meaning of this was a red colorant used to emblazon shields & escutcheons, and, as discussed below, it was a mineral-rock, and it was not any kind of cochineal. Medieval Italian had a rare carmen | charmen material, having an instance in 1361, inscrutable in its context in 1361 – carmen @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref. But that word disappeared from French and Italian and was absent from those languages for centuries until it re-appeared in the modern era borrowed from the Spanish carmín in the late 17th century meaning the Mexican cochineal. But the word was not rare in medieval Latin. A Latin dictionary dated 13th century says: "carminium, synopide idem" = "carminium is the same as sinopia" – ref: carminium @ edition of the ''Alphita'' dictionary within Volume 3 of the five-volume ''Collectio Salernitana'', year 185413th century Salernitan Alphita dictionary. Sinopia was a reddish pigment from a composite mineral whose reddish color comes from iron oxide. Sinopia was a red ochre. The red ochres and sinopia were unearthed in a range of shades of red; Book, ''The Materials of Medieval Painting'', by Daniel Varney Thompson, year 1936, on pages 98-99, has introduction to red iron colorants, red ochres and sinopia. Another intro to sinopia is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinopia. Sinopia was commonly used as a red colorant in medieval Europe.intro to sinopia. In medieval Italian, sinopia was also spelled sinobia (SINOBIA is a merchandise item in the book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated around year 1340e.g.). A Latin text about paints and coloring dated very roughly 12th century says: "carminium, i.e. cinobrium" = "carminium, it is cinnabar" – ref: In Latin and in English : ''De coloribus et artibus Romanorum'' by a pseudonymous Eraclius, aka Heraclius, published in ''Original Treatises, Dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting'', curated & translated by MP Merrifield, year 1849, Volume 1, on pages 238-239De Coloribus et Artibus Romanorum by Eraclius (for dating it: DEAD LINK. Article, ''A New Manuscript of Heraclius'', by JC Richards, year 1940 in journal ''Speculum'' Volume 15. It discusses the date of ''De coloribus et artibus Romanorum'' by Heraclius / Eraclius. The date is complex. For the edition curated by Merrifield (year 1849), some parts of the text are dated approx 11th century and other parts are dated approx 13th century.ref). Cinnabar was a red mineral that was grinded and used as a red colorant in paint. The same Latin text by Eraclius in a surviving variant manuscript uses the spelling sinobium (not cinobrium) Merrifield's 1849 edition on page 239 in editor's footnote #12 quotes the variant manuscript labelled 'S'. See also Merrifield's footnote on page 238 footnote #3.(ref) which suggests that sinopia (not cinnabar) was intended by the author. The same Latin text later says: "carminium fit de albo et ocro" = "carminium is made from white and ochre" – Text ''De coloribus et artibus Romanorum'' by a pseudonymous Eraclius aka Heraclius, published in ''Original Treatises... on the Arts of Painting'', year 1849, Volume 1, on page 253 in Latin, and page 252 in English translationref. Which more explicitly indicates sinopia (not cinnabar) was what was intended. The white colorant in that quotation is best understood as white calcium mineral –  details The 12th century Latin text by Eraclius says: ''The species of white [colorants] are White Lead, Lime, and Alumen.'' When Eraclius uses the word white, it can mean any of those three. The name "Lime" here means either and both calcium carbonate and calcium oxide. Red ochre, aka sinopia, has good compatibility with lime. Red ochre mixed with lime and cement is still in use today for coloring exterior walls. A text in Italian at around year 1400-1410 says: "A red colour called light CINABRESE.... is made from the finest and lightest sinopia; it is mixed and ground with... a white made of very white and pure lime." – It is the text of Cennino Cennini (died c. 1427) with English translation by MP Merrifield, published in English under book title ''A treatise on painting written by Cennino Cennini'', year 1844. Cinabrese is on page 22 and other pages.ref.. The same text by Eraclius elsewhere recommends carminium paintwork to be trimmed (i.e. edged, edge-highlighted) with White Lead – ''De coloribus et artibus Romanorum'' by a pseudonymous Eraclius, aka Heraclius, published in ''Original Treatises, Dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting'', Volume 1, year 1849, on page 257 (in Latin) and page 256 (in English translation)ref. Another Latin text about making colorants and colored materials dated 12th century has carmin & carminum & carmineus meaning a red colorant for paints, and a red color, and it does not mean cochineal because the text describes the carminum as made by mixing a red mineral-rock colorant with a white mineral-rock colorant, the red being cinnabar (details hover)The 12th century Latin text says: ''In vermiculo si misceas album fiet carminum'' = ''Into vermilion if you mix white it will make carminum''. Vermiculo in that quotation cannot mean a cochineal because elsewhere in the text the vermiculo colorant is prepared for use as a paint by washing and grinding it in water and then discarding the water, implying the colorant is not soluble in water. Cochineals are soluble in water -- their solubility increases when the pH of the water is non-neutral. The 12th century text uses the word vermicul__ 18 times. By looking at the 18 usages it is clear vermicul__ means the mineral vermilion, aka cinnabar, aka mercury sulfide, aka HgS, which is not soluble in water. When cinnabar is grinded very fine and rinsed with water, its rich red color is improved. The grinding of cinnabar in water was medievally recommended for preparing cinnabar for use as a paint colorant. Cennino Cennini (died c. 1427) says about preparing cinnabar as a painting artist's colorant: ''Grind cinnabar with clean water as much as you can -- if you were to grind it for twenty years, it would be the better and more perfect'' – Book in English, ''A Treatise on Painting written by Cennino Cennini'', translated by MP Merrifield, year 1844, translating the Italian ''Libro dell'Arte'' of Cennino Cennini (died c. 1427). On page 23 under the heading ''Of the properties of a red pigment called cinnabar (vermilion).''ref. The 12th century Latin text elsewhere says that in general you get white paint colorant from either White Lead (aka lead carbonate) or Lime (aka calcium carbonate). In experience with mixing paints, "cinnabar is incompatible with lime.... Cinnabar is inimical to lime", as reported by Merrifield (Book ''The Art of Fresco Painting'' by MP Merrifield, year 1846year 1846). Cinnabar is compatible with White Lead. Hence the album = "white" in the above-quoted Latin sentence is readable as album plumbum = "White Lead". So the quoted sentence ''In vermiculo si misceas album fiet carminum'' means: carminum is made by mixing white lead into cinnabar. – ref: Book in Latin, ''De Diversis Artibus'', by Theophilus Presbyter, plus English translation by Robert Hendrie, year 1847. Link goes to page 416, where it says : ''In vermiculo si misceas album fiet carminum''. More instances by searching whole book for substring CARMIN.Addenda to Theophilus Presbyter's De Diversis Artibus. The Addenda to Theophilus Presbyter's De Diversis Artibus says in Latin on another page: "if you mix some sinopia with white it will be carmineus color" – Book in Latin, ''De Diversis Artibus'', by Theophilus Presbyter, plus English translation by Robert Hendrie, year 1847. Link goes to page 414. More instances by searching whole book for substring CARMIN.ref. Another Latin text about colorants, with date probably 11th century, date certainly no later than 12th century, says the following about the outer edge or trim on a paint job: "Pink color is trimmed [i.e. bordered and edged] with carum minium and White Lead; it is trimmed darker with carum minium, and trimmed lighter with White Lead." – ref: Text ''Mappae Clavicula'' in the Phillipps-Corning manuscript version is dated late 12th century. One of its sections has the heading ''De Mixtionibus''. This section occurs in a separate text, ''De Coloribus et Mixtionibus'', which is dated 11th century or early 12th century at latest. The linked late-12th-century ''Mappae Clavicula'' incorporates the earlier ''De Coloribus et Mixtionibus''.De Coloribus et Mixtionibus (in Mappae Clavicula). The same text also says that carum minium is trimmed lighter by rubeum minium, where the rubeum minium, literally "red Minium", can only be just Minium, aka Red Lead, aka Pb3O4, a red mineral powder that was used as a colorant in paints. Next, there is a 14th century Latin compilation text which says mainly the same things as the earlier Latin texts quoted above, but it repeatedly spells the word carominium and carominum (instead of carminum or carum minium). It spells it carominus when it says in Latin: "If you mix white with sinopia, it will be carominus" – ref: Article ''Liber de Coloribus Illuminatorum Siue Pictorum from Sloane Ms. No. 1754'', by Daniel Varney Thompson, year 1926 in journal ''Speculum'' Volume 1. Latin carominium or caromin(i)us is on pages 284, 288, 290 & 306, and is translated to English nearby. Text says ''carominium id est sinobrium'' (copied from Eraclius). It says ''vermiculum'' is made by heating mercury and sulfur together.Liber de Coloribus Illuminatorum sive Pictorum , Article, ''Liber de Coloribus: Addenda and Corrigenda'', by D. V. Thompson, year 1926 in journal ''Speculum'', Volume 1 #4, pages 448-450. Declares transcription corrections: ''p. 284, line 34, for carominius read carominus.... ; p. 290, line 33, for Carominium read Carominum''corrigenda. Another 14th-century compilation text about artist's paint materials says in Latin: "If you wish to make carminium, mix white with cinaprio [i.e. cinnabar] and you will have it" – ref: The 14th-century ''Liber Diversarum Arcium'' is an appendix on pages 739-811 in ''CATALOGUE GENERAL DES MANUSCRITS DES BIBLIOTHÈQUES PUBLIQUES DES DEPARTEMENTS PUBLIÉ SOUS LES AUSPICES DU MINISTRE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE : TOME PREMIER'', year 1849. Latin on page 755 on third-last line says : ''Si vis carminium facere, misce album cum cinaprio, et habebis.''Liber Diversarum Arcium. A glossary of painter's color terms was done in year 1431 in derivation from the above-quoted texts. It says in Latin: "Carminium is a red color, an alternative name for cinnabar or sinopis; others say it is made from white colorant and ochre mixed together.... Sinopis is a red which can be obtained in different ways" – ref in Latin: ''Original Treatises, Dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting'', Volume 1, year 1849. Mrs Merrifield's intro talks about the date and authorship of this Table of Synonyms. She notes that this Table of Synonyms has much confusion, and its compiler Jehan Le Begue (died 1457) cannot have been well practiced in the subject. Synonyms for ''sinopis'' are idiosyncratic or erroneous.Table of Colorant Synonyms of Jehan Le Begue. In the above texts, carmin | charmin | carminum | carmineus | carminium | carum minium | caromin(i)um | carominus are wordform variants of one word. It is in use for approximately two centuries before the earliest record of carmisi(n) in any European language. Spanish has carmin in year 1326 where it is a colorant used in paint and it is not necessarily a cochineal-type colorant; and on further investigation it is not a cochineal. None of the 12th to 15th century instances of the word are using the substance to dye cloths. They are using it as a red paint colorant. They mention the carmin(-) in the same sentence as the coloring minerals Azurite, Ceruse, Minium, and Tutty, as well as cinnabar and sinopia. Its red color comes from cinnabar or sinopia, not cochineal. The source-word for it cannot be the Arabic qirmiz because, firstly, the phonetics are wrong : one cannot derive CARMIN from QARMIZ phonetically. Secondly, the semantics are wrong. Thirdly, the contexts in which the early Latin carmin(-) are located do not contain something suggesting that the word could have been borrowed from any Arabic source. In documents in Spanish collected at CORDE, Spanish has carmin | carmini | carmín as a red paint colorant, not cochineal or probably not cochineal, in 1326, 1403, 1487, 1508, and later. Spanish carmín is possibly cochineal in the 1490s, though it is uncommon until the late 16th century. French charmin | carmin is absent as a colorant of any kind in the Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, 1330-1500 – search @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisref. No known instance anywhere in western Europe has the word carmin(-) unambiguously meaning any cochineal-type dye until 16th century Spain. Etymologically speaking, the 16th century Spanish carmin | carmín meaning cochineal-type dye is assessed as the same word as the 12th-15th century carmin(-), with a somewhat-related new meaning for the word. Which is to say that English carmine is not a word of Arabic ancestry.
  60. ^ curcuma

    Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) reported that كركم kurkum is a plant root that is brought from the Indies and it produces a saffron-like yellow dye and the root is akin to ginger root. What that means is the Curcuma Longa root, aka turmeric, which is the meaning of kurkum in modern Arabic. (Curcuma Longa root is an orange color after you grind up the root, but the dye imparted by this orange root is a yellow color.) Ibn al-Baitar also reported that kurkum can alternatively mean the yellow dye of the root of the Mediterranean-native plant Chelidonium Majus – At AlWaraq.net : كركم @ ابن البيطارref, At Al-Mostafa.com : كركم on page 724-275 : الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارalt-link, Ibn al-Baitar in translation to German : ''Heil- und Nahrungsmittel von... Ebn Baitar'', translated by Joseph Sontheimer, year 1842, with KURKUM in volume 2 on page 370.alt-ref.
    The medical books by Al-Razi (died c. 930) and Ibn Sina (died 1037) have a recurring دواء الكركم dawāʾ al-kurkum = "medicinal preparation involving kurkum", which was a confection of multiple ingredients, and one of its ingredients was kurkum, but neither Al-Razi nor Ibn Sina describes what the kurkum is – In Arabic : search الكركم @ Al-Razi's ''Kitab al-Hawi fi al-Tibb'' @ AlWaraq.netref, In Arabic : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine : Text searchable at AlWaraq.net.ref. Al-Razi and Ibn Sina were translated from Arabic to Latin in the late 12th century with this medicine put into Latin as diacurcuma and curcumaIn Latin : Medical works by Al-Razi in translation by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), printed edition year 1544. Includes ''Liber ad Almansorem'' by Al-Razi. In this book on page 121 is Latin ''venae de curcuma'' meaning ''veins of curcuma'', which was mistranslating عروق الكركم which was meant as ''roots of kurkum'' (whatever kurkum is).ref, In Latin : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), published in 16th century with annotations by Andrea Alpago Bellunensis (died 1521). Search for the substring CURCUM.ref – which are the earliest records for the word curcuma in Latin. One century later, the ingredient curcume and the confection diacurcuma are in more medicines recipes in Latin, but again without a description of the plant – Latin medicines author ''Mesue'' is dated late 13th century. The link is print edition year 1549, 1558. This edition comes with extensive commentaries on Mesue's medicines written by later Latin writers. The commentaries are printed in smaller typeface or in italic typeface.ref. Some description of curcuma is in the medicines book of Serapion the Younger, which is an Arabic-to-Latin translation with 13th century date in Latin. Serapion the Younger says curcuma is a root used as a dye and as a medicine, but Serapion the Younger says further that curcuma means the Chelidonium Majus root – In Latin : The subsection headed ''De Virz'' in Serapion the Younger's aggregation of commentary from many commentators about medicines. Serapion the Younger says ''curcuma'' is a type of ''virz | uirz'', where the Latin virz/uirz was a transcription of Arabic ورس ''wars | wirs'', which named more than one type of dyestuff.ref-1, In Latin : Subsection headed ''De Curcuma'' in Serapion the Younger. It quotes ancient Greek medicines writers who had been translated into medieval Arabic. These writers are quoted on what was called in ancient Greek ''chelidonion'', which means today's plant chelidonium. This is effectively saying the medieval Arabic ''curcuma'' means chelidonium.ref-2. Serapion the Younger's curcuma definition was reproduced by Simon of Genoa – ''Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa is a late-13th-century dictionary of medicines in Latin. One its main sources for its medicines vocabulary is Serapion the Younger's book in Latin.ref.
    In the 14th century the merchant Pegolotti in Italian has curcuma | corcumma listed as an item in the drugs & spices trade. He does not describe what it is, but historians interpret it in the context as meaning the Curcuma Longa root because it is listed alongside medicinal imports from India: Pegolotti has corcumma | curcuma listed alongside Medievally in Latin & Italian, the main thing called costus was an aromatic bitter root imported from India, and it has the botanical name Saussurea Costus today. The medieval botanical name cost__ was also attached to certain other aromatic medicinals that were imported from the Arabs and from the Indies. Bitter costus was totally unrelated to sweet costus. costus, Turpeth is a tropical plant. It grows natively in southern India. Its roots were used in medieval medicine. turpeth, Pegolotti's Italian word squinanti translates as 16th & 17th century English ''Squinanth Rush'' and English ''Squinant'', which translates as today's English CYMBOPOGON, which is a grass genus encompassing multiple fragrant grasses. lemongrass, and grew in Yemen and northern Somalia, was imported to medieval Europe for medicine usealoe vera  – Book in Italian : ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated about 1340, curated and annotated by Allan Evans, year 1936. Allan Evans has a note in English about the meaning of curcuma and corcumma.ref. The same interpretation goes for Italian word churcuma in a drugs & spices list of a merchant in Italy around year 1440, because the word's placement is beside medicinal botanicals imported from India – Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', written circa 1440. As printed in year 1766 on page 19 it has the text: ''Chebuli, cetrini, churcuma''. Chebuli is the chebula myrobalan, also known as Terminalia Chebula. In the context, ''cetrini'' means the yellow myrobalan, known as Terminalia Citrina. The Terminalia myrobalans were dried fruits from India.ref. The same goes for curcuma in an apothecary's product list written in Latin in Germany around 1450-1499, where Latin curcuma is in a section for Indian aromatics, whereas the same document has Latin celidonia in a section for European leafy herbs – Text in Latin : ''Die Frankfurter Liste: Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Pharmacie'', curated by FA Flückiger, year 1873. Text is a 6-page list of elementary medicines to be stocked in an apothecary shop. Celidonia is on page 10 and Curcuma is on page 11.ref. Medicines writer Antonio Musa Brasavola living in northeast Italy in year 1536 wrote: Regardless of whether the info in Serapion the Younger is valid or not, the yellow root called curcuma at Venice is in the ginger family and is nothing like Chelidonium – Book in Latin : ''Examen omnium simplicium medicamentorum, quorum in officinis usus est'', by Antonius Musa Brasavolus, year 1536, year 1537. Curcuma is discussed on pages 262-263.ref. Medicines writer Angelo Palea in Italy in 1543 wrote: A mix-up in meaning between Curcuma root and Chelidonia root has happened with the name curcuma, and alternative names are available that do not have the mix-up – curcuma @ ''In Antidotarium Ioannis Filii Mesuae, censura. Cum declaratione simplicium medicinarum, & solutione multorum dubiorum ac difficilium terminorum.'' Written in year 1543. The book's preface says the authors were Angelus Palea and Bartholomaeus, two Franciscan monks living near Rome.ref. The mix-up was because the late medieval Latins had borrowed the Arabic word kurkum to name the Curcuma Longa root —which was a product that came to the Latins exclusively from the Arabs and ultimately from the Indies— but meanwhile among the Arabs the meaning "Curcuma Longa root" for kurkum had the status of an improvised secondary meaning, improvised from the pre-existing meaning of "Chelidonium Majus root".
    In the English language the word's early records are in medical books that are taking it from Latin, and two instances in English from at or before 1425 are in the Middle English Dictionary at termerite @ Middle English Dictionaryref and curcuma @ Middle English Dictionary.ref. In Spanish the early records are at about year 1500 in Latin-to-Spanish translations of Italian-Latin medical books – ref: search for word ''curcuma''Library of Old Spanish Medical Texts at Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
  61. ^ damask

    In Italian and French, the word for damask is the same as the word for Damascus city. In late medieval English, Damascus city was often written "Damask" or "Damasc" (Linked HTML page is the output of the case-insensitive search for Damas* in all quotations in Middle English Dictionary. The output contains 219 quotations. It is a mix of relevant and irrelevant quotations. The city-name is usually upper-case Damas* while the design-name is usually lower-case damas*. Most internet browsers give the option to Match Case when searching for a character-string in the browser's window.examples). Early records in Britain for "damask", "damask rose", "damaskeen", etc, and "damson" and "prunes of Damask" are quoted in damask cloth @ Middle English DictionaryMED--1, 15th century English damasyn = damascene plum = damson plum @ Middle English DictionaryMED--2, damask, etc, @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1897NED, Damascus @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''). At linked page, you have to first click on the label DMLBS.DMLBS--1, Damascenus @ DMLBS. The DMLBS dictionary uses abbreviations to name its medieval sources and these are defined at www.dmlbs.ox.ac.uk/web/dmlbs%20bibliography.html DMLBS--2; and wardrobe possessions of Damask or damasq[ue] cloth occurs 25 times in ''Inventory of the Goods and Chattels belonging to Thomas, Duke of Gloucester'' in year 1397, published in ''The Archaeological Journal'' Volume 54 pages 275-308, year 1897. Inventory written in Anglo-Norman French.Duke of Gloucester in year 1397. The late medieval European "damask" textile was decorated, and costly, and usually of silk. The textile-name damask is present in the 14th century in French, English, Catalan, Italian, and Latin, and it seems to be absent before the 14th. You can find a small number of sporadic instances before the 14th where somebody in Europe refers to a product from Damascus city (for instance, a garment of silk from Damascus is mentioned in a French poem in late 12th century). But those instances are separable from the word damask that arrives in the 14th. As you can see in examples to be quoted below, the 14th-century name was applicable to types of decorated metalwork, as well as types of decorated textiles. At the time of the name's arrival among the Latins, Damascus was one of the biggest cities of the Mediterranean region and had one of the highest standards of living. Numerous medieval Latin and Arab writers who visited Damascus noted the high quality of its workshops for silks, and metals, and glass, and they admired the adjacent expanse of irrigated horticulture. However, they do not report a textile nor design style called damask. The Arabic medieval dictionaries do not have دمشق dimashq (Damascus) for any kind of textile or design style – دمشق @ searchable medieval dictionariesref. The geographers Al-Idrisi (died c. 1165) and Al-Muqaddasi (died c. 995) said Damascus is notable for production of silk brocades, but they did not mention a name damask in that connection – Muhammad al-Idrisi's description of Damascus is quoted in English translation in ''A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the Works of the Medieval Arab Geographers by Guy Le Strange'', year 1890, on page 239-240. Al-Idrisi's geography book titled نزهة المشتاق is in Arabic on the Internet at multiple websites.ref, Book in English : ''Description of Syria including Palestine, by Mukaddasi circ. 985 A.D.'', translated by Guy Le Strange, year 1886, on page 70. Al-Muqaddasi says Damascus is notable for ديباج dībāj = ''silk brocade''. You can get this statement by Al-Muqaddasi in Arabic on page 181 line 1 at archive.org/details/bibliothecageogr03goej ref. The Italian travelers Nicolo Poggibonsi in the 1340s and Simone Sigoli in the 1380s visited Damascus and wrote about goods made there (including "the best silks in the world", said Sigoli), and they did not mention a damask fabric nor damask design-style – Book, ''Libro d'oltramare di Fra Nicolo da Poggibonsi'', Volume TWO, edition year 1881. Search for ''Damasco'' meaning Damascus.ref-1, Book, ''Viaggio al Monte Sinai di Simone Sigoli'', edition year 1843. Sigoli visited Damascus in 1384. Search for ''Damasco'' meaning Damascus. On page 61 Sigoli says that in Damascus they make a great quantity of silk cloths of all styles and colors, the most beautious and best in the world.ref-2, Book, ''Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen-âge'', by W. Heyd, year 1886, Volume 2 on page 458alt-ref. Apparently the name was not in use in Arabic for a textile nor design style. The arrival of the name in European languages coincided with an expansion of silk-making in Italy in the 14th century. Very little silk fabric of any kind was made in Latin Europe before then. Most of the silks of the medieval Latins, before the 14th century, were imported from the Arabs and the Byzantines. The 13th and 14th century silk-making industry in Italy was influenced by models and methods of the Arab and Byzantine silk industries, which had been in the business for centuries before the industry got going in Italy in the 13th – Chapter ''Silk in the Medieval World'', by Anna Muthesius, in book ''The Cambridge History of Western Textiles'' Volume 1, year 2003. Lucca and Venice in the 13th century had growing silk cloth-making industries, but none before the 13th. Silk cloth-making much expanded in northern Italian towns in the 14th. Related info from Anna Muthesius is in her book ''Studies in Byzantine and Islamic Silk Weaving'', year 1995. Ref. In 14th century Europe the word damasco | damascha | domascho | damaschino = "damask, damasked" in many cases meant "decorated in a certain style", yet the definition of the style is hard to find in writing. Examples in Italian or Italian-Latin documents: year 1365 "a bishop's hat of taffeta silk, white, with decorations of domascho"; 1367 "one tambourine drum of damaskino brass"; 1376 "a silver jug having work in domaskino mode.... a gilded silver jug having work in Domasco"; 1381 "six small damaschino vases"; 1400 "a priest's robe of gilded cloth of damasco"; 1403 "a robe of blue domaschini cloth"; 1412 "cloth of damaskino silk"; 1451 "a candle-stick of damasco"; 1456 "a hand-washing basin of damaschi worked in gold and silver"; 1458 "a basin of brass damaschi without silver" – ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II [of six volumes], by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. Search for substrings DAMAS and DOMAS.ref, Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001. Downloadable as PDF files. Search in the Latin section for the substrings DAMASC and DOMASC.ref, damasco @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref. In Catalan documents in 1370 and 1417, candlesticks have obra de domàs = "damask ornamental work" – domàs @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Antoni Maria Alcover (died 1932) and Francesc de Borja Moll (died 1991)ref; and in Catalan in 1413 a textile is brocaded a la damasquina = "in damask fashion" – damasquí @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962ref. In French in 1381, a small basin of copper is "ouvré d'oevre de Damas" = "worked in damask work" and the same document in 1381 has a Christian Cross icon made of gold "ouvreé en la façon de Damas" = "wrought in damask fashion" – Book, ''Inventaire du Mobilier de Charles V, Roi de France [died 1380]'', curated by Jules Labarte, year 1879. The book publishes a big inventory that has dozens of inventory items of ''euvre de Damas'' or ''façon de Damas'' meaning damask ornamental work.ref. More French documents from late 14th & early 15th century are quoted at ''Glossaire français du Moyen Âge à l'usage de l'archéologue et de l'amateur des arts, précédé de l'inventaire des bijoux de Louis duc d'Anjou dressé vers 1360-1368'', by Léon de Laborde, year 1872. Glossary for word ''damas'' on page 243 has a set of medieval quotations. In addition, year 1360-1368 ''ouvrage de Damas'' and ''lettres de Damas'' are on pages 28 & 34 & etc.ref + damas @ ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', Volume One, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on pages 535-539ref. A 19th century historian of medieval European textiles says about the medieval damask textiles: Great was the variety of these precious textiles.... In the 14th and 15th centuries the two expressions "drapes of Damask" and "damask" were applied to two different sorts of textiles, the first expression indicating their true or supposed provenance [in Damascus], and the second indicating the design in which they were decorated''Tissues précieux en Occident, principalement en France, pendant le moyen âge'' [two volumes], by Francisque Michel, year 1854, in Volume 2, on page 214 and page 218-219ref. The name is apparently an Italian coinage meaning "decorated in a style associated with the Middle East and Damascus". Compare it with 16th-century Italian arabesco = "arabesque design style done in Italy and elsewhere".
  62. ^ elixir

    An Arabic technical dictionary titled مفاتيح العلوم Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm = "Keywords of the Sciences" is dated late 10th century. It defines الإكسير al-iksīr as a preparation which, when cooked together with a molten body, turns the molten body into gold or silver or into some other body of white or yellow colorBook in medieval Arabic plus footnotes in Modern Latin : مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum, auctore Ahmed ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi. Curated by G. van Vloten, year 1895. الإكسير on page ٢٦٥ (265) on line 9.ref ; ''Dictionary of Scientific Biography'' at Encyclopedia.com : Has biography of Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi, the author of ''Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm''ref for date. A representative example of a medieval Arabic alchemy text that uses the word al-iksīr repeatedly is In Arabic : ''Arabische Alchemisten: II. Ǧaʿfar Alṣādiq, der sechste Imām'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1924. Word الاكسير is on print pages 114-116 (equals PDF pages 114-116), and is on Arabic print page 4 which equals PDF page 184, and is on PDF page 183 and some other pages. Medieval manuscript declares the author is Ja'far al-Sadiq (died 765 AD), but there is reason to believe the declaration is false.Ref, which is by a pseudonymous author who pre-dates Ibn Al-Nadim (died 995). Many dozens of medieval instances in other Arabic texts are at search @ AlWaraq.netالإكسير @ AlWaraq.net.
  63. ^ erg & hamada

    Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary in year 1852 gives numerous very different meanings for Arabic عرق ʿerq and one of the meanings is "a long sand-hillock.... barren ground" – عرق @ Arabic-to-English dictionary by Francis Johnson, year 1852, incorporating a year 1777 dictionary by John Richardsonref. Reinhart Dozy's year 1881 Arabic-to-French dictionary gives one of the meanings for عرق ʿerq to be "a hillock or ridge of sand, a transient ridge of sand, a succession of ridges of loose sand in the desert" – عرق @ ''Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, volume 2ref. Dozy's dictionary has Arabic حمّادة hammāda with meaning "a big and rocky and sterile plateau" – حمّادة @ ''Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, volume 1ref. A travel book in English in 1853 has 41 instances of word hamadah meaning "vast, elevated stretches of stony desert" in Libya and northern Niger – Book, ''Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51'', VOLUME ONE, by James Richardson, year 1853. James Richardson travelled by camel from Tripoli in Libya to Zinder in southern Niger.ref-1, Book, ''Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51'', VOLUME TWO, by James Richardson, year 1853.ref-2. A travel book in French in 1864 has about 70 instances of word ʿErg meaning vast expanses of barren sand dunes in central Algeria lowlands – Book ''Exploration du Sahara. Les Touareg du Nord'', by Henri Duveyrier, year 1864. Book uses word ʿErg on about 57 pages.ref. In English in 1870, the words "erg" and "hammada" are in a book titled Hand Book of Physical Geography''Hand Book of Physical Geography'', by Alexander Keith Johnston [born 1844], year 1870ref. In English today, "erg" and "hamada" are restricted to technical geomorphology contexts, with a few exceptions in travel writers. The two words can usually be seen in English textbooks that have "geomorphology" in the book title – erg @ books.google.com ref , hamada @ books.google.com ref. For these words, when carrying today's definitions, the time of entry of the words into English and French is put in the 3rd quarter of 19th century.
  64. ^ sabkha

    One formal definition for English word sabkha is at Chapter 3: Sabkhas, Saline Mudflats and Pans, in book ''Evaporites : Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons'', by John K. Warren, year 2006Ref, and a different formal definition for English word sabkha is at Article, ''Playa, playa lake, sabkha: Proposed definitions for old terms'', by Peter R Briere, in Journal of Arid Environments, year 2000Ref.
  65. ^ fenec

    In medieval Arabic فنك fenek | fanak could be any mammal species whose pelts were used to make fur coats for humans. Most often these were species of the weasel family. فنك @ ''Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, Volume 2, on page 285. Dozy's source abbreviations are defined in Volume 1, available at same website.Dozy's Supplement , alfaneque @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by Dozy and Engelmann, year 1869, on pages 102-104Dozy & Engelmann's glossary , fennec @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', by Marcel Devic, year 1876, on pages 118-119Devic.
  66. garble ^ a  ^ b

    For medieval Italian-Latin garbellare = "to sift" and garbello = "a sieve", a set of records at the seaport of Genoa is in Lexicon by Sergio Aprosio. It covers medieval Latin garbel__ on page 419. ''Ligure'' means Liguria province, whose chief city was Genoa.Aprosio's Vocabolario Ligure, year 2001. The set includes Latin verb garbellare at Genoa in year 1191 where the sifted matter was mastic resin; and the set has noun garbellum at Genoa in year 1259 as a thing in an apothecary's shop (for sifting drugs). At the seaport of Marseille in 1269 garbellare = "to sift" occurs in a context where the sifted matter was kermes red dye – garbellare @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latin. In the glossary's quotation from year 1269, the ''grana... pro pannis tingendis'' means kermes red dye.ref. At the seaport of Pisa in 1321 gherbellare = "to sift" and ghierbello = "a sieve" are sifting spices, drugs and resins – ref: garbel @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (TLIO), a lexicon of 14th century Italian. It lists six clickable headwords containing the stem GARBELL__. Clicking gives medieval quotations for each headword.garbel__ @ TLIO. In Italian with date around 1340 the word occurs more than two hundred times in a sea-commerce handbook, Francesco Pegolotti's La Pratica della Mercatura, where the use contexts are quality-control of spices, drugs, dyes, and resins, and it is spelled both garbell__ and gherbell__Book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Pegolotti (died c.1347), in Italian, with annotations in English by Allan Evans, year 1936ref. At the seaport of Valencia in Catalan in the early 14th century the use contexts of verb garbellar = "to sift" were the removal of chaff matter from kermes red dye, henna dye, cumin seeds, and anise seeds – Book, ''Llibre d'establiments i ordenacions de la ciutat de València .I. (1296 - 1345)'', being a set of medieval texts, published in 2007, curated by Antoni Furió. It has wordforms garbellar, garbellat, garbellador, garbellada, garbell. Note: Medieval Catalan ''grana'' meant kermes red dye as well as meaning other things. On pages 64 and 99 the sifted substances are kermes red dye and cumin seeds and anise seeds.ref, grana @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1968. It quotes from ''Valencia urbana medieval a través del oficio de Mustaçaf'', estudio y edición de textos, by Francisco Sevillano Colom, year 1957.ref, alquena @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1968ref. Catalan in the 14th century had also a noun garbell = "a sieve" – Book, ''Llibre d'establiments i ordenacions de la ciutat de València .I. (1296 - 1345)'', curated by Antoni Furió, year 2007, has noun ''lo garbell'' on page 389 in a text dated year 1340e.g. 1340.
    In light of the early use contexts in the Latinate languages involving spices etc, and in light of the Mediterranean seaport locations where the early Latinate records are found, the inference is made that the commonplace Arabic word غربل gharbal = "to sift" (and Arabic غربال ghirbāl = "a sieve") entered Italian & Catalan merchant vocabulary from the Mediterranean-wide sea-commerce in spices, drugs, colorants, and resins. Good background information on sea-commerce by Italians in Arabic-speaking cities is in Pegolotti's Mercatura, linked above. The 14th-century Catalans based at Valencia and Barcelona were active in the Mediterranean-wide sea-commerce in much the same way as the Italians. A concise introduction to sea-commerce by Catalans is in article "Catalan Commerce in the Late Middle Ages"Article by MT Ferrer, year 2012 in journal ''Catalan Historical Review'', volume 5, pages 29-65. The article has a section headed ''Trade with Muslim Spain and the Maghreb'' and a section headed ''Commerce with the Mediterranean Levant''..
    French garbeler | grabeler = "to sift spices & drugs", never frequent in French, has early records in French in wordform garbel(l)er in 1393-1394 and garbeller in 1453-1457 in commerce documents that are talking about sifting culinary spices – Article ''The French vocabulary in the archive of the London Grocers' Company'', by William Rothwell, year 1992. The linked HTML page has the whole article on one HTML page. Search it for GARBEL. (The year 1992 printed article has GARBEL(L)ER on page 34).ref, garbeler @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français. Quotes from ''Les Affaires de Jacques Coeur'' 1453-1457. Jacques Coeur (died 1456) was a financier for importing goods from the Eastern Mediterranean, including pepper. His documents include ''poivre net et garbelle'' = ''pepper clean and sifted''.ref. In French its wordform grabeler commences later than its wordform garbeler. The late arrival of the French records makes it obvious that the French word came from the Italian & Catalan word. In Spanish there is an uncommon and late garbillo = "a sieve". Its uncommonness in Spanish is shown by the CORDE Spanish text corpus, which does not have it in medieval Spanish, and rarely has it in post-medieval Spanish. One of the first records in Spanish is year 1509 Spanish garbelladura in a translation of an Italian-Latin medicine book. Therefore, the word in Spanish came from the Italian & Catalan.
  67. ^ garble  ^ garbage

    In English and/or Anglo-Norman French around year 1400 all of the following words referred to the sifting removal of stalks & roughage & impurities from spices: garbel, garbel[l]age, garbelen, garbelinge, garbalour, garbelure, garbellable, ungarbled – search @ Middle English Dictionaryref. An Act of Parliament in year 1439, written in English, applying to English seaports where spices were offered for sale, says any spices not "trewly and duely garbelyd and clensyd" were subject to "forfaiture of the said Spiceries so yfound ungarbelyd and unclensyd" garbelen @ Middle English Dictionary(ref). Garbled meant that the parts of the spice plant that were not part of the spice were removed. Garble was also used as a noun for the refuse removed by garbling; e.g. an Act of Parliament in English in 1603-04 says: "If any of the said Spices... shall be mixed with any Garbles..." garble @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1901(ref). The verb garbel[l][er] = "to sift" and nouns derived from it are in documents of the London Grocers' Guild written in French in London in 1393-1394 – Book ''Facsimile of First Volume of MS. Archives of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London, A.D. 1345-1463'', PART ONE, curated by Kingdon, year 1886. Wordforms include garbele, garbelle, garbeler, garbellez, garbellage, garbellure, garbelure, garbelour, garbellour, garbellable[s].ref-1, The link has PART TWO of the facsimile named in the other link. PART TWO has wordforms garbell, garbalour & garbeled on page 179.ref-2. A garbel[l]our, also 1393-1394, was an official of the London Grocers' Guild who could enter a shop or warehouse to view spices & drugs, and garble them, to check them for compliance with rules against having cheaper stuff mixed in with them. The most prominent use context of this garbeler | garbel | garble was sifting the spices & drugs brought to England from the Mediterranean Sea. The word in England was from Italian & Catalan garbellar(e), which was from Arabic gharbal = "to sift". The early history of the Italian & Catalan word is at note #66 above.
    Meanwhile, the English "garbage" has its first known record in 1422, in London, and its early meaning was the low-grade yet consumable parts of poultry such as the birds' heads, necks and gizzards – ref: garbage @ Middle English Dictionary. In the 16th century, "garbage" meant the entrails of butchered animals, both the entrails parts that humans eat and the parts that humans don't eat. In the 17th century, "garbage" was almost always the entrails that humans don't eat. Definitions from 16th & 17th century English dictionaries are at The website ''Lexicons of Early Modern English'' has a text-searchable collection of dictionaries that were written in the 16th & 17th centuries. Search for GARBAGE.Ref. In the early 18th century, Nathan Bailey's English Dictionary defined garbage as "the entrails, etc., of cattle", and defined garble as "to cleanse from dross and dirt", and defined garbles as "the dust, soil or filth separated by garbling" – Bailey's English dictionary year 1726 editionref. Nathan Bailey says the parent of garbage is garble, together with the suffix definition of English suffix ‑age‑age. Most English dictionaries today do not endorse Bailey's opinion. They say instead the parent of garbage is unknown. The low-grade edible parts of poultry does not make a tight match with "sifted matter". The possibility that garble is the parent of garbage cannot be excluded, so long as the parent of garbage is unknown.
  68. ^ garble versus cribell

    In late ancient & early medieval Latin, there was cribr__ = "a sieve + to sieve" and also a less-used cribell__ = "a small or fine sieve + to sieve finely" – Search for cribr* and cribel* (with asterisk) in the online corpus of early medieval Latin texts at http://www.monumenta.ch/. Use the search box at the lower-lefthand corner of the linked page.ref, Lewis & Short's Latin-to-English dictionary, year 1879, has headwords for the verb ''cribello'', the noun ''cribellum'', and the noun ''cribrum''.ref. The Latin begot medieval Italian crivello @ TLIOcrivello + crivellare @ TLIOcrivellare = "a sieve + to sieve". An Italian-Latin document in year 1314 has: "Pulvis non gherbellatis cum crebellis artis.... Foret cribellatum...." = "Powder not sieved with a closely-spaced sieve.... To be sieved...." – Book, ''Statuti dell'Arte dei Medici e Speziali... di Firenze'', curated by Raffaele Ciasca, year 1922. Pages 1-53 prints a year 1314 Latin statute that regulates medics & apothecary operators & spices grocers in Florence. It has ''gherbellatis'' on page 36. It also has cribellando, cribella, cribellatum, chribellatum, cribellare.ref. On first thoughts it is hard to believe that gherbellat_ and cribellat_ are not from the same rootword. But most dictionaries today endorse the judgement that the Latin cribellum was not the parent of Italian gherbello and Catalan garbell. Part of the reasoning for this judgement is that phonetically for the letter r in the context of any consonant χ and any vowel ε, a mutation from χrε to χεr within Latinate was rare. In view of its rarity, if a person thinks he has an example of it, he has a heavy onus to show that he is not mistaken. (14th-century Italian Chermona for Cremona is documented). (Transposition in the other direction was not rare. In note #66 above, French wordform grabeler was a mutation from the earlier French garbeler.)
    Another negative point, totally separate from the above, is that the late ancient Latin cribell__ is not connected etymologically with the Arabic غربال ghirbāl + غربل gharbal = "a sieve + to sieve". Late Ancient Aramaic & Syriac has ˁrbl @ Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon @ HUC.edu. Cites this word in Aramaic sources of the early centuries A.D., including the Peshitta Bible. Lexicon compiled by Steve Kaufman, around year 2015. ܥܪܒܠܐ ʿarbalā = "a sieve + to sieve", which cannot come from Latin cribellum because of the consonant sound  ʿ [ayn] at the start of the Aramaic word. Aramaic ʿarbalā is the same word rootwise as Arabic gharbal + ghirbāl. Strong equivalences exist between the Aramaic letter ʿayn and the Arabic letter ghayn. The Aramaic alphabet has fewer letters than the Arabic alphabet and one of the reasons why is that the Aramaic letter ʿayn maps to the two Arabic letters ʿayn and ghayn. Aramaic has no letter ghayn.
  69. ^ gazelle

    Albert of Aachen in the early 12th century was a chronicler of the First Crusade. He said gazela is a type of horse and he said it is an Arabic word – In Latin : Chapter VII of ''Historia Hierosolymitanae expeditionis'' (''History of the Expedition to Jerusalem'') by Albert of Aachen, who is also known as Albert of Aix and as Albericus Aquensisref. Albert of Aachen did not personally go on the Crusade to the Levant; his Crusade chronicle was based on oral reports to him. This can explain why his gazela is a type of horse. Ambroise of Normandy personally went to the Levant in the Third Crusade in the late 12th century. Writing in French, Ambroise listed gacele as a type of deer – Book, ''L'Estoire de la guerre sainte'', by Ambroise of Normandy, edition year 1897, ''gacele'' on line 10548, on page 282ref. Jean de Joinville personally went to the Levant in the Seventh Crusade in the mid 13th century. Writing about it later in French, Joinville said a gazel is similar to a wild goat – In medieval French : Jean de Joinville's account of the Seventh Crusaderef. Two more texts in French dated late-13th-to-early-14th century with gasele | gazele | gaçelle = "gazelle" are cited at gazele @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français. The dictionary uses abbreviations to name the medieval texts. The two relevant abbreviations for the two texts are : MoamT and MPolRustB. The abbreviations are defined at www.deaf-page.de/bibl_neu.php . A third text, SiègeBarbP, does not have gazele except as a late insertion in a certain copy.Ref. Albertus Magnus (lived in Germany, wrote in Latin, died in 1280) wrote a book about animals in which he says "damma-type deers... are called algazel in Arabic" – Book ''De animalibus libri XXVI. Nach der Cölner Urschrift. Zweiter Band, Buch XIII-XXVI'', by Albertus Magnus, curated by Hermann Stadler, year 1920. Page 1375 lines 12-14 is a description of the ''damma'' animals and it fits well to the gazelles. Page 1375 line 15 says ''arabice vocatur algazel''.ref. Late medieval Iberia has a few records for Spanish search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE), where, with medieval date, with meaning gazelle, there is one Spanish text with algazel and one with gazelas. Unrelatedly, the Arabic writer Al-Ghazali (died 1111; lived in Khorasan) was translated to Latin in late 12th century and his name was spelled Algazel in Latin and Spanish.algazel | gazela or Spanish-Latin Book, ''Picatrix : The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-Hakīm'', curated by David Pingree, year 1986. Most of this book is a translation of the Arabic book ''Ghāyat al-Hakīm''. The Latin contains eight instances of ''algazel'' meaning gazelle.algazel. The word is scarcer in Spanish than in French. Today's Spanish gacela probably descends from the French and French-Latin, by reason of wordforms and chronological order and the scarceness of records in Spanish.
  70. ^ imala vowel shift in 'gazelle' and other words

    Jean de Joinville participated in a Crusade war expedition to the Levant in the mid 13th century. He wrote a report in French about the expedition, in which he mentions hunting wild gazelles in the territory of today's northwestern Israel. In Arabic both medievally and today the spelling of the word for gazelle is غزال ghazāl. But the common local pronunciation in the Levant today is mostly GHAZEL and GHEZEL. It is proveable that ghazāl was pronounced GHAZEL in medieval Arabic as well. This pronunciation is the reason why it was that Jean de Joinville's word was gazel not gazal. The medieval Arabic pronounciation of the spelled ā as the sound e was frequent and is well documented. This Arabic pronounciation phenomenon is discussed in the early Arabic grammar book by Sibawaih (died c. 796). Sibawaih called it the إمالة imāla vowel pronunciation shift. It is still called that today. Imala is discussed in some other medieval Arabic language books. But the best concrete evidence for the medieval imala pronunciation comes from large numbers of medieval documents in which Arabic words are written down phonetically in non-Arabic alphabets. There are two kinds of these documents. The second kind is documents in non-Arabic languages. The first kind is documents in the Arabic language written in non-Arabic alphabets by non-Muslims whose native language was Arabic and whose use of the non-Arabic alphabet was keeping up a tradition in religion.
    Medievally the Arabic pronounciation of the spelled ā as sound e was dependent on consonantal contexts -- for example it usually did not occur when Arabic letter q or gh or r was adjacent to the ā, and usually did occur when letter b or z was adjacent to the ā. There are guidelines for when it occurred but they are complicated by exceptions and by variances by geographical location. Sibawaih (died c. 796) said there were variances among speakers in the same location. Sibawaih also said that the imala vowel shift on pronouncing ā could occur “when the vowel in the syllable adjacent to the ā is i or ī ” Book ''Arabic Linguistic Thought and Dialectology'', by Aryeh Levin, year 1998. The book has more than 55 pages that contain the word imala OR imāla OR ʾimāla. It has more than 100 pages that contain the word Sībawayhi OR Sibawayhi OR Sībawaihi.(ref). One crude first approximation to some guidelines, together with some 13th century examples, together with references for further reading in English, is at Article ''Simon of Genoa as an Arabist'', by Siam Bhayro, year 2013, 15 pages, in book ''Simon of Genoa's Medical Lexicon'', by various authors. The imāla vowel pronunciation is the subject of the article's pages 52-55. The article gives examples of Arabic words spelled phonetically in a Latin text in the late 13th century. Altlink: books.google.com/books?id=LxDuCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA49 Ref.
    The following are words gathered from the collection here on this page where (#1) the Arabic spelling was and is with ā, and (#2) the Arabic pronunciation was and is mostly with e, and (#3) the medieval Western European languages borrowed the word from Arabic, and (#4) the Western European word has always been spelled and pronounced with e: aubergine, benzoin, bezoar, civet, elemi, gazelle, julep, Vega, and the medicinal botany names berberis, alkekengi, azedarach, chebula, cubeba, emblic, metel, mezereum, ribes, sebesten, zerumbet.
  71. ^   Empty note #71 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  72. ^ giraffe

    Concerning the giraffe, Al-Mas'udi's 10th century Arabic together with 19th century French translation is in Arabic title : مروج الذهب للمسعودي.    French title : Prairies d'Or.chapter 33 of Al-Mas'udi's Marūj al-Dhahab. Al-Mas'udi cites the book about animals by Al-Jahiz.
  73. ^ giraffe

    Early records for the Italian giraffa are quoted in the giraffa @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (TLIO)TLIO lexicon. The book Written by Berthold LauferThe Giraffe in History and Art, year 1928, has a chapter headed "The Giraffe among the Arabs and Persians" and a chapter headed "The Giraffe in the Middle Ages [among the Latins]". As a small addition to that book's information, one of the first records in French is that a French traveller in year 1396 saw five giraffes in a zoo in Cairo and he spelled the name in French as giraffa Book, ''Le saint voyage de Jherusalem du seigneur d'Anglure'', by Ogier VIII, Seigneur D'Anglure, who visited Cairo and Jerusalem in 1395-1396. Print year 1878 on page 62.(ref), thereby borrowing the Italian giraffa and not borrowing the Arabic zarāfa.
  74. ^ hashish

    Book The Herb: Hashish versus medieval Muslim society, by Franz Rosenthal, year 1971, on pages 6-14, gives a list of medieval Arabic texts that talk about حشيش hashīsh = "hashish". The list's earliest texts are 13th century.
  75. ^ hashish

    A British traveller in the countryside near Antakya in northwestern Syria in 1798 wrote: "Country cultivated with Hashīsh, a kind of flax" Book, ''Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the Year 1792 to 1798'', by William George Browne, year 1806 on page 448(ref). In that sentence, Hashīsh means "hemp to be used as a textile fiber", which is one of the meanings of hashīsh in Arabic. A German narrative about the Arabian Peninsula in the 1760s, translated to English in 1792, says: "The lower people are fond of raising their spirits to a state of intoxication. As they have no strong drink, they, for this purpose, smoke Haschisch, which is the dried leaves of a sort of hemp" Book, ''Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East'', by Carsten Niebuhr, year 1792, Volume 2, page 225. Translated from Niebuhr's German ''Beschreibung von Arabien'', year 1772.(ref). More early quotations are at hashish @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1901NED.
  76. ^ henna

    Henna was in use in the Mediterranean region in antiquity. In ancient Latin the name for henna was cyprus @ Latin-to-English dictionary by William Whitaker, year 2006cyprus (ancient Greek kupros). Cyprus remained the most frequently used name for henna in medieval Latin. Hence late medieval English has a few instances of cipre @ Middle English Dictionarycipre meaning henna. Latin in the 13th & 14th centuries has a few instances of the name henne (pronunciation: hen-ne) meaning henna – Headword ''Henne'' at Matthaeus Silvaticus's medicines book, early 14th century Latin. It says : ''Henne'' is an Arabic word and it is synonymous with Greek ''ciprus'' and Latin ''alcanna''. Matthaeus Silvaticus's ''henne'' has been copied from the Arabic-to-Latin translation of Serapion the Younger's medicines book. Serapion's book says in Latin: Arabic ''henne'' is Latin ''alcanna''.e.g. – but this was a rarity in medieval Latin, and this name is not known in French until 1541 henné @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales(ref) and not in English until circa 1600. Today's English dictionaries say that the English name "henna" came directly from the Arabic ḥinnāʾ because the early English records are in travelers' reports from the Middle East – ref: henna @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1901NED.
  77. ^ alkanet

    The active dye chemical in both alkanet dye and henna dye is a naphthoquinone derivative (alkannin in alkanet, lawsone in henna) and the two dyes are similar in several ways. The name alcannet has records in late medieval English where it clearly means today's alkanet dye – alkannet @ ''Middle English Dictionary''. The quotations include circa year 1425 ''puluis of alcannet... putte it in a quart of comon oile, and þe oile schal become rede to liknez of blode'', which unmistakeably is the powder of the root of the Alkanna Tinctoria.Ref. Latin year 1363 The surgery book of Guy de Chauliac in Latin, dated 1363, written in Franceradix alcannae maybe means the alkanet root; and the same goes for Latin circa 1450-1499 ''Die Frankfurter Liste: Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Pharmacie'', curated by F.A. Flückiger, year 1873, publishes a 6-page list of elementary medicines to be stocked in an apothecary shop, written in Latin in Germany. The manuscript is date-assessed as late 15th century. ''Radices alcanne'' is at list item #83 on page 8.radices alcanne. But in medieval Latin the earlier and the much more common meaning of alcanna was "henna". In mid-12th-century Latin in southern Italy, Matthaeus Platearius says alcanna is used for dyeing hair and nails a red color, though he does not deliver a good plant description Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160). Link goes to images of a medieval manuscript. Alcanna is on page number 33-34 which is image number 18. The book is available in print elsewhere.(ref). A better early example is Gerard of Cremona's late-12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, where In Arabic : حنا @ Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, BOOK 2. The word's spelling is حناء and حنّاء in other copies of this book.Ibn Sina's Arabic hināʾ = "henna" was translated as In Latin : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, as translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c 1187) and annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died 1521)Latin alcanna. Late 13th century Latin medicines book of Mesue has Collected medicine works of Mesue, with commentaries added by later medicines writers, in edition year 1549/1558. The book has dozens of instances of the Latin wordforms alchanna, alcanna, alchannae, alchannæ, alchanne. The meaning is henna. In some cases it is the henna plant's flowers that are used, while in other cases it is the leaves.alchannæ de Mecha = "henna from Mecca", meaning henna from west side of Arabian penninsula. Phonetically in parallel to the Latin alchanna | alcanna, the Prophet Mahommed's name often was spelled in medieval Latin Machometus, which was pronounced near MAKOMETUS, and it was also spelled Macometus and Machomet Book: ''The Pseudo-historical Image of the Prophet Muhammad in Medieval Latin Literature: A Repertory'', by Michelina Di Cesare, year 2011(medieval Latin examples). In the Arabic alphabet there are two letters h, one like a Latin and English h, and the other with a stronger sound, and the h of محمد Mahommed and of الحنّاء al-hinnāʾ is the strongly pronounced letter h, which helps explain why it got rendered as letter 'c' or 'ch' in medieval Latin. This Latin originated in Italy. In Italy in Latin, and Italian, if it had been written hanna there would have been much tendency to pronounce it "anna" (still true in Italian today). The often weak and disappearing pronunciation of the sound /h/ in Latin, especially in Italy, is noted in introductions to the sounds of Latin Sound /h/ in chapter ''The sounds of Latin'' in book ''A Companion to the Latin Language'', year 2011(e.g.). Medieval Italian had alc(h)an(n)a meaning clearly "henna" in some cases, and maybe it meant "henna" in all cases – ref: alcanna @ Tesoro della lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO, Italian ''alcanna'' means henna in book ''Liber Serapionis aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus : Nel volgarizzamento toscano del Codice Gaddiano 17'', curated by Maria Elena Ingianni, year 2013, on page 231 and other pages. This book is a 14th-century Latin-to-Italian translation of a 13th-century Latin book, which was translated from an Arabic book of the school of Ibn al-Wafid (died c. 1070).Italian Serapion, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated around year 1340, curated by Allan Evans year 1936. Search text for ''alcana'' and ''alcanna''.Pegolotti. Medieval Catalan had alquena = "henna" – ref: Gual Camarena's Vocabulario del comercio medieval. This was not in medieval Spanish. The Spanish wordform was alheña | alfeña = "henna". Medieval Spanish has practically no example where an Arabic sound h was converted in Spanish to Spanish sound k (examples come from Catalan); and medieval Spanish has no record of alcana or alcaneta meaning henna or alkanet – ref: Maíllo Salgado year 1998 on Book, ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 edition, discusses ''alcana'' on pages 223-224. Medieval Spanish documents contain ''alcana'' as a word, but its meaning is nothing like henna and it is not related to the Arabic word for henna.page 223+''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 on page 224page 224, and Book, ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869. Page 14 summarizes how the Arabic letter ح h was rendered in transferring it into Spanish & Portuguese medievally. Page 83 has a Spanish word ''alcana'' whose meaning has nothing to do with henna or alkanet.Dozy & Engelmann year 1869, and Book, ''Contribución a la fonética del hispano-árabe y de los arabismos en el ibero-románico y el siciliano'', by Arnald Steiger, year 1932Arnald Steiger year 1932. 13th century French medicine has alcanne = "henna", which was borrowed from the Italian-Latin alcanna = "henna" – Book, ''Le Régime du Corps'', by Aldebrandin de Sienne, dated mid-13th century, curated by Landouzy & Pepin, year 1911. Aldebrandin de Sienne translated medicines material from Latin to French. His French word ''alcanne'' occurs twice and it translates medicinal Latin ''alcanna''.ref-1, Book, ''Le livre des simples médecines : Traduction française du Liber de simplici medicina dictus Circa instans, de PLATEARIUS, tirée d'un manuscrit du XIIIe siècle'', curated by Paul Dorveaux, year 1913. 13th-century French ''alchane'' on pages 19-20 is translating Platearius's 12th-century Latin ''alcanna''.ref-2. Alcannet = "alkanet" was formed from alcanne | alcanna = "henna" with the Latinate diminutive suffix -et__ appended in Italian or French. 15th century French has arquenet | arquenete = "alkanet" – Citations are under the dictionary headwords ARQUENET and ORCANÈTE @ Dictionnaire du Moyen FrançaisDMF. Parallelwise phonetically, 14th century Italian has alcali @ TLIOarcali = "alkali" and alchimia @ TLIOarchimia = "alchemy". Italian today and for many centuries has Arganetta is defined in ''Dizionario delle scienze naturali'', year 1831 on pages 422-423. This dictionary also mentions arganetta under ''Ancusa dei tintori'' on page 151.arganetta = "alkanet", which is the same word with /k/ changed to /g/ (/k/ changed to /g/ is often seen in Italian word histories).
    The alkanet dye plant, today's Alkanna Tinctoria, was in use in the Mediterranean region as a dye since antiquity (was called anchusa in classical Latin). Alkanet had several names in medieval Arabic – Under the headword الشنجار al-shinjār, the dictionary of Fairuzabadi gives five names for alkanet : الشنجار al-shinjār (مُعَرَّبُ شِنْكار shinkār), خس الحمار khas al-himār, الكَحْلاء al-kahlāʾ, الحُمَيْراءَ al-humayrāʾ, and رِجْلَ الحَمَامَة rajl al-hamāma.ref, In each of Ibn Sina (died 1037) and Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248), the name for alkanet is both شنجار shinjār and خس الحمار khass al-himār ref. None of the medieval Arabic names for alkanet is related to the Arabic al-hinnāʾ = "henna".
  78. ^ hummus

    With meaning chickpeas, the Arabic dictionaries spell it حِمَّص himmas but the people pronounce it HOMMOS, said Henri Lammens, who lived in Beirut in the 19th century – on page 93 in footnote #1Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe, by Henri Lammens, year 1890, on page 93. It was pronounced HOMOS in Egypt in the 18th century – On page LXXI, item 368 says Latin ''cicer'' (meaning chickpea) is called ''homos'' in ArabicFlora Aegyptiaco-Arabica, by Peter Forskal, year 1775, on page LXXI (in Latin). Nowdays in Syria in International Standard Arabic on television, the city حمص Homs is commonly pronounced HIMS, but in Syria in vernacular Arabic it is pronounced HOMS.
  79. ^ jar

    An assessment which is mentioned in some dictionaries, and which I will argue for, is that Spanish jarra = "jar" went into Spanish from Italian & Catalan, and it did not go into Spanish from Arabic. The grounds for this assessment can be broken up into at least a half a dozen points:
  80. ^ jar

    "Jar" in the Middle English Dictionary has Quotation set #4 under the word OLIVE at Middle English Dictionary has a quote involving ''jarres'' of olive oil. Quotation set #4 is a set for olive oil.jarre year 1418 and plural jarre @ Middle English Dictionary. Quotes a Latin document in England having ''iii jarris olei''jarris year 1421. The jars hold olive oil in both of those cases. In years 1427 & 1430 & 1435-1436, jarre(s) occurs in the context of taxes on imported goods at the seaport of Southampton, where the jarres hold olive oil most often, and other times hold dried date fruits or ginger – Book, ''The Port Books of Southampton'', written in French at Southampton in years 1427-1430, curated & annotated by Paul Studer, year 1913. Search for JARRE.ref-1, Book ''The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1435-36'', curated by Brian Foster, year 1963. Written in Norman French at Southampton. It has ''jarres de oyle'' on four pages. It has ''jar__'' meaning jars on seven pages. Concerning the historical context : ''At this time Southampton's [seaborne] trade was dominated by aliens, and in particular by Italians.''ref-2. Those goods were brought to England by sea directly from the Mediterranean. In English this word jar was rare until the 17th century. The 17th century English jar had the usual meaning of a large earthenware jar holding imported oil, the oil used primarily as fuel for oil-lamps. This can be seen from a search for jar | jarr | jarre | iar | iarre at Site has a collection of dictionaries from the period 1450-1702. Most are dictionaries that translate words between English and other languages.Lexicons of Early Modern English and also New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), published in 1901Jar in NED and EEBO is ''Early English Books Online''. At EEBO the word is obtainable by search for : iar* or jar*. But that search will return a huge number of unwanted instances of semantically unrelated words where the meaning is ''a discord'', ''to conflict'', ''dissonant and jarring''. A proximity search for (iar* or jar*) near (oyl* or oil*) will eliminate unrelated words.EEBO. In Britain in the 15th to 17th centuries, oil-lamps were overall not often used, because the oil was too expensive. Usage increased in the 17th century despite the expense. Olive oil was the most-often-used type of oil in the oil-lamps until late 17th century. The olive oil came to Britain by sea directly from southern Spain firstly and southern Italy secondly. In the 15th & 16th centuries in Spanish, the word jarra | jarro was frequent and had wide applications – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españolref. In 15th century French, jarre existed and meant a jar for oil, but it was rare (details omitted). In the 16th & 17th centuries in French the word was still rare. The above information makes it likely that the word in English came primarily from Mediterranean sea-commerce directly and was not primarily from French.
  81. ^ jasmine

    Some medieval Arabic dictionaries say the Arabic word ياسمين yāsimīn = "jasmin" came from Persian – ياسمين @ لسان العرب and other medieval dictionaries at ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.comref. For verifying that those dictionaries are correct about that, there is a problem with looking into Persian itself, because so little writings of any kind survive from ancient or early medieval Persian, and because later medieval Persian has much taken from medieval Arabic. However, ancient Chinese writings indicate the jasmine plant and its fragrant flower oil was in use in ancient Iran, with the ancient Iranian name being in Chinese texts as approximately ye-si-min. The information about Iran from China, from ancient and early medieval Chinese sources, is in jasminum & jasmine on pages 329-332Sino-Iranica... with special reference to the history of cultivated plants, by Berthold Laufer, year 1919. The ancient Iranian name is also mentioned in Greek by Dioscorides (died circa 90 AD) – New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1901jasmine in NED.
  82. ^ jasmine

    Jasmine under any name is scarce in late medieval Latin texts. In late medieval Latin medicine, vegetable oil aromatized by jasmine flowers was sold as an aromatic medicinal product and this was called by a Latin name sambacus | zambacca | zambach, which came from Arabic zanbaq = "oil containing jasmine flowers". Crossref botanical elsewhere on the current pagesambac elsewhere on the current page. One of the very few instances of the name jasmin in medieval Latin is in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medicines book of Serapion the Younger (later 13th century Latin) and then derivatively in the medicines book of Matthaeus Silvaticus (early 14th century Latin). Serapion and Matthaeus say iesemin is an Arabic word synonymous with sambacusBook in Latin : Serapion the Younger's aggregation of commentary from many commentators about medicines. Book was translated from Arabic. Book says in Latin: ''iesemin id est zambach''.ref, In Latin : iesemin @ ''Liber Pandectarum Medicinae'' by Matthaeus Silvaticus, dated about 1317. Matthaeus says he is quoting from Serapion.ref. In Spanish and Catalan, jasmin's first records are in the 14th century but it is rare until the 15th. The flowers of jasmin are in several Spanish poets in the early 15th. The 15th-century Spanish wordform is usually jazminsearch @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español''. Searching for jazmin will not find jazmín. Searching for jazm?n will find both jazmin and jazmín. Searching for ja?m?n* will find jazmines, jaymines, jasmin, jazmín, but not jassemin.ref. In Italian, the jasmine flowers have documents in the 14th century in the wordform gelsominogelsomino @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref. During the 16th century the plant was common in gardens in western Europe, including England. A botany book in English in 1597 said correctly that the plant was unknown to the ancient Greek botanist Dioscorides – John Gerarde's Herball, year 1597, page 747.
  83. ^ jird

    The word Jird is rare in the European languages until the 20th century. One early record is the following English from the book Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant, year 1738: The Jird and the Jerboa are two little harmless animals which burrow in the ground.... All the legs of the Jird are nearly of the same length, with each of them five toes; whereas the fore-feet of the Barbary Jerboa are very short and armed only with three.Book ''Travels, or, Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant'', by Thomas Shaw, year 1738, on page 248ref.
  84. ^ jumper

    The juppa was a kind of jacket in the late medieval period in all Western European languges. The word's earliest Western record, year 1053 southwestern Italy, has iuppa merely named in a list of valuable goods at an abbey, with many of the other goods made of silk – Book, ''Codex diplomaticus Cavensis'', Volume VII, year 1888, on page 198. The book publishes medieval documents from an abbey at the town of Cava in southwestern Italy.ref. The next earliest, year 1101 southeastern Italy, involves a gift of a silk iuppa''Codice Diplomatico Barese'', Volume V, ''Le pergamene di San Nicola di Bari, Periodo normanno (1075-1194)'', curated by F. Nitti, year 1902. The volume has ''iuppa serica'' on page 58 on line 25.ref. Northern Italy in 1157 has Latin "iupam meam de cendato" = "my jupa of cendal silk" – Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 472. Quotes Latin ''iupa'' at Genoa in year 1157 in ''CGS.1'' = ''Cartulary of Giovanni Scriba, volume 1''.ref. It is relevant that practically all the silk cloths of the Latins were imported from the Byzantines and the Arabs at that time; i.e., the Latins did not make silk cloth in the 11th-12th centuries – Chapter ''Silk in the Medieval World'' by Anna Muthesius, in book The Cambridge History of Western Textiles Volume 1, by various authors, year 2003. DEAD LINK. ref. In northern France, the word's earliest or 2nd earliest record is in the 1170s or 1180s in a ballad in which a Christian princess is described as wearing "a purple-ish jupe well-made of Muslim workmanship" – The ballad ''Partonopeus de Blois'', by anonymous author in 1170s or 1180s, has the two rhyming lines: ''Ele a une jupe porprine / Bien faite à oevre sarasine''.ref. Around year 1190 in French, two ballads about the Crusades wars have brocaded jupes worn by Muslims – ''La Chanson d'Antioche'' is dated circa 1190. It has ''jupes d'orfrois'' (brocaded jupes) worn by Muslims on the battlefield.ref-1, Ballad ''La Conquête de Jérusalem'', also known as ''La Chanson de Jérusalem'', is dated circa 1190. It has 3 instances of ''jupe'' worn by a Muslim emir or sultan.ref-2. Records of a somewhat early date in Latin and Italian and French include: instances where the juppa garment was banned or restricted at monasteries because it was considered too luxurious, instances where it was buttoned in front with jeweled buttons, instances where it was an item in a Last Will and Testament, instances where it was being worn on a battlefield, instances where it was worn by Muslims, instances where it was said to be made in the Orient, and instances where it was made of silk – Du Cange et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatisjupa @ Du Cange (Latin J pronounced Y), Book, ''Women's Costume in French Texts of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries'' by Eunice Rathbone Goddard, year 1927, 263 pagesjupe @ Goddard 1927 , Book, ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, ''iuppa'' on pages 258-260iuppa @ Caracausi 1983 , ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II [of six volumes], by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. Search for substring JUPP. Volume II has three dozen instances in Sicily in 13th and 14th centuries. In most cases it is explicit that the juppa is made from silk. In other cases it is explicit that the juppa is made from linen.juppa @ Bresc-Bautier 2014 , Book ''Vocabolario Ligure'' [Liguria province in Italy], by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001. It has a set of quotations for 12th and 13th century Latin ''iupa'' on page 472. The same page has also sets of quotations for ''iupon__''.iupa @ Aprosio 2001 , giubba @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originigiubba @ TLIO , DÉAF = ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français'', around year 2013. It offers citations to medieval French documents.jupe + jupel @ DÉAF. Later-medieval Spanish has the word commonly as aliuba | aljuba and in some cases the person who wears it is an Arab Muslim and in other cases the wearer is a Spanish Christian, and the garment is in the luxury class. Dozens of medieval Spanish examples at Corpus Diacrónico del Españolsearch @ CORDE. Medieval High German has the word borrowed from French – jope, joppe, juppe @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'', year 1866ref. This medieval European garment was a man's and a woman's jacket. The shape of the jacket is not clear in its early records in medieval Europe – early records were studied by Goddard (year 1927), linked above. It may have been short in length. Later, in the 14th century the shape may have been like the pourpoint jacket (Article, ''Creating and Patterning a late 14th century Pourpoint, Part 1'', with photos, by website ''Clothing the Past''.pictures of 14th century pourpoint).
  85. ^ jumper

    Examples of joupe as a jacket in late medieval English are at joupe @ The Middle English Dictionary (same dictionary has also the related jupon @ Middle English Dictionaryjupon). Jupe continued in use in Scots English as late as the mid-19th century, meaning jacket – jupe @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1901NED. In standard written English in the 16th-17th centuries, online at Early English Books Online (''EEBO''). Search for English jupe. Results include a year 1648 Italian-to-English translation in which the king of Sweden wears ''a Jupe of perfumed leather, with a gray Hat on his head''. Some of the other results are French-to-English translations of French ''jupe'' meaning a woman's dress.EEBO and Two words, JUP and JUPE @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED'')NED you can find a handful of records for jupe | juppe | jup meaning a jacket and another handful meaning a woman's dress. But the word was scarcely used at the time. In the 17th-18th centuries, the wordform jupe got mostly replaced by a new wordform jump. In a German-to-English dictionary in year 1716, the German juppe, whose meaning was "jacket", was translated as English "a jupo, jacket or jump, a coat for women" – Juppe @ ''Teutsch-Englisches Lexicon'', a German-to-English dictionary, year 1716 edition, on page 984. Printed at Leipzig. The author's name is not declared on any of the front pages of this edition. It is well-established that the author was Christian Ludwig (died 1728).ref-1, Jump @ ''A dictionary English, German and French'' by Christian Ludwig, year 1706, year 1736 reprint. This is an English-to-German dictionary. It says one of the meanings of English ''jump'' is the German ''eine jupe''. Also has English ''jupo'' with same meaning located in alphabetical order nearby.ref-2. Nathan Bailey's English dictionary in 1726 defined a jump as "a short coat; also a sort of bodice for women", and it does not have the wordform jupeBailey's Dictionary 1726ref. For the jump garment in its 17th century records at Early English Books Online (''EEBO''). Proximity search for jump* (with asterisk) near coat*. Secondarily, proximity search for jump* near breech*. Thirdly, proximity search for jump* near velvet*.EEBO, the wearer is more frequently a man than a woman, the garment is a short coat, it is worn along with breeches by the men, and sometimes it is made of velvet. In 1828, Webster's English dictionary defined a jump as "a kind of loose waistcoat worn by females" – Noah Webster's Dictionary 1828ref. Webster's English dictionary in 1913 defined a jump as "a kind of loose jacket for men" – Webster's Dictionary 1913ref. Webster's 1913 defined a jumper as "a loose upper garment; a sort of blouse worn by workmen over their ordinary dress to protect it" – Webster's Dictionary 1913ref. The NED dictionary published in 1901 defined a jumper in year 1901 as "a kind of loose outer jacket reaching to the hips, made of canvas, serge, coarse linen, etc., and worn by sailors, truckmen, etc." – jumper #2 @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED'')NED. The NED dictionary has more history for the three English wordforms jupe, jump, and jumper as jackets. The start of jumpsuit was with war-time parachute troopers in the 1940s.
    Most English dictionaries today say: jumper = "jacket" was from jump = "jacket" which was from jupe = "jacket". Some English dictionaries say also: the alteration from the older English jupe to the newer English jump can have occurred through the influence of the unrelated common English word jump. History has plenty of concrete cases where a less-common word got phonetically ‘‘contaminated’’ by a somewhat comparable more-common word. Rather than calling it ‘‘getting contaminated’’, it is said that the less-common word got assimilated through "folk morphology" and "folk etymology"at Wikipedia : ''Folk etymology'' is a rarified technical term in linguistics. Its meaning differs from the intuitive ordinary meaning of folk etymology.. In the present case, the judgement is made that the scarcely used English early-modern word jupe = "jacket" got phonetically assimilated to the commonly used English word jump = "leap" and this is what created the wordform jump = "jacket".
  86. ^ kohl

    English traveller describing women in the Middle East year 1615: They put between the eye-lids and the eye a certain black powder with a fine long pencil, made of a mineral called alcohole, which... do better set forth the whiteness of the eye.Book, ''A relation of a journey begun in 1610... containing a description of the Turkish Empire...'', by George Sandys, year 1615, on page 67ref. Similar travellers' reports in English are in Book, ''Travels, or, observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant'', by Thomas Shaw, year 1738, on page 294ref: Algeria 1738 , Book, ''Travels through Arabia and other countries in the East'', by Carsten Niebuhr, year 1792, Volume 2, on page 236. The book is translation to English. Original in German in 1772+1774.ref: Yemen 1792 , Book, ''The natural history of Aleppo'', by Alexander Russel, enlarged by Patrick Russel, year 1794, Volume 1, on page 111ref: Syria 1794 , Book, ''A Thousand Miles up the Nile'', by Amelia B. Edwards, year 1877, on page 132ref: Egypt 1877.
  87. ^ lac & lacquer

    A medieval Arabic text about making inks, authored by a servant of emir Ibn Badis (died 1061-1062), used اللك al-lakk | al-lukk = "lac" as an ingredient in some inks, where it acted as a binder and as a red coloring agent – 11th-century text titled عمدة الكتاب وعدة ذوي الألباب has a set of recipes for making colored inks. It is in machine-searchable Arabic at several websites, wherein search for the word اللك. It is put in Arabic-to-English translation in article ''Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking'' by Martin Levey, year 1962, which is downloadable in non-machine-searchable format at islamicmanuscripts.info/reference/index.html , wherein the English translation uses the word LUKK on pages 19, 23, 30, 31, 32, 35, & 38.ref. An early Arabic medicines writer Sabur Ibn Sahl (died 869) has a recipe that calls for لك منقى من عيدانه = "lak cleansed of its twigs", which unmistakeably is the Indian lac – Book in Arabic : ''Sābūr ibn Sahl's Dispensatory in the Recension of the ʿAḍudī Hospital'', curated by Oliver Kahl, year 2009. It has لك منقى = ''cleansed lac, purified lac'' on three pages, one of which is page 78. The volume also does translation to English. English ''woodfree lac'' is on page 182.ref, This link is for when the other link goes defunctalt‑link. In Arabic the word was pronounced LAK and LUK and LIK. The dictionary of Ibn Duraid (died c. 933) said: "Concerning اللَكّ al-lakk for dyeing with, it is not of the Arabs" (read: it is an import from a non-Arab country) – Ibn Duraid says: فأما اللًّكّ الذي يُصبغ به فليس بعربي. His dictionary is titled جمهرة اللغة لابن دريد. It has head-word لكك. It is in machine-searchable format at multiple websites.ref. The encyclopedia of Al-Nuwayri (died c. 1333) said اللُكّ al-lukk comes from India – Al-Nuwayri's book is titled نهاية الأرب في فنون الأدب . In it, Al-Nuwayri says:
    الُّلكّ فيقال إنه يسقط على قُضبان الكروم في بلاد الهند فينعقد عليها
    . One old dictionary in Arabic said leather is dyed a red color by a juice that people call اللِك al-likThis old dictionary says that people call it اللُك al-luk and اللِك al-lik. This particular dictionary is founded upon the dictionary of Ibn Sida (died 1066) but it contains additions from a later time and it has no date. At AlWaraq.net : ابن سيده – المخصصref. Simon of Genoa in the 1290s said in Latin: "Lacca is a red gum from which a dye is made.... The Arabs call it lech " – lacca @ ''Clavis Sanationis sive Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa aka Simon Januensisref. Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (died c. 895) said اللكّ al-lakk is a kind of gum and he said it does not grow in Arabian territory – he is quoted in LAKKUN @ ''Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache'', by Manfred Ullmann, Volume 2 (letter ل ), year 1991, on page 1241. Page 1241 has quotations for لكّ lakk in a number of medieval Arabic writers. It quotes Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (''Dīnaw.'') saying الصموغ اللكّ وليس ممّا ينبت بأرض العرب. Arabian territory here means all of, and no more than, the Arabian peninsula.Ref. Ibn Sina (died 1037) in his medicine book said لك lak is a resinous exudation from a plant and its medicinal properties are akin to those of amber – ''Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina in Arabic : القانون في الطب. Search for the whole words لك , لكّ and اللكّ. Do not search for لك as a non-whole word. Ibn Sina says : ...لك ... هو بولس: هو صمغ حشيشةref. However, Ibn Sina at the same time said the لك lak is similar to myrrh, and this statement of his was essentially wrong, and it later caused confusion and error when Ibn Sina was translated to medieval Latin. The same confusion and error happens in the book of Serapion the Younger, which was another medieval Latin medicine book that had been translated from Arabic. The medieval Latins depended on info from the Arabs about the plant nature of the lac product. The errors of Ibn Sina and Serapion the Younger in their descriptions of lac were pointed out as errors in 16th century Latin – Book in English : ''A Medicinal Dispensatory'' by Jean de Renou aka Joannes Renodaeus (died c. 1620), written in Latin in 1615 and put in English translation in 1657. It has a chapter ''Lacca and Cancamum'' at pages 397-398. It summarizes the confusion and falsehoods over defining Lacca. It acknowledges that part of what it says is reiterating Antonius Musa Brasavolus (died 1555) whose book in Latin is at: books.google.com/books?id=MGJWAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA408&q=lacca%20laccam . It also acknowledges getting info from Garcia da Orta (died 1568).ref-1, In English : ''Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India'', by Garcia da Orta, written in Portuguese in India in year 1563 and put in English translation in year 1913. It has a chapter on LACRE, i.e. Lac. Garcia da Orta mentions that the info about Lac is not correct in Ibn Sina and Serapion the Younger.ref-2.
    In Latin, lacca occurs about year 800 in a book about making colorants, where the lacca is used as a coloring ingredient – the book Book, ''A Classical Technology, edited from Codex Lucensis 490'', by John M. Burnham, year 1920, has the Latin text ''Compositiones Variae'', plus English translation. The Latin has four ''lacca'' and one ''laca''. The English puts those as ''lacquer''. The text ''Compositiones Variae'' is in a physical manuscript dated about 800 AD. The manuscript is called ''Codex Lucensis 490'' aka ''Codex 490'' aka ''Manoscritto di Lucca 490''.Compositiones Variae about 800 AD. Lacca | Lacha meaning the lac colorant is similarly in Latin in another book about making colorants about year 900 – Article ''Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques'', by Smith & Hawthorne, year 1974, 128 pages. Publishes complete raw images of ''Mappae Clavicula'' of Sélestat MS 17 manuscript. Sélestat MS 17 is dated about 900 as physical manuscript. Manuscript has LACCA and LACHA multiple times meaning lac colorant. In this article's English translation, search for LAC and note the paragraph numbers. Then see pages 10-13 to get the corresponding paragraph numbers in Sélestat manuscript.ref. Commercial contracts in Latin at Genoa in years 1154-1164 have multiple instances of lacca = "lac" – Book, ''Genova Comune Medievale - Vita Usi E Costumi Dei Genovesi : Ricavati dal Cartulare di Giovanni Scriba, notaio Genovese dall' anno 1154 all' anno 1164'', by Fortunato Marchetto and Paolo Marchetto, year 2008. Prints medieval Latin documents with modern Italian translations.ref, Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 476 of Latin volume. Cites lacca in ''CGS'' = ''Cartulary of Giovanni Scriba'' in years 1156, 1158, 1163, & 1164.alt-ref. When Ibn Sina's medical book was translated to Latin circa 1175 the Arabic lak was translated as Latin laccaIn Latin : ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' by Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), annotated in the page margins by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521). Print edition year 1544.ref. Latin lacha | lache | laca is a name in import-tax tariffs at Barcelona in years 1222, 1243 & 1252 and it means "lac" with very high probability – ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Antonio de Capmany, year 1779 (reissued 1962), publishes medieval Latin documents. Year 1222 Latin ''lacha'' on page 7. Year 1243 Latin ''lache'' on page 18. Year 1252 Latin ''laca'' on page 21.ref. Vernacular Italian lacca | lacha = "lac" is documented from around 1300 – lacca #1 @ TLIOref. Around year 1340 the Italian merchandise book Mercatura by Pegolotti mentions the product lacca around fifty times, mentioning lacca for sale in Tabriz, Alexandria, Venice, Antwerp, etc – Book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died 1347) in Italian with annotations in English by Allan Evans year 1936ref. In French late medievally there are all the wordforms Book ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'' by Raymond Arveiller, year 1999, on page 341, quotes 14th century French wordforms lache, lac, lacca, and laque, and also quotes late 15th century French wordforms lacca and lacque.laque, lacque, lacca, lache, & lac, all meaning "lac". With the same meaning, late medieval French has also ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'' by Raymond Arveiller cites a 15th century French pharmacy inventory which contains the words ''ung quarteron de Gomelac''.gomelac and ''Inventaire de la pharmacie de l'Hôpital St. Nicolas de Metz (27 juin 1509)'', curated by Paul Dorveaux, year 1894 on page 30 has the inventory item ''gomi lacce'' situated in a list of gums and resins.gomi lacce and ''Liber Albus'' is a compilation done in London, completed in year 1419. Parts are in Anglo-Norman French. It has French lak (page 224) and French lake (page 230) in import tax tariffs at London, in Volume 1 curated by HT Riley year 1859. French spelling LAKE has pronunciation of French laque and English lack. French-to-English translation by HT Riley is in Volume 3 pages 58 & 64 at archive.org/details/munimentagildhal03rile lak and lake.
    Today's English word "lac" starts in English in the 15th century in the wordform "lacca". It has two 15th-century records in Latin-to-English translations where the Latin lacca was translated as English "lacca" – lacca @ Middle English Dictionaryref. A medical glossary in English in 1543 reflects erroneous medieval thinking about lac when it says: "LACCA. Lacha is a gumme or liquor of a tree in Arabie." – lacca @ English glossary by Bartholomew Traheron, year 1543. The glossary was composed as an appendix for the book ''Workes of Chirurgerye'' by Joannes de Vigo (died 1525). The appended glossary was written from scratch by Bartholomew Traheron in 1543. Joannes de Vigo's book was written in Latin in Italy in 1514 and translated to English in 1543.ref, Website ''Lexicons of Early Modern English'' has a searchable copy of Bartholomew Traheron's English medicines glossary, year 1543. Traheron's glossary is an appendix at the back of a book about surgery, namely Joannes de Vigo's ''Chirurgery''.alt-link. The 1543 English author was relying on late medieval Latin info sources. In particular he was reiterating the late-13th-century Latin medicines book of Serapion the Younger, which says: "Lacca est gummi arboris, quae nascitur in Arabia" – lacca @ ''Liber Aggregatus in Medicinis Simplicibus'', by Serapion the Younger. This book is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. The Arabic was written in Iberia by the school of Ibn Al-Wafid (died 1067 or 1074).ref. Similarly misinformed, English dictionary compilers in years 1658, 1661 & 1677 have the wrong definition: They say LACCA is "a kinde of red gumme, issuing from certain trees in Arabia" – lacca @ ''The New World of English Words'', a dictionary by Edward Phillips, year 1658 editionref, lacca @ ''Glossographia, or, A dictionary'', by Thomas Blount, year 1661 edition. It says LACCA is ''a kind of red gum coming forth of certain trees in Arabia, and sold here [in Britain] by Apothecaries, good against diseases.... Painters also and Diers use it.'' Thereby the LACCA is a red dye used by dyers. This can only be the Lac sourced from India and Burma. No dyeing red gum was sourced from Arabia.ref, lacca @ ''An English dictionary'', by Elisha Coles, year 1677. It has LACCA as : ''a red gum from certain Arabian trees''. This dictionary has also : ''LACK, an East-India gum (gathered by Ants) which makes the best wax''. Thereby this dictionary is saying LACCA and LACK are two different gums. Which is bad info. LACCA and LACK are two spellings for one gum. The gum was not obtained in Arabia.ref. In fact, for the five centuries 1160-1660, the lacca gum had been arriving in Europe in non-small quantities from India whereas no red gum of any kind was obtained in the Arabian penninsula under the name lacca. In English in the 16th and 1st half of 17th century the most frequently used wordform was "lacca" – search @ ''Early English Books Online''. You have to do Proximity searches or Boolean searches in order to eliminate the unrelated other meanings of ''lac(k)''.ref-1, search @ ''Lexicons of Early Modern English''. Search suggestion : Boolean search for (gum OR gumme) AND (lacca OR lac OR lacker), whereby you can see that ''Lacca'' was the usual English wordform in the lexicons done in the 16th-17th centuries.ref-2. In French during the same timeframe the wordform was common as French laccasearch @ Books.Google.comexamples. It was also in French as lacque | laque. In French the wordform la[c]que expelled French lacca mainly during the 1st half of the 17th century. The same happened in English in a later timeframe, when "lac[k]" expelled English "lacca" during 2nd half of 17th and 1st half of 18th century. As late as 1749, Benjamin Martin's English dictionary has "lacca" as the only wordform for lac and defined it as "a sort of red gum brought from the Indies" – Lacca @ ''Lingua Britannica Reformata, Or, a New English Dictionary'', by Benjamin Martin, year 1749. This dictionary overall copies heavily from the Kersey-Phillips dictionary of year 1706, but it does not take its definition of lacca from Kersey-Phillips.ref. The English wordform "lac[k]" in its early records is often in the phrase "gum-lac[k]" and "gum[m][e] lac[k][e]" which was a phrase in 16th century Latin medicine in the Latin wordform search @ books.google.comgummi laccæ and gummi lacca. This Latin produced today's German Gummilack and today's Italian gommalacca. English wordform "lac[k]" is French la[c]que. This English came from French and Latin.
    The next wordform issue is English "lacquer" | "lacker" with the letter 'r'. Benjamin Martin's 1749 English dictionary has the word "lacker" defined as "a sort of varnish", which definitionally differs from "lacca" and "gum lac". The word lacquer came to English directly from Portuguese starting in late 16th century. It is of very low frequency in English until the late 17th. Writers in Portuguese in India in the early 16th have all the wordforms lacar | alacar | lacre | alacre | laquer | alaquer | laquar | laccar | lacra, all meaning "lac" – ''Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque'', in 3 volumes, years 1884-1903. The letters of the first governor of Portuguese India, who died in 1515. The letters have the word spelled in a half dozen different ways. The most frequent way is lacar, second most frequent is alacar, and other ways are laquer, alaquer, laquar, laqar, lacre.ref (3 volumes) , Downloadable book, ''Encontros civilizacionais no Oriente : visões sobre a alteridade nas obras de Duarte Barbosa [died 1521] e de Tomé Pires [died c. 1524]'', by Carla Sofia Saraiva Luís, year 2010. In book's Anexo 15, word-frequencies of words in Tomé Pires's ''Suma'' (= Su) and Duarte Barbosa's ''Livro'' (= Li) are listed. Tomé Pires spells it lacar 9 times. Duarte Barbosa spells it alacre, alacar, & laquer.ref , search @ CORPUS DO PORTUGUÊS. Has early 16th century instances : (#1) ''lacra'' in the journal of first voyage of Vasco da Gama; and (#2) ''laccar'' in Codex Valentim Fernandes; and (#3) ''lacre'' in Chronica dos Reis de Bisnaga. Website's interface is unintuitive and awkward, but it works. Before starting search, click on the word ''Sections'', which will give you a pick list from which you pick time periods.ref. This wordform with 'r' is found occasionally in English, French, Italian, and Spanish in the 16th century, all taking it from Portuguese, all due to the dominance of the Portuguese among the Europeans in bringing commercial goods from the Indies to Europe at the time. Cotgrave's year 1611 French-to-English dictionary has French lacre translated as English "best hard wax" – lacre @ Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary, year 1611ref. This wordform with 'r' was in Portuguese before the Portuguese sailed to India. It is lacra in the diary of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, diary written in 1497-1499. It is paralleled in Portuguese by Portuguese çumagre | sumagre @ Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesasumagre from medieval Arabic summāq = English "sumac"; Portuguese almíscar @ Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesaalmíscar from medieval Arabic al-misk = English "musk"; Portuguese alcachofra @ Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesaalcachofra = Spanish alcachofa | alcarchofa from medieval Arabic al-kharshuf = English "artichoke". The leading letter 'a' in Portuguese alacar | alacre | alaquer is the vestige of the Arabic al- in Arabic al-lakk.
  88. ^ lac

    The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea is a well-known text written in Greek in the 1st century AD. Its author was a Greek-Egyptian sea-merchant who had experience doing commerce on the Indian Ocean. He writes about imports and exports at seaports around the rim of the Indian Ocean. He says that at the southern end of the Red Sea on the African coast, the imports received from across the ocean from India include "Indian iron... and Indian cotton cloth... and muslin cloths and lakkos chromatinos". His Greek λάκκος χρωμάτινος lakkos chromatinos is standardly and reasonably translated as "colored lac" or "lac colorant". The letter 's' in lakkos is a grammar affix of Greek. The ancient Greek writer Aelian (died c. 235 AD) displays knowledge of the lac dye. In his book about animals, Aelian says: "In India are born insects about the size of beetles, and they are red.... They flourish on trees.... The Indians hunt them, and crush them, and with these bodies they dye their crimson cloaks and their tunics.... The color is even stronger and more brilliant than the much-vaunted wares of Sardis [in ancient Asia Minor]." – In Greek and English side-by-side : ''Characteristics of Animals'', by Aelian (aka Claudius Aelianus), Chapter IV, paragraph 46(i)ref. Aelian does not use word lakkos nor a similar wordform. Historians and lexicon compilers have not found a word akin to lakkos meaning "lac" elsewhere in ancient Greek. However, early in medieval Greek are documents with λαχάς lachas meaning a red dye – ref: lexicon of Byzantine Greek, year 2014λαχάς @ Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität. The early medieval Greek spellings included λακχάς lakchas and λαχχᾶ(ς) lachcha(s) and λαχάς lachas, where the terminating letter 's' is a grammar affix of Greek. This early medieval Greek word clearly means a red dye. What specific red dye is not clear. It is not a common word. It can mean lac dye. Assuming it means lac dye, it would have come from the Sanskritic lākh | lakkha = "lac". Regarding the pathway of intermediation by which it would have arrived in Greek, if the Greek came immediately from Semitic, Semitic would not necessarily mean Arabic. The records in early medieval Greek (cited in the above Lexikon) are afflicted with insecurities about what centuries they were written in. But still they suggest that the lac product and the lac name could have been in use in Mediterranean commerce before the Arabic language spread into Egypt and Levant with the adoption of Islam. Hence, the Latin lacca, which is in a document securely dated around year 800 Codex 490 is a physical manuscript. The book ''Compositiones Variae, From Codex 490, Biblioteca Capitolare, Lucca, Italy : An Introductory Study'', by Rozelle Parker Johnson, year 1939, 108 pages long, delivers references to other publications that tell how the Codex 490 is dated about year 800 AD. However, the book fails as an introductory study because it fails to directly deliver the information basis for the date of the Codex 490 manuscript. The Codex 490 manuscript contains the Compositiones Variae text, which has four instances of Latin lacca (plus one laca) meaning the lac colorant.(ref), was maybe from a pathway of transmission into the Mediterranean region that did not come through the Arabic lakk.
  89. ^ sandarac

    Europeans got all their sandarac resin from the Arab lands, primarily from Morocco – The sandarac resin was collected from only one type of tree, the tree with today's Latin botany name ''Tetraclinis articulata''. The tree's native range is Northwest Africa only. The tree was generally not cultivated agriculturally anywhere. The sandarac resin was collected from trees that grew unattended in the semi-desert in northern and southern Morocco. ref. The sandarac resin's Arabic name sandarūs is the source for the European sandarac resin word. In medieval Arabic, سندروس sandarūs is a resin from a tree, the resin's color is light yellow, and the resin has a pleasant smell and unpleasant taste – in books by Al-Biruni (died c. 1050), Ibn Sina (died 1037), Ibn Al-Baitar (died 1248), Al-Razi (died c. 930), and others – Al-Biruni's Book on Precious Stones has a chapter about amber, in which Al-Biruni describes السندروس AL-SANDARŪS as a tree-resin with a pale yellow color. Link has the book in Arabic, text-searchable. Book has 5 instances of السندروس AL-SANDARŪS. البيروني – الجماهر في معرفة الجواهرref, In Arabic : Ibn Sina's القانون في الطب. Search for سندروس. Ibn Sina says سندروس ... هو صمغ شجرةref, الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. Ibn al-Baitar on page 472 says سندروس : صمغ أصفر يشبه الكهرباء = ''sandarūs is a yellow resin resembling amber''.ref, Search for السندروس and سندروس in the corpus of texts at ABLibrary.net. ABLibrary.net's corpus is a mix of medieval and modern Arabic texts.ref. Nasir Khusraw (died c. 1077), writing in Persian about his visit to Jerusalem, speaks of a varnish made by mixing سندروس sandarūs with oil, and used as a varnish on paintings in a Christian church – ناصرخسرو » سفرنامه » بخش ۳۶ [Nasir Khusraw's ''Safirnameh'' in Persian]ref-1 , In English translation : Diary of a Journey through Syria and Palestine by Nasir-i Khusrau in 1047 AD, translated from the Persian by Guy Le Strange, year 1888, having varnish of Sandarūs on page 60ref-2. The sandarac resin has high quality as a varnish.
    In ancient Greek and Latin, sandaracha | sandaraca meant Red Arsenic Sulfide and secondarily Red Lead. In medieval Latin sandaraca normally meant arsenic sulfide (red or yellow). But there are instances where it meant a resin from a juniper-like tree and these exceptional instances are in Arabic-to-Latin medicines translations in the late 12th & 13th centuries; plus there are some 14th & 15th century Latin instances in the domain of medicine where the word's use is a derivative from the 12th & 13th century Arabic-to-Latin translations. The late-12th-century Latin medicines book Ad Almansorem is a translation of Kitāb al-Manṣūrī of Al-Razi (died c. 930). It has Latin sandaracha meaning a type of resin in translation of Al-Razi's Arabic sandarūsIn Arabic : Search for السندروس and سندروس in Al-Razi's medicine book كتاب الحاوي في الطب. This book is not the same as Al-Razi's medicine book كتاب المنصوري في الطب but Al-Razi uses the same vocabulary in both books. Al-Razi's كتاب المنصوري في الطب is downloadable elsewhere in raw manuscript format.ref-1, In Latin : Medical Works of Al-Razi translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), in OCR of print edition year 1544. The volume includes the text ''Liber ad Almansorem'' translating Al-Razi's Arabic ''Kitāb al-Manṣūrī fī al-ṭibb''.ref-2, Book, ''In Antidotarium Ioannis Filii Mesuae, censura''. Written in year 1543 in Italy by Angelus Palea and Bartholomaeus. On page 618 it says: ''Hoc gummi juniperi, arabice, Sandarax, vel sandoros, ut in tertio Rhasis AD ALMANSOREM legitur. Unde est, quod plurimi abusive, sandaracam nominant. Nam sandaracha proprie, auripigmentum rubeum est.''ref-3. Likewise the late-12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medicines book of Ibn Sina (died 1037) has the Latin sandaracha translating Ibn Sina's Arabic al-sandarūs meaning a type of resin – In Latin : Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Link is print edition year 1555. The edition has also supplementary materials that are not part of the translation. In the given OCR'd text, the search for substring ANDARAC will deliver 22 instances of sandarac__. Ibn Sina's book in Arabic is on the internet at numerous websites.ref. Both of those books were widely circulated in late medieval Latin medicine circles. For both of those books, Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187) was the translator. In the late 13th century, a Latin dictionary of medicines was compiled by Simon of Genoa. Simon of Genoa took many of his Latin medicines words from Arabic-to-Latin translations. Simon of Genoa says sandaracha means arsenic sulfide (yellow or red) and he cites the definition of sandaracha given by Dioscorides (died c. 100 AD; wrote in Greek). Under the headword sandaracha Simon of Genoa says also: Varnishing resin is called sandaros by the Arabs, and the Arabic name sandaros was corrupted into the corrupt Latin name sandaracha meaning sandarac resin in books translated from Arabic to Latin – Sandaracha @ ''Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa, dated c. 1292ref.
    A dictionary of chemicals by Martin Ruland in year 1612 has the definition in Latin: "Sandaraca is a metallic earth, red in color, and having a sulfurous smell.... It is essentially the same thing as orpiment [i.e. yellow arsenic sulfide].... Sometimes sandarac is identified with a resin.... The confusion began with the Arabs." – In Latin : sandaraca @ ''Lexicon Alchemiae sive Dictionarium Alchemisticum'', by Martin Ruland, year 1612 on pages 419-420ref-1, In English : ''A Lexicon of Alchemy by Martin Rulandus the Elder'', translated from Latin to English by Arthur E. Waite, year 1893. Sandarac on PDF pages 267-268 in linked PDF file.ref-2. An author in Latin in 1679 gives the definition: "Sandaraca has a twofold designation, one of the Greeks, the other of the Arabs.... Sandaraca with the Greeks is arsenic sulfide.... The sandaraca of the Arabs is the gum of juniper trees" – Book ''Juniperi Descriptio Curiosa... Et Variis Medicamentis...'', by Benjamin Scharff, year 1679 on page 26ref. A science dictionary in English in 1743 defined SANDARACHA Meaning : ''Of the Arabs'' ARABUM as a gum from a kind of juniper tree and it defined SANDARACHA Meaning : ''Of the Greeks'' GRAECORUM as red arsenic sulfide – Sandarach or Sandaracha @ ''Cyclopaedia, Or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences'', Volume 2, by E. Chambers (died 1740), edition year 1743ref. Today's English sandarac is defined as a type of resin only.
    It is not correct to say the pre-existing Latin sandaraca (meaning an arsenic) was expanded in meaning to cover a type of resin. What happened is that, in the late 12th century, the translator Gerard of Cremona borrowed an entirely new word from the Arabs and he modified the Arabic wordform سندروس sandarūs to assimilate it to a pre-existing unrelated European wordform sandaraca. The resin named by the word got little use or notice in western Europe during the late medieval centuries. During the early post-medieval centuries the sandarac resin had a substantial increase in use as a varnish in western Europe. Sandarac with this meaning starts in vernacular European languages in the 16th century in Italian. Some 16th century Italian books talking about the sandaraca | sandracca resin are quoted at sandaraca #1 @ ''Grande dizionario della lingua italiana'' (''GDLI''), years 1961-2002, in Volume 17 on page 494, has several 16th century quotations for the Italian sandaraca meaning sandarac resin. For the dates of the named sources quoted, refer to :
    and some other 16th century Italian books talking about the sandaracca | sandraca resin are cited at Book, ''Original Treatises, Dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting'', curated and introduced by M.P. Merrifield, year 1849, Volume ONE, has info on sandarac resin on page ccliii-ccliv. At foot of page ccliii it cites sandaraca resin in Leonardo Fioravanti's Secreti (year 1564/1566), Raffaello Borghini's Riposo (1584 spelled sandracca), and don Alessio Piemontese's Secreti (spelling sandracha 1557, sandraca 1559).Ref and plenty more 16th century Italian books with this resin are at search @ Books.Google.com, with the Time restricted to 16th-century books. With the meaning of a resin, the 16th-century Italian wordforms include sandracca, sandraca, sandaraca, sandaracca. Those wordforms also occur with the meaning of an arsenic sulfide in 16th-century Italian books.Ref. Today's Italian dictionary at ''Grande dizionario della lingua italiana'' (''GDLI''), years 1961-2002, in Volume 17 on page 494 has Sandaraca #1 and Sandaraca #2www.GDLI.it says correctly: Italian sandaraca#1 meaning "a type of resin" came from Arabic sandarūs, while Italian sandaraca#2 meaning "arsenic sulfide" came from ancient Latin & Greek sandarache. More fully correctly, the Italian resin-word came directly from medieval Latin, and the medieval Latin resin-word came directly from Arabic. In English, the sandarac meaning "a type of resin" was brought into English in the 2nd half of 17th century, brought from Italian-influenced Mediterranean commerce vocabulary. Old examples in English are at sandarac @ ''A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1914, has quotations of early records in English for sandarac. This dictionary says correctly : ''Modern Latin SANDARACHA ARABUM represents Arabic SANDARŪS.''Ref and Article ''On the real origin of that resin known under the name of Sandarac'', by M. Schousboe, 3 pages, year 1799-1800 in journal ''Philosophical Magazine'' Volume 5 pages 239-242. The reporter Schousboe had a lengthy stay at the seaport of Mogador and its hinterland in southern Morocco. He saw the sandarac being collected on trees there.Ref. It is an error to see only one rootword in the two meanings of sandarac and the majority of English etymology dictionaries make this error (sandarac @ TheFreeDictionary.com. TheFreeDictionary.com has copies of three current English dictionaries : American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, and Random House Dictionary.examples).
  90. ^ elemi

    Two instances in Arabic for اللامي al-lāmī meaning a resin in & around the 15th century are quoted in Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, on page 288. Includes quotation of word اللاميّ in the writer السيوطي Al-Soyuti (died 1505).Henri Lammens year 1890 page 288. The word with this meaning was rare in Arabic medievally and later. In the European languages, approx earliest is Latin gumi elemi circa 1450 in a list of gums or resins by Saladinus of Ascoli in Italy – Book ''Compendium Aromatariorum'' by Saladinus, aka Saladino Ferro da Ascoli, published in 1488, with ''gumi elemi'' listed under the heading ''De gummis''. The composition date has been estimated at about 1450.ref. Also circa 1450 in Italy, Latin gummi elemi is in medicines recipes by Bartolomeo Montagnana – Book entitled ''Consilia'' by Bartolomeo Montagnana. Its year of completion is put at 1448. Search for elemi.ref. Circa 1490 a medical-botany compilation says in French: "Gomme elempni is a gum of a tree that the Saracens means Muslims. Also Saracens means Arabs. Saracens call elempni " – Book, ''Grant Herbier en Francois'', dated 1486 and printed circa 1498. ''Gomme elempni'' is a heading under letter G on page LXXI + 1. Book is a compilation and translation into French from medieval Latin texts. Done by an anonymous compiler.ref. Medicines books in Latin in Italy in the 1510s have gummi elemi or gumi elimi Book ''Practica in Arte Chirurgica Copiosa'', by Joannes de Vigo, aka Giovanni da Vigo, died 1525. Book's publication year is 1514. Spelling is ''gumi elimi''.(e.g.). Those records can be taken to indicate that the word-transfer to Europe was through Italian sea merchants on the Mediterranean Sea in the 15th century. The al-lāmī resin of the Arabs may have come from Ethiopia. One old Arabic apothecary's book says: " لامي lāmī is a resin that is brought from Yemen or from the Indies" –  details Minhāj al-Dukkān is an apothecary's book written in Cairo city in year 1259-1260 AD. Henri Lammens year 1890 on page 288 footnote #2 quotes from a manuscript of منهاج الدكان Minhāj al-Dukkān whose transcription year is 1629. The 1629 manuscript says :
    لامي : هو صمغ شجرة تجلب من اليمن او من الهند
    The website ABLibrary.net has a searchable copy of منهاج الدكان Minhāj al-Dukkān. Its copy has nearly the same statement as the above. The website Books.Google.com has Minhāj al-Dukkān in two printed Arabic editions searchable, and one has the above statement approximately, and the other does not, and each of the two has the medicinal statement يذاب اللامي بزيت طيب ويدهن به مكان الوجع = "melt elemi with aromatic oil and smear it on the place that hurts". Minhāj al-Dukkān is available in digitized early-14th-century manuscripts but I have not gone into any of them to find out if al-lāmī is there or not.
    . But Yemen was likely just a waystation or transit-point for goods brought across the Indian Ocean at the time. The goods transiting through Yemen from the Indian Ocean could come from Ethiopia as well as from the Indies. Apothecary writers in Latin in the 1530s said a resin product of Ethiopia may be what the gummi elemi is, though they acknowledged a lack of verification – Book, ''Examen omnium simplicium medicamentorum, quorum in officinis usus est'', by Antonius Musa Brasavolus, year 1536, reprinted 1537. Gummi elemi on page 386.ref, Book, ''Herbarum vivae eicones ad nature imitationem'', by Otto Brunfels, year 1530 & 1532, on appendix page 9, says Ethiopian resin is ''perhaps'' synonymous with gummi Elemi.ref. Apothecary writers in French in the 1690s said "true" elemi resin comes from Ethiopia and Yemen, and a different elemi resin comes from America – Book ''A Compleat History of Druggs'', edition year 1737 page 195. This book in English was translated from 1690s French books by Pierre Pomet (died 1699) and Nicholas Lemery (died 1715).ref. John Hill in English in 1751 said "genuine" elemi comes from Ethiopia and "this genuine Elemi is very rare at present in Europe" and "there are a great many resins sent over from different parts of America under the name of Elemi" – ''A history of the materia medica: containing descriptions of all the substances used in medicine'', by John Hill, year 1751, on pages 721-723ref. Peter Forsskal visited Cairo city in 1762 and copied material about resins from a contemporary Arabic pharmaceutical book in Cairo. This Arabic book had a resin لامي lāmī which it said was imported from India – Appendix titled ''Materia medica ex officina pharmaceutica Kahirae [= Cairo] descripta'', with لامي Lami on page 157, in the book ''Descriptiones animalium... quæ in itinere orientali'', by Peter Forskal (died 1763).ref. In the 19th century in Europe the principal elemi in commerce was extracted from a tree native in the Philippines; and this elemi was called "Manila elemi" in 19th-century Europe – elemi @ ''A History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin'', by Friedrich A. Flückiger and Daniel Hanbury, year 1879 on page 149ref. Today, the name elemi means the Manila elemi. 20th-century organic chemistry has the derived names elemol and elemicin.
  91. ^ lemon  ^ orange  ^ tangerine

    Book, Origin of Cultivated Plants by Alphonse de Candolle, year 1885, pages 178–181 for lemon and lime, pages 183–188 for orange, page 188 for tangerine aka mandarin orange. Further info in "Études sur les noms arabes des végétaux: l'oranger et ses congénères", by J.J. Clement-Mullet in Journal Asiatique year 1870, on pages 17-41. The geographer Al-Mas'udi (died 956), writing in the 940s, said the orange tree (shajar al-nāranj) had been introduced to Arabic-speaking lands only a few decades previously In Arabic with French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, year 1863 volume 2 page 438-439(ref). He does not mention the lemon, and from other evidence it is demonstrable that the lemon had not yet arrived in Al-Mas'udi's time. More on the medieval lemon is in note #92, the next paragraph.
  92. ^ lemon

    A good source for lemon in medieval Arabic is the agriculture book In Arabic : ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, in Arabic together with translation to Spanish by Josef Banqueri, year 1802, Volume One (of two volumes). Has section about growing lemon trees. Also has a section about growing citrus trees in general.Al-Filāha by Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200). Ibn al-Awwam makes an acknowledgement on In Arabic : ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, year 1802 edition, Volume One, page 323. Ibn al-Awwam's book is a compilation and it frequently takes material from Abu al-Khayr's book. It frequently uses the notation قال خ ''qāl Kh'' = ''says Abu al-Khayr''.page 323 that part of his info on lemon trees is taken from an agriculture book by Abu al-Khayr of Seville (At Filaha.org : A brief biography of Abu al-Khayr, and a brief synopsis of the contents of his book about agriculturedied c. 1100). Abu al-Khayr is one of the earliest to mention the name lemon in Arabic. Abu al-Khayr has the name spelled الليمون al-līmūn الليمون @ ''Kitāb al-Filāḥa'' by Abū al-Khayr Ishbīlī, curated by Julia Maria Carabaza, year 1991(ref). The 13th century book عبد اللطيف البغدادي - الإفادة والاعتبار في الأمور المشاهدة والحوادث المعاينة بأرض مصر. Link goes to year 1789 Arabic edition curated by Joseph White, where الليمون is on page 26 and is also on pages 32, 100 & 101.Ard Masr by Abdallatif (died c. 1231) (for which ''Relation de l'Égypte par Abd-Allatif'', being Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi's description of Egypt translated to French by Silvestre de Sacy, with annotations by the translator, year 1810. Abd al-Latif's main statement about lemon is on page 31, and the translator's annotations about it are on page 115-116.French translation) ranks fairly early in composition date among the medieval Arabic books that mention the lemon. The citron fruit is not a lemon or lime. It is easy to find plenty of pre-12th century Arabic books that mention the citron, الأترج al-utrujsearch الأترج @ AlWaraq.net. The plantnames dictionary by Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (died c. 895; lived in Iran) says: "The citron (utruj) is abundant in Arabia, and it is a cultivated plant and does not grow in the wild" – ''Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion'', by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986, with ''Utrujj'' on print page 59.ref. Numerous Arabic medicine writers before the 12th century repeatedly mention the citron as a medicinal ingredient. In sharp contrast, the mentions of the lemon before the 12th century are very scarce in Arabic medicine writers, and scarce also in non-medicine writers. Although scarce, the lemon or the lime fruit does occur reliably dated before the 12th century in Arabic. The Arabic words for the lemon and lime fruit are from the same rootword. The earliest instance of lemon or lime in Arabic is in the chapter about Pakistan in the geography book of Al-Istakhri (died about 957; lived in Iran; probably visited Pakistan personally). Al-Istakhri says: "The people of this land [Balād al-Sind = Pakistan] have a fruit the size of a small apple called الليمونة al-līmūna, which is bitter, very acidic" – In Arabic in Volume 1 of ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'' : Al-Istakhri's geography book, curated by M.J. de Goeje, year 1870, reprinted 1927, on page ١٧٣ on lines 9 & 10, where Al-Istakhri says وبأرضهم ثمرة على قدر التفاح تسمى الليمونة، حامضة شديدة الحموضةref. The geography book of Ibn Hawqal (died c. 988) replicates the same statement – In Arabic in Volume 2 of ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'' : geography book of Ibn Haukal (aka Ibn Hawqal) curated by M.J. de Goeje, year 1873, with الليمونة on page ٢٢٨ref. In the above quotation from Al-Istakhri, he might have been talking about the lemon or the lime; we do not know whether it was lemon or lime. Arabic nouns with a terminal ون ūn in the singular, like līmūn(a), are nearly always taken from a foreign language. In the Persian language, Nasir Khusraw (died c. 1077) used the Persian name لیمو līmū in an enumeration of fruit trees he saw growing at Tripoli in Lebanon – ref: Nasir Khusraw ناصرخسرو » سفرنامه » بخش ۲۲in Persian and Book ''Diary of a Journey through Syria and Palestine'' by Nāsir-i Khusrau in year 1047 AD, translated from the Persian by Guy Le Strange, year 1888, having lemon on page 7English translation. Again, he might have been talking about lemon or lime, because in Persian the name لیمو līmū covers both lemon and lime.
  93. ^ luffa

    The first known occurrence of the plantname "Luffa" in a European language is in the botanist Johann Veslingius, who visited Egypt in 1628 and afterwards published drawings and a description of the Luffa aegyptiaca plant. Veslingius wrote that the plant was in cultivation around Cairo, was called "Luff | Luffa" in Arabic, and was in use both as an edible cucumber and as a fibrous scrubber. Veslingius in Latin called it Luffa Arabum and "Egyptian Cucumber" – ref: Book, ''De Plantis Aegyptiis: Observationes et Notae ad Prosperum Alpinum'', written by Ioannus Veslingius (aka Johann Vesling), year 1638. Luffa on page 48.De Plantis Aegyptiis by Johann Veslingius. In 1706 the botanist J.P. de Tournefort introduced the formal botany genus name "Luffa". He referred to Veslingius's earlier description and reiterated that Luffa Arabum is a plant from Egypt in the cucumber family – Tournefort in journal ''Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences'', année MDCCVI. Luffa in text on page 84 and two drawings of Luffa are between pages 86 and 87.ref. In 1761 the botanist Peter Forsskål visited Egypt and noted that the luffa plant was called لوف lūff in Arabic – ref: لوف LUFF = Momordica Luffa on page number LXXV in edition year 1775Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica by Peter Forskal. In Arabic the name lūf has also meant other plants, unrelated to the luffa. In today's Arabic the luffa plant is more usually called ليف līf, which associates with the common Arabic word līf = "fiber" and alludes to the luffa as a fibrous scrubber.
  94. ^   Empty note #94 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  95. ^ lute

    Most medieval Arabic music-making involved human singing, and the al-ʿaūd lute was one of the most preferred supporting instruments in songs. The songbook of Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani (died 967) has well more than 100 instances of the word العود al-ʿaūd or عود ʿaūd = "oud" – The book الأغاني written by أبو الفرج الأصفهاني is freely online in machine-searchable Arabic at multiple websites. Search in it for العود and عود. The author's name is also spelled أبي الفرج الأصبهاني. The book is very lengthy. Some online editions have only the first part of it; or have the first part plus only selections from other parts.ref. Two of the best medieval Arabic sources on the design and tuning of the al-ʿaūd are Al-Kindi (died 870) and Al-Farabi (died 950). Al-ʿaūd of the 9th and 10th century Arabs had the following features: (1) a wooden sound-chamber that bulged out at the back, (2) a relatively short neck (short compared to the tanbur of the time), (3) strings were made of silk and sometimes of gut, (4) strings were struck with a plectrum, (5) the lower-pitch strings were positioned uppermost along the neck, (6) standardly the ʿaūd had four strings, tuned in fourths, each fretted with four frets (note that today's ouds do not have frets), and besides this standard there were also non-standard tunings in use, and (7) the pairings of strings that is seen in the 14th century (and still today) does not appear in the descriptions of the al-ʿaūd in the 9th and 10th centuries. The al-ʿaūd design descriptions from Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi, and from a 10th century source Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, are paraphrased in the book Musical Instruments as Objects of Meaning in Classical Arabic Poetry and PhilosophyBook written by Yaron Klein. Year 2009. Downloadable as PDF at link. The design descriptions for the oud instrument are on pages 115-122, 132-135, and 208-215 (more tuning info at 171-179).. One thing Al-Kindi says about al-ʿaūd is: "its back is somewhat round [استدارة = circular or rotund], conic toward the neck". A distinctive design feature of the medieval al-ʿaūd and the Latin lute was a sound-chamber that bulged back, bowled, vaulted, like half of a pear, pear cut in half longitudinally. Adequate descriptions in text are unavailable from the Latins for musical instrument design details. It is necessary to look at Latin artworks for instrument designs. The ancient Latins used guitars, as can be seen in depictions of guitars on ancient Latin artworks: at Wikipedia : History of lute-family instruments. Has photographs of guitars on ancient artworks, including classical Latin artworks.photo examples. But there is no depiction of the al-ʿaūd guitar design in use among the Latins, or at least no clear depiction, until the 12th & 13th century. Guitars are in numerous paintings in illustrated Latin manuscripts made in Northwest Europe in the 9th century. These 9th century Latin guitar pictures are viewable: ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' is a Christian hymn book manuscript made in northwest Europe in the early 9th century. The manuscript at folio 83r (equals page 171) has colored painting of man playing guitar.Stuttgart 83r, 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' Latin manuscript at folio 163v (equals page 334) has colored painting of man playing guitar.Stuttgart 163v, 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' Latin manuscript at folio 69r (equals page 141) has colored painting of man playing guitar.Stuttgart 69r, 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' Latin manuscript at folio 161r (equals page 329) has colored painting of man playing guitar. In this manuscript, paintings of guitars are on folios numbered 55r, 69r, 83r, 97v, 108r, 112r, 125r, 155v, 161r, 163v. The link has high-resolution images of the complete manuscript.Stuttgart 161r , The ''Utrecht Psalter'' is a Latin manuscript dated 9th century. It has Christian religious text and drawings. It has drawings of guitars on pages numbered 57, 87, 115, 173 at linked site. The complete manuscript is downloadable at hdl.handle.net/1874/284427 , 190 megabytes, in which the guitars are in drawings on PDF pages numbered PDF 58 (not 57), PDF 88 (= 87+1), PDF 116, PDF 174.Utrecht p 87, The ''Utrecht Psalter'' is a Latin manuscript dated 9th century. At the center of page numbered 115 is a drawing of one man playing a guitar and a second man playing a harp.Utrecht p 115 , The Vivian Bible, also known as ''First Bible of Charles the Bald'', is a physical manuscript dated the 9th century during the reign of King Charles the Bald. It has Bible text and it has Bible-related colored paintings. Created in northwest Europe. The painting on folio 215v has a guitar. Biblical King David is in same painting. King David is accredited with authorship of psalm hymns.Vivian Bible 215v , ''Golden Psalter of Saint Gallen'', aka ''Psalterium Aureum'', is dated 9th century as physical manuscript. Created in northwest Europe. Page 66 has painting of biblical King David playing guitar using very long plectrum. Also in picture is the holy box known as Ark of the Covenant. King David plays a guitar-like instrument in another painting on page 2 of same manuscript.Saint Gallen Aureum page 66 , Boethius (died 524 AD) is author of ''De Institutione Arithmetica''. A 9th century manuscript of this book has painting of guitar. Manuscript is stored in Bamberg Staatsbibliothek, archive number Msc. Class. 5. The guitar is on folio 9v. For Boethius there were four Arts: music, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy. The painting has icons of these four Arts. Icon for music is guitar. PDF file on pages 20-21.Bamberg Boethius 9v (pages 20-21) with Notice the word MUSICA at topleft in photo. The photo is of folio 9v of manuscript ''Msc. Class. 5'' at Bamberg Staatsbibliothek, which is a 9th-century manuscript of a book by Boethius. Folio 9v has painting of woman holding guitar. Discussed in ''Secular Learning and Sacred Purpose in a Carolingian Copy of Boethius’s De institutione arithmetica'', by Laura E. Cochrane, year 2015 in journal ''Peregrinations'' volume V.a better photo for that one , ''Dagulf Psalter'' is a lavish psalter manuscript dated 795-800. Done in northwest Europe. With the same date, it was furnished with an outer jacket done in engraved ivory. The engraved ivory book jacket has depiction of a guitar-type instrument played with a plectrum.Dagulf Psalter outer jacket , 9th century manuscript, stored as Ms. 220 at Bibliothèques d'Amiens métropole, is a copy of the book ''Liber testimoniorum veteris testamenti'' by Paterius (died 606). The manuscript is not illustrated, except that an otherwise blank page at the end (on folio 149v) has a sketchy drawing of a man playing a guitar. Done in northwest Europe.Amiens MS 220 on page 149v. None of those 9th century artworks has evidence of the bowled, vaulted, sound-chamber of the oud, even though in most cases they do have the guitar strings placed over a broad sound-board or sound-chamber. In the following 10th century vellum painting from Christian north Iberia, the sound-boards on the guitars are rounded but do not appear to bulge back, and the finger-boards or necks are much longer than an oud's neck: ''Morgan Beatus'' is an illuminated Latin manuscript dated mid 10th century. Contains many paintings on vellum. The manuscript at folio 87r has a painting of people playing guitars. Bottom right side of the painting has Latin text TENENS CITHARAM. Bottom left side has Latin TENENTES CITHARAS. You have to zoom it to see this. Manuscript is kept at Pierpont Morgan Library with archive number MS 644.Morgan Beatus 87r zoomable image. The guitar design in that image is a minor variant of the following guitars painted on another page in the same Latin manuscript: ''Morgan Beatus'' is an illustrated Latin manuscript dated mid 10th century. The manuscript at folio 174v has a painting of people playing guitars. The manuscript is kept at Pierpont Morgan Library with archive number MS 644. More info at Pierpont Morgan Library at:
    Morgan Beatus 174v
    . It is similar to the guitars painted in the 11th century Latin manuscripts Facundus Beatus is an illustrated Latin manuscript which was completed in year 1047. The themes in the manuscript's paintings are Biblical Christianity themes. The paintings were done in Christian-ruled north Iberia. The manuscript at folio 117v has an illustration containing four guitars. Manuscript is kept at Biblioteca Nacional Madrid with archive number ''Ms Vit.14.2''.Facundus Beatus 117v and Beatus of Silos, aka Apocalypse of Silos, is the name of an illustrated manuscript which was painted between the years 1091 and 1109 in a Christian monastery in north Iberia. The manuscript on folio 229 has a picture containing two guitars. (Guitars are also depicted on folio 86v in this manuscript). Manuscript is kept at ''The British Library'' with archive number ''Additional 11695''.Silos Beatus f 229. In 3rd quarter of 12th century, paintings were made on the ceiling of the Palatine Chapel in city of Palermo in Sicily, depicting guitar-like instruments, and the paintings include the earliest known images of oud-like instruments in Latin artworks, and some of the depicted musicians have Arabic visual aspects, which contributes support to the claim that the Latin lute design was influenced by the Arabic oud: Cappella Palatina, aka Palatine Chapel, is a Christian church in Palermo. The images painted on the ceiling of the chapel's nave have been dated 1150-1175. The ceiling, in addition to having many painted images, has ornamental decorations in an Arabic ornamental style called مقرنص ''muqarnas''.pictures. Paintings of oud-type guitars in Latin sources dated 13th, 14th and 15th centuries can be seen at: Blumberg's Music Theory Cipher for Guitar and other stringed instruments : guitar, vihuela, viola, viol, and lute, history. Has a set of photos of guitar-type instruments in medieval artwork done by Latins.pictures and Article, ''A Brief History of the Lute'', Part One, by David van Edwards, has some pictures from medieval artworkpictures. An oud is visible on two engravings done in ivory in Arabic Andalusia with dates 968 AD and 1005 AD: Ivory canister at Louvre museum, with catalog number OA 4068, with caption: ''Pyxis with the name of Al-Mughira. Madinat al-Zahra, Spain, 968.''pic-1A, Ivory canister at Louvre museum with catalog number OA 4068. More photos of it are at website of Louvre museum.pic-1B, The ''Pamplona Casket'', also known as the ''Leyre Casket'', is an engraved ivory casket now in a museum in Pamplona city. Inscription on base of lid of casket says casket was commissioned by Sayf al-Dawla ʿAbd al-Malik (died 1008; lived in Andalusia).pic-2A, Photo of a portion of the engraving on one side of the ''Pamplona Casket'', also known as the ''Leyre Casket'', an ivory casket kept in a museum in Pamplona city.pic-2B. Meanwhile, oud-type guitars are visible in a number of artworks done in China in the 5th-9th centuries AD: Painting on the inside wall of the burial tomb of Xu Xianxiu, who died in 571 and was an administrative official of the Northern Qi Dynasty. The tomb is located at outskirt of Taiyuan city. The painting has one white lute and two beige-colored lutes.picture, at Wikipedia : Pipa. Pipa is the Chinese word for the lute-type musical instrument. Wikipedia has photos of early medieval Chinese paintings having the lute instrument visible.pictures.
  96. ^ magazine

    Legislation at the seaport of Marseille in 1228 included restrictions on the resale of wine by Marseille merchants at North African seaports. The legislation has Latin maguazenum and magazenis referring to storerooms or retail shops under the management of Latin merchants at North African seaports – Year 1228 text in Latin plus translation to modern French is in ''Histoire analytique et chronologique des actes et des délibérations du corps et du conseil de la municipalité de Marseille'', Volume 1, year 1841/1842, where the Latin word is on page 351 twice. It is put in French translation on page 382-383.ref. A trade treaty between the seaport of Pisa and the emirate of Tunis in the early 1230s has Latin "ad portandum res magazeni " = "transporting the things of storage" – Text in Latin in the book ''Urkunden Zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte Der Republik Venedig, Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Byzanz und Die Levante'', curated by G.L.F. Tafel and G.M. Thomas, year 1856, Volume 2, on page 302ref. In 1249 at the Crusader-controlled seaport of Acre in the Levant, certain Genoese merchants each had a residential house with a magasenum attached to it (the magasenum being a storeroom for merchandise) – Year 1249 Latin text published in Latin under headline ''Quatre Titres des Propriétés des Génois à Acre et à Tyr'', curated by Desimoni, in book ''Archives de l'Orient Latin, Tome II'', year 1884, where magasenum is on pages 215, 216, 217 & 218ref. A trade treaty between Venice and Egypt in 1254 allowed for "magazeni per homines de Venecia ad ponendum mercimonia" = "storerooms for the men of Venice to put merchandise in" in Egypt – Text in Latin in the book ''Urkunden Zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte Der Republik Venedig, Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Byzanz und Die Levante'', curated by G.L.F. Tafel and G.M. Thomas, year 1856, Volume 2, on page 488ref. At Genoa in 1278 or 1279, Latin magaseni = "storerooms" occurs in a trade treaty between Genoa and Arab-ruled Granada, whereby a colony of Genoa merchants was enabled to have operating facilities in Granada – In Latin : ''Pièces diplomatiques tirées des archives de la république de Gènes'', curated by Silvestre de Sacy, published in ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi et autres bibliothèques'', Volume 11 premiere partie, year 1827, Latin text on pages 27-32, ''magaseni'' on page 28ref. In a trade treaty between Genoa and Egypt in 1290, Latin magasenos, meaning "storage rooms", occurs in a clause that enabled Genoa merchants to have storage rooms, locked with their own keys, inside the imports-tax building area at the waterfront in Alexandria – In Latin : ''Pièces diplomatiques tirées des archives de la république de Gènes'', curated by Silvestre de Sacy, published in ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi et autres bibliothèques'', Volume 11 premiere partie, year 1827. Treaty text on pages 34-41. Magasenos on page 37.ref. Those Genoese magasenos at Alexandria were rooms inside a building. The building was locked by Egyptian import-tax officials. Venice merchants received the same rights at Alexandria in a treaty between Venice and Egypt in 1302: "Veneti habeant magazenos in duana... et teneant claves illorum magazenorum" = "the Venetians are to have storage places in the imports-tax building... and are to hold the keys of these storage places" – Book in medieval Latin, ''Diplomatarium Veneto-Levantinum, sive Acta et Diplomata, Res Venetas Graecas atque Levantis'', covering years 1300-1350, curated by Georg Martin Thomas, year 1880, on page 6ref. A peace & trade treaty between Venice and the Almohadian rulers of Tunis in 1305 has Latin "mittere precium magazeno Moadinorum" = "send the payment to the coffers of the Almohadians" – In Latin : A treaty of peace & commerce between Venice and Tunisia, year 1305, published in ''Traités de paix et de commerce et documents divers concernant les relations des chrétiens avec les Arabes de l'Afrique septentrionale au moyen age'', curated by L. de Mas Latrie, year 1866, with ''magazeno'' on page 214ref. In that era it was standard practice that trade treaties between Latins and Arabs were put in writing in both Latin and Arabic. The texts of the above six trade treaties are not available in Arabic to my knowledge. However, the corresponding Arabic word مخازن makhāzin (plural) and مخزن makhzan (singular) can be seen in trade treaties in Arabic in years 1445 and 1496 in the book The book publishes late medieval trade treaties between Arab and Italian states. Curated by Michele Amari, year 1863. Arabic texts on pages 174, 187, 197 & 202 use the words مخزن مخازن يخزن.I Diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino on pages 174, 197 & 202 and the root verb خزن khazan = "to store" can be seen on page 187. In Sicily at the seaports of Messina and Palermo the word occurs in Latin as machazenum in 1240, Latin mahazenum in 1284, Latin machassenum in 1287 – machazenum @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983 on page 272. Abbreviations are defined on pages 11-26. In quote for year 1240, ''Messane'' means Messina.ref. The earliest known in Italian, as distinct from Italian-Latin, is year 1318 magazeno at seaport of Cagliari Sardinia (a seaport under the jurisdiction of Pisa at that time) – magazzino @ Tesoro della lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO). It cites the text ''Breve del porto di Cagliari compilato nel MCCCXVIII'', which is printed in the book ''Statuti inediti della città di Pisa dal XII al XIV secolo'' Volume 2, year 1870, which has ''magazeno'' on pages 1129-1130.TLIO. All the above instances are among the word's earliest instances in European languages. Taken together, they imply that for the Latins the word magazine started in Mediterranean sea-commerce and it came to the Latin Mediterranean seaports from Arabic-speaking seaports. The 13th-century Latin Mediterranean seaports largely used the same vocabulary as each other.
  97. ^   Empty note #97 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  98. ^ marcasite

    The Arabic stone-name مرقشيثا marqashīthā is in the so-called The Stonebook of Aristotle, a minerals book dated 9th century in Arabic. It puts the marqashīthā stone into association with sulfur, several times. It says the marqashīthā can be gold-colored, silver-colored, or copper-colored. That color description is consistent with the iron sulfides, i.e. pyrite and marcasite. The Arabic text of the so-called Stonebook of Aristotle plus a translation to German is at Book, كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس ''Das Steinbuch des Aristoteles'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912. The stone مرقشيثا ''marqashīthā'' is in Arabic as stone #24 on print page 112, and also in Arabic on print pages 101, 121 & 123. The book has nothing to do with the ancient Greek writer Aristotle.Ref. Likewise, Ibn Sina (died 1037) says مارقشيتا mārqashītā can be gold-, silver- or copper-colored – In Arabic : مارقشيتا in Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, BOOK 2. Spelled مارقشيثا in some other copies of BOOK 2.ref. Likewise Al-Biruni (died c. 1050) says: " مرقشيثا marqashīthā | مارقشيثا mārqashīthā comprises several varieties: golden-yellow, silvery-white, brassy-red, and decayed iron black" – In Arabic : Al-Biruni's Book on Precious Stones كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني. It has spelling مارقشيثا two times and spelling مرقشيثا three times.ref. Al-Razi (died c. 930) in his minerals book Kitāb al-Asrār has the word مرقشيشا marqashīshā | مرقشيتا marqashītā thirty-six times and he has descriptions of procedures to change the chemical and physical properties of it – DEAD LINK. Book in English : Al-Razi's ''Kitāb al-Asrār''. Book was translated from Arabic to German by Julius Ruska in the 1930s and translated from German to English by Gail Marlow Taylor in year 2011. In this translation, Al-Razi's ''marqashīthā'' is put as English ''marcasite''. You have to bear in mind that al-Razi's word is considerably broader in scope than English marcasite.ref, Book in Arabic : كتاب الأسرار ؛ وسر الأسرار ''Kitāb al-asrār wa sirr al-asrār'', by Al-Razi (died c. 930). Book downloadable from Arabic Collections Online at http://dlib.nyu.edu/aco/ , whose edition's printed spelling is مرقشيشاref (مرقشيشا) – and from studying all he says his meaning can be deduced in today's terms as iron sulfides and secondly other metal sulfides.
    Medieval Syriac sources have a mineral ܡܪܩܫܝܬܐ marqəshītā whose meaning is deduced as iron sulfides –  ref Book La Chimie Au Moyen Age, Tome II: Alchimie Syriaque, by Rubens Duval & Marcellin Berthelot, year 1893. It prints in Syriac a medieval Syriac alchemy text having ܡܪܩܫܝܬܐ marqəshītā on page 3 line 10, page 4 line 9, and page 6 line 14. The book on page 37 line 12 has ܡܩܫܝܬܐ maqəshītā. The book also has translations to French, having French marcassite and French plural marcassites, denoting iron sulfides. In another text printed in this book, an Arabic ܐܠܡܪܩܫܝܬܐ al-marqəshītā is on page 90 lines 12 & 14 and page 92 line 20.. This mineral word is in ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform records with meaning as a red stone –  ref Freely downloadable, The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago is a dictionary for Ancient Mesopotamian Akkadian. Dictionary consists of more than two dozen printed book volumes. In the roman alphabet notation used, the letter š is pronounced as English Sh as in ash. The letter is pronounced as English Kh, which is like Arabic Kh, as in akh. The dictionary's volume 10 Part 1 on page 280 has mar-ḫa-ši-tu meaning a red stone (crossref stone sāmtu in volume 15). Volume 10 Part 1 on page 281 has a stone mar-ḫa-šu and mar-ḫu-šu from which the people made stone vessels..       
  99. ^ marcasite

    Here are three obsolete English mineral names with ancestry in medieval Arabic mineralogy : Colcothar is in the years 1828 and 1913 editions of Webster's English Dictionary. Is in some English dictionaries more recently. Medieval Arabic was القلقطار al-qolqotār. Medieval Latin was colcotar, alcolcotar, colcothar, calcatar.Colcothar, Tutty is in the years 1828 and 1913 editions of Webster's English Dictionary. Is in some English dictionaries more recently. Medieval Arabic was التوتيا al-tūtīā. Medieval Latin was tutia, thutia, tuttia.Tutty, and Zarnich is in the years 1828 and 1913 editions of Webster's English Dictionary. It is very obsolete in English today. Medieval Arabic was الزرنيخ al-zarnīkh. In medieval Latin alchemy, this word was uncommon, but did occur as Latin zarnich | zarnic | zarnec. It was synonymous with the medieval Latin words auripigmentum and arsenicum.Zarnich. They arrived in English through the intermediation of later-medieval Latin mineralogy. Today they have been replaced by the three names iron oxide, zinc oxide, and arsenic sulfide, respectively. Marcasite meaning iron sulfide has survived in today's science because marcasite was redefined in the mid-19th century to designate a certain narrow type of iron sulfide. The older, broader meaning for marcasite was used in late medieval English (marcasite @ The Middle English Dictionaryexamples). Today in English the most common type of iron sulfide is usually called by the name pyrite and not called marcasite. But jewelry made from pyrite is called "Definition at Wikipedia : Marcasite jewelrymarcasite jewelry".
  100. ^ massicot

    Different dictionaries report different origins for the European "massicot". The origin reported here is the one endorsed by online at Dictionary.commassicot @ Random House Dictionary , Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesmassicot @ CNRTL.fr , Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO). Click on button ''Nota etim.''.marzacotto @ TLIO.ovi.cnr.it, and Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española (RAE)mazacote @ RAE.es. The evidence for this origin is very complicated, and takes seven paragraphs of details. The complications are large-scale changes in meaning and wordform. You have to make inferences that the later uses had proceeded from the preceding uses.
    Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) quotes Al-Razi (died c. 930) saying مسحقونيا mas·ḥaqūniyā is a glaze for earthenware jars – In Arabic : Ibn al-Baitar's Book of Simple Medicaments, on page 831ref. Al-Biruni (died c. 1050) in his Book on Stones, in section on glass, in a context where he had been talking about molten glass, says: "The dross or scum (رغوة) of glass is called مسحوقونيا mas·ḥūqūniyā. This dross is flat, white and brittle.... It is also known as froth of glassmaking.... Suhar Bakht says that it is the coating for the Egyptian pottery." – Book in Arabic by Al-Biruni: كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيرونيref-1, DEAD LINK. Book in English : ''The Book Most Comprehensive in Knowledge on Precious Stones'', by Al-Biruni (died c. 1050). English Translator: Hakim Mohammad Said. Publisher: Pakistan Hijra Council. Publication year: 1989. Section heading ''Glass'' on page 191.ref-2. A similar statement about المسحقونيا al-mas·ḥaqūniyā is in the Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm dictionary dated about 980 – Book in Arabic : مفاتيح العلوم ''Mafâtîh al-olûm'', by Ibn Jûsof al-Kâtib al-Khowarezmi, curated by G. van Vloten, year 1895, having المسحقونيا on page ٢٦٢ on line 5.
    For assigning the composition date to around year 980, refer to: www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-2830902299.html
    . An Arabic-to-English Dictionary in year 1852 translated مسحوقونيا mas·ḥūqūniyā as "dross of glass" – مسحوقونيا @ ''A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English'', by Francis Johnson, year 1852, incorporating the year 1777 Persian-Arabic-English dictionary by John Richardsonref.
    The Arabic word is in a 12th-century Arabic-to-Latin translation where it says in Latin: "moszhacumia... [est] fex vitri" = "moszhacumia is dross of glass" – Text ''Liber de Compositione Alchemiae : Morieni Romani scripta de Re Metallica'' is Arabic-to-Latin translation whose Arabic author is named in Latin ''Morienus'' (transcription of مريانس) and the translator is Robert of Chester. It has been printed numerous times. It is included in book ''Auriferae Artis, quam Chemiam vocant, VOLUMEN SECUNDUM'', year 1572, where page 55 has Moszhacumia.ref. The word has a record in Spanish in a minerals book dated 1250-1278 where the spelling is maçaconia (ç = z) and it is described as "similar to glass" – Book, ''Lapidario de Alfonso X'', dated 1250-1278, says ''la piedra aque dizen maçaconia... color es uerde & semeia al uidrio'' = ''the mineral called maçaconia... color is green and similar to glass''. Medieval ''uidrio'' = today's Spanish ''vidrio'' = glass.ref. In Latin in 1363 a medical book has: "massacumia... the composition of which, according to Heben Mesue, is improperly heated glass" – In Latin : ''Chirurgia Magna Guidonis de Cauliaco'', by Guy de Chauliac (died 1368), edition curated by Joubert, year 1585, ''massacumia'' on page 308ref, In French translation : ''La Grande Chirurgie de Guy de Chauliac: Revue et collationnee sur les manuscrits et imprimes Latins et Francais'', year 1890, having French ''massacumie'' on page 481 within a Latin-to-French translation dated 16th century.ref. That 1363 Latin book was translated to English around 1400-1425 with the wordform put in English as massacunye and massacumiemassacumie @ Middle English Dictionary. Quotes from the Latin-to-English translation of the medical book of Guy de Chauliac, completed in Latin in 1363 and translated to English around 1400-1425.ref. Separately in English around 1400-1425 there is: "massacune, it is the glazing material, vitrifying material, vitreous material vitrining that earthenware, vessels made of pottery clay vessels of earth that come from overseas -- medievally this phrase most often meant from the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa from beyond sea be vitrifiedglazed with" – massacumie @ Middle English Dictionaryref. In Italy in Latin around 1317 the writer Matthaeus Silvaticus described mas(s)acumia | massacuma as a pottery glaze having Lead, a heavy metal, has formula abbreviation Pb (Latin plumbum) lead (Pb) as the foremost ingredient – Entry for ''petamum'' in ''Liber Pandectarum Medicinae'' by Matthaeus Silvaticus, dated around year 1317ref, Massacuma @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latinalt‑ref. (In more precise language, the lead in the pottery glazes was lead monoxide, PbO). Elsewhere in the same book Matthaeus Silvaticus said massacumia is called also in Latin massacocto where "cocto" is Latin for "baked" – Entries for ''massacumia'' + ''masacumia'' in ''Liber Pandectarum Medicinae'' by Matthaeus Silvaticus, circa 1317ref. An author in Italy in Latin in 1292 said mas(s)acumia is "glass imperfectly baked" (no mention of lead) and he said it is also called masacocto or massarotomasacumia @ Synonyma Medicinae by Simon of Genoa (in Latin). VERSION B. It says ''...vitrum non perfecte coctum''.ref-1, massacumia @ Synonyma Medicinae by Simon of Genoa (in Latin). VERSION A.ref-2. In Italian, cotto means "baked" and "cooked". Italian has the word mazzacotto in year 1303, maççacocti year 1312, marzacotto year 1355, and this Italian word in the 14th century meant a glaze for earthenware, not necessarily lead-based – Entry under ''marzacotto'' in Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref: TLIO.
    To repeat, the Italian mazzacotto (1303) is the same word as the Italian-Latin massacocto (1292 and 1317) which has the same meaning as the Italian-Latin massacumia (1292 and 1317) which has the same meaning as the English massacunye & massacumie (1400-1425), Spanish maçaconia (1250-1278), and Arabic masḥaqūniyā (before 930). From the etymological point of view, mazzacotto is understood as an alteration of massacumia and is understood as a case of an imported foreign word getting altered through a ‘‘‘striving after meaning’’’. In a like way, Arabic ʿusfur = "safflower" begot medieval Italian asflore = "safflower", where medieval Italian flore = "flower", and the alteration from the Arabic -fur to the Italian -flore is a case of ‘‘‘striving after meaning’’’ in Italian. Wordform alterations from people ‘‘striving after meaning’’ can be seen elsewhere on this page in the histories of the Arabic-descended English words Admiral, Algorithm, Mohair, Popinjay, Safflower, and Typhoon.
    In Italian around 1558, a book titled Arte del Vasajo = "Art of the Potter" uses the word marzacotto almost fifty times meaning a generic vitrifying material for pottery glazes, just consisting of sand and soda ash, to which metal oxide colorants were then added; the word marzacotto was attached to the vitrifying material before the metal oxide was added – Book: ''Tre libri dell'arte del vasajo'', by Cipriano Piccolpasso (died 1579), republished in 1879. In Italian. A basic recipe for ''marzacotto'' is at the bottom of page 22, and again on pages 23 and 24, and consists only of sand (''rena'') and alkali salts (''feccia''). Tin oxide and lead oxide are added on pages 28 & 29 and other pages.ref. The metal oxide usually was lead oxide or tin oxide. Several other metal oxides, and combinations of them, occur in the above book's recipes for making pottery glazes. In 1540 another Italian author defined marzacotto as sand and soda ash, and then he added lead oxide or tin oxide to his marzacottoBook in English translation : ''Pirotechnia'' by Vannoccio Biringuccio (died 1539), translation year 1942. The original Italian text, year 1540, is at Archive.org. The Italian text uses the wordform ''marzacotto''. The English translation uses ''marzacotta''.ref. In contrast, John Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary year 1611 said mazzacotto and marciacotto are two wordforms of one word and defined it as: "the metal whereof Venice glasses are made, as it is boiling in the pots within the furnaces" – mazzacotto @ Florio's Italian-English dictionaryref, refmarciacotto @ Florio's Italian-English dictionary. Which means lead oxide.
    The word massicot starts in French in the 15th century – massicot @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref, massicot @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)ref. In French it is very scarce until the 17th century. Diderot's Encyclopedia in French in 1765 said massicot means either (#1) lead oxide or else (#2) a composition used as a glaze on earthenware and composed of silica, soda ash, and either lead oxide or tin oxide – Massicot @ Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert, Volume 10 page 179, year 1765. Online at ''Édition Numérique Collaborative et CRitique de l’Encyclopédie'' (ENCCRE).ref. Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française in its year 1762 and 1798 editions defined massicot as "a mixture of glass and calcined tin [meaning powder of tin oxide] which makes a tin-based pottery glaze" – Search for ''massicot'' at old editions of ''Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française'' put online by ''The ARTFL Project''.ref.
    In both French and Italian, the word had two meanings for centuries, as can be seen in the quotations above. In addition in French, but not in Italian, it also meant a painter's yellow pigment. Massicot meaning a yellow colorant is the most frequent meaning for massicot in the 15th-17th centuries in French. Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary year 1611 defined French massicot as "a yellow colour made of lead; or ocher made of ceruse or white lead" – massicot @ Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary, year 1611ref. Which means lead oxide with yellow color. In English in 1672 a tutorial for artistic painting said masticot is the colorant of choice for bright yellows – Book, ''The Art of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Washing, Varnishing, Colouring and Dying'', by W.S. a Lover of Art, year 1672 at page 174ref. In English in 1686 a catalog of colorants said "masticot is a kind of improper calx of tin" Article, ''A Catalogue of Simple and Mixt Colours'', by R. Waller, in journal ''Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London'', in issue Jan-Feb 1686, on page 27. ''Calx of tin'' means tin oxide powder, which is white in color.(ref), which probably meant lead-tin oxide, which is yellow and was employed as a yellow colorant. Lead-tin oxide, also known as "lead-tin yellow", was made by heating a mix of lead oxide and tin oxide to about 750 degrees Celsius. It had advantages over lead oxide as a painter's yellow. The massicot yellow was sometimes lead-tin oxide – Book, ''Original Treatises, Dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting'', curated & introduced by M.P. Merrifield, year 1849, Volume ONE, intro pages CLVI-CLXIIIref , Article, ''Artificial Yellow Pigments: Production and Characterization Through Spectroscopic Methods'', by Claudia Pelosi et al, year 2010ref. Lead-tin oxide was also used in the pottery glazes. The pottery glazes frequently used either lead oxide or tin oxide, and additionally a mix of the two was frequent – ref: ''Tre libri dell'arte del vasajo'', by Cipriano Piccolpasso (died 1579), republished in 1879. It has pottery glazes that use a mix of lead-oxide and tin-oxide on pages 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 33. The year 1879 publication also has an appendix with instructions for making pottery glazes written by Gianandrea Lazzarini (died 1801) and these use the mix of lead-oxide and tin-oxide on pages 57, 58, 59, 63, 69.Arte del Vasajo and at Wikipedia : Tin-glazingIntro to Tin Glazing.
    Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française in its 1835 edition defined massicot as "oxide of lead, having more-or-less yellow color", which is basically today's definition of massicot. Lead oxide (PbO) exists as a chemical molecule in two physical lattice formats -- orthorhombic and tetragonal. The orthorhombic one has more-or-less yellow color and it was labelled massicot by 19th century technical chemists. The other lattice format was labelled litharge. In either format, the principal use of lead oxide was as an ingredient in making lead pottery glaze and lead glass.
  101. ^ mattress

    In standard Arabic today مطرح matrah means "location"; it does not mean mattress or rug or suchlike. But in medieval Arabic there is lots of documentation that, in addition to meaning "location", matrah meant a rug or padded fabric for lying on. Four medieval Arabic examples are cited in Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe, by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, on page 151Reinhart Dozy, year 1869 from the writers al-Tha'alabi (died 1038), Ibn Hayyan of Cordoba (died 1075), Mohammed Ibn al-'Imrani (died 1184) and Zakariya al-Qazwini (died 1283). Five more medieval Arabic examples of matrah as some kind of mattress or big cushion or sofa (sofa with no legs) are cited by Article, ''Meubles et acculturation : Bédouins et sédentaires dans la civilisation califienne'', by J. Sadan, year 1970, in journal ''Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations'', volume 25 on page 1360 in footnote #2.J. Sadan, year 1970, including from the writers Al-Jahiz (died c. 869), Al-Muqaddasi (died c. 995), Abu al-Mutahhar al-Azdi (lived early 11th century) and Ibn al-Jawzi (died 1201). The Cairo Geniza records of the 11th and 12th centuries have some instances of Arabic مطرح matrah meaning a padded fabric for sleeping on – cited in ''A Mediterranean Society [in 6 volumes] : Volume IV, Daily Life'', by S.D. Goitein, year 1967. Volume IV pages 377 & 380 cite Cairo Geniza records in Arabic that use ''matrah'' with meaning of a padded fabric for sleeping on. Pages 109-110 and 115 discuss those records. Pages 115 & 304 say ''Tabari'' was a heavy silk fabric and this ''Tabari'' is in Cairo Geniza records as the outer covering on a ''matrah''.S.D. Goitein, year 1967. A comedy written in Arabic in the early 11th century has مطارح matārih = "mattresses" and these mattresses are stuffed with the feathers of exotic small Indian birds of the class of the warbler birds – Book حكايه ابي القاسم البغداديّ ''Ḥikāyat Abī al-Qāsim al-Baghdādī'' authored by أبو المطهر الأزدي Abulmuṭahhar Al-Azdi (early 11th century) published in Arabic under German cover title ''Abulḳāsim, ein bagdāder Sittenbild'', curated by Adam Mez, year 1902. Page 36 lines 9-10 has ومطارح محشوّة بريش الصعو الهنديّ . The book is fully translated to English in PDF at hdl.handle.net/1773/10839 , with relevant bit on page 224 line 2.ref. A reason for confidence that the medieval European mattress word came from Arabic is that the word was sometimes spelled with al- prefixed in European languages. Some examples of that are given in Reinhart Dozy's book above and one additional example is the year 1291 Latin Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latinalmatracium @ DuCange. The letter 'c' in medieval Latin almatracium | mataracium was pronounced as sound /s/. But synonymously in medieval Latin there was also almatracum @ Du Cange's glossaryalmatracum | materacum where the 'c' was pronounced as sound /k/. In the 13th and 14th centuries, as you can see in links coming up in a moment, Catalan had almatrach | almadrach where Catalan ch is sound /k/, and Spanish had almadraque, with essentially the same meaning as the Italian materasse | matarassa of the same time period. Latin in the same time period additionally had wordforms matratium | mataratium | matratum. The 'h' of the Arabic matrah is strongly aspirated from the throat. Especially when it occurs at the end of a word, there is nothing close to it in the Latin languages (nor in English). It is denoted sound /ħ/. The phonetic change going from Arabic al-matrah to Catalan almatrach comes up elsewhere on the current page at word elsewhere on the current pagealkanet, where there is a note about the conversion of Arabic sound /ħ/ to Latinate sound /k/. Reinhart Dozy says the /ħ/ in matrah ended up as the sound /s/ in Italian materasso and he makes the remark that in Latinate the wordform with the sound /k/ is "the more pure form". Better put, the conversion from Arabic /ħ/ to Latinate /k/ is seen in a number of other loanwords, whereas the conversion to /s/ is not. The word's earliest known records in European languages are in Catalan-Latin in legal notarizations spelled almatrazt (year 1084-1085), almatraf (year 1122), and almatrac (year 1134) – details about those instances is in Book (PhD Thesis), ''La Terminologia Tèxtil a la Documentació Llatina de la Catalunya Altomedieval'', by Laura Trias Ferri, year 2012. Book has section headed ''Almatrac'' on pages 36-39. It gives quotations for ''almatra__'' in years 1084, 1122, 1134 & 1148. The quotations are copied from ''Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae'' (''GMLC''), a multi-volume publication, year 1960 and later years.Ref (in Catalan). The mattress word in late medieval Europe usually meant a somewhat padded underblanket, not a deep stuffed mattress, not a "featherbed". For example, in regulations of the ship transport industry at Venice in year 1255 every fare-paying passenger was allowed to bring a mataracium onto the ship without extra cost, on condition that the mataracium did not exceed a weight of around 6.5 kilograms – In Latin : A maritime ordinance written at the seaport of Venice in 1255, published in ''Collection de lois maritimes antérieures au XVIIIe siècle'', Volume V, collection compiled by Jean-Marie Pardessus, year 1839, on page 42 has ''unum mataracium de septem rotulis, et non plus''.text, The year 1255 date is covered on pages 403-404 in the book ''Urkunden Zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte Der Republik Venedig'', Volume 3, compiled by G.L.F. Tafel and G.M. Thomas, year 1857. This book also prints the year 1255 text in full in Latin. The text is titled ''Statuta et ordinamenta super navibus et lignis aliis''.ref for date, rotulus #2 @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin quotes from book ''Cosmidromius'' by Gobelinus (died 1421) saying a rotulus in southern Italy in year 1385 is ''uncias 32 aut circa'' = around 32 ounces = around 900 milligrams. Presumably the definition of a rotulus at Venice in 1255 was around the same, meaning that 7 rotuli was slightly less than 7 kilograms.ref for weight. Sets of medieval examples of the mattress word are online at matraz @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'', year 1866. It quotes ''matraʒ'' (where ʒ ≈ z ≈ ss) in the High German poem ''Parzival'' dated 1205-1210. Also quotes matraʒ in the High German poem ''Nibelungenlied'' dated about 1200. Those two records in High German are among the word's earliest records in the European languages, but they are not earlier than the Catalan records.Benecke Müller (in High German) , matraz @ Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer, year 1878Matthias Lexer (in High German) , ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II [of six volumes], by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. Has 11 instances from 13th century and nearly 200 instances from 14th century, all with spellings MATARA__.Bresc-Bautier (in Sicilian Latin) , materasso @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)TLIO (in Italian) , ''almadraque'' + ''almadraques'' @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE (in Spanish) , almatrachs @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval. Colección de aranceles aduaneros de la Corona de Aragón (siglo XIII y XIV)'', by Miguel Gual Camarena and others, year 1968 and later.Gual Camarena (in Catalan and Spanish) , materas @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)DMF (in French) , materas @ Middle English DictionaryMED (in English) , matracium, matratium, matratum, mataratium, materatium, materacium @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval LatinDu Cange (in Latin). In the early records in Europe in some cases the padding material was cotton fluff, which in those days was an import from Arabic lands and was a preferred material for padding fabrics. Examples: year 1232 Italian-Latin Book, ''The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, 1100-1600'', by Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui, year 1981, on page 204, which is citing the book ''Documenti del Commercio Veneziano nei Secoli XI-XIII'', volume II page 197, year 1940.materacum bombesi, where bombesi = "cotton fluff"; year 1298 Italian bambagia @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiuna materazza... piene di bambagia = "a mattress filled with cotton [fluff]"; year 1301 Italian-Latin Book in Latin, ''Notai Genovesi in Oltremare. Atti rogati a Cipro da Lamberto di Sambuceto, 6 luglio - 27 ottobre 1301'', curated by Romeo Pavoni, year 1982. Notarized document dated 1301 ottobre 8 has ''matarassum cotoni''. Altlink: https://notariorumitinera.eu/Digital_Library_Bibliografica.aspx sachis septem cotoni... et... matarassum cotoni = "seven sacks of cotton [fluff]... and a mattress of cotton [fluff]". Also in early records in Europe in some cases the outer cover of this padded underblanket was made from silk cloth. Example: year 1274 Italian-Latin "Legal notarization dated 4 August 1274 written in Bologna, published in ''De Claris Archigymnasii Bononiensis Professoribus a saeculo XI usque ad saeculum XIV'', volume 2, year 1896, has ''matarazium'' on page 60, last paragraph.unum matarazium de samito" = "one mattress of samit @ Middle English Dictionary. Samit was a medieval silk cloth. Now an obsolete word in English. In medieval Latin it was ''samitum''.samit silk". The Arabic matrah too has instances where the outer cover is stated to be made of silk – examples in Dozy and Goitein, above. The Arabs slept on padded blankets which were rolled up and put away during the day, and spread out on the floor at bedtime; "they did not have beds properly speaking in the fashion of us French" – matelas @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876 on page 160Devic year 1876; "everyone passing through the Middle East can understand how a word for a throw can lead to a word for a bed" – matelas @ ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890 on page 161Lammens year 1890.
  102. ^ mohair

    The dictionary of Oriental languages by Mesgnien Meninski, in year 1680, translated Turkish & Arabic & Persian vocabulary into Latin & Italian. Mesgnien Meninski has مخيّر mukhayyar as Turkish & Arabic & Persian and he says it means "a sort of cloth fabric similar to camlet but more villous [meaning more plush, more piley]... a villous species of cloth from goat-hair" – مخيّر mukhayyar @ ''Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae'' by F. Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, Volume 4, page-column 4499ref. Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary in year 1777 says Arabic مخيّر mukheiyer is "a kind of coarse camelot [a.k.a. camlet] or hair-cloth" – مخير @ ''A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English'', by John Richardson, year 1777, at page-column 1670ref, مخيّر @ Johnson's Richardson's Persian-Arabic-English dictionary, year 1852, incorporates Richardson's year 1777 dictionary and edits italt-link. Mukhayyar | Mukheiyer with this meaning is documented only scarcely in Arabic or Turkish. In Turkish the usual name for mohair was تفتك tiftik (and sometimes called صوف sūf in Turkish).
    In the 2nd half of the 15th century, mohair cloth was imported to Italy from Turkey, especially from Ankara city (cityname Angora in Italian), under the Italian cloth-name zambeloto | giambellotto which translates as English cloth-name "camlet" –   examples  In year 1477 a Latin description of sea-commerce on the south coast of Turkey mentions "goat's-wool cloth, which is called Zambilotum" – Book, ''De Petri Mocenici Imperatoris Gestis'', by Coriolanus Cepio aka Coriolano Cippico (died 1493), year 1477, republished in year 1544, where page 9 has ''Zambilotum''.ref. Latin zambilotum is English "camlet". Italian merchant Jacopo de Promontorio (died c. 1487) says "città di Angori " = "city of Ankara" is the key place where they make "giambellotti turcheschi " = "Turkish camlets" – Text ''Recollecta nella quale è annotata tutta la entrata del gran Turcho'' by Jacopo de Promontorio (died c. 1487) is published in Italian in ''Die Aufzeichnungen des Genuesen Iacopo de Promontorio de Campis über den Osmanenstaat um 1475'', curated by Babinger, year 1957ref. Notarized commercial transactions at Genoa in 1492 have Latin "Clamellotorum Angori " = "of camlets of Ankara" – ''Atti della Società Ligure di storia patria'' Volume XLVII, year 1915, on pages 289 and 290ref. Italian commerce writer Bartholomeo di Pasi in 1503 says on sale in Istanbul is "zambelot[t]i dangori ", meaning camlets from Angora city aka Ankara city – Book ''Tariffa de pexi e mesure'' by Bartholomeo di Paxi [aka Pasi] da Venetia [aka Vinetia], year 1503 edition. Search for word DANGORI.ref. The above authors do not disclose what the Ankara camlets were made from, but authors of the 16th century make it clear that the camlet-making industry in Ankara was based on fine goat-hair from Definition at Wikipedia : Angora goatAngora goats living in the Ankara area..  Background info about the mohair cloth made in Ankara city circa 16th century is in Book, ''House Owners and House Property in Seventeenth-Century Ankara and Kayseri'', by Suraiya Faroqhi, year 1987 on page 25ref , Book, ''An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire'' Volume 1, year 1997 on page 240ref , Book, ''Cities of the Middle East and North Africa: A Historical Encyclopedia'', year 2007, in which Ankara city and mohair cloth is on page 38ref , Article, ''Traditional mohair cloth weaving in Southeastern Turkey'', by Charlotte Jirousek, year 2008 on pages 1-2ref,  ref Pierre Belon visited Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean in the years 1546-1549 and wrote a book about it in French in which he says: The goats of this country [i.e. Central Turkey] bear a wool so delicate that one would judge it to be finer than silk.... All the finer Chamelots [i.e. camlet cloths], watered, or unwatered, of most excellent beauty, are made from the wool of these goats.... The city of Angouri [i.e. Ankara] is today the city most renowned in this country for the great traffic in Chamelots.... The goats from which they take the fine wool to make the Chamelots are not found in South Central Turkey.... The Turks make cloths including... Chamelot or Moncayar [read: Mocayar, meaning mohair].Travel book in French, ''Les Observations...'' by Pierre Belon, year 1553 (1555). Search it for chamelot.Ref..      
    German traveller Leonhart Rauwolff visited Syria & Iraq in 1573-1575. He wrote that the merchandise in Aleppo included "Book in German, ''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer'' by Leonhart Rauwolf, year 1582, with ''Macheyer'' on page 98. The book is in translation to English at: books.google.com/books?id=8oMrAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA88&dq=Machyer Türckischen Macheyer, Schamlot," meaning Turkish mohair and camlet. Rauwolff also has the German spelling ''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer'', by Leonhart Rauwolf, year 1582, with ''Muchaier'' in Baghdad on page 216Türckische Muchaier. With regard to both spellings, Rauwolff probably took the word directly from Arabic mukhayyar. He probably encountered Italian word mocaiaro too.
  103. ^ mohair

    "Mohair" in New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1908. Supplementarily, Early English Books Online has a year 1638 English commerce book that says: In regard to Ankara city in Turkey, aka Angora city, "moheires and chamblets that are made here.... The Turky Company of London... import from Turkie... Mohayrs of Angora".
  104. ^ monsoon

    For this word, starting from the start of its European records and continuing in all European languages for many centuries, the primary definition of "monsoon" has been the monsoon winds, not the monsoon rains. At India's west coast, from October to April the winds come from approximately the northeast, while from April to October the winds come from approximately the southwest. At India's west coast, heavy rains arrive in June and keep up for four months. The first governor of Portuguese India, Afonso de Albuquerque (died 1515) often mentions the monsoon winds in his letters. He usually spells it mouçam. E.g., on 8 November 1514 he writes of trade goods which were "am de partyr nesta mouçam d abryll" = "to depart at this April's monsoon" – Book ''Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque'' Tomo 1 [of 3 volumes], year 1884, on page 339. Mouçam occurs 14 times in Tomo 1.ref. The Portuguese letter ç is pronounced /s/. Mouçam is phonetically close to the Arabic موسم mawsim | mausem | mawsəm = "season". Portuguese commerce writer Tomé Pires (died c. 1524) resided and wrote in the Portuguese East Indies in the years 1512-1515. For the monsoon wind his book uses the wordforms mouçam, mouçã, moução, mouçaõBook ''Encontros civilizacionais no Oriente : visões sobre a alteridade nas obras de Duarte Barbosa e de Tomé Pires'', by Carla Sofia Saraiva Luís, year 2010. In this book's anexo 15, the word-frequencies of the words used in Tomé Pires's ''Suma'' are listed. Downloadable in PDF fileformat. See PDF file page 177. The book's abbreviation ''Su'' means the book ''Suma'' by Tomé Pires.ref. The Portuguese letter ã is 'a' with nasalization and it is etymologically usually from Latin 'an'. Portuguese frequently replaces 'an' with ã, such as Latin orphanus = Portuguese órfão = English "orphan" (and likewise 'on' becomes nasalized õ in Portuguese). So the written wordform moução is phonetically close to MOUSANO. The reporter Diogo do Couto lived in Portuguese India in the 1560s and his output consistently has the monsoon word spelled moução – ref: monsoon @ ''Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903Yule & Burnell, year 1903. In Portuguese India during the 16th century the dominant wordform became monção, from causes not understood. From the Portuguese monção, English sailors in the Indian Ocean in the late 16th century adopted it with the spelling monson. Examples of English monson: In English : Subsection headed ''The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies'', is a subsection in ''The money and measures of Babylon, Balsara, and the Indies'', written by William Barret in year 1584. Text is included in Richard Hakluyt's collection published in 1599. The subsection on Monsons is on the three pages: 278, 279 and 280.1584, Text, ''Narrative of the First Voyage of Sir James Lancaster'', narrated by Edmund Barker. It narrates a sailing voyage in years 1591-1594. Part of the voyage was on the Indian Ocean. The narrative mentions ''monsons'' as winds on the Indian Ocean. Text is included in Hakluyt's collection in year 1599.1594, Jan Huyghen van Linschoten's book about navigation in the tropical oceans was published in English in year 1598. It has the English word ''monson'' 68 times. The 1598 English was translated from 1595 Dutch. Most of Linschoten's info had been taken from Portuguese by Linschoten.1598.
    In year 1442 Persian ambassador Abd al-Razzāq Samarqandī sailed to India from the Persian Gulf, starting at the port of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. He sailed back home again in 1444. He wrote in Persian a 45-page narrative of his trip. The following is a quote from a published English translation, plus four of his Persian words have been put in brackets together with alternative translation. Quote about going from the Persian Gulf to India:

    The favorable time for departing by sea... is the beginning or middle of the monsoon [= موسم mawsim = sailing season].... The end of the monsoon [= آخر موسم akher mawsim = ending of the sailing season] is the season [= زمان zamān = time] when tempests [= طوفان tūfān = big sea-storm] and attacks from pirates are to be dreaded.... The time for navigation having passed, every one who would put to sea at this season was alone responsible for his death, since he voluntarily placed himself in peril. – ref: Abd al-Razzaq Samarqandi Book, ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la bibliothèque du roi et autres bibliothèques, Tome quatorzième, première partie'', year 1843. Publishes in Persian the narrative of Abd al-Razzāq Samarqandī (died 1482) of his trip to India 1442-1444. The Persian begins on page 341 and the word موسم is on page 344. The book also has a translation to French, which begins on page 427.in Persian and Book, ''India in the fifteenth century : being a collection of narratives of voyages to India... translated into English'', year 1857. Has the fifteenth century narrative of Abd-Er-Razzak. The relevant bit is the second half of page 7.in English translation.

    Turkish navy admiral Sidi Ali (died 1562-1563) traveled with Arabs on the Indian Ocean in the mid 1550s. He started out from the Iraqi seaport of Basra. Writing about it in Turkish in 1556, he says that when he was in Basra he had to wait for five months for the arrival of what he called the mowsim = "sailing season" – Book ''The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral SIDI ALI REÏS... during the Years 1553-1556'', being Turkish-to-English translation by Armin Vambéry, year 1899. Translator's footnote on page 8 has Turkish ''mowsim''. Author SIDI ALI is also known as SIDI ALI ÇELEBI and SIDI ÇELEBI.ref. A century later, French traveller Jean de Thévenot (died 1667) set sail to India from Basra. Thévenot had lived in the Middle East for about five years previously and could speak Arabic. He wrote: I set out [for India] from Balsora [i.e. from Basra] on the sixth of November 1665.... The proper season for sailing on the Indian Sea is called mousson or monson by corruption from [Arabic] moussem. The season wherein there is a constant Trade Wind upon that Sea begins commonly at the end of October and lasts to the end of April.Book, ''Les Voyages de Mr. de Thévenot aux Indes Orientales'', chapter 1: Du départ, on pages 1-2. The book was first published in 1684. Thévenot died in 1667 in Iran.ref, Book in English translation : Jean de Thevenot's Travels into the Indies, edition year 1687, on page 1alt-ref.
    Arabic mawsim is from Arabic rootword wasim = "to mark" and Arabic noun prefix Book, ''A Grammar of the Arabic Language'', by Caspari, Wright, Smith, Goeje, year 1898, under the section heading ''Nouns of Place and Time'', in volume 1, pages 124-130م m-. It is not hard to find mawsim in medieval Arabic in the sense of "season, time of year, an annual event". E.g. botanist Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) has المطر الموسمي al-matar al-mawsemī = "seasonal rain" (in a climate having rainy and rainless seasons) and he also has الموسم بمكة al-mawsem be-meka = "Mecca pilgrimage season" – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. On pages 517 and 150.ref. Medieval al-mawsem = "pilgrimage season" is very frequent in the texts at At AlWaraq.net, searching for الموسم is not the same as searching for موسم.الموسم @ AlWaraq.net + Text search returns many instances in medieval texts.موسم @ AlWaraq.net. Mawsem with the specific meaning of "Indian Ocean sailing season" is only in a small number of late medieval Arabic sources and it is hard to find until you look in the right places. Ahmad ibn Majid, who died very shortly after year 1500, wrote Arabic books about navigation on the Indian Ocean. His main book is dated 1490. He writes مواسم البحر mawāsim al-bahr = "seasons of the sea", meaning seasons when the sea is navigable; and he writes of "winds and seasons" meaning sailing winds and sailing seasons, with mawāsim his word for seasons; and he has اخر موسم akher mawsim meaning the ending of the sailing season at a given location; and he repeatedly has the singular موسم mawsim meaning the standardly good time of year to sail from a specific seaport on the Indian Ocean to a specific destination; and he uses the plural مواسم mawāsim when referring to multiple locations having different sailing seasons; and the same vocabulary is used by his student Sulayman al-Mahri (flourished in early 16th century) – Book, ''Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before the coming of the Portuguese : Being a translation of « Kitab al-Fawa'id fi usul al-bahr wa'l-qawa'id » of Ahmad b. Majid al-Najdi, together with an introduction'', by G.R. Tibbetts, year 1971. ''Monsoon Dates for Sailing (sailing seasons)'' is the subject of pages 225-242 of the translation; and the translator has comments about it on pages 360-382. Word mawsim or mawāsim is mentioned a dozen times in English in this book.ref‑1 (ref‑1 altlinkA, ref‑1 altlinkB) , ONLY FOR THE STOUT HEARTED. Navigation books by Ahmad ibn Majid [أحمد بن ماجد] and Sulayman al-Mahri [سليمان المهري] are published in Arabic in manuscript facsimile in volumes 1 & 2 of the 3-volume ''Instructions nautiques et routiers arabes et portugais des XVe et XVIe siècles'', curated by Gabriel Ferrand, years 1921-1928. Volume 1 has the book كتاب الفوائد في أصول البحر والقواعد. More Arabic without machine-searchability is at archive.org/details/al3oloum-alba7riya-3inda-al3arab , which is three volumes of العلوم البحرية عند العرب, curated and discussed by إبراهيم خوري, year 1972.ref‑2 , Book in English : ''The Poem of Sofala'' by Ahmad ibn Magid أحمد بن ماجد (died c. 1500-1510) translated from Arabic to English by Ibrahim Khoury, year 1982/1983. Search for phrase ''sailing season[s]''. Also search for mawsim. Sofala [ سُفالة ] was a seaport and commerce center in southeast Africa. The poem's title in Arabic is السفالية.ref‑3 , Book, ''Classic Ships of Islam: From Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean'', by Dionisius Agius, year 2008, on page 175. Page 175 quotes mawāsim twice from Ahmad ibn Majid (died c. 1500-1510). Page 187-188 quotes mawsim and mawāsim in post-medieval Arabic sailors on the southeastern coasts of the Arabian penninsula. Another location for downloading the book: archive.org/download/islamichistory_201411/ ref‑4. The Arabic word begot the 15th-century Persian mawsim quoted above, and also the 16th-century Turkish word, and the 16th-century Portuguese word.
    A subtle thing that helps confirm that the Portuguese word was borrowed from the Arabic word is the particular way it was used in Portuguese India in the 16th century: Usually it named a season, not a wind. The season was created and delimited by wind, but it was spoken of as a time, not a wind. Portuguese poet Garcia de Resende (died 1536) has "dous ventos, duas mouções" = "two winds, two seasons" – Poetry book ''Miscellanea'' by Garcia de Resende (died 1536; these poems were first published in year 1554), in reprint year 1917, on page 29.ref, monção @ ''Glossário Luso-Asiático'', by Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, year 1919, quotes from a poem of Garcia de Resende. The poem was published in year 1554.alt-ref. Portuguese East Indies chronicle by João de Barros (died 1570) repeatedly defines monção | monções as "the time(s) for sailing" – Book, ''Decada terceira da Asia'', by João de Barros, year 1563. This is the 3rd volume of the chronicles by João de Barros. Search the 3rd volume for all instances of ''monção'' and ''monções'' in close proximity to ''tempo'' or ''tempos''.ref. For the Portuguese it was a seafaring word, and it was picked up by them from other seafarers in the East Indies. The following is another illustration that usually it named a season. Mendes Pinto (died 1583), writing in Portuguese about his travels in the East Indies, has two dozen instances of moução or monção (the printed edition uses both spellings multiple times) Book, ''Peregrinaçam de Fernam Mendez Pinto'', by Fernão Mendes Pinto, edition year 1614 -- which is the 1st edition year(ref), and when his book was put in English translation in 1663 the word was always put in English as "the season" Book, ''The voyages and adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto'', done into English by Henry Cogan and published originally in year 1663. THE LINK GOES TO AN ABRIDGEMENT, year 1891. The non-abridged version is online elsewhere.(ref), and when his book was translated by a different English translator in 1989 the word was translated sometimes as "monsoon" and sometimes as "the season" Book, ''The Travels of Mendes Pinto'', by Fernão Mendes Pinto, translated to English by Rebecca D. Catz, year 1989(ref).
  105. ^ typhoon

    Medieval Arabic dictionaries define طوفان tūfān firstly as "overwhelming rain" and secondly as "a natural calamity" – طوفان @ E.W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon is handled under rootword طوف on page 1893, at bottom of column 1 with continuation at top of column 2, in Volume 5, year 1874.ref , طوفان + الطوفان @ Searchable Medieval Arabic Dictionariesref. The Koran uses this word for at Wikipedia : Flood mythThe Deluge (The Flood Myth) in Koran sura 29: verse 14. In late medieval Arabic in writers who have talk about storms on the Indian Ocean, the usual word for a strong storm is tūfān, and the tūfān is generally not a typhoon – Book, ''Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before the coming of the Portuguese : Being a translation of « Kitab al-Fawa'id » of Ahmad b. Majid al-Najdi, together with an introduction'', by G.R. Tibbetts, year 1971. The translator on pages 383-385 paraphrases the meanings of ''tūfān'' winds in Sulaiman al-Mahri (flourished early 16th century) and Ahmad Ibn Majid al-Najdi (flourished late 15th century).ref. طوفان Tūfān is in medieval Persian, and it is commonly used in modern Persian and modern Urdu, meaning a strong storm of wind and rain, usually not a typhoon. The Turkish navy admiral Sidi Ali (died 1562) travelled on Arab ships on the Indian Ocean in the 1550s and he wrote about it in Turkish: We left the port of Guador [گوادر in today's Pakistan] and again steered for Yemen. We had been at sea for several days... when suddenly from the west arose a great storm known as fil tofani [where fil = "elephant" in Arabic and Turkish].... As compared to these awful tempests, the foul weather in the Mediterranean and Black Sea is mere child's play and their towering billows are as drops of water compared to those of the Indian Sea.Book In English : ''The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral SIDI ALI REÏS in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the Years 1553-1556''. Translated from Turkish by Armin Vambéry, year 1899. ''Tofani'' on page 17.ref.
    When the Portuguese sailed to the east Indies in the 16th century, they became aware of very violent sea-storms and typhoons which they called tufão. Tufão, with its Portuguese letter ã, is equivalent to tufano and tufono. The first Portuguese record, year 1540, refers to typhoons in the sea off the coast of Vietnam. In Portuguese it was written tufão in 1540 and plural tufões in 1554 and this is exactly how the word for typhoon is written in Portuguese today.
    From this Portuguese word, English writers in the East Indies have touffon in year 1588 and tuffon in year 1610 meaning a very violent sea storm. Tuffon was the most frequent wordform in English for the following one to two centuries. Notably that includes the English writers who were located in the Indies. But during this time a wordform affected by the ancient Greek mythological demon at Wikipedia : TyphonTyphon increased in usage in English. Besides the 1588 and 1610 records just mentioned, early records for the typhoon word in English include the following: tufan (1614), tuffon (1615), tufon (1625), tuffon (1626), tuffon (1665), tuffin (1674), tuffoon (1699), typhon (1699), tuffoon (1721), tuffoon (1727), tuffoon (1745), tay-fun (1771), tiffoon (1773), tuffoon (1780), typhawn (1793), tuffoon (1802), ty-foong (1806), touffan (1811), typhoon (1819), toofan (1826), toofaun (1826), tiffoon (1831), typhoon (1832), typhoon (1840), tyfoon (1848), tufan (1850), typhoon (1851) – ref: typhoon @ NED, year 1926New English Dictionary on Historical Principles ("NED"), plus typhoon @ ''A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903Yule & Burnell. The first reported for the wordform "typhoon" in English is in 1819 in a certain poet who never went to the Indies or China. But Nathan Bailey's English Dictionary in the early 18th century has the entry: TYPHON (from Greek τυφών) : a violent whirlwind, an hurricane; also a fiery meteor or impression of the air''Typhon'' in the year 1726 edition of N. Bailey's English Dictionary. This definition in Bailey's was copied from John Kersey's English Dictionary year 1706 which is at http://books.google.com/books?id=PHBUAAAAYAAJ ref. Info on the role of the Greek Typhon in affecting the English wordform is in New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1926Typhon #2 @ NED and ''Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words'', by Yule & Burnell, year 1903typhoon @ Yule & Burnell (pages 947-950). The wordform seems to have been affected also by a Chinese ta feng | t'ai fung meaning a great wind. Notice in the above listing an English tay-fun in 1771 and an English ty-foong in 1806. Sometimes English typhoon is mistakenly claimed as actually coming from Chinese. To appreciate the claim is mistaken see Yule & Burnell above. In French today the wordform is typhon = "typhoon", which was mutated on French soil in conscious association with the Greek demon Typhon but was descended in history from the Portuguese Indies tufãoCentre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalestyphon @ CNRTL.fr. The next paragraph is about how the Arabic word tūfān was transferred into Portuguese in the East Indies.
    On the eve of the Portuguese arrival in the Indies, Arabic speakers were the main transporters of the goods of the Indies to the Arabic and Mediterranean markets. In the Indies, the personnel of the ocean-going shipping industry were overwhelmingly Muslim in religion and some non-small percent were of partial or full Arabic descent. The coastal cities of India and Indonesia had local ship-pilots for navigating ocean-going ships locally. These local ship-pilots were piloting Arabic & Persian ships on numerous occasions, and were working in a milieu that was influenced by Arabic & Persian. When the Portuguese arrived, the Portuguese routinely employed local pilots to guide their ships through some local areas. Duarte Barbosa in Portuguese on the west coast of India in year 1514 wrote: The navigation of these [coastal] places is very dangerous, especially for ships with keels which draw much water... and it is expedient for those who go there to take country [local] pilotsBook in English : A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar at the beginning of the 16th century, by Duarte Barbosa, translated from Portuguese to English in year 1866, on page 64 talking about the coast near Cambay.ref. Moreover the early Portuguese in the Indies employed non-Portuguese ship-pilots for long-distance navigation across wide seas the Portuguese were unfamiliar with. In year 1504 the governor of Portuguese India, Afonso de Albuquerque, employed a "Moorish" pilot to bring him by a shorter route from India to Mozambique across the ocean. "Moorish" meant Muslim. The published correspondence of Albuquerque has a handful of other instances of the phrase "piloto(s) mouro(s)" = "Muslim pilot(s)" – Book, ''Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque, Tomo 1'', published 1884ref, Book, ''Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque, Tomo 2'', published 1898ref. As another illustration of the situation, the Portuguese explorer and writer Tomé Pires, writing in the Indies between 1512 and 1515, makes the following statement about his knowledge of how to get to the Banda Islands in Eastern Indonesia: I have learnt this from Moors, from their charts, which I have seen many timesBook ''The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires'', translated to English, edition year 1990 on page 211ref. Muslim pilots were available for hire and the early Portuguese hired them. Three instances of this practice are in Yule & Burnell on pages 675, 576 & 158. It is inferred that the early Portuguese picked up the word tūfān = tufão from the Muslim pilots, including Arabic pilots.
  106. ^ mummy

    Latin mumia = "medicinal bitumen" is in an Arabic-to-Latin translation by Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087), translating a medicines book by Ibn al-Jazzar (died c. 980) – Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. The volume includes ''Liber de Gradibus'' which has a paragraph on the properties of ''mumiam'' on page 372. ''Liber de Gradibus'' was a translation of Ibn al-Jazzar's ''Kitab al-adwiya al-mufrada''.ref. There is no record in Latin before Constantinus Africanus. 12th & 13th century Latin medicines books influenced by Constantinus's translations have mumia | mumie as a medicine – Book ''Tractatus de Herbis'' by Bartholomaeus Mini of Siena, 13th century Latin, printed in Latin with footnotes in modern Italian, year 2009. It has a page about ''Mumia''. Part of what it says about ''Mumia'' is copied from the paragraph about ''Mumia'' in the 12th-century ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' by Matthaeus Platearius, which exists online elsewhere.e.g., In Latin : ''Eene Middelnederlandsche vertaling van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ, met den Latijnschen tekst der eerste gedrukte uitgave van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ'', curated by Van Den Berg, year 1917. Wordform is ''mumie'' in Latin. Remarks on date of Latin are at journals.openedition.org/medievales/2283 e.g., ''Collectio Salernitana'', Volume 4, year 1856, publishes multiple Italian-Latin medicines authors of the 13th century and thereabouts. Search for MUMIA and MUMIE. The Table of Contents is placed at the end of the volume.e.g.. The Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) has Arabic ابن سينا -- القانون في الطب -- الكتاب الثاني: الأدوية المفردة -- حرف الميم -- مومياموميا mūmiyā | Edition printed in Arabic at Rome city in year 1593 : ابن سينا -- القانون في الطب -- الكتاب الثاني: الأدوية المفردة -- حرف الميم -- مومياييموميايي mūmiyāyī = "medicinal bitumen". This was put in Latin as mumia in translation of Ibn Sina's book in late 12th century Latin – ''Liber canonis totius medicinae'' of Ibn Sina, translated by Gerardus Cremonensis. Search for substring MUMIA. The Latin text has : ''Mumia quid est? Ipsa est in virtute picis, et aspalti, commistorum''.ref. Bitumen here means viscous tar found naturally in the ground with some sand or other minerals naturally mixed in to some degree. As offspring from medieval Latin, the following is an example in a medicines book in English in 1475: Make a medical bandage dressing, medicated plaster plastir of Armenian bole : a certain kind of clay bole and also known as Dragon's Blood : a red resinous material produced by certain trees sandragon and mummie and sumac and of gum arabike – ref: Search for MUMMIE at ''Middle English Dictionary'' (the ''MED''), and do the search across all quotations in all headwords, not solely in the MUMMIE headword.search @ MED. In later-medieval Western Europe this medicinal mummie product was always an import from the Eastern Mediterranean, with much of it coming ultimately from Iran – mumia @ Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen-âgeBook by W. Heyd, year 1886, Volume 2 pages 635-636, including footnote #4 on page 635 for mumia. Book was translated from German. The German was first published in year 1879 in two volumes titled ''Geschichte des Levantehandels im Mittelalter''..
    Studies on the embalming methods used by the ancient Egyptians to embalm and preserve the famous Egyptian mummies show: (1) the methods used were quite variable and (2) bituminous material was used in some cases and (3) wood tar or cedar oil was used in other cases and contributed to preserving the corpse in a black or near-black color in the long term – ''A History of Egyptian Mummies'', by Joseph Thomas Pettigrew, year 1834, Chapter VI: ''On Embalming'', especially pages 70-71 which summarize the findings of a French government-sponsored commission.ref. From the corpse's bituminous or tarry material and its black color, the word mūmiyā came to be applied to the whole corpse. This transfer of meaning started in Egypt. Abdallatif al-Baghdadi (died 1231), in his description of Egypt, says a black bituminous matter is taken from ancient embalmed corpses and is available for purchase in Egypt under the name موميا mūmiyā, and he says it is purchased to be used medicinally in the same way as the ordinary mūmiyā – ref: عبد اللطيف البغدادي - الإفادة والاعتبار في الأمور المشاهدة والحوادث المعاينة بأرض مصر. The link is the year 1789 edition curated by Joseph White. It has الموميا on pages 83-85.Abdallatif in Arabic (Book, ''Relation de l'Égypte par Abd-Allatif'', Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi's description of Egypt, translated to French by Silvestre de Sacy, with annotations by the translator, year 1810. Abd al-Latif's statement about ''mūmiyā'' is in French on pages 200-201.French translation). The medicines book of Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) says one of the sources of medicinal mūmiyā is the mūmiyā taken from old embalmed corpses found in the burial tombs in Egypt – ref: Entry for موميا on page 845 in الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارIbn al-Baitar in Arabic (''Traité des Simples par Ibn El-Beithar'', translation to French by Lucien Leclerc, translation published in three volumes, years 1877-1883. ''Momie'' in Volume 3 on pages 346-348.French translation). That kind of mumia, taken from ancient embalmed corpses of Egypt, made its way into medieval Latin medicine books as well – e.g. in Entry for ''mumia'' in ''Liber Pandectarum Medicinae'' of Matthaeus Silvaticus, composed circa 1317, linked edition is year 1488Matthaeus Silvaticus, circa 1317. On the question of when the word came to mean the whole corpse, it seems to have started later than the time of Abdallatif and Ibn al-Baitar and there is fogginess about when. Today's Arabic مومياء mūmiyāʾ means "mummy" (today's Persian mūmiyāyī means "mummy").
  107. ^ mummy

    Spanish writer Pero Tafur travelled through the Sinai Desert in Egypt in the late 1430s. He wrote: We departed from Cairo and crossed the lifeless desert of Egypt.... These deserts, they say, provide the mummies [his Spanish word: momia], which are the bodies of those who die there. For with the great dryness which is in those parts, the bodies do not decay, but the radical moisture is consumed, leaving the bodies entire and dried, so that they can be ground up.momia @ ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, year 1998 on page 173-174, quotes momia in Spanish writers Juan de Mena (died 1456) and Pero Tafur (died 1489), and others. Also has comments on how the word's meaning got evolved away from its original meaning.ref , Book in English : ''Travels and adventures, 1435-1439'' by Pero Tafur, translated Spanish-to-English by Malcolm Letts, year 1926, with mummies on page 81.ref. Seemingly implicit in that statement, in the bit where he speaks of "ground up" momia, he is possibly envisaging the desert momia grinded up for use in bandage dressings like how the two kinds of mumia in Note #106 above were used.
    The evolution of mummy's meaning in the English language in the post-medieval centuries is the subject of a set of quotations at mummy @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1908. Besides the headword mummy, the dictionary has headwords mummia, mummify, etc.Ref.
  108. ^ muslin

    In European languages, muslin meaning fine lightweight fabric made in Mosul has its earliest record in a glossary of Arabic words published in Latin in year 1544, authorship attributed to Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died 1521-1522). The glossary says in Latin: Almussoli is a district in Mesopotamia in which fabric of great beauty is woven from cotton. This fabric the Syrians and Egyptians and merchants of Venice call mussoli, named after this district. And the leading people of Syria and Egypt in the summertime sit in a more-honoured place dressed in garments made from such mussoli.Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine has numerous 16th century Latin editions. Some have a glossary appendix titled ''Andreae Bellunensis arabicorum nominum, quae in hisce Avicennae libris sparsim legebantur, ad mentem expositorum Arabum Latina interpretatio. Quibus quamplurima addita''. ALMUSSOLI is a headword in this glossary. Link goes to year 1556 Alpago-Rinio edition.ref, ''Interpretatio arabicorum nominum, quae in hisce Avicennae libris continentur, per Andream Alpagum Bellunensem : Additis vocabulis quingentis'', year 1544, being a glossary appended within an edition of Avicenna's ''Liber Canonis''. ''Additis vocabulis quingentis'' means somebody added much additional vocabulary to Bellunensis's original. ALMUSSOLI is a headword in the glossary.alt-link, mussolo @ ''Le Origini Della Lingua Italiana'', by Gilles Ménage aka Egidio Menagio, year 1685, an etymology dictionary, quotes from the Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis glossaryalt-ref. The next earliest known record is in the German traveller Leonhart Rauwolf, who travelled round the Levant in the years 1573-1575 and wrote a 350-page narrative of his visit. Rauwolf says of muslin in Aleppo city: The stuff is brought to Aleppo from Mosul city, it is made from cotton, and the Arabs call it Mossellini''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer'', by Leonhart Rauwolf, year 1582, with ''Mossellini'' on the last line of page 93. The German is translated to English at page 62 at the following link, but the translation does not tightly adhere to the German original :
    ref: German edition year 1582
    . But Rauwolf's wordform Mossellini looks like it's the Italian merchants' wordform, because the Arabic wordform was موصلي mūselī | mūsilī | mūsolī with no letter 'n'. Aleppo was one of the biggest commercial hubs in the Ottoman Empire at the time. Italian speakers dominated the commerce between Aleppo and Western Europe at the time. The suffix -ini | -ina in Italian is a diminutive and can communicate "lightweight". An English traveller in Aleppo in 1609, William Biddulph, wrote that "muslina" is a type of cloth brought to Aleppo from Mosul, and he says it is made from linen – William Biddulph says: In Assyria, situated by Tygris,.... in the place where Niniveh stood, there is a little towne called Muscla [read Musela, meaning Mūsil/Mosul], from whence the inhabitants of that place bring a kinde of linnen cloath called MUSLINA, to Aleppo, to sell to merchants there. Published in 1609 as ''A letter written from Aleppo in Syria''.ref, muslin @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'', year 1908alt-ref.
    The English word shash | sash entered English from Arabic shāsh at about the same time as muslin. The Arabic shāsh was a long ribbon of fine lightweight muslin that was wrapped up to form a turban. It was many meters long. It could be of cotton or linen (it was rarely silk). In the Middle East at that time, shāsh turbans were worn by the majority of men and constituted a large part of the market for fine lightweight muslin. The Thousand and One Nights tales has Arabic وإلى رأسه شاش موصلي = "and on his head a shāsh mūsilī " – page 617 of an edition of ألف ليلة وليلة @ al-nada.eb2a.com. The same sentence has also وعلى كتفه الآخر محلاة من الحرير.ref , Arabic book ألف ليلة وليلة has chapter titled:
    حكاية هارون الرشيد مع محمد علي الجوهري
    It is searchable online at multiple websites.
    . For the date of that quote from 1001 Nights tales, a preliminary guess would be 16th century, but putting a date on it with confidence would require a search through old manuscripts because the 1001 Nights tales were modified and expanded over many centuries. An Italian traveller in Iraq in year 1580/1590 has mussolo meaning a shash turban – Book, ''Viaggio dell'Indie orientali'', by Gasparo Balbi, year 1590, on page 33+1. In 1579-1580 Gasparo Balbi travelled from Aleppo to Basra. At Basra he describes merchants wearing ''mussolo, ò sessa'', where the Italian ''sessa'' meant the Arabic ''shāsh''.ref. An Italian dictionary in 1611 has Italian mussolo defined as "a kind of head-attire or turbant that the Persians wear" – mussolo @ John Florio's Italian-to-English Dictionary, year 1611ref. 17th century Italian documents contain a scarce mussolino = "muslin" and a rare mussolina = "muslin" – mussolino @ ''Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana'' (GDLI), years 1961-2002. It has two quotes for ''mussolino'' as muslin in late 17th century. For dating the quoted sources see https://www.GDLI.it/autori-citati

    More info in GDLI is under GDLI's headwords ''mussolo'', ''mussola'', and ''mussolina''. In GDLI's handling of ''mussolina'', GDLI has quotes from the 18th century, whereas 17th instances are notably absent.
    , Book ''Deonomasticon Italicum: Dizionario storico dei derivati da nomi geografici'', by Wolfgang Schweickard, Volume 3, year 2009, under heading ''Mosul'' on pages 361-363e.g., In searchable 17th century Italian books at http://books.google.com you can find a set of occurrences of the wordforms mussolino, mussolina, mussolini, mussoline, but in nearly all cases the meaning of these wordforms is not muslin and not anything close to muslin. A tiny number of 17th century cases occur where the meaning is muslin. ref. Today's Italian has mussolina = "muslin" and mussola = "muslin". In Arabic, mūsilī was not used as a textile word with much frequency in any bygone century, and it is no longer used today.
  109. ^ nadir

    Sententie Astrolabii is the name of a Latin text done in Catalonia and dated about year 1000. It is about the design and use of Astrolabes. Most of it was translated from Arabic. One section of the Latin text corresponds very tightly with one section of an Arabic text by Al-Khwarizmi (died c. 850). This section has six instances of Arabic نظير naẓīr translated as Latin nadairArticle, ''Al-Khwārizmī as a Source for the SENTENTIE ASTROLABII'', by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1987, 9 pages, in book ''From Deferent to Equant'', by various authors. The article prints medieval Arabic text and medieval Latin text, with naẓīr = nadair on pages 229 & 231.ref, The article ''Al-Khwārizmī as a Source for the SENTENTIE ASTROLABII'', by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1987, is reprinted in the book ''The Arabs and the Stars'' by Paul Kunitzsch, year 1989.alt-link.
    A 30-page tutorial about working with the Astrolabe was written in Arabic by Ibn al-Saffar, who died in 1035. It was translated to Latin around year 1150. In the translation, Arabic النظير al-naẓīr was translated as Latin nadair and/or Latin nadirIbn al-Saffar's كتاب العمل بالاسطرلاب is in Arabic in journal ''Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos en Madrid'' Volume 3, year 1955, curated by Millás Vallicrosa. In linked PDF file, the Arabic text is on print pages ٤٧ to ٧٦ which is PDF pages 158 to 187. نظير is eight times on PDF pages 160-161.text in Arabic, The medieval Latin translation of Ibn al-Saffar's Astrolabe tutorial is in Appendix I in the book ''Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo'', by José Millás Vallicrosa, year 1942. In Appendix I, nadair or nadir is four times on print page 265. At linked html page, entire book is downloadable as PDF by clicking ''Descargar grupo''.text in Latin. An astronomy book by Al-Battani (died 929) was translated Arabic-to-Latin around 1140. In the translation, Al-Battani's نظير naẓīr and نظيرة naẓīra was put in Latin as nadahir and nadirIn PDF format : البتاني - الزيج , aka كتاب زيج الصابئ , Al-Battānī's ''Kitāb Al-Zīj''. It has 32 instances of نظير or نظيرة , which includes 4 instances of النظير or النظيرة.text in Arabic, ''Albategnius. De numeris stellarum et motibus'', edition at Bologna in year 1645. This is the mid-12th-century Latin translation of Al-Battani's astronomy by the translator Plato Tiburtinus. It has a preface by Plato Tiburtinus. In the linked OCR'd copy there are 15 instances of ''nadahir'' and 7 instances of ''nadir''.text in Latin.
    The Latin wordform is nadir in the short and influential astronomy text De Sphaera Mundi by Johannes de Sacrobosco dated about 1233 (influential because much used as an introductory textbook). All of Sacrobosco's works show influence from Arabic astronomy, which Sacrobosco learned from Arabic-to-Latin translations. Sacrobosco, when writing about how planet Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon during a lunar eclipse, says in Latin: "The nadir is a point in outer space directly opposite to the sun" – Book in Latin and in English translation, ''The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its commentators'', curated and translated by Lynn Thorndike, year 1949. Search for NADIR.ref  ; In English : ''The Sphere of Sacrobosco'', being Sacrobosco's ''Sphaera'' translated by Lynn Thorndike, year 1949altlink-1, In Latin : Sacrobosco's ''De Sphaera'' in edition printed by printing press in year 1485altlink-2. That statement uses nadir in the sense the Arabic naẓīr was used, which in Arabic had a core meaning of "counterpart". Nadir with Sacrobosco's definition is in various later medieval astronomers – Latin book ''Opus Majus'' by Roger Bacon (died 1294) defines NADIR the same as Sacrobosco's definition.e.g. , nadir @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales – Etymologie. It quotes Nicholas Oresme (died 1382) defining NADIR similarly to Sacrobosco's definition. More of same is under NADAIR at http://www.atilf.fr/dmf e.g..
  110. ^ natron

    The substance natron is naturally occurring sodium carbonate. Historically in Europe from ancient times until the 19th century the biggest supply of it came from the Wadi El-Natrun area of northern Egypt.
    In Arabic, Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) said النطرون al-natrūn comes from Egypt, is a type of salt, bitter to the taste and a little caustic, and he used the word 61 times in his main book – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref. In one of the earliest texts on minerals in Arabic, written in the 9th century, the mineral نطرون natrūn is described as a type of salt used as a washing agent – Book dated 9th century, كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس, published in Arabic under volume title ''Das Steinbuch des Aristotles'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912. ''Al-natrūn'' is in Arabic on page 118 (stone #47).ref. That is natron. Lots more examples of natron in medieval Arabic are at Alwaraq.net by searching for Search at Alwaraq.netالنطرون al-natrūn and Search at Alwaraq.netنطرون natrūn.
    Five late-medieval Spanish books on minerals or medicines have natron = "natron" or anatron = "natron". The five are online and searchable at Search for ''natron'' and ''anatron''HispanicSeminary.org. The medieval Spanish wordform anatron, with its leading letter 'a', was formed from the Arabic al-natrūn pronounced AN-NATRUN in Arabic. But in Spanish from year 1510 until about year 1775, the word, as natron or anatron, is essentially absent and not in use –  details Google Books – http://books.google.com – has a big collection of early printed books in Spanish, OCR'd and searchable despite OCR errors. Normally a book is tagged with the year the book was printed. You can restrict searches to an interval of years. This is currently the best way to see that natron was essentially not in use in printed books in Spanish until the last quarter of the 18th century. You can also see some inconsequential exceptions at Google Books: Spanish Natron + Anatron is a salt in year 1703 in a French-to-Spanish translation, translating year 1697 French Natron + Anatron, French writer Nicolas Lemery translated by Spanish writer Félix Palacios. Anatron occurs in 1706 in a pharmacy book composed by Félix Palacios, who had earlier translated Nicolas Lemery. Natron is the name of a lake in Egypt, not a salt, in a Spanish author in year 1755.. That is a gap of 250+ years. Therefore, the late-18th & 19th century Spanish natrón is not in direct continuity with the late-medieval Spanish natron.
    In medieval Latin the usual name for natron was nitrum, which was from classical Latin nitrum and ancient Greek nitron without Arabic intermediation. The classical Latin nitrum meant natron – The ancient meaning of the ancient word nitrum gets 16 pages of discussion in Volume 2 of the two-volume ''A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins'', by Johann Beckmann (died 1811), translated from German to English. It is on pages 487-503 at the link. It is probably enough to only look at pages 491-493 & 496-497, and maybe lightly sample other pages. Johann Beckmann's first objective is to show that the ancient nitrum did not mean a nitrate.ref, nitrum @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879ref. A 7th-century Latin dictionary says: "nitrum... is found in a region of Egypt.... it is used for washing clothes... its nature is not so different from ordinary salt" – In English translation : Isidore of Seville's ''Origines'', book XVI, section 2. Translation by Barney et al, year 2006, with English natron on page 318. This book by Isidore is freely online in Latin elsewhere.ref. A 15th-century Latin dictionary says: "nitrum is a kind of salt brought from Alexandria", Egypt – nitrum @ ''Alphita'' medical-botany dictionary dated mid 15th century. Published in Latin with footnotes in English by Mowat, year 1887.ref. That is natron. Late medieval Latin nitrum could additionally be a name for some other salts besides natron (details omitted), though natron was the usual meaning. From the Latin nitrum, late medieval English had nitrum, nitro and nitre with the same meaning, i.e. usually meaning natron, i.e. sodium carbonate – nitrum @ Middle English Dictionaryref, nitre @ Middle English Dictionaryref. Late medieval Spanish had nitro with the same meaning – Search for ''nitro'' in medieval Spanish medical texts collection at HispanicSeminary.orgref.
    In late 13th century Latin, Simon of Genoa said "natron" is an Arabic word and he said its meaning is Latin nitrum''natron'' @ ''Synonyma Medicinae'' by Simon of Genoa. Writes in abbreviated Latin: ''natron ar nitrū''. Meaning: ''natron is an Arabic word and it is synonymous with Latin nitrum''.ref. Latin text Mappae Clavicula has a late-12th-century enlargement in which some minerals words were taken from Arabic and one of the added words was natron__ meaning natron – Text Mappae Clavicula exists in a shorter version dated 9th-10th century and in an enlarged version dated late 12th century. The latter version is transcribed in the journal ''Archaeologia'' volume XXXII, year 1847, starting on page 187. It has four instances of NATRONI on pages 225-226. Some other pages have NITRI & NITRO & NITRUM -- the composition date of those pages is much earlier.ref, 128-page article, ''Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques'', by CS Smith and JG Hawthorne, year 1974. It publishes a Latin-to-English translation of ''Mappae Clavicula''. It translates Latin natron__ as English ''soda''. The meaning of Latin natron__ is the subject of footnote #13 on page 29 and footnote #134 on page 57.ref. A certain Arabic-influenced alchemy text in Latin said "anatron" is another name for sal nitrumA certain short appendix is in a late medieval Latin alchemy collection published in year 1542. The appendix is by an author named RACHAIDIBI. RACHAIDIBI says: ''habet Anatron, sive Sal nitrum & Sal gemma, & Alcali''. The date and authorship of the RACHAIDIBI appendix is unknown to me. 15th century is possible.ref. But natron and anatron were very rare in medieval Latin. Standardly in medieval Latin the name was nitrum.
    Anatron | anathron was adopted in Latin in Germany in the 16th century in the widely disseminated writings of Theophrastus Paracelsus (died 1541) – natron @ ''Arabismen im Deutschen'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998ref, ''Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi'', year 1584, written by Gerhard Dorn, 94 pages, being short definitions of terminology of Theophrastus Paracelsus. The spelling here is ''anathron''. The spelling ''anatron'' is in 16th century publications of Paracelsus also. Gerhard Dorn defines it firstly as a salt that grows on the surface of stones and secondly as an alternative name for ''sal nitrum''.ref. Subsequently anatron is in Paracelsus's followers Hieronymus Reusner (lived late 16th), Martin Rulandus (died 1602), Oswald Crollius (died 1609), Andreas Libavius (died 1616), Matthias Untzer (died 1624), and others. Hieronymus Reusner and Martin Rulandus in Latin also mention the wordform natron and they say Latin natron is another name for Latin nitrumBook in Latin, ''Lexicon Alchemiae'' by Martin Ruland, a dictionary of alchemy and chemistry, year 1612, natron on page 344ref, Book, ''Pandora: Das ist, die edelst Gab Gottes'', by Hieronymus Reusner, year 1588, having ''natron'' on page 303. Book is an introduction to alchemy, in German, with a glossary in Latin. Book's preface has an acknowledgement of influence of ''D. Rulande'', which is Doctor Martin Ruland.ref. Prospero Alpini (died 1617) visited Egypt in the 1580s and he afterwards wrote in Latin: "nitrum, which the Arabs call natron, is plentifully dug out in Egypt" – Book, ''Historiae Aegypti Naturalis, pars prima, qua continentur Rerum Aegyptiarum libri quatuor. Opus Postumum'', by Prospero Alpini (died 1617), edition year 1735 on page 140ref.
    The earliest known for "natron" in English is year 1684 and says: "In Egypt... there is a... sort of Nitre called Natron" ''A Letter... about the Natron of Egypt'', on pages 609-619 in June 1684 issue of ''Philosophical Transactions'' of the Royal Society of London. The letter is about the chemical definition of natron.(ref). An English Dictionary in 1737 defined natron as a kind of salt taken out of a lake in Egypt natron @ Nathan Bailey's Dictionary Supplementary Volume, aka Volume II, edition year 1737(ref), and defined anatron as any of several salts including one taken from Egypt anatron @ Nathan Bailey's Dictionary Supplementary Volume, aka Volume II, edition year 1737(ref). English natron was synonymous with French natron. French writers in the mid 17th century said the mineral natron was imported to France from Egypt – ref: Book, ''Hydrographie'', by Georges Fournier, year 1643 edition, says on page 369 in French: ''to bring [to France] from Alexandria in Egypt the proper ashes for laundry detergent commonly called NATRON''.1643 natron , Book, ''Les Voyages et Observations'' by François de La Boullaye Le Gouz, year 1653. It says in French : ''Two days journey from Cairo is the NETRON lake [page 365].... The ships load at Alexandria [in Egypt] for Rouen [in France] a semi-mineral which is called NETRON in Egypt [page 398].''1653 netron , Book ''Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant'', by Jean de Thévenot, year 1664, on pages 486-488, describes the NATRON at its source in Egypt in the desert, and says the NATRON is boated down the Nile river to the seaport at Rosetta.1664 natron ; cf Book ''Cours de Chymie'' by Nicolas Lemery, year 1679 edition, has a chapter headed NITRE, in which it says in French : ''The NITRE of the ancient writers was either the NATRON of Egypt or some other salt..., but the NITRE of the moderns is consistently SALPESTRE [i.e. potassium nitrate].''1679 natron , naṭrūn @ ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'', book by Raymond Arveiller, year 1999, on page 422. It quotes French anatrum in Pierre Pomet in 1694 and French anatron in Nicolas Lémery in 1698.1694 anatrum & 1698 anatron. The natron had been arriving from Egypt for thousands of years under the name nitrum, nitre, nitro, needless to repeat. An important other factor in the picture in 17th century Western Europe is that the name nitrum | nitre had become beset with bad ambiguity. This can be seen in the several incompatible meanings for nitrum in The linked book is in Latin. Pages 345-348 have multiple incompatable definitions for Nitrum.
    The book was translated from Latin to English in year 1893 with English title ''Lexicon of Alchemy''. The translation is downloadable at https://epdf.pub/lexicon-of-alchemy.html
    Martin Ruland's year 1612 Lexicon Alchemiae
    and in Book in Latin : ''Physiologia salis, seu de salis natura'', by Matthias Untzer, year 1624. Pages 73-81 is a chapter headed ''De Sale Nitro''. It gives multiple incompatible definitions for nitrum, nitro, nitri, nitrosa, nitroso.Matthias Untzer's year 1624 book on salts. By year 1600 the main meaning for nitrum | nitre had already become or was on the verge of becoming potassium nitrate, aka at Wikipedia : Nitre is naturally occurring potassium nitratenitre. Nitre became the parent-word of "nitrogen", nitrate, nitro, etc, which are nitrogen-containing chemicals. The ambiguity encouraged adoption of the name natron to reduce the potential for misunderstanding. Adoption of "natron" started happening in French in the late 17th and it spread from French into Italian and Spanish around roughly one century later.
  111. ^ natrium  ^ kalium

    "Natrium" at Elementymology & Elements Multidict. "Kalium" at Elementymology & Elements Multidict. Natrium and Kalium are the names for sodium and potassium in today's German, and also in Russian and some other languages.
  112. ^ popinjay

    Parrots come from tropical or at least semi-tropical environs. Parrots were imported to Mediterranean Europe in antiquity. The ancient Greek and classical Latin name for a parrot was psittacus. In the medieval era, the imports of parrots to Europe often and usually came through Arabic speakers. Medieval Arabic from an early date has babaghāʾ = "parrot" as a wellknown and commonplace word – Search for الببغاء in the medieval texts at Alwaraq.net. The search returns a large number instances. Further instances are available by a search for ببغاء at the same site.ref, Search for الببغا in the medieval texts at Alwaraq.net. Further instances are available by a search for ببغا at the same website. Further instances by searching for الببغاء and ببغاءref, Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword ببغ. In print year 1863, Volume 1 page 147 column 2.ref. The Arabic babaghāʾ is taken to be the parent word of the medieval French papegai, medieval Spanish papagayo, medieval Italian pappagallo, and similar wordforms in other medieval European languages meaning "parrot"; New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1909popinjay @ NED.  ¶ In Arabic it is not known how the word babaghāʾ originated. The same word babaghā is in Persian. An origin in a tropical locale has been suggested.
  113. ^ realgar

    The medieval Arabs used the substance realgar but generally did not use a name like realgar. A number of medieval Arabic minerals writers used the name al-zarnīkh = "arsenic sulfide" and they made the distinction between the yellow and red types of al-zarnīkh. The origination of the Latinate name realgar in oral, non-written, medieval Maghrebi Arabic is discussed in rejalgar @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869 on page 332Dozy, year 1869 and a supplement to Dozy's info is in Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, on pages 201-202Henri Lammens, year 1890. Dozy is able to cite two medieval Arabic writers who used رهج الغار rahj al-ghār with meaning "arsenic sulfide", namely أحمد بن محمد ابن الحشاء، مؤلف الكتاب مفيد العلوم ومبيد الهموم، وهو تفسير الالفاظ الطبية واللغوية الواقعة في الكتاب المنصوري للرازي Ibn al-Hashshāʾ and Ibn al-Baitar, both of them medical writers who lived in the Maghreb in the early 13th century. In published editions of Ibn al-Baitar —including the edition at الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار.  Pages 469, 512 and 875 have رهج الفأر or رهج الفار . (Relatedly زرنيخ is on page 401-402).Ref — what is printed is رهج الفار rahj al-fār = "rodent powder"; and this is not rahj al-ghār. As printed, Ibn al-Baitar says rahj al-fār is a name used in the Maghreb for samm al-fār = "rodent poison" and al-shakk. This means arsenic sulfide. Dozy saw two old manuscripts of Ibn al-Baitar's book in which what is written is رهج الغار rahj al-ghār = "cavern powder" and Dozy says this must be the true and correct text. His reasoning is that the newly arrived 13th and early 14th century Latinate realgar | rejalgar | reyalgar | reialgar | regalgar | resalgar on its surface looks as coming from Arabic, and it cannot come phonetically out of rahj al-fār, and one cannot see another source for it from Arabic nor non-Arabic. This reasoning is widely accepted. It would be desirable to affirm it by documenting imports of realgar to the Latins from a realgar mine in the Maghreb. The medieval Maghreb included southern Iberia. A realgar mine in operation in the south-central interior of Iberia is mentioned in the geography book of Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi (died 1327) and the book has the rare phrase رهج الغار rahj al-ghār in that context – the book is online شمس الدين الأنصاري الدمشقي -- كتاب نخبة الدهر في عجائب البرّ والبحر Geography book of Shams al-Din Al-Dimashqi in Arabic, curated by A.F. Mehren, year 1866, with رهج الغار on page ٢٤٢ on line 11in Arabic and Book ''Manuel de la cosmographie du moyen age'', being the geography book of Shams al-Din Al-Dimashqi translated to French by A.F. Mehren, year 1874, « rahadj el-gar » on page 345in French translation. A merchandise book written in Italian around year 1340 mentions Book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died 1347)risalgallo spagnuolo = "Spanish realgar", meaning realgar mined in Iberia somewhere.
  114. ^ safflower

    The safflower is an annual plant that is native to a truly arid climate that has an annual rainy season. The plant has poor defenses against many types of fungal diseases in rainy or damp weather. This greatly restricts the areas in which it can be grown commercially – Book ''Safflower'', by Joseph R. Smith, year 1996. The book is devoted to the safflower as an oil-seed crop.ref. Alphonse de Candolle in his Origin of Cultivated Plants (year 1885) reports that the ancient Greeks and Romans have not left any clear written evidence that they were acquainted with the safflower plant, and particularly not for its use as a dye, even though the evidence is excellent that the ancient Egyptians used the safflower – Safflower, i.e. Carthamus tinctorius, on pages 164-165 in ''Origin of Cultivated Plants'' by Alphonse de Candolleref: Carthamus Tinctorius. In medieval Arabic the most-often-used name for safflower was عصفر ʿusfur. The medieval Arabic dictionaries say ʿusfur is the plant that produces a well-known dye and also means the dye itself – عصفر @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon (year 1874)ref , In Arabic : The medicines encyclopedia of Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248). Its entry for عصفر usfur is on page 588 in linked copy. It quotes from the plants dictionary of Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (died c. 895). Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari says عصفر usfur grows in the Arabian peninsula (ينبت بأرض العرب) and is used as a dye.ref. In Italian or Italian-Latin with meaning "safflower dye", the wordform zaflore is recorded in year 1310 and the wordform asfloris is recorded in year 1376 – Entry under headword ''asflore'' in ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'' (TLIO)ref , Dictionary ''Vocabolario Ligure'' by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001 on page 106. It cites ''DDG'' = ''Les douanes de Gênes 1376-1377'' curated by John Day year 1963, page 477.ref . In Italian around year 1340 Book, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died c. 1347), in Italian, with annotations in English by Allan Evans, year 1936. As printed in this edition of this book, the medieval manuscript has the spellings ''zafflore'' and ''asflore'', and the same manuscript also has the spellings ''asfore, asfrole, astifore, zaffole'', all interpreted today as meaning safflower.Pegolotti's Mercatura uses the spellings asflore and zafflore – the manuscript uses both of those spellings multiple times and interchangeably meaning safflower dye merchandise. In Italian in the 19th century, dictionaries for the Venice dialect of Italian have safflower under the name asforoasforo @ ''Dizionario del dialetto veneziano'', by Giuseppe Boerio, year 1829 editionref, asforo @ ''Dizionario tascabile delle voci e frasi particolari del dialetto veneziano'', by Pietro Contarini, year 1850 editionref. The Sicilian dialect of Italian in 15th-18th centuries has usfaru = "safflower" – usfaru @ ''Vocabolario Siciliano'' by Michele Pasqualino da Palermo, year 1795, volume 5 on page 361e.g.. In Catalan today, alasfor = "safflower" is listed in today's Catalan dictionaries – Diccionari.cat, un projecte digital del Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, says Catalan alasfor exists and is synonymous with Catalan safranó meaning safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)ref, alasfor @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, put online at Institut d'Estudis Catalansref, Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana says ''safranó'' meaning safflower is also called ''alasfor''ref. Catalan wordform alazflor was used in year 1383 and Catalan alasfor in 1404 – alazfor @ ''Vocabulario del Comercio Medieval: Colección de aranceles aduaneros de la Corona de Aragón (siglo XIII y XIV)'', by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1968. Cites Catalan wordform ''alazflor'' in the text ''Regiment de la cosa publica'' by Francesc Eiximenis (died 1409). Cites ''alasfor'' in a year 1404 ordinance of king Martin I of Aragon (died 1410).ref. In today's Portuguese, an old and near-obsolete wordform is açaflor = "safflower" where flor is Portuguese for flower and ç = z. In Spanish the usual for safflower was and is alaçor @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españolalaçor | alazor @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Españolaalazor, which was from the Arabic al-ʿusfur = "the safflower" by deletion of / f /. The point of mentioning all the above wordforms is that they support the claim that the Arabic ʿusfur | ʿasfar begot the 14th-century Italian asflore. Then the Italian asflore begot the Italian zafflore. The Italian zafflore begot ''Table of Rates Inwards'', meaning table of import-tax rates, issued in year 1640-1641 (the sixteenth year of British king Charles I reign). Safflore is a taxable import in the table. Another copy of same table is at archive.org/details/anewandaccurate03entigoog , having safflore on page 169.English 1640 safflore and ''The Rates of Merchandize. Rates Inwards'', being a list of taxable value assessments of imported goods, published in 1650 by British gov't, has SAFLORE as a taxable import.English 1650 saflore, whence English "safflower".
  115. ^ saffron

    Book: Medieval Arab Cookery: Essays and Translations, by Rodinson & Arberry & Perry, year 2001, has the English word "saffron" on 84 of its pages. Book: Medieval Arabic cookery book put in English by translator Nawal Nasrallah, 850+ pagesIbn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook, translated by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007, has 151 instances of the English word "saffron".
  116. ^ saffron

    As reported at Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalessafran @ CNRTL.fr and ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 398zafarana @ Caracausi, saffron has its first known records as a word in a European language at Genoa during the years 1154-1164 in the Cartulary of Giovanni Scriba. The Cartulary of Giovanni Scriba is a collection of notarized legal contracts. It was published in Latin in two volumes in 1935. Extracts from it in Latin are at Book, ''Genova Comune Medievale - Vita Usi E Costumi Dei Genovesi : Ricavati dal Cartulare di Giovanni Scriba, notaio Genovese dall' anno 1154 all' anno 1164'', by Fortunato Marchetto and Paolo Marchetto, year 2008Ref. The person Giovanni Scriba was the writer of the notarizations. Some of Giovanni Scriba's notarized contracts use the classical Latin name crocus meaning saffron – same ref; also Book, ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, Latin ''crocus'' on page 313 citing ''CGS.2'' = ''Cartulary of Giovanni Scriba, volume 2''Ref.
  117. ^ saphena

    A Treatise on Small-Pox and Measles by Abu Becr Mohammed Ibn Zacariya Ar-Razi, translated to English from Arabic by William Alexander Greenhill, year 1848, translator's note on page 154 gives citations for الصافن al-sāfin = "saphenous vein" in Haly Abbas, Albucasis and Avicenna, and on page 45 has Al-Razi's usage. Albucasis's description of how to take blood from the saphenous vein is in Arabic together with English translation at Book, ''Albucasis on Surgery and Instruments: A Definitive Edition of the Arabic Text with English Translation'', year 1973, with ''saphena'' = الصافن on pages 652-653Ref. Avicenna's Canon of Medicine uses the word al-sāfin on 32 different pages in the context of bloodletting treatments – Search results for word الصافن at www.AlWaraq.net in Ibn Sina's القانون Canonref. In addition to medical books, some medieval Arabic general-purpose dictionaries have al-sāfin = "saphenous vein". One such dictionary is the Fiqh al-Lugha of Al-Tha'alibi (died 1038) – Search results for word الصافن at AlWaraq.net in the book فقه اللغة by الثعالبيref. Another is the Lisan al-Arab dictionary – صافن @ search @ arabiclexicon @ hawramani.com ref
  118. ^ saphena

    The saphena vein is in Constantinus Africanus's Arabic-to-Latin translation of Haly Abbas spelled sophenaArticle, ''Constantine's pseudo-Classical terminology and its survival'', by Gotthard Strohmaier, in the book ''Constantine the African and ʻAlī Ibn Al-ʻAbbās Al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related Texts'', year 1994, sophena on page 98ref. A century later, it is in Gerard of Cremona's Arabic-to-Latin translation of Al-Razi as saphenaIn Latin : Medical works of Al-Razi (died c. 930) in translation by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), edition year 1544. The volume includes the Latin ''Liber ad Almansorem'' translating the Arabic ''Kitāb al-Manṣūrī fī al-ṭibb'' by Al-Razi.ref. The Latin surgery book of Lanfranc of Milan (died 1306) has it spelled both sophena and saphenaBook, ''Lanfrank's Science of Cirurgie'', being a late medieval translation from Latin to English of Lanfranc of Milan's book, plus 19th century footnotes, published 1894. Search the text for sophena and saphena.ref. Today there is complete consensus that (#1) the medieval Latin word came directly from the exactly synonymous Arabic صافن sāfin and (#2) the word is unattested in Greek as a vein until after it was well-established in Arabic as a vein. I am now moving on to a less settled history question. Today's English and Latin anatomy names "Intro at Wikipedia : Basilic veinbasilic vein" and "Intro at Wikipedia : Cephalic veincephalic vein" refer to certain veins in the human arm. The ancient Greeks & Latins used these two veins in medical bloodletting, but they did not refer to them by the names basilic or cephalic. The vein-names basilic and cephalic have medieval start. Some historians have aired the opinion that these vein-names entered Latin from the medieval Arabic names الباسليق al-bāsilīq = "the basilic vein" and القيفال al-qīfāl = "the cephalic vein", entering Latin in the same timeframe and on the same pathways that saphena entered on. The vein-names al-bāsilīq and al-qīfāl are in medieval Arabic in the same writers who used al-sāfin, including Haly Abbas, Al-Razi, Albucasis, Avicenna, and the dictionary of Al-Tha'alibi (note #117 above). In Avicenna's Canon of Medicine in Arabic in the edition at AlWaraq.net, the vein-name الباسليق al-bāsilīq occurs 58 times on 41 pages spread intermittently across the 1000+ pages of the book Search results for word الباسليق at AlWaraq.net in Ibn Sina's القانون Canon(ref), الصافن al-sāfin occurs 43 times across 32 pages Search results for word الصافن at www.AlWaraq.net in Ibn Sina's القانون Canon(ref), and القيفال al-qīfāl occurs 26 times across 19 pages Search results for word القيفال at AlWaraq.net in Ibn Sina's القانون Canon(ref), all of which is reflecting the multiple roles of bloodletting in Avicenna's Canon of Medicine. The corresponding vein-names in Latin, basilica vena and cephalica vena (aka vena basilica and vena cephalica), are in the Arabic-to-Latin translations done by Constantinus Africanus – Translations of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published in Latin at Basel in year 1536. A search for the substring ''LICA UENA'' in the given OCR'd text surfaces 10 occurrences of basilica vein or caphalica vein. Additional occurrences via search for ''uena cephalica'', ''bafilici ueni'', ''bafilicam phlebotomare'', ''cephalicam incidit'', ''bafilica epatis'', in the given OCR'd text.ref. In continuity from usage by Constantinus Africanus, many dozens of instances of basilica vein and cephalica vein are in Gerard of Cremona's translations of the medical books of Al-Razi and Avicenna. Subsequently the records of these vein-names in medieval Latin are in writers who were influenced by the books of Haly Abbas, Al-Razi, Avicenna, Albucasis, etc, in the Arabic-to-Latin translations. Constantinus's translations rank among the very earliest records for the vein-names basilica and cephalica in Latin, and they used to be thought to be the number one earliest in Latin. But in the late 1950s an historian Owsei Temkin was able to cite the vein-name cephalica (but not basilica) in two short bloodletting texts in Latin that date from the 10th century. These two texts do not elsewhere show sign of influence from Arabic. They imply vein-name cephalica arrived in medieval Latin from Greek. These two 10th-century bloodletting texts refer to the basilic vein under the Latin name epatica | hepatica, which was a name commonly used in medieval Latin & Greek meaning today's English basilic vein (unrelated to today's English hepatic vein, which is not a vein in the arm). "The Byzantine Origin of the Names for the Basilic and Cephalic Veins"published in 1961 in a journal, republished in 1977 in the book ''Essays in the History of Medicine'' by Owsei Temkin, by Owsei Temkin, 3 pages, year 1961. A point downplayed by Owsei Temkin is that he has got no documentary evidence of vein-name basilica in Latin before Constantinus's Arabic-to-Latin translations. Because nobody is able to cite vein-name basilica as a vein in the arm in Latin or Greek before Constantinus, it is fair to judge that it arrived in Latin from Arabic (but Temkin silently and implicitly makes a different judgement and prefers a different hypothesis). The role of the Greek language in the history of basilic and cephalic as vein-names is given a terse overview by William Alexander Greenhill, year 1848, who says: (1) These two names were not used by Galen nor by any other pre-medieval Greek author; and (2) the names occur in medieval Greek in a medical book that had been translated into Greek from Arabic (Arabic author Ibn Al-Jazzar); and (3) a cephalica vein occurs in a medieval Greek medical author "Leo" whose century is perhaps 10th century – ref: Greenhill Book in English, ''A Treatise on Small-Pox and Measles by Abu Becr Mohammed Ibn Zacariya Ar-Razi'', translated from Arabic by William Alexander Greenhill, year 1848, translator's note on page 152 (which refers to text on page 45).on page 152, also There is a certain medieval Greek medical text that is known to medical historians as ''SYNESIUS DE FEBRIBUS''. William Alexander Greenhill year 1848 page 135 footnote #2 says that this Greek text had been translated from Arabic. Charles Daremberg in a publication in the early 1850s showed that its original Arabic author was Ibn Al-Jazzar (died c. 980). More info at www.academia.edu/36711128 on page 27-28.page 135. A treatise on smallpox by Al-Razi (died c. 930) is one of the few Arabic medicine texts that was translated into Greek during the medieval centuries. Al-Razi's text used the vein-names al-bāsilīq and al-qīfāl in Arabic, but the medieval Greek translator did not use these names in the Greek translation – reported by Greenhill on page 152. Greek κεφαλικην kefaliken as used by the medical author "Leo" is at In Greek : Σύνοψις τῆς Ἰατρικῆς by Leo or Leon, published in Greek underneath a Latin title ''Conspectus Medicinae'', curated by FZ Ermerins, in book ''Anecdota Medica Graeca'', year 1840, having κεφαλικην on page 109Ref, and "Leo" does not have the basilic vein. Greek βασιλικη basilike is a vein in two 15th-century physical manuscripts cited by Temkin, and the composition date they might have is not guessed at by Temkin. They are presumably late. More info on what historians have and have not seen in medieval Greek is in the chapter "Basilica (Vena)"on pages 74-77 in book ''Das Arabische und Hebräische in der Anatomie'' in the book Das Arabische und Hebräische in der Anatomie, by Joseph Hyrtl, year 1879, and in the article "Vena basilica - Vena cephalica. Die Genese einer unverstandenen Terminologie"DEAD LINK. In journal ''Sudhoffs Archiv'', volume 64, pages 385-390.
    Old link was : jstor.org/stable/20776682
    , by Hans J. Oesterle, year 1980. Hans Oesterle's article helps to show that the name basilic was not in use in Greek as a vein in the arm until after it was so in Arabic; and the Latin vein-name basilica came from Arabic and could not have come directly from Greek, even though the root of the Arabic word is in Greek. Just in case it is not needless to add: Ancient Greek basilic = "royal" has additionally entered Latin with meanings and along pathways that have no connection to veins or bloodletting.
  119. ^ sash

    Dictionnaire détaillé des noms des vêtements chez les Arabes, by Reinhart Dozy, year 1845 on pages 235-243, goes into details on the old Arabic meaning of the clothing word شاش shāsh and the related shāshīa. The old meaning for shāsh is not the same as today's meaning. Most of Dozy's cited old instances and further old instances are at AlWaraq.net by searching for شاشات and شاشية and شاش .
  120. ^ sash

    Italian dictionary by John Florio dated 1611 has Italian ''Sessa'' in Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary year 1611sessa and Italian ''Mussolo'' in Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary year 1611mussolo with approximately the same meaning as Arabic shāsh, i.e. a long ribbon of fine cloth wrapped around a person's head to form a turban. Sessa was an Italian representation of the Arabic word shāsh. Italian normally did not use an /sh/ sound, historically, and normally converted the /sh/ sound of foreign words to an /s/ sound in Italian. Hence sessa from shāsh, with the Italian vowel e from Arabic ā reflecting Current page at Note 70 gives an intro to imalaimala. The word was rendered into French as sesse in travel reports of the 17th century – شاش @ ''Dictionnaire détaillé des noms des vêtements chez les Arabes'', by R.P.A. Dozy, year 1845, has quotations for French ''sesse'' on pages 237-238ref. Italian sessa and French sesse did not take on the additional meaning that the English "sash" took on. Subsequently it died out in Italian and French.
  121. ^ sash

    In English one of the earliest records of "shash" (aka sash) is in "A relation of a journey begun in 1610... containing a description of the Turkish Empire...", by George Sandys, first published in 1615: In this book on page 63, George Sandys says the Muslim men of the Turkish Empire ''wear on their heads white Shashes and Turbants, the badge of their religion''.online. In the Middle East around that time it was the custom for men to wear a turban hat that consisted of many meters of fine lightweight muslin cloth wrapped around the head. Another English traveller's description from the Middle East was given in 1617 by Fynes Moryson, who spelled the Arabic word as Shasse''Itinerary'' by Fynes Moryson was published in three volumes in year 1617, and republished in four volumes in year 1908. It has a chapter on the apparel of the Turks in volume IV pages 223-224, with ''Shasses'' on page 224.ref. The shash turban hat was worn by Muslims in India and Indonesia as well. The word shash comes up repeatedly in English travellers of the 1st half of the 17th century in India and Indonesia – Book, ''The Voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1613'', being the diary of John Saris in years 1613-1625, edited by Ernest Satow in year 1900. It has ''shash'' thirteen times.ref, Book, ''The travels of Peter Mundy... Volume II: Travels in Asia 1628-1634'', being diaries of Peter Mundy, edited by Carnac Temple in year 1914. Volume II has ''shash'' five times.ref, Book, ''Some Yeares Travels Into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique'', by Thomas Herbert, year 1638 edition. Book has ''shash | shashes'' on at least ten pages.ref. For those English writers, the shash means the shash turban hat and the ribbon of cloth that it is made from.
    In English in 1676, a person living in Central Asia is described as wearing a silk shash around his waist – A person is dressed ''with a purple silk Shash about his waste'' in a year 1676 book in English. The person is ''Tamberlain'', aka Tamerlane (died 1405), a wellknown king in Iran. The book's title is ''...pageants, and shows, performed... at the inauguration and instalment of... Lord Mayor of the city of London'', composed by Thomas Jordan. Book is online at EEBO.ref. In English in 1681, a description of clothing in Ceylon Island (Sri Lanka) says the people wear a "shash girt about their loins" meaning wrapped around their waist – Book, ''An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East-Indies'', by Robert Knox, year 1681, on page 89ref. In English in 1688, coats worn by men in Poland are "gird about the middle with a Shash, or Towel, fringed at the ends" – Book ''The Academy of Armory'' by Randle Holme, year 1688. Search for word SHASH.ref.
    In English in 1685, a book about the Anglican Christian clergy of England has shash meaning a priest's ornamental wide ribbon of cloth that runs around the midriff, and runs down one leg from the midriff, and is worn by Anglican priests. Such a ribbon was and is part of formal attire of priests (by Roman Catholic priests it is called a "at Wikipedia : Fascia (sash)fascia"). In a later edition of this book, the spelling was changed: Book, ''Some Observations upon an Answer to the Enquiry into the Grounds & Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy''. Published anonymously by an author now known to be John Eachard (died 1697). 1685 edition on page 199. Has the remark ''...before Shashes and broad Hats came into fashion''.the 1685 edition has Shashes and Book, ''Dr. Eachard's Works'', includes the work ''Observations on an Answer to the Enquiry'', year 1705 publication. Has ''Sashes and broad Hats'' on page 136.the 1705 edition has Sashes.
    English dictionaries in years 1706, 1726 & 1749 have "shash" defined as "the linen of which a Turkish turbant is made; also a kind of girdle made of silk, etc. to tie about the waist" – ref: shash @ John Kersey's year 1706 expansion of Edward Phillips' English dictionary. The 1706 edition's primary author is printed on the title page as Edward Phillips (died c. 1696).Kersey's (1706), shash @ Nathan Bailey's English dictionary. Nathan Bailey copied extensively from the Phillips-Kersey dictionary of 1706.Bailey's (1726), shash @ ''Lingua Britannica Reformata, Or, a New English Dictionary'', by Benjamin Martin, year 1749. Martin's dictionary copied extensively from Bailey's dictionary.Martin's (1749). Those three English dictionaries have a separate entry for "sash" which they define as "a sort of girdle" [girdle = a band around the waist] – Bailey's 1726, Martin's 1749. In the later 18th century in ceremonial military clothing, the "sash" ribbon could go from right shoulder to left hip (or left shoulder to right hip) sash @ Noah Webster's English dictionary, year 1828 edition(e.g.).
    The wordform change in English from earlier "shash" to later "sash" is a case of at Wikipedia : Dissimilation (in phonology)phonetic dissimilation, according to several commentators. Fynes Moryson's Shasse year 1617 can be read as a case of phonetic dissimilation as well. To the knowledge of the New English Dictionary on Historical Principles in 1914, the earliest for wordform shash in English is in the 1590s in a travel narrative, while the earliest for sash is in 1687 and is not in a travel narrative – sash #1 @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1914.sash #1 @ NED.
    Nowadays the assessment is universally accepted that the word meaning a ribbon of cloth wrapped around the head generated the word meaning a different kind of ribbon of cloth wrapped around the waist, even though there is fogginess about exactly how that happened. The sash of a window is from a different rootword (sash #2 @ NED).
  122. ^ sequin

    Quoted from Word Origins: The Hidden Histories of English Words, by John Ayto (year 2005). Likewise reported at sequin @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et LexicalesCNRTL.fr and sequin @ New English Dictionary on Historical PrinciplesNED (year 1914).
  123. ^ serendipity

    The Arabic "Sarandib" meaning Sri Lanka also occurs in English in translations of the Sinbad the Sailor tales (which are part of the Thousand Nights and a Night tales). In an Arabic-to-English translation of these tales in 1885, the translator has a footnote that the Arabic Sarandīb | Serendīb is etymologically from Sanskritic Selan-dwipa where Selan is the same word as the English "Ceylon", and dwipa is Sanskritic for "island" – ''Thousand Nights and a Night'', translated by Richard F. Burton, Volume VI, year 1885, page 64ref. Further discussed at at Wikipedia : Names of Sri LankaNames of Sri Lanka.
  124. ^ serendipity

    In Sri Lanka in year 1902 a previously unknown type of mineral was discovered and given the name "A brief introduction to Serendibite, a mineralSerendibite" from the old Arabic name for Sri Lanka. The Serendibite mineral has since been found in North America and elsewhere, but remains rare.
  125. ^ sofa

    As defined in E.W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, the Medieval Arabic صفّة soffa meant a kind of a porch or veranda of a house, and soffa had further and related meanings in Medieval Arabic, but it did not mean a sofa – Lane's Lexicon is at صفّة @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon is under rootword صف in Volume 04 on page 1693 column 3, year 1872. The linked page is for downloading all eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon.ref. In post-medieval Arabic, the Arabic صفّة soffa can additionally sometimes mean a sofa sofa @ ''Dictionnaire Français-Arabe'', by Ellious Bocthor (died 1821), augmented by Caussin de Perceval, year 1828. It translates French word SOFA as Arabic word SOFFA.(e.g.). This meaning was perhaps started in Turkish. The 17th-century Turkish soffa could also mean a porch Book, ''House Owners and House Property in Seventeenth-Century Ankara and Kayseri'', by Suraiya Faroqhi, year 1987, on page 66(ref) and this implies the Turkish word soffa came from the medieval Arabic word. The following are early-18th-century paintings of Turkish sofas in Turkey: Engraving done in France in 1714 based on a painting done in Turkey in 1707-1708. The painter was Jean-Baptiste Vanmour. The engraving was published in the book ''Recueil de cent estampes représentant différentes nations du Levant'', year 1714. The painting was commissioned in Istanbul by Charles de Ferriol, while the derived engraving was commissioned in France by Jacques Le Hay.Sofa-Image-1 , Engraving done in France in 1714 based on a painting done in Turkey in 1707-1708 by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour. Engraving published in book ''Recueil de cent estampes représentant différentes nations du Levant'', year 1714.Sofa-Image-2 , Painting done in Turkey by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (died 1737)Sofa-Image-3. In year 1680 was published a multi-volume dictionary of Turkish-Arabic-Persian-Latin by Mesgnien Meninski. It defined soffa in both Turkish and Arabic in the same way as what is depicted in those paintings, and defined soffa as a porch also – ref: Arabic صفّة soffa & Turkish صفّه soffa @ ''Thesaurus linguarum orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae'', by Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, at column 2965. The author lived in Istanbul for almost a decade and knew Turkish well. For the Arabic words of his dictionary he takes heavily from the year 1653 Arabic-to-Latin dictionary of Jacobus Golius.صفّة and صفّه . John Kersey's English dictionary in year 1706 defined English sofa as: SOFA, a kind of Alcove much us'd in the Eastern Countries, being an Apartment of State, rais'd about two Foot above the Floor of the Room, and furnish'd with rich Carpets and Cushionssofa @ John Kersey's year 1706 expansion of Edward Phillips' English dictionary. The 1706 edition's primary author is printed on the title page as Edward Phillips (died c. 1696). The dictionary was much expanded by John Kersey in 1706. Kersey added the word sofa.ref. Two Italian writers located in Turkey in 1573 and 1590 define the Turkish sofà in much the same way as John Kersey's statement – they are quoted at sofà @ ''Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana'' (''GDLI''), years 1961-2002. The dictionary quotes from 16th century documents that are published at:
    archive.org/details/s3relazionidegli01albuoft (sofà on pages 379 & 464);
    archive.org/details/s3relazionidegli03albuoft (sofà on pages 330 & 392).
    sofà @ GDLI
    . The word's earliest known in European languages is Soffa in Italian in 1509 in a description of the dining and seating customs of the Turks – online at ''Documents inédits relatifs à l'histoire de la Grèce au Moyen Âge, Tome IX'', curated by C.N. Sathas, year 1890. Volume IX has appendix titled ''Theodoro Spandugnino, patritio Constantinopolitano, de la origine deli imperatori Ottomani... et costumi de la natione'', where Soffa is on page 233 line 28. Year 1509 text was expanded in year 1538 by same author Spandugino (sic). The year 1890 reprint is the 1538 version.Ref. Earliest known in English is Text ''The Grand Signiors Serraglio'', translated to English by Robert Withers around year 1620 and printed in year 1625 in the Samuel Purchas collection. Text has six instances of SOFA. Text translates ''II Serraglio del Gransignore'' by Ottaviano Bon (died 1623).year 1620-1625 English Sofa translating Text ''Serraglio del Gransignore'' by Ottaviano Bon, dated circa 1608. It has six instances of sofà. Ottaviano Bon lived in Istanbul from 1604 to 1608 as ambassador from Venice. Text is in the volume ''Le relazioni... dagli ambasciatori Veneziani nel secolo decimosettimo :: Serie V : Turchia'', year 1866.year 1608 Italian sofà in a text that had been written in Italian in Istanbul. More word history at sofa @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED), year 1919sofa @ NED , Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL)sofa @ CNRTL.fr , Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890sofa @ Lammens.

    ﴾۝﴿ Another European word for sofa that entered European languages from Turkish is divan. The Turkish word divan descends from a Persian rootword. Divan was probably transferred into Turkish directly from Persian, without Arabic intermediation, even though the word was in circulation in Arabic from the same Persian. Another furniture piece found in conjunction with a sofa is an ottoman, meaning an upholstered footstool or a backless upholstered seat. In early post-medieval French & English and other European languages, ottoman meant "anything of the Turks and especially the Ottoman Turkish government". In 18th century French, ottomane was also a furniture-name with meaning synonymous with sofa French ottomane @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales(ref). The conventional etymology for "ottoman" is it came from Arabic عثماني ʿothmānī = "Ottoman Turks", which was from Turkish sultan Osman I (died 1326) and Turkish Osmanlı = "relating to the dynasty founded by Osman I" For word ''ottoman'' meaning a padded seat or padded footstool, the conventional etymology is in several dictionaries at TheFreeDictionary.com(ref). The sultan's proper name Osman, equals ʿOthman, is rootwise an Arabic and Muslim person's proper name.

  126. ^ spinach

    The 11th century Andalusian Arabic agriculture writer Ibn Bassal has the word for spinach spelled ʾisbināj ; a 12th-century Andalusian Arab called Ibn Hisham Al-Lakhmi has it as isbinākh ; and two anonymous other Andalusian Arabs have it as ʾisbināj | asbinākhBook in Andalusi Arabic with translation into modern Spanish, together with a glossary of Arabic agricultural plant names : ''كتاب في ترتيب اوقات الغراسة والمغروسات : Un Tratado Agrícola Andalusí Anónimo'', curated and translated by Ángel C. López, year 1990. Arabic ʾisbināj is in curator's glossary on page 249-250. The lower half of page 249 uses abbreviated labels to cite medieval Arabic documents. The labels are defined on pages 241-243. The label ''IB'' means a text by Ibn Bassal in Arabic.ref, ʾSPNX @ ''A Dictionary of Andalusi Arabic'', by Federico Corriente, year 1997. The dictionary uses source abbreviations that are defined on pages xiii - xvii. The abbreviation ''IH'' means a text by Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmi (died c. 1181).ref. Those Andalusian Arabic wordforms are phonetically close to the medieval Catalan and Spanish espinac | espinaca and the medieval French wordforms espinache, espinoche, espinace, espinage, meaning spinach – Search for word ''espinacas'' in the medieval and 16th century Spanish texts at HispanicSeminary.orgref, espinard & espinoche @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)ref, espinoche @ ''Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes'', by Frédéric Godefroy, published 1880-1895. Includes wordform ''espinage''.ref. In medieval Arabic in general, the word for spinach is spelled isfānākh | isfanākh | asfānākh | isfanāj | asfānāj. The cuisine writer Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq (lived 10th century) said its role in cuisine is the same as that of cabbage – Book in English : ''Annals of the Caliphs' Kitchens: Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', being the Arabic cookbook translated to English by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. Search for English word spinach. Specially on pages 265 & 785. Altlink @ http://books.google.com ref. Ibn Sina (died 1037), in his medical book, lists health benefits of eating it and he said the plant is "well-known" – ابن سينا -- القانون في الطب. Search for إسفاناخ and اسفاناخ and آسفاناخ.ref, In Arabic : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, book II, entry اسفاناخalt-link. The medicines writer Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) said it is an agricultural crop – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. Page 29 has the two spellings أسفاناج and الأسفاناخ. It is spelled الإسفاناخ on page 863.ref. The agriculture writer Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200) mentions the plant repeatedly, and among things he says is the seeds germinate more successfully when sown in the colder months of the year – ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, in Arabic alongside Spanish translation by Josef Banqueri, year 1802, in two volumes. Spinach is in volume 2 page 160 and on other pages by searching for الاسفاناخ and espinacas. Link goes to Volume 2. Volume 1 page 25 has spelling الاسفناج.ref. The wordform isfānākh is on record in Arabic from the late 9th century, which is three centuries before a record of spinach under any name in a European language. In the European languages the earliest reported records are in 12th century Catalan (says Dictionary for today's Catalan. It says today's Catalan word espinac starts in Catalan [or Catalan-Latin] in the 12th century. Dicccionari.cat has copied this info from somewhere. It does not tell us where from. I presume the info is ultimately valid.Diccionari.cat), 12th century Occitan (says épinard @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL)CNRTL.fr), 12th century Greek (says σπανάκιν @ Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität (''LBG''), year 2014. Cites the word in a poem attributed to a poet named Prodromos with 12th century assessed date. Also cites the word in medical-botanical Greek with date roughly 13th-14th century.LBG), and 12th century Latin. In the Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine by Gerard of Cremona, late 12th century Latin, Ibn Sina's Arabic isfānākh was translated as Latin spinachia and the translation deleted Ibn Sina's statement that the plant is "well known" – Book in Latin, ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' of Ibn Sina translated by Gerardus Cremonensis (died c. 1187), with annotations by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521). Print edition year 1544.ref. This Latin wordform spinachia can be read as a Latinization of the Catalan and Spanish espinacas because: (1) Catalan and Spanish insert 'e' in front of all Latin words that begin with 'sp', so Latinization of espinacas should delete 'e', and (2) Catalan and Spanish normally speak of spinach in the grammatical plural and the Latin spinachia is a plural, and (3) Latin 'ch' is sound /k/. Books in Latin dated around 1300 have comments about the health benefits of eating spinachiaspinachia @ ''Liber Pandectarum Medicinae'' by Matthaeus Silvaticus, a compilation dated circa 1317. On spinachia Matthaeus says he is quoting from the Arabic-to-Latin translation of the Serapion the Younger book (''Sera.'').e.g. , In Latin : Paragraph headlined ''De Spinachia'' in the agriculture book of Petrus de Crescentiis, aka Piero Crescientio, aka Pietro de Crescenzi, written in years 1305-1309. Says how to grow spinach, and then says the benefits of eating it. The eating benefits are mostly a repetition of what is in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina. On page 358 at the link.e.g. , Texts carrying title ''Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum'' aka ''Flos Medicinae'' have multiple versions and different expansions. The version at the link may be regarded as mostly 13th century, but 14th century is more likely for its item about spinach. In section on health benefits of common vegetables, the brief info on ''spinachia'' is a repetition of what is in Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine.e.g. , Book ''Areolae'' by Johannes de Sancto Amando (died c.1312), curated by Pagel, year 1893. Page 42 says ''Spinachia confert pulmoni calido''. Page 63 says ''Spinarchia lenit ventrem''. It is reiterating the Arabic-to-Latin translation of Al-Razi's ''Ad Almansorem''. Ad Almansorem says ''Spinachia sunt temperata... pulmoni.... ventrem leniunt'', on page 69 at books.google.com/books?id=MXpVAAAAcAAJ e.g. , In Latin : Serapion the Younger's aggregation of commentary from many commentators about medicines, dated late 13th century Latin. The book is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. It includes comments about spinach from ''Aben Mesuai'' which means the medicine writer Ibn Masawayh ماسويه (died c. 857).e.g. – and what they say is a repetition of what was said centuries earlier in Arabic, which reaffirms that the plant came to the Latins from the Arabs. The oldest written evidence for people eating spinach anywhere in the world comes from the 7th century AD in China; and Chinese sources indicate the plant came to China from Iran – Book ''Sino-Iranica : Chinese Contributions to the History of Civilization in Ancient Iran, With Special Reference to the History of Cultivated Plants'', by Berthold Laufer, year 1919, having a chapter for spinach on pages 392-398ref. The spinach plant does not thrive under hot temperatures nor under low rainfall. It is an annual. A subspecies of spinach has been found growing in the wild in uplands in northern Iran, where it annually grows in the springtime wet season and dies in the summer dry season, and it is guessed to occur natively there; and the cultivation of spinach is guessed to have originated in northern Iran soon before the Islamic conquest of Iran – Book, ''Origin of Cultivated Plants'' by Alphonse De Candolle, year 1885, pages 98-100ref.
  127. ^ sugar

    Spellings of the word for sugar in later-medieval Latin included sucrum, succarum, sucharum, sucarium, succurum, zucrum, zucara, zuccarum, zuchar, zucharum, zuccura, zucurium – ref: search @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval LatinDu Cange. Those are Latinizations of oral Romance speech. The earliest of the early Latin records is in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087). Constantinus has the word a dozen times in his Theorica Pantegni, which is a translation of a medical book of Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi (died c. 990). A physical manuscript of Theorica Pantegni dated 3rd quarter of 12th century spells it zucharum | zucharo meaning sugar – Helsinki manuscript ''Codex EÖ.II.14'' is dated 3rd quarter of 12th century as manuscript. It contains ''Theorica Pantegni'', a translation done by Constantine the African. Linked PDF file is a machine-searchable transcription of the Latin text. The Pantegni book is in two parts, ''Theorica'' and ''Practica'', but Codex EÖ.II.14 has the ''Theorica'' part only.ref. Another of the early Latin records is about year 1125 in the Crusades chronicle "History of the Expedition to Jerusalem" written by Albert of Aachen, where the Latin wordform is zucra meaning sugar – Book in Latin, ''Historia Hierosolymitanae expeditionis'', by Albert of Aachen. Albert of Aachen is also known as Albert of Aix. ''Zucra'' is the subject of six or seven sentences in the book's fifth chapter. The fifth chapter is headed in Latin ''Liber V''.ref. At and prior to year 1127, another Crusader chronicler called it in Latin cannamelles meaning literally "honey cane" – Book in Latin, ''Historia Hierosolymitana (1095-1127)'' by Fulcheri Carnotensis aka Fulcher of Chartres (died after 1127), curated by Heinrich Hagenmeyer, edition year 1913. Search all text for cannamell__.ref. From the way that sugar is talked about in those two early Crusader writers, it is inferable and deducible that sugar was not in use in Latin Europe at that time (this point is Article ''Quelques remarques sur la découverte du sucre par les premiers croisés'', by Bruno Laurioux, year 2004 in book ''Chemins d'Outre-Mer : Études d'histoire sur la Méditerranée médiévale'', by various authorsreviewed in French in year 2004). The medical book of Ibn Sina (died 1037) has the Arabic سكّر sukkar more than two hundred times meaning sugar ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحث(ref) and this book was translated to Latin in late 12th century with the wordform in Latin zuccarum | zuccaro | zuccariBook in Latin, ''Liber Canonis'' of Ibn Sina translated to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), with annotations in page margins by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521), print year 1555.ref.
    Sugar was known to the ancient Greeks & Romans as an import from India, and they used it as a medicine, not as a food. Ancient Greek sakcharon and Classical Latin saccharum meant sugar. Citations to the ancient writers are given at ''A Sketch of the History of Sugar, in the Early Times, and through the Middle Ages'', by William Falconer (died 1824), in ''Walker's Hibernian Magazine'', issue date May 1796, pages 399-401. This old article has one or two mistakes. But overall it is well done in the aspect of identifying ancient Greek and Latin authors who wrote about ''saccharum''. Less than three pages long, its sources are all in Greek or Latin.Ref. But there is no sugar in early medieval Latin medicine texts (Book in Latin : ''Studien und Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur'', by Henry E Sigerist, year 1923, publishes early medieval Latin medicinal recipes textssome example texts). No historical continuity is demonstrable between the Classical Latin saccharum and the later-medieval Latin sucharum | zuccarum. Nobody nowadays contends that saccharum (with its letter 'a') was the ancestor of sucharum | zuccarum (with its letter 'u'). Instead, etymology dictionaries are unanimous that the medieval Arabic sukkar was the parent of the medieval Latin word, whose wordforms were given in the previous paragraph. On the other hand, the modern "saccharin(e)" and "saccharide" were created as scientific words by direct modern lifting of the ancient saccharumsaccharine @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principlessacchar- @ NED , sacchar- @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalessacchar- @ CNRTL.fr.
  128. ^ sugar

    "Sugar" in the Middle English Dictionary. "Marrok" meant Morocco – that is clear from elsewhere in the same dictionary.
  129. ^ sultan

    Quote: Sultān in Arabic is an abstract noun, meaning authority and rule, and was used from early times to denote the government.... By the tenth century it had become a common designation of independent rulers.... It first became official in the eleventh century, when the Seljuks adopted it as their chief regnal title.Book ''The Middle East: A Brief History'', by Bernard Lewis, year 1995, on page 147-148 ref. The Seljuk ruler Tughril Beg proclaimed himself al-Sultān in year 1038 – Book ''History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume IV, Part 1: A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century'', year 1992, by various authors. The book's chapter 7 is titled ''The Seljuqs and the Khwarazm Shahs''. It has al-Sultan on page 151. ref.
  130. ^ sumac

    The Arabic Book of Nabataean Agriculture was written in northern Iraq in the 10th century, with parts of it translated from Syriac written in earlier centuries. It says السماق al-summāq is considered a tree of the [uncultivated] uplands but some people have planted it in the orchards. It has a one-page chapter about summāqشجرة السماق @ الفلاحة النبطيةref. The agriculture book by Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200) says January is the best month for sowing the سماق summāq seed for propagating the tree – Book in Arabic : ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, Volume 2 [of two volumes], curated by JA Banqueri, year 1802. Discusses السماق al-summāq at volume 2 page 319-320, and at a few other pages in the two volumes. Book also has Arabic-to-Spanish translation by JA Banqueri. Spanish word is ''zumaque''.ref. The geography book by Al-Muqaddasi (died c. 995) includes السمّاق al-summāq in a list of commercial crops grown in Palestine – In Arabic : ''Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum'', Volume III, year 1877, curated by MJ de Goeje, publishes Al-Muqaddasi's geography book in Arabic. Has سمّاق ''summāq'' on page ١٨١ on line 11.ref, In English translation : ''Description of Syria including Palestine, by Mukaddasi circ. 985 A.D.'', translated by Guy Le Strange, year 1886. Sumac on page 71. The description of Syria and Palestine is not the entirety of Al-Muqaddasi's book in Arabic.ref. The travel book by Nasir Khusraw (died c. 1077), written in the Persian language, makes the following statement and carries the implication that the sumac was in commercial cultivation in Palestine: I went from Jerusalem to Hebron [distance 30 kilometers].... Along the way are many villages with gardens and cultivated fields. Such trees as need little water, as for example grapevine, fig, olive and sumac [Persian: سماق sumāq], grow here abundantly.In English translation : Diary of a Journey through Syria and Palestine by Nasir-i Khusrau in 1047 AD, translated from the Persian by Guy Le Strange, year 1888, having sumac on page 53ref, In Persian : Nasir Khusraw's travel narrative, section 34 : ناصرخسرو » سفرنامه » بخش ۳۴ref. Sumac berries were frequently used for flavoring foods in medieval Arab cookery, particularly in Levant and also in Iraq and Egypt but apparently not in Maghreb – Medieval Arabic cookery book in English translation : ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', translated by Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. Book has 67 instances of English word ''sumac''. Altlink @ http://books.google.com ref , Book, ''Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes [i.e. of Cairo city]'', by Paulina Lewicka, year 2011. Sumac is on 20 pages. Says on page 314: A sour taste was deeply appreciated and sought after in [medieval] Arabic-Islamic culinary culture. Juices of acid fruits, such as ... sumac ... were popularly used souring agents. The most important sour condiment of all was vinegar.ref , Book, ''Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World: A Concise History With 174 Recipes'', by Lilia Zaouali, year 2007. Says on page 53 that sumac was liked in the eastern part of the medieval Arabic world, and was not much liked nor used in the western part of the Arabic world. Notably, sumac is not used in the recipes in a certain lengthy Arabic cookery book written in Andalusia in 13th century.ref. Summāq can be cited from many medieval Arabic medicine books, because it —the dried berry— was often used as an ingredient in medicaments. Centuries later, in the 1570s, a German botanist travelling in the Levant noted that the sumac bush was commonly planted in the countryside near Aleppo city, and he said the local inhabitants planted it for the sake of its berries, which were much used by them – Leonhart Rauwolff travelled in the Levant in 1573-1575. His travel narrative was published in German in 1582 (''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer''). It was published in English translation in 1693 in : ''A Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages. Volume II. Containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff's Journey into the Eastern Countries....'', collection compiled by John Ray. Search for English word Sumach.ref.
  131. ^ sumac

    It is reported in Book, ''Los Arabismos del Español en el Siglo XIII'', by Eero K. Neuvonen, year 1941, on print page 76 (PDF page 75) under the heading ''çumaque''Eero Neuvonen, year 1941, page 76, sumac is in Iberian-Latin spelled zumake in year 922, zumag in 947, zumach in 1002, and zumaco in 1213. Spanish between 1250 and 1300 has çumaque | çumac(h) | zumach = "sumac (berries or leaves or bushes)" – search @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español'', a database of old Spanish texts. Search for words begining çuma* (with asterisk) (also lesser-used zuma*) restricted to 1250-1300.ref. Latin sumac = "sumac berries" is dozens of times in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translations of translator Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087; lived in southern Italy), where the sumac berries are repeatedly an ingredient in complex medicinal concoctions – Works of Constantinus Africanus in Latin, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. Search the given OCR'd text for the substring UMAC in order to find sumac.ref (requires substring search). The medicines vocabulary in the translations by Constantinus Africanus got spread into general Latin medicine in the 12th & 13th centuries. Latin sumac | sumach is many dozens of times in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medical book of Ibn Sina in late 12th century Latin – ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' by Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), with annotations and minor edits by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521), in edition year 1555. Search for the substring UMAC in order to find sumac in the OCR'd text. This search gives more than 100 instances of sumac OCR'd as fumac.ref. The late 12th century Latin translation of Ibn Sina's medical book took Latin vocabulary and wordforms from Constantinus Africanus's translations – Elsewhere on the current page under the heading ''NENUPHAR'' : Medicinal-botany names and wordforms in Gerard of Cremona's Arabic-to-Latin translations are influenced by the prior translations of Constantinus Africanus.ref. In late medieval French, sumac(h) meaning "sumac" is scarce, and is restricted to medicines books, these being basically Latin-to-French translations of later-medieval Latin medicines books, and the meaning is the dried sumac berry. The same is true in late medieval English – sumac @ Middle English Dictionaryexamples. French and English medieval texts display that they adopted their word sumac from medicine texts written in Latin, written in Italy primarily; and they did not adopt it from vernacular Spanish, neither indirectly nor directly. Meanwhile in late medieval Spanish, the word is more frequent and sometimes refers to the sumac leaves for tanning leather, and it is not primarily in medical-botany books, and there are records of deliberate sumac-bush plantations in late medieval Spanish – search @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español''. Search for words begining çuma* (with asterisk) (also lesser-used zuma*).examples.
    Sumac is in medieval Greek as soumakion in medicine books circa 13th century – σουμάκιον @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'', year 2014, a lexicon of medieval Greek up to late 13th centuryref, σουμακι @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Greek, year 1688 Volume 2 page 1411, ''Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Graecitatis''.ref. This medieval Greek name came from the medieval Arabic name. The ancient Greek name was r(h)ous, meaning Rhus Coriaria, i.e. sumac. The sumac bush grew natively in the wild in ancient Greece & Turkey and this is clear in the writings of Theophrastus (died 287 BC) rhous @ ''Enquiry into Plants'' by Theophrastus (died 287 BC), translated to English by Arthur Hort, year 1916, rhous in Volume 1, page 272-273. Book has Greek and English side-by-side.(ref) and Dioscorides (died c 100 AD) ''Materia Medica'' by Dioscorides, translated to English by John Goodyer and Tess Anne Osbaldeston, year 1655 and year 2000, Part One. At Part One page 150, English translation uses the names ''Rhus coriaria'' = ''Tanning Sumach''. Dioscorides says ''It is a little tree which grows on rocks''.(ref). Ancient Greek & Latin authors do not signal that the sumac bush was under cultivation. Among other things, there is no mention of sumac as a cultivated plant in the classical Latin agriculture writers In classical Latin plus translation to modern French : ''Les Agronomes Latins'', year 1844, publishes the agriculture books of Cato, Varro, Columella, and Palladius(ref), and no mention as a cultivated plant in the early medieval Greek agriculture book of Cassianus Bassus that was translated to Arabic in the 9th century Book in 9th century Arabic with translation to modern Spanish : ''Edición, traducción y estudio del KITAB AL-FILAHA AR-RUMIYYA (Tratado de agricultura griega) de Qustus b. Askuraskinah (Casiano Baso Escolástico)'', by FJ Mariscal Linares, year 2015. Book includes an index of plantnames.(ref). Around year 1550, a French traveller in northeast Greece observed: The local inhabitants collect big piles of sumac leaves, which they find growing in the hills [uncultivated], and they use the leaves in preparing their animal skins and tanning leather, and the hills have an abundance of this bush, and the inhabitants also collect the sumac berries – Travel book in French, ''Les Observations...'' by Pierre Belon, year 1553 (reprinted 1555). Book uses word ''sumac(h)'' numerous times. Search for the substring UMAC.ref. It seems the sumac was not a cultivated plant among the medieval Greeks. Among the medieval Italians it seems not in cultivation either, and more exactly it is hard to find any evidence of it in cultivation, and if some cultivation did happen it could only have been at very low frequency. Meanwhile it was frequently cultivated among the medieval Arabs (note #130 above). Cultivation supports the selection and propagation of plants that have better berries. Cultivation by Arabs must be part of the explanation for why the Arabic name was adopted by the Greeks and Latins.
  132. ^ general note  ^ 9th-century transfers

    There are 9th century records in Latin for the four words: ambergris (9th century Latin wordform ambar), camphor, galangal, and lac/lacquer (meaning lac used as red dye). You can get links to those 9th century records elsewhere on the current page under histories for the four individual words. Medievally these four products – ambergris, camphor, galangal, and lac – were imports to the Mediterranean region from across the Indian Ocean. Camphor and lac definitely have word-parentage in India in Sanskritic. Galangal's Arabic name definitely has Persian word-parentage, with the Persian probably having been sourced from further east. The "amber" in "ambergris" is Arabic and not traced beyond Arabic with confidence. The four words have no records in Latin before the 9th century. All four are in Greek in the 10th century. Except for lac, they are not in Greek until the 10th century. Lac is complicated by its earlier records in Greek. Assuming lac is handled alright, the four words were transferred into the European languages from Arabic. These four words have the oldest records in the European languages among all the words of Arabic ancestry that are collected here on this page. They are the words whose transfer from Arabic happened earliest. Transfers at an earlier time are demonstrable from Semitic but they cannot be classified as being from Arabic.
  133. ^ swahili

    A smaller Swahili-to-English dictionary, containing 2000 Swahili words of frequent use, with etymologies for the Swahili words, compiled by Andras Rajki, year 2005, is at A concise Swahili Etymological Dictionary compiled by Andras RajkiREF. A standard Swahili-to-English dictionary by AC Madan, year 1903, 450 pages, is at Swahili-English dictionaryREF and the dictionary's preface says on page v: All [Swahili] words believed to be of non-Bantu origin are marked with an asterisk (*). Such words are mostly Arabic.
  134. ^ syrup

    Arabic medical writer Ibn Sina (died 1037) called syrup شراب sharāb or shirāb and he has dozens of watery syrups or thickened juices in his Canon of Medicine, Book V, Treatise 6: On potions and thickened juices – The link has English translation of the sub-section headings of Book V Treatise 6 (on potions and thickened juices) of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine.ref, Book in Arabic: ابن سينا -- القانون في الطبref. Najm al-Din Mahmoud (died 1330) has dozens of recipes for viscous sharāb for medical purposes, where fruit juices are boiled to reduce water by evaporation, and sugar is added – Book in Arabic with French translation: كتاب الحاوي في علم التداوي من نجم الدين محمود , مقالة خامسة , الباب الثاني ''Le Livre de l'Art du Traitement de Najm ad-Dyn Mahmoud: Cinquième Partie''. Translation by Pierre Guigues, year 1903. Chapter 2 consists of syrups recipes. Chapter 2 is on Arabic pages ٨-٢٤ and on French translation pages 8-18.ref. The word sharāb occurs hundreds of times in the medical works of Al-Razi (died c. 930), sometimes meaning a syrup, but more often meaning a medicinal beverage – Search for الشراب in Al-Razi's كتاب الحاوي في الطب at AlWaraq.net. Search returns 390 instances.ref, Search for شراب in Al-Razi's كتاب الحاوي في الطب at AlWaraq.net. Search returns 284 instances.ref.
    Arabic-to-Latin medical translations by Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087), in early manuscript copies, have the variant Latin spellings syrop__ | sirop__ | sirup__Constantine the African, ''Theorica Pantegni'', transcription of the Helsinki manuscript, Codex EÖ.II.14, a manuscript dated 3rd quarter of 12th century as a physical manuscript. The transcription's text is machine searchable. The Pantegni book is in two parts, ''Theorica'' and ''Practica''. The Helsinki manuscript has the ''Theorica'' part only.e.g. , Works of Constantinus Africanus, in Latin, Volume 1, published at Basel in 1536. This edition only uses the spelling sirup__ .e.g.. The Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume One has this word more than 230 times – In Latin : Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in 1536. Search the OCR'd text for the substring IRUP.ref (requires substring search). The word has no record in Latin pre-dating Constantinus Africanus. In the 12th-13th centuries the Latin medical writers of the Salernitan School were much influenced by Constantinus's translations. The word is frequent in 12th-13th century Salernitan medicine texts – The five-volume ''Collectio Salernitana'', published in the 1850s, is a set of medieval medical texts of the Salernitan School, written in Latin in 12th & 13th centuries. The five-volume set has wordforms sirup sirop syrup syrop.ref. In late-12th-century Latin, hundreds of instances of syrupus | syropus are in Arabic-to-Latin medical translations by translator Gerard of Cremona, translating the Arabic sharābIn Latin : The Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), edition annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521), print year 1555. Search the given OCR'd text for the substring YRUP. This search returns about 650 instances of SYRUP__.ref (about 550 times), Volume in Latin : Medical works of Al-Razi in edition year 1544 with related texts. Volume includes ''Liber Ad Almansorem'' translating Al-Razi's ''Kitāb al-Manṣūrī'' in translation by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). Volume includes commentary on ''Ad Almansorem'' by Andrea Vesalius (died 1564). Volume has more than 205 instances of SYROP__ as syropus, syropo, syropi, syropum.ref (up to 200 times). Gerard of Cremona was not part of the Salernitan School, but he was influenced by Salernitan vocabulary and wordforms – This point about Gerard of Cremona's Latin vocabulary and wordforms comes up elsewhere on the current page under the heading ''Nenuphar'' : Discussion of medicinal-botany names in Gerard of Cremona's translations.ref. In late medieval western Europe a "syrup" was usually a medicinal syrup (sugar + liquid + medicine) – this is well documented for 15th-century English in the sirup @ Middle English DictionaryMiddle English Dictionary and is evident in the entry for sirop in the sirop @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)Dictionary of late medieval French.
  135. ^ tabla

    Tabl = "drum" is frequent in medieval Arabic. As one reflection of that, the 14th-century Arabic dictionary of Fairuzabadi gives normal definitions of well-known words by the compressed notation م denoting "well-known", and الطبل al-tabl is so given – Fairuzabadi's notation م is short for معروف. Fairuzabadi says :
    الطَّبْلُ: م، الذي يُضْرَبُ به، يكونُ ذا وَجْهٍ وذا وَجْهَيْنِ
    Fairuzabadi's dictionary القاموس المحيط is at several sites in searchable format.
    . In Arabic dictionaries today another written form of the noun is طبلة tabla, but this is not in medieval Arabic dictionaries. In some Urdu dictionaries, طبل tabl is one of the words for a drum – طبل @ Urdu-to-English dictionaries searchable online at ''Digital Dictionaries of South Asia''e.g..
  136. ^ talc

    Arabic الطلق al-talq meaning "mica and talc" is in Arabic in the 9th century in the minerals book known as The Stonesbook of Aristotle, and it is in books by Al-Razi (died c. 930), Al-Mas'udi (died 956), Ibn Yusuf al-Khowarezmi (lived c. 975), Ibn Sina (died 1037), a servant of emir Ibn Badis (Ibn Badis died c. 1062), Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248), Al-Tifashi (died 1253), Al-Qazwini (died 1283), and others – 9th-century Arabic minerals book كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس = Book of Stones of Aristotle = DAS STEINBUCH DES ARISTOTLES. Published in Arabic along with translation to German, year 1912. Stone #50 is حجر الطلق in Arabic on page 119. Book's author is unknown. Has nothing to do with Aristotle.ref, Minerals book in Arabic, سر الأسرار ل زكريا الرازي, ''Kitāb al-asrār wa sirr al-asrār'', by Al-Razi (died c. 930) wherein search for الطلق and search separately for طلق. This book can be downloaded as a PDF file at http://dlib.nyu.edu/aco/ ref, أبو عبدالله محمد بن أحمد بن يوسف الخوارزمي - مفاتيح العلوم :: الباب التاسع - في الكيمياء
    Curated by Van Vloten, year 1895. الطلق al-talq on page ٢٦٢ on line 1.
    , Medieval Arabic alchemy texts are printed in Arabic in book ''La Chimie au Moyen Age, Tome III : L'Alchimie Arabe'', by Berthelot and Houdas, year 1893. Book has six instances of الطلق meaning talc, in texts of School of Jabir Ibn Hayyan. Arabic print page ١٣٩ has two instances of الطلق, which get translated to French ''talc'' at French print page 169-170.

    The Table of Contents for the Arabic texts is on print pages ٢٠٧ and ٢٠٨ which is electronic pages 268 and 267 approx. Book also has Arabic-to-French translations.
    , Article ''Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking'', by Martin Levey, year 1962, publishes an English translation of an 11th-century Arabic text attributed to emir Ibn Badis. The text has recipes for making inks. The recipes put mica powder in some inks (causing ink to reflect more light). Arabic text uses word الطلق al-talq six times and translator puts it in English as ''mica'' and annotates it in footnote #170 on page 24. The Arabic text is titled عمدة الكتاب وعدة ذوي الألباب and it is in Arabic at www.maktabatalfeker.com/book.php?id=5274 and elsewhere.ref, Henri Lammens in year 1890 quotes الطلق al-talq in Al-Mas'udi's 10th century ''Muruj al-Dhahab'', a.k.a. ''Prairies d'Or''. Henri Lammens has copied this item from page 176 of Volume VIII of the edition of Al-Mas'udi at : archive.org/details/lesprairiesdor08masuuoft ref, In Arabic : طلق in Book Two of Ibn Sina's ''Canon of Medicine''ref, Book in Arabic : الجامع لمفردات الادويه والاغذيه - ابن البيطار. Page 562 has six instances of the word الطلق al-talq.ref, Book ''Essai sur la minéralogie arabe'', by JJ Clément-Mullet, year 1868, 250 pages. It has a chapter about medieval Arabic طلق talc on pages 209-222. It gives extensive quotes in Arabic for الطلق al-talq in a gemstones book written by Teifaschi (died 1253) a.k.a. التيفاشي at-Tīfāšī a.k.a. al-Tifashi. It gives shorter quotes in Arabic for الطلق in al-Qazwini (died 1283) and others.ref.
    Talc | Talca | Talch | Talcha is in Latin about year 1200 in minerals books that were Arabic-to-Latin translations, including Alchemy text ''Liber de Septuaginta'' is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. The Latin text, dated roughly around 1200, is in ''Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France'', volume 49, year 1906, pages 310-363. It has Latin ''talc'' on pages 334, 345, 346, 358, 360. The Arabic text has not survived in Arabic. The Arabic author was of the school of Jabir Ibn Hayyan (''Jabirian corpus'').Liber de Septuaginta and The Latin translates the Arabic كتاب الاسرار ''Kitāb al-Asrār'' of Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). Book is in Latin in more than one version dated 13th century. Extracts from Latin versions are in ''Ubersetzung und Bearbeitungen von Al-Razi's Buch Geheimnis der Geheimnisse'', year 1935. Latin TALCA on page 34, TALCHA on page 37, TALCI/TALCO on page 74. The Arabic original is online elsewhere.Liber Secretorum Bubacaris and This is an Arabic-to-Latin translation. Date in Latin roughly about 1200. Arabic author is unknown but influenced by a minerals book by Abu Bakr Al-Razi (died c. 930). Published in ''Das Buch der Alaune und Salze'', curated by Julius Ruska, year 1935. Latin section G §69 on print pages 77-78 is headed ''De altalc''.Liber de Aluminibus et Salibus and ''Liber Sacerdotum'' by a compiler ''Johanis'' is a compiled text about minerals, colorants and metallurgy. Some of it came from an Arabic-to-Latin translation, and some of it did not. It has five instances of TALCH. Its compilation is date assessed early 13th century. It is in Latin on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893.Liber Sacerdotum. The word is also in Arabic-to-Latin medieval translations of medical books as Latin talk | talch. In late medieval Latin the word is scarce, with the exception that it is not scarce in the Latin alchemy & minerals books (Latin wordforms talc | talk | talck | talch | talcum). From the Latin, records in vernacular European languages arrive relatively late: Italian = late 15th century talco @ ''Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana'', years 1961-2002. It gives quotations for Italian ''talco'' in Leon Battista Alberti (died 1472), Caterina Sforza (died 1509), Leonardo da Vinci (died 1519), Giovan Ventura Rosetti (wrote in year 1555). The quote from the author Leon Battista Alberti (died 1472) is from an Italian text titled ''Ludi matematici''.(ref); German = 1526 talk @ ''Arabismen im Deutschen'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998, page 222. It cites ''talk'' in year 1526 in the writer Paracelsus (Paracelsus wrote in a mixture of Latin and German). It cites ''talck'' in year 1557 in a Latin-to-German translation of a metallurgy book written in Latin by Georg Agricola in 1530.(ref); French = 1553 talc @ ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales'' says earliest known in French is in a year 1553 translation of the Latin book ''De re aedificatoria'' written in Latin by Leon Battista Alberti (died 1472).(ref); English talcum = 1558 Book ''The secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemount... Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Wyllyam Warde'', year 1558. Book has 10 instances of English ''Talcum''. Book was originally published in Italian in year 1555. Italian author's name Alessio Piemontese is reputed to be a pseudonym. Italian-to-French translation was published in 1557.(ref), English talc = 1582 talc @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1919(ref). There is isolated usage of Spanish talc in a Spanish minerals book dated 3rd quarter of 13th century – ''Lapidario de Alfonso X'' was written during the reign of Spanish king Alfonso X (died 1284). Portions of it were translated from Arabic and other portions were influenced by Arabic mineralogy. Text has spellings talc, atalc, atalch. Text is searchable at link.Lapidario de Alfonso X. But on the whole in Spanish this word arrived late (i.e. later than it arrived in northern Europe in Latin) and it was scarce in Spanish until more recent times – Search for wordforms talco and talque @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE. In Europe in the 16th century the circulation of this word was increased by the writings of Paracelsus (died 1541). One of the people who was influenced by Paracelsus was Martin Rulandus (died 1602). Rulandus wrote in Latin: Talcum is a word believed to be from Arabic. It means glittery mica... flakey... A refractory material is a material that is physically and chemically stable at high temperatures. It does not melt or decompose when subjected to the heat of wood flame. In late medieval and early modern texts, the refractory property of talc or mica was the most common practical reason for using talc or mica. refractory... brittle.... There are several kinds.... It can be white, yellow, black or red.''Lexicon Alchemiae sive Dictionarium Alchemisticum'', by Martin Ruland, year 1612 on page 462, and see also page 461ref. Likewise for Paracelsus talk | talcum was mica and talc ''Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi'', year 1584, written by Gerhard Dorn, 94 pages, consists of short definitions of terminology of Theophrastus Paracelsus. It has definition for talcum on page 88.(e.g.).
  137. ^ talisman

    In the French language a talisman with today's meaning has first known instance dated 1592 and was first put in print in 1610. The word with today's meaning entered English, Italian, and Spanish from the French talisman. The word with this meaning starts in English in 1638. However, in the Western European languages for roughly two centuries before then, and continuing for a while after, a "talisman" meant an Islamic prayer leader.
    You can see the European talisman meaning "Muslim priest, Muslim cantor" in two dozen or three dozen books printed in the 16th century, searchable at Books.Google.com, in French spelling talismans, Italian talismano, Latin talismani etc. The rest of this paragraph has ten examples of it. In French in 1575, in a book chapter devoted to the kinds of Turkish priests, the word Talisman occurs on ten pages and the definitions include "Talisman is a person who recites the testaments [of the Koran]" and "Talismanlar are the priests of the Turks", and one of the stated jobs of a Talisman is to chant at Islamic funerals – A version of ''Cosmographia'' of Sebastian Münster was translated to French by François de Belleforest as ''La cosmographie universelle'', year 1575. On pages 592, 593, 595, 600, 601, 602, 603, 612, 627 at link, French text uses wordforms ''Talisman'' and ''Talismanlar''. Suffixing -lar is the way to form the plural in Turkish. Today, Turkish tılsımlar = English ''talismans''.ref. Another book about the Turks in 1617 in French has Talisman on a dozen pages meaning "a priest of the law of Mohammed", a public reciter of the Koran, and an incantor at an Islamic funeral – Book, ''Inventaire de l'histoire generalle des turcz'', by Michel Baudier, year 1617. Search for talisman.ref. In Italian in 1547, in a chapter about the religion of the Turks, the thalismani are defined as low-ranking Muslim priests – ''thalismano'' & ''thalismani'' are in book chapter ''Della Religione de'Turchi'', in book ''L'Alcorano di Macometto'', year 1547ref. In 1554 a European traveller in Turkey wrote in Latin: "Talismannos are a class of men dedicated to services at [Islamic] temples... At daybreak they raise a clamor from high turrets [at the temples]" – Book, ''Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum'', by Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq. The word ''Amasianum'' in the book's title means today's Amasya in central Turkey. The book is a travel narrative written in year 1554-1555. Linked is edition year 1582 page 23.ref. The same thing about Talismans is in a writer in French who had just returned from Turkey and Syria in 1555 – Book ''Cosmographie De Levant'' by André Thevet, year 1555, talks about TALISMANS on page 143-144. The same page has a woodcut drawing of a high turret of a mosque with two TALISMANS standing on top of the turret. André Thevet lived and travelled in the Levant in the years 1550-1554.ref. Likewise, info about Turks & Muslims in Latin in year 1596 and in German translation in the same year says: "The Talismani are equivalent to deacons.... They spur the Muslims to prayer five times per day. They ascend the towers adjacent to the mosques and call out in high-pitched voices" – Book in Latin, year 1596 : ''Vitae et icones sultanorum Turcicorum, principum Persarum'', by Jean Jacques Boissard and others. ''Talismani veluti Diaconi'' on page 96.ref, Book in German, year 1596 : ''Historia Chronologica Pannoniae...'' by various authors. It has a long section titled ''Der Turkischen Persianischen Sultanen... von I.I. Boyssardo''. The section has the statement ''Diesen Folgen die TALISMANI gleich als DIACONI oder Caplan.''ref; and more of the same kind is in Book ''Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum'', a collection compiled by Johannes Leunclavius, 2nd edition, year 1596 (1st edition 1588). It has at least 21 instances of substring TALISMAN. The linked electronic copy has 16 instances of substring TALIFMAN, which is an OCR error for substring TALISMAN.ref. An Italian traveller in a town in western Iran in the 1470s, writing in Italian: "In this town there is a water-well like a fountain, the wardens of which are their talassimani, i.e. priests. The water thereof has great virtue against leprosy." – Downloadable PDF file : ''Giosafat Barbaro's Travel to Persia'', 1473-1478, narrative text in Italian by Giosafat Barbaro (died 1494), in the critical edition of the text curated by I.V. Volkov (И.В. Волков), year 2015. Search for TALASSIMANI.ref. An epic poem in Italian in 1516 portrays Damascus city being attacked and the city's response to the attack involves: "A movement of arms, a running of people, and from Talacimanni a high outcry, and from drums a mixed sound" – In Italian: Poem ''Orlando Furioso'' by Ludovico Ariosto (died 1533), having ''talacimanni'' in canto XVIII verse 7. Altlink @ Archive.orgref. A Spanish-born friar went into Central Asia in the mid-1330s as a Christian missionary, and a surviving memo of his, dated 1338, written in Central Asia, says in Latin: "at the mosque... there were assembled a number of their Medieval Arabic قاضي qādī = a judge in Islamic law courts and a director of Islamic charitable trusts Cadini, i.e. their bishops, and of their Talisimani, i.e. their priests" – In Latin : A memo of Franciscan Friar Pascal of Vittoria (died c. 1340) published in ''Annales Minorum'' Volume 7, on pages 256-257, year 1733. Talisimani is on page 257 on line 16. The complete memo is two pages long.ref, In English translation : Memo of Franciscan Friar Pascal of Vittoria (died c. 1340), published in ''Cathay and the Way Thither'' Volume 3, page 86, year 1914 edition. Translation by Henry Yule and Henri Cordier.ref.
    In Late Ancient Greek, τελεσμός @ Liddell-Scott-Jones lexicon of ancient Greektelesmos = "consecration ceremony", ἀποτέλεσμα @ Liddell-Scott-Jones lexicon of ancient Greekapo-telesma = "result of certain positions of the stars on human destiny", ἀποτελεσματικός @ Liddell-Scott-Jones lexicon of ancient Greekapo-telesmatikos = "astrologically influential". Which contains a Late Ancient Greek teleo (teles-) = "to consecrate, to endow with supernatural factor" – τελέω @ Liddell-Scott-Jones lexicon of ancient Greek, year 1925 and later. Search for English word CONSECRATE. For τελέω = consecrate, the lexicon cites the text source ''PMag'' which is abbreviation for ''Papyri Graecae Magicae'', which is 2 volumes of Late Ancient Greek formulas for doing magic, years 1928-1931.ref, τελέω @ ''Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos'', by Luis Muñoz Delgado, year 2001, 183 pages. The Greek Magical Papyri is a collection of magical spells and formulas, hymns, and rituals from Greco-Roman Egypt.ref. From the Late Ancient Greek, medieval Syriac has ܛܠܣܡܐ talismā | ܛܠܝܣܡܐ talīsmā = "magic spell; also amulet" – ''Compendious Syriac Dictionary'', by J. Payne Smith, year 1903 page 175, has ܛܠܣܡܐ = ''magic'' and ܛܠܝܣܡܛܐ | ܛܠܝܣܡܐ = ''incantations, magic arts, wonders worked by magic''ref, ''Supplement to Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith'', by J.P. Margoliouth, year 1927 page 144 has ܛܠܝܣܡܛܐ | ܛܠܝܣܡܝܗ = ''charms, amulets''ref, ''Lexicon Syriacum'' by Carl Brockelmann, year 1895, page 134-135 has ܛܠܣܡܐ = ''amulet''ref.
    Medieval Arabic has طلسم talsam | tilsam | tilasm = "astrology-guided inscription possessing talismanic power", with grammatical plural طلسمات talsamāt | tilsamāt | tilasmāt. The word is used hundreds of times in the Arabic book Ghāyat al-Hakīm, dated mid 10th century (Article ''Maslama b. Qāsim al-Qurṭubī (d. 353/964), Author of the Rutbat al-Ḥakīm and the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm'', by Maribel Fierro, year 1996 in journal ''Studia Islamica'' Volume 84ref for date). The Ghāyat al-Hakīm is a book about magic, astrology and talismans. The Ghāyat al-Hakīm was translated to Latin in the late 13th century and in that translation the Arabic tilsam + tilsamāt was put into Latin as imago + imagines = "image, representation, simulacrum, conception, apparition". The Ghāyat al-Hakīm is downloadable in غاية الحكيم ''Ghāyat al-hakīm wa-ahaqq al-natījatayn bi-altaqdīm'', curated by Hellmut Ritter, with curator's footnotes in Modern Latin, year 1933medieval Arabic & ''Picatrix : The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-Hakīm'', curated by David Pingree, year 1986medieval Latin & ''Picatrix : das Ziel des Weisen, von Pseudo-Maǧrīṭī'' translated into German from the Arabic by Hellmut Ritter and Martin Plessner, year 1962modern German. The Arabic Book of Nabataean Agriculture is dated 10th century in Arabic. It describes magical procedures it calls tilsam, which are supposed to induce higher yields for agricultural crops, and which involve horoscope knowledge, talismanic images, and ceremonial fires; and some of these particular talismans were copied into the otherwise down-to-earth agriculture book of Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200), who spells the plural طلاسم tilāsamIn the book ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, the book's Chapter XXIX article V is about talismans. It is published in Arabic together with translation to Spanish by Josef Banqueri, year 1802, where the section about the talismans is in Volume 2 on pages 337-341.ref, at AlWaraq.net : طلسم @ كتاب الفلاحة النبطيةref. The encyclopedia of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, 10th century, has a long chapter about magic and talismans, and has the word al-tilsamāt = "talismans" repeatedly, and the talismans are astrology-based inscriptions – In Arabic at AlWaraq.net : الطلسمات @ رسائل إخوان الصفاref, Book, ''Licit Magic: The Touch And Sight Of Islamic Talismanic Scrolls'', by Yasmine F. Al-Saleh, year 2014, book chapter 1: ''ṬILSĀM, An Investigation into the Primary Written Sources''.ref. Al-Mas'udi (died 956) has طلسمات tilsamāt = "astrology-based talismans" – In Arabic with French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, edition year 1863, Volume 2, on page 430. In the same volume, there is more on pages 406-410 and 427-431.ref. Zakariya al-Qazwini (died 1283) has dozens of mentions of طلسم tilsam in the sense of talisman – آثار البلاد وأخبار العباد – القزويني. This book by Al-Qazwini has 65 instances of substring طلسم. An example is: صور لطلسم أو سحر من جملتها . Another example is: طلسم لدفع الآفات.... طلسماً لدفع الآفت. This book by Al-Qazwini is online in searchable format at ALWARAQ.NET and ABLIBRARY.NET and BOOKS.RAFED.NET and elsewhere. ref. There are plenty of other medieval examples – Search for the plural wordform الطلسمات at AlWaraq.net. Also search for طلسمات at AlWaraq.net -- it is not the same as the search for الطلسمات.ref , Search for pages containing both طلسم and نقش at AlWaraq.net. When the نقش is included in the search, it increases the chances that the طلسم is semantically connected to talisman. If you search for طلسم alone, you will be getting many irrelevant cases where the meaning is unrelated to talisman.ref. Surprisingly, the Lisan al-Arab dictionary and most other medieval Arabic large dictionaries do not contain the word – E.W. Lane's ''Arabic-English Lexicon'' is a compilation from Arabic dictionaries from across the historical spectrum of Arabic dictionaries. At rootword heading طلسم, when the definition is talisman, Lane cites dictionaries of recent centuries only. As reported by Lane, طَلْسَمَ is in the Lisan al-Arab with a definition totally unrelated to talisman. The linked page has Arabic lexicons, including Lane's lexicon.ref. In year 1613 an Arabic-to-Latin dictionary translated Arabic طلسمات tilsamāt as Latin "images made in accordance with the influence of the stars" – Book ''Lexicon Arabicum'', by Franciscus Raphelengius, year 1613, on page 261ref. Ibn Khaldoun (died 1406) wrote in Arabic: "The distinction between sorcery and al-tilsamāt is this. In sorcery, the sorcerer does not need any aid, while those who work with al-tilsamāt seek the aid of astrology.... The religious law makes no distinction between sorcery and al-tilsamāt. It puts them in the same class of forbidden things.... The effect of sorcery and al-tilsamāt is the same. There is also astrology, which... corrupts the Muslim faith." – In English translation : The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldoun, translated by Rosenthal, year 1958, Volume 3 on pages 166 and 169ref, In Arabic at AlWaraq.net : الطلسمات @ مقدمة ابن خلدونref.
    Pedro de Alcala's Spanish-to-Arabic dictionary in year 1505 has Spanish encantar ("to enchant") translated as Arabic talsam; and it has Spanish encantar con encantaciones ("enchant with incantations") translated as Arabic talsam and nitalsam; and it has the Spanish word for "enchantment" translated as Arabic tilsamDictionary of Pedro de Alcala (aka Petri Hispani), completed in year 1505, printed in year 1883. Search it for the Spanish substring ''encant''. ''Encant'' is translated to the Arabic substring ''talçam'' on pages 215 & 223, where ç = s. On page 232 ''encantamiento'' is put in Arabic as ''tilçám''. On pages 181 & 196 it is ''tilçán'' which is misprint for ''tilçám''.ref. A Latin-to-Arabic dictionary written by an anonymous native-Spanish-speaker, date estimated late 13th century, has Arabic طِلْسَمْ tilsam | طِلَّسْمْ tillasm translated as Latin incantatio (English "incantation") and it has Arabic talsama | nitalsam as Latin incantare (English: "to chant", "to recite", "to bewitch", and "to consecrate with incantatory spells") – طلسم @ ''Vocabulista in Arabico'', a Latin-to-Arabic dictionary having late 13th century estimated date. The date is based on the handwriting style in the manuscript. Edition year 1871 curated by Schiaparelli has طلسم on pages 424 and 136.ref.
    In Spanish in year 1425, talesmás = "images created to ward off evil" = "talismans" is in a tract about black-magic by Enrique de Villena – The tract ''Tratado de aojamiento o de facinacion'' by Enrique de Villena (died 1434) contains the statement: ''por la obra de las imágines fazían talesmás''. The tract's text is searchable at ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español'' (''CORDE''), and elsewhere.ref. But that is an isolated record. Today's Spanish talismán is from 17th century French talisman; the wordform talismán is not found in Spanish until after it was in vogue in French. In French one of the most notable and influential of the early records of talisman with the meaning of talisman is in an astrology book first published in French in 1629. The book's title, as published in English translation in 1650, was Unheard-of Curiosities concerning the Talismanical Sculpture of the Persians, the Horoscope of the Patriarkes, and the Reading of the Stars. Its author, Jacques Gaffarel, was fluent in Hebrew Book ''De Fine Mundi'' by Elcha Ben David, translated from Hebrew to Latin by Iacobo Gaffarello [i.e. Jacques Gaffarel], published in 1629(ref) and understood other oriental languages Biography of Jacques Gaffarel, aka James Gaffarel, in ''The Dictionary Historical and Critical'' of Pierre Bayle, in English edition year 1736 (first French edition was 1697)(ref). The book starts with a "Defense of the Orientals", and in later chapters it has many references to the astrology of the Arabs and many more to the astrology of the Hebrews. A second notable early French record of talisman is in the title of a book in 1636 in French, "Des Talismans, ou Figures faites sous certaines constellations" = "Of Talismans, or Images made under certain constellations of stars", by Charles Sorel, influenced by the 1629 book of Jacques Gaffarel. Those two French books use talisman with the same meaning that tilsam has in the Ghāyat al-Hakīm. Both of them say talisman is an Arabic word – ref: ''Curiositez inouyes sur la sculpture talismanique des Persans, Horoscope des Patriarches, et lecture des Estoilles'', by I. Gaffarel, year 1629, on pages 227 and 229Gaffarel year 1629, ref: ''Des Talismans, ou Figures faites sous certaines constellations'', year 1636, on pages 12, 133 & 209. The publication's stated author is ''le sieur de l'Isle''. It is known from other sources that the author was Charles Sorel (died 1674).Sorel year 1636. In the European languages the very earliest instances of talisman in the astrology-connected inscription sense and having the wordform with the letter 'n' at the end, are in writings of Joseph Justus Scaliger, a historian who died in 1609, and those writings were first published in 1610. Scaliger wrote in French and Latin. Scaliger had studied the Arabic language, among other languages. Scaliger said talisman is an Arabic word – ref: Book ''Opuscula Varia'' by Joseph Justus Scaliger, published in 1610, having ''talisman'' on page 529 and pages 568-575 in writings dated 1590sScaliger year 1610. Scaliger discusses talisman on a half dozen pages. His talisman has the same meaning as what طلسم tilsam meant in Arabic. Scaliger's exact wordform is talisman. Gaffarel's 1629 book mentions Scaliger by name on at least 28 different pages, and therefore there is good likelihood that Gaffarel's wordform talisman was copied from Scaliger. As reiterated above, there is no syllable ‘‘‘an’’’ in the Arabic طلسم tilsam | tilasm = "talisman". The Western European Talisman with the meaning "Islamic prayer leader", with its circulation in the Western European languages as a prior borrowing, can help explain how come Scaliger's talisman has the extra syllable ‘‘‘an’’’, which otherwise would lack a good explanation. In Arabic grammar, tilsam = "incantation" can generate tilsamānī = "incantor" = "maker of incantations" – ''A Grammar of the Arabic Language'', by Caspari, Wright, Smith, Goeje, year 1898, discusses the noun suffix ـاني ''-ānī'' in Volume 1 pages 164-165 (section §267)ref: suffix ـاني ānī (similarly rouh = "spirit" generates روحاني @ AlMaany.com modern Arabic-to-English dictionaryروحاني rouhānī = "a person who is a spiritualist"). But in practice it is very hard to find tilsamānī in use. It is possible that Scaliger adopted tilsam with the Definition at Wikipedia : Tanwin, an Arabic grammar suffix with the letter 'n'Arabic tanwin grammar suffix, which puts tilsam in the form tilsamun & tilsaman. The tanwin wordform طلسماً ǁ طلسمًا ǁ طلسمً tilsaman | tilasman is easy to find in practical use in Arabic texts. But when you carry any Arabic word into a non-Arabic language, it is normal to throw away the tanwin appendage. I think it is equally likely that what Scaliger adopted, or was influenced by, was the permissible Arabic tilsamānī | tilasmānī = "incantor", the reason being that it has more semantic connection with the previously established meaning in Europe for talisman as an ordinary cantor.
  138. ^ tamarind

    In Arabic, the book on medicaments by Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) gives brief quotations from five earlier medieval Arabic medical writers about تمر هندي tamr hindī = "tamarind" – Ibn al-Baitar in Arabic, with تمر هندي on page 166-167: الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref, Ibn al-Baitar's book translated to French by Lucien Leclerc, year 1877, with ''tamarin'' in Volume 1 on page 316alt-ref. One of the people quoted by Ibn al-Baitar says "it grows in Yemen and India and Central Africa [Bilād al-Sūdān]". The tamarind has a large number of different names spread across the languages of Central Africa; and the tree is evidently native in Central Africa. Nevertheless, Arabic medicine got introduced to the tamarind from India. Another person quoted by Ibn al-Baitar says the tamarind is common in the country of Oman and it is used as a cuisine item. That is surely true, but other evidence clearly shows its use as a cuisine item was rare among the medieval Arabs (Book, ''Medieval Arab Cookery: Essays and Translations'', by M. Rodinson, A.J. Arberry and C. Perry, year 2001, 527 pages. Tamarind is absent in this book.ref, Medieval Arabic cookbook in English translation : ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', by translator Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. Tamarind does not occur in this medieval cookbook. The English translator has appended a glossary of medieval Arabic culinary words. Tamarind is in the appended glossary.ref, Book, ''Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World: A Concise History With 174 Recipes'', by Lilia Zaouali, year 2007. Does not contain the word tamarind.ref), though it was not rare in medieval India (Book, ''Indian Food: a historical companion'', by K. T. Achaya, year 1994, 322 pages, has tamarind on 31 pagesref). For the medieval Arabs "tamarind was almost never used in food preparations.... It was considered medicinal" (Book, ''Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes [at Cairo city]'', by Paulina Lewicka, year 2011, on page 314ref). In Latin, tamarindi comes up as a recommended remedy item in a dozen medical problems in the Arabic-to-Latin translations of Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) – Works of Constantinus Africanus, in Latin, Volume 1, published at Basel in 1536. Search for substring tamarind__.ref. Constantinus Africanus was located close to Salerno town in southern Italy. His translations were influential in the Latin medicine writers associated with the Salerno School of Medicine in the 12th & 13th centuries. Tamarind__ is a frequent ingredient in medicines recipes in the 12th & 13th century Salerno School writers – ''Collectio Salernitana'' Volume 2, year 1852, is a collection of Latin medicine texts of late 12th and 13th century (together with a small quantity 14th century). Search the volume for 56 instances of tamarind__. The book's Table of Contents is at the end of the book.ref, 12th and 13th century medical books of authors of the Salernitan School were published in Latin in the 1850s in the five-volume ''Collectio Salernitana''. Tamarind__ occurs many times across the five volumes.ref, Salernitan text ''Antidotarium Nicolai'' is in Latin in ''Eene Middelnederlandsche vertaling van het Antidotarium Nicolai, met den Latijnschen tekst'', curated by Van Den Berg, year 1917. Tamarind__ occurs about a dozen times in the Latin recipes. Remarks on date of Latin are at journals.openedition.org/medievales/2283 ref. Another influential Arabic-to-Latin translation was the medical encyclopedia of Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated in the late 12th century by Gerard of Cremona. It has around 50 instances of Latin tamarind__ translating Ibn Sina's Arabic tamr hindī & tamr al-hindīIbn Sina's Canon of Medicine in Arabic, machine searchable : ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحث. In case the link becomes defunct, the book is at other websites.ref, Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine in Latin, ''Canonis Medicinae'', translated by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), annotated by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521), edition year 1555. Search for Latin stem TAMARIND__.ref.
  139. ^ tanbur (a type of guitar)

    Early Medieval Aramaic has ܛܢܒܘܪ Ṭnbwr = "long-necked guitar-type string instrument". Aramaic writing systems usually omit short vowels and thus Ṭnbwr may be read as tanbawr | tunboūr | etc. – Lexicon compiled by Steve Kaufman, circa 2015Tnbwr @ Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon. The same word is in Persian in the Sassanian period, years 224-651 AD, phonetically tambūrEncyclopedia article in Persian : تنبور ﴿یا تمبور/ طنبور﴾ @ دانشنامه جهان اسلام . This Persian encyclopedia's article about the tanbur provides the names of Sassanian-period texts that use the word tambūr. The meaning is the tanbur guitar. The named texts are published elsewhere under title ''Pahlavi Texts''.ref,  ref Late Sassanian text Karnamag-i Ardashir-i Pabagan, aka کارنامة اردشیر بابکان , has word ''tambūr'', when the ancient text is put in modern Latin alphabet notation. The ancient text is put in modern Latin alphabet notation at website Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien, year 2010. The site reports that the meaning of ancient Persian tambūr is ''cither, lute''.
          BY THE WAY : The ancient Persian text is translated to English in book Karname i Artakhshir by translator Peshotan Sanjana, year 1896, in which Persian tambūr is wrongly put as meaning drum on page 10, but footnote #3 on page 10 says it might mean guitar.
    . Ancient artwork demonstrates that the long-necked guitar-type string instrument is of great antiquity throughout the Middle East. There are depictions of it in Egyptian artwork dated 3000+ years ago Paintings on the walls in the burial chambers at Thebes(photos). It is also in ancient Mesopotamian artwork and ancient Greco-Roman artwork at Wikipedia : History of lute-family instruments. Has photographs of ancient artworks.(photos). (In Persian a very old name for a long-necked guitar-type string instrument is at Wikipedia in English : Tar (lute). The English Wikipedia also has separate encyclopedia articles for the two related string instrument names do·tar/dutar and se·tar/setar.tar [تار ]). In medieval Arabic the name طنبور tunbūr | tanbūr and the instrument it named was in commonplace use among the Arabs: Search الطنبور at AlWaraq.netset of medieval examples and Search طنبور at AlWaraq.netmore medieval examples. An Arabic writer who wrote at length about الطنبور al-tunbūr was Al-Farabi (died 950); a 17-page extract from Al-Farabi about tuning the tanbur is at In Arabic : The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Orientalists meeting in Leiden in year 1883 (published 1885), publishes a text by Al-Farabi about playing ouds and tunbours. The text starts on page 133 and the part about tuning the tunbour starts on page 140.Ref. Nowadays and for many centuries, tanbur | tambur has been a name in use in all the Iranian and Turkic languages, and in Hindi, meaning a long-necked guitar-type string instrument. This name in English is a recent arrival and is from more than one of the languages of the modern Middle East, including Persian prominently. Because the word was in commonplace use among the Arabs medievally, an inferential step is made that the modern English name stands in descent from the medieval Arabic, in part. A minor point about pronunciation is that the written letter combination -nb- was and is pronounced -MB- by many Arabic speakers. This point about pronunciation comes up on the current page for the medieval Arabic ʿanbar = "ambergris" and for the medieval Arabic al-anbīq = "alembic". The written Arabic tunbūr | tanbūr was often pronounced TUMBOUR | TAMBOUR.
  140. ^ tambourine  ^ tambor (a drum)

    Regarding the European word tambour meaning a drum, the early records are in the form tabor | tabur. The earliest is in Norman French in the ballad Chanson de Roland, which is dated both around 1100 and some decades before 1100. The ballad is about an imagined battle in France between a Christian army and a Muslim army, and the tabors in the ballad are war-drums pounded by Muslim soldiers – ''La Chanson de Roland: texte du XIe siècle'', curated by Clédat year 1890ref, In modern English translation : ''The Song of Roland'' translated by Jessie Crossland, year 1999, search it for English word ''tambours''ref. After the Chanson de Roland, there is a gap in the known records until the 2nd half of the 12th century. Five records that are Europe-wide early are in French war-ballads dated 2nd half of 12th century, each featuring once again the users of the tabors are Muslim soldiers (and Muslim soliders only), and once again northern France is where the texts' five authors are located – Ballad ''La Bataille d'Aleschans'' aka ''Aliscans'' is a war-ballad dated later 12th century. Search it for tabors and taborer and taborie.ref, Ballad ''La Chanson d'Antioche''. Search for ''tabors''. This ballad is about a siege-battle between Christians and Muslims at the city of Antioch during the First Crusade. The text's composition date is assessed as 1180-1215.ref, Ballad ''La Chanson de Jérusalem'', aka ''La Conquête de Jérusalem''. Has ''tabors'' and ''tabor''. This ballad is about the battle for Jerusalem between Christians and Muslims in year 1099. It is dated circa 1190. A year 1992 edition is at the link. A year 1868 edition is at archive.org/details/laconqutedejeru00graigoog ref, Ballad ''Chanson des Saxons'' by Jean Bodel (died c. 1210; lived in Arras town). This is a military-legend ballad where the enemy side consists of both Saxons and Muslims (''Saisnes'' and ''Sarrazins''). The Saxons are not Christians. The ballad intermixes (1) Christians fighting against Saxons in pre-Christian northern Germany and (2) Christians fighting against Muslims in the Levant during the Crusades.ref, Ballad ''Floovant''. Dated later 12th century. Its subject is an imaginary war between Christians and Muslims in the 8th century. Its author is anonymous. It survives in only one manuscript. In the manuscript the tabors is spelled ''tabous'' and the ballad says the ''Sarazins'' advanced to battlefield with their trumpets and ''tabous'' resounding.ref. A long French ballad, Roman de Thebes, dated about 1160, is about legendary wars in ancient Greece, but the way it handles this legendary subject is influenced by narratives of the Christian First Crusade war against the Muslims which started in 1097; and it has tabors as war-drums four times – Ballad ''Le roman de Thèbes'', curated by Leopold Constans, year 1890, Volume 1 (of two volumes). Volume 1 prints the full ballad. Volume 2 prints variants of it as appendices.ref. Two more records that are Europe-wide early come from England, in ballads written in Norman French in the later 12th century, and the taburs in one of these is war-drums pounded by Muslim soliders, and in the other the tabur | tabors is war-drums pounded in the ancient epoch of Alexander the Great – Ballad known as ''Le Roman de Horn'' has been published under a title ''Horn Et Rimenhild'', year 1845. It has tabur(s) meaning war-drums played by Muslim soldiers. Its composition date is put around year 1170. Much info about this ballad is obtainable via : www.arlima.net/qt/thomas1.html ref, French ballad known as ''Le Roman de Toute Chevalerie'' by Thomas (of Kent) is also known as ''The Anglo-Norman Alexander'' or ''Le Roman d'Alexandre de Thomas de Kent''. It has ''tabur'' and ''tabors'' meaning war-drums in warfare legends associated with Alexander the Great (died 323 BC). Info about the ballad's composition date and story plot is obtainable via : www.arlima.net/qt/thomas_de_kent.html ref. Also in England, one of the word's very earliest records in Europe is in a history of the First Crusade war written by the Anglo-Norman historian Henry of Huntington, who wrote in Latin and completed his book in 1154. Henry of Huntington says the following about the year 1097 seige by the Crusading Christians at Antioch in Syria, ''The Chronicle of Henry of Huntington: comprising the history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry II'', translated by Thomas Forester, year 1853, on page 229. The chronicle's history of the First Crusade is part of the chronicle's history of the Anglo-Normans.in English translation: The Christians suffered terribly; for their horses became unsteady and refused to obey under the strange shouts of the Saracens, and the braying of [Saracen] trumpets, and the beating of drums Henry of Huntingon in Latin : ''Henrici, archidiaconi Huntendunensis: Historia Anglorum'', curated by Thomas Arnold, year 1879, Liber VII ''De Regno Normannorum'', on page 221[in Latin: ictus taburciorum]. His Latin wordform taburciorum = "of drums" has inserted -ci-, which was not done by other people, and seems invented by him in Latinizing the vernacular French taburs. Henry of Huntington has no battle-drums in Christian armies (though he twice mentions battle-trumpets in Christian armies). In French in the mid-1190s, Ambroise of Normandy's firsthand history of the Third Crusade war has a half dozen instances of noun taburs or verb taburer, always referring to drums sounded by Muslim armies – Book, ''L'Estoire de la Guerre Sainte : histoire en vers de la troisième croisade (1190-1192)'', by Ambroise of Normandy, curated by Gaston Paris, year 1897, has medieval French text plus translation to modern French. Medieval text also spells it ''thabor__''.ref. In contrast to all the above records, the French ballad writer Chretien de Troyes in the 1170s has the tabor as a drum used in music-making at a wedding party in a legendary foreign land – tabor @ ''Dictionnaire Électronique de Chrétien de Troyes''. It quotes the word in two ballads. In both ballads, the word's context is non-military and non-religious music-making. The names of the two ballads are Erec et Enide and Yvain.ref. Citations to more early instances of tabor | tabur in French are collected in tabor @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français'' (DÉAF), year 2013 DÉAF. The early French tabor | tabur was in most cases a military drum sounded on a battlefield. Most of the early records are in a genre of military-legend ballads known as "at Wikipedia : Chanson de gestechansons de geste", in which the fighters on the enemy side are usually Muslims and are always non-Christians, and the drums are sounded on the enemy side exclusively. In medieval France the chansons de geste ballads were recited orally and were popular with all classes of people, and they influenced common vocabulary in French.
    In poetry in Occitan in southern France in the late 12th century authored by Bertran de Born, trumpets and tabors are used to rouse up wild birds when hunting them with falcons – Book, ''The Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born'', in Occitan language of the late 12th century together with translation to English, year 1986, edition by William D. Paden et al. Search for ''tabor'' and ''tabors''.ref. Bertran's poetry is not in the chansons de geste genre but it contains "pervasive allusions to the chansons de geste" – Book, ''The Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born'', edition by William D. Paden et al, year 1986. The editors' introduction on page 40 says Bertran's poems have ''pervasive allusions to the chansons de geste''.ref. An Anglo-Norman Latin chronicler in the 1190s has tabur as a drum to rouse up wild fowls when hunting them with falcons; and this occurs again in the 13th century in Anglo-Norman Latin – tabur @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin quotes ''tabur'' in a historical chronicle written by Radulfus [aka Ralph] de Diceto (died 1202). The quoted statement concerns an event in year 1191 and was written during the 1190s. Du Cange's glossary elsewhere covers word ''ripanare'', which helps with translating the quote from De Diceto about ''tabur''.ref, tabur @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013ref, ''The Archaeological Journal'', in volume XV, year 1858, on page 356-357, talks about the meaning where ''tabor/tabur'' is used in Latin in England in year ''28 Edward I'' = year 1299.ref. In French slowly in the 13th century and greatly increasing in the 14th and 15th centuries, the word came into frequent use meaning any kind of drum, and two wordforms tabour and tambour came into use with the same meaning, with tabour more frequent than tambour in French – Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaistabour @ DMF , Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaistabourin @ DMF. In French the wordform tabour was more frequently used than the wordform tambour until the late 16th century –  details Google Books – http://books.google.com – has a very large collection of 16th century printed books in French, OCR'd and searchable despite OCR errors. Searches can be restricted to books printed during any portion of the 16th century. Search for "tabour" OR "tabours" in books printed prior to 1581: Here is a link to the output from that search. Then search for "tambour" OR "tambours" prior to 1581: Here is a link to the output from that search. Compare the quantity of results for those two searches. The more frequent wordform is the one without the letter 'm'. Additional instances of this wordform in use in 16th-century French are quoted in Huguet's dictionary, Volume 7 pages 166-168''Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle'', by Edmond Huguet et al., years 1925-1967 (in 7 volumes), gives 16th-century quotations under the dictionary's entries for tabour, tabourder, tabourer, tabourin, tabouriner, etc, in Volume 7 pages 166-168. Altlink: gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bd6t5369345q/f183.item .. The spellings tabor, tabur and tabour were pronounced the same way. Tabor | tabour has records in French for almost two centuries before the wordform tambour first enters the records in French in the late 13th century – tambour @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL)tambour @ CNRTL, tabor @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français (DÉAF)tabor @ DÉAF. In view of that chronology, tambour is understood as a modification of tabour by nasalization before 'b', induced by 'b'. But this nasalization did not get its start in French and was never the usual wordform in medieval French. The nasalized wordform has its earliest records in Europe in High German in authors of the early 13th century – tambur @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch'' von Matthias Lexer, year 1878. Cites early records in German. Citations include the German ballads ''Eneide'', ''Parzival'' and ''Wigalois'', each of which was modelled after a prior ballad written in French.High German tambur = "a drum, often military drum". The early-13th-century German instances are in German ballads that (#1) are theme-wise modeled after French ballads of the late 12th century, and (#2) contain numerous French loanwords, and sometimes (#3) some medieval copies of the ballad have the wordform tambur while other medieval copies of the same ballad have the wordform tabur or tapur (tambur @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch'' von Matthias Lexer, year 1878. Has citations to medieval wordform variants. Cited wordform variants include tambur, tanbur, tabur, tabure, tapur, tapure, tampur. Citations include variants in medieval manuscript copies of the ballad ''Eneide'' by Heinrich von Veldeke. One 13th century German ballad has ''vil taburen'' = ''many drums''.examples). German dictionaries unanimously say the German word was from French. In the Spanish language from the mid 13th century onward the word is found in the forms tambor | tanbor | atambor | atanbor = "a drum". There is good evidence that this was nasalized in Spain from a received French tabor (this is returned to later below).
    Records start in the English language about year 1300. In the 14th & 15th centuries in English: The word has loads of records as tabur | tabour | tabor | taborne = "drum" and it is English's most frequently used word for drum (noun and verb) and it is either rare or fully absent in the form tamb- with 'm' – tabour @ ''Middle English Dictionary'' gives fifty quotes of this word in 14th-15th century English meaning a drum. Additionally the same dictionary on other pages has a dozen quotes for tabourer meaning drummer, and a dozen quotes for taborne meaning a drum, and eight quotes for tabouren meaning ''to drum'', and five quotes for tabouring meaning drumming.ref.
    There is no known source-word candidate from Latin for the origin of the French tabor. Notably the classical and medieval Latin tympanum = "drum" is rejected by almost everyone for phonetic reasons. From the Latin tympan[um], 12th-14th centuries French had tymbre | timbre meaning a drum (the drum being usually in the context of non-military music-making) and slightly later also meaning a gong, a gong-type bell – timbre #1 @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français. (This dictionary also has a separate entry for French ''timpan'' meaning drum).e.g., timbre #1 @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français. Gives many quotations from the years 1330-1500.e.g.. The standard derivation of the French timbre from the Latin tympan[um] is the following paraphrase from timbre @ ''An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language'', by A. Brachet, published in French in year 1870, published in French-to-English translation in year 1873Brachet's year 1873 French etymology book: For the regularity of contraction of tympanum to tymp'num see § 51; for precedents for change from root-terminal Latin 'n' to French 'r' see French coffre is from Latin cofinum with same meaning. The Latin was also spelled cophinum. coffre, French diacre is from Latin diaconum with same meaning. diacre, French ordre is from Latin ordinem with same meaning. ordre, and French pampre is from Latin pampinum with same meaning. pampre; for regularity of change from 'p' to 'b' see § 111. Thus, tympan timbre is well-paralleled. But tympan tabor would be without parallel, and is highly implausible, with the 'o' vowel the biggest implausibility.
    For the origin of tabor, a relevant item of history is that the medieval Arab armies used drums much more intensively and extensively than the medieval Latin armies did. Big quantities of writings about wars & battles survive from 12th-century French sources, especially Normans. In the Latin armies at that time, battle-trumpets were very customary for signalling. In the battle narratives, when the talk is about armies of Normans or other Latins, trumpets are often mentioned, drums almost never mentioned. As example texts, the 4-volume works of Wace (died c. 1175) and the 3-volume Chronique des ducs de Normandie by Benoit (completed c. 1175) have no battle-drums but have dozens of mentions of battle-trumpets; e.g. from an English translation of Wace: [The soldiers] came swiftly and secretly upon [the enemy]... making no stir with horns and clarions.... [King] Arthur bade sound his horns, his clarions and trumpets.... Loud and far resounded the bray of the horns, and the shocks of the lances [during a pitched battle]. Meanwhile, Arab armies carried both battle-drums and battle-trumpets. In medieval narratives of wars & battles when the subject is Arab armies (whether writers are Arab or non-Arab), the trumpets and the drums are often mentioned together in the same sentence, and on the whole the drums get mentioned at least as frequently as the trumpets. The Arab armies from the 9th century onward went into the battlefield with some men who were dedicated to pounding on large drums. A seige, or a prelude to a battle, and an actual battle, typically had massed drums banging loudly in Arab armies. During battle the Arab armies used the drums both as a signalling method and as a morale booster – Book in English translation : ''The Life of Saladin [died 1193]'' written in Arabic by Bahāʾ al-Dīn ibn Shaddād (died 1234; aka Behā ed-Dīn ibn Sheddād). English year 1897. Search for substring DRUM, which occurs 21 times, always in battlefield contexts. The original Arabic plus French translation is at archive.org/details/recueildeshistor03acad . In Arabic, Bahāʾ al-Dīn uses the word كوس kūs for military drums. The year 1897 English had been translated from French. English published by ''Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society'' as volume 13 of their series of texts.examples. Ambroise of Normandy in the 1190s, link above, says twice that Muslim armies have men whose sole function during a battle is to bang on taburs and make noise. The horse-riders of the Arab armies trained their horses beforehand to be accustomed to the loud banging of the drums –  example نهاية السؤل والامنية في تعلم أعمال الفروسية Nihāyat al-suʾl... al-furūsīya is a 14th century Arabic book about warfare on horseback, authorship accredited to a person Aqṣarāʾī who died in 1348 in Damascus. Many extracts from it are in The Mamluk Lancer: A philological study of Nihāyat al-suʾl wa-ʾl-ʾumnīya fī taʿlīm ʾaʿmāl al-furūsīya126 pages. Pdf downloadable at University of Olso Norway., by Kjersti Enger Jensen, year 2013, in which the extracts are printed in Arabic and translated into English. An extract on page 14 in Arabic (translated on page 15) mentions training the horse to be unflustered by the banging of military drums (ضرب الطبول والكوسات). A raw manuscript of the complete Arabic book in non-text-searchable format is at Qatar Digital LibraryRef.. The drummers of the Arab armies commonly employed large cymbals and loud drums to fluster the horses of the enemy during battle –  example Byzantine emperor Leo VI (died 912) commissioned a book on military tactics, book titled Taktika in Greek. In the book's chapter 18, it says the Saracens (i.e. the Arabs) in their battle formations use drums and cymbals, to which their horses are accustomed, and by such noises their enemy's horses are perturbed and induced to flee. Six pages later in the same chapter, it says Byzantine commanders should therefore accustom the Byzantine horses to be unafraid of noises of drums and cymbals in preparation for war with Saracens. The Taktika in medieval Greek plus modern Latin translation is in a 19th-century book where the relevant bits are Book ''Patrologia Graeca'' Volume 107, year 1863, on page 971. The TAKTIKA text exists in variant versions in Greek. Volume 107 pages 669-1116 prints one version in Greek side-by-side with 18th- or 19th-century translation to Latin.chapter 18 § 112 (page 971) and Book ''Patrologia Graeca'' Volume 107, year 1863 on page 982chapter 18 § 141 (page 982). (The Taktika in Greek-to-English translation can be bought – Book in Greek side-by-side with English translation : ''The TAKTIKA of Leo VI'' curated and translated by George T. Dennis, year 2010 edition. The English translation has the phrase ''drums and cymbals'' on pages 477 & 489.ref ).. Arab armies when travelling were typically "accompanied by military music from trumpets and drums, carried on mules, and was used particularly in enemy territory to maintain morale" Book, ''God's Warriors: Crusaders, Saracens and the Battle for Jerusalem'', by Helen Nicholson and David Nicolle, year 2005 on page 120(ref). The Chanson de Roland, which was largely and possibly fully composed before the First Crusade, reflects knowledge that Arab armies used drums. During the First Crusade, the Latin armies and their horses encountered the drums of the Arab armies as something they had no prior experience with, a fact which was alluded to in quotation above from Henry of Huntington in 1154.
    I said the Normans and other French armies were generally not using military drums themselves in the 12th century when the word tabours emerged in French as military drums in the chansons de geste. I am aware of a few instances of Latin armies carrying drums at the end of the 12th century  ( ref ) The Crusader historian William of Tyre (died c. 1190; wrote in Latin) says that the Crusader king Baldwin, in the Crusader-controlled Levant, after a battle "ordered that his men be recalled by the sound of trumpets and roll of drums", with the Latin word in the context being tympanorum = "of drums" – ref: William of Tyre In Latin : ''Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum'', by William of Tyre. Search for ''tympanorum'' and ''tympanis''.in Latin and ''A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea'' by William of Tyre, translated by Babcock & Krey, year 1943 (two volumes). The relevant bit is in volume 2 on page 16.in English translation. The historian Robert de Clari (died c. 1220; wrote in French) has trumpets and "tymbres et tabours" on board a fleet of war-ships at Venice in year 1202 – ref: Robert de Clari ''Li estoires de chiaus qui conquisent Coustantinoble de Robert de Clari en Aminois'', edition year 1868 curated by Riant. The text is also titled ''Conquête de Constantinople''. Search the text for tabours and tabors.in Old French and Robert of Clari's account of the Fourth Crusade is in English in the book ''Three Old French Chronicles of the Crusades'', year 1939, translation by Edward Noble Stone. It is reproduced at the website ''DE REI MILITARI: The Society for Medieval Military History''.in English translation. Italian-Latin author Boncompagno da Signa was born between 1165 and 1175. Circa 1201 he wrote a narrative about a siege that happened in 1173. The siege was at Ancona in Italy. The beseigers were Venetians and Germans. The beseigers beated drums (Latin tangi timpana) and brayed trumpets – ref: Latin text ''Liber de obsidione Ancone'' by Boncompagno da Signa is in Tome VI Parte 3 of ''Rerum italicarum scriptores : raccolta degli storici italiani'', curation by Zimolo, year 1937, having ''timpana'' on page 18. An earlier edition curated by Muratori was published in year 1725 in Tomus VI of Muratori's collection.in Latin and The book ''The History of the Siege of Ancona'' gives a complete translation, translated by Andrew F. Stone, year 2002. The relevant bit of the English translation is : ''He therefore ordered war trumpets to be sounded, drums to be struck and the army to be arrayed in battle formation; and in this way he approached the walls of the city with all his men.''in English translation., and perhaps one or two additional late-12th-century instances can be found, yet it is clear that Latin armies normally did not carry drums in 12th century, nor 11th century. Latin armies adopted drums sporadically in the 13th century, and then increasingly used them in the 14th century. The 13th century adoption was sporadic as shown by ongoing frequent mentions of the military trumpets without the mention of military drums.
    In Arabic, طبول tabūl has been the usual general word for "drums" since the beginning of written records of Arabic. The grammatical singular is طبل tabl = "drum". In the military context the number of drums was almost always greater than two, and correspondingly the word for drum was in the grammatical plural. The military drums were often called simply tabūl = "drums" in medieval Arabic writings. From the same rootword, the battlefield drummers were called al-tabbālīn | al-itabbāl = "the drummers". Another oft-used word for military drums was الكوسات al-kūsāt. A multi-volume collection of medieval Arabic writings about the wars against the Crusaders was published in the 19th century in Arabic alongside French translation, and military drums comes up repeatedly in it, and is downloadable at ''Recueil des historiens des croisades : Historiens orientaux''. In five volumes. The Arabic طبول tabūl occurs on the following pages :
    Vol 1 page 142 ... [and also al-tabaleen page 454],
    Vol 3 page 561 ,
    Vol 4 pages 36 and 348 ... [and tabl on pages 118 and 144],
    Vol 5 page 169
    . A much larger set of medieval instances of the word tabūl as military drums in medieval Arabic historians can be had by searching for الطبول (al-tabūl) at الطبول @ AlWaraq.net corpus of old Arabic textsAlWaraq.net, which includes nearly twenty instances in historian Ibn Ṣāḥib al-Ṣalāẗ (ابن صاحب الصلاة was author of history book المن بالإمامة. The book is about wars and politics in the Maghreb in the 2nd half of 12th century. The author ''clearly was closely involved in the events which he describes'', says Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. died c. 1200) Search for الطبول in the book المن بالامامة لابن صاحب الصلاة(Ref), a dozen instances in historian Ibn Khaldoun (died 1406) Search for الطبول in : تاريخ ابن خلدون(Ref), a dozen in historian Al-Dhahabi (died 1348) (Search for الطبول in : الذهبي - تاريخ الإسلامRefSearch for الطبول in : الذهبي – سير أعلام النبلاءref), a minimum of four in historian Ibn al-Athir (died 1232-1233) Search for الطبول in : ابن الأثير – الكامل في التاريخ(Ref), ten instances in a history book by Ibn al-Jawzi (died c. 1201) Search for الطبول in : ابن الجوزي – المنتظم في تاريخ الملوك والأمم(Ref), about ten in a history book by Ibn Kathir (died 1373) Search for الطبول in : إسماعيل بن عمر بن كثير - البداية والنهاية(Ref), etc. A minority of those instances of military drums are in quasi-military civic government situations. When a sultan or emir travelled through his realm in peacetime, he was in many cases accompanied by trumpets and drums, and in this situation the word al-tabūl = "drums" was in common use – it comes up repeatedly in the geography reports of Ibn Batuta (died 1369) At AlWaraq.net search for الطبول in the book : ابن بطوطة – تحفة النظَار في غرائب الأمصار وعجائب الأسفار(Ref), for example.
    In light of all of the above historical context, tabūl is a strong candidate as the source-word of the French tabur, if, but only if, the phonetic change from L to R is given a ticket of admission into the realm of the realistic. What follows are other cases of conversion from L to R with provenance in medieval French. Most of these cases are taken from An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language, by A. Brachet, year 1873Original in French in year 1870. English translation in year 1873. A second edition in English in year 1878 has minor expansions., and supplementary details on each of them can be got from search @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales – EtymologiesCNRTL and search @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, 1330-1500DMF. Looking at that set of cases of change from L to R in medieval French, three of them involve change from -ul to -or, namely Latin ulmus French orme, Latin remulcare French remorquer, and Latin pullipes French polpier French pourpier. The set shows that the phonetic mutation in taboul tabour is not a wide outlier, and not too much of a stretch to credit. When you allow on purely phonetic grounds that taboul tabour can have happened, then the semantics and historical context considerations strongly push towards the conclusion that it did happen.
    As further background context, there is some worthwhile but minor supplementary info concerning what is found in medieval Latinate Iberia. Independently of the French word, later-medieval Spanish had atabal = "drum", with most early records in Spanish talking about Muslims in Granada sounding trumpets and atabales. A set of examples is at Search for atabales @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). A less-used wordform ''tabales'' is also in the CORDE corpus.atabales @ CORDE. It is obvious the Spanish atabal came from the Arabic al-tabl = "the drum" (which was pronounced ATTABL in Arabic). Spanish had also a much-less-used and later atambal = "drum", which was a nasalizing modification of the Spanish atabal''Filología y lingüística: estudios ofrecidos a Antonio Quilis'', Volume 2, year 2005, on page 1370ref, atabal @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869ref. In Spanish, a lengthy ballad titled Libro de Buen Amor, date-assessed 1330-1343, has the four words tabor, taborete, atabor, and atabal, each meaning "a drum" – ''Libro de Buen Amor'' by Juan Ruiz, curated and annotated by Julio Cejador y Frauca, year 1913, in two volumes. The link is going to volume II. The relevant words are in volume II only.ref – and those are the spellings in a physical manuscript copy assessed as best and oldest, year 1389 – ''Libro de Buen Amor'' by Juan Ruiz, curated and annotated by Julio Cejador y Frauca, year 1913, in two volumes. The link goes to the curator's introduction in volume I. The curator in his introduction describes the manuscripts under the heading ''Los manuscritos principales''. The manuscript he labels ''G'' carries a date 1389 and he says it is the ''best'' and ''oldest'' manuscript.ref. But at least one old manuscript copy of Libro de Buen Amor uses the spellings tanborete, atanbor, and atanbal instead – ''Libro de Buen Amor'' by Juan Ruiz, curated by Julio Cejador, year 1913, in two volumes. The publication's main text is copied from a manuscript labelled ''G'', while the curator's footnotes give spelling variants copied from a manuscript labelled ''S''. The definitions for the two manuscripts ''G'' and ''S'' are in volume I. The relevant words are in volume II only.ref – and another copy uses tamborete, atambor, and atambal instead – Book, ''Critical and Bibliographic Notes on Early Spanish Music'', by Juan F. Riaño, year 1887, on pages 129-130ref. In Spanish the word (a)ta(m)bor = "drum" has earliest records around year 1250 – details omitted, but some details are at tambor @ Corpus del Nuevo Diccionario Histórico del Español (CNDHE). In Catalan, a chronicle written soon before year 1276 has tabors meaning military drums used in a Muslim army – Book, ''Libre dels feyts... en Jacme Lo Conqueridor'', year 1874, publishes a manuscript dated 1343. The manuscript dated 1343 contains a text whose composition date is prior to 1276. The text has ''tocaren ses tabors''.ref-1, Book in English : ''The chronicle of James I, king of Aragon, surnamed the Conqueror (WRITTEN BY HIMSELF)'', translated from Catalan by John Forster, year 1883, in 2 volumes, has English ''drums'' in Volume 1 on page 378. James I, king of Aragon, died in 1276.ref-2. A Catalan chronicle dated around 1288 has tabals meaning drums used in a military flotilla of a Christian king – Book, ''Crónica del Rey en Pere e dels seus antecessors passats'', by Bernat Desclot, dated about year 1288. Chronicle says: On galley-ships of the king of Aragon, they played trumpets and tabals and they shouted ''Aragon!''.ref, tabal @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover and Moll, year 1962alt-ref. Those two chronicles have the earliest instances of tabor and tabal in Catalan. For the Catalan tambor (with a letter ‘m’), nothing prior to the 14th century is cited by modern treatments of historical Catalan vocabulary – tambor @ ''Diccionari Aguiló'', Volume VIII, Lletres T a Z, year 1934. This dictionary's historical info was collected by Marian Aguiló (died 1897) and Pompeu Fabra (died 1948).e.g. , tambor @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Antoni Alcover (died 1932) and Francesc de Borja Moll (died 1991), finished in year 1962e.g..
    The following three paragraphs have brief consideration of three alternative candidate source-words for the origin of the French tabour. These candidates have been reported in various etymology dictionaries. Their weaknesses will be emphasized.
    • It has been suggested that tabour originated in the Breton Celtic language in Brittany in northwestern France. The basis for this suggestion is that the word's early records are in northern France and Anglo-Norman French, and the time-period of the Chanson de Roland ballad is before the arrival of all except a small minority of Arabic words into medieval Western European writings. Chanson de Roland certainly pre-dates the Crusades for the most part and the remaining other bits are subject to uncertainty about whether they were added shortly after the Crusades started. The ballad has nothing about the Crusades. The person Roland in the Chanson de Roland was the lord of lands in Brittany adjacent to the border with Normandy, and the ballad was a development from earlier ballads in that region – Book ''The Song of Roland translated into English prose'' by Isabel Butler, year 1904. Search for the words ''Brittany'' and ''Breton'' in the translator's introductory pages and in the translator's endnotes.

      By the way, this translation puts the Norman French ''tabors'' as English ''tabours''.
      . But: (#1) there is zero reported evidence that tabor was in use in the Breton language at a sufficiently early time; and (#2) the Chanson de Roland has some words that are definitely from Arabic, including French amirail = "Muslim military commander" from Arabic أمير amīr with same meaning, and French algalife = "Muslim king, caliph" from Arabic الخليفة al-khalīfa with same meaning; and (#3) Roland and the great majority of the other early records have the tabor-players as Muslims or heathens, but the Bretons were not heathens. The Breton dukes of the era made frequent marriage and military alliances with the Normans, resulting in Breton military divisions in Norman armies. At the time of the First Crusade, the Breton-speaking Duke of Brittany had been married to a sister of the Duke of Normandy (Constance of Normandy died 1090. Her husband was Alan IV, Duke of Brittany, who was Breton-speaking. Her brother was Robert, Duke of Normandy. Her father was William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy. she had died in 1090), and the two dukes took themselves and their soldiers to the First Crusade in 1096.
    • Another source alternative that has been suggested by some etymology dictionaries is a medieval Persian word تبیر tabīr = "drum". This suggestion has the main problem that the Persian tabīr was essentially not used in Arabic, and the early date of the French tabour would necessitate Arabic intermediation in order for the Persian tabīr to arrive in northern France. Potentially somebody might come across a record of tabīr = "drum" in medieval Arabic, but if that happened it would not be able to undermine the generality that the word is essentially absent in Arabic records. Nor does Arabic have a similar wordform along the lines of tabur | tanbīr | tanbur with the meaning of "drum". A smaller and secondary issue for tabīr is that the supposed phonetic change in the long vowel of the Persian tabīr to the French tabour is a questionable mismatch.
    • It has been suggested that the source was the Arabic tanbūr | tunbūr | tambūr = "long-necked guitar-type string instrument", which is a frequent word in medieval Arabic (external links to usages of it in medieval Arabic are at note #139 above). This suggestion has two problems. Firstly, the original Western European wordform was tabur | tabor. The deletion of the nasalization, either ن N or M, in hypothetically going from the Arabic tanbūr to the European tabur would be very unusual. As an illustration, the set of loanwords containing the letter ن n in the collection here on this page has no instance of it, except for the special case Arabic nāranj medieval Latin arangia English "orange", which is not a comparable case. The Arabic tanbūr is a poor fit phonetically because, no matter whether you imagine the deletion of n on the Arabic side of the fence or on the French side of the fence, the deletion would be phonetically irregular. The second problem is semantics. The medieval Arabic tanbūr is without a record meaning a drum while the medieval European tabur is a drum. The European word is almost without a record meaning a string instrument and the exceptions are late and irrelevant (Latin writer Johannes Tinctoris (died 1511) says ''tambura'' is a plucked string musical instrument with three strings. He says this ''tambura'' is Turkish. He is quoted under TAMBURA in ''Lexicon Musicum Latinum Medii Aevi'', year 2006.one such exception). Also the medieval Arabs did not use the tanbūr in a military context. Thus the fit is poor semantically.
  141. ^ tangerine

    Like Levant Levantine, and Alexandria Alexandrine, and Damascus Damascene, there are records in English for Tangerine meaning "of Tangier city" that pre-date the name "tangerine" the orange – ref: New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''), year 1919"Tangerine" in NED. English word "tang" meaning piquant flavour had been in use in English for many centuries pre-dating "tangerine" the orange (ref: "tang" in NED).
  142. ^ tare

    Medieval Latinate tara meant "tare" and "deduction from gross weight of merchandise". It could include a deduction for the weight of a defective or damaged portion, as well as deducting for the weight of the packaging. Its early Latinate records include Italian-Latin tara dated Article, ''Pièces diplomatiques tirées des archives de la république de Gènes'', curated by Silvestre de Sacy, year 1827. Publishes in Latin a year 1290 trade treaty between Genoa and Egypt. Page 39 has ''nec debeant compelli pro tara nisi tantum quantum ponderabunt''.1290 and Book ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, quotes Latin ''tara'' in year 1305 at Genoa. Quotation is under vocabulary word ''cazafaxare'' = ''damage'' on page 235. Quotation is copied from Volume 3 of ''Les relations commerciales entre Gênes, la Belgique et l'Outremont, d'après les Archives notariales génoises, aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles'', by R Doehaerd, year 1941.1305, and Italian tara dated Book, ''Statuti senesi scritti in volgare ne' secoli XIII e XIV'', Volume 1 [of 3 volumes], curated by Polidori & Banchi, year 1863, having ''tara'' on pages 299 and 300, dated 1298-1309, written at Siena in Tuscany.1298-1309 and tara @ search @ ''Corpus OVI dell'Italiano antico''. Search results include ''tara'' numerous times in the text ''Zibaldone da Canal'' written at Venice.1310/1330. Those are a century earlier than the word's first record in Spanish. Spanish has atara = "tare" about year 1410 and Spanish tara = "tare" in 1449. In any wordform this word in Spanish was late and then it was rare, as can be seen at Search for ''tara'' and ''atara'' at Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). Most search results are words with meanings other than tare.CORDE. Catalan tara = "tare" is non-rare in 14th century Catalan sea-commerce documents – Book, ''Llibre d'establiments i ordenacions de la ciutat de València .I. (1296 - 1345)'', curated by Antoni Furió, year 2007. Search for ''tara''.ref , Book, ''Colección de documentos inéditos del Archivo General de la Corona de Aragón'', Tomo XL, year 1876, curated by Bofarull. Has multiple instances of Catalan ''tara'' in mercantile documents dated 1383 and 1387. Further instances dated 1388 and 1402 are cited at: https://dcvb.iec.cat/results.asp?word=tara ref , Book, ''El primer manual hispánico de mercadería (siglo XIV)'', by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1964/1981. Publishes Catalan texts from seaport of Barcelona from 14th & 15th centuries. Search for ''tara''.ref. The earliest I have come across for the word in a European language is in a trade treaty between Egypt and Genoa – which is the document dated 1290 linked above. Italian and Catalan tara came from Arabic tarh | tarha through sea-commerce by Italian and Catalan merchants across all of the Mediterranean Sea. An outstandingly good illustration of its use in Italian commerce is Pegolotti's La Pratica della Mercatura about 1340, which has tara used 190 times meaning the tare on merchandise, plus in one case it has a verb tarare meaning to assess the tare, and two cases of taratori meaning persons who assess the tare – Book, ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated around 1340, curated and annotated by Allan Evans year 1936. Text in medieval Italian with a glossary in English.ref. Pegolotti's Mercatura is also good for general background information on the Mediterranean-wide sea-commerce of Italians. For general background information on Mediterranean-wide sea-commerce by Catalans, a short introduction is "Catalan commerce in the late Middle Ages", by MT Ferrer, year 2012, 37 pages. Medieval Italian and Catalan traders had plenty of commercial contact with Arabs at Arabic seaports. That is where they got the word tara from. Or at least that is the assessment and belief today about where they got it from, excluding the assessment reported by the Spanish dictionaries. By reason of the chronological order and frequency of the records within the Latinate languages, it is practically assured that the Spanish tara came from the Italian and Catalan tara. Contrary to the Spanish dictionaries, it did not come from the Arabic of Iberia. The Spanish wordform atara = "tare" about 1410 looks an isolated case. It occurs in the collection of poems Cancionero de Baena, which is a kind of document that is different from the commerce documents having tara. Apart from the c.1410 instance, atara = "tare" seems not in use.
  143. ^ tare

    The first known record for "tare" in England is in 1380 in the Norman French of England, while the first known for "tare" in English is in 1429. Those early instances in England are in the London Grocers' Guild, an organization whose members resold imported spices and drugs. The London Grocers' Guild had written regulations for product quality standards. The guild's regulations used some words taken from the Mediterranean sea-commerce in spices and drugs. Those early instances of "tare" are quoted in tare @ Middle English DictionaryRef. The London Grocers' Guild's regulations in late 14th were written in French. More records of "tare" in English and Anglo-Norman French dated 1440-1450 are quoted in Book, ''Anglo-Norman, Italian and English language contact in medieval merchant documents, c1200-c1450'', by Megan Mary Smales Tiddeman, year 2016Ref.
  144. ^ tariff

    In Italian at Venice, with date assessed as very roughly around 1380, a short compilation has the title "Tarifa zoè noticia dy pexi e mexure di luogi e tere che s'adovra marcadantia" = "Tariff, i.e. memorandum, of weights and measures of places and lands that use them in commerce". That is one of the word's first records in a European language. In year 1422 a regulatory decree of the sultan of Egypt was translated from Arabic to Italian. The decree regulated Florence merchants in Egypt. It has the statement in Italian: "paghi la tariffa delli Chamellieri, e degli Bastagi, e delli gabellatori" = "pay the stated charges of the camel-drivers, and the porters, and the tax-assessors" – Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', dated circa 1425 and/or 1440, printed year 1766. On pages 70-73, the author Uzzano incorporates into his book the Italian text of a year 1422 decree of the Sultan of Egypt. The decree had been negotiated beforehand in talks between the representatives of the Sultan and the representatives of city-state of Florence.ref, Book, ''I Diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino'', curated by Michele Amari, year 1863. Word ''tariffa'' is on pages 339 & 342 in two diplomatic writings in year 1422.alt‑ref. In a written agreement between Egypt and Venice in year 1415, the merchants of Venice operating in Egypt were to pay taxes on merchandise in amounts specified by "the tariffe of the imports-exports tax administration building of the sultan" – the Italian text is at Book ''Diplomatarium Veneto-Levantinum'' Volume 2, covering years 1351-1454, curated by Georg Martin Thomas (died 1887) and Riccardo Predelli (died 1909), publication year 1899, on page 310. The book's 15th-century documents have tariffe on pages 307, 310, 314, 325, 326 & 376; and have tarife on pages 313 & 358; and have tariffa on page 357.Ref. In year 1442, another agreement between Egypt and Venice regulating Venice merchants in Egypt has the statement: "sia dado el pagamento... secondo le tarife de Alexandria usade per i tempi passadi " = "be given the payment... in accordance with the tariffs of Alexandria used in times past", meaning that payments be given at customary prices – Downloadable book ''Diplomatarium Veneto-Levantinum'' Volume 2, covering years 1351-1454, curated by Predelli & Thomas, year 1899, prints Venice Italian documents. The book has 12 instances of tariffe | tarife | tariffa in Venice Italian documents written in years 1415, 1422, 1442, & 1449.ref, Book ''I Diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino'', curated by Michele Amari, year 1863, where the relevant ''tarife'' is twice on page 352.alt‑ref. In Italian in 1482 a long tabulation has the headline "tarifa de tutte merchanzie si metano et trazano di Constantinopoli" = "tabulation of all merchandise gotten from Constantinople" – Article ''Les marchands vénitiens à Constantinople d'après une TARIFFA inédite de 1482'', by Alessio Sopracasa, year 2011, 170 pages, in journal ''Studi Veneziani'' Volume LXIII pages 49-220, where ''Tarifa'' is three times on page 66 (equals linked PDF page 20).ref. In Italian in 1486, in talking about taxes on merchandise, "sia fato una tarifa ouer lista" = "make a tabulation or list" – Book, ''Capitolare dei visdomini del fontego dei todeschi in Venezia'', curated by Georg Martin Thomas, year 1874. Tarifa is 3 times on page 255.ref. In Italian around 1488, for big sailing ships, "tariffa per entrata e uscita del porto d'Alexandria, ducati 13" = "fee for entering and exiting the port of Alexandria in Egypt, 13 ducat coins" – ''I Diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino'', curated by Michele Amari, year 1863, on page 380. The tariffa on page 380 is in a memorandum written by the ambassador of Florence, addressed to the Sultan of Egypt, concerning commerce of Florence merchants in Egypt. Date is c.1488. On page 380 ''navilio di ghaggia'' is any ship with a big sail mast.ref. In Italian in 1494 a book chapter is titled "Tariffa of all merchandise-taxes, exchanges, moneys, weights, measures, and usages of letters of exchange... in diverse lands" – Book ''Luca Pacioli e la matematica del Rinascimento'', by Giusti & Maccagni, year 1994. Luca Pacioli wrote in year 1494 a book titled ''Summa''. The ''Summa'' by Luca Pacioli has a chapter titled ''Tariffa de tutti costumi, cambi, monete, pesi, misure, e usanze di lettere di cambi, e... in diverse terre''. The year 1994 book at the link does NOT have this ''Summa'' but it has the chapter titles of it.ref. In the two meanings "tabulation of weights & measures" and "a solitary price, one declared fee", you can hear the echo of the Arabic parent-word's meaning, which was "specification". The word's uses in 15th century Italian are restricted to commerce documents.
    The word is in German in 1514, 1527, 1535, and onward – Book, ''Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998, on page 222-223 cites German DRIFFAS in 1514, German TARIFA in 1527, German TRIFFAS in 1535, meaning tariffref. The German came directly from Italian: Italian parentage is discernible in German commerce documents such as Book in German, ''Die Inventur der Firma Fugger aus dem Jahre 1527'', curated by Strieder, year 1905, on page 98. The Fugger firm's office supplies include : Other small wooden furnishings : ... one signet stamp with silver inlay, two CALAMAL [meaning: the Italian word CALAMAIO, meaning inkwell] of walnut wood, one TARIFA signboard, three black writing tablets...German tarifa year 1527 and Book, ''Tariffa Oder Uncostbüchlein, von allen Wahren in Venedig'', year 1572, published at NürnbergGerman tariffa year 1572. Earliest known in French is tariffe in 1572, says tarif @ ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales'' (CNRTL). In 1572 in French the ''tariffe'' is a tabulation of money currency exchange rates.CNRTL.fr. The word is absent in medieval Spanish according to 550-page book, ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, 3rd edition, year 1998, does not contain the word tarifaMaíllo Salgado year 1998; the earliest known in Spanish is year 1680 to the knowledge of tarifa @ ''Breve Diccionario Etimologico de la Lengua Castellana'', by Joan Corominas, year 1973. This PDF file is also online at other websites.Corominas year 1973. Therefore Spanish tarifa has come from post-medieval French, Italian, and possibly Catalan. Regarding Catalan, it is very clear that this word is very scarce in old Catalan records online. I have heard it said that this word is unknown and unreported from Catalan until the late 16th century except for one isolated document in the early 14th century where the intended meaning is not scrutable. Assuming that is correct information, then the Catalan tarif[f][a] starts in the late 16th century and the isolated document 250 years earlier is neglectable. This implies the word in Catalan came from Italian.
  145. ^ tarragon

    The Arabic Book of Nabataean Agriculture, written in northern Iraq, dated 10th century, says: الطرخون al-tarkhūn is a savory herb (بقلة طيبة) and two kinds of it exist, one with a long leaf and the other with a round leaf, and it is propagated by its roots (جعل في أصولها) [i.e. by breakingly digging up and replanting its rhizomes], and you propagate it in the cold months of the year – كتاب الفلاحة النبطية @ AlWaraq.netref. The cookery book of Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq, dated 10th century, has food recipes involving طرخون tarkhūn as a savory herb – Book in English : ''Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's Tenth-Century Baghdadi Cookbook'', being translation of the medieval Arabic text by translator Nawal Nasrallah, year 2007. The book also has a glossary of Arabic culinary words. 19 pages in this book have the word tarragon.ref. Ibn al-Awwam, dated late 12th century, has طرخون tarkhūn listed together with mint, chicory-endive, rocket (arugula), basil, parsley, chard, and a few other small leafy plants of an ordinary vegetable garden – Book ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn al-Awwam, names the plant طرخون ''tarkhūn'' in the context of putting manure on garden vegetables. Does not describe the plant. In Arabic together with translation to Spanish by Josef Banqueri, year 1802, Volume One, on page 111.ref. Medicine recipes by Zakariya Al-Razi (died c. 930) have ورق الطرخون waraq al-tarkhūn = "tarragon leaves" as an ingredient – Multiple websites have a searchable copy of the medicine book الحاوي في الطب Al-Hawi fi al-Tibb by زكريّا الرازي Zakariya Al-Razi. This book has several recipes with الطرخون or طرخون.ref. Ibn al-Baitar's Book of Simple Medicaments and Foods is a compilation compiled in the 1240s, it is online الجامع لمفردات الادويه والاغذيه - ابن البيطار. See page 557-558.in Arabic and Translation by Joseph Sontheimer. Link goes to Volume 2 page 156, year 1842.German translation and Translation by Lucien Leclerc. Link goes to Volume 2 page 407, year 1881.French translation, and what it says is: طرخون tarkhūn is a herb that grows to a height of between a handspan tall and a forearm tall, has long narrow delicate leaves, and the leaves have a sharp piquant taste and "camphor-like" aromatic qualities, and the leaves can be dined on at table mixed with mint leaves and other herbs, but when tarkhūn leaves are chewed on in bulk they cause a numbing effect in the mouth. What that description describes is tarragon. Ibn al-Baitar gives brief excerpts from ten medieval Arabic commentators about the plant. Some of the excerpted commentators are only interested in the value of the numbing effect as a treatment for tooth-ache. The commentators are not totally consistent with each other in what they have to say, but they give no basis for interpreting the scope of the medieval plantname tarkhūn to have encompassed a plant beyond tarragon. Ibn Al-Baitar says tarkhūn is "a herb well-known among the people of the Levant". More than three centuries later, in the 1570s, a German visitor to the Levant, the botanist Leonhart Rauwolff, wrote that the local inhabitants in Lebanon used tarragon culinarily and they called it "Tarchon"Book in German, ''Der Raiß inn die Morgenländer'', by Leonhart Rauwolff, year 1582 on page 24 on line 8. Rauwolff says the vegetable food plants in the gardens in Tripoli in Lebanon include ''TRAGON, von innwohnern TARCHON genennet''. Rauwolff had studied botany at University of Montpellier in France. His German word ''Tragon'' was from French ''tragon'' meaning tarragon.ref.
  146. ^ tarragon

    In year 1548 an English botany book explaining Latin names in English said: "[Latin] Tarchon... is called with us [English] Tarragon. Some call this same herb Draconem hortense" – Book ''The Names of Herbes. By William Turner. A.D. 1548.'' Book re-issued in year 1881.ref. Around year 1292 in Latin, the medicines dictionary "Synonyma Medicinae" by Simon of Genoa has it spelled tarcon tarcon @ ''Clavis Sanationis sive Synonyma Medicinae'', by Simon Januensis, aka Simon of Genoa, dated c. 1292. The linked copy says on its last page that it was printed in year 1486.(Ref) and has the plant defined by saying what was written about it by the Arabic medical writer Avicenna, aka Ibn Sina (died 1037). Simon of Genoa had read Ibn Sina's medical book in Latin translation. The earliest in Latin for the plantname tarcon, and for the plant tarragon under any name, is in Ibn Sina's medical book translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona around year 1180. Ibn Sina's interest was in the tooth-ache treating, mouth-numbing effect caused by chewing large quantities of the leaves of tarragon. A more-often-used way to numb a tooth-ache was to chew the root of the plant Anacyclus Pyrethrum, whose plantname in medieval Latin was piretrum. That is why Simon of Genoa says tarcon is "herba piretri" (meaning it is a pyrethrum-like herb). The statement that tarcon is "herba piretri" is in later medieval Latin medicine books including Latin text : ''Questiones clarissimi philosophi prestantissimi medici Jacobi Forliviensis super... CANONIS Abin Haly Abin Sceni [i.e. Ibn Sina]'', by Jacobus de Forlivio (died 1414). At linked page 205+1 the text says : ''tarcon quod est saturegia vel herba piretri''. (Cf modern Satureja). At page 206 the text says : ''Tarcon... stupefacit large sumitur stupefacio'', meaning it numbs.year c. 1400 and ''Tacuinum Sanitatis'' is a medieval Latin book. A certain 15th-century manuscript of ''Tacuinum Sanitatis'' is kept at Rouen municipal library with archive number ''Leber 1088'' or archive number ''Rouen Ms 3054''. The manuscript has the words ''tarcon .i. herba piretri'' at top of page on folio page 10v. Link goes to a photo of page 10v. A catalogue page for the manuscript is at rnbi.rouen.fr/fr/notice/tacuinum-sanitatis-29 year c. 1450. Ibn Sina says: "They say that Anacyclus Pyrethrum (عاقر قرحا) is the plant root of a mountain species of tarragon (الطرخون الجبلي)" – ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحثref‑1, tarcon @ Cremona's Latin Ibn Sina, in liber-II tract-2ref‑2. But Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) says it is an error to think that tarragon (طرخون) is closely related to Anacyclus Pyrethrum (العاقر قرحا). The previous paragraph above (note #145) has Ibn al-Baitar and other Arabic.
    The mutation from the sound /k/ to the sound /g/ in going from the Latin tarcon to the Latinate tar(a)gon is something that has occurred within the Latinate languages on many other words. Early records for the tarragon plant in Italian include among others Book, ''Libro Secondo delle lettere scritte al signor Pietro Aretino'', year 1552 on page 185. Publishes a letter dated 28 April 1541 that says ''con le insalatine di targone, con li radici teneri'' = ''with the salads of tarragon, with tender roots''. Salad of tarragon means any salad where some tarragon leaves are added as a flavouring.1541 targone , Book ''Le herbe, fiori, stirpi... Aggiuntovi un libretto di coltivare gli horti'', year 1545 on page 38+1. Book is Latin-to-Italian translation by translator Pietro Lauro Modonese. Latin was published in 1536 under title ''De re hortensi libellus, vulgaria herbarum, florum ac fruticum'', written by Carolus Stephanus aka Charles Estienne. Latin version says: ''Tarco, vulgo du targon, herba veteribus incognita''.1545 tarco , Year 1546 poem ''La Coltivazione'' by Luigi Alamanni has ''targon'' meaning tarragon. The best culinary cultivar of tarragon seldom produces flowers. Any seeds resulting from its flowers are sterile. The plant is propagated by breaking up and replanting the roots. This fact is referred to in the poem ''La Coltivazione''.1546 targon , Book, ''De gli occulti miracoli ... della natura'', by Levinus Lemnius, year 1560 in Italian. Page 165 has a section headed ''Della natura & virtu della lattuga''. It says ''targone'' along with mint leaves and rocket leaves are mixed into lettuce leaves salads by some people.1560 targone , Book, ''Il Ricettario Medicinale Necessario à tutti i Medici, & Speziali'', edition published at Florence in year 1567. It is one of the editions of ''Ricettario Fiorentino''. On page 41 it says correctly that the leaves of Hyssopus Officinalis are visually similar to the leaves of tarragon. Its name for tarragon is ''targone''.1567 targone , ''Libro della natura et virtu delle cose che nutriscono'', by Bartolomeo Boldo, year 1576. ''Dragone'' means tarragon on page 48.1576 dragone. Florio's year 1598 Italian-to-English dictionary has Italian taracone translated as English "taragon" – Italian taracone @ John Florio's Italian-to-English dictionary, year 1598 edition. By the way, the year 1611 edition of Florio's dictionary lists an additional Italian spelling tarcone meaning tarragon.ref. In French the earliest known for tarragon is in wordform targon in year 1539 – estragon @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et LexicalesCNRTL.fr. Three 16th-century French writers with targon = "tarragon" are quoted at Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle7-volume dictionary by Huguet et al., years 1925-1967, where ''targon'' is in Volume 7 page 191. Altlink for the volumes : http://hdl.handle.net/1959.9/540235 . Late-16th-century French has the tarragon herb in the wordforms targon & tragon & Book in French : ''L' agriculture et maison rustique'', by Charles Estienne, year 1567 edition on page 73. It says ''targon'' is called ''estargon'' by gardeners. It says the character of ''targon'' resembles the herb rocket (arugula).estargon & estragon, where the prefix es- seems idiosyncratically at Wikipedia : Prothesis (linguistics)prosthetic.
    A Latin dictionary printed at Antwerp in 1577 said Latin tarchon is called in Dutch & French dragon and in Italian dragoncellotarchon @ ''Nomenclator, omnium rerum propria nomina variis linguis explicata indicans'', by Hadrianus Junius (died 1575), year 1577 edition on page 105ref. The Italian dragoncello, literally "little dragon", is in Italian meaning "tarragon" in Book in Italian : Pietro Andrea Mattioli's Commentaries on Pedanius Dioscorides's Materia Medica, year 1549, year 1551. Mattioli mentions the name ''dragoncello'' with meaning tarragon. He does so in the context of his commentary on the plant named ''Dragontea''. The Dragontea is a totally unrelated plant. The Dragontea is in Dioscorides's book.year 1549 and still today. Latin draconem hortense, literally "garden dragon", is in English in year 1548 meaning "tarragon" – it is quoted in a previous paragraph above. In the 18th century, some etymology writers believed that the European word for tarragon had arisen within Europe as a mutant of the classical Latin dracon_ = "dragon". That idea was connected with the fact that a totally unrelated plant named "dragon" & dragonce @ Middle English Dictionarydragonce & at Wikipedia : Dracunculus vulgarisdracunculus & at Wikipedia, Spanish edition : Dragonteadragontea & In English : δρακόντιον @ LSJ Lexicon of Ancient Greek. Plantname δρακόντιον literally means ''little dragon''. It is a diminutive of δράκων drakon = ''dragon''.δρακόντιον has been so named in Europe going back uninterruptedly to the botany writer Theophrastus (died 287 BC). Very few people continue to believe in that idea today. "It would be the sole example of Latin dr becoming tr in French." – estragon @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876Marcel Devic year 1876. Probably it would be the sole example of a Latinate tra becoming a French tar, if it were true that the French tragon had been the mother of the French targon. Meanwhile an Arabic tar becoming a French tra (i.e. the pathway: Arabic tarkhūn Latin tarcon + Italian targone French targon French tragon) has valid parallels in the Arabic loanwords in French abricot, cramoisi, grabeler. Likewise, Italian dragone = "tarragon" is judged to be a mutant from Italian targone = "tarragon".
    In year 1576 an Italian book about foods has dragone as the Italian name for tarragon and states: "In modern Greek ταρχόν [tarchōn] is the name with the same meaning" – ''Libro della natura et virtu delle cose che nutriscono'', by Bartolomeo Boldo, year 1576. ''Dragone'' on page 48.ref. Botanical name tarchon is absent in ancient Greek texts – search @ ''Thesaurus Linguae Graecae'' (''TLG''). Website requires visitor registration. Registration is free for Abridged version. After registering, navigate to ''Abridged TLG'' and select TEXT SEARCH of Abridged TLG and do search. Before or after doing the search, navigate to the TLG site's LSJ Lexicon of Ancient Greek, which is free and is not abridged.ref. It is almost absent in medieval Greek. It is absent in the big LBG lexicon of Byzantine Greek, year 2014 – ''Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität'' (''LBG''), year 2014. Website requires visitor registration. Registration is free for full access to the LBG lexicon.search @ LBG. Botanical tarchon is in Greek as a medicine in the book on foods & medicines by Symeon Seth (died c. 1110) – In Greek : Book on foods and medicines by Symeon Seth published in Greek under the book title Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus, year 1868, curated by Langkavel, ταρχόν on page 107ταρχόν on page 107. Symeon Seth was influenced by Arabic medical sources and his book has some other words that went into medieval Greek from medieval Arabic –  details  Symeon Seth's Greek book on foods & medicines is organized by head-words. The head-words include :
    [ in Langkavel's edition in year 1868 ]
    [at page 26] ἄμπαρ AMPAR from عنبر ʿanbar = "ambergris".
    [at page 33] γαξελιων GAZELION from غزال ghazāl = "gazelle".
    [at page 41] ζουλαπιον ZOULAPION from جلاب julāb = "julep".
    [at page 56] καρναβαδιον KARNABDION from قرنباد qaranbād | qarnabād = "caraway seed".
    [at page 58] καφουρά KAFOURA from كافور kāfūr = "camphor".
    [at page 72] νέτ NÉT from الندّ al-nadd = "medicinal combo of pleasant-smelling strong aromatics".
    [at page 107] ταρχόν TARCHON from طرخون tarkhūn = "tarragon".
    The very scant surviving biography info on Symeon Seth indicates that in some years in his life he lived in Arabic-speaking cities and consequently he was able to understand the Arabic language (Qui est Syméon Seth? par Antoine Pietrobelli, date 2016biography example).
    . Symeon Seth's Greek word tarchōn was taken from the Arabic tarkhūn. More notes at tarragon @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'' (''NED''), year 1919NED.
    The Arabic name طرخون tarkhūn does not look native in Arabic and especially its ending ون -ūn looks non-native. Conceivably, Arabic tarkhūn might have descended from an ancient Greek name for some other plant. According to today's most-established interpretations of the plantnames of the ancient Greeks, the ancient Greeks did not have any plantname meaning tarragon and they did not use tarragon. The same goes for the plantnames of the early medieval Latins, i.e. no plantname meaning tarragon.
  147. ^ zenith

    The astronomer Al-Battani's Kitāb Al-Zīj was translated to Latin around year 1140. The translator was Plato Tiburtinus. In the translation, Al-Battani's سمت الرأس samt al-raʾs = "top direction" was written down in Latin as zenith capitis and zenith capitum. The Latin capitis | capitum = "head (or top)" was a straight translation of the Arabic raʾs = "head (or top)". The Latin zenith was a mangling of the Arabic samt = "direction". In the same book translated by Plato Tiburtinus we have: the Arabic سمت مطلع samt motalaa = "direction to the rising sun" was translated as Latin zenith ascensionis (chapter 7); Arabic قد تعرف السمت qad ta'rif al-samt = "the direction can be made known by" was translated as Latin zenith sciri potest (chapter 11); Arabic سمت الجنوب samt al-janoub = "southern direction" was translated as Latin zenith meridianum (chapter 12) (where medieval Latin meridianus @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879meridianus meant "southern" and "mid-day"); etc. In other words, for Plato Tiburtinus zenith meant "direction" and did not mean "zenith". Al-Battani's Kitāb Al-Zīj in Arabic is at Link has searchable PDF format : البتاني - الزيج , aka كتاب زيج الصابئ.

    Copies in HTML format are at :
    , and its translation by Plato Tiburtinus is at Book published at Bologna in year 1645 titled ''Albategnius. De numeris stellarum et motibus'' and also titled ''Mahometis Albatenii : De scientia stellarum''. Includes a preface written by Plato Tiburtinus. The edition also has comments by Regiomontanus (died 1476). The linked copy has 190+ instances of ZENITH and 40+ instances of ''ZENITH CAPIT''.Ref.
    The Arabic astronomy writer Al-Farghani (died c. 870) was translated to Latin in the mid 12th century by translator Johannes Hispalensis. Al-Farghani has سمت الراس samt al-rās, which the 12th century translator put as zenith capitum and zenith capitis – ref: Book in Arabic : ''Elementa Astronomica'' by Alfraganus, aka al-Farghani, publication year 1669. In its Arabic section, it has سمت الراس on Arabic page 20 line 18, Arabic page 21 lines 4 & 12 & 15, and Arabic page 22 line 5.

    This publication also has translation of the Arabic into Latin by translator Jacobus Golius (died 1667). Golius's translation does NOT use the word zenith.
    Arabic pages 20-22
    and Book printed in year 1546, ''Alfragani astronomorum peritissimi compendium, id omnes quod ad astronomica rudimenta spectat complectens, Joanne Hispalensi interprete''. This is the Rudiments of Astronomy by Al-Farghani in the 12th century Latin translation by Johannes Hispalensis. It has ZENITH on pages 18, 19 & 20. Downloadable as PDF file.Latin pages 18-20. The Arabic astronomy writer Thabit Ibn Qurra (died 901) was translated to Latin in the late 12th century, in which Thabit's سمت samt = "direction" was put as Latin cenith | acenith, and in particular Thabit's سمت الرووس samt al-ruwwus was put as Latin cenith capitumBook, ''The Astronomical Works of Thabit B. Qurra'', curated by Francis J Carmody, year 1960, publishes texts in medieval Arabic side-by-side with medieval Latin translations. See pages 131 & 132. The relevant text of Thabit is titled تسهيل المجسطيRef.
    A direction that medieval astronomers often referred to was the samt al-raʾs = samt al-ruwwus = zenith capitis = cenith capitum = "top direction, highest upwards direction". The Latin zenith capit__ is in 13th-century astronomy in Johannes de Sacrobosco (died c. 1245) Text ''Tractatus de Sphaera'' by Johannes de Sacrobosco. It includes the statement : ''Est autem meridianus circulus quidam transiens per polos mundi & per zenith capitis nostri.'' = ''Indeed the Meridian is a circle which passes through the earth's poles and through our overhead zenith.''(Ref), Albertus Magnus (died 1280) zenith capitum @ ''De Natura Locorum'' by Albertus Magnus(Ref), Roger Bacon (died 1294) zenith capitis @ ''Opus Majus'' by Roger Bacon(Ref), and pseudo-Masha’allah (late 13th) ''Pseudo-Masha’allah, On the Astrolabe : A Critical Edition of the Latin Text with English Translation'', curated and translated by Ron B. Thomson, year 2014. Messahalla is a Latin compiler and author who wrote under the pseudonym ''Messahalla'' in 2nd half of 13th century. Some parts of his compilation are taken from 12th century Latin. Search Latin text for ''cenith capit__''. The English translation puts it as ''overhead zenith'' and ''zenith overhead''.(spelled cenith). Concurrently, Sacrobosco (died c. 1245) in his text De Sphaera also dropped the capitis and used zenith alone to mean the zenith capitis. Sacrobosco's De Sphaera was an introductory text on astronomy. It was influential because it was the most read introduction to the subject in the late medieval centuries in Europe. Sacrobosco's De Sphaera has occurrences of zenith at ''Tractatus de Sphaera'' by Sacrobosco. It includes the statement : ''Est autem zenith punctus in firmamento directe suprapositus capitibus nostris.'' = ''Indeed the zenith is a point in the firmament directly above our heads.''ref, Link goes to a page in ''Tractatus de Sphaera'' by Johannes de Sacrobosco. The word ''zenith'' is on this page on lines 4, 11, 13, 18, 22, & 23.ref, Link goes to another page in ''Tractatus de Sphaera'' by Sacrobosco. The phrase ''zenith capitis'' occurs three times on the page, and the same page has also ''zenith'' without ''capitis''.ref, In English: ''The Sphere of Sacrobosco'', being Sacrobosco's ''De Sphaera'' translated to English by Lynn Thorndike, year 1949ref, Book in Latin and in English, ''The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its commentators'', curated and translated by Lynn Thorndike, year 1949alt-link.
  148. ^ zenith

    This paragraph has eight notes on the question of how Arabic سمت samt got re-shaped and mangled into Latin zenith. This paragraph is about phonetics only. The semantics of zenith was covered in three paragraphs at #147 above. (#1) Zenith starts in Latin in Plato Tiburtinus in his Arabic-to-Latin translation of Al-Battani's Al-Zīj. Plato Tiburtinus was a native of Italy and was a resident of Catalonia when he translated Al-Battani. The letter combination -mt- does not occur at all in medieval Italian nor medieval Spanish words. You can see that by machine-searching for mt in medieval texts. In medieval Catalan, except for the word comte | comtat, -mt- was scarcely used. In Latin, the letter combination mt is quite scarce and all the words that have it have a clear-cut syllable separation between m and t :: e.g. Latin dumtaxat is pronounced DUM  TAXAT, e.g. commonly-used word sumpta occurs in lesser-used variant sumta pronounced SUM  TA. A notional Latin wordform samt|zemt|zemth would be strange and alien in medieval Latin, in southern Europe particularly, because the syllable -mt- was very rarely or not at all in use. It would have a dissonant sound. Meanwhile, the syllable and letter combination -nt- is very common in Latin. (#2) At about the same time as Plato Tiburtinus, about 1140s, another Arabic-to-Latin astronomy translator located in Iberia put the Arabic samt into Latin as sunt and zunt, and he has Latin zunt Mech = "direction to Mecca" and zunt capitis = "top direction" Book downloadable as PDF file, ''Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo'', by José Millás Vallicrosa, year 1942. The 12th-century Latin text is in Appendix I on pages 261-284. Page 263 has Latin ''sunt alraz''. Page 276 has ''zunt capitis'' and ''zunt Mech''. More ZUNT via index on pages 358 & 360. Arabic author Ibn Al-Ṣaffār (died 1035). Translator Johannes.(ref pages 261-284). With date assessment about the same time, about 1140, an Arabic-to-Latin astrology translation in Iberia put the Arabic samt into Latin as Latin cent meaning direction cent @ ''Arabic and Latin Glossary'' by Dag Nikolaus Hasse and others, year 2013. This glossary quotes Latin ''cent'' meaning ''direction'' in Arabic-to-Latin translation attributed to translator Johannes Hispalensis (lived c. 1140s). The Arabic text is المدخل الكبير = ''Introductorii maioris'' by Abu Ma`shar aka Albumasar (died c. 886), and the text was curated by Richard Lemay in year 1995.(ref). About a century later, Al-Battani's Al-Zīj was translated to Spanish in the 1260s and in that translation the Arabic samt was put into Spanish 105 times as zonte Full text of ''Cánones de Albateni'', dated 1260s, at HispanicSeminary.org. Text uses Spanish ''zonte de la cabeça'' for the Arabic samt al-raʾs.(ref). (#3) There are numerous instances of change from sound /m/ to sound /n/ in medieval Italian and Spanish. E.g. medieval & modern Italian sontuoso = medieval & modern Spanish suntuoso = English "sumptuous" from classical Latin sumptuosus and a parallel change occurs with the words "exempt", "prompt", "redemption" etc; and a different kind of example is Italian autunno = Spanish otoño = classical Latin autumnus = English "autumn" and a parallel change occurs with the words "damn", "condemn" etc. Classical Latin dumtaxat is often in medieval Latin search @ ''The Latin Text Archive'' (''LTA'') @ LTA.BBAW.de. Altlink : corpus search @ lower left box @ http://www.monumenta.ch/ , a corpus of early medieval Latin texts.duntaxat. (#4) If you were given a notional wordform SEMT and you wanted to alter it to improve it as a Latinization, you could do so by changing it to SENT or SEMIT, or SENIT. For the insertion of the vowel, see the cases of Arabic sifr Latin zephirum and Arabic rijl Latin rigel, which are on this page elsewhere. Or you could opt for a notional Latin wordform SENTUS, which would be acceptable and regular-looking in Latin. SEMTUS would be borderline. (#5) Conversion or re-spelling from Arabic ت 't' to Latin 'th' was somewhat frequent in Latin. An example is late medieval Latin Athanor was a type of furnace. A dozen instances of Latin athanor are in the book ''Alchemiae quam vocant Artisque Metallicae'', year 1572, which is a collection of Latin alchemy texts by uncertain and various authors, who are date-assessed 14th & 15th centuries.athanor from commonplace medieval Arabic التنّور al-tannūr with same meaning. Other examples in medieval Latin are azimuth, carthamus, colcothar, turbith, each covered elsewhere on the current page. Some Latin manuscripts spell it zenit. Plato Tiburtinus's own spelling might have been zenit although the spelling zenith is found early and more often. (#6) Zenith is spelled cenith in 12th & 13th century Latin in a number of texts – ''The Astronomical Works of Thabit B. Qurra'', curated by Carmody, year 1960, has 12th century Latin ''cenith'' on page 131e.g. , Book, ''Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo'', by José Millás Vallicrosa, year 1942. The book's Appendix 2 is titled ''Tratado de astronomía de Al-Hasan ben al-Haytham, en traducción latina''. The Latin text in Appendix 2 is dated 13th or else late 12th century. It has numerous cenith and ''cenith capitis'' and ''cenith capitum'' on pages 291, 294, 295.e.g. , Book, ''Pseudo-Masha’allah, On the Astrolabe: A Critical Edition of the Latin Text'', curated by Ron B. Thomson, year 2014. The Latin text is a 13th-century compilation. The linked edition collates a large number of variant medieval manuscripts. It is searchable for variant wordforms cenith, cenit, zenith.e.g.. (#7) The vowel in Arabic samt was pronounced short and it was probably pronounced in Arabic as all of SAMT, SEMT, SUMT, SOMT. (#8) Without evidence, an old claim, carried on by some more recent pundits Article about ZENITH in Brill's ''Encyclopaedia of Islam'', first edition, year 1934, volume IV, page 1225. The article cites and endorses a claim made about the word zenith by Jacobus Golius, who died in 1667.(e.g.), is that the wordform zenith in Plato Tiburtinus's text had originally arisen through some kind of a copier's scribal error. But this is an unlikely idea because the word occurs more than a hundred times in the text. It is unlikely that Plato Tiburtinus was replicating it from somebody preceding him, because he is one of the earliest translators of Arabic astronomy and he is the earliest of the reliably-dated users of this word. According to more than one pundit, a Latin astronomy wordform cemt|zemt existed, which, they claim, was "misread and miswritten" as cenit|zenit. But they do not give a citation to a Latin text using wordform cemt|zemt and they do not seem to be aware that cemt|zemt would be dissonant in medieval Latin in Italy and Iberia. The wordform cenit|zenit does not have a phonetically irregular piece when you derive it directly and deliberately from samt, and so there is no warrant to suppose it came into being as a mis-transcription of an unevidenced prior Latin wordform.
  149. ^ zero

    Book: The Introduction and Spread of the Hindu-Arabic Numerals, by Smith and Karpinski, year 1911, on pages 57 to 60: pages 57-60 are within a chapter titled ''The Symbol Zero'', pages 51-62Online. It quotes the following from mathematician Brief biography of Leonardo PisanoLeonardo Pisano in year 1202 in Latin: "the figure with symbol 0, which in Arabic is called zephirum" (page 57). It cites Brief biography of Piero BorgiPiero Borghi in 1488 saying Italian zefiro means "null", "nought" (page 59). In Italian in the 14th & 15th centuries there were a half dozen words or bigly different wordforms meaning "zero". None of them was dominant. The earliest known for wordform zero is in a 6-page arithmetic text titled Regoluzze. One of the copies of Regoluzze is in a physically 14th century manuscript and its text is probably validly attributed to author Paolo Dell'Abbaco (died c. 1367). Regoluzze is ''Regoluzze di maestro Pagolo Astrolago'', 6 pages, copied from the 14th-century Manuscript # 2511 at Biblioteca Riccardiana library. Text has ''zero'' and ''zeri'' meaning zero. Its author's declared name is Pagolo Astrolago which is equal to English ''Paul the astrologist''. He is probably the same person as Pagolo del'Abacho = Paolo dell'Abbaco (equals ''Paul the user of the abacus''), who lived in Florence and died about 1367.online.
  150. medieval latin plantnames ^ a  ^ b

    The Arabic predecessors of almost all of those Latin plantnames can be seen in Arabic as encyclopedia entries in Book Two of The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina (died 1037). A searchable Arabic copy of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine in PDF format is at القانون في الطب لابن سيناFac.KSU.edu.sa and is also searchable at AlWaraq.net and ABLibrary.net, and is also online elsewhere. Most of the Arabic plantnames in Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine are summarily translated into modern English-Latin plantnames at Linked is a list of the Arabic plantnames in Book 2 of ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina (died 1037) with translation of the names into today's English-Latin plantnames. Year 2007. For a minority of Ibn Sina's Arabic plantnames, the meaning is underdetermined today. Translator's name is Khalil Nassar. He leaves about ten percent of the names untranslated. Sometimes he is educatedly guessing.Ref, The link has the same words that the other link has, but the ordering has been changed to a different alphabetical ordering of the words. These words are all the MATERIA MEDICA head-words in Book 2 of ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina. They are significantly less than all the MATERIA MEDICA words in ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina. But they are most of them.alt-link. In Arabic, The Comprehensive Book of Simple Medicines and Foods by Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) contains the Arabic parent names of all of the relevant Latin plantnames (no exception). Ibn al-Baitar's book usually has better descriptions of plants when compared to the descriptions in Ibn Sina or any other medieval source. A searchable PDF Arabic copy of Ibn al-Baitar's book is at الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارAl-Mostafa.com and also searchable at AlWaraq.net and elsewhere. Ibn al-Baitar's book was not translated to Latin in the medieval era, but it was translated to German and French in the 19th century – German translation in two volumes at Heil- und Nahrungsmittel von Ebn Baitar, aus dem Arabischen Uebersezt von Joseph Sontheimer, year 1840, volume 1vol 1, Heil- und Nahrungsmittel von Ebn Baitar, aus dem Arabischen Uebersezt von Joseph Sontheimer, year 1842, volume 2vol 2; French translation in three volumes at ''Traité des Simples par Ibn El-Beithar : Tome Premier'', translation by Lucien Leclerc, published in ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques : Tome Vingt-Troisième, Premièr Partie'', year 1877vol 1, ''Traité des Simples par Ibn El-Beithar : Tome Deuxième'', translation by Lucien Leclerc, published in ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques : Tome Vingt-Cinquième, Premièr Partie'', year 1881vol 2, ''Traité des Simples par Ibn El-Beithar : Tome Trosième'', translation by Lucien Leclerc, published in ''Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques : Tome Vingt-Sixième, Premièr Partie'', year 1883vol 3. In medieval Latin, nearly all of the plantnames in question can be seen in the late-13th-century medicinal botany dictionary by Simon of Genoa – ''Clavis Sanationis sive Synonyma Medicinae'', by Simon Januensis, aka Simon of Genoa, completed about year 1292online. A large majority are in the mid-15th-century Latin medicinal botany dictionary called the AlphitaThe linked ''Alphita'' dictionary is the version dated mid 15th century, published in Latin with footnotes in English by J.L.G. Mowat, year 1887. An earlier & shorter version of ''Alphita'' is published elsewhere.online. The plantnames are not found in Latin in early medieval or classical Latin botany or medicine books -- partially excepting a complication over the name harmala discussed below, and excepting galanga and zedoaria because they have records in Latin starting in the 9th or 10th centuries. In other words, nearly all the names were introduced to Latin after the Early Medieval period was over. Specifically they entered Latin in the late 11th through late 13th centuries. Nearly all of the names are in the Arabic-to-Latin medicine translations done by Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) or Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), and the very few not in those two translators are in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medicines book of Serapion the Younger dated later-13th-century Latin. The Serapion the Younger translation was done in Iberia by an unknown translator whose Latin medicines vocabulary is influenced by Gerard of Cremona's translations. The relevant works of those three medieval translators are online in 16th-century Latin publications: Works of Constantinus Africanus in Latin, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536, 400 pages. Volume 2 is at same website, but Volume 1 is enough for Constantinus's names of plants and medicines. Due to the copy's OCR and due also to the syntax of Latin, you have to search for substrings and not whole words. This means you have to download the whole book before searching in it.Ref, ''Liber Canonis'' by Avicenna aka Ibn Sina (died 1037), translated by Gerardus Cremonensis aka Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187), with annotations by Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis (died c. 1521), in print edition year 1555. Essentially same book in edition year 1544 is at: books.google.com/books?id=edJUAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA89 Ref, ''Aggregatus in Medicinis Simplicibus'' AKA ''Aggregatoris de Simplicibus Commentarii'', by Serapion the Younger, in print edition year 1531. The text goes from page 1 to page 308 (whereas the pages after 308 are from a completely different author). Many parts of the Latin text make excellent match with an Arabic text by Ibn al-Wafid (died c. 1070). The name ''Serapion'' was introduced by the Latin translation.Ref. In European languages, the early records for all of the relevant plantnames are in Latin. In most cases the plantnames arrived in Latin through books that were Arabic-to-Latin translations done by the above three translators in particular. A majority of the people who were the early users of the Latin names lived in Italy. When the names arrive in the records of the vernacular European languages, the source that they are arriving from is, in most cases, translations of Latin medicines books into the vernacular languages. In other words, the stream of records and wordforms shows that —with some exceptions— the names did not arrive in any vernacular language directly from Arabic. It is longstandingly known that the names arrived in Latin from Arabic. All of the names except one are included in the year 1876 Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale Book by L. Marcel Devic, ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', year 1876(online) (tends to be foggy on details). The following three dozen paragraphs have more references and information about the medieval Arabic usages and medieval Latin borrowings of the individual plantnames.
  151. ^ Plantnames of Serapion the Younger

    13th century Latin book The linked edition is year 1531. The text starts on page 1 and ends on page 308 (the pages after page 308 republish medicines material from other Arabic-to-Latin translations).Liber Serapionis Aggregatus in Medicinis Simplicibus, by Serapion the Younger, is an aggregation of commentary from various commentators about non-compound medicines ("simple medicines"). The Latin is a translation from Arabic. Arabic medicine names, most of them plantnames, are widely used throughout the Latin translation. The translation's medicine names are cataloged in "Les Noms Arabes Dans Sérapion, LIBER DE SIMPLICI MEDICINA", by Pierre Guigues, year 1905 in Journal Asiatique Article ''Les Noms Arabes Dans Sérapion « Liber de Simplici Medicina »'', by Pierre Guigues, in ''Journal Asiatique'' Série X tome V pages 473–546, year 1905tome V pages 473–546 with continuation in Article ''Les Noms Arabes Dans Sérapion « Liber de Simplici Medicina »'', by Pierre Guigues, in ''Journal Asiatique'' Série X tome VI pages 49–112, year 1905tome VI pages 49–112. The book by Serapion the Younger was well-circulated in late medieval Latin medicine circles -- that is illustrated in Pierre Guigues's article, and illustrated in some spots in note #150 above. Because it was well-circulated in Latin, it reinforced the usage of certain Arabic botanical medicine names in Latin. The Latin book was translated to Italian in the 14th century; the 14th-century Italian translation is available in Book in 14th century Italian, ''Liber Serapionis aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus : Nel volgarizzamento toscano del Codice Gaddiano 17 della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze'', transcribed and annotated by Maria Elena Ingianni, year 2013year 2013 transcription and annotation. The Latin text makes an excellent match with most parts of an incompletely surviving Arabic text Kitāb al-adwiya al-mufrada, compiled and written in Iberia by a person who was of the school of the medical writer Ibn al-Wafid (died 1067 or 1074; lived in Iberia). The medieval Arabic text was published in 1995 together with translation to today's Spanish, in two volumes (''Ibn Wāfid (m. 460/1067): Kitāb al-adwiya al-mufrada (libro de los medicamentos simples)'', edición, traducción, notas y glosarios, de Luisa Fernanda Aguirre de Cárcer, year 1995, volume I. Volume I has the Spanish translation. Volume II has the Arabic text.volume 1 is partially viewable). For the book in medieval Latin, the author's name "Serapion" was a false attribution done by an unknown Latin translator, but the name is now established and customary for the last 750 years. The cognomen "the Younger" was added by 19th century historians to distinguish Serapion the Younger from an unrelated earlier Arabic medicines writer named Serapion. The name Serapion the Younger is attached to only one book.
  152. ^ medieval Arabic plantnames

    Analysis and guesswork about Arabic medicinal plant names by Martin Levey reported by him in "Chapter III: Botanonymy" in his 1973 book Early Arabic Pharmacology: An Introduction.
  153. ^ Alpini's plantnames

    Prospero Alpini (died 1617) published his book De Plantis Aegypti = "On Plants of Egypt" in year 1592. The 1592 edition is at ''De plantis Aegypti'', by Prospero Alpini, year 1592Ref; a year 1640 reprint with supplements by other botanists is at ''De Plantis Aegypti'', by Prospero Alpini, supplemented with observations and notes by Melchior Guilandinus and Johannus Veslingius, year 1640Ref. Early adopters of Alpini's new botanical names included the botanists Carolus Clusius (died 1609), Johann Bauhin (died 1613), Caspar Bauhin (died 1624) and Johann Veslingius (visited Egypt in the late 1620s; died 1649). The following four items are four of Alpini's new Latin plantnames. The four were grown in Egypt with artificial irrigation and were native in Tropical Asia. Ibn al-Baitar in his Compendium of Simple Medicaments and Foods, dated 1240s, has the names لبلاب lablāb and ملوخيا molūkhīā but they only refer to the common Mediterranean plants, and Ibn al-Baitar does not mention the uncommon Tropical Asian ones under any names (so it seems); nor does he mention habb el-misk or abelmosk under any name, according to standard interpretations of the plant names of Ibn al-Baitar; and Ibn al-Baitar's plant name بستان أبروز bustān abrūz is not Abrus, and the Abrus plant is not in Ibn al-Baitar under any other name, according to standard interpretations of Ibn al-Baitar's plantnames, although a potential minority of names are underdefined and could be open to differing interpretations – Ibn al-Baitar's book is translated to German with title ''Heil- und Nahrungsmittel ...von... Ebn Baithar'', by translator Joseph Sontheimer, year 1840-1842, in two volumes. For the last 70 pages of Volume 2, Sontheimer gives a list of the Arabic plantnames in Ibn al-Baitar together with Sontheimer's translation of these names into modern Latin plantnames.ref, Ibn al-Baitar's book is translated to French by translator Lucien Leclerc, years 1877-1883, in three volumes. The link goes to Volume Three where there are indexes for Ibn al-Baitar's plantnames in French and Latin and Arabic. The indexes refer to the three volumes. The other two volumes are at :
    , Ibn al-Baitar's book in Arabic الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref. None of the above four Tropical Asia plants is present under any name in the medicines book of Ibn Sina (died 1037), according to today's interpretations of the plantnames of Ibn Sina – The linked page has a list of the Arabic plantnames in Book 2 of ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina (died 1037) together with translation of the names into today's international botanical Latin names. Year 2007. For a minority of Ibn Sina's Arabic plantnames, the meaning is underdetermined today. Translator's name is Khalil Nassar. He leaves about ten percent of the names untranslated. Sometimes he is educatedly guessing.ref, The link has the same words that the other link has, but the ordering has been changed to a different alphabetical ordering of the words. These words are all the MATERIA MEDICA head-words in Book 2 of ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina. They are significantly less than all the MATERIA MEDICA words in ''The Canon of Medicine'' of Ibn Sina. But they are most of them.alt-link. The same null result occurs in the agriculturalist Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200), the geographer Al-Mas'udi (died 956), and in some other medieval Arabic writers who were capable of being in the know. Hence, and especially because Ibn al-Baitar is comprehensive, it seems these four Tropical Asian plants did not arrive in the Middle East until very late in the medieval era. None of the four is on record with the Latins until Prospero Alpini.
    Another botanical name introduced by Prospero Alpini from Arabic from Egypt is Latin sesban meaning today's Description of the plant Sesbania sesban, at WorldAgroForestry.orgSesbania Sesban from Arabic سيسبان saīsabān | saīsbān with the same meaning. Ibn al-Baitar has this name with this meaning. Ibn al-Baitar says: the saīsabān leaves are like the leaves of the chickpea plant, the saīsabān flower is yellow and comparable to the flower of the gorse plant, it produces a leguminous pod the length of a handspan – سيسبان saīsabān | saīsbān on page 483 in Ibn al-Baitar's book in Arabic الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref. Which is a good description of today's Arabic saīsabān and today's English sesban.
    Another name without a record in Latin until Alpini's book of plants of Egypt is Alpini's Latin sophera, and it is the birthplace of today's technical botany name Article, ''A plant review of Cassia sophera'', by SK Aminabee and RA Lakshmana, year 2012 in ''International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences''Cassia Sophera, a plant which grows natively in Tropical Asia and is used in traditional medicine in India. Alpini must have got sophera from an Arabic word, but it is uncertain what word it was. Because Cassia Sophera's flowers are a showy yellow, a decent guess is the Arabic صفيرا safīrā | sufaīrā, a name whose rootword means "yellow" and which as a plantname has designated various plants with a yellow feature (In Arabic : The agriculture book ''Kitāb al-Filāha'' by Ibn Al-Awwam (died c. 1200), in edition curated by JA Banqueri in year 1802, in Volume One on page 399. Page 399 has three instances of plantname الصفيرا safīrā | sufaīrā. The three instances designate two unrelated plants. (This plantname is also in Ibn Al-Baitar's book with multiple meanings).examples).
  154. ^ Forsskal's plantnames

    Peter Forsskål, aka Petrus Forskål, was a student of Arabic language as well as of taxonomy. His published plant and animal descriptions have the underlying Arabic names as well as his Latinizations of them. These are in his books Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones animalium ... quæ in itinere orientali (1775). Accompanying those two books are artist's drawings of the plants & animals, but the drawings were printed separately under the book title Icones rerum naturalium, quas in itinere orientali depingi (1776).
  155. ^ azarole and retama

    English "acerola" is a vaguely cherry-like fruit from Tropical America. The name comes from Spanish acerola = "acerola cherry", which comes from Spanish acerola | azerola | azarola | azarolla = "haw fruits of the Mediterranean at Wikipedia : Azaroleazarole hawthorn tree", which descends from medieval Arabic الزعرور al-zuʿrūr | az-zaʿrūr = "azarole haws primarily; and secondarily Mespilus medlars, small crab-apples, and haw-like fruits". The Arabic is in the usual medieval Arabic botany sources such as الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. Page 405-406 for زعرور.Ibn al-Baitar, Book of Agriculture by Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200), in Arabic, together with translation to Spanish, year 1802, Volume One (of two volumes), where الزعرور is on about 8 different pages and is the subject of a section begining on page 405.Ibn al-Awwam, Word زعرور searchable in book ابن سينا -- القانون في الطبIbn Sina, and medieval Medieval Arabic زعرور handled under a rootword زعر @ Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, year 1867Arabic general-purpose dictionaries. From the Arabic word, medieval Latin medicinal botany books have zarur | alzarur | zaror meaning the azarole haw and haw-like fruits – Latin ''zarur'' and Latin ''alzarur'' are in Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine translated Arabic-to-Latin by Gerard of Cremona, late 12th century Latin, translating Ibn Sina's الزعرور al-zuʿrūr. Link is year 1544 printing in Latin.ref, ''Zarur'' is in the Latin medicines book ''Antidotarium'' by pseudo-Mesue. Authorship of this book is complex and has been disputed. Late-13th-century dating of the Latin is not disputed. It has been demonstrated that some parts of the Latin text were copied from Gerard of Cremona's Latin translation of Ibn Sina (late 12th century Latin). Link is year 1513 printing.ref, Headword ZAROR @ ''Pandectarum Medicinae'' of Matthaeus Silvaticus, in Latin written in Italy, dated about 1317. It says ''zaror'' is called ''mespilus'' in classical Latin. Link is year 1488 printing.ref. In 14th-century Italy in Latin the medicines writer Matthaeus Silvaticus has the azarole haw under the heading ZAROR and in that context he says that zarola and azarola are plant variants growing in Iberia – Headword ZAROR @ ''Pandectarum Medicinae'' of Matthaeus Silvaticus, in Latin written in Italy, dated about 1317. It says : ''...est alia species zaror in regionibus hyspanie..... hanc speciem latini vocant zarola.... Et est alia species quem in hyspania nascitur... & ista est azarola.'' Link is year 1488 printing.ref. The word and wordform azarolum | azarole | az[z]arola was newly adopted in the 1540s & 1550s by certain French and Italian botanists – they are quoted at DEAD LINK. Article ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia), 25e article'', by Raymond Arveiller, year 1996 in journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'' Volume 112 on pages 256-259. The article was reprinted in year 1999 in book Addenda au FEW XIX, on pages 639-641.Ref, but it remains unclear where they had adopted it from. In Spanish in any wordform this word is very rare in writing until the 17th century. Its rarity in Spanish is demonstrated by its absence at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (''CORDE'')CORDE and search @ HispanicSeminary.orgHispanicSeminary. Nevertheless the modern botanical Latin azarolus and English azarole is usually classed as descending from the very rare vernacular Spanish azarola incorporated into Europe-wide botany nomenclature in the 16th century, and not classed as descending from the medieval Latin zaror.
    The Latin & English botany name Retama is a modern name in Europe outside Spain, and comes from a Spanish name for broom bushes. Retama has numerous records in 15th century Spanish. It came from Arabic رتم ratam with the same meaning. It is listed in medieval Arabic general-purpose dictionaries with the same meaning and is in the plantnames dictionary of Abu Hanifa Al-Dinawari (died c. 895) – Medieval رتم @ Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (died 1876)ref , Downloadable Book, ''Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion'', by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986. Has ''ratamah'' (رتمة) on page 254.ref.
  156. ^ argel & seyal

    Argel and seyel are plants that grow natively in desertous Egypt (and elsewhere). The name argel was brought into international technical botany in the early 19th century by the French botanist Raffeneau Delile, who visited Egypt and cataloged Egyptian plants. The parent name of argel was Arabic أرجل arjel according to Delile's published report in year 1812 – The volume ''Description de l'Égypte, Tome SECOND'' by various authors, year 1812, has a chapter titled ''Florae Aegyptiacae Illustratio'' by Alire Raffeneau Delile. It has Argel on page 56 on last line of page. The same volume has a chapter titled ''Flore d'Egypte. Explication des Planches'' by Alire Raffeneau Delile. It has Argel on pages 197-198.ref. But according to later people the true name in Arabic was الحرجل al-harjel. Delile in the same publication in year 1812 also introduced the technical name Acacia Seyal, naming a certain species of Acacia tree, with the species name taken from Arabic السيال al-seyāl.
  157. ^ alchimilla

    The word alchimilla occurs in 16th century Europe with the core meaning of today's Alchemilla ''Onomastikon Medicinae'', by Otto Brunfels, year 1543, is a medicinal botany dictionary. It has Latin plant ''alchimilla(m)'' which it says is ''unser frawen mantel'' = ''our Ladies Mantle''. An earlier edition of this dictionary, year 1534, does not contain the word alchimilla -- ref: archive.org/details/bub_gb_ESfLPx28tYAC (e.g.), John Gerarde's botany book in English in year 1597 has Alchimilla on page 802(e.g.). Reporters today agree it came from Arabic, but they do not agree about how.
  158. ^ misc plantnames

    Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876, has the Arabic parent names for Abutilon, Alhagi, argan (aka Argania), Averrhoa, Avicennia, bonduc, fagara and lebbeck. Additional remarks for each of those names are in Remarques sur les Mots Français Dérivés de l'Arabe, by Henri Lammens, year 1890.
  159. ^ moussaka

    The food-recipe-name moussaka is common in all areas that used to be part of the former Ottoman Turkish empire. The Turkish musakka is eaten warm. The Arabic مسقّعة musaqqaʿa is usually eaten warm and is usually much like the Turkish musakka. In bygone centuries in the Levant and Egypt it was also another aubergine-based recipe eaten cold. The form of the Arabic name is strongly native-looking in Arabic. Numerous commentators have agreed with an assessment that, with high likelihood, the Turkish name came from the Arabic name, and not the other way around. Within Arabic it might be rootwise related to صوقعة ṣaūqaʿa = "the upper layer or protective cap of something, and the upper layer of a soupy porridge in which crumbled bread is soaking in broth" Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword صقع at page 1707 column 3, in Volume 4, year 1872. The link is a HTML page for downloading all eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon as PDF files. Altlink: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/ (ref: page 1707 column 3), plus the Arabic noun prefix mu-. Or it might be connected with Arabic صقّع ṣaqqaʿa = "to be covered with white frost and to cover or decorate a cake with icing" صقّع @ AlMaany.com Modern Arabic-English Dictionary(ref), plus the Arabic noun prefix mu-, plus the recipe fact that the commonest traditional mousaka recipe has a top layer of white sauce.
  160. ^ camlet

    In late medieval English, camlet was a costly fabric, it was not made in Britain, it has plenty of records, but the records do not deliver a definition in terms of raw material or fabrication. Among wealthy people in Britain the cloth called chamelet | chamlet | camblet | camlet was in widespread use in the 15th-17th centuries. Sets of examples in late medieval English and British-Latin are in chamelet @ The Middle English Dictionaryref, camelotus @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013ref, camlet @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Has a collection of quotations for the English word in use in the 15th to 17th centuries.ref, Book, ''Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York : wardrobe accounts of Edward the Fourth'', curated by NH Nicolas, year 1830. Edward the Fourth was a king of England. He died in 1483. His daughter Elizabeth of York died in 1503. These expense accounts have two dozen instances of ''chamelet'' or ''chamlet'', but they do not give it much definition.ref. The use of the name has been in steep decline for a few centuries now. The name is rootwise the same as French camelot cloth. In Catalan and Spanish late medievally it was spelled camelote | chamellote | xamellot. The Catalan records start 13th century. The earliest European records are in Italian-Latin in the early 13th century. Wordforms in Italian-Latin included camelotus and clamelotus, but in vernacular Italian the wordforms were usually ciambellotto | giambellotto | zambelotto. The /b/ after /m/ in ciambellotto was an Italian insertion and has parallels with some other words in medieval Italian Book ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 401 in footnotes #315 to #317, says -mm- changing to -mb- is abundantly documented in medieval southern Italian. Footnote #316 cites an article ''Capitoli per la storia linguistica dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia: I. Gli esiti di -nd-, -mb-'', by Alberto Varvaro, in journal ''Medioevo Romanzo'', volume VI, year 1979.(ref).
    One of the word's earliest records in Latin Europe is at Genoa in 1216 as "mantellum meum cameloti " = "my mantle cloak of camlet cloth" – Book in Latin, ''Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #2, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951. (Volume is part of the series ''Notai Liguri''). It has ''cameloti'' year 1216 on page 129. The word also occurs three other times in the book, with dates 1225 and 1226. Altlink at www.storiapatriagenova.it/BD_vs_sommario.aspx?Id_Collezione=7 ref. Camlets from the port city of Tripoli in the Levant are mentioned in Latin at Genoa in 1222, in England in 1235, in central France in 1241, and in each case a luxury cloth is indicated in the context. The year 1222 record in Genoa where the camlet is from Levantine Tripoli is: "peciam de clameloto nigro de tripuli et peciam unam de cendati grane obertini de ultramare et mantellum unum de clameloto com perlis" = "piece of black camlet of Tripoli and one piece of cendal silk dyed in grain untranslated word obertini from the Eastern Mediterranean and one cloak of camlet with pearls" – Book, ''Liber Magistri Salmonis, Sacri Palatii Notarii, 1222-1226'', curated by Arturo Ferretto, published in year 1906 as Volume XXXVI of the series ''Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria''. Clamelot__ on page 149-150, and on other pages.ref. The Latin in England in 1235 is "iiij camelotos nigros de Tripoli " – camelotus @ Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (''DMLBS''), year 2013. The dictionary names its sources through abbreviations which are defined at www.dmlbs.ox.ac.uk/web/dmlbs%20bibliography.html ref (''DMLBS''). The wordform in France in 1241 is Latin "camelotis de Tripe" – Article ''Compte des dépenses de la chevalerie d'Alphonse comte de Poitiers (juin 1241)'', publishes a Latin text dated 24 June 1241, curated by Edgard Boutaric, year 1853. The Latin has four instances of ''camelot__''.ref – where Tripe meant Tripoli in Levant During the 12th-13th centuries, the Tripoli area was under the control of the Latin Crusaders. The Crusaders called it The County of Tripoli and area's governor they called The Count of Tripoli. Search the Internet for the 12th-13th century phrase ''cuens de Tripe'' OR ''conte de Tripe'' meaning the Count of Tripoli.(ref). In 1239 the wardrobe department of King Frederick II of Sicily ordered camellottos from the port city of Acre in the Levant – The year 1239 Latin document is cited in the article ''Camlet Manufacture, Trade in Cyprus and the Economy of Famagusta from the Thirteenth to the Late Fifteenth Century'', by David Jacoby, year 2012, in footnote #34.ref. About year 1280, a French ballad has the two rhyming lines: "cendauz d'Acre et d'Aumarie / et biauz The French plural camelots was often written CAMELOS or CAMELOZ, whereas the singular stayed CAMELOT in the same writers. The 1280 balladeer having ''camelos'' for ''camelots'' has also ''gavelos'' for ''gavelots'' and has ''garros'' for ''garrots''. camelos de Surie " = "cendal silks of Acre and Almeria / and beautious camlets of Syria" – French long ballad ''Escanor'' by Girart d'Amiens is dated around 1280ref. The Latin writer Burchard of Mount Sion visited the Levant about year 1283 and he reported about Tripoli city: "It is very populous.... They do much work on silk there. I have heard it for certain that the weavers of silk and cameloti and suchlike are abundant there." – Text in Latin, ''Descriptio terrae sanctae'' by Burchardus de Monte Sion, published in book ''Peregrinatores medii aevi'', curated by J.C.M. Laurent, year 1864, reprint 1873, ''cameloti'' on page 28ref. Tripoli and Acre were under the control of the Latin Crusaders at that time. The Crusaders were ousted from Tripoli and Acre in 1289-1291. In the wake of Tripoli's capture by the Muslims, the Muslims halted industry and commerce in Tripoli for a number of years because many locals had been politically aligned with the Crusaders. Consequently, some of the camlet-makers of Tripoli relocated to Famagusta city in Cyprus, the evidence for which is in Article, ''Camlet Manufacture, Trade in Cyprus and the Economy of Famagusta from the Thirteenth to the Late Fifteenth Century'', by David Jacoby, in the book ''Medieval and Renaissance Famagusta'', year 2012.Ref. Because 13th-century Tripoli was a producer and exporter of silk cloths, there is a plausible speculation that the camlets of 13th-century Tripoli were made of half-silk – more about that in a few minutes. Records in France in the 15th century have camlets explicitly made of silk, including year 1453 "camelot de soie", 1467 "camelot de soye vert... camelot violet de soye", 1480 French-Latin "camelloto de serico", 1483 "une robe de camelot de soye" – ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', Volume One, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on page 263 has references for year 1453 ''camelot de soie'' and year 1467 ''camelot de soye''ref, Book (PhD Thesis), ''Costume et dispositif vestimentaire à la cour de Philippe le Bon, de 1430 à 1455'', by Sophie Jolivet, year 2003. Has seven occurrences of ''camelot de soie''. The reference ''ADN, B'' means ''Archives Départementales du Nord (Lille), Série B''.ref, Text in medieval Latin, ''L'Inventaire du trésor de la Sainte-Chapelle, dressé en 1480'', curated by Vidier, year 1907, in ''Mémoires de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris'' Volume 34. This inventory has CAMELOTO or CAMELLOTO of silk on pages 278, 279, and 282.ref, Article, ''Inventaire des biens de Charlotte de Savoie'', curated by Alexandre Tuetey, year 1865. Charlotte de Savoie died in 1483. Her personal belongings were inventoried when she died. In the inventory, ''camelot de soye'' occurs nine times.ref. In the 13th and 14th century in Italy the camlets are often listed alongside fabrics that are silks, without saying the camlets are silks, and inference can be made that some sort of half-silks is what these camlets probably were. An early example is year 1240 Sicily Latin: "pannos ad aurum, cammeloctos subtiles et grossos, cendatos de Tripulo" = "cloth with golden metal threadwork, camlets fine and coarse, cendal silk of Tripoli" – cammeloctus @ ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on pages 150-151ref. In Sicily before 1312: "de A lightweight and smooth silk cloth. It has spellings cindatus = cindalum = cendatum = cendalum = sendalum @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin.cindatis, aurifilato, chamillotis, et omnibus pannis sericis et aureis laboratis" = "of cendal silks, golden metal threadwork, camlets, and all cloths of silk and golden metal thread embroidery" – same ref. Latin in Sicily in 1279: "A cloak of camillocto lined on the inside with red cendal silk" – Book, ''Inventaires de maisons, de boutiques, d’ateliers et de châteaux de Sicile (XIIIe-XVe siècles)'' Volume II [of six volumes], by Bresc-Bautier & Bresc, year 2014. On page 363, dated February 1279: ''mantellum unum de camillocto infoderatum cindato rubeo''. This volume also has fifteen instances of CHAMILLOCT__ with dates in 14th century.ref. Latin at Genoa in 1225: "A cloak of cameloti lined with violet cendal silk" – Book in Latin, ''Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #2, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951. (Volume is part of the series ''Notai Liguri''). On page 295 it has year 1225 ''mantellum cameloti furati... de cendato violeto''.ref. Italian at Florence in 1356: Robes having dual components [medieval dimezzato @ TLIO lexicondimezzate], namely, of simple samit silkBook The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice, by Luca Molà, year 2000, presents info about samit cloths made of half silk on pages 162-166. The info is extracted from primarily the silk-making Guild Regulations at Venice. The late medieval samit cloths sometimes were made with a Weft of silk fiber interweaved with a Warp of a non-silk fiber. Other samits in the same time period were made with silk in both Weft and Warp. or of more elaborate samit, or being of samit and wool, or of samit and 'drape' of silk, or ciambellottoFlorence city had laws against wearing sumptuous clothes, including ''ciambellotto''. Around year 1356, the laws were revised in Latin and translated from Latin to Italian. Their texts are in book ''Uno Nuova Lingua Per Il Diritto: Il lessico volgare di Andrea Lancia nelle provvisioni fiorentine del 1355-57'', curated by Federigo Bambi, year 2009, having ciambellotto on pages 88-89 and 104-105.ref, Book, ''Legge suntuaria fatta dal comune di Firenze l'anno 1355 e volgarizzata nel 1356, da Ser Andrea Lancia'', curated by Pietro Fanfani, year 1851, having Italian ''ciambellotto'' on pages 9 & 21.alt-ref – whose ciambellotto in its context may be a half silk. Other examples where camlets are mentioned in close association with silks in 14th century Italian are at TLIO = Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiciambellotto @ TLIO and Book ''La Pratica della Mercatura'' by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti (died 1347), in Italian, with annotations in English by Allan Evans, year 1936ciambellotti @ Pegolotti's Mercatura. Pegolotti's Mercatura, dated roughly 1340, indicates ciambellotti is imported to Italy from Levantine Tripoli, Cyprus, Armenian Cilicia, Antalya city, Constantinople, and Tabriz city (in Azerbaijan). Pegolotti says the ciambellotti on sale in Brindisi in southern Italy comes from oltramare = "the Eastern Mediterranean". In Catalan language in 1284 is camelotz d'outramar = "camlets from the Eastern Mediterranean" – Book, ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by R.J. Alart, year 1881, ''camelotz d'outramar'' on page 80 in a tax tariff at Perpignan town dated 1284.ref. One of the word's first records in Europe is in year 1205-1206 in a memorandum belonging to the pontificate records of Pope Innocent III (died 1216): The memorandum has a list of luxury goods that are stated as having been brought from ultramarinis = "Eastern Mediterranean", and the list includes camelotos along with pannos saracenicos = "Saracenic cloths", and ligno aloes = "aloeswood", and other imports from the Eastern Mediterranean – Book in Latin : ''Die Register Innocenz´ III : 8. Band :: 8. Pontifikatsjahr 1205/1206'', curated by Hageneder & Sommerlechner, year 2002. The book consists of 218 memoranda recorded in the 8th year of the pontificate of Pope Innocent III. Page 234 has ''quinquaginta et duos camelotos''.ref, Internet search for string ''quinquaginta et duos camelotos'' will surface the medieval text in 18th and 19th century publications. alt‑link. The very earliest instance of the word I have seen is "camellotos ii de Roaxe" in year 1205 at Genoa in a notarized commercial contract in which Saracenal bisants meant gold coins issued by either the Latin Crusader government in the Levant or by a Saracen government. ''Bisanti saracenali di Siria'' were gold coin issuances of the Crusaders. "Saracenal" gold coins were contractually transferred at the same time – Book in Latin, ''Notai Liguri del Sec. XII : Giovanni Di Guiberto (1200-1211)'' Volume 2, year 1940. Latin text has ''inplicare in camellotos'' on page 124. The previous sentence in the same paragraph has ''bis. .vi. saracenales'' which means six bisant gold coins issued by either the Latin Crusader government or by a Saracen government.ref, At linked page you should see a list of book titles and http links and you should be able to get a copy of ''Giovanni di Guiberto (1200-1211), tomo II'' curated by Hall-Cole, year 1940, having ''camellotos'' on page 124.alt-link. "Roaxe", a rare wordform, is surely the same thing as what was commonly called by the Latin Crusaders "Rohais", "Roais", "Roase", which was a city and county in the northern Levant –  details Medieval Italian-Latin letter 'x' was pronounced /s/ or /z/, including at Genoa. The Genoese Latin author with Roaxe has also Sancto Ambroxio for Sancto Ambrosio (Saint Ambrose). So Roaxe was pronounced ROASE. Medieval Italians normally did not pronounce letter 'h', and they commonly deleted 'h' in spellings too. Thus the name ''Rohais'' got written ''Roais''. It was also written ''Roase''. 12th-13th century Latin Crusader records have lots of instances of Rohais, Roais, Rohas, Rohez, Rohes, Roase, Rhoasse, etc, meaning a county and city in northern Syria (today in Turkey near the Syrian border). This city was called Edessa in ancient Greek & Latin. It was called Edessa sometimes in medieval Latin. The Crusader Jacobus de Vitriaco (died 1240) wrote in Latin: "The city Edessa is noble... now it is commonly called Roase " – Book ''Historia Hierosolymitana'' by Iacobus de Vitriaco aka Jacques de Vitry (died 1240), within the volume ''GESTA DEI PER FRANCOS, Sive Orientalium Expeditionum'', edition year 1611 on page 1068, where text says: ''Est autem Edessa civitas nobilis... nunc autem vulgariter ROASE nuncupatur.''ref , Book ''Orientalis, sive Hierosolymitanae'' by Iacobus de Vitriaco (died 1240), in an edition in year 1596, contains a post-medieval appendix written in year 1596. This appendix on page 462 says Edessa was also called Rhoas and Rhoasse and Roase. See also page 62.alt-ref. The Crusader William of Tyre (died c. 1190), writing in Latin, used the name Edessa, and he mentions this name about 125 times in his history of Crusader warring in the Levant Book ''Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum'', by William of Tyre, dated 1184. The linked page gives the frequencies of the words whose stem is Edessa__. This includes Edessam, Edessani, Edessanus, etc.(ref), but when his book was translated from Latin to French in early 13th century the name used in the French was Rohez and Rohés (Book, ''Guillaume de Tyr et ses continuateurs, texte français du XIIIe siècle'' Volume 1, year 1879ref , Book, ''Guillaume de Tyr et ses continuateurs, texte français du XIIIe siècle'' Volume 2, year 1880ref). The population size of the city was around 10000 around year 1200, according to one modern guess. Many of the population were Christians at that time. The surrounding county was named after the city.. About 250 years later, a mid-15th-century Italian treatise about the silk industry in Florence has ciambellotti clearly meaning a silk or half-silk, and clearly it was being made in Italy at that time – Book by an anonymous mid-15th-century author, curated by Girolamo Gargiolli year 1868. Search text for six instances of ciambellotti up as far as page 124, which is the last page of the treatise.L'Arte della seta in Firenze: Trattato del secolo XV.
    Other medieval records have camlets explicitly said to be made of "wool". In 1333 a trade treaty was signed between the Republic of Venice and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. It has a clause in Latin about the export from Armenian Cilicia of pannorum de zambellotis = "camlet cloths" and it has a separate clause about the export of lanam de zambelotis = "camlet wool" – Book ''Le Trésor des Chartes d'Armenie'', compiled by Victor Langlois, year 1863. It prints the year 1333 trade treaty on pages 193-194. Supplementarily, page 191-192 prints a memo by a Venice diplomat in Armenian Cilicia in year 1332-1333 and the memo indicates zambellotti are made in Armenian Cilicia for export by sea. Alt‑edition: books.google.com/books?id=7Rq8gT8RIssC ref. Pegolotti's merchant report (1330s) says that on sale in Cyprus is lana da fare ciambellotti = "wool for making camlets", which in context cannot mean ordinary wool, though he does not describe what it is – search @ ''La Pratica della Mercatura'', by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, dated roughly 1340, in Italian, with annotations in English by Allan Evans, year 1936ref. Descriptions of camlet "wool" are available from 15th century sources. In 1474 an Italian traveller in far-southeastern Turkey said the local people have "capre... di quella lana fanno li ciambellotti " = "goats... from whose wool they made camlets" – Giosafat Barbaro journeyed through Siirt district in today's southeastern Turkey on his way to Persia in the 1470s. His travel narrative is in English translation under book title ''Travels to Tana and Persia'', year 1873. The link has the translation only, where the English word is CHAMLETTS.ref-1, Giosafat Barbaro's Travel to Persia in 1473-1478, print year 2015, being the original text in Italian with translation to Russian by I.V. Volkov (И.В. Волков). Barbaro's word is ''ciambellotti'' and/or ''zambellotti | zambelotti''. Link downloads searchable PDF file. Another Italian edition is under title ''Viaggio di Iosafa Barbaro''.ref-2. In 1477 a Latin description of sea-commerce on the south coast of Turkey mentions "pannoque hircinae lanae, quem Zambilotum dicunt " = "and goat's-wool cloth, which is called camlet" – Book, ''De Petri Mocenici Imperatoris Gestis'', by Coriolanus Cepio (aka Coriolano Cippico; died 1493), year 1477, republished in year 1544, where page 9 has ''Zambilotum''. This book overall is about war between Venetians and Ottomans in the 1470s. (By the way, this item about ''Zambilotum'' is cited by W Heyd year 1886 volume 2 page 704).ref, Petri Mocenici imperatoris gestorum libri tres, versio electronicaalt‑link. In the late 15th century several Italian commerce writers mention camlets being exported from Ankara city in Central Turkey –  details  Italian merchant Jacopo de Promontorio (died c. 1487) lived for years in Turkey and he says "città di Angori " = "city of Ankara" is the key place where they make "giambellotti turcheschi " = "Turkish camlets" – Text ''Recollecta nella quale è annotata tutta la entrata del gran Turcho'' by Jacopo de Promontorio (died c. 1487) is published in Italian in ''Die Aufzeichnungen des Genuesen Iacopo de Promontorio de Campis über den Osmanenstaat um 1475'', curated by Babinger, year 1957ref. Two notarized commercial transactions at Genoa in Italy in 1492 have Latin "Clamellotorum Angori " = "of camlets of Ankara" – ''Atti della Società Ligure di storia patria'' Volume XLVII, year 1915, on pages 289 and 290ref. Commerce writer Bartholomeo di Pasi at Venice in 1503 says on sale in Istanbul is "zambelot[t]i dangori ", meaning camlets from Angora city aka Ankara city – Book ''Tariffa de pexi e mesure'' by Bartholomeo di Paxi [aka Pasi] da Venetia [aka Vinetia], year 1503 edition. Search for word DANGORI.ref. None of those authors discloses what the Ankara camlets were made from, but authors of the 16th century make it clear that the camlet-making industry in Ankara was based on fine goat-hair from Definition at Wikipedia : Angora goatAngora goats living in the Ankara area.. The camlet-making industry at Ankara city was based on the fine goat-hair of the Angora goat, a goat breed propagated in the countryside surrounding Ankara. One description of the Ankara camlets is by Pierre Belon who visited Turkey in the 1540s and wrote in French: The goats of this country [i.e. Central Turkey] bear a wool so delicate that one would judge it to be finer than silk.... All the finer Chamelots, watered, or unwatered, of most excellent beauty, are made from the wool of these goats.... The city of Angouri [i.e. Ankara] is today the city most renowned in this country for the great traffic in Chamelots.... The goats from which they take the fine wool to make the Chamelots are not found in South Central Turkey.Travel book in French, ''Les Observations...'' by Pierre Belon. Search it for chamelot(s). Pierre Belon visited Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean in the years 1546-1549 and published his observations in 1553.ref. Back in the 14th century, the Italian-Latin "camlet wool" in Armenian Cilicia, cited above, surely means the fine goat-hair produced in Central & Eastern Turkey, and the same document's "camlet cloth" surely means cloth made partly or wholly from the fine goat-hair. There is no sign of fine goat-hair getting produced in Europe anywhere during medieval centuries. Also there is no sign of fine-goat-hair breeders in Arabic countries either. In the 14th & 15th centuries, the camlet-making industry in Cyprus exported camlets to Egypt in substantial ongoing quantities, which can be seen in trade records Article, ''Camlet Manufacture, Trade in Cyprus and the Economy of Famagusta from the Thirteenth to the Late Fifteenth Century'', by David Jacoby, in the book ''Medieval and Renaissance Famagusta'', year 2012. Search the article for 22 instances of the word Egypt or Egyptian, also 8 instances of word Cairo and 7 for Alexandria.(ref). Although those trade records lack explicitness about how the camlet cloth was made in Cyprus, nothing about those trade records undermines the interpretation that the Cyprus camlets contained the Turkish fine goat-hair as a component material.
    TLIO, linked above, gives two medieval quotations where the camlet is said to be made from camel hair, and the year 1650 etymology dictionary of Gilles Ménage gives another at camelot @ ''Les Origines de la Langue Françoise'', by Gilles Ménage, edition year 1650 on page 776, quoting [Marcus] Paulus Venetus, better known as Marco Polo of Venice (died 1324). Menage also quotes from Aelian (died c. 235 AD). Aelian says the people living near the Caspian Sea have camels with fine hair from which excellent clothing is made.Ref (reiterated in zambilottus @ Du Cange, quoting [Marcus] Paulus Venetus, better known as Marco Polo of Venice (died 1324)Du Cange). But all of those are quoting from the same source, the Asia travel book of Marco Polo (died 1324). Marco Polo was talking about camlets he saw in central China. He said concerning the region in which these camlets were made, namely Tangut region in central China: it is agriculturally "very fertile" and it has "many cities". That was not camel country. Bearing in mind that some of the statements about China in Marco Polo are provable outlandish falsehoods, 19th century English translators of Marco Polo have commented that what he may have seen in China may have been made from fine goat-hair – Word ''camblets'' in main text on page 314 and footnote #5 on same page in book ''A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 1'', year 1811ref, Word ''camelots'' in main text on page 139 and footnote #2 on same page in book ''The Travels of Marco Polo the Venetian'', year 1908ref, Word ''camlets'' in main text on page 247 and in a footnote on the next page in book ''The Book of Ser Marco Polo'' Volume 1, year 1871ref. In any case, there is not even one reliable medieval record of a camlet worn or sold in Europe that was made from camel-hair, and it is crystal clear that it was not usually made from camel-hair. In modern times, high quality cloth is made from camel-hair, but it is made exclusively from the hair of the two-humped camel, which is not the type of camel that was in general use in the medieval Middle East. Cloth of the one-humped camel's hair was used by the Arabs in bygone centuries for tent coverings and suchlike, but nobody made high quality clothes out of it. It is true that high quality clothes have been made from the two-humped camel's hair in Central Asia since ancient times. But that is not a license to jump to a conclusion that the rootword of cameloto was the word for camel. Marco Polo is the only medieval source who reports camlets made from camel-hair and he was talking about camlets in China only. If what he said was true, you could not extrapolate it to mean it was true in the Mediterranean region even once.
    This long paragraph shows that medieval French camelin was a cloth with different semantics from the medieval French camelot, and the name camelin was from a different rootword. A set of examples of the camelin | kamelin cloth in 13th-14th century France is in Book, ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', volume one, by Victor Gay, year 1887, camelin on page 261Gay's Glossaire (year 1887). The French begot 13th century Spanish camelin, a word less frequent in Spanish than in French. Notably includes year 1268 Spanish camelin de Gante e de Lilia = "camelin cloth from Ghent city and Lille city" – Book ''Cortes de los antiguos reinos de León y Castilla'', Volume 1, year 1861, prints medieval documents. It has ''camelin'' on pages 65 & 66 & 67 in a document of king Alfonso X in 1268.ref, camelin & camelines @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español''alt‑ref. Merchant diaries in Florence have year 1278 Italian kamellini di Lilla and year 1292 chammellino di Lilla = "camelins from Lille city" – cammellino @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO) quotes ''kamellini di Lilla'' in a diary of a Florentine merchant in 1278-1279ref, Lilla @ ''Deonomasticon Italicum: Dizionario storico dei derivati da nomi geografici'', by Wolfgang Schweickard, Volume 2, year 2006. Cites ''chammellino di Lilla'' in 1292 at Florence in a merchandise diary ''Libricciolo'' of a merchant Bene Bencivenni (died 1326), this diary having been published in the book ''Nuovi Testi Fiorentini del Dugento'' curated by Arrigo Castellani year 1952.ref. In Venice in year 1265 is camelino de Lilla = "camelin from Lille" and camelino parisino = "Parisian camelin" = "camelin from Paris" – Book, ''Scorsa di un lombardo negli archivj di Venezia'', by Cesare Cantu, year 1856. Appendix F on pages 173-175 has a price-list for cloths on sale at Venice in year 1265. Page 174 has ''Camelino parisino'' and ''Camelino de Lilla''. Page 173 has the date ''millesimo ducentesimo sexagesimo quinto''.ref. British-Latin in 1237 has camelinis de Cambrey (Cambrai town near Lille) – camelinus @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013. At linked page, you have to click on the label DMLBS in order to see the DMLBS content. The DMLBS dictionary uses abbreviated identifiers for its medieval sources and these are defined at www.dmlbs.ox.ac.uk/web/dmlbs%20bibliography.html ref {DMLBS}. French at roughly 1275 has camelin de CambraiPhrase ''camelin de Cambrai'' is in a two-page text called ''De l'Apostoile'', where it occurs along with ''saie de Bruges'', ''esquarlate de Gant'', ''pers de Provins'', etc, each a kind of cloth. The two-page text is at folio 71 in a 13th-century manuscript kept at Bibliothèque Nationale de France with archive number 19152. Folio 71v has ''camelin de cambrai'' at center of 5th line at linked page.ref. A different French writer at around the same time has camelins de Cambrai''Le Couronnemens Renart'' is a poem dated between 1250 and 1288. It is one of the versions of ''Roman de Renart''. Edition curated by Méon in year 1826, in Volume IV of Méon's collection of Renart versions, where ''camelins de Cambrai'' is on page 56.ref. French at roughly 1300 has les camelins... de Valenciennes (town 30 kilometers from Cambrai) – Text, ''Tarif des marchandises qui se vendaient à Paris à la fin du XIIIe siècle'', curated and dated by Douët d'Arcq, year 1852 in journal ''Revue Archéologique'', on page 220. INCIDENTALLY page 223 has a ''camelot de Rains'' and I read it as an error and it should be ''camelin de Rains''.ref. French in 1276-1277 has camelin bought at Douai, and French in 1316 has un camelin de Douai (Douai town is 30 kilometers from Cambrai) – Text, ''Extrait d'un compte de dépenses de 1276 à 1277 de Gui de Dampierre, comte de Flandre''. Published in volume ''Compte rendu des séances de la Commission Royale d'Histoire, ou Recueil de ses Bulletins. Tome II'', year 1838. Page 147 has ''drap camelin pris à Douai''.ref, A French ballad dated year 1316 contains the line ''Et un camelin de Douai''. The ballad has been published with the title ''La Contesse d'Anjou'' (year 1920, curated by Zubke) and also has been published with the title ''Le roman du Comte d'Anjou'' (year 1931, curated by Roques). The ballad's author is named Jehan Maillart.ref. Year 1281 Italian-Latin Book, ''Forschungen zur Geschichte von Florenz'', Volume 3, year 1901, compiled by Robert Davidsohn. Page 32 has year 1281 ''camellini de Duagio'' and page 176 has year 1326 ''panni camellini de Duaco'', which means camelin cloth from Douai town.camellini de Duagio et Lillee means camelins made at Douai and Lille. A French manuscript dated approx late 13th century has Chamelins named as one of the types of cloth made at Saint-Quentin (town 40 kilometers from Cambrai) – Book, ''Les manuscrits françois de la Bibliothèque du roi'', volume IV, on page 17, year 1836, gives the customary lengths of the cloth rolls of named cloth types made at named towns in Flanders & north France. Lengths are in ell units. The lengths info is copied from a late 13th century manuscript.ref. French in 1323 has quamelim nay d'Amyens, meaning camelin from Amiens (town 80 kilometers from Cambrai) – Article, ''Fragments du grand livre d'un drapier de Lyon (1320-1323)'', curated by Paul Meyer, year 1906. The same document has also cloths of ''quamelin'' and ''quamelim'' brought to Lyon from other named towns in north France and Belgium. The meaning of French ''nay'' is uncertain; compare with adjective ''naïs'' = ''nays'' @ http://atilf.fr/dmf/ref. Catalan-Latin in 1307 has camelins from Amiens – Book ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by R.J. Alart, year 1881, on page 86 has year 1307 text : ''iiii. pecias pannorum dAmens mesclatz vocatorum camelins'' (where ''mesclatz'' = mixed = various colors). Text on same page has cloths from Brussels, Mechelen, Ypres, Ghent, Paris.ref. Spanish in 1283-1284 has camelines d'Ipre meaning Ypres (town 100 kilometers from Cambrai) – ''Historia del reinado de Sancho IV de Castilla'', volume 1 [of 3 volumes], by Mercedes Gaibrois de Ballesteros, year 1922, appendix APENDICE DOCUMENTAL : ''Cuentas y gastos de Rey Don Sanchos IV''. The appendix page iv has ''camelines'' six times. This document on the previous page has Hispanic Caesar Year Number MCCCXXI, which is standard year number 1283.ref. The 1283-1284 Spanish document with the camelins from Ypres has on the same page camelines de Gante and camelines de Lila, meaning Ghent and Lille. The Florence merchant's diary with the year 1292 chammellino from Lille has also 1286 & 1295 cham(m)ellino d'Orci, which is the town Orchies, 30 kilometers from Lille and 40 kilometers from Cambrai – Orchies @ ''Deonomasticon Italicum: Dizionario storico dei derivati da nomi geografici'', by Wolfgang Schweickard, Volume 3, year 2009. Cites ''chamellino d'Orci'' in years 1286 and 1295 in a merchandise diary ''Libricciolo'' of a merchant Bene Bencivenni (died 1326), this diary published in the book ''Nuovi Testi Fiorentini del Dugento'' curated by Arrigo Castellani year 1952.ref. Year 1319 French camelin blanc de Broisselles = "white camelin from Brussels" – Book ''Mahaut, Comtesse d'Artois et de Bourgogne'' [died 1329], by J-M Richard, year 1886, on page 185 quotes camelin blanc in year 1319. The book has camelin blanc on several other pages also.ref. Year 1323 quamelin vyolet de Brucella = "violet camelin from Brussels" – Article, ''Fragments du grand livre d'un drapier de Lyon (1320-1323)'', curated by Paul Meyer, year 1906. The same document has also ''quamelin de Malines'' which is Mechelen town west of Brussels. Also has ''quamelim d'Uy'' which is Huy town east of Brussels. Also has ''quamelim de Provyms'' = Provins town east of Paris.ref. Year 1347 camelini viridis de Brussella = "green camelin from Brussels" – Latin written in duchy of Savoy in year 1347 published in article ''Bianca di Savoia e la sue nozze con Galeazzo II Visconti'', in journal ''Archivio Storico Lombardo'', year 1907 on pages 25-26ref. Latin in 1278 has camelini de Chalono and French in 1319 has camelin de Chalons (which is Châlons town in northeast France 180 kilometers from Cambrai) – In Latin : ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume TWO, annotated by Louis Blancard, year 1884, on page 406 has year 1278 ''camelini de Chalono'' in an inventory of cloths for sale at Marseilleref, Book ''Mahaut, Comtesse d'Artois et de Bourgogne'' [died 1329], by J-M Richard, year 1886. Page 184 in footnote #3 has year 1319 ''camelin de Chalons''.ref. In the 13th century in north France and Belgium, camelin is mentioned in Guild Regulations of woolens clothmakers at the towns of Châlons (1244), Paris (1270), Saint-Omer (1250-1325), and Ypres (1280 & c. 1300) – Book ''Documents relatifs à l'histoire de l'industrie et du commerce en France'', Volume 1, curated by Fagniez, year 1890. Has ''camelin'' regulated at Châlons on page 151 and at Paris on pages 225-226 and 271. Page 271 has ''quamelin'' 3 times. Linked copy includes ''canielins'' as OCR error for ''camelins''.ref-1, Book, ''Recueil de documents relatifs à l'histoire de l'industrie drapière en Flandre: Première Partie: Tome Troisième'', curated by Espinas & Pirenne, year 1920. ''Camelin'' in guild regulations at Saint-Omer and Ypres on pages 243, 456 & 497.ref-2, Book ''Réglemens sur les arts et métiers de Paris, rédigés au 13 siècle, et connus sous le nom du Livre des métiers d'Étienne Boileau'', curated by G-B Depping, year 1837, prints the Paris guild regulations. Spellings are camelin and quamelins.altlink. The guild regulations at Châlons in year 1244 say you must not make camelin cloth unless the wool has been dyed beforehand ''On ne doit faire... camelin, se taint en laine non'', says the Châlons cloth-makers guild regulations (ref). In southwest Germany at the town of Speyer in year 1298, pannus dictus kemelin = "cloth called kemelin" was subject to local regulations on the weight and length of the roll of cloth – Book, ''Urkunden zur Geschichte der Stadt Speyer'', curated by Alfred Hilgard, year 1885, publishes the year 1298 cloth-making regulations, which are in Latin, having ''kemelin'' on page 156 on line 13ref. Which means the kemelin was being made in Speyer at that time. Also in southwest Germany, the length of a locally-made roll of kembelin | kemelin was regulated at Strassburg in 1401 and at Obernheim in 1424 – Book ''Die Strassburger Tucher- und Weberzunft: Urkunden und Darstellung'', curated by Gustav Schmoller, year 1879. It publishes the Strassburg regulations of year 1401, in which German ''kembelin'' is on page 22a (line 6). It also publishes the year 1424 Obernheim cloth-making regulations, in which German ''kemelin'' is on page 344 (paragraph 5).
    The word kemelin/kembelin is in the book eleven times.
    .  ¶ One of the very earliest European records for camelin is year 1202 in the expense accounts of the king of France, in which the royal household paid for robes of camelino trimmed with vair fur – Latin text headlined ''Compte general des revenus tant ordinaires qu'extraordinaires du Roi pendant l'an 1202'', curated by Nicolas Brussel in year 1727 in Volume Two of Brussel's ''Fiefs en France'' collection of medieval documents. The Latin text has : ''Roba de camelino furato de ver.... Capa camelini furata de minuto vario'', where Latin var & vario meant vair squirel fur.ref (in Latin). The vair fur was expensive. It was fashionable as trimming on expensive outerwear. However, the 13th-14th century camelins were normally not trimmed with vair fur or other luxury extras. The camelin cloth was ordinary daily outerwear for monks and nuns in France – e.g. Set of rules for a monastic organization newly created in southwest France in year 1229. The rules allowed wearing cloths of ''estamfort albus'', ''camelino'' and ''burello'', and prohibited wearing sumptuous clothes. The rules are in Latin in ''Voyage Litteraire de Deux Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur'', year 1717, SECONDE PARTIE page 29. Rules titled ''Regula magistri et fratrum B. Jacobi''.Latin soon after 1229 , Article, ''Comptes relatifs à la fondation de l'abbaye de Maubuisson'', curated by Henri de l'Épinois, year 1858 in journal BEC. It prints expenditure records at an abbey for women (a nunnery), located in a Paris suburb, dated 1237-1242. Page 564 has year 1242 ''camelin a chapulaires'', where chapulaires = scapulaires = scapulars = woolen cloaks of a style worn by medieval monks of either sex. Altlink: The article is downloadable as PDF file at search @ www.persee.fr .Latin in 1242 , Article, ''Sur un passage difficile de Rutebeuf (Chanson des Ordres vv. 49-50)'', by Félix Lecoy, year 1964 in journal ''Romania''. On pages 370-371, it gives two quotations for the camelin cloth worn by Beguine nuns in France. The first is ''camelins'' in an anonymous balladeer dated 1318. The second is ''camelino'' in the author Robert de Sorbon, who died in 1274.Latin before 1274 and French in 1318 , Book, ''Mahaut, Comtesse d'Artois et de Bourgogne'', by J-M Richard, year 1886, on pages 412-413, prints an inventory of cloths bought at Saint-Omer town on 8 October 1335. The inventory includes ''un camelin à cordeliers''. ''Cordeliers'' were monks of the Franciscan Order. Some info about the cordelier monks living near Saint-Omer town is in the same book on page 90.French in 1335 ; and Book ''La vita dei Veneziani nel 1300: Le vesti'', by B Cecchetti (died 1889), year 1886 on page 51. It quotes year 1268 Latin ''robam... camelino'' in an unpublished manuscript in the archives of the Monastery of San Lorenzo of Venice. It quotes year 1291 Latin ''clericus indutus de camelino'' (a cleric wearing camelin) in an unpublished manuscript held in the Archives of the State of Venice.Latin in Italy in 1291. Camelin was preferentially chosen for wearing when riding on horseback – camelinus @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS''), year 2013. At linked page you have to click on the label DMLBS before you can see the DMLBS content. The dictionary quotes year 1262 ''tercia [roba] de camelino ad equitandum''.Latin in 1262 , Latin in duchy of Savoy in year 1347 has : ''Pro quatuor ulnis camelini de Brussella... pro corseto ad equitandum pro damoysella.'' Published in article ''Bianca di Savoia e la sue nozze con Galeazzo II Visconti'' in journal ''Archivio Storico Lombardo'', year 1907, on page 25.Latin in 1347. In far-north France in 1307, camelin cloth was bought for making the jackets of hunters and falconers – ''Glossaire Archéologique'' Volume One, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on page 261, quotes ''camelin'' in year 1307 in a financial account book maintained for the countess of Artoisref, Book, ''Mahaut, Comtesse d'Artois et de Bourgogne'' [died 1329], by J-M Richard, year 1886, on page 169, on the last two lines of the pagealt-ref. In 1316 the king of France ordered jackets of "kamelin à bois", a phrase meaning it was suitable for wearing when going out into woodlands; and in the same year the same king ordered jackets made of camelin for the archers at his hunting estate – Book, ''Comptes de l'argenterie des rois de France au XIVe siècle'', curated by L. Douët-d'Arcq, year 1851. Search for camelin and kamelin.ref. In French in 1379, the daily working clothes of sheep-herders included leggings made of camelin, and upper-body coats of camelin – ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age'' Volume One, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on page 443, gives a long quote from Chapter 8 of the book ''Le Bon Berger'' by Jean de Brie, written in year 1379. Quote includes: ''Le berger doit avoir chausses de blanchet gros ou de camelin.'' Semantics of 14th-century textile noun ''blanchet'' is in Gay's Glossaire on page 160, and ''chausse'' is on page 351.ref, Book ''Le Bon Berger'' by Jean de Brie, written in year 1379, has word CAMELIN three times. In year 1879 printing on page 71, the sheep-herders wear coats made from camelin cloth, and on top of their coats they wear a vestment made of canvas cloth and the purpose of the canvas is to keep out rain.altlink. Such usages indicate it was a tough, hardwearing cloth. In the 13th-14th centuries the camelins occur in numerous listings in which the adjacent clothnames in the list are cloths made exclusively from sheep's wool. Such lists sometimes have the prices of the camelin and the woollen cloths – Book, ''La Draperie des Pays-Bas en France et dans les Pays Méditerranéens, XIIe - XVe siècles'', by Henri Laurent, year 1935. The table on pages 76-77 has the names and prices of cloths on sale at Venice in year 1265. Cloth names on page 76 have explanatory footnotes on page 77.example in 1265 , Article, ''Cloth Exports of Flanders and Northern France during the Thirteenth Century'', by Patrick Chorley, year 1987, on pages 349-379 in a journal. See Table 1 page 352 (anno 1268). See footnote #37 page 370 (anno 1281). See Table 9 page 367 (anno 1293). For those three price lists (anno 1268, 1281, 1293), Patrick Chorley is summarizing medieval documents that are freely online elsewhere and contain greater details.examples in 1268, 1281 & 1293 , In Latin : ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume TWO, annotated by Louis Blancard, year 1884. Page 406 has ''camelini de Chalono'' within a price list that starts on page 405. In the price list, cloth dyeing costs may be a factor in the price differences.example in 1278. These contexts taken with overall historical knowledge of the clothmaking industries of north France and Belgium, including the camelin in the woolens-clothmaking Guild Regulations in four towns cited above, imply that the camelin was made exclusively from sheep's wool. The relative prices imply it was a high quality woolen cloth, but was not in the luxury category (except when garnished with vair fur or other frills). Also, in general, it was not expensively dyed. The commonly mentioned colors for camelin cloths are "white" (which might sometimes mean "not yet dyed"), "grey", "brown", and "off-white" (Search at Books.Google.com : Search for ''camelin gris'' OR ''gris camelin''. Search for ''camelin brun'' OR ''brun camelin''. Also ''camelin blanc'' OR ''camelins blans'' OR ''camelin blanchet'' OR ''camelino albo'' OR ''camelini albi''. Etc.examples).  ¶ In England in year 1257 there is Latin kamelino ultramarino, where ultramarino means "from the far side of the sea". That item in England should be interpreted as talking about the far side of the North Sea, and not the far side of the Mediterranean Sea. That interpretation is allowed by the definition of ultramarino in Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (''DMLBS''). Consistent with that interpretation, the British Latin "kamelino ultramarino" occurs within a set of documents that contains in the same year a document with "This item is in a year 1257 document that is printed in year 1932 at Volume 10 page 93 of ''Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III''. Volume 10 covers reign years 1256-1259. Snippet views into Volume 10 are at link. You can also find this item being mentioned in the DMLBS dictionary at the dictionary's headword CAMELINUS.camelino de Caumbrey", which means the camelin made in Cambrai. There is not a genuinely reliable record of camelins manufactured outside the area of Belgium and north France and southwest Germany in the 13th-14th centuries. In contrast, the camelots in the 13th-14th centuries, until late 14th, were manufactured in the Eastern Mediterranean lands and apparently nowhere else, they were in the luxury category, and there is no sign of sheep's wool involved. In contrast to the Beguine nuns in 1318 wearing utilitarian camelino cloths, local decrees were promulgated against women wearing sumptuous clothing in Florence in 1356 and in Perugia in 1366 and in Montpellier in 1367 in which ciambellotto | ciambellocto | camelotum is named as one of the prohibited cloths – Florence city's laws against wearing sumptuous clothes were revised in 1355-1356 in Latin, and translated to Italian the same year. The texts are in book ''Uno Nuova Lingua Per Il Diritto: Il lessico volgare di Andrea Lancia nelle provvisioni fiorentine del 1355-57'', curated by Federigo Bambi, year 2009, having ciambellotto on pages 88-89 & 104-105.ref‑1, Book ''La legislazione suntuaria secoli XIII-XVI : Umbria'', curated by Grazia Nico Ottaviani, year 2005, publishes a year 1366 statute of Perugia. On page 72-73 the statute says women are permitted to wear ''mantellus de ciambellocto, dummodo aliquis mantellus non excedat costum vel valorem vigintiquinque florenorum auri'', which means they could wear it unless it was a very elaborate piece of work.ref‑2, ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age'' Volume One, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on page 447 at upper right column, prints in Latin a decree of year 1367, decreed in name of king of France, applicable to married women living in Montpellier. Decree says in Latin : ''None of these women shall dare wear vestments or cloaks of gold metal threadwork or of cirici silk, or of camelots [Latin: camelotorum].''ref‑3‑a, Book, ''Thalamus parvus: Le petit Thalamus de Montpellier'', year 1836, on pages 161-164, has a year 1365 decree in Occitan at Montpellier having ''que non porton negunas robbas ni capayros de draps de seda ni de camelotz''.ref‑3‑b. In contrast to the sheep-herders in year 1379 wearing work-clothes made of camelin cloth, the king of France in the same year had about two dozen garments made of camelot cloth in his personal wardrobe – Book, ''Inventaire du Mobilier de Charles V, Roi de France'', curated by Jules Labarte, year 1879. Search for substring CAMELO to find camelot and cameloz meaning camelots. The king's camelots on page 335-336 are part of an inventory dated 1380. The king's camelots on pages 358-360 are part of an inventory dated 1379 (page 355 has date). These inventories are listing the king's personal clothing & blanketing. His inventoried clothing has a big number of garments made from a variety of silks.ref. The camelot cloths were not used as inner linings on other cloths. An account-book for cloths in Paris in year 1387 has a low-priced "camelot de Reims" cloth which was to be tailored to be the inner lining on a more-expensive woolen cloth Book, ''Nouveau recueil de comptes de l'argenterie des rois de France'', curated by Douët-d'Arcq, year 1874. On page 240 the so-called camelot from Reims in 1387 was bought for 20 Sou per ell and was used ''pour doubler une houppellande de drap vert''. On nearby pages the same money accounts in 1387 have ''drap vert'' or ''drap verd'' cloths bought for prices of around 40 Sou per ell.(ref pages 240 and 321), which, in that context, is surely a mistake for camelin de Reims (Reims town is located 45 kilometers from Châlons, where camelins were made). A small number of other cases exist where a medieval author says camelot when he should have said camelin, or vice versa. Despite those confusing exceptions, the generality of medieval records show that camelin and camelot were two fabrics that were quite different from each other in multiple ways. That point is agreed to by a majority of the historians of medieval European textiles. I have no doubt the two words, camelot and camelin, were from two totally unrelated rootwords.  ¶ An excellent candidate as the rootword for camelin is the medieval Germanic kambe, kamme @ Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer, year 1878kambe | kamme | kemben, kemmen @ Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer, year 1878kembe | kemme | kamm @ Deutsches Wörterbuch von Grimm et al, edition year 1961kamm | camb + camme + kamme @ Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek, dictionary covering years 1200-1300camb | camme = "comb, combed", plus the medieval Germanic diminutive suffix -lin (not Germanic lin = "linen", because the camelin was made from wool). Compare it with Netherlands woolen industry word cambelinghe @ ''Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek'', dictionary covering 13th century Netherlands language. At linked page, checkmark the checkbox ''citaten'' for citations.cammelinghe (year 1284 & 1296) | kammeling @ ''Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal'', dictionary covering years 1500-1976. At linked page, checkmark the checkbox ''citaten'' for citations.kammeling (modern), which Netherlands historians interpret as a name for "shorter wool fibers after removal of long fibers by combing out the wool". Early modern High German kämmeln @ Deutsches Wörterbuch von Grimm et al, edition year 1961kämmeln | kämlen = "finely combed wool", having Germanic diminutive suffix -eln or -len, with kämm = "combed". Today's Netherlands kamgaren = "Dictionary definition for worsted yarn : Closely twisted woolen yarn made from combed, long-length wool fibers. The non-worsted yarns are made from clusters of wool fibers that are not combed during manufacture, whereas the worsted yarns are made from combed wool. Worsted yarns also differ from non-worsted yarns in the spinning method used and in the most suitable raw wool.worsted wool yarn and worsted wool cloth", where kam is from kammen = "to comb" and garen = "yarn". The same is in today's German as Kammgarn = "worsted wool yarn". Medieval Netherlands kemwolle @ Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek, covering years 1250-1550kemwolle | kemwulle is synonymous with modern Netherlands kamwol @ Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, covering years 1500-1976kamwol = "worsted wool yarn", where kem | kam = "combed". Non-worsted woolens are made from clusters of interlocking short wool fibers that are not combed during manufacture, whereas worsted woolens are made from long wool fibers that are combed before spinning, and this is why today's name for worsted woolen in Netherlands and German is rootwise from "combed". In modern English, the types of wool fibers best suited for making worsted yarn are called "The link gives quotes from a half a dozen English-language encyclopedias that define ''combing wool[s]''. The set of quotes was collected in year 1923 in order to clarify a piece of wording in an import-tax law regulated by United States Department of Treasury.combing wool[s]". In modern French, laine peignée, literally "combed wool", is quite often used with the meaning "worsted yarn or worsted cloth". Medieval High German has the camelin cloth as kambelin | kembelin, including at Poem ''Willehalm'' by Wolfram von Eschenbach (died c. 1220) has ''ein surkot von kambelin'' = ''an overcoat made of camelin''. NOTE: Medieval manuscripts of this poem have the word spelled kembelin, kemmelin, kemelin, kaemelein, kemlein, etc. NOTE: Wolfram von Eschenbach's poems contain numerous words that were recent borrowings from French.around year 1215, which clearly contains the medieval High German kambe | kembe = "combed". Note that 1215 is early; it is one of the word's earliest records in any language. Nevertheless the High German kambelin is liable to be from the French camelin. Rather than High German, the Germanic of Flanders is more likely to be the source of the French camelin in the historical context. It is very plausible that the French word designated a worsted woolen cloth from finely combed wool and the French word was from a Germanic kämmeln meaning "processed with a fine comb" and meaning "worsted". This does not imply a thin or lightweight worsted woolen. Finely combed wool could be spun into thick hard yarn. For constructing a medium-weight woolen cloth, the medieval construction method could be either worsted or non-worsted (but heavy-weight woolen cloth had always non-worsted construction and involved "fulling"). Worsted woolen yarn is spun tighter than non-worsted woolen yarn. Due to the tighter spinning of the worsteds, the worsteds have harder texture and are to be preferred for making hunting jackets because they are more resistant against soaking up rain and more resistant against catching in thorns. In summary, the camelin was a woolen and there is enough information to deduce that it was a worsted woolen. Quite a few post-medieval commentators have interpreted camelin as camel-hair cloth, but the interpretation is superficial (it is based on the phonetic resemblance with the word for camel, needless to say) and it is contradicted by all medieval documentation. As an illustration of a bad commentator, camelin @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)http://atilf.atilf.fr/scripts/dmfX.exe?LEM=CAMELIN1;ISIS=isis_dmfL.txt;;XMODE=STELLa , about year 2000, defines the camelin as "lightweight and fine cloth made with camel-hair or goat-hair", and then it gives ten quotations of this word in use in 14th-15th century French, and the ten quotations contain not even the slightest suggestion that the definition is even slightly correct. I have not come across any medieval record where the region of Belgium & north France imported camel-hair for making clothes, nor a record of fine goat-hair imported there during the medieval centuries, nor fine-goat-hair goats living anywhere in medieval Western Europe, nor a medieval author who says camelin is made from goat- or camel-hair, nor a medieval author for whom camelin was lightweight.
    Among all cloths made under any name circa 14th century and preserved today as physical cloths, some are half-silk velvets. At the time of commencement of the word camelotus in Latin at the start of the 13th century, the Latins did not make any silk of any kind, and all their silk and half-silk cloths were imported from the Arabs and Byzantines, excepting a negligible quantity of silks made in Latin Sicily – Chapter ''Silk in the Medieval World'' by Anna Muthesius, at pages 325-354 in book ''The Cambridge History of Western Textiles'' Volume 1, by various authors, year 2003. The cities of Venice and Lucca in Italy in the 13th century had silk cloth-making industries, but not before the 13th. During the 13th, the bulk of the silks worn by the Latins were imported from the Arabs and Byzantines. Ref. The medieval Arabs made velvety half-silks in more than one way (details omitted). What did the Latins call the imported velvety half-silks? In the medieval records of the Latins, the "camlets" and the "silk velvets" come up in very similar contexts. The camlets are explicitly differentiated by name from the silk velvets. They were different from each other, but we are not told what the difference is. Adequate fabric descriptions of the camlets are not available from the 13th-14th centuries. The 15th century records are better but still unsatisfactory. The 15th century treatise about the silk industry in Florence, link above, has a price-list for silk cloths of different kinds (page 98) and the price for ciambellotti is the same as for half-silk velvets ("velluti in accia") and it is half the price of full-silks. This invites an inference that the camlet silk in that treatise was some kind of half-silk. Other 15th century explicit mentions of camlets made of silk may have been actually half silks. In which case, the leading candidate for the other half would be fine goat-hair. In some other 15th century records, particularly the Ankara camlets mentioned above, the camlets are made of fine goat-hair and seemingly a hundred percent so. Some other 15th century records have explicitly both "camlets of wool" and "camlets of silk" in the same paragraph – e.g. Book, ''Costume et dispositif vestimentaire à la cour de Philippe le Bon, de 1430 à 1455'', by Sophie Jolivet, year 2003. Page 519 footnote #231 has year 1455 : quatre aunes de camelot de soie violet cramoisi, huit aunes de camelot de laine cramoisi. Cited source for that is Archives Départementales du Nord (ADN), Série B : ADN, B 2020, f. 449 r°.French year 1455 , Book, ''Les Sources du droit du Canton de Genève. Tome Deuxième, de 1461 à 1550'', curated by Rivoire & Berchem, year 1930. Page 143 has both ''camellot de soye'' and ''camelot de layne'' in a tax tariff in year 1498.French year 1498. Two centuries later, in the 17th century, some camlets are half silk plus half fine-goat-hair, and other camlets are a hundred percent fine-goat-hair, and other camlets are a hundred percent silk – e.g. English chamlets in year 1650 imported productsThe British government in 1650 published a long list of taxable value assessments for imports. Put online by Early English Books Online (EEBO). The 1650 publication largely republishes a 1642 publication, which largely republishes earlier ones. The title on the 1650 list is ''The Rates of Merchandize. Rates Inwards''.It is Online. It includes:
      ► unwatered or Mohaires [sold & valued by] the yard – 3 shillings
      ► watered the yard – 5 shillings
      ► halfe silk halfe haire the yard – 10 shillings
    Silkes wrought, voc. ... Chamlets or Tabins [i.e. Tabbies, a species of silk cloth]:
      ► narrow, the yard – 12 shillings
      ► broad, the yard – 24 shillings
      ► of silke tincelled with gold and silver, the yard – 20 shillings
    Counterfeit Damaske or Caffaes, halfe silk, halfe thread, the yard – 7 shillings
    Cameletto halfe silke, halfe haire, the yard – 10 shillings
    . Logically, the silk camlets must have something in common with the non-silk camlets. In the 15th century treatise about the silk industry in Florence the camlets were "watered". "Watered", also known as "moiré", was a cloth finishing process using high pressure and engraved rollers, by which pressure was applied with uneven strength across the cloth surface. The uneven pressure compressed the cloth in some areas more than others, and the cloth's compression increases the light reflectivity of the cloth surface, and the result is a surface on which some areas reflect the light differently than others. The "watering" process in the medieval era required the cloth to have a certain amount of plush; the compression effect worked poorly on bald bare cloths, but also it did not look good on deeply plush cloths. Early mentions of "watered" camlets include Italian-Latin Chapter ''De Moribus Civium Placentiae'' in book ''Chronicon Placentinum'' by Johannes de Mussis (died after 1402). Chapter dated 1388. Published in ''Rerum Italicarum Scriptores'' Volume XVI, curated by Muratori, year 1730, having ''zamelloto undato'' at page 580. Undato means wavy & undulating. In context specifically it means ''watered''. Italian zambel(l)ot(t)o ondato = French camelot(s) à ondes = watered camlet."zamelloto undato" 1388, Italian-Latin ''Histoire de l'île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan'' Volume 3, by De Mas Latrie, year 1855, on pages 775 & 777. ''Torticiorum'' is not found by me in other textiles sources, and this source does not define it. It can only be from TORT__ meaning contorted & tortuous. See Italian torticchiare, tortezza & torto. Torticiorum also means torches made from intertwined small branches of wood."clamelotorum torticiorum" 1394, and Italian Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', written in 1440-1442, published in year 1766, having on page 53 ''Gianbellotti tortesi''. Italian ''tortesi'' is a participle of ''torcersi'' from ''torcere'' = ''to twist, to bend''."gianbellotti tortesi" 1442. In the 16th century some fine-goat-hair camlets were plushy and "watered". Some 16th-century camlets were described as "camelots à gros grain" – ''La cosmographie universelle d'André Thevet'' Tome Second, by André Thevet, year 1575. Page 648+1 says ''camelots à gros grain'' are imported to London. On page 773 ''camelot à gros grain'' is at Venice.e.g. , Article ''Aspects du commerce du vêtement au Puy-en-Velay au XVI siècle'', by Martin de Framond, year 2006, in book ''Paraître et se vêtir au XVIe siècle: actes du XIIIe Colloque du Puy-en-Velay''. Publishes a clothing inventory that has ''camelot gros grain en soie noire'' on page 135.e.g. – where The link has photos of today's gros-grain clothgros-grain was a species of plushiness and usually was done in silk. Logically, then, a species of plushiness could be the common factor in the different camlets of the medieval centuries. This is abstract logic trying to substitute for actual medieval writings that tell the similarity between silk camlets and non-silk camlets, or tell the difference between camlet silks and non-camlet silks.
    The best available candidate rootword for the Latin camelotus, French camelot, Italian zambelotto | ciambellotto and English chamelet | camlet is: The medieval Arabic grammatical singular خميلة khamīla, having a grammatical plural *khamīlāt, and the grammatical singular خملة khamla having the plural خملات khamlāt, all meaning cloth with plush texture. Khamīla's plural form *khamīlāt is the best fit phonetically but it is hard to find any attestation of this plural in medieval Arabic. The Arabic dictionaries written in the medieval era define khamīla and khamla and the plural khamlāt (and plural خميل khamīl) as plushy cloth made from any kind of fiber. This Arabic word was formed from the Arabic خمل khaml which the medieval dictionaries define as any textile's Definition at Wikipedia : Pile (textile)pile or Definition at Wikipedia : Nap (textile)nap. The rootword khaml plus the Arabic noun prefix m- produced also the medieval and modern Arabic مخمل mukhmal meaning "velvet". Medieval Arabic dictionary definitions are under The link has searchable medieval Arabic dictionaries. In the dictionary لسان العرب under the rootword خمل , the definitions for the words خملة خميلة خميل occur in several places.خمل khaml in the Lisan al-Arab and Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword خمل on page 813 column 1, in Volume 2, year 1865. The http link is a page for downloading all eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon. Altlink: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/ Lane's Lexicon page 813 Column 1. In year 1852 an Arabic-to-English dictionary translated خميلة khamīla as "soft cloth [meaning plush cloth] of the silk, velvet, satin or camelot kinds" – Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-English Dictionary, year 1852 edition. On page 536 the dictionary has three separate entries for the three words خملة خميلة خميل.ref. Today's Arabic-to-English dictionary at AlMaany.com translates خميلة khamīla as – among other things – "a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, etc with a thick short pile on one side". Those definitions in modern Arabic-English dictionaries are similar to the definitions in the medieval Arabic dictionaries. To see parallels for the medieval Latins adopting an Arabic wordform in the plural and using it in the singular in Latin, see elsewhere on this page the 12th or 13th century histories of today's words assassin, azimuth, magazine, tambourine.
  161. ^ cordovan

    Today's English cordovan usually means shoe leather. Photos at Google Image SearchPhotos of today's cordovan leather. In the 14th century the word is in English as cordewan = "shoe leather" cordewan @ The Middle English Dictionary(ref). A minority of dictionaries print an assertion that the European word originated from Arabic in Iberia. The assertion is rebuttable by the following seven points. (#1) With 'u' = 'v', Latin cordeuise | cordeuesus | cordouesus = "a species of leather" (species undescribed) is named in years 716, 832, and 862 in Latin documents written near Amiens in the far-north of France and at a monastery at Paris – citations in cordevisus @ ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus'' by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976 page 273. Altlink: books.google.com/books?id=dLU3AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA273 Niermeyer's Lexicon of Medieval Latin; the document dated 716 is at ''cordevise pelles'' or ''cordeuise pelles'' is in a decree of Frankish king Chilperic II benefiting a monastery at Corbie town in far-north France. Decree is in ''Examen critique des chartes mérovingiennes et carolingiennes de l'abbaye de Corbie'', curated by Léon Levillain year 1902 on page 236. Decree is dated 29 April 716 and survives in physical manuscript dated late 10th century, says the curator on page 235.Ref (In Monumenta Germaniae Historica collections, in the Diplomata series in Volume 1, curated by Pertz, year 1872, on page 76 on line 36 has spelling ''cordevisae pelles''.alt-link), the one dated 832 is at Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Legum sectio 3: Concilia. Tomi II. Pars II. On page 690 on line 13 is ''cordevesos''. Written at Saint-Denis monastery at Paris outskirt.Ref, the one dated 862 is at Put the spelling CORDOVESOS in the text search box and click the button labelled ''Suche'' @ https://www.DMGH.de/ = Digital Monumenta Germaniae Historica. It returns a text written at Saint-Denis monastery in 862.Ref. Also, Latin cordebisus is a leather purchased for use at a monastery in Normandy around year 850 cited in cordebisus @ Du Cange's ''Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis''. It quotes cordebisos meaning a leather in the text ''Chronicon Fontanellense'' = Annals of Fontenelle, written at abbey of Fontenelle in Normandy in mid 9th century.Du Cange. (#2) Latin "soccos sub curduanellis" = "shoes of lightweight curduan [leather]" is in southern Germany circa 1050 – Link goes to the Latin text titled ''Ruodlieb''. Ruodlieb's date is put in the middle of the 11th century. Ruodlieb's author is unknown, but it is known that the author lived in southern Germany. Year 1882 edition curated by Seiler has curduanellis on page 284. This item is cited in Niermeyer's Lexicon of Medieval Latin.ref. Latin "Subtolares is wordform variant of more frequent Latin subtalares, where talar means ankle. It means shoes below the ankle, i.e. not boots. Ref subtalares @ Du Cange. subtolares corduanos" = "shoes of cordovan leather" is in Normandy circa 1125 – Book ''Historiae Ecclesiasticae'' by Orderic Vitalis (died c. 1142; lived in Normandy). It has two instances of ''subtolares corduanos'' in its Liber Quintus. The composition date for its Liber Quintus is circa 1118-1125.ref. Latin corduanarius = "corduan-leather worker, corduan-leather shoe-maker" is in far-north France near Amiens in years 1100 and 1115 (cordoanarius @ ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus'', by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976, on page 273. It cites page 18 of the year 1930 book ''Recueil des actes des comtes de Pontieu (1026-1279)''. The medieval county of Ponthieu was adjacent to the Amiens area.ref-1, Year 1115 Latin legal statement by Lambert the bishop of Noyon-Tournai includes the name of a person ''Robertus corduanarius'', meaning a person Robert who works as a corduan-worker. Noyon-Tournai is an area adjacent to Amiens area. Alt-link: Line 21 on page 307 in Volume #1 in year 1850 collection ''Cartulaire de l'église Notre-Dame de Paris'' at archive.org/details/cartulairedelgl02catgoog ref-2); and the same word is in Normandy in 1131 in the Latin spelling cordewanarius (Headword ''corvesarii'' @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin. It quotes a government document of Normandy Duke Henri I (died 1135) having the phrase ''...sociis cordewanariis et corvesariis Rotomagensibus''. Rotomagensibus = Rothomagensis = ''from Rouen city''. The same quote is also under the headword ''corrobucum'' in Du Cange's glossary. The same quote is also under a headword ''corveisarius'' in the DMLBS dictionary. The DMLBS dictionary is available at the linked website.ref). Latin cordoanus | corduanus is a type of leather in northern Italy in the 2nd half of the 12th century cordoanus + corduanus @ ''Vocabolario Ligure'', by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, on page 302. Same page has also ''cordoanerius'' meaning a person whose job is leather-working. Location is Liguria province. Abbrevs are defined on pages 25-48. At linked html page, download two PDFs labelled ''Parte I, volume I (Latino)''.(ref). (#3) The medieval Latin book Summarium Heinrici has a Latin-to-German dictionary as an appendix. The date of the appended dictionary is the 12th century. Location southern Germany. It has Latin sandalia ("sandals, shoes") translated as German kurduana; and it has Latin aluta ("leather, also shoe") translated as German corduan''Die Althochdeutschen Glossen'' Volume 3, by Steinmeyer & Sievers, year 1895, pages 190 & 219. Gives extractions from the ''Summarium Heinrici''. Page 190 line 33 has [Latin] SANDALIA = [German] KURDUANA and this statement is in a 12th-century physical manuscript kept at Bibliothek des Bischöflichen Priesterseminars Brixen, in Brixen town, South Tyrol. Page 219 line 7 has [Latin] ALLUTA = [German] CORDUAN.ref , Book, ''Summarium Heinrici. Band 2: Textkritische Ausgabe der zweiten Fassung Buch I - VI sowie des Buches XI'', curated by ‎Reiner Hildebrandt, year 1982. On page 32 ''kurduana''. On page 104 ''corduan''.alt-ref. The character of the Summarium Heinrici and its appended dictionary is such that its German words should be assumed to be longstanding in German. (#4) All the above-cited records are prior to the start of the word's records in Iberia. Spanish early records at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). Results include ''çapatas, sino de cordobán'' and ''çapatos carnerunos por de cordouan'' in early 13th century documents.CORDE are early 13th century. Shoe leather is the meaning in those early Spanish records. Catalan has around 1240 for its first record for cordovan leather. Four records of cordues in Catalonia in Latin around 1075 are rejected as a different word because they do not fit enough phonetically and semantically; cf the medieval Catalan cordó = "cord, rope", a different word. For Iberia in Latin, I have seen the word in the early 13th century and not earlier ( details )In some medieval Iberian tax tariffs : The surviving tax authorization is a genuinely pre-13th century document, while all its associated surviving tax tariff lists had been updated and expanded in the 13th century or 14th century; and the updated tariff list does not declare its own date, and it is attached to the original authorization. When the tariff list has the taxed commodity sugar (spelled açucar | azucar | zuccarum, etc) it is one of the good signs that the date is not before the 13th century.

    A large collection of instances of the leather-name cordovan in medieval Iberia are collected at cordoban @ Vocabulario de Comercio Medieval : legado Gual CamarenaOnline year 2014 lexicon is an expansion of a lexicon done by Gual Camarena, who died in 1974, by various authors, year 2014. The collection does not contain any instance dated before the 2nd half of the 12th century, and has only a few instances dated before 13th century. I reject its reported date for each of the few instances that it reports are prior to the 13th century. But I agree that the word is in Iberia in Latin in the early 13th, so I am only quibbling over a few decades of time for the starting date. Which is an inconsequential span of time when put beside the word's 9th-century records in northern France and the 11th-century Latin record in southern Germany.

    I have seen another report that the leather-name cordovan occurs in more than one specifically named Iberian Latin law document before the 13th century. But the report is standing on bad dates for amended tariff decrees, and I was able to find out the right dates by surfing for each one. The people who curate and publish the documents know the complexities of the dates of the tariff lists.
    .  (#5) There is no known record in medieval Arabic of a phonetically matching word with the meaning of leather. In particular, the medieval Arabic قرطبي qortobī = "of or from Cordoba city" has no known record meaning "leather". (#6) Because all early records in Latin Europe are in northern Europe and some are in Germanic-speakers writing in Latin, there is good potential for the word to have come from a Germanic source. Nothing is contained in the early records cited above that could preclude or contradict the derivation of cordovan from Germanic. Especially, the early records contain nothing that puts this leather into semantic association with the city named Cordoba/Cordova. Medieval Germanic has plenty of cases where the letters 'b' and 'u/v' occur interchangeably in the same word; e.g., the word for "gray" in medieval High German is in the wordforms graw, grab, grau ''Historisches Lexikon deutscher Farbbezeichnungen'', by William Jervis Jones, year 2013. It cites medieval ''grab'', meaning gray, twice on page 94 and three times on page 1262.(ref); e.g. search @ Matthias Lexerübel = search for medieval wordform uevel* (with the asterisk) at GTB Historische woordenboekenuevel. The word for "haven" in medieval High German is in the wordform habene habene @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' von Benecke Müller Zarncke, year 1866(ref) while in Netherlands Germanic the wordform is havene. At the north coast area of France in the 13th century the French language has the two synonymous wordforms hable and havle meaning "a small haven", both of them from a Germanic rootword meaning "haven" havene @ ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français'' cites early records for French havle and French hable, as well as French havene(ref). Thus we have parallels in Germanic for the variants 'b' and 'u/v' that we see in the north France 9th-century-Latin wordforms cordebisus = cordeuesus = cordevesus = "cordovan leather". (#7) A Latin author in England around year 1210 has the cordovan leather-name in the Latin wordform cordubani and he makes the remark that "His Latin : ''si famae semper est adhibenda fides'' if rumour always is to be believed" the city-name Corduba was the originating name for the corduan/cordewan leather-name – In Latin, two books in one volume : ''De Naturis Rerum --et-- De Laudibus Divinae Sapientiae'', by Alexander Neckam (died 1217), curated by Wright, year 1863, having cordubani on page 462.ref, Cordubanus @ ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' (''DMLBS'')alt‑ref. His remark is worthless because he has no information except phonetic resemblance. But if for the sake of argument we were to make an assumption that the rootword for the leather-name corduan/cordewan was somehow in the city-name Cordoba/Cordova of southern Iberia, which was one of the biggest cities of ancient Roman Iberia (was spelled Corduba in Classical Latin), then this assumption would not be enough grounds for claiming that the leather-name came from references to leather made in the Arabic city Qortoba = "Cordoba city". The Latin cordeuise pelles in far-north France reliably dated year 716 is a compelling reason to reject an Arabic ancestry.
  162. ^   Empty note #162 keeps stable the numbering of the other notes.
  163. ^ fustic

    The English dye name "fustic" came from the medieval French dye name fustet | fustel. Medievally it was a yellow-ish dye obtained from the wood of a European woody bush. Post-medievally a better yellow-ish dye from a wood was obtained in the West Indies and was given the same name in English. The medieval fustic dye was from the small tree or bush known today as Cotinus Coggygria, also known today as Rhus Cotinus. Quote from a book about the history of dyeing: Rhus cotinus wood, containing a yellow dyestuff, was treated in warm [or boiling] water; a yellow infusion was obtained which on contact with air turned into brown; with acids it becomes greenish yellow and with alkalies orange; in combination with iron salts, especially with ferrous sulphate a greenish-black was produced [page 382].... It reached dyers in the form of small branches.... After having been scraped and ground up, the coloring matter was extracted by boiling. The fresh liquid was used to dye wool or silk a yellow-orange or a reddish-brown [page 139].Book ''The Art of Dyeing in the History of Mankind''. Book written in Italian by Franco Brunello in year 1968 and translated from Italian to English in year 1973 by translator Bernard Hickey.Ref.
    Botanists have assessed that the Rhus Cotinus woody bush is native in Hungary & Austria & north Italy & rim of Black Sea. It is also native in southeast France. Botanists have assessed that it is not native in Iberia nor in North Africa. Ref: Cotinus coggygria @ Euro+Med Plantbase lists countries where this plant is a native species. Click on ''Reference'' beside a country name for references for that country. The Euro+Med Plantbase covers Europe plus Mediterranean area countries.Cotinus coggygria @ Euro+Med Plantbase and likewise Lists areas where Cotinus coggygria (synonymous with Rhus cotinus) is native. Says the plant is introduced in Spain, not native there.CatalogueOfLife.org and likewise Cotinus coggygria @ ''Germplasm Resources Information Network'' (''GRIN''). Click on the headline ''Distribution''.GRIN.
    The earliest known records of the word as a dye in European languages are 13th-century Occitan fustet, 13th-century Catalan fustet, 13th century Aragonese fustet, followed by 14th-century French fustet and fustel, and 14th-century French has it also as fostet, fostel, fustot. Documents:
      ۝  Toll tax tariff year 1273 written in Latin and Occitan side-by-side in ''Ville de Narbonne: Inventaire des Archives communales... Série AA: Annexes de la Série AA'', curated by Mouynès, year 1871, on annex page 133.Occitan fustet & Latin fustetum at Narbonne in tax tariff, year 1273
      ۝  ''Ville de Narbonne: Inventaire des Archives communales... Série AA: Annexes de la Série AA'', curated by Mouynès, year 1871. Annex pages 198 & 207 have fustet in tax tariffs with assessed dates of 13th century. Includes : ''Fustet, lo quintal II d. Gauda, lo quintal II d.'' where ''Gauda'' meant Woad Dye. INCIDENTALLY: The top of annex page 6 has fustet/fustel dated 1153 which is a bad and false date.Occitan fustet in two other tax tariffs at Narbonne, estimated 13th century
      ۝  Book, ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Capmany, year 1779, reissued 1962. On page 18 is ''de bresil, e de fustet'' in an imports tax decree of year 1243. Bresil was red dye from Asian brazilwood. On page 22 fustet is in a tax decree of year 1252.Latin fustet in tax tariffs at Barcelona 1243 and Cotlliure 1252
      ۝  Book, ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by Alart, year 1881. Fustet in tax tariffs dated 1249, 1284, and 1300 at Cotlliure and Perpignan.Catalan fustet in tax tariffs in 1249, 1284 & 1300
      ۝  search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)Aragonese fustet in tax tariffs in 1240s at Catalan seaports
      ۝  Cartulary of Giraud Amalric of Marseille, dated 1248. Has ''fusteto'' as collateral for a commercial loan. Does not say what the fusteto is. Published in ''Documents Inédits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen-âge'', Volume 1, curated by Louis Blancard, year 1884, on page 269.Latin fusteto at Marseille in 1248 in commercial contract
      ۝  Occitan poem has enumeration of some dyes : ''Grana et roga e brezilh, indi et alun atressi, pastel e fustet issamen'' (Occitan ''issamen'' means English ''as well''). Year 1374 upper bound is from a scribe's ''Explicit'' at end of poem. Poem is untitled and author is anonymous. Published under modern title ''Kindheit Jesu'' in book ''Denkmäler der provenzalischen Litteratur'', curated by Bartsch, year 1856.Occitan fustet 14th century in a poem before 1374
      ۝  ''Ordonnances des rois de France de la troisième race'', Second Volume, year 1729, on page 425, prints a tax tariff that was promulgated at Paris in year 1351, in which FUSTET is a taxed commodity. The same volume on page 320 prints a quite similar tax tariff of year 1349.French fustet 1351 in tax tariff
      ۝  ''Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes'', by Frédéric Godefroy, published 1880-1895. The dictionary has four separate headwords meaning fustet. Namely : fusteil, fustel, fustot, feustel.French fusteil & fustel & feustel & fustot 14th century @ Godefroy
      ۝  Book, ''Editti antichi e nuovi de' Sovrani Prencipi della Real Casa di Savoia'', year 1681. The book has a year 1626 document having ''fustetto'' dye twice on page 1058. Book has year 1667 ''fustetti per tintura'' on page 1080.Savoy fustetti per tintura, 17th century
    The medieval fustic dye produced an attractive color when newly applied, but it faded quickly on repeated exposure to sunlight. As a result of its poor durability, many of the word's records in 14th century France are in Dyer's Guild Regulations in which the fustic dye is named as one of the dyes that are prohibited and banned from use – Article, ''Documents sur les drapiers de Reims au Moyen Age'', curated by Louis Demaison, year 1928, has FUSTEL on page 33 in regulations of woolens-makers in Reims city in year 1340.e.g. 1340 , Article, ''La technique drapière en Normandie à la fin du Moyen Âge'', by Francis Concato, year 1975. On page 95 the article cites prohibitions on ''fostet'' and ''fusteil'' in dyer's guild regulations in Dieppe city in year 1358 and Rouen city in 1359. The 1358 text from Dieppe is at archive.org/details/cartulairedelou01unkngoog . The 1359 text from Rouen is quoted in Godefroy's dictionary under headword ''fustel''.e.g. 1358 & 1359 , fustet or fusteil is in regulations of dyers and cloth-makers in Rouen city in years 1385 & 1390 & 1394, printed on pages 117 & 357 & 632 in book ''Ordonnances des rois de France de la troisième race, recueillies par ordre chronologique : Septième Volume, contenant les ordonnances de Charles VI'' 1383-1394, curated by Secousse year 1745e.g. 1385 & 1390 & 1394 , feustel @ Godefroy's Dictionnaire quotes ''fostel'' as a prohibited dye in 1396 at Dieppee.g. 1396.
    Among the earliest European records are in decrees of taxation on imported goods at Catalan seaports -- at Valencia in 1240 & 1243, Tarragona in 1243, Tortosa in 1252 -- and it is obvious that the taxed fustet at those seaports was an import. Those tax decrees were issued by the king of Aragon & Catalonia and written in Aragonese Spanish. Apart from the king of Aragon & Catalonia's tax decrees, the word is a rarity in medieval Spanish and rare too in early post-medieval Spanish – ref: search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE. There is no sign of the plant under cultivation medievally under any name in Latinate Iberia nor in Arabic Iberia. To illustrate, Ibn al-Awwam (died c. 1200; lived near Seville) discusses cultivation of about a hundred different trees and shrubs by name, and he discusses all the main commercially cultivated dye plants, and he has no mention of cultivating fustic under any name, and no mention of collecting it in the wild in an Arabic-speaking place – Volume One (of two volumes) of Book of Agriculture by Ibn al-Awwam, in Arabic, together with translation to Spanish by Banqueri, year 1802ref , Volume Two (of two volumes) of Book of Agriculture by Ibn al-Awwam, in Arabic, together with translation to Spanish by Banqueri, year 1802ref ,  ref Ibn al-Awwam has a plantname الصفيرا al-safīrā | al-sufaīrā. The name formally contains the rootword صفراء safrāʾ = ''yellow'' and أصفر asfar = ''yellow''. Ibn al-Awwam says this plantname is attached to several different plants. And he says: الصفيرا الذي يصبغ بها هي مجلوبة الينا Banqueri's 1802 edition of Ibn al-Awwam's ''Kitāb al-Filāha'', in Volume One on page 399 = ''the safaīrā that is used for dyeing is imported to us'' [read: imported to us Arabs from non-Arabic places; مجلوب = ''foreign'']. Possibly this is the fustic dye imported from northern Italy.. The word is much more frequent in French than in Spanish in the 14th & 15th centuries. Because of the rarity of fustet or any similar wordform in medieval Spanish texts, and because the plant did not grow in the wild in medieval Iberia (as adjudged by today's botanists), and because the plant is not documented as cultivated in medieval Iberia, and because the plant is not documented under another name in Spanish medievally, and because the fustic dye is obviously a non-local product in half its medieval Spanish records while none of its other medieval Spanish records has signs it was locally produced, there is no warrant to assume that Spanish was the source of the Occitan and French word.
    From the phonetic angle, the medieval Occitan & French & Catalan fustet | fustel are exactly diminutives of the medieval Occitan & French & Catalan fust = "timber, wooden board, piece of wood", which is in medieval Latin as fustis (fustem) | fusta with same meaning, and came from classical Latin fustis = "wooden stick" – Multi-tome ''Lexique Roman'' by François Raynouard is a dictionary of medieval Occitan, published years 1836-1844. Headword ''fust'' is in tome III pages 410-411.ref, Medieval French fust, fuste, and many other words from the same rootword, in ''Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes'', by Frédéric Godefroy, published 1880-1895. Link goes to summary definitions only. Godefroy has sets of examples, which are accessible separately via dropdown picklist at pagetop.ref, fusta + fustis @ ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus'', by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976, on pages 458-459ref, fustis @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latinref. From the semantic angle, because most names of natural dyes referred to both the plant that produces the dye and the dye itself, fustet meaning "little pieces of wood" can plausibly beget the dye name fustet. The derivation of the dye-name fustet | fustel from the native fust = "wood" plus the native diminutive -et | -el is endorsed by fustet @ ''Dictionnaire de la langue française'', by Émile Littré, dated 1872-77Littré year 1877 and some other dictionaries. Native is referring to southeast France and Piedmont in northwest Italy, where the fustic tree grew in the wild on the hillsides natively and the people spoke Occitan.
    Now many other etymology dictionaries endorse the idea that the Spanish & Catalan fustet dye-name was from an Arabic word meaning "pistachio". Medieval Spanish had alfostigo = "pistachio nut", and medieval Catalan had festuc = "pistachio nut", from Arabic الفستق al-fustuq = "pistachio nut". Medieval Arabic additionally had فستقي fustuqī as a color name, yellow-green like the pistachio nut – Plant descriptions by botanist Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) include : لونه ناقص الخضرة فستقيّ = ''its color is a reduced green of pistachio''; and عريض الورق فستقي اللون = ''broad leaves pistachio colored'' and this is not referencing leaves of pistachio tree. It is referencing the pistachio-nut color.e.g. , 11th-century Arabic book titled عمدة الكتاب وعدة ذوي الألباب is mainly about making colored inks. It has a recipe for making an ink it calls ليقة فستقية līqa fustuqīa = ''pistachio ink''. The recipe does not have any pistachio ingredient. The recipe's principal coloring ingredient is the yellow dye powder of the root of the plant Chelidonium Majus (عروق الصباغين). The phrase صفة ليقة فستقية is the headline of the relevant section in the book.e.g. , فستق fustuq @ ''Arabic-English Lexicon'' by Edward William Lane (died 1876). Lane cites the dictionary by Al-Fayyoumi (died 1368), in which Al-Fayyoumi says : fustuq means pistachio nut, and a fustuqi garment means a garment of pistachio-nut color. Al-Fayyoumi's dictionary is itself at the same website at arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/فستق/?cat=19 e.g.. But nobody is able to cite a use of Arabic fustuq[ī] carrying the meaning of a dye in medieval Arabic, to my knowledge. The medieval Arabic dictionaries, in their entries for fustuq, do not mention a dye – فستق @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com, a searchable collection of medieval and modern Arabic dictionariesref , ''Dictionary of Andalusi Arabic'', by Federico Corriente, year 1997ref. This is a good indication that the Latinate dye-name fustet probably got its start as a dye-name in the Latinate languages, not in Arabic. Then there is the problem that the would-be semantic transformation from "pistachio" to "fustic dye" is very poorly understood by the proponents of this idea. New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (year 1901) asserts "the name was transferred from the pistachio [tree] to the closely allied Rhus cotinus" fustic @ NED, year 1901(ref). But the two trees are not closely allied – see some photographs. No medieval text says anything to support the idea that "pistachio tree" was semantically transformed to "fustic dye". There is not even any evidence that anyone ever saw a Rhus Cotinus tree growing alive in medieval Iberia! Then there is the additional problem that to phonetically get fustet | fustel out of any of fustuq | festuc | alfóstigo you would have to violate the usual phonetic-change patterns, in particular the observed patterns of phonetic changes that occurred in Latinate in Iberia.
    To repeat, the problems with getting fustet from Arabic are: (#1) there is a complete absence of such a dye name in medieval Arabic texts, as far as I can see or hear, and (#2) the fustic dye was not a product of Iberia nor North Africa, and instead it was imported to Iberia from north Italy & southeast France, and (#3) to get fustet from a word for pistachio is semantically widely implausible, and (#4) to get fustet phonetically out of the Arabic fustuq would require a phonetic mutation that is phonetically highly implausible in Iberia, and (#5) there is a way to derive fustet from the native vocabulary of northwest Italy & southeast France with respectable-enough semantic plausibility and it is phonetically impeccable.
    A botany book in English in year 1640 said: Coggygria sive Cotinus Coriaria.... The wood is yellowish and serveth to give a yellow dye.... It groweth... in Savoy... and elsewhere.... The Savoyars and Savoyards are residents of Savoy. Savoy in 1640 covered today's northwest Italy and an adjoining part of today's southeast France and an adjoining part of today's southwest Switzerland. Savoyars call the wood hereof which they To lop is to cut off branches. To fell is to cut down the trunk. loppe and fell for that purpose Fustet, and we Fusticke, which all Dyers know.Book ''Theatrum Botanicum: The Theater of Plants'', by John Parkinson, year 1640, on pages 1450-1452, in book section ''Tribe 16 chap 44: Sumacke''.ref. The English word's earliest records are in 2nd half of 15th century as "fustic" –   ref  Fustik @ Middle English Dictionary gives quotations from 15th century English.
    Note: This English dictionary is misinformed and in error when it says a wordform fustoc existed in medieval French meaning fustic. The wordforms in medieval French included fustet, fustel, fustot, fusteil, fostel, fostet, feustel, but not fustoc.
    . The English wordform "fustic" on its surface contains medieval Latinate fuste = "wood" and Latin suffix "-ic". Suffix "-ic" is in the English nouns fabric, plastic, rubric, turmeric, mastic, mechanics, logic, etc. Late medieval and early post-medieval English noun "rubricke & rubrich @ The Middle English Dictionary, year 2001, gives usage quotations from late medieval Englishrubrike" | "rubric @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1914, gives usage quotations from early post-medieval Englishrubric" meant a red colorant material, from rubrica @ Lewis & Short's Latin-to-English dictionary, year 1879classical Latin rubrica = "red ochre" (a red colorant), from Latin ruber = "red" and Latin -ic_.
    One of the earliest records in any language where fustet | fustic means the American fustic is in a description of the island of Barbados in English in year 1629, which is online at ''Fusticke'' is in short chapter headed ''The first planting of the Barbados'', completed in 1629 by Captain John Smith (died 1631), published in book ''Travels and Works of Captain John Smith'', volume 2, curated by Edward Arber, year 1910. John Smith says: ''Fusticke trees are very great and the wood yellow, good for dying''.Ref.
  164. ^ alizarin

    Alizarin is a red dye; and with suitable mordants it gives pink dyes, chocolate-colored dyes, etc. Within Western Europe, the word's early records are in French in mid 18th century as izari, and synonymously in late 18th century French as alizari, meaning the roots of the known as the ''Rubia Tinctorum'' plant in taxonomic botanymadder plant. The alizarin dye was always made from the roots of the madder plant until the late 19th century. Alizarin has been made synthetically since then. Organically, the madder-root dyestuff was prepared by thoroughly drying the root and then milling the root into a powder. The drying induced chemical changes in the root. Dye-making from the dried madder root was common in medieval Europe for dyeing wool. It continued common in early post-medieval Europe on wool. The plant was commercially grown in northern France for many centuries before the arrival of the word alizari into French. In year 1764, and again in 1784, French encyclopedia articles about dye-making with the madder root make the following statement: Izari is a species of madder root from the environs of İzmir [in western Turkey].... It gives beautiful red colorations.... The azala or izari which is cultivated on the plains of İzmir, dried without a fire, is a species of madder root that gives to cotton the bright flesh redMadder dye is unsuccessful on cotton unless suitable mordants are put with it. In the Mediterranean region, putting good mordants with madder on cotton was an arrival that arrived late. It arrived in the early 17th century in the Eastern Mediterranean. It did not arrive in Western Europe until the mid 18th century. In Western Europe in the mid and late 18th century, the vivid red of the madder with the good mordants for cotton was called "Turkey red", "Adrianople red", "rouge d'Andrinople". Adrianople is a town in far-northwest Turkey. The key thing for this red was not the species of madder, it was the mordanting..... These madder roots of İzmir are sent whole to Marseille [seaport]; and when they are going to be used they are pulverized.GARANCE @ ''Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle'', by Valmont de Bomare, in Volume 2 of year 1764 editionref-1, GARANCE @ ''Encyclopédie méthodique : Arts et métiers mécaniques'', Volume 3, year 1784 on pages 129-141. This 1784 encyclopedia article has copied much of its content from an article in the 1764 encyclopedia by Valmont de Bomare.ref-2. In 1773 another French encyclopedia article about madder root says: In the vicinity of İzmir and in the countrysides of Akhisar and Gördes [100 kilometers from İzmir] they cultivate a madder species called in that country azala or hazala.... The modern Greeks call it lizari or izari or azal; and the Arabs call it foüoy [i.e. فُوّة fuwwe]. This plant gives a beautiful red to cotton... whose effect is dependent on the way it [the root] is dried.GARANCE @ ''Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire universel raisonné des connaissances humaines'', edited by FB de Felice, edition year 1773 (expansion of year 1757 edition).ref. In year 1812, a French dictionary defined French izari as "madder root from the Levant" – izari @ ''Nouveau dictionnaire complet à l'usage des Allemands et des Français'', by DJ Mozin, year 1812ref. In 1819, a French dictionary defined alizari as "dried madder root" – alizari @ ''Dictionnaire universel de la langue françoise'' Volume 1, by PCV Boiste, year 1819 on page 40ref. Synonymously French had the wordform alisari. French in 1806: They cultivate in the vicinity of İzmir a variety of madder called alisari. It gives a better-looking red than that of Europe does.''Abrégé de géographie moderne rédigé sur un nouveau plan'' Volume 2, by Pinkerton et al, year 1806 on page 379ref. More examples of wordform alisari in French: years ''Collection des décrets de l'Assemblée nationale: IMPOSITIONS. Tome III'', edition at Lyon in year 1792, republishes a French tax decree dated March 1791. The decree includes the taxed item ''garance sèche en racine, ou alisari''.1791, ''An universal European dictionary of merchandise'', by PA Nemnich, year 1798, in English, translated from German ''Waaren-lexicon in zwölf sprachen'', year 1797. This searchable dictionary has the following words which are synonymous : French ''izari'', French ''alisari'', French ''racines de lizary'', German ''alizariwurzel''.1798, Book ''Tarif chronologique des douanes de l'empire français'', by Dujardin-Sailly, year 1810, says the dried madder root that comes from İzmir is called alisari and isari.1810. In 1826, French chemist Pierre Jean Robiquet discovered in madder root two distinct substances with red dye properties. The one producing a rich red he called "alizarin" and it soon entered all major European languages as a scientific word. Robiquet says in his 1826 research report in French: Regarding this new [red] entity coming from the neutral-coloured substance, we propose the name alizarin, from alizari, a term used in commerce for the entire madder root.Article, ''Sur un nouveau principe immédiat des végétaux (l’alizarin) obtenu de la garance'', par Robiquet et Colin, in ''Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires'', year 1826, on page 411ref. In 1827 Robiquet wrote in French: We take the name alizarine from the word ali-zari used primarily in the LevantArticle, ''Nouvelles Recherches sur la Matière colorante de la Garance'', by Colin and Robiquet, year 1827 in journal ''Annales de chimie et de physique'' Volume 34, on page 240-241ref. Back in year 1797, a French commerce writer located in Greece wrote that madder root by the Greeks is called aly-zariBook, ''Tableau du commerce de la Grèce'', by Félix Beaujour, year 1800, Volume 1 (of two volumes) on page 265, in a letter dated 1797. Aly-zari is also on other pages.ref, Book, ''A View of the Commerce of Greece'' by Félix Beaujour, translated from French to English by TH Horne, year 1800, having ''aly-zari'' on page 183 and other pagesalt-ref. In the mid and late 18th century, Greek dyeing experts from İzmir and Adrianople in western Turkey were contractually brought to work in dyeing factories in France at Darnétal, Aubenas and Lyon. The expertise of the imported dyers was in the mordanting to get vivid red from madder on cotton – Book, ''Colouring Textiles: A History of Natural Dyestuffs in Industrial Europe'', by Agustí Nieto-Galan, year 2001 on pages 19-21 with adjoined endnotes on page 39ref , Book, ''Asian Textiles in France 1680-1760'', by Felicia Gottmann, year 2016, on pages 112-114ref , Article ''Critical and Historical Notes concerning the Production of Andrinople or Turkey Red, and the Theory of this Colour'', by Theodore Chateau, year 1876, published in eight separated installments in volumes 1 & 2 of journal ''The Textile Colourist''. Link goes to volume 1 only. First installment begins on page 172. Article is about 70 pages long and most of it is not relevant. Was translated from French.ref (Article ''Étude historique et chimique pour servir à l'histoire de la fabrication du rouge turc ou d'Andrinople et à la théorie de cette teinture'', by Théodore Chateau, year 1876, 120 pages, published in nine separated installments in journal ''Le Moniteur scientifique'' Volume 18. Mostly not relevant. Relevant bits are on pages 7-9, 303 & 308.alt-ref), Book, ''Notice historique, topographique et statistique sur la ville de DARNÉTAL'', by Alexandre Lesguilliez, year 1835 on pages 300-303ref. Also in mid and late 18th, French dyers went to western Turkey to learn mordanting for madder on cotton, and again the relevant people in western Turkey were Greek speakers, and it is worth noting in addition that good mordanting for madder on cotton was known to non-Greeks located further east, beyond Turkey, in India – same refs. The above quotations contain the wordforms izari | lizari | alizari | ali-zari | aly-zari | alisari. In light of the ongoing contacts between Greek and French madder dyers in the right timeframe, it is assured that the word in the above quotations was in use among the Greek madder dyers in western Turkey. During the 20th century a proposal was aired that its parent-word be the usual word for madder root in modern Greek, which is ριζάρι rizari. A non-standard wordform λιζάρι lizari is sometimes used for madder root in modern Greek on the island of Cyprus, while the standard Greek wordform is rizari. Rizari is diminutive of Greek ρίζα riza = "root". Phonetically, there is not an easy explanation and it is not easy to accept a derivation of izari | alizari | aly-zari | alisari from rizari or lizari. The Greeks also called it azala, a word which might be from the same parent as izari's parent. If an Arabic parent-word is a possibility then any hypothetical Arabic would have to have Greek intermediation in order to enter French. An old idea for an Arabic parent is the Arabic العصارة al-ʿaṣāra = "the juice", containing Arabic verb ʿaṣar = "to squeeze". But that idea is surely wrong because (#1) you do not get the madder dyestuff by juicing or squeezing and (#2) the proponents of the idea have got no documentation of al-ʿaṣāra carrying a meaning of madder. Another hypothetical is the Arabic أزهر azhar = "high color, shining color, brilliant color", which is parentwise associated with the Arabic زهري zahrī = "florid pink, rose-colored". Deletion of its letter /h/ would happen in Greek. To convincingly propose this Arabic to be the parent of Greek izari | alizari, it would be necessary to document it in Arabic in the 17th century in the madder-specific context; and this has not been done.
  165. ^ almanac

    In European languages the first securely dated uses for the word almanac, but surely not the actual first uses, come from astronomy writings in Latin by Campanus of Novara in 1264 Book ''Theorica Planetarum'' by Campanus of Novara has the phrase ''annuales equationes quas almanach uocantOR vocant ]''.(ref), and Roger Bacon in 1267, and William of Saint-Cloud in 1292, and Prophatius [aka Latin writer Profacius Judaeus is also known by his Hebrew name Jacob ben Machir ben Tibbon (died c. 1306). He wrote some books in Latin and some other books in Hebrew. His almanac book, done in year 1300-1301, survives in both Latin and Hebrew. The Latin contains the word ''almanach'' in the book's title and in the book's body. The Latin was printed in year 1908 curated by Boffito & Melzi d'Eril and is downloadable at linked page.Profacius] Judaeus in 1301. The early Latin spellings are almanach and almanac, both of which are foreign-looking in Latin. The word definitely looks Arabic in medieval Latin. But no antecedent word is on record in medieval Arabic. That is a key point (it will be examined below). Consequently, the source of the Latin word is a puzzle. Speculative ideas about it are mentioned in almanac @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (''NED''). It mentions several weak conjectures on page 245 at upper half of first column.NED, year 1888. One additional speculative idea is almanac was "pseudo-Arabic", i.e. a creation of one or more Latin astronomers who intentionally wanted it to be Arabic-looking. Arabic astronomy was held in high esteem in the Latin West during the time of emergence of the word. The astronomy motion tables built in earlier centuries by Arabs, including the Arabic Tables of Toledo completed before year 1080, were more accurate than what had been produced by the Latins. The Latin astronomers had widely accepted this as a fact around the mid 13th century. A large handful of Arabic astronomy authors were translated to Latin in the 12th and 13th centuries (Article, ''Greek–Arabic–Latin: The Transmission of Mathematical Texts in the Middle Ages'', by Richard Lorch, year 2001. The article's Table 3 gives the names of mathematics texts that were translated Arabic-to-Latin and this table includes math-intensive astronomy texts as well as pure mathematics texts.ref-1 , Book ''Arabic astronomical and astrological sciences in Latin translation : A critical bibliography'', by Francis J Carmody, year 1956. 200 pages. The astronomy texts are outnumbered by the astrology texts.ref-2) and were considered authoritative by the astronomers of the University of Paris and elsewhere in Europe in the 13th century. In addition, Ptolemy's Almagest was introduced to the medieval Latins as a 12th century Arabic-to-Latin translation. Hence its Arabic name in Latin, Almagest (spelled Almagesti in 13th century Latin – Book ''Opus Majus'' by Roger Bacon, completed in year 1267e.g.), from Arabic المجسطي al-majistī = "Ptolemy's Almagest". Ptolemy's Almagest was foundational in most medieval Arabic astronomy and attained a comparable status in Latin in the 13th century. In Latin in the 13th & 14th centuries the meaning of the word almanac was the tables of motions of the five known planets and the Moon and the Sun. In Latin at the time of the first securely dated use of almanac, it would have been stylish to attach an Arabic appellation to a set of astronomy motion tables. Yet the word does not occur in Arabic in the Arabic astronomy writers, as discussed in detail below. Moreover it does not occur in Latin in any Arabic-to-Latin translations of astronomy books. And also, the astronomy books commissioned by king Alfonso X of Castille in the Spanish language in the 1250s-1270s are voluminous, they primarily consist of translations from Arabic, they contain hundreds of Arabic loanwords, they contain hundreds of references to astronomy tables, and they do not contain the word almanac – ''Libros del saber de astronomia'' commissioned by king Alfonso X (died 1284). This is the main part (not the only part) of the Spanish-language astronomy books commissioned by the king Alfonso X.ref-1, At HispanicSeminary.org : Corpus of Prose Works commissioned by king Alfonso X (died 1284), text searchable. This material is also online elsewhere. It was published in the 19th century.ref-2. In the European languages other than Latin, the word's first known record is in French in 1303 as almenach, first in Italian is 1345, first English 1391, and first in Spanish circa 1410, per Dated 1967 and other dates, with headline ''manākh'' in Volume XIX on page 119Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, Volume XIX. A slightly earlier one in Spanish is about 1382-1385 – Book ''Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla'' by Pedro Lopez de Ayala (died 1407) has ''almanaque'' twice in chronicle entries for the year 1382, probably written subsequent to 1382. Pedro Lopez de Ayala was an historian, soldier, and poet, and not an astronomer.ref. Those languages got the word from Latin. In Latin the early word is a technical astronomy word used by technical practitioners. E.g., at Paris about year 1292 William of Saint-Cloud wrote tables giving the positions of the planets for the upcoming 20 years, tables which, he said, included some corrections to versions of the Tables of Toledo, and he begins this work with the words "Cum intentio mea sit componere almanac planetarum..." = "with my intention to compose an almanac of the planets..." – Biography of William of Saint-Cloud @ ''Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography'' (years 1981, 2008) @ Encyclopedia.com. Biography written by Emmanuel Poulle. The 1292 Incipit: ''Cum intentio mea sit componere almanac planetarum ad 20 annos ex nunc videlicet anno Domini 1292...''ref. Another illustration of its technicalness is the context of use in the following manuscript in Latin dated 1393, where many pages of the manuscript consist of tables of numbers representing the longterm movements of the planets, and the tables are referred to as the almenak : Image page 7r includes the phrase ''loca planetarum per almenak'' = ''locations of the planets per the almanac''. On image page 7r, click on ''View more options''. That click will bring up a transcription and English translation of the page.  Altlink: the specific manuscript has been put in print more than once; search @ books.google.com.The Equatorie of the Planetis, image page 7r.
    Regarding the ways by which astronomy material was disseminated in Latin Europe in the 13th century, the biggest center of dissemination was Paris. The astronomers at Paris had gotten parts of their material from ultimately Arabic sources in Iberia. This material had arrived in Paris in Latin. The translations were done in Christian Iberia. In abstract imagination it is possible to imagine that the word almanac was used in some Arabic astronomy tables that no longer exist in Arabic, and then was transferred in Iberia into some Iberian Latin tables that no longer exist in Latin, and then from those undocumented tables of Iberia the word ended up in the documented tables of Paris. But when proposals for the word's origin are required to be based on actual documentary evidence, what we have is an apparently non-Arabic word (almanac) originating apparently in a non-Arabic locale (France), which allows the possibility it was pseudo-Arabic. It is reasonable to demand documentary evidence here, because surviving astronomy writings are plentiful. Here is a quote from a 20th-century expert on medieval Arabic astronomy: The most impressive aspect of the source material for the study of medieval oriental astronomy is its overwhelming quantity.... In the case of the Arabic material a good deal of work has been done by Europeans [historians]Article, ''A Survey of [Medieval] Islamic Astronomical Tables'', by E.S. Kennedy, year 1956, in journal ''Transactions of the American Philosophical Society'', Volume 46 on page 123. The article's page 123 is viewable by clicking on Preview at the linked HTML page.ref. Dozens of distinct astronomy motion tabulations with accompanying explanations survive from medieval Arabic, each distinct in authorship although they have similarities to one another – Article, ''A Survey of [Medieval] Islamic Astronomical Tables'', by E.S. Kennedy, year 1956, 55 pages. This article gives ''a survey of the number... of Zīj works written in Arabic or Persian during the period from the eighth through the fifteenth centuries.''ref, ''Astronomical Handbooks and Tables from the Islamic World (750-1900): an Interim Report'', by David A. King and Julio Samsó, year 2001, 97 pages, in journal ''Suhayl: International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation''. This year 2001 article has a catalog of Zīj works that expands on the year 1956 catalog by E.S. Kennedy.ref.
    Medieval Arabic contains a word المناخ al-munākh | al-manākh. It is the only thing this paragraph will be talking about. It makes a very suitable match phonetically for the Latin almanac. It does not make a suitable match semantically in the vast bulk of its instances in medieval Arabic. There are two problematic cases where it does make a suitable match semantically. However, these cases are very problematic and their problems call for skepticism about them. The first case where the Arabic munākh | manākh means approximately almanac is in a general-purpose Arabic-Latin dictionary, written by an anonymous author whose native language was Spanish, thought to be dated around 1300, in which Arabic مَنَاخْ manākh is translated as Latin kalendarium = "calendar". This dictionary is ''Vocabulista in Arabico'' is an Arabic-to-Latin dictionary of undetermined date, the reported estimated date being around year 1300. In edition year 1871 curated by Schiaparelli, page 196 has مناخ manākh = kalendarium.online. This Arabic-Latin dictionary contains numerous errors about Arabic, and this particular item is one of its errors, because there is an absence of this word with anything close to this meaning in medieval Arabic (excluding the other problematic case coming up). The Spanish author of this Arabic-Latin dictionary was writing after the Latin word almanac had come into circulation in Latin. It has to be suspected that he has made the error by retrofitting the Latin almanac to the Arabic word without him having an information basis in Arabic for doing so. This dictionary has errors on practically every page: To appreciate how often its translations are wrong, pick one page from it at random, and lookup its Latin words in a Latin dictionary, and lookup its Arabic words in an Arabic dictionary, and see how often it has a mismatch. One of the errors the dictionary makes on the same page as manākh is this: It translates Arabic مناقشة munāqasha as Latin computare ("to compute"). The medieval Latinate name Maroc = "Morocco" was derived from the medieval Arabic name مراكش‎ Marākesh = "Morocco" by deletion of the -esh by Latinate, and there is a good phonetic reason for deleting the -esh in Latinate (on the current page at the heading MOROCCO.explained elsewhere). So it would be phonetically acceptable to propose al-munāqasha as parent of Latin almanac by deletion of -asha. But it would be semantically unacceptable; for the correct medieval meaning of munāqasha see نقش @ ''Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes'' by Reinhart Dozy, volume two, year 1881 (on page 712 in linked printing). Dozy translates مناقشات as ''contestations'' and ''disputes'', and for that meaning he cites usage in ''Prol'' = Prolégomènes d'Ibn-Khaldoun = مقدمة ابن خلدون.Dozy's Supplement and مُنَاقَشَةٌ @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon is under rootword نقش on page 2840 column 2, in Volume 8, year 1893. Altlink: http://arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/نقش/?cat=50 at which page search for مُنَاقَشَةٌ Lane's Lexicon page 2840 column 2. This Latin-Arabic dictionary is a non-astronomy and non-Arabic source, and riddled with errors about Arabic vocabulary. Its testimony about manākh nearly worthless. The other problematic case where المناخ al-manākh means approximately "almanac" is in a brief text attributed to Ibn al-Banna, died 1321, a mathematician, astronomer and astrologist, who lived in Morocco. Ibn al-Banna's main text on astronomy is 72 pages long and was printed in Arabic in year 1952 together with translation to Spanish Book ''Contribución al estudio de la labor astronómica de Ibn al-Bannāʾ'', curated and annotated by Juan Vernet, year 1952. It prints the Arabic text منهاج الطالب لتعديل الكواكب written by ابن البناء. Also has Arabic-to-Spanish translation of the text. Text's title is translatable as ''The student's method for the movements of the planets''. The text has dozens of instances of the word جدول | الجداول = ''tabular data''.(ref). This main text does not contain manākh | munākh. An unpublished concise and abbreviated version of this main text has one occurrence of word al-manākh referring to a table of motions of the Moon. Both versions were written for people who wanted to computationally get the future positions of the planets and the Moon. The authorship of the abbreviated version is attributed to Ibn al-Banna himself Biographical article in English, ''Ibn al-Bannāʾ'', by Julio Samsó, 2 pages, year 2007 in ''The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers'', edited by Thomas Hockey et al.(ref). The earliest surviving manuscript of the abbreviated version is dated 17th century as a physical manuscript and comes from Morocco (reported by H.P.J. Renaud, link below). In Morocco in Arabic, someone wrote a certain commentary upon the abbreviated version, this commentary states its own composition date as year 1573, and the physical manuscript in which it survives is 17th century. This commentary contains the word al-manākh several times meaning a table of planetary motions. Details in 3-page article "The linked website only displays the first page of the article. Article is in journal ''Isis'' Volume 37 on pages 44-46, year 1947.L'origine du mot ALMANACH," by H.P.J. Renaud, year 1947. The author H.P.J. Renaud thinks this is enough to make the claim that the European word came from an Arabic word al-manākh. But I don't think so, and I have three reasons why. The first reason I've already said and will repeat: A large amount of astronomy writings survive from medieval Arabic, they don't use the word al-manākh, Ibn al-Banna himself does not use it in his main text on astronomy, the earliest surviving manuscript is dated 17th century, and we have no way to remove the danger that the word is a 16th or 17th century addition. The second reason is: In and around the 16th century, plenty of words went into Morocco Arabic from Spanish & Portuguese. F.J. Simonet's Glosario, year 1888, has a large catalog of recorded but infrequently-used words in Northwest African Arabic that arrived there from Latinate, especially from Spanish (details about Simonet's GlosarioBook, ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888. It has 628 pages of glossary plus another 200+ pages of general analysis.Francisco Javier Simonet's Glosario, 860 pages, is firstly a glossary of Iberian Arabic words that had been borrowed from Iberian Latinate. Those borrowed words are in the documents of medieval Iberian Arabic. Secondly, Simonet's Glosario covers Northwest African Arabic words that had been borrowed from Iberian Latinate and were used in Northwest African Arabic in late medieval or early modern centuries. Searching the glossary for the string ''Ar. Afr.'' will surface African Arabic words whose parentage is derived by Simonet from Iberian Latinate words. African Arabic means Maghrebi Arabic, including Moroccan Arabic. Searching additionally in Simonet's glossary for ''Ar. Marr.'' and ''Ar. V. Marr.'' will surface Moroccan Arabic words of Latinate parentage that were used in Moroccan Arabic but were not used in African Arabic outside Morocco. The book's Arabic sources are cited by abbreviated labels. The abbreviated labels are expanded and defined on pages CCXIX-CCXXXII. The glossary includes many citations to 19th century dictionaries of dialectical and provincial North African Arabic, including the 19th century dictionaries that are referred to by the abbreviated labels ''Beaus.'', ''Br.'', ''Cherb.'', ''Domb.'', ''Marc.'', ''R. Bus.'', ''Almg.''.). A certain astronomy almanac in Spanish, featuring a complete set of planetary motion tables, was translated from Spanish to Arabic in Morocco in the early 17th (  details  )Book titled in Latin Almanach Perpetuum, written by Abraham Zacut and José Vizinho, was published in Latin in 1496 and in Castilian Spanish in the same year. A copy printed in Venice in Latin in year 1502 is at Archive.org. Most of it is numerical motion tables, and the rest of it is explaining how to use the tables. The tables were fundamentally from tables done at Paris in the 1320s. In early 17th century, the book was translated from Castilian Spanish to Arabic in Morocco. The translator was Ahmad ibn Qasim Al-Hajari (died 1640s), an Iberian-born Muslim who worked for the government of Morocco as a translator and diplomat. The complete Arabic text, minus the numerical motion tables, is published in Estudio y edición de las traducciones al árabe del ALMANACH PERPETUUM de Abraham Zacuto, by María José Parra Pérez, year 2013, on pages 305-417. This translation to Arabic did not use the word al-manākh in the Arabic. A frequent word in the Arabic translation is جدول jedwal | جداول jedāwal = ''data tables''. The colophon on the last page of the Arabic translation says the title of the text is الرسالة للجداول al-risāla lil-jedāwal, which is translatable as ''treatise on the almanac''. The sole subject of the treatise is astronomical motion tables.

    ASIDE NOTE: In the above-linked year 2013 book, you can find a separate translation into Arabic of the Zacuto almanac. It was done in Istanbul around year 1506. It omits some of the chapters and it shortens the chapters it translates. It has al-manākh on page 285 where it says المناخ أعني الجدول = al-manākh in other words al-jedwal  which is clearly signalling that the reader was not expected to know the intended meaning of the word al-manākh.
    . This translation of an almanac illustrates that the historical context in Morocco had potential pathways for the Spanish word almanaque to enter on. The Arabic manākh = "almanac" is scarcely found in Morocco, and this state of scarcity increases the chances that it went into Morocco from Iberia in or around the 16th century. My third reason is: There was no generator word or parent word within medieval Arabic that could have generated the supposed later-medieval Arabic al-munākh meaning approximately "almanac". This third point is the only subject of the rest of this paragraph. The primary meaning of munākh | manākh in medieval Arabic was "place where camels sit down to rest", including the overnight resting place. One secondary meaning was "a disagreeable place" because the place was littered with camel dung. A different secondary medieval meaning was a place (not disagreeable) where journeying civilians stopped to take a rest from journeying. Another secondary medieval meaning was a fortified temporary encampment of an army. Munākh with those several meanings contains a rootword نوخ nūkh meaning "camel sits down". The several meanings are from that root, together with Book, ''A Grammar of the Arabic Language'', by Caspari, Wright, Smith, Goeje, year 1898, under the section heading ''Nouns of Place and Time'', in volume 1, pages 124-130the Arabic noun prefix م m-. Presumably in derivation from the same root, munākh is also found sometimes as "place where a person settles down; residence". Dictionary definitions for the medieval meaning of munākh are in مُنَاخٌ @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword نوخ on page 2864 column 3, in Volume 8, year 1893. Altlink: arabiclexicon.hawramani.com/نوخ/?cat=50 Lane's Lexicon page 2864 and search @ medieval Arabic dictionariesنوخ @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com and نوخ @ ''Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes'' by Reinhart Dozy, Volume Two. Dozy names his sources with abbreviations that he defines in Volume One. Volume One is downloadable at the same website. It is necessary to know the meanings of Dozy's abbreviated source names. Dozy's sources are mix of medieval and modern Arabic sources.Dozy's year 1881 Supplement; and lots of medieval usages of munākh are online and searchable in the corpus of Arabic texts at search @ AlWaraq.net. The two wordforms المناخ and مناخ produce different search outputs. AlWaraq.net has many medieval Arabic texts. It also has some post-medieval Arabic texts. The medieval meaning of مناخ differs from the post-medieval meaning of it.AlWaraq.net; post-medieval usages are irrelevant. The expert Reinhart Dozy, in his 1881 Supplement, first accepts that a medieval Arabic munākh | manākh = "almanac" existed, and he then finds himself faced with the new problem that he can see no generator word in Arabic that could generate this Arabic word. Dozy says this meaning for manākh does not look to me to have an origin in Arabic. It is impossible to get it out of the root nūkh [camel sits down]. The expert F.J. Simonet year 1888, link above, says the word in question has no root in Arabic and he believes the word in Arabic came from Spanish almanaque (page 329-330). The etymology dictionary manākh @ Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW), volume XIX, pages 119-120FEW XIX year 1967 believes the word could have gone into Arabic from a Syriac source. But the Arabic speakers of the 13th century were not borrowing any words of that nature from Syriac. And if they had borrowed it from Syriac in earlier centuries (such as in the 9th century) it would have to had shown up in writing in Arabic before the 13th -- preferably in the Eastern part of the Arabic world. It does not show up in writing in Arabic, nor in Syriac. Researchers have searched in Syriac for a phonetically and semantically fitting word that might be a generator candidate, and the best they could find is ill-fitting –  details  The best they could find is Syriac ܡܢܚܝ manḥai / manḥay, meaning ''next year''. An intro to this Syriac word is in the Syriac dictionaries at ''Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon'' (''CAL''), compiled by Steve Kaufman. Searchable.http://cal.huc.edu. A Syriac can be mutated to an Arabic kh without serious obstacle. But there is a serious obstacle to inserting the long vowel into Arabic manākh if from Syriac manḥay. Complete deletion of 'ay' in manḥay is unlikely also. Semantically the Syriac word meant ''next year'', plain and simple. It would be a contortion to make it approach the meaning of the medieval Latin almanac. Zero evidence is offered that such semantic change happened in Arabic or in Syriac or in Latin. The proposal is in the article ''Le nom et les origines de nos almanachs'', by Joseph Bidez, year 1937, 9 pages, not online in 2016.. The etymology dictionary of almanac @ ''Dictionary of Arabic and Allied Loanwords: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician and Kindred Dialects'', by Federico Corriente, year 2008Corriente year 2008 dogmatizes an Andalusian Arabic al-manākh = "almanac" existed and was derived from Classical Arabic munākh = "halting place of a caravan", a transparent metaphor of the star stations. But: (#1) the medieval munākh, which is well documented meaning "halting place of a caravan", has no reported documentation where it gets used as a metaphor meaning star stations or planetary stations (planetary stationsA planetary station is a time period, lasting around a few days, when a planet seems stationary (not moving) in relation to the fixed stars, when viewed from Earth. A related astronomy word is planetary ''retrogradation'', defined as the apparent reverse motion of the planet across space, when viewed from Earth against the reference background of the fixed stars. The apparent reverse travel direction across space lasts for a few months (less or more months for different planets), and then the planet's apparent motion goes in the forward direction again. Around the point when the direction of motion turns from forward to reverse (or vice versa) the planet seems to move slowly, and at the turning point the planet seems to be stationary. The stationarity and the backwards motion are optical illusions involving the fact that the Earth is moving at a different speed than the planet. The Earth's movements are changing the distance between the Earth and the planet. The Earth's moves vis-a-vis the planet sometimes negate the planet's moves, whereby the planet's apparent movement is stationary or moving retrograde. is the more descriptive name); and (#2) the planetary stations had only a small and narrow place in the planetary motion tables (and the tables included the Moon and Sun, which do not have halting places); and (#3) the metaphor would not be a good one for even a planetary station, because at the end of the stationary interlude a caravan most often moves on in the forward direction whereas the planet always moves back in the reverse direction: Planetary retrograde motion explained in one diagramSchematic diagram explains the optical illusion of planetary retrograde motion using the case of planet Mars.alt-link ) and for planetary retrograde motion Animated graphic of apparent planetary motions of all planets. Click on the ''Start Animate'' button. A planetary station is a timepoint when a planet seemingly stops moving before it seemingly starts moving in the reverse direction.an animated illustration. In conclusion, there is no respectable evidence that manākh was ever used in medieval Arabic with a meaning related to almanac. Furthermore, there is inadequate evidence for any other origin for the Latin word. Humans use their imaginations to try to fill in the blanks in the picture, but the blanks are too big.
    Medieval and modern Arabic has a noun المنقّح al-munaqqah meaning a thing corrected, improved, revised. This would be phonetically and semantically admissible as a potential parent for almanac, but in actuality it is not admissible because no medieval documentation is reported for it in the context of astronomy motion tables. With regard to any idea for deriving any medieval Latin astronomy word from any Arabic word, the idea is impotent sophistry unless it comes with documentation in Arabic astronomy.
    This paragraph consists of peripheral background info to support the guess that the word almanac was pseudo-Arabic. Among practitioners of astronomy in late medieval Europe, one of the books most widely read by them was a Latin treatise on the Astrolabe authored by "Messahalla" (as proof of its popularity, almost 200 medieval manuscripts of it survive in libraries across Europe today – Book, ''Pseudo-Masha’allah, On the Astrolabe: A Critical Edition of the Latin Text with English Translation'', by Ron B. Thomson, year 2014. Its introduction section contains a list of known manuscripts of the Latin text.ref). The Latin name "Messahalla" referred to a well-known Arabic astronomer and astrologer Māshāʾallāh (died c. 815). The Latin treatise of "Messahalla" was written and compiled in Latin in the 3rd quarter of the 13th century or thereabouts. Most of it was compiled & derived from earlier Latin books, definitely including books that were Arabic-to-Latin translations. But nothing whatsoever in it is attributable to Māshāʾallāh – Article, ''On the authenticity of the treatise on the composition and use of the astrolabe ascribed to Messahalla'', by Paul Kunitzsch, 20 pages, year 1981 in journal Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, volume 31. Reprinted in year 1989 in book ''The Arabs and the Stars'' by Paul Kunitzsch.  DEAD LINK .Ref (altlink), Biographical article in English, ''Māshāʾ Allāh b. Atharī or b. Sāriya'', by J. Samsó, year 1990, 3 pages, in Brill's ''Encyclopaedia of Islam'', 2nd Edition, in Volume 06 pages 710-712.ref, Book, ''Pseudo-Masha’allah, On the Astrolabe: A Critical Edition of the Latin Text with English Translation'', by Ron B. Thomson, year 2014. The book has a two-page intro in which Ron B. Thomson summarizes Paul Kunitzsch's report about the medieval authorship.ref. "Messahalla" was a pseudonym of the pseudepigraph kind, created by a 13th century Latin compiler and author. The Latin Messahalla would have increased the cachet of his book by headlining it with an Arabic pseudepigraph. During the same time period, in the domain of alchemy in the late 13th century the influential Latin writer at Wikipedia : Pseudo-GeberPseudo-Geber wrote in Latin with an Arabic nom de plume. A little later, in the early 1320s, new planetary motion tables were developed at Paris. The astronomers who produced these tables at Paris in the 1320s named their tables the Alfonsine Tables, referring to the former king of Castile, Alfonso X, who died in 1284. A historian of medieval astronomy, Emmanuel Poulle (died 2011), after studying the technical content of these and other planetary motion tables, says: We must therefore definitively conclude that the Latin Alfonsine Tables [made at Paris in the 1320s] were truly and totally independent of Alfonso's original tables [which king Alfonso commissioned at Toledo in the 1270s]; indeed it is impossible to see the one as being a revision or an adaptation of the other.... What we have under his name [at Paris] is a work entirely independent of him, and his involvement in it is but a vast literary fiction that has, for six-and-a-half centuries, been deceiving first astronomers and then historians of astronomy.... The Alfonsine astronomy [of 14th-15th century Latin astronomers], as such, was not the work of its eponymous sovereign. It was the work of the Parisians.... As to why the name of the King of Castile came to be associated with a work that had nothing to do with him... I personally believe that what we have here is... motivated by... bestowing royal authority on the new tables.Article ''The Alfonsine Tables and Alfonso X of Castille'' by Emmanuel Poulle, year 1988, in ''Journal for the History of Astronomy'' Volume 19, on pages 97-113. Link goes to page 105.ref.
  166. ^ antimony

    Some people have made an effort to phonetically connect Latin antimonium with the synonymous Arabic اثمد ithmid via unattested intermediate wordforms. These intermediate wordforms are irregular and unusual, as well as being hypothetical and unattested, and are not likely. Constantinus Africanus was fluent in Arabic and most of his output was translated from Arabic sources. His output in Latin has many Arabic loanwords. He does not mangle any Arabic word in the manner nor on the scale that would be required to get antimonium from ithmid. Antimonium is in his three translations (1) De Gradibus, (2) Viaticum, and (3) Pantegni PracticaIn Latin : Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. Page 381 has the antimonium in the ''De Gradibus''. Page 30 has antimonii and antimonium in the ''Viaticum''. Antimonii is also in the ''Viaticum'' on page 28.ref, Works of Constantinus Africanus were printed at Lyon in year 1515 under title ''Omnia Opera Ysaac''. This volume includes the ''Pantegni Practica'', which is absent in the year 1530s Basel volumes. This ''Pantegni Practica'' has two separate paragraphs headed ''de antimonio''. One is on Pantegni page ''fo. lxxiiij''. The other one is a straight insertion of a medieval version of a subsection of Constantinus's ''De Gradibus'', and is at Pantegni page ''fo. lxxxv''. Pantegni Practica has late insertions not done by Constantinus.ref. The origin of antimonium is very unknown. All of the word's early records are in Italy in medicines books of the Salernitan School, including books by Constantinus Africanus (late 11th), the Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160). The link is an edition printed in year 1512. On folio page iiii, Platearius has a long paragraph about antimonium powder used in medicine.Simplici Medicina of Platearius (mid 12th), the Text in Latin : ''Eene Middelnederlandsche vertaling van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ, met den Latijnschen tekst der eerste gedrukte uitgave van het ANTIDOTARIUM NICOLAÏ'', curated by Van Den Berg, year 1917. There is evidence that the Latin text was probably first written in early to mid 12th century. There is evidence that all surviving manuscripts have early to mid 13th century additions. Some remarks on the date is at doi.org/10.4000/medievales.2283 Antidotarium Nicolai (partly mid 12th), and the ''De aegritudinum curatione'' is a 300-page compilation by an anonymous Salernitan compiler and author. It mentions the name Constantin__ six times. It mentions antimoni__ seven times. It is printed in ''Collectio Salernitana'' Volume 2, year 1853, on pages 81-386.De Aegritudinum Curatione (late 12th). Medievally it was a "bookish Latin word" (principally a medical word), and "not a vernacular word of the people in any language", and this can be easily seen in its usage contexts quoted in the vernacular medieval lexicons: antimonio @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO). Quotes three instances in medieval Italian, all in medical books derived from prior works in medieval Latin.TLIO (Italian), Search for antimon* (with the asterisk) @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Has no record before 1425. Has five Spanish books using it between 1450 and 1500 and all of these are Latin-to-Spanish translations of Latin medical books. In year 1492 the Latin-to-Spanish dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija says : ''[Latin] Antimonium a iunioribus dicitur = [Spanish] el alcohol.''CORDE (Spanish), DEAD LINK. Article in French, ''Addenda au FEW XIX (abar-qubba) 9e article'', by Raymond Arveiller, year 1979, in the journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'' Volume 95 on page 314. It cites the word antimony in French in three Latin-to-French medieval translations of three medicine books, namely : (1) Platearius's ''De Simplici Medicina'' [=LivrSimpl=], (2) ''Antidotarium Nicolai'' [=Antid Nic=], and (3) Aldebrandin de Sienne's compilation in French from Latin sources [=AldS=]. All three in Latin were influenced by the outputs by Constantinus Africanus. Arveiller's article does not have any other citation for antimony in French with medieval date. Meanwhile, antimoine @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, around year 2012, references Arveiller's article and does not cite other medieval records.Arveiller (French), and antimonie @ Middle English Dictionary. Has five quotations in late medieval English, all in books heavily influenced by prior works in Latin and some are Latin-to-English translations.MED (English); and it is absent in lexicons of medieval search @ Woerterbuchnetz.de Lexicons of Medieval High GermanHigh German and search @ De Geïntegreerde Taalbank (GTB) @ Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL), Historische woordenboeken op internet, anno 2007. An exception not covered by this lexicon is: The word antimony occurs in a late medieval Latin-to-Dutch translation of the Salernitan ''Antidotarium Nicolai'', which puts it in Dutch as antimonii.Netherlands Dutch. When Gerard of Cremona was doing his Latin translations of Arabic medical books in the late 12th century, he borrowed numerous Latin medicines words and wordforms from the Latin medicines books of the Salernitan School Elsewhere on the current page under the heading ''Nuphar'' is discussion of the wordforms of certain medical-botany words in Gerard of Cremona's Latin translations of Arabic medical books.(ref), and we can say with certainty that Gerard got his antimonium from the Salernitan books. Meanwhile in the literature of Latin alchemy the word does not have a reported record with a reasonably reliable date until the end of the 13th century, which is a late arrival for a word in Latin alchemy. Lots of Latin alchemy books are reliably dated around the begining of the 13th century and they do not use the word. Therefore, the word in Latin alchemy books came from Latin medicine books. Constantinus is the source of the word in the Latin medicine books. The three above-mentioned Constantinus medicines translations each have the Latin botanical name bor(r)ag__ = "borage", which is a name with no record in Latin prior to Constantinus. Note #167 below shows that the name bor(r)age did not come from Arabic. So the absence of antimonium in Latin prior to Constantinus is not a sufficient basis to claim that antimonium came from an Arabic source.
  167. ^ borage

    The Latin plant-name bor(r)ago | bor(r)aginis = "borage" is somewhat common in 12th-13th century writings of the Salernitan school of medicine in Italy – 12th and 13th century medical books of authors of the Salernitan School were published in Latin in the 1850s in the five-volume ''Collectio Salernitana''. The five-volume set has Latin wordforms borago, borrago, boragine, borragine, boraginis, borraginis, boragines.examples. The Salernitan school's way of doing medicine was much influenced by the Arabic-to-Latin translations done by Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087), who resided in southern Italy near Salerno town. Constantinus's translations contain the earliest European records for the Latin name borrago | borago | boragin_ | borragin_. Constantinus explicitly mentions two Arabic names for borage, one of them being the commonest name for borage in medieval Arabic, lisān al-thaūr, literally "ox tongue". The name that he uses himself is borrago | borago | boragin_ | borragin_ and he gives no hint that it might have been sourced from Arabic – Latin Works of Constantinus Africanus were published at Lyon in year 1515 under title ''Omnia Opera Ysaac'', 900 pages. At nearly two-thirds into the volume, at a page numbered fo. Lxvii+1 in Liber Secundus of opus ''Pantechni Practica'', there is a paragraph heading ''De boragine'' and the paragraph has the two statements: ''LISENATOR is borago.... Arabic language calls it BEDERAM.'' The name LISENATOR is writing down in Latin the Arabic name لسان الثور lisān al-thaūr meaning borage.ref, History book in English, ''Constantine the African and ʻAlī Ibn Al-ʻAbbās Al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related Texts'', a collection of essays by various historians, published in 1994. ''Borrago'' on page 176 in footnote #28.ref, In Latin : Collected Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. It has a dozen instances in spellings borrago, borraginis, or boraginis.ref. Nevertheless an Arabic source-word for the medieval Latin bor(r)ago | bor(r)agin_ is the preferred proposition in many of today's dictionaries (borage @ Merriam-Webster English Dictionary, about year 2010e.g., borage @ American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, about year 2010e.g., borage @ Collins English Dictionary, about year 2010e.g., bourrache @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales, about year 2010e.g., borago + borrago @ ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen'', by Helmut Genaust, third edition, year 1996, on page 103, declares that the medieval Latin name ''borago'' came from Arabic ''abū ʿaraq''.e.g., borratja @ Diccionari.cat, an online dictionary of today's Catalane.g.). The following five paragraphs are an argument and demonstration that those dictionaries are mistaken. The medieval European name did not come from an Arabic source.
    Many Latin plantnames have the suffix -ago. For instance the writer Pliny (died 79 AD) has the plantnames Pliny has : (#1) Latin lappa = burr (in botany), and (#2) Latin lappaceus = something burr-like (-aceus is suffixed to a noun to form an adjective meaning ''similar to'' the noun), and (#3) Latin lappago = a certain burr-type plant (-ago is suffixed to a noun to form a noun meaning ''somewhat similar to'' the noun). lappago, Ancient Latin planta meant the sole of the human foot (whence today's English medical anatomy adjective ''plantar'' with same meaning). The leaves of Plantago Major set themselves nearly horizontally at the surface of the ground. Therefore it seems the plant's name plantago was created as conveying the meaning ''footsole-like''. plantago, Latin plumbum means Lead metal. Latin plantname plumbago was seemingly created with intent to convey a similarity connection with a mineral containing Lead metal. The way the plant resembled the mineral has been the subject of speculation. plumbago, selago, Latin tussis is a noun meaning a cough. Latin tussilis is an adjective meaning having a cough or having some relation to a cough. Latin tussilago is a noun for a plant that was a medicinal treatment for a cough. tussilago, Ancient Greek θρίξ THRIX & τριχός TRICHOS & τρίχες TRICHES meant ''hair''. Pliny's plant name trixago is likely to be from this Greek word, with the Latin suffix -ago. The trixago plant described by Pliny makes a good fit with today's Teucrium Chamaedrys, which has hair-covered stems & buds, and fine hairs at its leaf-edges. trixago – ref: search @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis and Short, year 1879. In this dictionary, ''Plin.'' means Pliny (died 79 AD). Alternative link for Lewis & Short's dictionary : http://orbilius.org/glossa/ Lewis & Short's dictionary. The Latin suffix -ago means "somewhat a sort of" and it is suffixed to Latin nouns to create other Latin nouns. Suffix -ago changes to suffix form "-agin_" as an ordinary standard part of Latin grammar inflection; the case declension details for any Latin -ago are at en.Wiktionary.org has Latin declension for -ago suffixed to any nounRef, and borago's declension is at Website en.Wiktionary.org gives the Latin declension for borago, boraginis, a third declension nounRef. The borage plant has hairy stems and rough-textured leaves: ''Borago Officinalis'' is today's botanical Latin name for the borage plantset of 10 photos of Borago Officinalis , Three photos of borageset of 3 photos , To see next photo, click thumbnail image at top of page.set of 21 photos. The Latin-source proposition for the medieval Latin plantname borrago is that it came from the Latin noun burra | borra whose meaning was borra #2 @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin "horse hair and wool used as padding and stuffing" and Latin-to-English dictionary ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus'' by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976. It has burra on page 110 meaning ''coarse wool''. It has buretus on page 108 meaning ''coarse woollen material''. Page 102 mentions borra as wordform variant of burra."coarse wool, stuffing", and burra also meant burra @ Latin-to-English dictionary of Lewis & Short, year 1879"shaggy garment". The Latin burra | borra begot borra @ TLIO, a lexicon of medieval Italianmedieval Italian borra with the same meaning, and the same is in medieval Spanish as Search for borra in ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español''. The corpus has : Year 1243 ''borra non filata'', Year 1250 ''borra dela tonsura'', Year 1300 ''borra de la tondedura'', etc. The meanings of ''borra'' in medieval Spanish are closely similar to the meanings of ''borra'' in today's Spanish.borra, and in medieval French bourre @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, 1330-1500bourre. The proposition is that the plantname borrago is borra with the Latin suffix -ago. Latin medicinal-botany dictionaries written in the later-medieval era include the plantnames andrago, bulmago, cassilago, citrago, cur(r)ago, filago, melago, nitrago, viscago (a.k.a. vesicago), vitrago, vulgago – ref: Alphita dictionary and other medieval Latin botany dictionaries''Alphita'' medicinal-botany dictionary from a 15th century Latin manuscript. Most of it replicates versions of ''Alphita'' dated 13th century. The 15th century version contains 15th century additions. Published in Latin with footnotes in English by J.L.G. Mowat, year 1887. This publication additionally publishes three other, shorter Latin botany dictionaries of late medieval date.. One of those medieval plantnames is particularly notable: filago. From the late medieval Latin filago, English in the 15th and 16th centuries had filago meaning approximately today's Filago plant genus – ''Filago'' in the botany book of Rembert Dodoens, year 1554 in Netherlands, translated to English by Henry Lyte in year 1578. The 1578 translation states: ''COTTON-WEEDS are herbs bearing white, soft, wooly or cottony leaves, which some men call... Filagines.... These herbs are called Filago in Latin.''ref, In quotations in the ''Middle English Dictionary'', the plantname filago is in medicines concoctions in three English medicines books circa 1450ref. The Filago plants are characteristically covered in fine hairs, thin filaments (photos: A close-up photoFilago Arvensis, A close-up photoFilago Vulgaris, A close-up photoFilago Pygmaea). The medieval plantname filago was formed from classical Latin filum = "filament", plus suffix -ago. As a meaningfully constructed name, filago from filum + -ago is closely similar to borrago from borra + -ago. Another comparable case is: From the classical Latin pilosus = "hairy, shaggy", plus the medieval diminutive suffix -ella, medieval Latin formed the plantname Pilosella is discussed in 13th century Latin text ''Tractatus de herbis'' by Bartholomaeus Mini of Siena. Text curated and annotated by Iolanda Ventura, year 2009, on page 675.pilosella | ''Pilosella'' was also spelled ''pilocella'' and ''pilusella'' in medieval Latin. Link goes to the ''Alphita'' medical-botany dictionary, written in Latin in mid 15th century, published in Latin with footnotes in English by J.L.G. Mowat, year 1887.pilocella, meaning today's plant Pilosella Officinarum, which has long soft hairs (photos of Pilosella: The photo is a closeup of hairs on a mature leaf of the plant Hieracium Pilosella, also known as Pilosella Officinarumfot, Photo of an emerging new leaf of Pilosella.fot, Set of 18 photos of Hieracium Pilosella also known as Pilosella Officinarumfot). Another comparable case is the plantname asperago. Latin asperum & aspera means "rough, unsmooth, uneven". In 12th-century Latin the borago plant was described as "aspera habens folia" = "having unsmooth leaves" – Paragraph on boragine in book ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'' by Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160). The first word in the paragraph is ''Borago''. The link is an edition printed in year 1512. An alternative edition with the same statements is at MertzDigital.NYBG.org/digital/collection/p15121coll5/id/247 ref. In 15th-century Latin a botanist described a certain other species within the borage family as est valde aspera, quia a multis dicitur asperago = it is very unsmooth [aspera], hence many call it asperagoBook, ''L'Opera Salernitana «Circa Instans»'', by Giulio Camus, year 1886, publishes excerpts from a 15th-century ''Tractatus Herbarum''. Asperago is under heading Buglossa on page 45. The 15th-century treatise was mostly derived from works of the Salernitan School of Medicine of earlier centuries.ref. He meant the leaves are unsmooth. He was talking about today's Photos of AsperugoAsperugo, formerly also called Asperago, a member of the Boraginaceae family. Miscellaneous plantnames of post-medieval Latin include Medicago, Solidago, Ventilago, fabago, githago, liliago. Latin -ago is in Italian as the suffix -aggine, which is in the Italian plantnames borraggine/borragine/boragine, equals Latin plantago piantaggine, equals Latin plumbago piombaggine, Modern Italian noun propaggine and ancient Latin noun propago have the meaning : Any non-seed part of an old plant that is used for propagating a new plant. propaggine, equals Latin tussilago tossilaggine, etc.
    As mentioned, there are people who suppose Constantinus's Latin borrago | borragine came from an Arabic source. Their usual proposition is Constantinus took it from Arabic abū ʿaraq = "sweat inducer". When they offer a justification for this (bourrache @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalese.g.) they say abū ʿaraq would be pronounced buʿaraq in Arabic and they say a medicine made from borage leaves supposedly had a sweat-inducing effect. A fatal weakness of that proposition is that the Arabic abū ʿaraq, meaning "sweat inducer", has no documentation in medieval Arabic meaning "borage". The proposition has an even more fatal weakness than that. There are plenty of medieval Arabic medical texts having talk about borage as a medicine, they all say more-or-less the same things, and they don't say anything about sweat. Likewise, in Constantinus there is no mention of borage as a sweat inducer. Likewise in the bulk of later-medieval Latin medicine, borage is not used or noted as a sweat inducer, while it is noted for other supposed effects. Medieval Latin does contain an instance where a Salernitan author says borage provokes sweat. It is online It is in ''Collectio Salernitana'' Volume 5 pages 289-290 enumerates plants that provoke sweat. Written by someone calling himself ''magister Bernardus provincialis''. He had been educated in the Salernitan School's way of doing medicine. But Salernitan authors in general, when they mention borage, do not connect borage with sweat. You can see so by search for bor[r]ag__ in all five volumes of ''Collectio Salernitana''.Collectio Salernitana Volume 5, on pages 289-290, and page 240-241, where borrago | borago is a name within a long tabulation of plants that are said to provoke sweat (two dates assessed 12th-14th centuries). It is remarked on by a historian at Book : ''Tractatus de Herbis'' by Bartholomaeus Mini de Senis, 13th century Latin medicine book of the Salernitan School, annotated by Iolanda Ventura, year 2009. Footnotes on page 281 comment on what Bartholomaeus Mini says on page 280 about borage.Ref. A 15th-century reiteration of the same tabulation is at Ref 15th-century text expanded from 13th-century text : ''Edición crítica del REGIMEN SANITATIS SALERNITANUM transmitido por los manuscritos Add. 12190 y Sloane 351 de la British Library'', curated by Virginia de Frutos González, year 2010, 53 pages, in journal ''Minerva: Revista de filología clásica''. Search for wordform borago. Altlink: core.ac.uk/download/pdf/211094106.pdf (borago on line 2696).. But this instance, and any other instance that might exist, is unrepresentative of medieval thinking about the properties of borage. The properties of any given medicine were fundamentally traditionalistic and the tradition for borage as a medicine can be seen in the online medieval medicines texts by Ibn Sina (In Arabic : Entry for لسان الثور in Book Two of ''Qanun fi al-tibb'' by Ibn Sina (died 1037). It summarizes the medicinal attributes of the plant named لسان الثور.ref, ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحثref), Al-Razi (Arabic ''Kitab al-Hawi fi al-Tibb'', by al-Razi (died c. 930). Search for لسان الثورref, DEAD LINK. Book, ''The Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian Sources in the Comprehensive Book of Rhazes'', by Oliver Kahl, year 2015, on pages 215 & 264. Al-Razi's ''al-Hawi fi al-Tibb'' re-reports uses for لسان الثور ''lisan al-thaur'' (meaning: borage & borage-like) that were reported by ''Al-Khuz''. ''Al-Khuz'' was a school of medicine in Khuzestan in southwest Iran. Altlink: Books.Google.com ref), Ibn al-Baitar (In Arabic : book about medicines by Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) (الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية). Search the text for all occurrences of لسان الثور.ref), Sabur Ibn Sahl (Book in Arabic : ''Sābūr ibn Sahl's Dispensatory in the Recension of the ʿAḍudī Hospital'', with translation to English by Oliver Kahl, year 2009. Sabur Ibn Sahl (died in 869 AD) says on page 83 ...شراب لسان ثور النافع من... and English translation says on page 188 ''borage beverage which is useful against...'' specifically named ailments. Altlink : books.google.com/books?id=iAuwCQAAQBAJ ref), physician Ibn al-Dhahabi (The relevant ابن الذهبي Ibn al-Dhahabi lived 11th century AD and wrote a medical dictionary titled كتاب الماء Kitāb al-Māʾ. He says about lisān al-thaūr: لسان الثّور
    معروفٌ ، حارّ رَطْب فى الأولَى ، قريب الى الاعتدال ، فيه خاصّيّة لتفريح القب {{ تفسير: القلب }} وتقويته لما فيه من اسهال السَّوداء المتولِّدة عن الصَّفراء فيحصُل بذلك تَنقيةٌ لجوهره الرُّوح ودَمِ القلب
    ), Ibn at-Tilmīḏ (Medicines recipes in 12th century Arabic plus translation to English : ''The dispensatory of Ibn at-Tilmīḏ'', curated and translated by Oliver Kahl, year 2007. In this book, لسان الثور ''lisan al-thaur'' is an ingredient in a dozen medicines recipes and it is put in the English as ''borage''. Its author ابن التلميذ Ibn al-Tilmīdh died in 1165 AD. Alt-link: books.google.com/books?id=V5PqmC9l-QcC&q=borage ref), Ibn Khalsoun (كتاب الأغذية – بن خلصون ''Kitab al-Aghdhiya'' by Ibn Khalsoun is a 13th-century Arabic medicines book. The Arabic is curated by Suzanne Gigandet, year 1996. Medicinal properties of numerous leafy greens are asserted in subsection 11 of the book's fifth section. Search the subsection for greens in borage family -- one such is الكُحَيْلاء al-kuḥaylāʾ. French translation by Gigandet is at books.openedition.org/ifpo/5509 ref), additional medieval Arabic medicines writers whose texts are searchable in Arabic at At ABLibrary.net : Search for all Arabic words whose meaning is borage. The returned search results are a mixture of medieval and modern writings.ABLibrary.net, the one-sentence definition of لسان الثور lisān al-thaūr in the general-purpose dictionary of Fairuzabadi Fairuzabadi's dictionary is dated 1390. Under headword لسان it has: 
    لِسانُ الثَّوْرِ: نَباتٌ مُفَرِّحٌ جدّاً، مُلَيِّنٌ، يُخْرِجُ المِرَّةَ الصَّفْراءَ، نافِعٌ للخَفَقَانِ
    To know the true medieval meaning of المرة الصفراء (literally ''the yellow bile''), you would have to have knowledge of the medieval نَظَرِيَّةُ الأَخْلاَط and its الأخلاط الأربعة.
    , the medicinal properties of borage in Constantinus Africanus's translations (In Latin : Collected Works of Constantinus Africanus, Volume 1, published at Basel in year 1536. The volume includes Constantinus's translation De Gradibus, which has a paragraph that asserts medicinal properties of ''borrago'' on page 348. In the volume overall, there are five instances of wordform borrago, and four instances of wordform borraginis, and two instances of boraginis. The instances are occurring in medicines recipes. None of the recipes has sweating in mind.ref‑1 ,  ref‑2 Translations of Constantinus Africanus were printed at Lyon in year 1515 under book title Omnia Opera Ysaac. The volume has a paragraph headed ''De boragine'' Book Omnia Opera Ysaac (year 1515) prints Constantinus's translation ''Pantegni'' with pagination numbers that stand independent from rest of book. The Liber Secundus of the Pantegni's ''Practica'' begins on Pantegni page Lxv. It contains an appended section headlined “Tractatus Constantini De Gradibus Medicinarum secundum ordinem alphabeti” which begins on Pantegni page Lxxviii and ends at page Lxxxvi. On Pantegni page Lxxviii+1, which is within the appended De Gradibus, there is a paragraph headed De boragine.(online) where borage's main medicinal properties are summarized. When the paragraph's abbreviations are expanded, it says:

    De boragine. Borago calida et humida in primo gradu. Choleram rubeum purgat. Cardiacis subvenit ex cholera nigra patientibus. Missa in vino et potui data leticiam generat. Apozima eius cum melle vel zaccara bibitum asperitati pectoris et pulmonis et gutturis valet.
    TRANSLATION. On borage. Borage is warm and humid in the first degree. It purges choler [choler means anger and bilious temper]. For people with heart or stomach problems it helps against sufferings of melancholia [black choler]. Put in wine and given as a potion it generates cheerfulness [laetitiam]. A decoction of it consumed with honey or sugar has value against asperity in the chest and lungs and throat.
    ) and in the Latin medicines books of the Salernitans (In Latin : ''Tractatus de herbis'' by Bartholomaeus Mini of Siena, dated 13th century, print year 2009, on page 280. Most of what it says about borrago/boragine is copied from the boragine in the medicines book of Matthaeus Platearius (mid 12th century), which was influenced by the medicines translations of Constantinus Africanus (late 11th century).e.g., Medieval Latin texts carrying title ''Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum'' (also titled ''Flos Medicinae'') have multiple versions and multiple dates. Most 13th-14th century versions have : ''bor[r]ago gaudia semper ago... bor[r]ago gaudia confert'' = ''borage always stimulates cheerfulness... borage confers a cheerful mood''.e.g.), and the ox-tongue plant's medicinal properties in the Arabic-to-Latin translation of the medicine book of Serapion the Younger (In medieval Latin, translated from Arabic : Serapion the Younger's book about medicines. The translation is dated second half of 13th century. The Arabic author was of the school of Ibn al-Wafid (died c. 1070). The book has a subsection headed ''DE LINGVA BOVIS'', which starts with the words ''Lisen althaur, id est lingua bouis'' (page 77).ref). They do not mention sweat in connection with borage. Therefore, the idea that "sweat inducer" could have been in use in medieval Arabic as a name for borage is semantically unrealistic in conception, in addition to being undocumented.
    The next consideration for the origin of the name borrago is that any name arriving in medieval Latin medical books from Arabic did not spread out into the language of the ordinary people without some non-book driver to drive its spread. To appreciate that, elsewhere on this page the addendum for medieval Latin botanical names borrowed from Arabic includes well more than a dozen botanical names in today's English botany books with the three characteristics that (#1) the names entered medieval Latin books from Arabic medical sources and some of them have their earliest record in Latin in Constantinus Africanus in particular, and (#2) from the medieval Latin books, the names continued in use in international technical botany through all the centuries to today, but (#3) the names never entered the language of the ordinary people anywhere in Latin Europe medievally. In contrast to those names, the Italian borragine = "borage" was in use among Italian poets and ordinary Italians in the late medieval centuries because the borage leaves were commonly eaten as a leafy green vegetable – borragine @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref; and 14th & 15th century vernacular Italian has also records with the variant wordform borrana meaning borage – borrana @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiref , The Italian borrana meaning ''borage'' is the subject of a half-page chapter in an agriculture book printed in Italian in year 1490. The book was originally written in Latin circa 1309 by Petrus de Crescentiis, aka Pietro de Crescenzi, aka Piero Crescientio. The Italian translation was done in 14th or 15th century. Latin original uses wordforms borago | boragine. Latin original is at: books.google.com/books?id=o_maGPWvpbIC&pg=PA300 ref; and wordform burragines is in Latin in 14th-century Sicily as a garden vegetable – Article, ''Les jardins de Palerme (1290-1460)'', by Henri Bresc, year 1972, in journal ''Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome'' volume 84. On page 73 in footnote #7 it has quotation for burragines meaning ''borage leaves'' in year 1346. See also footnote #5 on same page.ref. Borage was commonly eaten as a vegetable in later-medieval Western Europe and borage was the most common name for it in Western Europe at that time. The popular diffusion of the name would have been improbable if the name had disseminated from the bookish medicines circles influenced by Constantinus Africanus.
    It is judged by today's botanists that borage is a native plant in Iberia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, west Syria, Mediterranean Africa, and all the islands of the Mediterranean Sea – ref: The European Union's ''Euro+Med Plantbase'' : Lists the places where Borago Officinalis is a native species, and the places where it is doubtfully native, and the places where it is an introduced species. Click on ''Reference'' beside a country name for one or more references for that country.Borago Officinalis @ Euro+Med Plantbase and likewise Borago Officinalis @ CatalogueOfLife.org : Lists the places where the plant grows as a native species and also lists the places where it grows naturalized as an introduced speciesCatalogueOfLife.org. "Native" means it has been growing in those places since pre-historic times. With English spelling BORAGE, borage is in a handful of late medieval English cookery books and gardening books borage @ ''Middle English Dictionary'' gives 18 quotations from 14th & 15th century English(ref), from which it is obvious that borage was successfully grown in gardens in England at the time. The medieval Arabs ate borage as a vegetable too. But there is no sign of any driver that could drive any Arabic name for borage into common use in medieval Italian. Furthermore, it is practically impossible for medieval Italian to have gotten the name from any Arabic source because the plentiful surviving medieval Arabic literature on foods & medicines contains no phonetically and semantically suitable name in Arabic from which to get it. The facts about the vernacular diffusion and the lack of an Arabic precedent are supportive of the opinion of Friedrich Diez (died 1876) that borrago | borragine = "borage" was derived from the commonplace Italian borra and was already in use in Italian at the time of Constantinus Africanus.
    It should be unsurprising for a vernacular medieval Italian plantname to show up earliest in Constantinus Africanus: Throughout more than 400 years up until the arrival of Constantinus, the Latins produced very little writings about plants, and the little produced was unoriginal in information and adhered to earlier Latin in nomenclature. The name for borage in ancient and early medieval Latin was lingua bubula, literally "ox tongue", and the closely related Latin variant lingua bovis, meaning "ox tongue", and another name for it in Latin was buglossa | buglosssum from Greek bou glosson, literally "ox tongue", meaning "borage". The scope of the ancient plantname "ox tongue" extended across plants related to borage, in addition to borage itself, in Greek and Latin, and in Medieval Syriac plantname ܠܫܢ ܬܘܪܐ leshan taūrā, literally ''ox tongue'', is synonymous with the Greek and Arabic ''ox tongue'' in the Syriac dictionaries by Bar Bahlul, Payne Smith, and Immanuel Löw. Those dictionaries were printed in the late 19th century and are freely online. medieval Syriac and in medieval Arabic. It is still true in today's Arabic, where لسان الثور lisān al-thaūr (literally "ox tongue") means both Borago plants and Anchusa plants لسان الثور @ AlMaany.com Modern Arabic-English Dictionary(ref) and today's Arabic حمحم himhim means both Borago plants and Anchusa plants حمحم @ AlMaany.com Modern Arabic-English Dictionary(ref). Medievally those two Arabic names each have that span of meaning in Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) – In Arabic : Ibn al-Baitar's Compendium on Simple Medicines and Foods. Search it for all occurrences of لسان الثور. He says حمحم is fully synonymous with لسان الثور.ref, French translation of Ibn al-Baitar by Lucien Leclerc, Volume Three, year 1883. Search Volume 3 for all instances of French word ''bourrache'' (English borage) and French ''buglosse'' (English bugloss). Leclerc translates لسان الثور sometimes as Anchusa plant (e.g. on page 235) and sometimes as Borago plant.ref. The authors of the ancient era clearly indicate the "ox tongue plant" grew in the wild (this is true for bugloss in Dioscorides (died c 90 AD) says in his book 4: ''Buglosson grows in plain misty places and is gathered in the month July.'' That statement means it is gathered from wild plants. Dioscorides and Pliny (died 79 AD) has a very short paragraph about ''buglossos'' as a medicinal herb (Pliny book 25). He talks about it immediately after talking about Plantago Major, and immediately before talking about Cynoglossum Officinale. Both plantago and cynoglossum were wild, uncultivated plants. Pliny). None of them indicates it was under cultivation (no cultivation in the agriculture writers Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius – In classical Latin plus translation to modern French : ''Les Agronomes Latins'', year 1844, publishes the agriculture books of Cato, Varro, Columella, and Palladius. The agriculture book of Cato mentions the ox-tongue plant (Latin ''lingua bubula'', page 18) but gives no suggestion that it is a cultivated plant. The other three authors do not mention the ox-tongue plant.ref). Latin authors of the later-medieval era have borage cultivated in gardens (e.g. In Latin : ''De boragine'' and ''borago'' in the agriculture handbook of Petrus de Crescentiis (aka Piero Crescientio), written in Latin during years 1305-1309. The linked copy was printed in 1538. On page 300 it says borage is grown from seed in vegetable gardens and it recommends how to do the sowing of the seeds.Italy circa 1309). Therefore, the later-medieval borage can have had improvements as a garden cultivar. In medieval Latin after name bor(r)ago was attached to borage, the old names buglossa and lingua bovis continued attached to plants related to borage yet clearly distinct from it. These plants were not grown as vegetables. They were sometimes used for medicines. They were wild and uncultivated in general. This point about the original and modified meaning of the Latin "ox tongue" plant-name was noted in the 16th-century botany book by Rembert Dodoens, under the headings of In English : Medicinal botany book of Rembert Dodoens, written in Netherlands in 1554 and translated to English by Henry Lyte in 1578bugloss and In English : Medicinal botany book of Rembert Dodoens, written in Netherlands in 1554 and translated to English by Henry Lyte in 1578borage, although it must be added that Rembert Dodoens and myself are making inferences and extrapolations from ancient texts that say very little. When Isidore of Seville (died 636) said in Latin "buglossos... is also consumed as a green vegetable" (In Latin : Isidore's ''Origines'', book XVII chap ix subsection 49 says ''buglossos... pro olere etiam sumitur''. Book XVII chap ix is about herbs used as medicines (whereas book XVII chap x is about garden vegetables as foods).ref, In English translation : Isidore's ''Origines''. Search for English word ''bugloss''. It is in a chapter about medicinal herbs (not vegetables).ref), we read it that he was talking about borage, with good probability, although Isidore's plant description is scanty.
    Modern dictionaries who make a judgement in favor of the derivation of the medieval Italian-Latin borrago from the Latin burra & Italian borra and suffix -ago include: borraggine @ ''An Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages, chiefly from the German of Friedrich Diez'', year 1864 in English. The English is derived and loosely translated from the year 1861 edition of Diez's ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der romanischen Sprachen''."borraggine" @ Friedrich Diez (year 1861, 1864), ''NED'' = ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles''borage @ NED (year 1888) and ''An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language'' by Walter W. Skeat, year 1888borage @ Skeat (year 1888), On page 173 of Volume 1borrana + borragine + borra @ Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana by Ottorino Pianigiani (year 1907), ''Deutsches Wörterbuch'' by FLK Weigand (died 1878) and others, 5th edition, year 1909, Volume 1 at column-page 270. ''Borretsch'' is the word for borage in German.borretsch @ Deutsches Wörterbuch by Weigand et al (year 1909), In the dictionary's Part 2, Latin borrago is on page 630, Latin burra on page 638, and *burrago on page 639. Dictionary is uploaded in two parts. Part 1 is at same site.borrago + burra @ Diccionario Etimologico Español by Vicente Garcia de Diego (year 1954), online at dictionary.comborage @ Random House English Dictionary (year 2001), borago @ The Names of Plants by David Gledhill (year 2008).
  168. ^ calibre

    The European word calibre in its early written records meant most often "diameter of gun-barrel or bullet" and almost equally often it meant "the degree, quality or comparative character of a person or of anything". The idea that calibre came etymologically from Arabic qālib = "mold" is in the Dictionnaire Etymologique by Gilles Ménage in year 1694Gilles Ménage does not offer an etymology for calibre on his own behalf. This implies he thinks the etymology is an unsolved puzzle. He reports that Barthélemy d'Herbelot (died 1695) claims calibre was derived from Arabic QALIB.. Most English etymology dictionaries still adhere to this idea today and the majority of them still say the transmission to Europe was through Italian. That has the fatal problem that the word is not attested in Italian until year 1606, and for the next 50+ years it was scarce in Italian, whereas it is in French as calibre or qualibre in Book ''Les dix premiers livres de l'Iliade d'Homere'', year 1545. It has the statement: ''Cherche s'il veult en Grece aultre persone de son Calybre'', on page CCC = page 300. The book is Homer's Illiad translated to French by Hugues Salel (died 1553).1545, Novel, ''Pantagruel'', the Third Book, by François Rabelais, dated 15461546, Book on Architecture by Vetruvius translated to French by Jean Martin, year 15471547, Novel ''Baliverneries'' by Noël du Fail, year 15481548, Novel, ''Le premier livre de l'histoire et ancienne cronique de Gerard d'Euphrate, Duc de Bourgongne'', year 1549, a fiction by an anonymous 16th century author1549, ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', volume one, by Victor Gay, year 1887, page 77 has a list of artillery guns, the list written in 15501550, Book ''Histoires De Paolo Iovio [aka Paolo Giovio, died 1552]... traduictes de Latin en François par le Signeur du Parc Champenois''. In linked copy, the preface page says this translation was done in year 1551, while the title page says it was printed in 1552.1551, Novel, ''Pantagruel'' the Fourth Book, by François Rabelais, dated 1552. The book has [#1] ''toutes d'un qualibre'' = ''all of one caliber'' and [#2] ''bien qualibrée'' = ''well calibrated''.1552, ''Le siège de Metz par l'empereur Charles V, en l'an 1552'', by Bertrand de Salignac, published in year 1553. Linked copy is year 1665 reprint.1553, Novel, ''La plaisante histoire des amours de Florisée et Clareo, et de la peu fortunée Ysea'', year 1554, in French which had been translated from year 1552 Spanish. Translation by Jacques Vincent. It says ''personnes, elles ne sont du calibre de celles, que...''.1554, Book, ''La sphere des deux mondes'', by Darinel pasteur des Amadis [a pseudonym], year 1555. Page 5 has both equilibre and Calibre.1555, ''Suétone Tranquille - De la vie des douze césars'', book translated to French in year 1556, translating a Latin book by Suetonius (died c. 125 AD). The translator's name is George de la Boutiere.1556, Book ''Trois livres des quatre empires souverains'', by Johannes Sleidanus (died 1556; wrote in Latin), Latin-to-French translation, year 15571557, Book ''La geomance du Seigneur Christofe de Cattan'', published in 1558, has the word ''qualibre'' in the publisher's preface. The preface was written by an unnamed associate of the publisher in Paris.1558, Book ''Livre de perspective'', by Jean Cousin [the Elder], year 1560. The book is about how to systematically do 3-dimensional perspective projections in 2-dimensional drawings and paintings. It has 27 very technical uses of ''Calibre'' spread over nine pages.1560, Novel ''La Venerie'' by Jaques du Fouilloux, year 15611561, Year 1558 Italian book ''Il Galateo'' by Giovanni Della Casa was translated as French book ''Le Galathee'' in year 1562, translation by Jean du Peyrat1562, Book about religion, ''Arrest donné au profit des Catholiques'', by Gabriel du Preau [aka Dupréau], 15631563, ''Histoire des hommes illustres de la maison de Medici'', by Jean Nestor, year 15641564, Qualibre in a law of year 1565 is printed on page 271 in a law book published in 1571, ''Les édits et ordonnances des roys de France depuis l'an 1226 jusque 1571''1565, and many times later in the 16th century in French. It is in English in 1567 & 1588 spelled calibre meaning "caliber" Headword ''calibre'' @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1893, on page 32. Relatedly, the dictionary also has headword ''caliver'' on page 33 and headword ''calliper'' on page 39.(ref). It starts in German in 1603 spelled calibre meaning the diameter of an artillery gunbarrel, and it is in German in 1612 spelled qualibre Book, ''A Lexicon of French Borrowings in the German Vocabulary (1575-1648)'', by William Jervis Jones, year 1976, on page 168. Note : 16th-17th century German ''Carthaun'' | ''Kartaune'' was an artillery gun.(ref). In Spanish the word's earliest known records are 1592 as colibre, 1594/1595 as calibre and 1598 as cálibo, and those Spanish records are in books about warfare and artillery guns at Search for wordforms @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español.
    Note : The search for calib* does not search for cálib*.
    . Therefore: "Italian calibro (1606) and Spanish calibre (1594) appear too late to act as intermediate forms between Middle French and Arabic qālib," as The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology put it. Generally today's Italian & Spanish & Catalan dictionaries say their word calibro | calibre came from the French calibre. They add that the French word came, or perhaps came, from Arabic qālib. I will be arguing later below that the French calibre did not and could not come from Arabic.
    There is an isolated instance of a French "calibre" in the city of Rouen in northern France dated 1478. Its text is fully at Book, ''Histoire des anciennes corporations d'arts et métiers et des confréries religieuses de la capitale de la Normandie'', by Ch. Ouin-Lacroix, year 1850, ''calibre'' on page 717, left column, second paragraph. Pages 555-750 are publishing old statutes of the city of Rouen. The statute with ''calibre'' begins on page 715.Ref, and it is cited in some dictionaries, but the meaning in its context is not clear and it might be a different word semantically. Excluding that instance, the earliest I have seen is dated 1512 and says in French: "25 balls [i.e. cannon balls] of the calibre of the grand culverin [cannon]" -- this occurs as an inventory item at an armaments storehouse of the king of France, and was published in 1995 as a snippet from an unpublished manuscript ''Trésor du langage des galères: Dictionnaire exhaustif'', by Jan Fennis, year 1995, calibre on page 456. Calibre in year 1512 is in a manuscript which has been given the title ''Livraisons par Jacques Lion, concierge du magasin, 1511-1513'', also titled ''Livre de Jacques Lion''. The manuscript is a record of arrivals and departures of material at a military storehouse of the army of France at Marseille.(ref). The next earliest is dated 1523 and says in French: "Eight arquebus guns made of high-quality metal, each weighing 30 livres, of the calibre of those at the king's chateau" ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', volume one, by Victor Gay, year 1887, on page 73. This glossary quotes from the publication series ''Archives... Cote-d'Or'', curated by Joseph Garnier in the 1870s & 1880s, which publishes late medieval and early post-medieval manuscripts of the administration of the military of the king of France at the town of Dijon.(ref). Calibre and calivre are calibration words in weapons inventories of the king of France in year 1525-1526 (Book ''La Grande Maîtresse, nef de François Ier : recherches et documents d'archives'', by Guérout and Liou, year 2001. Pages 128-129 is a photocopy and transcription of a letter by king of France, François I (died 1547), addressed to Antoine d'Ancienville (died 1538), dated 26 Sep 1526, having phrase ''quelzques pieces d'artillerye de mon calibre''. Page 231 at footnote #108 has comment.ref-1 , Book ''La Grande Maîtresse, nef de François Ier : recherches et documents d'archives'', by Guérout and Liou, year 2001. CALIVRE on page 85 is within an inventory list dated 20 Nov 1525, and this date is stated by the year 2001 historian on page 77. CALIVRE on page 139 has date 26 Sep 1526, this date stated on page 133. Meaning of the CALIVRE is gun calibre. Book has 17 pages having CALIBRE.ref-2).
    However, the semantics of the early word in French are much more complicated and multifaceted than gun-barrels. I am now going to quote two dozen early instances of the word, to show the semantics. In many of these quotations the spelling is qualibre. The two spellings qualibre and calibre were pronounced in the exact same way: KALEEBREH. 16th-century French pronunciation of qua- was always KA- not KWA- Book, ''La grammaire française et les grammairiens du XVIe siècle'', by Charles Louis Livet, year 1859, has an appendix about French pronunication in the 16th century. This appendix starts on page 499 and it states the pronunciation of 'QU' on page 507.(ref). The word, with any meaning, is scarce and hard to find until the 1540s. A book in French dated 1547 talks about people in bygone times who accomplished difficult things in architecture and mathematics, and adds "one finds few people of that qualibre " Book on Architecture by Vetruvius translated to French by Jean Martin, year 1547(ref). In French in 1548: "they are only praised by the ignoramuses of their kind and calibre, who, by their indisputable impudence..." Novel ''Baliverneries'' by Noël du Fail, 1548(ref). In French in 1549: "My cousin is not a child, not of the calibre for obeying them" Novel, ''Le premier livre de l'histoire et ancienne cronique de Gerard d'Euphrate, Duc de Bourgongne'', year 1549, a fiction by an anonymous 16th century author(ref). In French in 1558: "fortune-tellers, sorcerers, conjurers, false prophets, and others of this qualibre " Book ''La geomance du Seigneur Christofe de Cattan'', published in 1558, has the word ''qualibre'' in the publisher's preface. The preface was written by an unnamed associate of the publisher in Paris.(ref). French in 1563 in an anti-Protestant tract: "Ulrich Zwingli, Johannes Oecolampadius, Heinrich Bullinger, Oswald Myconius, and all others of this qualibre," all of them followers of the Protestant religious reformer Zwingli Book, ''Arrest donné au profit des Catholiques'', by Gabriel du Preau [aka Dupréau], 1563(ref). A prose fiction in French in 1564/1567: "Better to marry an honest damsel who would be of your calibre.... They are not the women of my calibre" Book, ''Histoires tragiques, extraictes des oeuvres Italiennes de Bandel, & mises en langue Françoise'', Tome Premier, printed in year 1567 and earlier in the 1560s. Book was put in French by Pierre Boaisteau and François de Belleforest, in translation of novellas by Italian author Matteo Bandello.(ref). French in 1581: "The diocese of Chalons in Champagne is of the same qualibre as that of Reims, except it is not so rich nor so strong an adversary of those of the [opposite] religion" Book, ''Le secret des finances de France'', by Nicolas Froumenteau, year 1581, at the 2nd Livre's page number 174. Elsewhere in the book it says Perigueux town would be put in the ''qualibre'' of Lymoges town, meaning the two towns had the same political conditions during the civil war that was ongoing in France when the book was written.(ref), by which was meant that the two dioceses had the same ruling political doctrines. The same book in 1581 also has: "those who from their qualibre are going to war" Book, ''Le secret des finances de France'' by Nicolas Froumenteau, year 1581, at the 3rd Livre's page number 402. The book overall is about civil war happening in France around year 1580 when the book was written. It says: ''ceux qui de leur qualibre sont allez à la guerre''.(ref), by which was meant those people who politically support civil war concerning religion in France at the time. Henri Estienne in French in 1566: "A large Mastiff dog... a dog of such qualibre and of such weight.... Pistols and pistolets of any qualibre" ''L'introduction au traite de la conformite des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes'', by Henri Estienne, 1566(ref). The same author in 1578: "the basic sensory faculties.... of almost all people have good enough qualibre " ''Deux dialogues du nouveau langage François, italianizé, et autrement desguizé'', by Henri Estienne, 1578, republished 1579(ref). A writer in the 2nd century AD wrote, in Latin, "make a grave... dimensioned to his body measurement" and this was translated to French in 1556 as French "make a grave... dimensioned to the qualibre of his body" ''Suétone Tranquille - De la Vie des Douze Césars'', translated to French by George de La Bouthière, year 1556. The original in Latin by Suetonius (died c. 125 AD) is: ''scrobem... dimensus ad corporis sui modulum''.(ref). A law of France in 1567: "Every town market... shall display... the standards, exemplars and qualibres of weights" ''Les corps du droict français, contenant un recueil de tous les édicts, ordonnances... du royaume de France'', collection published in 1600. The year 1567 weights' law of king Charles IX was republished under king Henri III in year 1577, as contained at: books.google.com/books?id=6w02ad57eqIC&q=qualibres%20OR%20qualibre&pg=PA822 (ref). A separate law in France in 1567 says sellers of hay fodder "shall follow the customary qualibre of bales and bundles when pricing the sale of hay" ''Les corps du droict français, contenant un recueil de tous les édicts, ordonnances... du royaume de France'', a collection of laws printed in year 1600. The year 1567 hay law is also in the collection of laws printed in year 1571 at : books.google.com/books?id=UOdEAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA1337&dq=qualibre (ref). A law in France in 1565: "It is prohibited... to carry arquebuses, pistols or pistolets of whatever qualibre " Law book, ''Les édits et ordonnances des roys de France depuis l'an 1226 jusque 1571'', published in 1571, with ''qualibre'' in a law of year 1565 on page 271.(ref). French year 1550: "artillery guns... with conforming calibres " ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', volume one, by Victor Gay, year 1887, page 77 has a list of artillery guns, the list written in 1550(ref). French 1561: "poitrinal muskets... their calibre is big" ''Glossaire archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', Volume 2, by Victor Gay, completed by Henri Stein, year 1928, on page 230(ref). French in 1574: "The balls or bullets are round, or of several other shapes, and of diverse qualibre. Their material is also diverse, but commonly of lead, tin, iron, or copper" ''Traitté des arcbusades'' by Laurent Joubert, year 1574 (republished 1581). Book has spelling ''qualibre'' three times, and spelling ''calibre'' twice.(ref). The novelist François Rabelais in 1552 in French has a cannon-ball "bien qualibrée " = "well calibrated" Rabelais ''Pantagruel'', Fourth Book, dated 1552(ref). Rabelais in 1546 wrote: "a measure au qualibre of the human kindnesses, and of the contentment of the recipients, would be rather crass" Rabelais ''Pantagruel'', Third Book, dated 1546(ref) -- the year, 1546, puts it among the earliest for qualibre and calibre. Rabelais died in 1553. In 1564 a book published under his name, not written by himself for the most part, has in French: "We are not of the calibre of a herd of calves" Novel, ''Pantagruel'' The Fifth Book, at chapter 43.
    Completion date of the Fifth Book of ''Pantagruel'' is 1564.
    . Randle Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary published in year 1611 translated the French calibre firstly as "a quality, state, or degree" of anything, and secondly told the reader to see the entry for qualibre calibre @ Cotgrave's dictionary year 1611(ref). Cotgrave translated qualibre firstly as the width of a gun-barrel and secondly "the state, condition, calling or humor of a man" qualibre @ Cotgrave's dictionary year 1611(ref). Those definitions by Cotgrave are in essence the same as the definitions in other 17th-century French dictionaries such as calibre, qualibre, condition, etat, qualité d'une chose @ ''Invantaire Des Deus Langues, Françoise Et Latine'', by Philibert Monet, year 1635, a French-to-Latin dictionary1635, Calibre ou Qualibre @ ''Le grand dictionnaire françois-flamen'', by Jean Louis d'Arsy, year 1636, a French-to-Flemish dictionary1636, quality @ ''Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish Dictionary'', by James Howell, year 1660. Says English ''a Quality, or degree'' is French ''Calibre, degre''.1660, calibre @ ''Dictionnaire françois'', by Pierre Richelet, year 1680, a French-to-French dictionary1680. Today's French calibrer means today's English "to calibrate". The French dictionary of Jean Nicot, year 1606 edition, says the verb calibrer means: "To compare, to equate, Latin æquilibrare. Said of... a weight of something. Metaphor taking the weight." (calibrer @ ''Thresor de la langue francoyse tant ancienne que moderne'', by Jean Nicot, year 1606 editionref). Thereby Jean Nicot is making a connection with Latin librare = "to weigh by putting in a Link has picture of a balance weighing scalesBalance Scales" and Latin aequilibrare = "to be or make equal weight". Cesar Oudin's French-to-Spanish dictionary year 1607 translated French calibrer as: "to make equal, to counterweigh, to compare" Spanish-to-French and French-to-Spanish dictionary by Cesar Oudin, year 1607 edition. It has French ''calibre'' and French ''calibrer'' translated to Spanish at PDF page 615 in linked PDF file.(ref). Cotgrave 1611 translated French calibrer as: "to equal, to compare, set himself in the rank of, Obsolete ''to peise'' meant ''to weigh'' : Peise @ NED dictionarypeize himself in the balance with", where "peize" meant "weigh". Thereby Oudin and Cotgrave are implicitly making a connection with the Latin librare = "to balance weights in a balance weighing scales".
    As shown by the above quotations, during and after the 1540s, the usages of calibre | qualibre were often so totally unrelated to guns and bullet-sizes that it would be impossible to get them by straight-up semantic extension of the gunbarrel-size term, and hard to get them by metaphor from the gunbarrel-size term. Semantically in the 1540s the word was used meaning a qualitative character of persons. Qualitative not quantitative. Those 1540s quotes belong among the early records for calibre | qualibre. They are too early to have likely arisen as a metaphorical extension from the gunbarrel-size term, because the records for the gunbarrel-size term are still too uncommon in the 1540s. And semantically they are too remote. 16th-century writers do not convey that the multifaceted meanings were analogical. Rather, the word literally had multifaceted meanings, and these literal meanings are stated in the 17th-century dictionaries. So, it is unsafe and unsound to assume the gunbarrel term alone lies at the origin of the other meanings. Said less negatively, the evidence clearly permits the other meanings to come from the gunbarrel word's root without coming through the gunbarrel word itself.
    There is a longstanding good proposition that French qualibre | calibre came from the later-medieval Latin phrase qua libra = "what balance | of what weight | which weight | what kind of balance". This phrase can be straightforwardly adopted to reference the magnitude of a bullet or gunbarrel. But in addition the phrase can be adopted loosely enough and abstractly enough to mean "the quality or character of persons or of anything". It is relevant that in late medieval French the noun mesure, literally "a measure", has plenty of records in the abstract sense of "the quality or character of persons or of anything" –  examples Dozens of medieval quotations for noun ''mesure'' in abstract senses are at search @ www.atilf.fr/dmf/MESURE @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500). In relation to persons, the quotations include:
    Year 1357 : mesure ton vivre, car s'a mesure ne vivoies, Vraiement, tu te honniroies = "measure your life, because if measure would not live up you would be culpable".
    Year 1370 : vertu et homme vertueus en tant comme tel est la mesure de toute chose humaine = "virtue and the virtuous man as such is the measure of all things human".
    Year 1444 : nous qui le veismes sy merveilleusement grant, assez plus que ne est la commune mesure de homme, de lui fusmes moult esmerveilliez = "[We when looking at him] we who saw a substantial marvel, which is not the common measure of man, we much marvelled at him".
    . The early uses of qualibre quoted above do not explicitly support its origin in qua libra because we do not see anyone making any connection with qua libra until Jean Nicot's aequilibrare in year 1606, which is late. However, qua libra is semantically fairly acceptable, because it is more-or-less able to cover the multifaceted semantics, and at the same time qua libra is very good in terms of the historical context. Latin at the time was the most prestigious and the most widely acquired second language in France, and the phrase qua libra was commonly used in Latin in the 16th century. At Books.Google.com, with meaning "what balance", there are hundreds of old Latin books with Search for phrase ''quæ libra'' OR ''quae libra'' at Books.Google.comquæ libra | quae libra (which is grammatically in the nominative singular case) or Search for phrase ''qua libra'' at Books.Google.comqua libra (grammatically in the ablative singular), and there are hundreds more at Books.Google.com in the Latin form Search for phrase ''quam libram'' at Books.Google.comquam libram (where 'm' is a discardable Latin grammar inflection like 'm' in English "whom"; quam libram is in the accusative singular case), and hundreds more in one of the plural forms Search for phrase ''quæ libræ'' OR ''quae librae'' at Books.Google.comquae librae, Search for phrase ''quas libras'' at Books.Google.comquas libras, Search for phrase ''quarum librarum'' at Books.Google.comquarum librarum. In the French language, another word is équilibre = "equally balanced, equality of weight, equilibrium". French équilibre certainly came directly from Latin aequilibrium, which within Latin came from aequus = "equal" and libra = "a balance scales for weighing; or a weight" and it is related to the Latin verb libro @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879. In Latin grammar, the verb-form libro means ''I balance'' while the verb-form librare means ''to balance''. Alt-link for Lewis & Short's dictionary: https://philolog.us/ls/libro librare & libro = "to balance, to weigh, to balance weights". The starting records for the French noun equilibre and the French verb equilibrer are in the 16th century, for which examples are : year Book ''Champ Fleury'' by Geoffroy Tory, year 1529. The linked OCR'd copy has the word ''equilibree'' on five pages. It also has one instance of ''equilibre''. The publication's year, 1529, is printed on the last printed page.1529 (republished in Book ''L'Art et science de la vraye proportion des lettres'', by Geoffroy Tory (died 1533), year 1549. The linked OCR'd copy has eight pages with the word ''equilibrée''. This book is a reissue of the year 1529 ''Champ Fleury'' with some spelling changes and minor edits.1549), Book, ''Pantagruel, Volume IV'', by François Rabelais, year 1552, has the words ''maniere de aequilibrer et balancer''. The printed spelling is æquilibrer or équilibrer or aequilibrer depending on the edition.1552, Book, ''La sphere des deux mondes'', by Darinel pasteur des Amadis [a pseudonym], year 1555. Page 5 has both equilibre and Calibre.1555, Book, ''L'Histoire des neuf Roys Charles de Françe'', by François de Belleforest, year 1568, has equilibre on page 31568, Book, ''Meslanges historiques, et recueils de diverses matieres'', by Pierre de Saint-Julien, year 1589, has French æquilibre on page 1161589, Book, ''La geometrie et practique generalle d'icelle'', by Jean Errard, year 1594, has equilibre on pages 78 & 801594. Like calibre(r), the equilibre(r) is noun and verb in the 1611 French dictionary by Cotgrave ''Equilibre'' and ''Equilibrer'' @ Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary(ref). Équilibre was brought into French during the same time period as qualibre and it demonstrates an active pathway and background context in which qualibre could be taken into French from the medieval Latin qua libra. Like how the French équilibre is derived from the Latin aequilibrium (accusative case), the French qualibre can be phonetically validly derived from the Latin quam libram (accusative case) and in other words the derivation is not required to be exclusively from the Latin qua libra (ablative case). The Latin qua libra was not written as one word; it is two separate words. However, Latin has the one word qualibet @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879qualibet from the two words qua and libet. Latin has quare @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quare from the two words qua + re. Latin quapropter @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quapropter is from qua + propter. In Latin, quomodo @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quomodo is from quo + modo, quoad @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quoad is from quod + ad, quamdiu @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quamdiu is from quam + diu, quantusvis+quantumvis @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quantumvis is from quantum + vis, quantuslibet+quantumlibet @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879quantuslibet is from quantus + libet, qualisnam @ Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis & Short, year 1879qualisnam is from qualis + nam. None of those are used as nouns. They differ from qua libra in that respect. Nevertheless they show it was permitted and practiced to make one word by joining two words, when the first of the two was qua | quo | quam | quant | qual. As more background context support for qua libra, classical & medieval Latin qualis = "of what sort" and Latin suffix -ficare = "to make" produced later-medieval Latin qualificare = "to assign a quality or qualification to". Qualificare starts in Latin in the 13th century (qualifier @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. Reports year 1270 for the first known attestation in Latin.ref, www.monumenta.ch has a large searchable corpus of early medieval Latin texts. In this corpus, qualific* (with asterisk) is essentially absent. It is relevant that the corpus's attribution of text ''De septem septenis'' to author Ioannes Saresberiensis aka John of Salisbury (died c. 1180) is probably an invalid authorship attribution: Ref www.newadvent.org/cathen/08478b.htm ref). The medieval Latin qualificare was brought into the French language in 2nd half of 15th century (qualifier @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicalesref, qualifier @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisref). Its French wordform was qualifier and this French qua- was always pronounced KA-, and hence its spelling was often calif(f)ier in the 15th & 16th centuries in French (15th century qualifier @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisref , Search for califfié | califié | califiez in 16th century printed books at Books.Google.com  ref ). Today's French casser = "to break, to quash" is descended from Latin quassare with same meaning, in medieval French it is spelled most often quasser casser @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français. Gives a long list of citations to medieval French documents in which the spelling is ''quasser''.(ref), and in Cotgrave's 1611 French dictionary it is spelled both quasser and casser quasser @ Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary says: ''Quasser. See Casser.''(ref). Today's French cote = "numeric quote" came from Latin quot | quota = "how many", and this in 15th & 16th century French was spelled both cote and quote, with both spellings pronounced KOTE. Another example: 16th-century French used the spelling caresme about 60 percent of the time while it used the spelling quaresme the other 40 percent of the time caresme + quaresme @ ''Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle'', by Edmond Huguet et al., years 1925-1967, at Volume 2 pages 97-98. It has 20 quotes for quaresme and 34 quotes for caresme. Altlink : hdl.handle.net/1959.9/540235 (ref), but the word was in the spelling quaresme about 80 percent of the time in medieval French (quaresme under headword caresme @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Françaisref, quaresme under headword carême @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisref). Similarly the modern French carré was usually quarre in medieval French. In another bit of background context, Stolonomie is a French book about naval warfare, it is dated 1547-1550, and it has equalibre meaning qualibre. Specifically it has two instances of equalibre meaning the caliber of a war-ship's cannon (Book, ''Trésor du langage des galères: Dictionnaire exhaustif'', by Jan Fennis, year 1995, on page 456, quotes from the book ''Stolonomie'' for the word ''equalibre''ref, Downloadable book ''La STOLONOMIE et son vocabulaire maritime marseillais : édition critique... et étude historique...'', by JG Fennis, year 1978. Search it for ''equalibre''. Search also for ''equallbre'' [i.e. EQUALLBRE] as an OCR error for equalibre.alt-ref) and thus the author of Stolonomie thought qualibre and equalibre were the same word and same concept. In the same decade in another author, a poem in French in 1544 says that Free Will and Will to Freedom are "both taken from one same equalibre" Poem, ''Delie : Object de plus haulte vertu'', by Maurice Scève, composed in year 1544. Concerning the two things ''la voulenté libre'' and ''le vouloir de franchise'', the poem says ''tirantz tous deux d'une mesme equalibre''. The poem's word ''franchise'' means freedom, according to annotations in English by McFarlane year 1966 @ books.google.com/books?id=RRVaAQAAQBAJ (ref). The libre in equalibre, qualibre and equilibre is the very same libre in each of these words in my opinion. This opinion has been in circulation since the 1850s and there is still no consensus about whether it is correct.
    One alternative proposition that was aired in the 19th century as the source-word for calibre is medieval French calabre = "a siege engine, a war machine for hurling large stones". Calabre was a seige engine in medieval Occitan Ballad known as ''La chanson de la croisade contre les Albigeois'', dated roughly 1220, is written in Occitan. It uses the word ''calabre'' about a dozen times meaning a war machine for throwing large stones.(ref) and medieval Spanish calabre @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). Most instances of ''calabre'' at CORDE refer to Calabria region in Italy, and do not refer to seige engine. An instance at CORDE where the word does mean seige engine is in the text ''Gran Conquista de Ultramar'', dated 1293, which has: ''trabuquetes & bridas & pedreras & calabres & manganiellas & bricolas & cabritas & otros engennios''.(ref) and was used in that sense in a history context in 16th century French calabre @ Godefroy's dictionary (year 1895) quoting ''Histoire Tolosaine'' by Antoine Noguier, year 1556(ref). The calabre proposition comes with no evidence except for the mere observation that the word existed. It unsafely assumes calibre = "sort of person" was a metaphorical extension of calibre = "width of a gun-barrel". Another alternative source-word proposition is medieval Latin calibs | chalybs = "steel, and strong iron" and medieval Latin calibum |  *The asterisk here symbolizes that a wordform CALIBRUM having letter 'R' is only theoretical and hypothetical and unattested. The attested wordforms do not have letter 'R'.calibrum = "an iron or steel neck-collar for binding prisoners" – proposed in German by Article, ''Kaliber'' in journal ''Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Wortforschung'' Volume 11 pages 219-224, year 1909A. Kluyver, year 1909. This proposition comes with no evidence either. (Guns & cannons were usually made from bronze or brass alloys, or less often cast iron; and they were not made from steel until developments in steel-making in the 19th century).
    The Arabic قالب qālib proposition has the same evidentiary status as the calabre and calibum propositions, i.e. no evidence beyond the observation that the word existed. The Arabic qālib has the added weakness that it would have had to travel across a language barrier at a time in history when very few Arabic words were entering into European languages, and particularly not into French. No verified instance of any Arabic word entered directly into French in this time period in the semantic application domains that calibre belongs to. The early records of calibre in French have no mention of anything connected to Arabs. The early records are in northern and central France. An exception is one very early record at Marseille in south France in year 1512 but it is at a storehouse of the king's army, whose headquarters was in the north. The next point about qālib is that the fit between French qualibre and Arabic qālib has got a mismatch in phonetics. The French word from the very begining has always had the terminal -re. It would be irregular for French to append -re to a noun of the form qālib. To verify the truth of that, I searched Brachet's dictionary of French etymologies''An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language'', by A. Brachet, translated from French to English by G.W. Kitchin, year 1873 for French nouns ending in -bre, -vre, -pre, -fre, -gre, and other nouns ending with -re. From about 200 such nouns, in the great majority of cases the -re is an integral part of the rootword and it is not an appendage, but in a handful of cases the -re is an appendage etymologically. The cases that would be potentially comparable were chanvre, encre, épeautre (ultimately from spelta @ Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW), Volume 17, on page 178spelta), gouffre (var of goufre @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Françaisgoulfe), and rustre, whose 'r' is not part of the rootword, and whose records with the 'r' all begin in the very earliest writings in French in the 11th and 12th centuries. Épeautre and gouffre have a vowel 'u' that is etymologically a conversion from a consonant 'L'. Setting those two aside, I did not find any case where -re was etymologically an appendage in a noun that ends -εχre where ε is any vowel and χ is any consonant. In the 19th century some people supposed that the -re of calibre could have been appended in Italian or Spanish and then calibre went into French from Italian or Spanish. That is rejected today in light of today's improved information about starting dates. A smaller phonetic mismatch is that the 'i' in calibre is long while the 'i' in qālib is short. The next point is that the fit between qālib and calibre is not an adjustment-free fit from the point of view of the semantics. Qālib in Arabic has no reported record meaning bullet or gun-barrel size in the late medieval centuries in Arabic soon before calibre emerged in French. Qālib is not found in association with guns during the early centuries after the arrival of gunpowder to Arabic lands. Apart from guns, the other semantic usages of the 16th-century French word have only partial overlap with the ways the Arabic word was used. In medieval Arabic qālib meant firstly a wooden model of a human foot (left or right) upon which shoes were made or repaired; and the extended and broader meaning was a model of something, a template, a shaped object used to give shape to other objects; and by further extension it was also used meaning the finished ornamental plasterwork in repeating patterns on walls; and it was also used meaning a mental model, a template for thinking and talking about something (e.g. in Ibn Khaldoun, died 1406). Ref Search for قالب qālab | qālib, and search for القالب al-qālab | al-qālibقالب and القالب @ AlWaraq.net. The mismatches in the semantics and in the phonetics are not the biggest weaknesses of qālib. The biggest weakness is the lack of supporting historical context. The qālib proposition was conjured out of thin air in the 17th century by language scholars who did not see a parent for calibre in Latin. In the centuries since the 17th, countless people have reiterated it, but no one has presented decent context evidence to support it. The proposition lives on by tradition. Regardless of the pluses and minuses of alternative propositions, qālib ought to be disqualified as a realistic proposition because the known context does not have a transmission channel through which qālib might have been transmitted realistically.
    One other consideration: A descendant of the Arabic qālib is in 16th-century Spanish. This is gálibo | gálivo at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE. In the corpus of old Spanish texts at CORDE, its first record is dated 1431-1449, the next is in 1528, and its overall frequency is low. In 16th-century Spanish, galibo was a ship-building word meaning a design model for a ship, for methodically building the ship. Galibo had that meaning in 18th-century Spanish also galibo @ ''Diccionario de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Española'', year 1783 edition(ref). Some commentators have said that this Spanish word might have somehow been the parent of the French qualibre | calibre (and then later, it is clear, the French word entered Spanish with the meaning and wordform of the French). But the objections that hold for the Arabic word also hold for the old Spanish word in more-or-less the same way. In brief, the objections are: historical context (most important), phonetics, and semantics. Qua libra is competitively superior for each of those criteria taken individually -- historical context, semantics, and phonetics.
  169. ^ carafe

    The late medieval Sicilian carraba = "carafe" is documented in Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983. Three of Caracausi's items are as follows, put into English: (#1) Latin in Sicily year 1348, "a vase into which you pour wine, it is a glass carraba.... A vase made of glass, which is commonly called a carraba "; (#2) Sicilian Italian year 1373 "a caraba of wine.... The wine is in the carrabba "; and (#3) Sicilian Italian year 1380 "a caraba... filled with rose-water". The Sicilian Italian carraba has records in 1330, 1340, 1348, 1373, 1380, 1450, 1455, & 1459 in Caracausi's book. With date 1467-1475 carrafella means a small carafe in a text written in the Naples dialect of Italian – Writings of Loise De Rosa are under title ''Tre scritture napoletane del secolo XV'' in journal ''Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane'', Anno Quarto, year 1879. Page 436 has ''ave una carrafella de lo sango suo'' = ''having a small carafe of his own blood''. For the Naples dialect of Italian the conjugation of the verb ''ave'' is at en.wiktionary.org/wiki/avé#Neapolitan ref , In Italian : Biography article for Loise de Rosaref for date. A book printed in Naples with date 1486-1490 has carrafa meaning "carafe" – Book, ''Cronaca di Partenope'' as printed in year 1486-1490. Carrafa is four times on the linked page and is five times in the linked book meaning carafe. The linked page includes the statement ''lo quale ovo posse dentro una carrafa''. By the way, this book was republished in year 1526 under title ''Chroniche de la Inclyta Cita de Napole emendatissime''.ref-1, Book ''The Cronaca di Partenope: An Introduction to and Critical Edition of the First Vernacular History of Naples (c. 1350)'', by Samantha Kelly, year 2011. The string ''printed in Naples between 1486 and 1490'' is in curator's intro on pages 98 & 124. Book contains 11 instances of lowercase carrafa. The carrafa is translated as English carafe on page 88. Altlink: books.google.com/books?id=nuF5DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA88 ref-2. In 1535 at Naples carrafa = "carafe" – Book ''Rimario Del Falco'' by Benedetto Di Falco, publication year 1535. Book's author resided in Naples. Book says: ''guastada uoce Toscana in Napoli detta carrafa''. Tuscan Italian word ''guastada'' means English word carafe.ref. At the time of emergence of this word in Naples, "Carafa" and "Caraffa" was a prominent family name in southern Italy, including Naples – ref: at Wikipedia, Italian edition : Carafa (famiglia)Carafa (famiglia). Caraffa = "carafe" is in northern Italy in 1525 – Book of poems, ''Opera noua del caualier Fregoso Antonio Phileremo'', by Antonio Fileremo Fregoso (died c. 1530). The linked book has printed date 1528, and has CARAFFA on page 50+1 (precedes page 51). The author's biography at http://www.treccani.it/ says these poems were first published in 1525.ref. A half dozen writers with caraffa = "carafe" around year 1550 in northern Italian are quoted at ''Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana'', years 1961-2002, Volume 2 page 736, quotes ''caraffa'' in writers Mattio Franzesi (died 1555), Pietro Aretino (died 1556), Matteo Bandello (died 1562), Annibale Caro (died 1566), Benvenuto Cellini (died 1571), Giorgio Vasari (died 1574). More names addable to those include Antonio Brucioli (died 1566), Niccolò Franco (died 1570), Battista Palatino (died 1575), Bartolomeo Scappi (died 1577).caraffa @ www.GDLI.it. The Spanish garrafa = "carafe" has first known record in 1528 in the Spanish writer Francisco Delicado who lived in Italy for more than 30 years and he was living in Italy at the time he wrote the word. Garrafa is in Spanish about 1550 in the writer Hernán Núñez who was fluent in Italian. Garrafa is in the poems of Sebastián de Horozco with date sometime between 1548 and 1572 Several instances of ''garrafa'' are in the ''Cancionero'' of Sebastián de Horozco. Each instance is dated 1548-1572. Alternatively each one is dated 1540-1579. None is dated 1540s. Details on the dating are in the curator's introduction to the ''Cancionero'', year 1874.(ref for date). The records grow briskly in Spanish very soon after 1570, per garrafa @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) at Real Academia Española (RAE)CORDE; same info at garrafa @ Corpus del Nuevo Diccionario Histórico del Español (CNDHE)CNDHE. Phonetically you can find a big number of parallel examples of a mutation from sound /k/ to sound /g/ in Italian and in Spanish. It follows that the Spanish garrafa should be judged to be from the Italian carrafa | caraffa. This judgement about the Spanish word is reinforced by the fact that, in any semantic class that "carafe" can reasonably be put in, Spanish did not borrow words of this class from Arabic in the 16th century, nor in the 15th, which implies the 16th century Spanish garrafa could not have been recently sourced from Arabic, and it implies that Spanish did source it from Italian. The word is unseen in French until mid 17th century. The 17th century French spelling was caraffe, which was from the Italian caraffa.
  170. ^ carafe

    Gharrāf | Gharrāfa meaning a carafe or jug is in Arabic in the later 19th century – ref: carafe @ ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890, on page 75. It mentions Lerchundi. José Lerchundi's dictionary ''Vocabulario español-arábigo del dialecto de Maurruecos'' was published in year 1892 in expansion of an earlier version. The 1892 dictionary by Lerchundi is at archive.org/details/vocabularioespa00lercgoog Henri Lammens, year 1890, who cites a report from Morocco by José Lerchundi (died 1896). This word is unreported in Arabic as a carafe or jug until the 19th century, which is around 500 years after the start of documents for the Sicilian Italian carraba meaning carafe and it is around 400 years after the start of the Southern Italian carrafa = "carafe". A well-documented medieval Arabic verb غرف gharaf means to scoop up water. You can scoop it by cupping your two hands together or by using any scooping or lifting tool. The name of the tool is allowed to be the noun gharāfa in abstract Arabic grammar. The noun has actual medieval records spelled gharfa meaning a very big spoon, a ladle. Medieval Arabic also has other nouns derived from the rootword gharaf. The medieval meanings are under غرف @ Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, year 1877. Additional old records for gharf and words derived from it are at غرف @ Dozy's Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes Volume 2 and the source-abbreviations used by Dozy's Supplement are expanded and dated in Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes, by Reinhart Dozy, volume 1Volume 1 pages xvii - xxix, year 1881. A short discussion of the possibility that Arabic gharafa was the parent of European "carafe" is in Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe on page 274Dozy's Glossaire, year 1869, in which Reinhart Dozy declares his opinion that the European word “certainly came from the Arabic root غرف gharafa”, though he admits “I am unable to prove that it was used in the sense of a carafe” in medieval Arabic. In his opinion, the documented medieval & post-medieval Arabic غروف gharūf = "large bucket for water" is not phonetically eligible to be the parent of the European word but an undocumented غرافة gharāfa must have existed with suitable semantics. He does not say what the transfer channel was nor what the transfer motive would be.
    A piece of related peripheral info is that Sicilian Italian and mainland Italian in the 14th-16th centuries have garraffu | garraffo | caraffo meaning "a racing body of water to turn the wheel of a water mill" and "racing gushing water" garraffu @ Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia, by G Caracausi, year 1983 on pages 237-238. Among other things, page 238 cites Giovanvettorio Soderini (died 1597, lived in Tuscany) who has ''caraffo'' as an energetic torrent of water coming out of a wall in a cave.(ref), while the medieval Arabic dictionaries have غرّاف gharrāf defined as "a large volume of running water" غرّاف @ Edward William Lane's ''Arabic-English Lexicon'' under rootword غرف on page 2250 column 1, in Volume 6, year 1877, where Lane is citing the dictionaries of Al-Saghani (died 1252) and Fairuzabadi (died 1414). The http link is HTML page for downloading all eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon.(ref) and this Arabic word makes a very good etymological match for the Italian racing-water word. In all likelihood, the racing-water word was transferred from Arabic to Sicilian Latinate in Arabic-ruled Sicily and was used as a word in agricultural irrigation at the time of transfer. A dozen words of agricultural irrigation got transferred from Arabic into Latinate in medieval Sicily Book ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'', by G Caracausi, year 1983. The medievally transferred irrigation words are surfaceable by searching the book for about 20 instances of IRRIGA__ meaning irrigation, and about 30 instances of CANAL__ meaning irrigation canal, and about 100 instances of ACQU__ meaning water. Nearly all of the transferred irrigation words are now archaic and obsolete.(ref). Those transfers show that a word-transfer context existed through which an Arabic rootword meaning "to scoop water" could have easily transferred into Latinate in Sicily. After hypothetically transferring it, its semantics could have evolved into a carafe.
  171. ^ cork

    Because the English "cork" meant bulk cork bark in its earliest records (cork @ Middle English Dictionaryref: MED), and because this "cork" was imported from Iberia in its earliest records (same ref), the parent of the English "cork" can have been the corcho @ Spanish-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija, year 1495 (link goes to edition year 1513)medieval Spanish corcho = "cork bark", and not the alcorque @ Spanish-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija, year 1495 (link goes to edition year 1513)medieval Spanish alcorque = "a slipper shoe made of cork". The Spanish alcorque never meant "cork" – Book (PhD Thesis), ''El campo léxico calzado en español'', by Elena Cianca Aguilar, year 1996, discusses ''alcorque'' on pages 64 - 70. Altlink : core.ac.uk/download/19708277.pdf ref. Looking at it phonetically, there is not much to prefer between CORTCH-O and AL-COR-GAY as a parent for English CORK. Looking at it semantically, corcho is far preferable.
    Classical Latin cortex (cortic-) = "bark of any tree" was the progenitor of today's Spanish corteza = "bark of any tree" and it was also the progenitor of today's Portuguese cortiça = "bark of the cork tree primarily". The classical Latin writers Cato, Horace, and Ovid have cortex (cortic-) used with the meaning "cork bark" – cortex @ Lewis & Short's Latin-to-English dictionary, year 1879ref. To appreciate that the classical Latin cortex (cortic-) was the progenitor of the medieval & modern Spanish corcho = "cork", here are some phonetic parallels: Spanish pancho descends from classical Latin pantex (pantic-), Spanish percha descends from classical Latin pertica, Spanish ocho and dicho descend from classical Latin octo and dictus, Spanish capacho descends from classical Latin capax (capac-), Spanish colcha descends from classical Latin culcita, Spanish mucho descends from classical Latin multus, all without Arabic intermediation. Most Spanish experts judge corcho to have been evolved within Spanish from cortex (cortic-), without Arabic intermediation involved in the wordform change (and furthermore the medieval Arabic dictionaries do not have a word whose phonetics and semantics make it eligible to be the parent of Spanish corcho).
    This paragraph is about the Spanish word alcorque meaning "slipper shoe made of cork". Spanish almadreña means "wooden clog shoe" (earliest known record is circa 1500 per Book (PhD Thesis), ''El campo léxico calzado en español'', by Elena Cianca Aguilar, year 1996. Discusses ''almadreña'' on pages 70 - 72. Its earliest for almadreña is sourced from ''Diccionario histórico de la lengua española'' (''DHLE''), year 1960, an incomplete and unfinished dictionary. The finished part of DHLE has a headword ALMADREÑA and it is accessible at https://apps.rae.es/dh.html Ref). Almadreña has no precedent in Arabic writings, and instead it is purely Spanish madreña | madereña, from Spanish madera = "wood", from a classical Latin word for wood, together with the Spanish suffix -eña. Its prefix "al-" was prefixed in Spanish alone – ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, in the appendix on page 372almadreña @ Dozy year 1869. The same can be the case with the "al-" in Spanish alcorque = "cork slipper shoe", in view of the absence of a reliably matching word in medieval Arabic writers. The medieval writings of the native Arabic speakers have huge numbers of records for shoes, sandals, slippers and boots, and do not have any record where qorq reliably means "shoe", nor "cork". They have qurq or قرق QRQ with other meanings. Eight different meanings for قرق QRQ are given in the قرق @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com presents the entry for قرق in numerous medieval Arabic dictionaries. One of the dictionaries is the Lisan al-Arab dictionary.Lisan al-Arab dictionary (completed in year 1290) and none of them is related to "shoe" or "cork".
    More about alcorque; plus Spanish almasticaToday in the northern Spain region of Asturias and Leon, a name for the ordinary oak tree (common oaks and also holm oak) is corco | corcu | corque | curquecorco @ ''Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana'', by Xosé Lluis García Arias, year 2004. Defines corco & corque as Spanish ''roble'' [which means English ''oak''].ref, Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia. TOMO CXCVI. NUMERO III. AÑO 1999. Page 468. Says ''corco'' means Spanish ''encina, roble''.ref. Documents of the 18th century in northern Spain in Cantabria have this word in the form corco and it is notable they also have it in the wordforms coorco and coerco meaning ordinary oak tree – Article, ''Topónimos vegetales: bases quercus y robur'' by A. Leal, in ''BOLETIN del MUSEO DE LAS VILLAS PASIEGAS'' Issue Number 14, year 1993. This article reports ''coorco'' and ''coerco'' in unpublished 18th-century documents. The documents are in ''Libros Mayores de Lo Raíz'' and in ''Archivo de Vega de Pas''. The relevant page numbers of the unpublished docs are cited in the article's footnotes.ref. The parent word of this oak name in northern Spain was the ancient Latin name for the ordinary oak tree, which was quercus. As phonetic affirmation for the parentage of the northern Spanish corco in the synonymous Latin quercus, we have the 18th century Spanish wordforms coorco and coerco. The ancient Latin quercus is also the parent of today's Italian quercia = "ordinary oak tree". Now to get to the point, Asturias+Leon has a lesser-used name alcorque meaning the ordinary oak tree, synonymous with the Asturias+Leon corco | corque''alcorque'' in the online dictionary of localisms of the Montaña de Riaño area in the province of Leon in northwestern Spain. Dictionary says : ''ALCORQUE.- Roble que da buena madera y buena leña. Del lat. quercus.'' Online at www.revistacomarcal.esref, alcorque @ ''Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana'', by Xosé Lluis García Arias, year 2004. Says alcorque & corque are wordform variants of corcu and the word's meaning is synonymous with Spanish ''roble''.ref, Quercus Petraea is one of the common ordinary oak trees. ''Euro+Med PlantBase'' gives a long list of vernacular names for Quercus Petraea in the dialects and languages of Iberia. One of the names in the list is Castillian Spanish ALCORQUE. The source for the list is credited to www.Anthos.es . The same list in a differently sorted order is at website www.EuroPlusMed.org .ref. There is no good reason to suppose this alcorque was from Arabic. For one thing, there is no such word in Arabic writings meaning oak tree. From all historical context information, its al- was prefixed in northern Spain alone, in Asturias+Leon local speech. The presence of an al- in a Spanish word is not enough for a claim that the word came from an Arabic source.

    For the corque part of the Spanish alcorque meaning "slipper shoe made of cork", one possibility is that corque came from the classical Latin cortex (cortic-) along a Spanish-only path on which the letter 't' was deleted. After deletion of 't', comparable phonetic evolutions would include Spanish pliegue from Latin plex (plic-), Spanish estoraque from Latin storax (storac-), Spanish pulga from Latin pulex (pulic-), Spanish bosque from Latin boscus. An example of deletion of 't' is today's Spanish almaciga = "mastic gum" which is in late medieval Spanish in all the wordforms mastiga | almastiga | mastica | almastica | mastic | almastic | masticis | mastiçis | mastiçe | mastiç | almaciga | almasigasearch @ HispanicSeminary.org : Library of Old Spanish Medical Texts at Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studiesref. This was spelled mastix (mastic-) in Latin in Isidore of Seville (died 636) – Isidore of Seville's ''Origines'' in Latin, with ''mastix'' in Book XVII chapters 7 and 8. Additionally, ''mastix'' and ''masticem'' is in Book XIV chap 6.ref. The Latin noun mastic__ = "mastic gum" was in use in Latin texts anciently (23 instances before 400 AD are in Search for stem-string MASTIC @ Latin.PackHum.org repository of ancient Latin texts. The ancient Latin spelling is usually mastiche, which is from μαστίχη.ref), and early medievally (142 instances in 9th-10th century Latin texts are in Medieval Latin texts published in ''Studien und Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur'', curated by Henry E Sigerist, year 1923. The given OCR has 136 cases of mastic_, plus 6 cases of mastie_ as misread of mastic_. The assessed dates of all texts are 9th-10th century with a minority of them possibly stretching slightly beyond that range.ref), and later-medievally (650 instances in 14th-15th century Latin are in Book in Latin : ''Documenti della Maona di Chio (secc. XIV-XVI)'', curated by Antonella Rovere, year 1979. Search for substring MASTIC. The Table of Contents is at the end of the book.ref). Mastic is a word in every Western European language today in straight descent from the Classical Latin mastiche | mastix (mastic-), without Arabic intermediation, even though medieval Arabic had the word as المصطكا al-mustakā | al-mastakā | al-mistakā, المُصْطُكَى al-mustukā, المصطكي al-mastaki. Again, it is an error to think an al- in a Spanish word is enough to deduce the Spanish came from Arabic.

    The dictionary called Vocabulista in Arabico is a Latin-Arabic dictionary written in Spain by an anonymous native-Spanish-speaker, the date estimated around year 1300. It has Arabic قُرْقْ qurq translated as Latin sotular, which is English "shoe" (shoe made from any materials) – ref A Latin-Arabic dictionary of undetermined composition date, published in year 1871 curated by Schiaparelli. Search for word SOTULAR in the dictionary.Vocabulista in Arabico (ref also under headword wordform subtalarsotular @ Du Cange). It has to be suspected that the native Spanish speaker who wrote the Vocabulista in Arabico dictionary has made an error by retrofitting the Spanish shoe-name alcorque to an Arabic word without him having an information basis in Arabic for doing so. His dictionary contains many errors about Arabic and his testimony cannot be relied upon for any word when it is not corroborated by actual Arabic writers. Francisco Javier Simonet's Glosario, year 1888, cites word قرق QRQ occurring in a few genuine medieval Arabic writers in contexts which Simonet assigns an interpreted meaning of "cork shoe" – corc @ ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888, on page 131-132Ref. But none of Simonet's citations has the word clearly meaning "shoe" (nor "cork"). Simonet is liable to the error of overinterpretation in each case. I read the meaning as more likely something else in each case.
  172. ^ fanfare

    Medieval Arabic dictionaries' definitions of فرفار farfār | فرفرة farfara are under Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword فر on page 2356 column 1 (فرفرة) and page 2357 column 1 (فرفار), in Volume 6, year 1877. Linked page is for downloading all eight volumes of Lane's Lexicon.headword فر @ Lane's Lexicon on pages 2356-2357; and in wordform فرفر farfar in some medieval Arabic dictionaries. Essentially what is said in the medieval Arabic dictionaries is the following from the year 1852 Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary: "فرفار farfār, Loquacious. Full of levity, light, fickle.... فرفرة farfara, Calling out to. Talking too much and confusedly" – Johnson's Richardson's dictionary translates Arabic and Persian vocabulary into English vocabulary. In the dictionary, every vocabulary item is preceded by A meaning Arabic or by P meaning Persian.ref. This proposed medieval Arabic source-word for the Spanish fanfarria and fanfarrón was reported in the 17th century in the Dictionnaire Etymologique of Gilles Ménage (died 1692) – fanfare @ ''Dictionnaire étymologique, ou origines de la langue françoise'', by Gilles Ménage, year 1694 editionref. Today it is still contemplated but not fully endorsed at fanfarrón @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Españolafanfarrón @ RAE.es & farfante @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Españolafarfante @ RAE.es and some other dictionaries. The phonetic change from farfar to fanfar, if it occurred, would be attributable to phonetic dissimilation.
  173. ^ garbage

    Medieval documents are quoted at search @ Middle English Dictionary (the "MED").
  174. ^ gauze

    Medieval Arabic القزّ al-qazz meant "silk" including "silk garment", "silk fabric", "silk yarn", and "raw silk", and it is a frequent word in medieval Arabic – Searchable Medieval Arabic Lexicons at website Hawramani.comالقزّ @ Medieval Arabic Lexicons and البحث عن القز @ AlWaraq.netالقزّ @ AlWaraq.net. Latin gazzatum = "luxurious clothing" is in Latin in 1279 – gazzatum @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval LatinDu Cange. In medieval Latin that is a rare word and it looks foreign although the -atum part of it is a common Latin suffix. The Latin suffix Definition at Wikipedia's wiktionary : -atus, a suffix in Latin‑atum means "having properties characteristic of". So gazzatum clothing is clothing having properties of gazz (whatever gazz is). Northern Italy in 1274 has Latin gasu meaning some kind of luxury textile fabric – Notarization dated 4 August 1274 published in ''De Claris Archigymnasii Bononiensis Professoribus a saeculo XI usque ad saeculum XIV'', volume 2, year 1896, on page 60 on 2nd-last line of page. It says: ''duo capitalia unum de samito et unum de gasu valoris librarum octo''.ref. Most of the silk cloths of the medieval Latins were imported from the Byzantines and the Arabs until the 14th century, and the importing by the Latins continued in the 14th and 15th centuries – Article ''Silk in the Medieval World'' by Anna Muthesius, in The Cambridge History of Western Textiles Volume 1, by various authors, year 2003ref. Hence, mercantile routes existed by which an Arabic word for silk could have relatively easily entered Latinate languages. A change from ق 'q' to 'g' in going from Arabic qazz to a Latinate gazz has parallels in other Arabic loanwords in medieval Latinate – Book, ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, on page 15ref, Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890, on page xxvii - xxviiiref. In medieval Arabic there was also الخزّ al-khazz = "silk thread or silk cloth; half-silk cloth; velvety silken cloth; fine cloth" and it was a frequent word. An Arabic letter خ 'kh' converted to a medieval Latin letter 'g' has parallels elsewhere on this page in the words Algorithm, Magazine, Galangal.
    The French gaze is pronounced like English gazz. French gaze has its first record in 1461 as man's robe made of gazegaze @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et LexicalesCNRTL.fr. In French in 1483 it is some kind of garment fabric and is spelled gaz''gaz'' @ Dictionnaire du Moyen FrançaisDMF. In French in the late 16th century gaze was "fabric having transparency, often made of silk". The French gaze is the parent of English gauze gauze @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1901(1561), Spanish gasa search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Has records for ''gasa'' meaning gauze in 1592, 1599, 1612, 1614, 1617, 1618, 1620, and later. Does not have ''gasa'' meaning gauze before 1592.(1592), German gass gaze @ ''Arabismen im Deutschen'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998, on page 202, cites the earliest known records in German(1649), German gaze gaze @ ''Arabismen im Deutschen'', by Raja Tazi, year 1998, on page 202, cites the earliest known records in German(1679), Netherlands gaas gaas @ Etymologiebank.nl/ (1691), Italian garza (1704)For Italian garza meaning "gauze", the earliest known is year 1704, says Dizionario Etimologico Italiano by Battisti & Alessio, 5 volumes in years 1950s.

    With meaning ''gauze'', a set of quotes for early garza is in Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana, 22 volumes in years 1961-2002, free at www.GDLI.it, and the earliest quote is dated 1694-1704.

    With meaning ''gauze'', the true parent of Italian garza was French gaze. The wordform of Italian garza may have been affected by the pre-existing Italian verb garzare = ''to teasel cloth'' and Italian noun garzo = "a teasel for teaseling cloth".

    Elsewhere on the page you are now at, you can find the following phonetic-change precedent: Late medieval Italian marzacotto was from synonymous earlier Italian mazzacotto (year 1303), Italian maççacocti (year 1312), Italian-Latin massacocto (circa 1317).
    , Catalan gasa gasa @ Diccionari.cat, an online dictionary of today's Catalan. It tersely says that the earliest known record of ''gasa'' in Catalan is in year 1736.(1736).
    The definition of gaze in Jean Nicot's French dictionary in year 1573 is "a sort of fabric which the ladies use to make their works" – gaze @ ''Dictionnaire francois-latin'', year 1573. It is an expansion of a prior ''Dictionnaire francois-latin'' by Robert Estienne (died 1559). The expansion was done by Jean Nicot. Although this is a French-to-Latin dictionary, it only defines GAZE in French and it does not give any Latin equivalent for it.ref. Cesar Oudin's French-to-Spanish dictionary year 1607 translated French gaze as Spanish cañamazo, which means a canvas for needle-work, a fabric of transparent open weave used as a foundation for embroidery – Cesar Oudin's Spanish-French and French-Spanish dictionary, year 1607, entry for ''gaze'' on PDF page 771ref. Randle Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary year 1611 says French gaze means: Cushion canvas; the thin canvas that serves women for a ground unto their cushions, or Purse-work means making embroidered purses. Embroidered purses were popular with French women in late medieval and early modern centuries. Very often the purses were made of silk and were embroidered with silk. purse-work, etc.; also, (the slight stuff) tiffany [Examples of use of word ''tiffany'' in English dated around the time Cotgrave was writing : tiffany @ ''New English Dictionary on Historical Principles'' (year 1926), showing that tiffany meant transparent silk.meaning: transparent silk]; also, a mantle, Fall, scarf, or long piece thereof [i.e. of tiffany]; also, wealth, substance, riches, goods; and a prince's treasury.gaze @ Randle Cotgrave's year 1611 French-English dictionaryref. Classical Latin and medieval Latin has gaza = "treasure, riches". Gaza is in lots of Classical Latin texts as "treasure, riches", usually a kingdom's treasury – Search for ''gaza'' at Latin.Packhum.org , a website that has text-searchable copies of ''essentially all Latin literary texts written before A.D. 200, as well as some texts selected from later antiquity''.ref. This gaza = "treasure, riches" is in plenty of Medieval Latin texts as well – search @ http://www.monumenta.ch , a site with a corpus of early medieval Latin texts. At the site, the search should be made case-sensitive and be lowercase ''gaza'', because the corpus has many irrelevant instances of uppercase ''Gaza'' meaning Gaza city.ref. Cotgrave is correct that 16th century French too has gaze = "treasure, riches" – gaze @ ''Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle'', by Edmond Huguet et al., years 1925-1967. With meaning ''treasure'', it has quotations for 16th century French words gaze & gazophile & gazophylace at Volume 4 page 283. Altlink : hdl.handle.net/1959.9/540235 e.g., Book, ''Epitome du livre de Asse'', by Guillaume Budé, year 1523, reprinted in 1526 & 1529. Book was translated from Latin. It has French ''gaze'' translating Latin ''gaza'' meaning the precious belongings and treasure holdings of the ruler of Egypt in year 30 BC. On page number ''Fo. XLV''.e.g.. But no connection between this and the fabric-word is known. A poem in French in 1578 has gaze poetically meaning the fabric of a spider's web – Poem, ''La Sepmaine Ou Creation Du Monde'', by Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas, year 1578 on page 223ref. That fits to a definition of gaze as transparent lightweight silk. In French in 1615, a chronicle about royalty has gaze fabric of silver metal and gaze fabric of gold metal, which is used as decoration on clothing – Book, ''La Continuation du Mercure Francois, ou, Suitte de l'histoire de l'auguste regence de la royne Marie de Medicis'', year 1615, being a narrative of events from 1610 to 1613. Mentions ''gaze'' on 11 different pages.ref.
    All propositions for the source-word for the French gaze fabric are in need of more 15th and early 16th century records in French where the meaning is getting conveyed. From the few reported early records, the French gaze fabric probably originally meant transparent silk, and probably very often had embroidery or lace-work on it. The Arabic qazz and khazz hypotheses are phonetically acceptable, but they do not match with the aspect of transparency, and they have the problem that the known French early records have nothing signalling an Arabic source. The word is absent in Italian and Catalan until two centuries after it came into use in French and this absence is a good sign that the word was not in use in Mediterranean sea commerce. There is a lack of documentary support in French itself for the idea that French got the word from Mediterranean sea commerce. Equally lacking in documentary support is the idea that "transparent fabric" was semantically a transformation from "treasure, riches". Also, it would be dubious to assume the French fabric word is the same thing as the 13th century Latin fabric word cited above: The Latin fabric gazzatum | gasu was rare, and is under-defined, and there is a time gap of almost 200 years between it and the French. The source of the French is an unsolved puzzle. An old idea, which was aired in Gilles Ménage's Dictionnaire Etymologique year 1694, is that the French textile name gaze might have originated from the name of the Middle Eastern coastal town at Wikipedia : History of GazaGaza. But this idea comes without any evidence and moreover the historical records are such that "the existence of a textile industry in medieval Gaza is not assured" (CNRTL.fr) and moreover the idea also comes lacking a fabric definition for the supposed exported fabric.
    From the French gaze, Spanish has gasa = "gauze" in lots of records in the early 17th century as gauze made of silk and gauze made of fine metal, and the gauze is sometimes described as embroidered with scintillas or spangles – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españolref. Year 1620 Spanish "gasa labrada", literally "worked gauze", surely means "embroidered gauze". Likewise 1688 English "silk aprons, a hood of Gaze wrought" Book, ''Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 8 Part 4, 1685-1689'', being records of the British government treasury department, first printed in year 1923. Item dated 3 November 1688 on page 2114 has ''hood of Gaze''. Item dated 19 July 1688 on page 2015 has ''petticoats of Gaze... and of taffeta''. Altlink: books.google.com/books?id=sANFAQAAMAAJ&q=gaze (ref) surely means "a hood of embroidered gauze". A French dictionary in 1694 defined gaze as "a type of very clear [i.e. transparent] fabric made of silk or of threads of gold & silver" – gaze @ Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, edition year 1694ref. 18th century English dictionaries defined English gauze solely as "a thin sort of silk" or "a kind of thin transparent silk" – John Kersey's English Dictionary year 1706 defines ''gawz'' as ''a thin sort of silk stuff''. The same is copied into Nathan Bailey's English dictionary year 1726.Kersey's 1706, gauze @ Samuel Johnson's English dictionary, year 1785 editionJohnson's 1785.
  175. ^ guitar

    The guitar word is in French in the late 13th century with spellings quitarre, guiterne and kitaire, as cited in Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français (DÉAF) (the DÉAF dictionary cites medieval documents by abbreviated labels, which are alphabetically listed and defined at ''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français : Complément bibliographique'', by Frankwalt Möhren, year 2007 and laterRef). In Italian, the Italian chitarra = "guitar" has early records dated c.1300, 1304-1307, 1313, 1324-28, & 1334, which are quoted in the lexicon Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. One additional early record in Italian is chitarre = "guitars" around year 1300 in a poem titled L'Intelligenza details The poem L'Intelligenza contains the statement ''Udivi suon di molto dolzi danze , in chitarre e carribi smisurati , e trombe e cennamelle in concordanze'' = ''You heard the sound of many sweet dance tunes , with guitars and carribi immeasurable , and trumpets and reed flutes in harmony''.

    The poem L'Intelligenza is published in the book Poemetti allegorico-didattici del secolo XIII, year 1941. It is also published in the book Poemetti del Duecento, year 1951. It is also published in the book L'Intelligenza: poemetto anonimo del secolo XIII, year 2000. A publication of L'Intelligenza in year 2002 has the poem itself (60 pages) plus discussion of the poem by Cono A. Mangieri (27 pages). Those four publications each say the date of L'Intelligenza is late 13th century. In year 2004, Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia has an encyclopedia article for the poem Intelligenza and the article says the poem was written in Florence c. 1300 and the poem's author is anonymous.
    . The pronunciation of Italian chitarre was KI-TAR-RE. The opinion endorsed by most of today's Italian dictionaries is the word entered Italian from Greek kithára without Arabic intermediation (dictionaries in Italian who endorse this include chitarra @ Vocabolario Treccani, year 2015e.g., chitarra @ ''Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini'', year 2015 and earliere.g., chitarra @ ''Vocabolario etimologico della lingua italiana'', by Ottorino Pianigiani, year 1907e.g., ''chitarra'' is absent in the two-volume book, ''Gli arabismi nelle lingue neolatine : Con speciale riguardo all'Italia'', by Giovan Battista Pellegrini, year 1972. The link goes to a word search of volume 2. Volume 1 is word-searchable at the same site.e.g., chitarra @ ''Dizionario italiano : il nuovo De Mauro''. Concise dictionary compiled by Tullio De Mauro and other people.e.g.). In Spanish, two erroneously dated Spanish records will be discussed in the next paragraph below. In Spanish the first correctly dated record of the guitar word is gitarra | guitarra in a poem date-assessed 1330-1343 (poem ''Libro de Buen Amor'' by Juan Ruiz (died c. 1350), curated by Julio Cejador y Frauca, year 1913, in two volumes. Link goes to volume II. The word is in volume II only.Libro de buen amor). Spanish etymology dictionaries claim the Spanish word originated in Iberia from an The lack of Arabic records is the main topic in note #176 below on the current page. unrecorded Arabic qītāra. But that claim by the Spanish etymology dictionaries has to be doubted for the reason that forms of the word have many records in France and Italy for many decades before it starts showing up in Spanish. The earliest known for the Catalan guitarra is later than the Spanish. The correct chronology of the records clearly admits the possibility that guitarra entered Spanish & Catalan from the French & Italian. In France and Italy from broadly around that time period there are many instances where a word-initial /k/ sound got altered to a /g/ sound (four examples that later transferred from French into English are the word-initial /g/ words "grease", "gourd", "gulf" and noun "grate", whose word histories with the sound /k/ are briefly summarized in English dictionaries). Thus the French quitarre (c. 1275) and Italian chitarre (c. 1300) are readily mutable to the French guiterne (c. 1280) and Spanish guitarra (1330-1343). The statement a few sentences ago that a medieval Arabic qītāra is "unrecorded" is elaborated on in Note #176 below: qītāra is actually recorded in medieval Arabic, but not as an instrument used by the Arabs. The medieval Arabs say it is an instrument used by the medieval Greeks.
    Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE), funded through the Royal Academy of Spain, is a major online resource for historical Spanish vocabulary. It contains two instances of Spanish guitarra to which CORDE attaches a date of mid 13th century – search @ CORDEref. Both instances are in epics about ancient Greece. Both instances were translated from or based on sources written in France, with added material in the Spanish versions. The producers of the Spanish versions are unknown. There is not a simple and straightforward way to put a composition date on either of these two Spanish texts. The following is a 14-page argument that one of them, Historia Troyana Polimétrica in prose and verse, was composed in the mid-14th century: Article, ''La Historia Troyana Polimétrica y el Poema de Alfonso XI: ¿Dos obras de un mismo taller?'', by Nuria Larrea Velasco, in journal ''Epos: Revista de filología'', volume 28, pages 91-105Ref (in Spanish, year 2012). And that argument is repeated along with more information in a critical edition of Historia Troyana PolimétricaBook, ''Historia Troyana Polimétrica : edición crítica'', by Nuria Larrea Velasco, year 2012. Publishes the medieval text with an editor's introduction. The dating is discussed at length on pages 15 to 34. by Nuria Larrea Velasco, year 2012. The other Spanish text, Libro de Alexandrecurated by Juan Casas Rigall, year 2007, survives in only two medieval manuscripts, one of which has been dated about 1300 as a physical manuscript and the other dated 15th century as a physical manuscript. The following is the relevant verse in the two manuscripts of Libro de Alexandre side by side, with the older one on the lefthand side:
    Complete text of Manuscript O in searchable PDF fileformat. The manuscript is kept at Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid with archive number ms. Vit. 5-10. Text transcription by Juan Casas Rigall, year 2007."Manuscript O", circa 1300
    Complete text of Manuscript P in searchable PDF fileformat. The manuscript is kept at Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris with archive number ms. Esp. 488. Text transcription by Juan Casas Rigall, year 2007."Manuscript P", 15th century
    El pleyto de los ioglares: era fiera nota
    auie hy simfonia: arba giga & rota
    albogues & salterio: çitola que mas trota
    çedra & uiola: que las coytas enbota
    El pleyt de los juglares era fiera riota
    ay auje çinfonjas farpa giga e rota
    alboges e salterio çitola que mas trota
    gitarra & viola que las cuerdas enbota
    13th century Spanish cedra | çedra and 13th-14th century Italian cetera | cetra was a plucked string musical instrument. It is hazardous to understand cedra more narrowly than that. Four or five Spanish texts with cedra | çedras in the 13th century are available by looking up Search for cedra + cedras + çedras at Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)CORDE. In Spanish after the 13th century, cedra becomes uncommon and rare as a musical instrument name, and becomes obsolete. It is absent in the Spanish dictionaries of Spanish-to-Latin dictionary by Antonio de Nebrija, year 1495 editionNebrija (1495), Spanish-to-English dictionary by John Minsheu, year 1599 editionMinsheu (1599), Spanish-to-French dictionary by Cesar Oudin, year 1607 editionOudin (1607), and Spanish-to-Spanish dictionary by Sebastian de Covarrubias, year 1611 editionCovarrubias (1611), and it was probably gone out of practical use long before. Because of decline in its use in Spanish after the 13th century, çedra in the Libro de Alexandre helps to affirm in a small way that the Libro de Alexandre was written in the 13th century. On the other hand gitarra in the 15th century version has zero power to indicate that gitarra existed in the 13th century.
  176. ^ guitar

    According to a large minority of opinion, the name "guitar" does not have Arabic ancestry. The basis for this opinion is, firstly, the extreme scantiness of records of such a name in medieval Arabic (discussed below) and the plentifulness of records of guitar-type instruments under other names in medieval Arabic; and, secondly, the very abundantly recorded medieval Greek kithára, meaning a plucked string instrument including the guitar, has the potential to be a non-Arabic source for the French quitarre (c. 1275) and Italian chitarra (c. 1300); and, thirdly, the guitar word has numerous records in French and Italian for 50 years before it is on record in Spanish (discussed in note #175 above), which undermines an hypothesized route of transmission via Arabic Iberia; and, fourthly, regarding what is known about the design features of the instrument called quitarre | chitarra | guitarra in the 13th-14th centuries in Western Europe, nothing earnestly indicates it was an instrument having any Arabic design influence (Arabic design influence remains possible, but design descriptions are very poor; the Western European word may refer to "Defined at Wikipediagittern" type guitars, "Defined at Wikipediacitole" type guitars, and any type guitars). Among the experts with this opinion is Reinhart Dozy (died 1883), who omits guitarra from his book Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe, by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869(ref). An Arabic word qītāra | qīthār = "type of guitar or lyre" is in modern Arabic. Reinhart Dozy in his book Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes attributes the modern Arabic qītāra | qīthār to borrowing from the Romance languages – قيتار @ ''Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, Volume 2, on print page 429 at the link. The related wordform قتر is in the same volume on print page 308. For Arabic sources having these wordforms with the meaning of a guitar, the sources that Dozy cites are all post-medieval.ref, ''Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, Volume 1, preface pages xvii - xxix. These pages define the meanings of the abbreviations of the sources cited in Volume 2. From the given definitions of the sources you must elsewhere find out the original composition dates of the sources.ref. Dictionaries who summarily concur with Dozy's opinion include gittern @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1901e.g.+guitar @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1901e.g., gitarre @ ''Deutsches Wörterbuch'', by FLK Weigand (died 1878) and others, 5th edition, year 1909. Says this word in medieval Western Europe came directly from Greek κιθάρα and could not have come from medieval Latin cithara.e.g., gitaar @ ''Etymologisch Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal'', by Johannes Franck and N. van Wijk, edition year 1912 on page 201. It says the Spanish ''guitarra'' starts later than the Italian ''chitarra''. It makes no suggestion of Arabic parentage for the medieval European word. It mentions the ancient Greek KITHARA. Linked PDF file is 31 megabytes.e.g., Book, ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Europäischen (Germanischen, Romanischen und Slavischen) Wörter Orientalischen Ursprungs'', by Karl Lokotsch, year 1927. Book does not contain the word guitar in any wordform. This implies the medieval Latinate word was not sprung from an Oriental source, in the judgement of the book's author.e.g., Book, ''Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe'', by Henri Lammens, year 1890. Henri Lammens excludes guitare from his collection of French words of Arabic ancestry.e.g., ''Chitarra'' is absent in the book ''Le parole italiane derivate dall' arabo'', by Luigi Rinaldi, year 1906. This book is much reliant on the output of Reinhart Dozy.e.g.. I am going to be arguing in favour of this opinion in the following paragraphs.
    The authors of the French etymology dictionary at guitare @ ''Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales''CNRTL reject the above opinion. They do not cite a medieval Arabic record of the form qītāra | qīthār | qithār. What they cite is that two medieval records exist for an Iberian Arabic kaythara | kaīthāra = "plucked string instrument". One of these is in a 12th-century Latin-to-Arabic dictionary written in Christian-ruled Iberia, in which the commonplace Christian Latin cithara is translated as Christian Arabic kaythara | kaythār, and the context of use is specifically Christian: Glossarium Latino-Arabicum on pages 71 & 56212th century dictionary printed in year 1900, curated by Seybold. Firstly see page 71 for كَيْثَرة. Secondly see page 562 where the Christian Arabic word هلِّلوا ''halleloua'' is in the Christian statement هلِّلوا له على الكيثار = ''praise God on the kaythār''.

    The link goes to the dictionary. Elsewhere, the dictionary is the subject of a 95-page study in English in year 1977 titled ''The Latin-Arabic Glossary of the Leiden...'' by PS van Koningsveld, not freely currently online. The dictionary was written by Christians for Christians.
    . The other record too is in a Latin-Arabic dictionary, written by a native Spanish speaker, date reported as around 1300, in which the Latin citara is translated as Arabic kaythāra: Vocabulista in Arabico on pages 170 & 293Dictionary printed in year 1871, curated by Schiaparelli. It has كَيْثَارٙة = ''citara'' on pages 170 and 293.. Those two Latin dictionaries are not fully reliable about Arabic, especially the second of the two, and there is no record of kaythara | kaīthāra in actual Arabic writers. Numerous big and entirely Arabic dictionaries were written in the medieval period (including the Lisan al-Arab which occupies 15 or 20 printed book volumes) and none of them has a word of the form kaythara | kīthār | qītāra | qīthār | qithār | etc, meaning musical instrument. Another shortcoming with kaythara as would-be begetter of the Spanish guitarra is the following subtle point about the phonetics of kaythara. Out of the set of dozens of medieval Spanish words derived from an Arabic word that begins with an Arabic letter ك k, there is only one reliable instance where it was converted in Spanish to Spanish letter 'g'. (One list of Spanish words derived from Arabic ك k words is at ''Dictionary of Arabic and Allied Loanwords: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician and Kindred Dialects'', by Federico Corriente, year 2008, on pages 515-516. ''Gumía'' is from Arabic ''kummiyya''.Ref -- the list has at least two words whose derivation from Arabic is unreliable and disputed: gacha @ Diccionario RAE. Says ''gacha'' is ''de origen incierto'' = ''of uncertain origin''.gacha and gúa @ Diccionari.cat. Says the word is from Italian.gúa). Also there is a vowel mismatch between the vowel ''kai-'' in kaithara and vowel ''gui-'' in guitarra. Hence, an Arabic wordform kaythara, if it existed, would be unsuitable to be the immediate parent of the Spanish guitarra. The main mission of Book, ''Contribución a la fonética del hispano-árabe y de los arabismos en el ibero-románico y el siciliano'', by Arnald Steiger, year 1932. Starting on page 203, the book has a section for Spanish words whose Arabic parent-word has Arabic letter ك K or Arabic letter ق Q as the initial letter of the word. Book does not contain word ''guitarra''.a year 1932 book by Arnald Steiger is to describe the patterns of phonetic alterations that happened in the transfers of the set of words that went from Iberian Arabic into Iberian Latinate. Consistent with Steiger's phonetic transfer patterns, Steiger (like Dozy) does not include guitarra in his set of words that went into Latinate from Arabic. But the more important objection to Arabic kaythara or qītāra is that it has no record in actual Arabic writers and this is the subject of the next paragraph.
    Ibn Khordadbeh (died c. 912) wrote in Arabic a book about musical instruments. In it he says: "With regard to the musical instruments of the medieval Greeks... they have القيثارة al-qīthāra which has twelve strings" – Ibn Khordadbeh's book in Arabic: ابن خرداذبه - كتاب اللهو و الملاهي. Ibn Khordadbeh says: للروم من الملاهي... ولهم القيثارة ولها اثنا عشر وتراًref, Ibn Khordadbeh's text is searchable online. The info for what to search for is in the other link.altlink. Two pages later he says the qīthāra was an instrument of the ancient Greeks as well. Because twelve strings would be too many for guitar-type, this particular qīthāra was lyre-type in all likelihood. Al-Mas'udi (died 956) in his geography book has a section about the musical instruments used by the medieval Greeks. He acknowledged Ibn Khordadbeh as his info source but he also acknowledged a medieval Greek informant named "Fandoros". In that context Al-Mas'udi reported القيثارة al-qīthāra is a musical instrument with twelve strings used by the medieval Greeks – In Arabic with French translation : مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, chapter CXXII, volume 8 page 91 published 1874ref. Some manuscript copies of Al-Mas'udi's book have it mis-spelled القشاوة al-qishāwa, which is signalling that the transcriber was unacquainted with the word – Translator's footnote on page 418 in Volume 8 of مروج الذهب للمسعودي Al-Mas'udi's Prairies D'Or, published in 1874 in Arabic with French translationref. Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani (died 967) wrote voluminously about songs and music-making. He does not use the word, with one exception: In a book entitled Al-Dīyārāt = "The Monasteries", in talking about music heard during a visit by Muslims to a Greek Orthodox Christian monastery in a Damascus suburb, he says: فقامت فجاءت بشيء ويسمونه القيثارة وضربت = "she started strumming with something they [the Christians] call al-qīthāra " – In Arabic : Book attributed to Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani أبو الفرج الأصبهاني - الديارات. The word القيثارة qīthāra is in a section headed دير صليبا = ''Monastery of the Crucifix''.ref , أبو الفرج الأصبهاني - الديارات. Search for القيثارةalt‑link. Hassan Bar Bahlul (died circa 975) was a Syriac Christian priest who wrote a big Syriac-to-Arabic dictionary. Many of the Syriac words in Bar Bahlul's dictionary have parentage in Greek Christianity vocabulary. Bar Bahlul's dictionary has Syriac ܩܝܬܪܐ qītarā translated firstly as Arabic العود al-ʿaūd = "the oud" and secondly as Arabic الطنبور al-tanbūr = "the tanbur", and it has no Arabic qitara – Bar Bahlul's 10th century Syriac-to-Arabic dictionary is searchable by headword at www.Dukhrana.com. Search for ܩܝܬܪܐ or go to column-page number 1782. The same column-page has also Syriac ܩܝܬܪܘܕܐ ''qītarūdā'', which Bar Bahlul translates as Arabic ''player of the oud''.ref, Bar Bahlul's 10th century Syriac-to-Arabic dictionary, curated by Rubens Duval, edition year 1901, entry for ܩܝܬܪܐ in Volume 2, column number 1782alt-link. Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi (Biography of this author is in ''Dictionary of Scientific Biography'', year 2008, @ Encyclopedia.comlived about 975) wrote in Arabic a kind of dictionary for technical words in some subject domains. He has a chapter section for lesser-known musical instrument names, in which he says: "The ancient and medieval Greeks.... Al-Qītāra [?] is an instrument of theirs similar to the [Arabic] guitar-type instrument with long neck and small sound-box tanbūr." However, none of the surviving manuscripts of Al-Khuwarizmi's book have it actually spelled al-qītāra and instead they spell it with variants القسارة al-qisāra, الفسارة al-fisāra, العسارة al-ʿisāra and العسادة al-ʿisāda – ref: Book in 10th century Arabic with footnotes in modern Latin : مفاتيح العلوم Mafātīḥ al-ʿulūm [Keywords of the Sciences] by Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al-Khuwarizmi, curated by G. van Vloten, year 1895, on page ۲۳٦ - ۲۳٧. The curator puts القيتارة in main body of text and says in the footnote on page ۲۳٦ that this spelling is ''conjectural'' and he provides the actual spelling in five manuscripts, the five labelled A, B, C, D, E.
    Note for potential confusion : A number of websites have a copy of Van Vloten's edition in which all of Van Vloten's footnotes have been deleted.
    Van Vloten's edition
    . Looking at those four variant Al-Khuwarizmi manuscript spellings, the three different word-initial variants  ـعـ ـفـ ـقـ  are indicating that the original late-10th-century manuscript was in Rasm notation, also known as Arabic skeleton script, i.e. all the dots over and under the letters were omitted and had to be guessed. (For an intro to Rasm notation see Definition at Wikipedia : RasmRef and Article, ''What Are Those Few Dots for? Thoughts on the Orthography of the Qurra Papyri (709-710), the Khurasan Parchments (755-777) and the Inscription of the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock (692)'', by Andreas Kaplony, year 2008 in journal ''Arabica'' volume 55 pages 91-101. Alt-link: islamicmanuscripts.info/news/20080511/Kaplony-2008-Dots.pdf Ref). Likewise, ـسـ instead of ـيثـ is a symptom of Rasm notation. The spellings show that Al-Khuwarizmi's transcribers were unacquainted with the word.  ¶ I know of no such word in use in medieval Arabic writings, other than in the statements that it is an instrument of the Greeks. If some document I haven't seen does have it, it would be very much a rare bird. No example of it has been reported by the people who reiterate the claim that the Western European word came from an Arabic word (except they invoke the above-mentioned Latin-Arabic dictionaries written by unreliable Christians in Christian-ruled Iberia). The claim that the Western European word guitar descends via Spanish from Arabic is an old tradition that goes back to the 17th century Dictionnaire Etymologique of Gilles Ménageguitarre @ ''Dictionnaire étymologique'' by Gilles Ménage, edition year 1694. The first edition in year 1650 said essentially the same thing but said less.. Gilles Ménage for his evidence noted the presence of the word in 17th century Christian Arabic – but not in medieval Arabic.  ¶ I am aware of one other instance in medieval Arabic. With date before 1423, further datation missing, an anonymous Christian in Egypt wrote a 180-page Greek-to-Arabic dictionary. About 70 of its pages are Christianity-themed. One of the dictionary's sections that is not Christianity-themed has Greek κιθαρα kithara translated as Arabic قيتارة qītāraBook ''La Scala Copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris: Transcription'', transcribed by Henri Munier, year 1930, on page 118 on line 55. Link goes to page 118. The Greek-to-Arabic dictionary begins on page 67. The medieval date is in the curator's preface pages and in footnote on page 96.ref (zoom: line 55). I believe it is this dictionary's Christianity influence that has prompted the word to be in Arabic in this dictionary and it is naming an instrument used by the Greeks and other Christians. The medieval kithara instrument was strongly connected with medieval Christian prayer ceremonies, as shown below in the next paragraph. The word was heavily in use by the early medieval Christians.
    In medieval Greek writings, κιθαρα kithara(s) is frequent and commonplace as a name for a plucked musical instrument. The kithara musical instrument was customarily used in medieval Greek Christian prayer meetings, especially when the Psalms were sung. As a result of the instrument's use in prayer meetings, the word occurs a huge number of times in the voluminous medieval Greek writings about Christianity known as the Patrologia Graeca writings. A certain searchable subset of the Patrologia Graeca Christianity collection has more than 600 instances of κιθαρ- | κιθάρ- referring to the kithara instrument –  details The Patrologia Graeca texts of Late Ancient and Medieval Greek were printed in 161 volumes in the 19th century. The complete set of 161 volumes is freely available in non-searchable format via Patristica.net simply gives links to copies at books.google.com http://patristica.net/graeca/. The complete set is not freely available as machine-searchable text in year 2016. A subset of about 20% or 25% in machine-searchable format is free but possibly illegal at Patristica.net simply gives links to copies at khazarzar.skeptik.net http://patristica.net/graeca/PG-volumes.htm and http://khazarzar.skeptik.net/pgm/PG_Migne. The old age of these texts means there is no copyright restriction on the texts, but the company that put them into the searchable format may or may not have a proprietary right over its work product. The searchable files have been freely online for many years.

    In year 2016 and later, the site http://patrologia.graeca.tk/ had facilities to let anyone search across the available 20% or 25% machine-searchable subset. In year 2021, the site http://patrologia.graeca.tk/ was dead and gone. The info in the following paragraph was written in year 2016 when the site was working satisfactorily. A different site that has a different subset of medieval Greek Christianity texts searchable is Site requires visitor registration. Registration is free for an Abridged Corpus.The Abridged Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (login=true).

    When searching for substrings κιθαρ and κιθάρ at http://patrologia.graeca.tk/, the two substrings κιθαρ and κιθάρ require two separate searches. All of the site's authors lived in the Late Ancient or medieval centuries and wrote on Christianity topics. Each of the following authors at the site mentions κιθαρ__/κιθάρ__ a big number of times: John Chrysostom (archbishop of Constantinople, died 407), Theodoretus of Cyrrhus (died c. 460), Maximus Confessor (died 662), John of Damascus (died 749), Photius of Constantinople (died c. 895), Michael Psellus (died c. 1078), Eustathius of Thessalonica (died c. 1194). The following are the site's author names that begin with the letter 'A' and that mention κιθαρ__/κιθάρ__ at least once: Alexander Monachus (lived 6th century), Anna Komnena (died 1153), Apollinaris of Laodicea (died 390), Athanasius the Great of Alexandria (died 373), Athenagoras (died c. 190). The word occurs repeatedly in commentaries on the psalms written by Origenes of Alexandria (died c. 253), and in commentaries on the psalms written by Eusebius of Caesarea (died c. 340), and in commentaries on the psalms by John Chrysostom (died 407) and in commentaries on the psalms by Theodoretus of Cyrrhus (died c. 460) and by others later.

    The usually desired way for word-searching in Greek is to search for a stem string such as κιθάρ and to get the search to return all words that begin with the stem κιθάρ. So the returned words will include κιθάριστου (kitharistou = kitharist), κιθάριστα, κιθάραν, etc. There is search syntax to communicate that this is what is wanted.
    . Those 600+ instances are from a subset of about twenty or twenty-five percent of the Patrologia Graeca Christianity corpus. The complete set, which occupies 161 printed book volumes, contains probably two or three thousand instances of κιθαρ- or κιθάρ- as musical instrument – this count includes derived words such as κιθαριστ KITHARIST = "person who uses the kithara". Other κιθαρ- examples from other medieval Greek sources are at The website ''Thesaurus Linguae Graecae'' (''TLG'') requires visitor registration with an email address. Registration is free for an Abridged presentation. After registering, navigate to ''Abridged TLG'' and select the TEXT SEARCH Page of the ''Abridged TLG'', and enter κιθαρ as the search string. TLG covers ancient Greek firstly, but it has also medieval Greek.Ref , Website : ''Suda On Line: Byzantine Lexicography''. The website has ''The Suda'', a 10th century Greek encyclopedia, in Greek plus translation to English. Search the English translation for word ''kithara''. The search returns dozens of instances of substring KITHAR in Byzantine Greek.Ref , ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), year 2014. This lexicon covers Byzantine words derived from κιθάρα. It does not cover κιθάρα itself because the lexicon only covers the medieval Greek words that are not in ancient Greek. At the linked page on the lefthand side is the lexicon's alphabetical list of medieval Greek words that begin κιθαρ__ and are not ancient Greek words.Ref. In ancient Greek, kithara(s) was stated as an instrument that was a sort of large lyre. But in medieval Greek, kithara(s) was sometimes a guitar, and so too was the early medieval Latin cithara. The early medieval guitar instrument is visible in many artworks created by the early medieval Latins. Here are fourteen photographs of 9th & 10th century Latin artworks with guitars and nearly all of them are Christian religious artworks: ۝ ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' is a certain Christian hymn book manuscript made in northwest Europe. It is dated 820s as a physical manuscript. It contains many colored illustrations and Latin text. Folio 108r (equals page 221) has a painting of a guitar played with a plectrum. The text immediately over the painting says ''cum cantico in cythara'' = ''with song on cithara''.Stuttgart 108r, ۝ 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' manuscript at folio 112r (equals page 231) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text four lines above the painting says ''psallite dño in cythara'' = ''psallite domino in cithara'' = ''play psalms for the lord [God] on cithara''.Stuttgart 112r, ۝ 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' manuscript at folio 55r (equals page 113) has colored painting of man playing guitar. Text three lines above the painting says ''Confitebor tibi in cythara'' = ''I will acknowledge you [God] on cythara''.Stuttgart 55r, ۝ 9th century ''Stuttgarter Psalter'' Latin manuscript at folio 155v (equals page 318) has colored painting of man playing guitar (the man is interpretable as King David). In this manuscript, paintings of guitars are on folios numbered 55r, 69r, 83r, 97v, 108r, 112r, 125r, 155v, 161r, 163v. The link has high-resolution images of the complete manuscript.Stuttgart 155v , ۝ The ''Utrecht Psalter'' is a Latin manuscript dated 9th century as manuscript. It has Christian religious text and drawings. It was created in northwest Europe. It has drawings of guitars on pages numbered 57, 87, 115, 173 -- these page numbers were assigned to the manuscript's electronic copy at University of Utrecht.Utrecht p 57, ۝ The ''Utrecht Psalter'' is a Latin manuscript dated 9th century. It has drawings of guitars on pages numbered 57, 87, 115, 173. At page 87, a lyre lies on the ground beside a man who is holding a guitar with his left arm.Utrecht p 87, ۝ The ''Utrecht Psalter'' is a Latin manuscript dated 9th century. At the center of page numbered 115 is a drawing of one man playing a guitar and a second man playing a harp.Utrecht p 115 , ۝ The Vivian Bible, also known as ''First Bible of Charles the Bald'', is a physical manuscript dated the 9th century during the reign of King Charles the Bald. It has Bible text and it has Bible-related colored paintings. Created in northwest Europe. The painting on folio 215v has a guitar. Biblical King David is in same painting. King David is accredited with authorship of psalm hymns.Vivian Bible 215v , ۝ ''Golden Psalter of Saint Gallen'', aka ''Psalterium Aureum'', is dated 9th century as physical manuscript. Created in northwest Europe. Page 66 has painting of biblical King David playing guitar using very long plectrum. Also in picture is the holy box known as Ark of the Covenant. King David plays a guitar-like instrument in another painting on page 2 of same manuscript.Saint Gallen Aureum page 66 , ۝ Boethius (died 524 AD) is author of ''De Institutione Arithmetica''. A 9th century manuscript of this book has painting of guitar. Manuscript is stored in Bamberg Staatsbibliothek, archive number Msc. Class. 5. The guitar is on folio 9v. For Boethius there were four Arts: music, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy. The painting has icons of these four Arts. Icon for music is guitar. PDF file on pages 20-21.Bamberg Boethius 9v (pages 20-21) with Notice the word MUSICA at topleft in photo. The photo is of folio 9v of manuscript ''Msc. Class. 5'' at Bamberg Staatsbibliothek, which is a 9th-century manuscript of a book by Boethius. Folio 9v has painting of woman holding guitar. Discussed in ''Secular Learning and Sacred Purpose in a Carolingian Copy of Boethius’s De institutione arithmetica'', by Laura E. Cochrane, year 2015 in journal ''Peregrinations'' volume V.a better photo for that one , ۝ ''Dagulf Psalter'' is a lavish psalter manuscript dated 795-800. Done in northwest Europe. With the same date, it was furnished with an outer jacket done in engraved ivory. The engraved ivory book jacket has depiction of a guitar-type instrument played with a plectrum.Dagulf Psalter outer jacket , ۝ 9th century manuscript, stored as Ms. 220 at Bibliothèques d'Amiens métropole, is a copy of the book ''Liber testimoniorum veteris testamenti'' by Paterius (died 606). The manuscript is not illustrated, except that an otherwise blank page at the end (on folio 149v) has a sketchy drawing of a man playing a guitar. Done in northwest Europe.Amiens MS 220 on page 149v , ۝ ''Morgan Beatus'' is an illuminated Latin manuscript dated mid 10th century. Contains many paintings on vellum. The manuscript at folio 87r has a painting of people playing guitars. Bottom right side of the painting has Latin text TENENS CITHARAM. Bottom left side has Latin TENENTES CITHARAS. You have to zoom it to see this. Manuscript is kept at Pierpont Morgan Library with archive number MS 644.Morgan Beatus 87r (zoomifyable) , ۝ ''Morgan Beatus'' is an illustrated Latin manuscript dated mid 10th century. The manuscript at folio 174v has a painting of people playing guitars and the word CITHARAS is written at the center of the painting. The manuscript is kept at Pierpont Morgan Library with archive number MS 644. More info at Pierpont Morgan Library at:
    Morgan Beatus 174v
    . Over half of those early medieval Latin artworks are situated in books of Christian hymns, called at Wikipedia : Psalterpsalter books. The artworks make it crystal clear that guitars were used in early medieval Latin Christian prayer rites (especially in performances of the Psalms). Guitar-type instruments occur about as frequently as lyre-type instruments in the artworks of early medieval Christianity. Meanwhile in the early Christianity texts the cithara / kithara is frequent as a plucked instrument. In Latin, more than a thousand instances of the stem-string cithar in Latin Christianity writers prior to the year 1150 are in the Patrologia LatinaPATROLOGIA LATINA is a corpus of late-ancient and early-medieval Latin Christianity writings published in the 19th century in 221 physical book volumes. The complete set was at one time freely searchable at http://www.mlat.uzh.ch , ''Corpus Corporum repositorium operum Latinorum'', but the site got closed down. An available replacement is http://www.monumenta.ch/. The set of medieval Latin Christianity texts at http://www.monumenta.ch is not as big as the entire set used to be at www.mlat.uzh.ch. But the bigness of it is very substantial and is big enough. I have not found out what percent of the contents of the 221 volumes it has, but it obviously has most and it probably has all, even though the site's entire corpus has less than all that the ''Corpus Corporum'' site had. At the site's home page, enter the search term cithar* (with the asterisk) in the search box at the lower-lefthand corner. It returns more than a thousand results. corpus, where in most cases the usage context is prayer ceremonies. The texts do not provide adequate descriptions of the instrument designs. But the artworks do. By correlating the images in the artworks with the word usages in the texts, the conclusion is: (#1) the guitar was usually called cithara / kithara and (#2) the cithara / kithara meant lyre-type and guitar-type.
  177. ^ hazard

    With regard to a proposed ancestry for word "hazard" in a supposed Arabic az-zār | az-zahr meaning dice, over a hundred years ago some commentators in English said this supposed Arabic word was "only found in the vulgar speech" in Arabic, i.e. only an oral word. Those old commentators took that as their excuse for why they could not document the word in Arabic texts. And they believed in the pathway: Arabic al-zahr (equals Arabic az-zahr) –> Spanish azar –> French hasard –> English hazard. This belief is still put forward today by some English dictionaries. But the earliest known record of an Arabic az-zahr | az-zār = "dice" is in the early 19th century in oral dialect in Egypt. In Europe, hasart | hasard | azard | azar = "game of dice; hazard" is in French, German, Italian, and Spanish in the 12th and 13th centuries. Hence, other commentators in English a hundred years ago said: "Arabic az-zahr (al-zahr) is a word of doubtful authority which may have been borrowed from... Italian zara." Italian poet Dante Alighieri in year 1320 has "il giuoco della zara" = "the game at dice" – Dante Alighieri's ''La Divina Commedia'', Canto VI, line 1, dated 1320ref. Italian in Sicily year 1330 has "jocari a la zara in li taverni " = "they play at dice in the taverns", and Latin in Sicily in year 1337 has ludere ad azardum = "play at hazard, i.e. play the dice game called hazard" – Lexicon book : ''Arabismi Medievali di Sicilia'' by Girolamo Caracausi, year 1983, on page 111-112.

    Note : Girolamo Caracausi claims the Sicilian ''zara | azara'' arose from an oral and unattested vernacular Arabic ''zahr'' (his Italian: ''risalire all'arabo volgare zahr''). But he does not provide any evidence to support it. Thereby he accepts and repeats a traditional claim. I believe the tradition is an error.
    . More examples in 13th-14th century Italian are at Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originizara @ TLIO and Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originiazaro | azara | azar @ TLIO. Medieval Italian sometimes did deletion of a leading letter 'a'. E.g., medieval Italian documents have astrologo @ TLIOstrologo for astrology, search @ Google Books. Also spelled malghama and malgamma in late medieval Italian.malgama for amalgam, lambicco @ TLIOlambicco for alembic, and elsewhere on the current page under heading of ''tabby''tabi cloth for earlier Italian-Latin attabi cloth. Whence one can confidently infer that the Italian zara came from the Italian azara | azar (which, as I already said, is in northern France as hasart for one full century and in southern France as azar for half a century before it shows up in Italy in any wordform). Florio's Italian dictionary in year 1611 has: ''Azara'' in John Florio's year 1611 Italian-to-English DictionaryItalian azara = "the game at dice called hazard" and ''Zara'' in John Florio's year 1611 Italian-to-English DictionaryItalian zara = "il dado con che si giuoca" = "the dice with which you play or gamble".
    In year 1680 a multi-volume dictionary was published for the three languages Turkish, Arabic and Persian, written by F. Mesgnien Meninski. It lists زار zār = "dice" as a Turkish word, and Turkish only, and it does not list زهر zahr = "dice" in any of the three languages – زار zār @ ''Thesaurus linguarum orientalium: Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae'' by F. Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, column 2415. In this dictionary the notation ''t.'' means Turkish, it means ''this word is not used in Arabic'', ''this word is specifically Turkish''.ref. Dice is called zar in today's Turkish, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Kurdish, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian, and Albanian – dice @ translate.google.com ref. Thus the word is in all the languages of the former Ottoman Turkish Empire and has to have been for some centuries, while the Arabic zahr has not been in writing meaning a dice until the early 19th century. This powerfully supports the judgement that the word in Arabic is a late borrowing from the Turkish. The age of the Turkish zār is undetermined. This is due to the low quantity of writings in Turkish up to the 16th century. But lots of words went from Italian into Turkish in the 16th century and thereabouts, and nothing is known about the Turkish zār that precludes it from being a borrowing from the synonymous Italian zara in or about the 16th century. An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish says: “no Here ''genuine'' means the word has a root in Turkish vocabulary prior to the medieval centuries. It specifically means the word was not borrowed into Turkish during the medieval or modern centuries. genuine Turkish words, except one or two onomatopoeics, begin with z- ” – Quoted from page 989 in ''An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish'', by Gerard Clauson, year 1972. This dictionary excludes words in Turkish that the author deems were ''borrowed directly or indirectly from the Indian, Iranian, and Semitic languages'' (preface pages v-vi). Book altlink at www.pdfdrive.com.ref. Medieval & modern Turkish was "subjected to a mass invasion of loan-words", from which modern Turkish has roughly 130 words that begin with z-. But the old Persian and Arabic dictionaries have no zār = "dice" and no word that could have been the parent of the Turkish zār. (Steingass's dictionary of modern Persian, year 1892, has Persian زار zār = "dice", which Steingass specifically marks as borrowed from Turkish –  T زار zār  @ Persian-to-English dictionary by F Steingass, year 1892, on page 606. Concerning the dictionary's Persian words, Steingass says on preface page viii : Words of foreign origin are indicated by capital initials in front... [including] T for Turkish. This means the letter T at the front of  T زار zār  denotes that the Persian word is of Turkish origin. The bulk of Steingass's Persian-to-English dictionary is copied from Johnson's Richardson's Persian-to-English dictionary year 1852. Johnson's Richardson's does not have زار zār meaning dice.ref). Please keep in mind that the European word is in northern France as hasart in the 1150s, a hundred years before it shows up in Italy or Iberia in any wordform. Hasart has loads of records in French during that hundred years. The chronology of records in European languages makes it practically assured that the word in Italy and Iberia came from northern France. Where the French word came from is an unsolved problem. Invoking the Arabic zahr to solve the problem is like a drowning man grasping at a floating straw to try to save himself when nothing better is in his field of vision.
    Arabic يسر yasar = "playing at dice" and "gambling" is in the medieval Arabic dictionaries Search for يسر at ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com(ref). It is also in an Arabic-to-English dictionary in year 1852 Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary, year 1852, has the Arabic ''yasar'' and words derived from it involving games of chance or gambling on pages 1414, 1411, 1285, 400, 196, 194, and 18. The 1852 dictionary incorporates John Richardson's year 1777 dictionary.(ref), though it is not in the Arabic dictionaries of today. From the rootword yasar, medieval Arabic had also ياسر yāsir = "gambler, a player in a gambling game" and ميسر miysir | maysir = "any game of gambling, including even children's games with nuts". The idea of deriving the 12th century French hasart from the Arabic yasar is mentioned by azzardo @ ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der romanischen Sprachen'', by Friedrich Diez, year 1853, and it is repeated in the edition year 1861Diez (year 1853), hazard @ ''Etymologische Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der Romanischen Sprachen'', by C.A.F. Mahn, year 1854 (reprinted 1855), on pages 6-7. For putting يسر into the Roman alphabet, Mahn's German-style transcription ''jasara'' is equivalent to the English-style transcription ''yasara''.Mahn (year 1854), hazard @ Etymonline.comEtymonline, hasard @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et LexicalesCNRTL.fr, and some others. But this idea comes without any context information for a transfer channel. With no known transfer channel, it would be hazardous to give credence to it. A second reason to not give credence to it is that it would be phonetically irregular to get French hasart from Arabic yasar. The set of Latinate loanwords from Arabic where the word in Arabic begins with a Y is not a large set, but what the set shows is that the Arabic Y at the begining of a word should be expected to be put into the Latinate language as J or I or Y, and less likely deleted, and never represented as H. It is demonstrably an error to think (as some people have done) that the wordform with H is not the original European wordform –  Details ( hover )  ۝ hasart around year 1155 in poem In Norman French, has ''juent a hasart'' meaning playing the dice game called ''hasart''"Roman de Brut" by Wace
    ۝ hasart around 1170s in poem Dated 1170s, has ''hasart'' as a dice game"Erec et Enide" by Chretien de Troyes
    ۝ hasart dated around 1195 in poem Poem is in form of a piece of theatre. It has seven instances of HASART."Jeu de Saint Nicolas" by Jean Bodel
    ۝ hasart dated around 1205 in poem The anonymous author of this poem largely worked in derivation from the poems of Chretien de Troyes. He mentions Chretien by name on line 18 of the poem. His item mentioning ''hasart'' is on line 806 and it is nearly the same as what is in Chretien's ''Erec et Enide''."Le Chevalier à l'Épée" by anonymous
    ۝ hasart dated 1189-1216 in poem Poem has ''est cheance, cum de hasart'' on line 1534 on page 162 in edition year 1879"Le Petit Plet" by Chardri
    ۝ hasart around 1210 in poem Poem has ''Rejoent as dez, au hasart'' = ''play again at dice, or hazard''."Guillaume de Dole" by Jean Renart (date: Website ARLIMA.net : Archives de littérature du Moyen Âgeref)
    ۝ hasart dated 1210-1215 in poem The poem has ''de jouer vi moult bel atret : Hasart et Mescont et Mestret'', where ''mescont'' means miscount and ''mestret'' means mistake or misfortune, and the three capitalized words are capitalized to make them allegorical characters. The poem has Hasart at least three times."Le Songe d'Enfer" by Raoul de Houdenc
    ۝ hasart dated 1200-1225 in poem hasart is on line 74 on page 3 in book ''Courtois d'Arras, jeu du 13e siècle'', curated by Edmond Faral, year 1911"Courtois d'Arras" by anonymous
    ۝ hasart dated 1210-1230 in poem Poem has ''le hasart e le gieu'' on page 213 line 174 in journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'', Volume 3, year 1879"Les Joies Nostre Dame" by Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie
    ۝ hasart around 1226 in poem Poem has ''As des juoit et a hasart'' = ''they play at dice and at hazard''. Poem also printed with title ''Les miracles de Nostre Dame''."Les miracles de la Sainte Vierge" by Gautier de Coinci
    ۝ hasart dated either around 1200 or around 1230 in poem Poem has 11 instances of ''hasart''. Poem has been also printed under title ''Li romans de carité et miserere du Renclus de Moiliens''."Roman de Miserere" by Le Reclus de Molliens (dates reported by Reclus de Molliens @ Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA)Arlima.net and Renclus de Moiliens @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français (DÉAF): Complément bibliographique, rédigé par Frankwalt Möhren, year 2007DÉAF)
    ۝ hasart dated first half of 13th century in poem hasart on pages 71 and 72 in ''Recueil général et complet des fabliaux des 13e et 14e siecles'' Volume V, curated by Montaiglon & Raynaud, year 1878"De Saint Piere et du Jougleur", by anonymous (date reported by Saint Piere et Jougleur @ Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA)Arlima.net and Poem's title is spelled ''De Saint Pierre et du Jongleur'' @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français : Complément bibliographique, rédigé par Frankwalt Möhren, year 2007DÉAF)
    ۝ hasart assessed first half of 13th century in short poem The poem De Niceroles includes the line ''J'entrai en Niceroles par le jeu de hasart''. The spelling is put geu de hasart in the printing in the book Les dits du Clerc de Vaudoy, curated by Ruelle, year 1969. In a 19th-century printing curated by Jubinal, the poem's author has no name and the poem is in an appendix to the poems of Rutebeuf.De Niceroles authored by "clerc de Vaudoy" (date and author reported at Section titled ''De Niceroles'' on page titled ''Le Clerc de Vaudoy'' at website ''Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge'' (ARLIMA)Arlima.net)
    ۝ hasardeor = "hazard gamester" is in a Christian sermon written in French, published at ''Bulletin de la Société des Anciens Textes Français'' Volume 29, year 1903, on page 49 line 4 has ''lasron, hasardeor, usurer'', where lasron means swindler. The medieval text is preceded by modern intro by P Meyer starting on page 38 headed ''Ancien sermon français''.Ref, with date assessment of first half of 13th century (the date reported at The sermon's incipit is : ''David, li plus hauz de toz les prophetes, fet une mout brief preiere ...''. Its date of 1st half 13th century is reported in the ''Complément bibliographique'' of DÉAF, in which this sermon is assigned the abbreviated label SermBNlat14925iM.DÉAF).

    ۝ All of the above texts are cited under the word hasart in the lexicon of Old French by ''Altfranzösisches Wörterbuch'', by Adolf Tobler and Erhard Lommatzsch, volume covering words from GUICHE to HASLER, year 1958, where ''hasart'' is at the four columns numbered 946-949. The four columns fill two pages.Tobler & Lommatzsch year 1958 + To read the Tobler & Lommatzsch dictionary you need to know the meanings of the dictionary's abbreviated citations to texts. These are defined at the linked page. But at the linked page you will probably have to change the page's character encoding attribute from charset=UTF-8 to charset=iso-8859-1, or vice versa. To fix the charset problem, save the page locally and open the local copy.Tobler & Lommatzsch's abbreviations expanded. Additionally, Tobler-Lommatzsch cites some other 12th-13th century French texts having hasart. In all Tobler & Lommatzsch's 12th-13th century citations there is no wordform asart | asard | azart. The wordform is hasart (and a plural hasars representing hasarts) and, late in time, secondarily, hasard.

    ۝ The word is in High German as hashart around year 1230 in poem Text of High German poem ''Die gute Frau'', curated by Emil Sommer, year 1842. Emil Sommer in his introduction says the date is between the years 1212 and 1280 and not known to better precision than that. But later people found reason for dating it about 1230, which is the date reported by Benecke Müller Zarncke (1866) and Matthias Lexer (1878) and today standardly."Die gute Frau" by anonymous (the poem contains a few words that were recently taken into German from French). This record from Germany is earlier than all records from Italy and Iberia, for the word in any wordform. Die gute Frau's date estimate at around 1230 is today's standardly reported and generally accepted date estimate for it.
    . Likewise it is demonstrably an error to think that the wordform with T (and its derivative with D) is not the original European wordform. During the 19th century some people supposed that the wordforms Occitan azar, Italian azar and Spanish azar were in use before the French hasart was in use. That idea cannot be sustained today in light of today's improved information about starting dates. Azardum in Italian-Latin in 2nd half of 13th century came from French hasart | hasard. Azar in Italian and Spanish came from the same source, i.e. French hasart via the Occitan azar, and the main plank for demonstrating this is the starting date and commonplace frequency of use in French from 1150 to 1250 and non-attestation in Italy or Iberia until 1250. I say again the first problem with yasar is it is too impoverished in the necessary background for how this Arabic word could be in common speech in north France in the late 12th century; and more fundamentally I'm saying that any Arabic proposal is required to be the immediate direct parent of French hasart because the southern European records are too late to intermediate between the Arabic and the French.
  178. ^ hazard

    The predominant meaning of medieval French hasart was a dice game. It could also mean one dice throw. Could also mean "dice". The ancient Greeks & Romans had a six-sided square dice with numbers marked as spots on the six sides, the numbers from 1 to 6, and with this they played dice games where more than one dice was thrown. The ancient Latin word alea meant a dice game that was essentially fully synonymous with the medieval French hasart dice game. In ancient Latin, alea was a common game, and a common word – Search for alea @ Corpus of Ancient Latin Texts @ Latin.Packhum.org. Results include derivative words such as ALEATOR = ''dice player, gambler'', as well as ALEA = ''dice''. Results have 104 instances in ancient Latin texts.ref. A description of the ancient alea dice game, gleaned from ancient Latin sources, is at alea @ Lewis & Short's dictionary of classical Latin, year 1879Ref (in English). A description of the medieval hasart dice game, gleaned from medieval French sources, is at Book, ''Würfel und Würfelspiel im alten Frankreich'', by Franz Semrau, year 1910. Downloadable as a text-searchable PDF.Ref (in German). Among the ancient Latin sources, Isidore of Seville (died 636) has a description of dice & dice games which is in English translation at In English translation : Isidore of Seville's ''Origines'', book xviii, paragraphs 60-66. Translation by Barney et al, year 2006.Ref (print page 371). Isidore of Seville's description additionally says in Latin: Some other people call dice ‘young hares’ [or ‘little hares’, Latin Isidore of Seville's book ''Origines'' at liber XVIII cap lxiii says: ''Tesserae.... alii lepusculos vocant.''lepusculos], because they scatter with a bound.  Medievally in High German and Netherlands Germanic the word for "hare" was hasehase @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' von Benecke, Müller, Zarncke, year 1866ref, hase @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch'' von Matthias Lexer, year 1878ref, search @ ''Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie: Historische woordenboeken op internet''. The Modern Netherlands trefwoord is today spelled haas.ref. Medieval High German has hasehart | hashart = "hazard dice game" (first record about year 1230 in a German poem that has some French influence on display) – hasehart @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' von Benecke, Müller, Zarncke, year 1866ref, hasehart @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch'' von Matthias Lexer, year 1878. Supplements Benecke Müller Zarncke.ref, Text of High German poem ''Die gute Frau'' by anonymous, curated by Emil Sommer, year 1842. Emil Sommer in his introduction says the date is between the years 1212 and 1280 and not known to better precision than that. But other people subsequently found reason for dating it about 1230, which is the date reported by Benecke Müller Zarncke (1866) and Matthias Lexer (1878) and today standardly.ref. Today's French dictionaries list about 90 French words whose spelling begins ha-. Of those 90 words, about 45 went into French from Germanic during the medieval era – ref: alphabetical presentation @ ''An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language'', by A. Brachet, translated from French to English by G.W. Kitchin, year 1873. Originally in French in year 1870.Auguste Brachet year 1873. Germanic hart = "hard" was brought into medieval French as suffix -art | -ard and was applied as an intensifier in French and it is suffixed to dozens of words in medieval French. A game-related example is medieval French billart @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Françaisbillart (starting 1297; later spelled billard @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)billard) meaning "billiard-like game stick, croquet game stick", containing medieval French noun bille + billier @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Françaisbille = "small wooden block used in games" conjoined with the suffix -art. The medieval suffix -art has become -ard in today's French. Brachet's book gives a set of examples of French words with -ard''An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language'', by A. Brachet, translated to English in year 1873, section § 196 on page cix-cxref. As you know, the above info does not amount to enough evidence that the French hasart came from the Germanic hase = "hare" and the Germanic hart = "hard, intensifier". I have not gone digging for more attestations of hare meaning dice. Imagine in the abstract any random word in French when the only things you know about the word are : it begins ha- and ends -art, it enters the records in French in the 12th century, it is not found in Italy or Iberia until a century later, nothing signals it came from the Crusaders in the Levant, and it is not a word from Latin. Then the probability is very good that any such word came into French from Germanic. Using the French etymologies book of Brachet, linked above: Out of the nearly 60 words in French that begin ha- and do not come from Latin and have their starting dates in French before the end of the medieval era, the great majority came from Germanic. Most of the remainder are of unknown origin. Brachet is wrong about the etymology of hasard. It is not his only error. But a large majority of the etymologies he reports are correct, and hence they are usable as a group to do probabilistic reasoning about hasart. Note #177 above has further good reasons why an Arabic rootword is improbable for hasart.
    A general point about the names of games is that around half of the names of games are of very uncertain or totally unknown origin. Example total unknowns are bingo, rummy, skittles, snooker. Today's English "raffle" is from late medieval English & French raf(f)le = "a sort of flush in a game played with multiple dice" (raffle @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, has two quotes dated 1371 and 1376r1, rafle @ Middle English Dictionary, has two quotes dated circa 1390 and 1450r2, French ''raffle'' defined in Cotgrave's French-to-English dictionary, year 1611r3, English ''raffle'' defined in Thomas Blount's English dictionary, year 1681 editionr4), a word of unknown origin. For game names where the origin of the game's name has been pretty convincingly explained, the origin is often capricious & oblique, and the convincingness is due to one or two key details.
  179. ^ lilac

    The early history of the lilac plant in western Europe is in the book The Lilac: a monograph, by Susan Delano McKelvey, year 1928, on pages 204-209 and some other pages. The species of lilac that was first grown in western Europe is the Common Lilac (aka at Wikipedia : Syringa vulgaris (the common lilac tree)Syringa vulgaris). It was first introduced to western Europe in the early 1560s by an ambassador of Austria who was stationed at Istanbul, ambassador Ogier de Busbecq. Busbecq sent specimens of the plant to the professional botanist P.A. Matthiolus, who at that time was employed by the Austrian rulers at Prague city. The very first printed instance of the name is in a botany book by Matthiolus in Latin in year 1565. Matthiolus in 1565 said Austria's ambassador "Busbeke" brought the plant from Istanbul (Constantinople) under the name LILACBook in Latin : ''Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis'', by Petrus Andreas Matthiolus, year 1565 edition. Word LILAC is on pages 1236 & 1237. Page 1237 has woodcut drawing of lilac branch.ref, ''Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis'', by PA Matthiolus, year 1569 edition on page 765alt‑link. Ogier de Busbecq was stationed in Istanbul from 1556 to 1563. He is credited with being the earliest, or else one of the earliest, to bring to western Europe the shrub Philadelphus Coronarius (which has vibrantly scented flowers), and the horse chestnut tree (which has abundant spikes of flowers in springtime), and he was one of the early people to bring tulip flower bulbs, all of which he found in cultivation in Istanbul along with the lilacs. Busbecq wrote in 1555 in a travel report: "The Turks are passionately fond of flowers" – Busbecq wrote in Latin: ''Turcæ flores valde excolunt.'' He wrote it within a year 1555 report that got published in years 1581 & 1582 under book title ''Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum'', and published in year 1589 under book title ''Epistolæ''. The report is in English translation in book ''The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq'' Volume I, year 1881, having on page 108 ''The Turks are passionately fond of flowers''. The link goes to English.ref. Similarly, in year 1553 another European returned from travelling in Turkey wrote that the Turks were keen flower gardeners who were keen on growing foreign flower species in their gardens – Travel book in French, ''Les Observations...'' by Pierre Belon, chapter headed ''Du jardinage... des Turcs''. Pierre Belon visited the Eastern Mediterranean lands in the years 1546-1549 and published his observations in 1553.ref. Busbecq planted lilacs at his house in Vienna in Austria in 1563. During the timeframe 1557-1563 an associate of Busbecq in Istanbul may have distributed lilacs to western Europe for planting. The Busbecq-connected plantings are the earliest-known lilac bushes to grow in any European gardens outside the Balkans – ref: ''The Lilac: a monograph'', by Susan Delano McKelvey, year 1928, on page 207-208McKelvey year 1928 page 207 (which takes some of its info from Article in German : ''Flieder und Holunder'', by E.M. Kronfeld, year 1918 in journal ''Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft'' Volume 27, on pages 211-212 & 214.Kronfeld year 1918 page 211). The botanist Carolus Clusius lived in Vienna from 1573 to 1588 in the employment of the Austrian rulers. Lilac is in a Latin botany book by Clusius in year 1576, where Clusius says the plant has come from the Turks – Book ''Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias observatarum Historia'', by Carolus Clusius, year 1576, lilac on pages 126-127. In discussing lilac, Clusius mentions the botanists Matthiolus and Bellonius. Botanist Petrus Bellonius (died 1564; aka Pierre Belon) visited Turkey in late 1540s and his travel book in 1553 has a chapter -- Libro 3 Cap 50 -- titled ''Du jardinage... des Turcs''.ref. In a second edition in 1601 Clusius says the lilac was brought from Istanbul specifically – Book ''Rariorum Plantarum Historia'', by Carolus Clusius, year 1601, lilac on page 56ref. The earliest known in French is lilac in a Latin-to-French translation of Matthiolus's botany book in 1572 – Book ''Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia)'', by Raymond Arveiller, year 1999 on page 347. It cites French lilac in year 1572 ''PinDiosc'', where ''PinDiosc'' is an abbreviation for Pinet's French translation of Matthiolus's Latin commentaries on the medicinal botany of Dioscorides.ref, Book in year 1572, having LILAC on page 445 : ''Commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medecin senois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbeen de la matiere medecinale : traduits de latin en françois par M. Antoine du Pinet, & de nouueau accreus.''alt-ref. The earliest known in English is in 1596 in the botanist John Gerarde, who mentions Matthiolus by name in connection with the plant ("Lylac Mathioli") – ''A Catalogue of Plants Cultivated in the Garden of John Gerard in the Years 1596–1599'', Edited with Notes, by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, year 1876, on pages 10 and 41ref. John Gerarde in 1596 had lilacs growing in London. A botany book in English by John Gerarde in 1597 has a good woodcut drawing of a lilac branch (page 1213), and says the plant is called "Lillach or Lilac" (page 1214), and says "Matthiolus doth falsely picture it" (page 1215) – ''The Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes'', by John Gerarde, year 1597, text on page 1214-1215, and a drawing of the lilac is on the righthand side of page 1213.ref. Matthiolus's year 1565 botany book has a partly mistaken woodcut drawing and partly mistaken verbal description of the lilac plant, which implies that Matthiolus had not yet seen a well-established live specimen at that time. In fact Matthiolus wrote in 1565 that "it was not possible to see a live plant" – ''Viuam plantam uidere non licuit,'' says Matthiolus's 1565 book on page 1236, linked above. On page 1237, the drawing captioned LILAC has plenty of detail that is recognizably the lilac.ref.
    Some of today's English dictionaries continue to say erroneously that the word lilac entered western Europe by transfer from Arabic to Spanish (with no date given). Therefore, it is worth mentioning that today's Spanish dictionaries say Spanish lila = "lilac" has been borrowed from French (e.g. Diccionario RAE), which is to say that Spanish researchers have found no record in Spanish until some time after the records begin in French. The large Spanish text collection Corpus Diacrónico del Español, although not all-inclusive, has no record of this word in Spanish until 1772. Likewise today's Portuguese dictionaries say the Portuguese word for lilac entered Portuguese from French.
  180. ^ lilac

    The Common Lilac plant is popular in gardens in Russia and Canada. It will not bloom under cultivation in most Arabic-speaking locales because the winters are not cold enough; the plant requires a length of cold weather to set the flower buds for bloom. The Common Lilac, aka Syringa Vulgaris, is native in upland areas of the Balkans, and it has not been demonstrated to be native anywhere else. Ref: The Lilac: a monograph, by Susan Delano McKelvey, year 1928, on pages 212-215, 230, and some other pages. The article "A Visit to the Home of the Lilac"Article published within the series ''Bulletin of Popular Information'', a series of bulletins published by the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University. The relevant Bulletin is dated 22 March 1935., by Edgar Anderson, year 1935, succinctly shows the nativity of the Common Lilac in the Balkans on pages 2 & 4. In world history the earliest recorded notice of the Common Lilac, under any name, comes from 16th century Istanbul, where it was grown for the ornamental value of its flowers. From Istanbul it was brought to northwestern Europe for the same purpose in the later 16th. The Balkans was part of the Turkish Empire in the 16th. However, the Western European botanists at that time mistakenly imagined that the Turks in Istanbul must have gotten the new plant species from somewhere further east in Oriental Lands. It was not until more than two centuries later, beginning in 1828, that European botanists discovered and confirmed it was native in the Balkans, and afterwards the earlier misperception was shaken off only gradually. McKelvey's monograph, linked above, has quotations illustrating how the Common Lilac and other species of lilac bushes were regarded in European botany books from the 16th through 19th centuries. The lilac botany genus, Syringa, contains a number of species whose nativity is not in the Balkans. But none of those species were known to Europeans when the name lilac was used in European botany in the 2nd half of 16th century. Most of the Syringa diversity has nativity in China. No species of lilac is native in the Middle East.
    There is no record in Arabic for any species of lilac under any name until two centuries after the records begin in Latin and English. More exactly, I have not seen any record in today's extensive bodies of machine-searchable old Arabic texts, and I am not aware of any genuine record having been reported by anybody, and I think nobody knows of any record. Almost the earliest known in Arabic for any lilac is written by Ellious Bocthor (died 1821), an Egyptian Arab who lived in northern France and worked as a French-to-Arabic translator. French lilas is pronounced Audio pronunciation of French word LILAS can be heard at translate.google.com by clicking on the audio speaker symbol.LEE-LA in French meaning lilac. Bocthor said the French lilas is translated to Arabic as Arabic لعلى [liʿlā] and as Arabic ليلك [līlak] – LILAS @ ''Dictionnaire Français-Arabe'' by Ellious Bocthor (died 1821), augmented by Caussin de Perceval, published for the first time in year 1828-1829.ref. No record of either of those two plantnames is known in Arabic with the meaning of a plant of any kind, prior to the 18th century. Also, no record is known in Arabic for ليلك līlak meaning a color of any kind, prior to the 19th or 20th century.
    The website ABLibrary.net has one instance of an Arabic plantname الليلك al-līlak in a poet محمد بن الراعي Mohammad ibn al-Rāʿī (died 1781; lived in Damascus). By reason of the absence of this plantname at an earlier date in the huge corpus at ABLibrary.net, it is reasonable to believe that Ibn al-Rāʿī got it from 18th-century Turkish. In Turkish the lilac plant is called leylak today, and it was called لیلاك leilāk in Turkish in the 17th century – Headword ارغوان erghawān at dictionary of Middle East languages by Mesgnien Meninski, year 1680, on page 144. Persian erghavān means the tree that in Latin technical botany is ''Cercis Siliquastrum''. This tree is called erguvan in Turkish. In context of erghawān, the dictionary mentions Turkish لیلاك leilāk. In this dictionary, 'p.' means Persian, 'a.' means Arabic, 't.' means Turkish.ref. Turkish was the direct source of the northwestern European name in the 16th century – details in note #179 above.
    If you lookup a Turkish dictionary in search of phonetically similar words, you won't find a word that the Turkish leylak could be derived from. There is a good likelihood that the Turkish name leylak was sourced from the southern Balkans, because the bush itself certainly was. In today's Bulgarian language the lilac bush is called люляк leulyak (pronunciation "lewl-yak"), earlier also spelled люлек leulek in Bulgarian – LEXILOGOS.COM has links to online Bulgarian dictionariesref-1, Bulgarian-to-English Dictionary by Constantine Stephanove, year 1914ref-2. In Romanian it is called liliac (pronunciation "leel-yak") and is also called iorgovan. In Serbo-Croatian the lilac bush is called "yorgovan" (јоргован). The quantity of writings from late medieval and 16th century Balkans languages is small, and it is small also in Turkish. For that reason and other reasons, not enough evidence is available to determine whether the Turkish leylak came before or after the Bulgarian leulek = "lilac". But the dictionaries of today's southern Balkans languages have linguistic hints that are supportive of guessing that the rootword was probably in southern Balkans languages before it was in Turkish.
    When the Turks took an interest in the lilac plant in the 16th century, the flowers was the thing they were interested in. The plant in the wild state in the Balkans has abundant blue-ish light-purple flowers in late springtime. In today's Greek language the usual word for indigo dye is λουλάκι loulaki. Loulaki = "indigo dye" is in medieval Greek starting in the 8th century λουλάκιν @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'', a dictionary of medieval Greek, year 2014, cites the word in Greek in the 8th & 9th centuries and later.(ref). In today's Albanian language the indigo dye is called llullaq (pronounced roughly near LULLAQ). Romanian language had an old and now obsolete lulachi = "indigo dye" In Romanian dictionaries at DEXONLINE.ro, ''lulachi'' is present in older dictionaries, and absent in today's dictionaries.(ref). The lilac plant's Bulgarian plant-name leulyak can possibly have been generated from the rootword in Greek loulaki, Albanian llullaq, and Romanian lulachi, on account of the lilac's flower color. Meanwhile, today's Bulgarian language has a frequent color-word лилав līlav | лилава līlava meaning "purple violet color" pictures involving лилава or лилав(illustrations). It is possible that the lilac plant's Turkish name leilāk was generated from one of the above color-words in the Balkans.
  181. ^ lazurite, azurite, lazulite, azure

    One medieval Arabic introduction to اللازورد al-lāzward = "the azure stone" is in the Book of Precious Stones of Al-Biruni (died c. 1050). Al-Biruni emphasizes al-lāzward is crushed to a powder to be used as a blue colorant – كتاب الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر - البيروني -- البحث عن لازورد. Text has 13 instances of لازوردref. A 9th-century Arabic minerals book says powdered lāzward is used as eye makeup – 9th century Arabic text كتاب الاحجار لارسطاطاليس ''Stones Book of Aristotle'' (pseudonymously authored) is published in Arabic plus translation to German under title DAS STEINBUCH DES ARISTOTLES, curated by Julius Ruska, year 1912. The stone اللازورد is on page 107.ref. An 11th-century Arabic recipe book for making colored inks uses powdered lāzward as a blue ink colorant – 11th-century Arabic text titled عمدة الكتاب وعدة ذوي الألباب is mainly about making colored inks. It has fourteen instances of لازورد lāzward. It is in machine-searchable Arabic at the link. It is in Arabic-to-English translation in article ''Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking'' by Martin Levey, year 1962, where English translation uses word lāzward on pages 15, 27, 29, 30, 31, downloadable at islamicmanuscripts.info/reference/index.html ref. Al-Biruni says the name for lāzward among the Byzantine Greeks is armīnāqūn, his spelling of Greek armeniakon = "of Armenia". Relatedly, the ancient Greeks & Latins had the azure-blue powdered-stone colorant they called armenion | armenium = "Armenian stone". The ancient azure-colored mineral they called armenium was usually at Wikipedia : Azuriteazurite which is different from at Wikipedia : Lazuritelazurite. Another distinct azure-colored stone that was probably used by the ancient Romans is at Wikipedia : Lazulitelazulite, but the Romans did not use that name. Pliny (died 79 AD) discusses blue stones he calls Pliny's ''Naturalis Historia'' in English, bk 35 ch 28armenium, Pliny's ''Naturalis Historia'' in English, bk 37 ch 38cyanos, and Pliny's ''Naturalis Historia'' in English, bk 37 ch 39.
    Pliny's sapphiros was far different from today's sapphire.
    . Ibn Sina (died 1037) and al-Ghāfiqī (died c. 1165) say the blue colorant stone called in Arabic hajar al-armenī (literally: Armenian stone) (interpret: azurite) is inferior to the lāzward stone (interpret: lazurite) – In Arabic : Ibn al-Baitar quoting Ibn Sina and Al-Ghāfiqī الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref: page 755 and page 225. Azurite occurs in various degrees of quality. If the azurite is good quality, the visible difference between it and lazurite is very small, though the two are chemically much different from each other.
  182. ^ lazurite, azurite, lazulite, azure

    Five instances in Late Ancient Greek in the 4th-7th centuries for lazourion | lazour_ = "azure-colored stone" are cited in the history article "See TABLE 3 on print page 49, which is on PDF page 9 in the linked copy, in the article ''Lapis lazuli, lazurite, ultramarine ‘blue’, and the colour term ‘azure’ up to the 13th century'', by Guido Frison and Giulia Brun, year 2016 in ''Journal of the International Colour Association'' volume 16.The Colour Term ‘Azure’ up to the 13th Century" ; See TABLE 3.2 on page 272 in the article ''A New Approach to the History of the Colour Term ‘Azure’ and the Pigment Ultramarine Blue up to the 13th Century'', by Guido Frison and Giulia Brun, published in ''Colour and Colorimetry: Multidisciplinary Contributions'' Volume XI B, year 2015.alt-link. Some of those five Greek instances and a few additional instances in Greek with dates probably earlier than 9th century are cited in λαζούριον @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), year 2014, lexicon of Byzantine Greekλαζούριον lazourion @ LBG and/or λαζουρός @ ''Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität'' (LBG), year 2014λαζουρός lazouros @ LBG. One of the additional instances is lazouron in a text attributed to the Christian bishop Ioannis Chrysostom (died 407) which has been assessed as "probably genuinely by Chrysostom" – ref: Article ''Fragments du commentaire de Jean Chrysostome sur les psaumes 103 à 106'', being Greek text curated and introduced by A-M Malingrey, year 1987, in Volume 133 of series ''Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur''. Page 355 has λαζουρόν. Introduction on page 352 references another article by A-M Malingrey that discusses authenticity of attribution of the text to Chrysostom.λαζουρόν on page 355 on line 39. "Cyranides, Book 1" is a Greek text with composition date put in the 4th century AD. Cyranides Book 1 has talk about amulets and magical stones and it has the stone-name lazourin. The handed-down and received version of Cyranides Book 1 possibly has enhancements added after the 4th century, and so the 4th-century date for its stone-name lazourin is insecure. But there are enough documents in Greek, including a variety of kinds of documents, to make it secure that the lazurite product and its name lazour__ was in circulation in the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean sea-commerce before the spread of the Arabic language to the Mediterranean coasts. The natural way for the Iranian word to enter Greek in the 4th-7th centuries was for it to travel overland from the Persian empire to the Byzantine empire without passing through any Arabic-speaking territory. Therefore, the Greek word did not come from Arabic. The Greek came from Iranian without Arabic intermediation.
    In Latin the word has records securely dated the 9th century. The 9th century Latin wordforms are Book, ''A Classical Technology, edited from Codex Lucensis 490'', by John M. Burnham, year 1920. It reprints the Latin text ''Compositiones Variae'' plus English translation. The text is in a physical manuscript dated about year 800. The physical manuscript is called ''Codex 490'' or ''Lucca 490'' or ''Codex Lucensis''. It has ''lazurin'' and ''lazuri'', which are put in this book's English as lazuli, azure, and blue.lazurin + lazuri (about year 800) , lazur @ Du Cange. Quotes ''lazur'' in the writings of Frotharius Episcopus Tullensis, died 847, also known as Frothar, bishop of Toul. Toul is located in northeastern France.lazur (before year 847) , 128-page article, ''Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques'', by CS Smith and JG Hawthorne, year 1974, publishes the Sélestat MS 17 physical manuscript of the ''Mappae Clavicula'' recipes. The date of the Sélestat MS 17 manuscript is put around year 900. The manuscript has Latin ''lazurin'' meaning azure stone. Smith & Hawthorne's article also provides an English translation.lazurin (about year 900), and later Latin had lazurium, azurium, açurino, azurum etc (Latin azurium @ ''Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch'' Band 1 : A-B, year 1967. Altlink: books.google.com/books?id=hIe88EhfAvwC&q=azur 12th & 13th century examples), all of which are wordform-wise closer to the Greek lazourion than to the Arabic lāzward. The culture of the Latins of the 9th century, and what we know about their overall contacts with Greek and other Mediterranean languages at that time, supports the judgement that the Latin word came from the Greek word.
    13th-15th century Latin writings have the two wordform variants lazuri_ and lazuli_, both of them meaning "azure-colored stone". From the Latin, 14th-15th century English has the two synonymous wordforms lazurium @ the Middle English Dictionarylazurium and lasulus @ the Middle English Dictionarylazulus. Late medieval English has also the wordform azure @ the Middle English Dictionaryazure which went into English from French & Latin azur_. These wordforms were synonymous and meant azure-colored minerals. The deletion of the initial L of lazur_ to get azur_ is rarely paralleled in other words having an initial L. It has a parallel in medieval Latinate lonza | lonça | lonce = onza | onça | once = "a leopard, especially the snow leopard" –  details Medievally: lonza #1 @ TLIO lexicon of medieval ItalianItalian lonza | lonça | loncia = French ''lince'' @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français. Cites three documents using wordform ''lonce''.French lonce = once #2 @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et LexicalesFrench once (#2) = onsa #2 @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, gives a quotation involving ''leopart, e la onça'' which occurs in a chapter about animals in book ''Fèlix de les Meravelles del Mon'' by Ramon Llull (died 1316)Catalan onça (#2) = 13th century Latin uncia (#2)Dated around year 1230: ''Sunt etiam unciæ, sævissima animalia... canibus valde inimica.... Ex nigris & albis maculis respersum corpus habent.... Prædam... portent... arborem... deferunt'' (author Jacobus de Vitriaco). Dated year 1300: ''Item copertorium unum virmilium foderatum penna de uncia'' (author Lamberto di Sambuceto).
    = "snow leopard, big lynx". Modern Catalan & Spanish onça | onza = "any leopard". Portuguese onça = "Brazilian leopard". The snow leopards are native in the mountains of Central Asia. Their fur pelts were brought to medieval Mediterranean markets through the territory of the Byzantine Empire, to be sold as luxury furs. Their fur pelts look similar to the Eurasian lynx, featuring leopard spots. Photos : Snow leopard, aka Panthera unciaSnow Leopard photos , Photos : Eurasian lynx, aka Lynx lynxEurasian Lynx photos. It was standard in medieval Italian that any Latin sound /ks/ was converted to the Italian sound /s/. This means that the classical Latin lynx = "lynx" was converted straightforwardly to the lince @ TLIO, a lexicon of medieval Italianmedieval Italian lince = "lynx". To get the medieval Italian lonza from the Latin lynx would be phonetically abnormal because of the change in the first vowel. The medieval Italian lonza is assessed as probably derived from the Byzantine Greek λυγξ lungx = "Eurasian lynx (and similar)", which was in continuance from λύγξ @ Liddel-Scott-Jones (''LSJ'') Lexicon of Ancient Greek, year 1925 and other years. It gives citations for the word with meaning ''Eurasian lynx''.Ancient Greek λύγξ. Then the Latinate lonza begot the synonymous Latinate onza.
    . The deletion of letter L in azure and onza is not understood. The overwhelming majority of the Latinate words begining with the letter L did not undergo this deletion. Any explanation for deletion of the L in these two words is a failure when it does not explain what made the two words different from the overwhelming majority.
  183. ^ macabre

    Medieval Portuguese almocavar | almocovar = "Islamic graveyard" has records beginning in Portuguese Latin in year 1137 – Book in German : ''Iberoromanische Arabismen im Bereich Urbanismus und Wohnkultur'', by Y. Kiegel-Keicher, year 2005, discusses Portuguese ''almocavar | almocovar'' on pages 138-139.ref. There exists a rare Spanish almacabra = "Islamic graveyard" – almacabra @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Españolaref. Almacabra is very rare. Its first known record is in 1554, which is two centuries after the first French macabre.
  184. ^ mask

    For the Italian maschera = "mask put on one's face", a handful of its early records are quoted at màschera @ Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (''TLIO'')TLIO. The early records include the novel Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio which is dated 1353; Decameron has maschera in two places: Italian word ''maschera'' is in Boccaccio's Decameron in chapter of 4th Day, 2nd Novella. The linked page has the chapter translated to English, where the English word is VIZARD meaning ''mask''. At top of same page, clicking on the Italian flag gives the chapter in Italian.ref + Italian word ''maschera'' is in Boccaccio's Decameron in chapter of 8th Day, 9th Novella. The linked page has the chapter translated to English, where the English word is DOMINO meaning ''mask''. At top of same page, clicking on the Italian flag gives the chapter in Italian.ref. Another early Italian novel with maschera is dated about 1385 and it is at Book in English : ''The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni'' translated from Italian to English by WG Waters in year 1897. It has English MASK(s) 3 times on page 108 in first paragraph.ref + Book in Italian : ''Il Pecorone'', by Giovanni Fiorentino aka Ser Giovanni, dated about 1385. It has ''maschere contraffatte al viso'' and ''in viso una maravigliosa maschera''.ref. 15th century Italian-Latin has mascara | maschara = "mask". Mascara has been the usual wordform longstandingly in Italy's Venetian dialect mascara + mascarar @ ''Dizionario del dialetto veneziano'', by Giuseppe Boerio, year 1829 edition(ref). For this word outside Italy, the earliest known in Spanish is 1490s (Corpus Diacrónico del Español at Real Academia Española has ''máscaras'' circa 1492 and ''máscara'' circa 1495.ref, máscara @ Diccionario Real Academia Española. Says the Spanish word is from Italian.ref), earliest known in French is also about 1490s (masquier @ ''Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes'', by Frédéric Godefroy, published 1880-1895, where volume 5 page 194 column 3 cites ''masquier'' meaning a masked person in Martial d'Auvergne (died 1508) writing circa 1490s.ref, masque @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. Says the French word is from Italian.ref), earliest in English is about 1516 New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, Volume VI year 1908 : Entries for ''masker'' (page 202), ''masque'' (page 204), ''mask #3'' (page 200), ''mask #1'' (page 200), ''mask verb #4'' (page 201).(ref), earliest known Catalan with meaning "mask" is 1546 (màscara @ Diccionari.cat ref, mascara @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'' by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, quotes a Catalan record with ''mascara'' meaning blackening agent (aka soot) around year 1490. This is distinct from Catalan ''màscara'' meaning mask, whose first record is year 1546. More info about instance circa 1490 @ books.google.com/books?id=eIX0JYTKh5MC&q=mascara ref). In English some of the early instances have the letter 'r' of the Italian word, including 1519 English maskyr and 1532 English masker meaning "mask" New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, entry for ''masker #1''(ref). Today's English "masquerade" and today's Spanish & Catalan máscara = "a mask" still have the 'r' of the Italian word. When the Italian maschera entered French, the letter 'r' was deleted immediately in French, producing French masque, whence English mask. The word became commonly used in 16th century western Europe in the context of comic entertainments and dressy parties and parades in which masks were worn, these fashions having started in Italy. (Some background history info is in chapter IV of The court masque was a musical drama genre involving masks and masquerades. Its history is the subject of the book ''The Court Masque'' by Enid Welsford, year 1927. Relevant chapter is Chapter IV. It says masque is from maschera. It reviews the parentage possibilities for the word maschera and it says ''the ultimate derivation of the word is uncertain'' (page 92) and ''no certainty can be reached'' (page 97).The Court Masque; and relatedly at at Wikipedia : Masquerade BallMasquerade Ball and at Wikipedia : Carnival of VeniceCarnival of Venice (a latter-day revival) ).
    Book, ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, pages 304-307Reinhart Dozy year 1869 has several pages of argument for a proposition that the Italian maschera had come from Arabic مسخرة maskhara = "buffoon". The problem with it is that in all early records of Italian maschera the meaning is "mask", not "buffoon". Furthermore, in some early records (cited in previous paragraph) the context is joyless and grim and no buffoonery is happening. Most often in the early records the context does have buffoonery, comicalness and gaiety.
    Another source proposition for the Italian word is the pre-existing Latin and Latinate languages masca = "witch, bad demon". The problem with this idea is it comes without enough specifics to close the semantic gap between "witch" and "mask". There are angles of view from which the gap's size is reduced, but the gap is still there. A secondary problem with it is that from the phonetic point of view it is dubious to do a derivation of medieval Italian maschera from medieval Latin masca; i.e., it is poorly paralleled in Italian and it is not suffixing Italian In English wiktionary : definition of Italian suffix -iera‑iera.
  185. ^ racquet

    In medieval Arabic, رسغ rusgh meant the human carpal bones (i.e. the collection of 8 tiny bones in each wrist) and the human ankle bones & tarsal bones of the feet, and in addition it meant the bones of the ankle areas of horses and camels – The linked website has medieval dictionaries in Arabic, and the linked page has رُسْغٌ under rootword رسغ in Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon translating from the medieval dictionaries (year 1867).ref, رسغ @ Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1852 on page 619. The word's meaning in 19th century Arabic is the same as its meaning in medieval Arabic. Also رصغ in same dictionary on page 621.ref. The medieval Arabic dictionaries of Ibn Duraid (died c. 933), Ibn Sida (died 1066), and Fairuzabadi (died 1414) say the anatomy word الرسغ al-rusgh can be written in the alternative spelling الرصغ al-rughsearch for الرصغ in medieval texts at AlWaraq.netref. In medieval Latin, this anatomy word's earliest records are in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translator Constantinus Africanus, in his book Pantegni, which was a translation of a book by Ali Ibn al-Abbas al-Majusi (died c. 990). Constantinus Africanus has it spelled rasca and rascha. Constantinus's Latin rasca | rascha was translating the Arabic rusgh. Constantinus in Pantegni has the word more than a dozen times, meaning most times the tarsal bones of the feet and the other times meaning the carpal bones of the wrist. Among the things that Constantinus says: "rasca fuit necessaria, in pedibus sicut et in manibus" = "the rasca are necessities, in the feet and likewise in the hands" – Constantine the African's translation ''Theorica Pantegni'' is in the physical manuscript named Helsinki Codex EÖ.II.14. The physical manuscript is dated 3rd quarter of 12th century. The link has the word-searchable transcription of this manuscript's text. It has the wordforms RASCHA, RASCHE and RASCA.ref. A century later, the Arabic-to-Latin translator Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187) put the Arabic rusgh into Latin as rasceta | rascete | rasete in two medical books he translated – In Latin : Gerard of Cremona's Arabic-to-Latin translation of the ''Liber ad Almansorem'' of Zakariya Al-Razi (died c. 930). Has Latin ''rasceta'', ''rascete'', ''rascetam'' in Book I chapter ii ''De forma ossium''. Print edition year 1497 has RASCETA in big lettering on page 3 on righthand side.ref, In Latin : ''Liber Canonis Medicinae'' of Avicenna aka Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona. Edition year 1555, OCR'd. Search for OCR'd substring RAFCET_ to get RASCET_. Search for OCR'd substring RAFET to get RASETA, RASETAM, RASETAE -- it is the same word as RASCET_. The OCR has many errors but is still usable.ref, In Arabic : البحث عن الرسغ @ AlWaraq.net. Searchable القانون في الطب – ابن سينا and الحاوي – أبو بكر محمد بن زكريا الرازيref, ''Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale'', by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876, on page 190, quotes رسغ ''rusgh'' in Arabic in the book كتاب المنصوري ''Kitāb al-Manṣūrī'' of Zakariya Al-Razi (died c. 930). This Arabic was translated to Latin as ''rasceta'' in the ''Liber ad Almansorem'' by translator Gerard of Cremona.ref, In Arabic : Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, Book I, Thesis V (about bones), chapter 21 (about the wrist bones), headlined تشريح الرسغ, in the edition of year 1593 at Rome cityref. In classical Latin and medieval Latin, pedis = "of the foot", manus = "of the hand", and ossa = "bones". An influential medieval Latin writer on anatomy, Mundinus, aka Mondino de Liuzzi (died 1325 or 1326), used the terminology rasceta pedis = "tarsal bones" and rasceta manus = "carpal bones" – Book, ''De omnibus humani corporis interioribus membris Anathomia'', by Mundinus. Rasceta is twice on last page of last chapter before final summarization.ref. He used the phrase ossa rascete for the 4 smaller tarsal bones (aside note: each foot has 7 tarsal bones) and he used this phrase for the 8 carpal bones as well – Book, ''De omnibus humani corporis interioribus membris Anathomia'', by Mundinus. ''Ossa rascete'' is on the 2nd last page of the book.ref. The Latin surgery book of Lanfranc of Milan (died 1306) used the same terminology, spelling it rasceta in Latin – Book in late medieval English : ''Lanfrank's Science of Cirurgie'', being a translation from the Latin of Lanfranc of Milan, plus 19th century English footnotes, year 1894. Page 157 has rasceta in main text and in footnote. Page 177 has English ''racheta of the foot'' which translated Lanfranc of Milan's Latin ''rasceta pedis''.ref. The word and wordform rascete | rasceta was used by later anatomy and surgery writers in Latin including Guy de Chauliac (died 1368), Petrus de Argellata (died 1423), Ugo Benzi (died 1439), Gabriele Zerbi (died 1505), and Giovanni da Vigo (died 1525), meaning tarsal bones and carpal bones – search for ''Rascete'' at Books.Google.com ref. To repeat, the earliest Latin records have rasca = "tarsal bones and carpal bones" and the later Latin records have rasceta with the same meaning. The '-et' of rasceta is a diminutive suffix appended in Latin and functioning to communicate the smallness of these bones. It functions like the medieval Italian suffix -etto, -etta, -ete. Parallelwise, there is medieval Italian cassa = "a box", medieval Italian cassetta = "a small box" (cognate with today's English "case" and "cassette"), which came from classical Latin capsa = "a box" and it is in medieval Latin as capsa #1 @ Du Cange's Latin glossary quotes examples of the diminutive form ''capsetta''.capsetta = "a small box". Medieval Italian bruno and brunetto, and medieval Latin brunus and bruneta | brunetum @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latinbruneta, are cognate with today's English "brown" and "brunet". Medieval Italian birete | berretta and medieval Latin birretum @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latinbirretum | bereta @ ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus'', by J.F. Niermeyer, year 1976, on page 98bereta came from medieval Latin birrus plus the diminutive suffix -et_. Many many more medieval Latin usages of the diminutive suffix -et_ exist.
    Taken together from the semantic point of view, and also from the phonetic point of view, the above medical books destroy the often repeated but always unevidenced report that the Latin anatomy word rasceta came from the Arabic راحة rāha(t) = "palm of the hand". Some history books have reported correctly that the Latin rasceta came from the Arabic رسغ rusgh. Notably, it is correct in the book Rasceta on pages 198-201. Book by Joseph Hyrtl.Das Arabische und Hebräische in der Anatomie, year 1879.
    The Latin anatomy word was carried into late medieval Italian and French as a technical medical word: Italian 15th century Italian ''rascetta'' @ TLIOrascetta and French 15th century French ''racete'' and ''rachete'' @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisracete | rachete, meaning "carpal bones and tarsal bones". Today a majority of dictionaries assert that this was the parent of the 15th-century French raquette @ Dictionnaire du Moyen Françaisra(c)quette = "racquet". But this assertion comes without any evidence! It would be a big leap in semantics and social context to re-use this technical medical word as a word for a racquet. To warrant belief that this leap occurred, evidence would be necessary from late medieval Europe. Mindful of the utter lack of evidence, a minority of dictionaries make the judgement that the origin of the racquet word is unknown. Moreover, deriving the French raquette from French & Latin rascete is a phonetically misfitting proposal because it requires a mutation from sound /s/ to sound /k/, which would be an irregular phonetic mutation. Looking around for alternative ideas, some proposals have been offered for a different source-word for racquet, but again with shortfalls in evidence. Alternatives are discussed in the article "Zur Herkunft von französisch raquette "Article by Christian Schmitt in book ''Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi'', year 1996, on pages 47-55, year 1996.
  186. ^ soda

    Today's English word soda stands in descent from a medieval Latinate word whose medieval wordforms are sosa | souda | soda. The early records are mostly in Catalan-Latin. None of the early records are in Italian-Latin or Italian. The wordform soda is Italian and is relatively late. Links to early records are in later paragraphs below. The medieval Latinate word had three distinct but closely related meanings: (#1) a class of herbaceous plants that were collected and burned for their ash; and (#2) the raw ash of the soda plants; and (#3) a refined ash, in which some unwanted chemicals had been removed from the raw soda ash. The refined soda ash was called "alkali salt" in some medieval Latin writers. Late medievally the Latin words alkali + kali were practically synonymous with sosa | souda | soda. Latin alchemy texts in the late 14th & 15th century say "alkali salt" is made from the ashes of plants called sosa | souda | soda plants – Alchemy book in Catalan-Latin : ''Sedacina'' by Guillaume Sedacer (died 1382-1385), curated by Pascale Barthélemy, year 2002. Volume 2 page 167 has Latin soudam meaning plants burned to make soda ash for to make glass (conficitur vitrum). Wordform soudam is souda with grammar inflection. It is translated to modern French as soude [a plant species] on page 166. Same paragraph has Latin alkali meaning refined soda ash. Alt-link : PDF page 720 at https://bibnum.chartes.psl.eu/s/thenca/item/47784 ref , DEAD LINK. ''Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in the United States and Canada'', by WJ Wilson, year 1939, is a 836-page report in Volume 6 of journal ''Osiris''. Page 439 quotes a snippet from a 15th century manuscript that says in Latin: ''ALKALI salt is made in this way: Take the herbaceous plant that is called SOSA...'' (''herbam que sosa dicitur...'').ref ,   ref  The year 1561 book Published at Basel city in 1561Verae Alchemiae, Artisque Metallicae is a collection of Latin alchemy writings by uncertain and various authors, with most of them date-assessed 15th century. For one of the book's chapters : The author is pseudo-Albertus-Magnus, the chapter has Soda meaning a herbaceous plant, and the plant is burned to ashes, and then the ashes is passed through a refining step and the refined ashes is called sal alkali. Pseudo-Albertus-Magnus means a person writing under the pseudonym of the famous Albertus Magnus, who died in 1280. The chapter's date-assessment is 15th century.

    In the above-linked book, two of the chapters with 15th century date-assessment are by an author Pseudo-Ramon-Llull (the famous Ramon Llull died in 1318) and they have the two wordforms sosa and soda, which are OCR'd in the above copy as ''fofa'' and ''foda'', and for each wordform the meaning is explicitly the soda ash used for making glass.

    Some of the other chapters in the above book are by Pseudo-Geber. In one of the Pseudo-Geber chapters, which is date-assessed 14th century, the refined soda ash is obtained from the unrefined soda ash in the following way, stated in Latin: "True alkali salt is made by dissolving zoza in water and sifting it [i.e.: pouring the water through a sieve in order to get rid of the undissolved ash chemicals], and then cooking it to one third [i.e.: boiling the water in order to get rid of most of the water by evaporation], and then the salt precipitates to the bottom of the vessel...". In that sentence, the zoza is unrefined ash while the alkali is refined ash. Zoza occurs three times in the chapter.
    . The botanist Johann Bauhin (died 1613) says Soda and Salsola are Italian names for plants that he calls, in Latin, Kali | Cali plants – ''Historia Plantarum Universalis'', by Johann Bauhin, in Volume 3 on pages 702 and 705, year 1651 editionref. The soda plants grow on salty soils. The advantage of their ash is it is rich in sodium carbonate. The ash was an ingredient in making glass and making soap. Roughly half of all medieval records of the noun sosa | souda | soda are in connection with glass-making.
    Italian recipe books for making glass, with date late 14th and/or 15th century, have soda = "soda ash" and soda di Soria = "soda ash of Syria" and soda soriana = "Syrian soda ash" – ref: Dell'Arte del Vetro per MusaicoBook, ''Dell' arte del vetro per musaico: Tre trattatelli dei secoli XIV e XV'', curated by Milanesi, year 1864. The book publishes three treatises written in Italian in late 14th and/or 15th century on the art of glassmaking for mosaics. The treatises have ''soda'' 26 times, including ''soda soriana'' on page 18 and ''soda di Soria'' on page 157.. Some background info about Syrian soda ash is in article "Plant Ashes from Syria and the Manufacture of Ancient [ or Medieval ] GlassArticle by Youssef Barkoudah and Julian Henderson, in ''Journal of Glass Studies'' Volume 48, year 2006" (year 2006) and under the word "alkali" in book Levant Trade in the Late Middle AgesBook written by Eliyahu Ashtor, year 1983. Book is about trade between Latin Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean in the 14th and 15th centuries. (year 1983). Soda plant ash is absent in Latin writings under any name until around year 1200, which is the date of the first document of the Latin alcali = "soda ash". It is demonstrable using 13th century Latin documents that soda ash knowledge was transferred from the Arabs to the Latins around that time; i.e. the soda ash knowledge and soda ash product were new arrivals to the Latins in the late 12th & early 13th. Chemical analysis of archeological glass shows the ancient and early medieval Europeans used plant ash for making glass but it was not soda plant ash. This gives background context reason to look to Arabic for possible parentage of the name soda. However, in fact, all efforts to derive the name from Arabic have been unsuccessful. These efforts are reviewed in the following paragraphs.
    Most of today's English dictionaries declare that the Italian soda was from, or probably from, an Arabic plant-name of the approximate form suwad | suaed. Their factual basis for that is: the name suwad | suaed is found in oral Arabic in the 18th and 19th centuries meaning a salt-tolerant plant whose ashes was used to make soda ash. Relatedly, this Arabic suaed is the parent of the English and Modern Latin technical botanical name at Wikipedia : Suaeda, a flowering plant that is tolerant of salty water, and it contains much sodium ions, and its ash has much sodium carbonate.Suaeda, which was first introduced to European botany nomenclature by the botanist Peter Forskal from his visit to Egypt in the early 1760s Book ''Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica'' by Peter Forskal, year 1775. ''Suaeda'' is on intro pages XXXVIII & LXIV and on main pages 69-71. Forskal says he takes his Latin ''Suaeda'' from Egyptian Arabic ''Suaed''. He does not spell out ''Suaed'' with Arabic alphabet. He spells out most of his Arabic names with Arabic alphabet. This implicitly indicates ''Suaed'' was only oral and colloquial.(ref). The problem is, this name is not found in Medieval Arabic with this meaning, nor meaning "soda ash" – ref in German: "Soda" by Arnald Steiger in journal Vox Romanica year 1937 on pages 73-76The link downloads a PDF file.
    Alternative link: doi.org/10.5169/seals-4574
    . The earliest recorded date for the Arabic suwad | suaed word, with the meaning of "soda ash plant" or "soda ash", is nearly four centuries later than the Italian soda, and during those centuries the soda ash was an important item in Mediterranean commerce, Italian glassmakers were the biggest consumers of it, Italian sea-merchants were the biggest traders in it, soda gradually became the most common Italian name for it, Italian language was the lingua franca in Mediterranean sea-commerce, and a significant number of Italian words entered Arabic and Turkish during the period. Thus the Arabic suwad | suaed is very liable to be from the Italian soda. The color of the old soda ash was light grey. Today's soda ash is without impurities and its color is as white as pure snow (''Soda Ash'' @ Images.Google.com. Today's ''Soda Ash'' is synonymous with pure sodium carbonate. The old soda ash contained also potassium carbonate, whose color is as white as snow too. Also the old soda ash had substantial calcium oxide and calcium carbonate -- both of them near snow-white. The old soda ash also had smaller quantities of chemicals with dark colors.photos). Because of its color, associating the name with the commonplace Arabic word suwwād = "black" is semantically unrealistic in conception, in addition to being unsupported by any documentation in the relevant centuries. In freely available and searchable format online, you can find many medieval Arabic documents that mention the soda ash product or the soda ash plants. Links to some of the documents are on the current page under the heading of the botanical name Medieval Latin Kali came from medieval Arabic القلي al-qalī.Kali. Those many documents emit a reverberating silence on the name suwad | suaed. The medieval soda ash was one of the most effective clothes-washing powders that people knew how to make at that time. The medieval Arabs also used soda plants non-ashed for washing clothes, as well as using soda ash, and a feature of both of them was that they whitened whites (example)Abu Hanifa al-Dinawari (died c. 895) says: Whatever plant has salinity in it is called حمض hamd.... The plant حرض hurud is a hamd plant.... People use hurud for washing clothes. We have not seen hurud that was purer or gave a brighter white than the hurud that grows in Yamāmah.... As for making ash from hurud and other plants, we have mentioned that in a previous chapter. Downloadable book Abu Hanifah Al-Dinawari's Book of Plants: An Annotated English Translation of the Extant Alphabetical Portion, by Catherine Alice Yff Breslin, year 1986. Refer to page 155 (plant 243 حمض hamd) and page 174-175 (plant 280 حرض hurud), and crossref page 61 (plant 51 أشنان ushnan). In medieval Arabic sources, the most-often-mentioned washing agents are natron mineral and soda ash -- both of which have sodium carbonate as the main active ingredient.. This is a second reason why a rootword meaning "black" is unrealistic in conception.
    Looking around for alternative ideas for the origin of the name soda = "soda ash", in later-medieval Latin there is a medical term soda = "headache" which is very clearly borrowed from medieval Arabic صداع sudāʿ = "headache" (very clear from records in Medical book Liber Canonis by Ibn Sina (died 1037) translated from Arabic to Latin by Gerard of Cremona (died c. 1187). The book has more than 200 instances of Latin word SODA_ meaning headache. The link is print edition year 1555, OCR'd. In the linked copy, you have to search for FODA_ to get soda_, because the OCR sees foda in place of ſoda ſoda ʃoda.Ibn Sina in Latin, ابن سينا – القانون في الطب – بحث عن صداعIbn Sina in Arabic, ''De Simplicibus Medicinis'' by Serapion the Younger, an Arabic-to-Latin translation dated late 13th century in Latin. Search OCR'd text for FODA representing SODA.Serapion the Younger, In Arabic : Ibn al-Baitar's Book of Medicaments and Foods, dated 1240sIbn al-Baitar, Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon has headword صدع , beneath which is صُدَاعٌ. The Arabic dictionaries of Al-Jawhari (died c. 1002), Ibn Sida (died 1066), and Ibn Manzur (died 1312) have the definition:
      الصُداعُ: وجعُ الرأس
    Lane's Arabic Lexicon
    , soda @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval LatinDu Cange, soda @ ''Middle English Dictionary'', has quotations for the medical word ''soda'' in one late-medieval English medical book that had been translated from Latin to English.MED, and so on). According to Eric Partridge's Short Etymological Dictionary (1966) and John Ayto's Word Origins (2005), the soda-ash name may have somehow come from this source. However, Latin soda = "headache" is a totally different word from Latin soda = "soda ash plant" | "soda ash" and there is no documentary evidence of a route of transmission from the one sense to the other. The context of use of soda = "headache" was restricted to learned (bookish) medical people in Europe. It is highly unlikely to have become the source of soda = "soda ash plant | soda ash", a word used by unbookish sellers of industrial soda ash.
    A much better proposition is that the Italian soda came from the Catalan sosa = "soda ash", which is attested in Catalan or Catalan-Latin in years 1249, 1252, 1258, 1279, and onward – Tax tariffs survive from multiple Catalan towns in multiple years in 2nd half of 13th century. They contain most of the early records for ''sosa'', where ''sosa'' is a name in a list of taxed products. The headword ''sosa'' in ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena and others, online at University of Murcia, year 2014, has quotations for a handful of early records of ''sosa'' in Catalan.ref, Book, ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by R.J. Alart, year 1881. Year 1249 ''sosa'' page 56, and year 1285 ''soza'' page 112 -- both of them in tax tariffs.ref, Book, ''Memorias históricas sobre la marina, comercio y artes de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona'' Volume II primera parte, curated by Antonio de Capmany, year 1779, reissued 1962. ''Sosa'' is a taxed product in a tax tariff in year 1252 at Cotlliure harbour, on page 22 on third-last line of first para.ref. Sosa = "soda ash" is in Spanish in the 13th century as a commodity in tax tariffs, and is in Spanish in the 15th century in glass-making contexts – sosa @ ''Corpus Diacrónico del Español'' (''CORDE''). The CORDE corpus has sosa as a taxed product in tax decrees in years 1243, 1252, 1291, 1296, & 1300. The tax decrees of 1243 & 1252 are at Catalan-speaking seaports in decrees of the king of Aragon & Catalonia, and they are written in Aragonese Spanish and they contain loanwords from Catalan.ref. In Catalan-Latin in 1337 a soap-making factory borrowed money to buy sosa = "soda ash" – Journal ''Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Lul·liana'', Volume XXIII, Abril-Maig 1931, on pages 398-399, prints year 1337 doc. The journal gives to the doc the journal's headline ''Mallorquíns Fabricants De Sabó A Tarragona''. The doc says : ''Faciendo et operando sabone molli [lege Catalan MOLÍ] et de sosa de cuius arte seu officio ego sum magister.... Solvere voluit pretium cuiusdam quantitatis de sosa ab eo empte....''ref, Word sosa twice on page 398 in tome XXIII of ''Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Luliana'', year 1931alt‑link. In Catalan-Latin in 1320-1321, sosa means the soda plants collected in salty marshlands – Book ''Les aljames sarraïnes de la governació d'Oriola en el segle XIV'', by MT Ferrer, year 1988, has sosa in royal decrees in Catalan-Latin in year 1321 (page 237) and year 1320 (page 287).

    One of the decrees has the words ''colligere ac sosam in marjalibus regalibus'' = ''to collect also the soda in the royal marshlands''. Wordform ''sosam'' is sosa carrying Latin grammar inflection. The decrees also have wordform ''sosa''. The marshlands being talked about were in southern Alicante province and they were salty. The Catalan-Latin word marjalibus means today's Catalan marjal.
    . In Catalan-Latin c.1378, sosa vitreariorum means "soda ash of glass-makers" – PhD Thesis, ''L'oeuvre alchimique de Guillaume Sedacer : édition et étude'', by Pascale Barthélemy, year 1985, in four volumes. The four volumes are downloadable as one big PDF file at linked website. In this PDF file, the second volume begins on PDF page 477. The second volume is an edition of the Latin alchemy book SEDACINA by Guillaume Sedacer (died c. 1383). It has about eight instances of ''sosa''.ref. Catalan and Catalan-Latin also used the wordform soza meaning "soda ash" – e.g. in years Book, ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by Alart, year 1881. Has ''soza'' in tax tariffs.1285 & 1300 and Book ''Les aljames sarraïnes de la governació d'Oriola en el segle XIV'', by MT Ferrer, year 1988. Pages 201-202 prints a year 1305 Catalan-Latin text having ''soza'' and ''sozam''. The Catalan-Latin text says : Localities in the bounds of Elche and nearby are bitter [Interpret: the soil is salty] and much ''soza'' is made there. The book also has ''sosa'' and ''sosam'' in early-14th-century Catalan-Latin.1305 and Book (PhD thesis) : ''El vidre a Mallorca entre els segles XIV i XVIII :: Volum 2, Apèndix 1: Documental'', by MÀ Capellà Galmés, year 2009. The appendix prints medieval Catalan-Latin documents involving glass-makers on the island of Mallorca. It has ''soza'' in years 1388, 1436 & 1498 in glass-making contexts. The appendix also has 15th-century Catalan-Latin ''sosam'' and ''sosa''.1388 & 1436. In Catalan-Latin in year 1361, çosa (ç = z) means "soda plants" – Book ''La Morería de Elche en la Edad Media'', by José Hinojosa, year 1994, on page 150. The book prints medieval documents on pages 121-186. On page 150, with date 6 July 1361, there are three instances of ''çosa'' meaning saltwort plants to be collected in the Elche area. The same document is also printed in the book ''Les aljames sarraïnes de la governació d'Oriola'' year 1988 on page 252.ref. The wordform souda | seuda = "soda ash" is in Catalan-Latin in glass-making contexts in 1261 and 1321 – Article ''L'ancienne industrie de la verrerie en Roussillon'', by [Bernard] Alart, year 1873 in journal ''Bulletin de la Société Agricole, Scientifique et Littéraire des Pyrénées-Orientales'', Volume XX pages 307-322. It reports year 1261 Latin ''souda'' (page 309) and year 1321 Latin ''seuda'' (page 310) in commercial purchases by glass-makers (Latin ''veirierio'') in Perpignan town. The medieval documents that Alart's article is reporting about are not published in print. The documents were looked at by Jordi Mach in year 2004. Jordi Mach found Alart's report valid; www.academia.edu/38947207 .ref. However, sosa is the predominant wordform by far in medieval Catalan & Spanish, and sosa is the wordform with the earliest records in Iberia.
    Meanwhile, the Italian and Italian-Latin soda is without a reliably reported record from Italy until the late 14th century:    year 1379  Article, "Raw Materials for the Glass Industries of Venice and the Terraferma, about 1370 - about 1460", by David Jacoby, 26 pages, in Journal of Glass Studies volume 35, year 1993. It cites early records of word soda in Italy in footnotes on pages 69 & 71. One is in 1379 in Perugia (Perugia is beside Tuscany), and that record is viewable at Short book ''Saggi del Volgar Perugino nel trecento, cavati dall'archivio del comune'', curated by Adamo Rossi, year 1882. Prints a tax tariff list whose date is 1379. Soda is on page 19.ref‑1 & Short book ''La vendita della gabella delle some grosse e del pedaggio fatta dal comune di Perugia negli anni 1379 e 1391'', curated by Ariodante Fabretti, year 1888. Soda is on page 17. The book only has a tax tariff whose date is 1391. The 1391 tariff incorporates and enlarges the 1379 tariff given at the other http link.ref‑2. One record from Tuscany has a reported assessed date of "14th century", which presumably is probably late 14th. The following medieval text in Tuscany-type Italian has libre 5. disoda da bichieri = "5 pounds of glass-maker's soda", undated, possibly late 14th century: Article ''Ricette chimiche e medicinali in volgare, estratte da un Codice latino di scienze occulte del sec. XIII e XIV'', curated by Vincenzo Di Giovanni, year 1879 on pages 130-159 in ''Filologia e Letteratura Siciliana, Volume III: Nuovi Studi''.Ricette chimiche e medicinali in volgare. Another early one from Tuscany is circa 1400 in the glass-making book The book carries the sub-title ''Tre trattatelli dei secoli XIV e XV''. It publishes three independent medieval Italian treatises. Curated by Milanesi, year 1864. The curator's information basis for the date of the first treatise is on preface page X-XI. The first treatise has ''soda'' in 17 places.Dell'arte del Vetro per Musaico. Another from Tuscany is in a merchandise book dated 1440-1442 having soda da bicchieri = "glass-maker's soda" – Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', written around year 1440, printed in year 1766. It has the noun SODA meaning ''soda ash'' on pages 25, 59, 84, 179, 185.ref; and the same merchandise book in 1440-1442 says about soda that Syrian soda is better than Provençal soda – Book, ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', on page 179 of year 1766 printing.ref.

    One of the things extractable from David Jacoby's article above is: 14th-century documents associated with the glass-making industry at Venice have various mentions of the soda ash product and they do not use the name soda.

    The following two history articles in Italian are concerned with the raw materials for glass-making in Latin Sicily in the medieval centuries and it is notable that (#1) each of the two is able to inform us that a soda product is in writing in year 1452 in Sicily in a glass-making context but the name used is not soda, and (#2) none of the two has mention of the name soda : Article, ''La produzione del vetro a Palermo. Materie prime'', by Franco d'Angelo, year 1991, 5 pages, in book ''Storia della produzione del vetro preindustriale'', by various authors. Relevant part of the article is section headed ''Piante Litoranee''. HTTP LINK HAS DIED. This year 1991 article does not have info that you cannot get from the year 2007 article by Santa Rapisarda at the other link. Ref Article ''L'uso del vetro a Catania in età medievale'', by Santa Rapisarda, year 2007, on pages 107-116 in book ''Il vetro nel Medioevo tra Bisanzio, l'Islam e l'Europa (VI-XIII secolo)'', by various authors. As quoted on the article's page 111, a year 1452 document written in Sicily has the words ''preparatori di ligna, xeba et altri'' in the context of making glass, where word xeba was surely from Arabic شبّ shabb = ''potassium alum and alum-like salts''. In view of the glass-making context, the meaning of xeba was probably soda ash. The article has four instances of word xeba. The interpretation of the xeba as ''soda ash'' is supported by the following elsewhere on the internet with date circa 1400 in northern Italy: ''vetro fatto con allume di Soria'' = ''glass made with alum of Syria'' = ''glass made with Syrian soda ash'' and the same text also uses the phrase ''allume catina di Soria'' = ''basin alum of Syria'' = ''Syrian soda ash''. The medieval Italian phrase ''allume catino'' | ''alume catino'' | ''al[l]ume catina'' with meaning ''soda ash'' is easy to find on the internet. Ref .  I have looked for and have not found any article that has a citation for the name soda used in Latinate Sicily at any time prior to the arrival of the name into English. (By the way, it is easy to surface the merchandise name Soda di Sicilia or Soda di Catania meaning soda ash from Sicily in the late 18th & early 19th century, but this is only modern and so it is irrelevant to the question of the origin of the medieval name soda).
    Meanwhile, the records in the Mediterranean area of France start about the same time as records in Italy. At Avignon in that area in the late 14th century there is Occitan solda per far veyre = "soda for making glass" – Book, ''Le verre médiéval et son artisanat en France méditerranéenne'', by Danièle Foy, year 1988 on page 37. Also, search the whole book for medieval wordforms SOLDA, SOLDE, SOLDO meaning soda ash.ref; and at Arles near Avignon with date 1369 is Latin soldo veyreriorum = "soldo of glass-makers", which can only mean soda ash – same ref; and in the Avignon area in year 1426 there is Latin solda ad faciendum vitra = "soda for making glass" – same ref.  The Rhone River Delta area of Mediterranean France was low-lying, marshy, and brackishly salty. In the 14th-15th centuries in that area, the soda ash was made from plants that were grown locally in the area. A handful of documents for that are cited in Article downloadable as PDF file : ''Notes sur la production et la commercialisation de la soude dans le midi méditerranéen du XIIIe au XVIIIe siècle'', by Henri Amouric & Danièle Foy, year 1982, year 1985, 15 pages.Ref; one of them is in year 1401 where some of the brackish marshland at Arles was "ad seminandum de souda" = "to be seeded with soda [plants]" (page 159); and at Arles in year 1430 there was some land "in quo solda crescit consuevit" = "in which soda grows habitually" (page 167); and at Arles in 1436 there was a transfer of ownership of "omnium herbam vocatam souda" = "all the herbage called soda" (page 158). The noun solda | souda | soda has many records in the 15th century while being scarce and hard-to-find in the 14th century.
    One of the few areas in Europe with substantial production of soda ash in the late medieval centuries was the salty marshlands in the southern half of the Catalan-speaking east coast of Iberia, primarily in Alicante province. Alicante province had been under Arabic rule until the mid 13th century. In Alicante province in the early 14th century, the Muslims (specifically Muslims) had a royally-acknowledged right by custom to harvest the sosa = "soda plants" in the Alicante marshlands – Oriola is in southern Alicante. The book ''Les aljames sarraïnes de la governació d'Oriola en el segle XIV'', by MT Ferrer, year 1988, has royal decrees in Catalan-Latin in year 1321 (page 237) and year 1320 (page 287) with ''sarraceni nostri.... colligere ac sosam in marjalibus regalibus''. Decreed by the king Jaume II (died 1327). ''Sosam'' is ''sosa'' carrying grammar inflection. Decrees also have ''sosa''.ref (sosam) , Article, ''Emprius i béns comunals a l'edat mitjana'', by Maria Teresa Ferrer i Mallol, year 1996, on pages 63-64ref (pages 63-64) , sosa @ ''Diccionario de historia medieval del Reino de Valencia'', by José Hinojosa Montalvo, year 2002, in volume 4 on pages 202-203.ref (pages 202-203) (this legal right was taken away from the Muslims by a royal decree in 1374 – Book ''La frontera amb l'Islam en el segle XIV : cristians i sarraïns al país Valencia'' by MT Ferrer, year 1988, where ''sosa'' is three times on page 341ref). From that nugget, you can infer that the soda ash production in Alicante province was first introduced there during the centuries of Arabic rule there. Researchers have looked for an Arabic word that could generate the Catalan word sosa. And they have not found one. In Catalan and Spanish today, sosa is the usual word for "sodium carbonate, a.k.a. soda ash", and sosa can also mean "soda plant". Today's Diccionario de la Real Academia Española says the Spanish sosa came from the Catalan sosa. And it does not venture to take the word's history back further than that.
    The phonetic difference between Catalan sosa and Italian soda is paralleled in a few other words, one of which is: Occitan espasa = Catalan espasa = Spanish espada = Italian spada, all from synonymous Latin spatha. A near-parallel is observable in: Spanish salado = Spanish salso = Italian salato = Italian salso = Catalan salat = Occitan sals = Occitan salsat, all from Latin salitus = Latin salsus = salty & salted. A broader point is that there is no evidence with which to argue that sosa and soda are not on the same etymological tree. The Arabic source-word propositions suwad | suaed and sudāʿ  have the problem that they were not intended to be the immediate parent of sosa, whereas sosa has the earlier documentation in the European languages. Sosa is in lots of documents in eastern Iberia for a century before soda commences in Italy. Chronological order of records makes it likely that the word arrived in Italy from soda ash made along the east coast of Iberia and the Mediterranean coast of France.
  187. ^ tartar

    The medieval Latin chemical name tartarum meant wine-dregs, which means a gritty solid substance whose key chemical component in today's terms is tartrate (tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate). In addition, the medieval Latin tartarum meant cremated wine-dregs (cremation converted the potassium bitartrate to potassium carbonate). The ancient Romans made the same substance in the same way under the name "faece vini cremata" = "cremated wine-dregs" and "faecis vini combustae" = "combusted wine-dregs", and they also had "vini faecem siccatam" = "dried wine-dregs" – search @ Latin.PackHum.org, a repository of classical Latin textsRef. In ancient Greek the name was "cremated trux" or "trux". Dioscorides in Greek in the 1st century AD has a page about the cremation and medical use of trux = "cremated wine-dregs", which is in English translation at ''Materia Medica'' by Dioscorides, translated to English by John Goodyer and Tess Anne Osbaldeston, year 1655 and year 2000. On pages 811-812 and page 814. In Dioscorides Book 5. Link downloads Book 5 only.Ref. The cremated substance is reactive and caustic. It was one of the stronger caustics that the ancients knew how to make. The non-cremated substance is chemically much different. It is a weak acid. In medieval Western Europe the users were fully aware of the difference, but oftentimes they used the name "tartar" for both substances. Today in English there is also a confusing post-medieval semantic development, the so-called tartar on human teeth, which got its name from its superficial similarities to the wine-dregs (non-cremated), though it is much different in chemical composition.
    The Mappae Clavicula is a medieval Latin text with recipes for making colored materials. It has one recipe for making colored metals in which one of the recipe's ingredients is one-pound-weight of tartarum. It does not say what the tartarum is. The Mappae Clavicula survives in versions with different dates. One version is in a manuscript called the Sélestat MS 17 manuscript, which is dated late 9th century as a physical manuscript or dated 10th century by some estimators. It has this particular recipe, and has the word spelled tartarum. Another version of Mappae Clavicula is in a manuscript called the Phillipps-Corning manuscript which is dated late 12th century as manuscript and it too has this recipe with tartarum. The same particular recipe for colored metals is in an earlier Latin manuscript called the Codex Lucensis 490 manuscript, which is dated around year 800 as manuscript. The Codex Lucensis 490 manuscript has the word in question spelled tartarum''Compositiones ad tingenda musiva: Herausgegeben'', by Hjalmar Hedfors, year 1932. Transcribes the recipe book of Codex Lucensis 490 manuscript. It has ''tartarum'' on page 41. ''Compositiones ad tingenda musiva'' is also called ''Compositiones Lucenses'' and also called ''Compositiones variae'' and also called a version of ''Mappae Clavicula''. Its content overlaps with ''Mappae Clavicula''.ref, Book, ''I trattati attorno le arti figurative... Volume 1: Dall'antichità classica al secolo XIII'', by Achille Pellizzari, year 1915. Has an appendix titled ''Compositiones variae ad tingenda musiva... Dal Codice n. 490''. The appendix transcribes selected parts from the physical manuscript known as Codex Lucensis 490. Relevant recipe on page 485 has the word transcribed as ''tartarum''.ref, Book ''Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, sive Dissertationes de Moribus'' Volume 2, curated by Muratori, year 1739, publishes the text ''Compositiones ad tingenda musiva''. The text has the word ''tartarum'' at column-page 380 under heading ''De Metallo''. The text is copied from the Codex Lucensis 490 manuscript.ref (and ''tatarum'' is a printing error in Book, ''A Classical Technology, edited from Codex Lucensis 490'', by John M. Burnham, year 1920. Publishes the Latin text ''Compositiones Variae'', aka ''Compositiones Lucenses'', transcribed from the physical manuscript called the ''Codex 490'' or ''Codex Lucensis'' manuscript.ref). The word occurs in only one recipe. The Codex Lucensis 490 recipe book is translated to English at Book, ''A Classical Technology, edited from Codex Lucensis 490'', by John M. Burnham, year 1920. The Latin section headed ''De Metallo'' on page 53 is translated to English under the section heading ''On Metal'' on page 116. English ''tartar'' is in the translation on page 116.Ref and references for dating the physical manuscript about year 800 are at Book, 108 pages long, ''Compositiones Variae, From Codex 490, Biblioteca Capitolare, Lucca, Italy : An Introductory Study'', by Rozelle Parker Johnson, year 1939. Text called Compositiones Variae is contained in manuscript called Codex 490. The linked book delivers references to other publications that tell how the Codex 490 manuscript is dated about year 800 AD. However, the book fails as an introductory study because it fails to directly deliver the information basis for the date.Ref. A 128-page article, "Mappae Clavicula" by Smith and Hawthorne, year 1974, publishes the complete raw page images of the Sélestat MS 17 and Phillipps-Corning manuscripts, plus a translation of the Latin into English, plus it gives some info on how these two manuscripts are dated – Article ''Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques'', by CS Smith and JG Hawthorne, 128 pages, year 1974. Published in ''Transactions of the American Philosophical Society'' volume 64.ref. The 12th century Phillipps-Corning Mappae Clavicula is printed in Latin at Phillipps-Corning ''Mappae Clavicula'' is published in journal ''Archaeologia'' volume XXXII, year 1847, where tartarum is in recipe number cxxiiij on page 212-213.Ref. The Phillipps-Corning version has 288 recipes. Only one of its recipes involves tartarum (recipe #124). Another one of its recipes involves petra vini, literally "wine-stone, petrified wine", synonymous with tartar, and this recipe explicitly says the petra vini is cremated and used in making colored metals – Section #263 has three recipes for making colored metals. One of the recipes includes the step : arde petram vini diligenter = ''you burn wine-stone diligently'' = ''you cremate tartar thoroughly''.recipe #263; absent in the 9th century versions. A completely different book about how to make colorants and colored materials is De Diversis Artibus by Theophilus Presbyter, early 12th century Latin. Theophilus Presbyter uses the tartar substance on seven different pages. He does not use the name tartarum. He calls it vini petram | vini lapidem | viniceæ petræ | vinicei lapidis, literally "wine-stone". He says it is made by burning a body of wine-dregs on a fire until no vapours come out of it. All of Theophilus Presbyter's uses of the tartar substance are in recipes for making colored metals. He shows that the cremated tartar was used by the makers of colored metals – ''De Diversis Artibus'' by Theophilus Presbyter in Latin and in English translation by translator Robert Hendrie, year 1847. Search the Latin for ''vini'' (this includes ''vinice__''). Or search the English translation for ''wine-stone''.ref. So he provides good support for reading the 9th century tartarum as meaning tartar, the cremated substance. Further support is in a Latin compilation on metals alchemy date-assessed about 1200 or early 13th century, Liber Sacerdotum by a compiler "Johanis". Liber Sacerdotum incorporates some of the 9th century Latin Mappae Clavicula text and it reproduces word-for-word the 9th century recipe that has tartarum. In addition it has four other recipes where tartarum is a chemical operative in metallurgy and one of these recipes says "tartarum ustum" = "burned tartar" – In Latin : ''Liber Sacerdotum'', a compilation of recipes for metals alchemy and mineral colorants, published on pages 187-228 in ''La Chimie au Moyen Âge, Tome 1'', curated by Berthelot, year 1893. Search for ''tartarum''.ref (pages 187-228). In late medieval Latin, the alchemy/metallurgy books have many instances of tartari calcinati | tartaro calcinato | tartarum calcinatum = "Definition at TheFreeDictionary : calcinecalcined [i.e. cremated] wine-dregs", and they have also sal tartari and So-called ''oil of tartar'' meant cremated tartar dissolved in water in the concentration ratio about 40% cremated tartar and 60% water. It did not contain any oil whatsoever. It had a viscous feel reminiscent of oil, which is why they called it an oil. Cremated tartar is potassium carbonate, a salt which is extremely soluble in water. oleo tartari meaning the cremated tartar – some examples at Book ''Verae Alchemiae Artisque Metallicae'', a collection of Latin alchemy texts by uncertain and various authors, nearly all dated 14th and 15th century, printed in year 1561. The OCR'ed text has 37 instances of tartari | tartarum | tartaro | tartara.Ref , Book in English, ''The Works of Geber'', being Latin-to-English translation of the Latin alchemy works of an author named ''Geber'', the Latin dated early 14th century and thereabouts. Translated to English by Richard Russell, year 1678, reprinted 1686. Search for tartar.Ref. In short, the cremated tartar was commonly used medievally as a flux or reagent in smelting and purifying metals. The chemical name tartarum is very rare and maybe fully unrecorded in Latin before the 12th century with the exception of the 9th century recipe item above. But it would be a mistake to think the word arrived or re-arrived in the 12th century. The medieval centuries prior to the 12th are called the "Dark Ages" of the Latins because the quantity of writings produced in them, and surviving from them, especially non-theology writings, is far smaller than the quantity in the medieval centuries starting in the 12th.
    Latin tartarum = "tartar" has other early records in 12th century medicines books of the Salernitan School in Italy, including Matthaeus Platearius (died c. 1160) and Rogerius Frugard (died c. 1195) – Book, ''Liber de Simplici Medicina'' aka ''Circa Instans'', by Matthaeus Platearius. Link goes to a manuscript dated perhaps early 13th century. Manuscript owned by Mertz Library. ''Tartarum'' is on page number 133-134 which is image number 68. Initial letter T of tartarum is in red ink and the '-um' of tartarum is denoted by abbreviation mark.ref , In Latin : ''Collectio Salernitana, Volume 2'', year 1853, publishes the late-12th-century ''Chirurgia'' of Roger Frugard, and a lengthy 13th-century anonymous commentary on the surgery of Roger Frugard. Also has a lengthy text date-assessed about 1190s ''De aegritudinum curatione'' by an anonymous Salernitan compiler. These three texts have TARTAR__. Table of Contents is placed at the end of volume.ref. The Salernitan School medicines authors occasionally speak of This phrase is in ''Collectio Salernitana'' Volume 2, year 1853, at the bottom of page 366, where it is within the Salernitan text titled ''De aegritudinum curatione''.tartarum combustum = "combusted tartar"; and their In Latin : ''Collectio Salernitana, Volume 4'', year 1856, publishes Salernitan medicine texts dated in and around 13th century. Search for TARTARIC__. The Table of Contents is placed at end of volume.tartaricus pulvis = "tartaric powder" was maybe the cremated substance. But more often, their medicinal tartarum was not cremated – 13th-century version of the ''Alphita'' medicines dictionary says ''tartarus id est fex vini''. It is published in volume 3 of ''Collectio Salernitana'', year 1854.e.g. , Book ''De Proprietatibus Rerum'' by Bartholomaeus Anglicus (died 1272), has a paragraph on tartar, headlined De Tartaro (liber XVI cap xcix). It says tartarum means dregs that accrete as soft stones on the walls of wine vessels. All of the notability and uses that it ascribes to tartarum are medicinal uses copied from Matthaeus Platearius (= ''Plat'').e.g.. Vincent de Beauvais' general-purpose Latin encyclopedia, compiled in the 1240s, has a paragraph on tartarum which is declared as sourced from "Platearius", and Vincent de Beauvais adds the following remark: "That which Platearius calls tartarum is called by us wine-cask granules... and it [the name tartarum] has not been encountered by me in other authors as far as I can remember." – Vincent's encyclopedia has a subsection headed ''De tartaro sive granella'', which contains the statement : ''Id quod Platearius appellat tartarum nos granellam dolii vel alumen vocamus''.ref, In Latin: ''Speculum Naturale'' by Vincentius Bellovacensis aka Vincent de Beauvais (died 1264), subsection headed ''de tartaro sive granella''.alt-link. After its arrival into medical books in the 12th century, tartarum is easy to find in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries in Latin medical books, and Latin alchemy/metallurgy books. In the Spanish language tartaro = "tartar" is in more than a half-dozen 15th century medical books and they are taking it from the Italian-Latin – Search for ''tartaro'' in the collection of late medieval Spanish medical books at HispanicSeminary.org. The search returns seven books dated 15th century with the word, plus another three books dated early 16th century.ref. Likewise, it is in 15th century medical books in English & French derived from Latin. The word tartar surfaces additionally as a useful commodity in some commercial-industrial documents in the 15th century vernacular Western languages – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). One of the uses of tartar in the 15th century was as a mordanting agent in the dyeing of cloth. That is why the word is in Spanish in year 1421 in a list of dyes and mordants : ''tintas a vender, así commo pastel e çendra e roja e galla e alunbre e tartaro e fargeladas e urchilla e brasil....''e.g., Book ''Orígenes de la Generalidad Valenciana'', by María Rosa Muñoz Pomer, year 1984, has year 1404 ''tartar'' [non-cremated] as a commercial product used as a dyeing mordant. Also has wordform ''tártaro'' with same meaning.e.g..
    It is conclusive for all purposes that the 9th century Latin word tartarum = "tartar" did not come from an Arabic source. The early medieval Latins up through the 10th century borrowed a few words from the Eastern Mediterranean to name merchandise that the Latins got as imports from the Eastern Mediterranean. But there is no record of them borrowing a word for anything that had been made locally by themselves for a thousand years, as tartar had been. In the 8th-9th centuries there was no communications channel between the Arabs and Latins in the application domains that tartar belongs to. In other words there was no historical context for a transfer channel through which the 9th century Latin tartarum could have been transferred from Arabic. Medieval Arabic texts are available in a thematically diverse and large searchable collection at www.AlWaraq.net. The medieval Arabic texts have nothing to say about making and using tartar that wasn't said by the ancient Greeks & Latins. So if hypothetically the medieval Latins had borrowed the word tartarum from some Arabic word, it would have been unmotivated. Moreover there is no phonetically matching word in medieval Arabic texts meaning tartar. Arabic had دردي durdī = "tartar", which is phonetically ineligible to be a generator of tartar.  ﴾۝﴿ By the way, there is an Arabic word طرطر tartar with a meaning related to "tartar" in an unreliable medieval Latin-to-Arabic dictionary, estimated date said to be about 1300, written by an anonymous native Spanish-speaker, the Vocabulista in Arabico dictionary. This dictionary translated Latin fex = "dregs" as Arabic طرطر tartar ''Vocabulista in Arabico'', curated by Schiaparelli, year 1871, on page 135(ref) and it translated Latin fex olei = "dregs of oil" as Arabic طرطر tartar ''Vocabulista in Arabico'', curated by Schiaparelli, year 1871, on page 388(ref). This dictionary item is invoked as evidence for an Arabic source for the Latin tartar by some people طرطر @ ''Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, Volume 2. Dozy's source abbreviations are defined in Volume 1, available at same website. Dozy's abbreviation ''Voc.'' means ''Vocabulista in Arabico''. Dozy does not cite طرطر in a medieval Arabic author where meaning is related to tartar.(e.g.). But this Latin-Arabic dictionary was written after the word had come into circulation in Latin. This dictionary is not creditworthy about Arabic vocabulary in connection with any word that was in use in Latin or Spanish at the time the dictionary was written, when what it says is not verified by real medieval Arabic documents. Real medieval Arabic has no such tartar, though the word has been in Arabic in recent centuries as طرطير tartīr | طرطار tartār, a borrowing from Europe. Real medieval Arabic has a small number of instances of a word طرطر tartar having no semantic relation to "tartar" – Word طرطر listed under rootword طر in Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, at page 1834 column 1, in Volume 5, year 1874. The meanings of Lane's abbreviations are in Volume 1 on pages xxx-xxxi. The linked page is for downloading all eight volumes. Altlink https://LaneLexicon.com/updates/ Lane's Lexicon page 1834 , Search for طرطر at AlWaraq.netطرطر @ AlWaraq.net.
    A minority of today's dictionaries report a notion that the Latin came from a Byzantine Greek tartaron. But no attestation of this in Byzantine Greek meaning "tartar" is known, excluding Late Byzantine attestation with a date after the word was firmly established in Latin medicine. Some Late Byzantine medicine took some vocabulary from late medieval Latin medicine. Greek medicines writer Nikolaos Myrepsos around year 1300 has Greek tartaron which he has taken from the Salernitan-School Latin tartarum meaning tartar – τάρταρον TARTARON @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Greek, year 1688, on page 1534, cites this word in a medicines book by Nikolaos Myrepsos. Nikolaos Myrepsos was influenced by Salernitan Latin medicine including the Salernitan text ''Antidotarium Nicolai''.ref, Book in Latin : ''Medicamentorum opus'' by Nicolaus Myrepsus (lived c. 1300; wrote in Greek), translated from Greek to Latin by Leonhart Fuchs, and annotated by Fuchs, year 1550. Says on page 689 : ''faecis vini ustae, vocatur etiam ab Italis tartarum''. Says on page 511 : ''tartari nominati graecis σφέκλη''. Likewise on page 45.ref, The link goes to a year 2014 PhD Thesis in Greek. It says Nikolaos Myrepsos's word τάρταρον ''tartaron'' was imported into Greek from medieval Latin medicine.

    Search for τάρταρον in the Thesis : ''Η συμβολή του Νικολάου Μυρεψού στην προώθηση και την τεκμηρίωση της βοτανολογίας και της φαρμακευτικής κατά την ύστερη βυζαντινή εποχή'', Διδακτορική Διατριβή ΗΛΙΑΣ ΑΠ. ΒΑΛΙΑΚΟΣ.
    . The word is absent in The lexicon is fully freely available at the linked website, but the website requires visitor registration. The lexicon only covers the words in Byzantine Greek that are not covered in the lexicons of Ancient Greek.Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, year 2014, which is a large dictionary of Byzantine Greek, up to the end of the 13th century, compiled by a research team that worked for more than three decades on the project and had access to a large body of Greek texts including medical texts.
    Τάρταρος Tartaros is easy to find in ancient and medieval Greek meaning the mythological hell Tartarus. Tartarus occurs more than 150 times in classical Latin meaning the hell Tartarus – search for substring tartar @ Latin.PackHum.org, a repository of classical Latin textsref. Tartarus occurs in medieval Latin meaning both the pre-Christian Tartarus hell and the Christian hell -- these two hells differ in features. The publication series Patrologia Latina is a very big collection of medieval Latin writings about Christianity. It has around a thousand instances of Latin tartar_ meaning the Christian hell –  ref The PATROLOGIA LATINA collection of medieval texts was published in the 19th century in 221 physical book volumes. The 221 volumes used to be machine searchable at http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/ , ''Corpus Corporum repositorium operum Latinorum'', but the site got closed down. A somewhat smaller corpus is available for searching at http://www.monumenta.ch/ and it certainly contains most of the PATROLOGIA LATINA corpus, and maybe contains all of it, even though the site's entire corpus does not have everything the ''Corpus Corporum'' site had. Enter the search string tartar* (with the asterisk) in the search box at the bottom left corner at the site's home page.. In Italy before 1072, an abbot advocating simple clothing for monks wrote that monks with fancy clothing were liable in the longterm to see their fancy clothes in "ignes tartareos" = "the fires of Hell" Latin text, ''De Vili Vestitu Ecclesiasticorum'', by Petrus Damianus (died 1072), on page 517 of Volume 145 of ''Patrologiae Cursus Completus'', curated by JP Migne, year 1853, reprinted 1867. Petrus Damianus uses ''tartar__'' meaning Hell on many pages in this volume.(ref) and the same author in other writings has "flammantis tartari " = "flaming Hell" ''Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Volume 145 :: S. Petri Damiani Opera Omnia, Tomus Secundus'', the writings of Petrus Damianus curated by JP Migne, year 1853, where the phrase ''flammantis tartari'' is on page 429.(ref) and "tartareae combustionis" = "combusting Hell" The phrase ''tartareæ combustionis'' occurs only in one opusculum by Petrus Damianus (died 1072), but the writings of Petrus Damianus have been published and republished many times.(ref). In northern Spain in a notarized oath in year 1070 a person swore that he was prone to be sent to "tartari ignibus" = "the fires of Hell" search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español(ref). The papacy of Pope Leo VII in year 937 wrote that impious people will depart to "voraginem tartareum" = "Hellish abyss" Pope Leo VII in year 937 has : ''in voraginem tartareumque chaos demersus cum impiis deficiat'' = ''submerged in Hellish abyss and Chaos, with the departed impious''. In context the ''Hellish abyss'' means ''Hell'' and ''the abyss of Hell''. Word tartareum is an adjective. This statement by Pope Leo VII (died 939) also occurs in the written outputs by Pope Leo VI (died 929), Pope John XI (died 935), and Pope Agapetus II (died 955), searchable online.(ref). There is a very good probability that the medieval Latin tartarus meaning the Christian burning Hell was the direct generator of the medieval Latin tartarum meaning the cremated tartar chemical, involving the fact that the cremated tartar had caustic and "burning" chemical properties, and possibly involving the fact that the cremated tartar was produced by cremation and burning. In furtherance of this view, the following is a paraphrase of what Dioscorides says about making and using tartar: The sediment of old wine is baked or burned in a furnace, after being dried beforehand. Some people place the sediment in new unbaked (unfired) clay jars, and bake it in the jars in a great fire until the clay jars themselves have baked quite through. For a similar effect, others bury the mass of sediment inside a heap of burning coals. It is a sign that it is completely cremated when it is white color. This product, when applied to the human tongue, imparts burning to the tongue. It is extremely burning, cleans and forms new skins; it is astringent, and extremely corrosive and drying.''Materia Medica'' by Dioscorides, translated to English by John Goodyer and Tess Anne Osbaldeston, year 1655 and year 2000. On pages 811-812 and page 814. Dioscorides's τρύξ ''trux'' is cremated tartar in Dioscorides Book Five.ref. In further furtherance, the following is from a wellknown medicinal botany book written in English in year 1597 by John Gerarde. Gerarde says non-cremated wine-dregs is called "tartar" and then he says: [Tartar] is oftentimes burnt.... Being so burnt, the Graecians terme it σφέκλην [also φέκλη], as Aegineta saith. The Apothecaries call it Tartarum ustum, and Tartarum calcinatum: that is to say, burnt or calcined Tartar. It hath a very great causticke or burning qualitie. It clenseth and throughly heateth, bindeth, eateth, and very much drieth, as Dioscorides doth write. Being mixed with Rosin it maketh rough and ill nailes [fingernails] to fall away. Paulus Aegineta, died about 690, wrote a Medical Compendium in Greek. John Gerarde is here quoting from the paragraph about τρύξ TRUX in the seventh book of the Medical Compendium. Paulus [in 7th century AD] saith, that it is mixed with causticks or burning medicines to increase their burning quality.Book, ''The Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes'', by John Gerarde, year 1597, on pages 735-736ref. A historian of 16th-17th century alchemy said in year 2006: We mentioned the corrosive nature of meaning cremated tartar as dry powder Tartar Salt and the meaning cremated tartar dissolved in water in a concentration ratio of about 47% cremated tartar and 53% water deliquescence liquid. This corrosiveness is greatly intensified in the fused salt [upon its melting point about 900 degrees Celsius], giving it the power to liquefy minerals and metals rapidly.Book, ''Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy'', by Robert Allen Bartlett, year 2006, on page 96ref. The following is a rough indication of the relative caustic power of cremated tartar (potassium carbonate) at room temperature:  Ref The pH scale is a measure of caustic power. A mixture of 47% potassium carbonate and 53% water has a pH rating of about 13. Lowering the percentage of potassium carbonate in the water will lower the pH. The pH scale is logarithmic in the base 10, whereby "13" is ten times stronger than "12" and a hundred times stronger than "11". A mix of 1% potassium carbonate and 99% water has a pH of about 11.4. One of the most powerful caustics you can find is potassium hydroxide. It has a pH approaching 14 when in very high concentration in water. Four or five kilograms of potassium carbonate is about equivalent to one kilogram of potassium hydroxide for caustic power, when these chemicals are dissolved in water at high concentrations.. In order to semantically connect the chemical tartarum with the Christian hell tartarus, it seems necessary to assume that the original meaning of tartarum was the cremated tartar, because the non-cremated tartar is a weak acid. On the information basis in an earlier paragraph above, the 9th-century tartarum was the cremated tartar.
  188. ^ tobacco

    Several writers in Spanish in the 16th century said the name tabaco was indigenous in the West Indies. However, according to the same and other writers in 16th-century Spanish, there were several indigenous names for tobacco in the West Indies and the name tabaco was not one of those names strictly speaking, and the Spanish writers are in conflict about what the indigenous name tabaco meant, and they are writing after tabaco had already been established in Spanish meaning "tobacco". In the opinion of New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, the 16th-century Spanish tabaco is a word from an unknown parent – tobacco @ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, year 1926ref. In the opinion of some of today's Spanish dictionaries, tabaco is a word of uncertain parentage and may have medieval Spanish and Arabic ancestry. Medieval Arabic had a plantname طبّاق tubbāq, which is described in the medieval medicinal botany book of In Arabic : Compendium of Simple Medicaments and Foods by Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248). الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارIbn al-Baitar (page 553-554) and in طبّاق @ E.W. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon under rootword طبق on page 1827 column 2, in Volume 5, year 1877. Lane's abbreviation ''AḤn'' means the dictionary of plantnames by Abu Hanifa Al-Dinawari (died c. 895).Lane's Arabic Lexicon (page 1827). The tubbāq plant described in Ibn al-Baitar has little or nothing in common with the tobacco plant. It has been translated as today's Inula and Conyza plants (image search for inula conyzaplant photos). This Arabic al-tubbāq has much in common with the post-medieval Spanish plantname atabaca | altabaca, which means species in the Inula family. I do not know a reasonable way to retrofit Inula and Conyza plants semantically to "tobacco". Medieval & modern Spanish (al)tabaque = "hand-basket made of wicker" is semantically unsuitable also. I do not see a semantic basis for deriving tabaco from any medieval source. Phonetics is not enough.
  189. ^ traffic

    This word's early records in Italian are under verb Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originitrafficare @ TLIO and nouns Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originitràffico @ TLIO and Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Originitrafficanza @ TLIO. In the Tuscany region of Italy the word was used by the writers: Giordano da Pisa (died 1311), Alberto della Piagentina (died 1332), Domenico Cavalca (died 1342), Francesco Pegolotti (died 1347), Giovanni Villani (died 1348), Guido da Pisa (died c. 1350), Jacopo Passavanti (died 1357), Zanobi da Strada (died 1361), Matteo Villani (died 1363), Donato Velluti (died 1370), Paolo da Certaldo (died c. 1370), Giovanni Boccaccio (died 1375), Baldassarre Buonaiuti (died 1385), Giovanni dalle Celle (died 1396), Franco Sacchetti (died 1400), and others -- all of them are quoted from at TLIO above, except that for Zanobi da Strada and Boccaccio see trafficare @ ''Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca'', year 1612 edition. Quotes from the book ''I Morali Del Pontefice S. Gregorio Magno'' which is a Latin-to-Italian translation by translator Zanobi da Strada (died 1361), translating Latin by Pope Gregory I (died 604). The translation has ''a trafficare la mercatanzia della Fede''.ref, traffico @ ''Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca'', year 1612 edition. Quotes from Boccaccio's novel ''Decameron'' (dated 1353) in which there is ''gran traffico d'opera di drapperia''.ref. In the same time period in the Tuscany region, the noun and/or verb was used in local legal decrees in the cities of Siena (1309), Pisa (1327), Florence (1334), and Lucca (1376) -- all quoted from at TLIO above. The characteristics of the early records make it very unlikely that the Italian word was from any Arabic source. Among the early records are the Christian sermons of a Dominican monk (Giordano da Pisa), and Christian philosophy tracts of another Dominican monk (Domenico Cavalca), and a Latin-to-Italian translation of a philosophy book by Boethius (died 524 AD) (translation by Alberto della Piagentina). The surrounding contexts in those three particular users suggests that the word did not come from any Arabic source. None of the other above-cited early users gives a symptom that the word was introduced from communications with Arabs. Pegolotti's book is the only one of the above that involves sea-commerce. Moreover, Arabic does not have a word that matches traffico phonetically and semantically without the intervention of contorted mirrors. The most popular Arabic-source suggestion is تفريق tafrīq = "dispersal, separating, distribution, disconnecting". One of the Italian word's first records is in a book about kinds of animals, the book having date estimated the end of the 13th century, and it says: "Lo riccio.... Non puote homo avere traficança con loro in alcuno modo" = "The hedgehog.... Humans cannot have interaction with them in any way" – Text ''Il Bestiario toscano'', by anonymous author located in Tuscany about 1300, text curated by Garver & McKenzie, year 1912, published in journal ''Studj Romanzi'' Volume VIII. Link goes to traficança on page 47. Traficança is also on page 35 with same meaning. This text cited by TLIO.ref (pages 35 & 47). Which obviously makes no match with "dispersion" semantically.
  190. ^ tuna

    The tuna fish is in Isidore of Seville (died 636, lived in southern Spain) spelled thynnus in Latin (ref: Book in Latin : ''Origines'' by Isidore of Seville. Thynni is nominative plural of thynnus; and thynnos is accusative plural of thynnus.thynni; thynnos) where the Latin letter 'y' in Isidore's case was likely pronounced "eu" (roughly like in British "tuna") which was roughly how the letter 'y' was pronounced in classical Latin –  details The Latin of Isidore of Seville preserves classical Latin. As you can learn in introductions to the Latin language, Latin borrowed the letter Y from Greek in the 1st century BC to represent the Greek letter Υ, which in Greek was pronounced approximately "eu" or "ue" (/ü/). The Latin letter Y in its early history was pronounced the same as the Greek letter Υ (the sound /ü/). Pronounciation of Y among the Latins later got thoroughly changed to "ee" (/i/). In between, centuries passed during which the two pronounciations co-existed.. On the eve of the arrival of the Arabs in Iberia, the name thynnus | thunnus had been continually in use in Latin writings for over 700 years as the main name for tuna, and especially for the largest species of tuna in the Mediterranean Sea, the bluefin tuna. Numerous classical Latin and Greek authors mention the bluefin tuna, usually under the name thynnus | thunnos. In the zoology book by Aristotle (died 322 BC) and independently in the zoology book by Aelian (died c. 235 AD), thúnnos = "tuna" comes up repeatedly and in different contexts, and is one of the most frequently mentioned fish species. During the Roman Empire era and also during the medieval era and the modern era, one of planet Earth's best waters for catching large bluefin tunas was off the southern coast of Iberia during the late Spring and Summer months, which is when the mature bluefins migrate from the Atlantic Ocean into the Mediterranean Sea to spawn their eggs and then migrate out again. The Latins and Greeks of the early centuries AD possessed the correct knowledge that bluefin tunas (thúnnos) annually migrate in/out the Mediterranean to/from the Atlantic –  details The book on seafish by Oppian (died c. 218 AD) says the θύννοι thúnnoi = "tunnies" go from the "spacious ocean" [i.e. the Atlantic] into "our sea" [i.e. the Mediterranean] in the "Springtime". Oppian says the people of coastal Iberia [meaning the southern coast, not the Atlantic coast] catch the "tunnies" during the migration months beginning in Springtime; and Oppian says "abundant and wondrous is the captures for fishermen when the army of tunnies set forth in the Springtime" – Book in ancient Greek and modern English side-by-side : ''Halieutica'' by Oppian aka Oppianus. The book is about seafish and how to catch them. Year 1928 English translation. ''Tunnies'' discussed on pages 397-401.Ref (pages 397-401). Athenaeus (died c. 225 AD) quotes someone saying bluefin tunas (thúnnos) pass in a frenzy through the Gulf of Cadiz (Gades) at offshore southern Iberia – In English, with some words in Greek : ''Deipnosophists'' by Athenaeus, Volume 2, section about tunny fish. English word is TUNNY on page 474. Athenaeus's Greek word ΘΥΝΝΟΣ (thúnnos) is printed in Greek at the top of page 476. ''Gades'' was the name for Cadiz in classical Latin and Greek.Ref (pages 474 & 476).. Ancient sources in Greek say multiple mature bluefin tunas are caught with a big net extended across multiple boats, such as five row-boats, involving a crew of men – In Greek and English side-by-side : ''Characteristics of Animals'' by Aelian (died c. 235 AD), Volume 3, edition year 1959. Search for English word TUNNY in Volume 3. Of all ancient Greek & Latin writers, Aelian provides the best information about catching tuna with nets in antiquity.ref, Article ''The Origin and Development of Tuna Fishing Nets'', by Enrique García Vargas and David Florido Del Corral. Article is a chapter in book ''Ancient Nets and Fishing Gear'' by various authors, year 2007, year 2010. On pages 211-213 the article cites the ancient Greek & Latin literary sources that have info on tuna fishing nets.ref. The younger bluefins were caught with lines-and-hooks. It can be assumed that the catching methods, described in Greek, were in use throughout the Greco-Roman world. A modern historian has said: The amount of [tunny] fish caught during migration would clearly exceed the quantity that could be consumed locally in a fresh condition, thus some form of preservation would be required. Archeologists have identified the remnants of thirty-eight commercial fish-processing sites of the Roman period on the southern coast of Spain where butchered fishes were laid in salting chambers or otherwise preserved – The 38 locations are given on a map on page 51 in the article ''The Archaeological Evidence for Fish Processing in the Western Mediterranean'', by Athena Trakadas, year 2005 in the book ''Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing'' by various authors, book edited by Bekker-Nielsen. The article is downloadable on its own at www.academia.edu/10195109 ref. Tunafish must have been an important species at these sites as inferred from the ancient sources who mention consumption of non-fresh thynnus | thúnnos details Fishes were preserved dry-salted, or wet-salted in pickle jars. Athenaeus (died c. 225 AD) quotes someone saying "of all salted-fish that are fat [oily], the best is the tunny-fish [thúnnos]" – In English only : ''Deipnosophists'' by Athenaeus. Athenaeus's book is published in English in three volumes. Link goes to volume 1 page 193. Athenaeus's word in Greek is ΘΥΝΝΟΣ (thúnnos).Ref. Columella (died 70 AD), in his book on agriculture, in a section about how farmers should deal with Scabies skin-sores on horses, says: "if the attack is only slight, in the first stages the sores should be annointed with... cedar-oil or mastic gum... or the fish-oil that is deposited on dishes by salted tunnies [salitus thynnus] " – In Latin and English side-by-side : On Agriculture, by Columella, Book VI section XXXII, on diseases of horsesRef. Galen (died c. 200 AD) declared his opinion that "The large tunny [thúnnos]... especially the fresh ones, are unpleasant, but they improve when pickled. The flesh of younger and smaller tunny is... better.... Very young tunny after pickling are a match for the finest preserved fish." – Book in English with some Greek words : ''Galen on the Properties of Foodstuffs'', being Galen translated and annotated by Owen Powell, year 2003, where ''tunny'' is on page 143 in English, and Galen's fish-name θύννος is in Greek on page 191.Ref. Other ancient authors liked the bluefin tunny eaten fresh – e.g. Book in English translation : ''Deipnosophists'' by Athenaeus, Volume 2, section about tunny fish on page 476-477Athenaeus (died c. 225 AD) and Book ''Apicius: Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome'', being Apicius's cookery book translated from Latin to English by Vehling, year 1936. Search for Latin word THYNNO and English word TUNNY.Apicius (roughly dated 4th century AD)..  
    The later-medieval Spanish wordform atún may be interpreted as the above pre-existing Latinate word with addition of the leading letter a- by Spanish and NOT interpreted as a borrowing of an Arabic word by Spanish. The Spanish wordform atún, when you put aside its leading letter a-, does not exhibit anything that would disqualify it from being descended straight from the ancient Latin thynnus | thunnus. In today's Spanish, salmon-fish is salmón and dolphin is delfín and those two names came from the two ancient Latin names salmonem and delphinus. In today's Arabic, salmon is السلمون al-salmūn and dolphin is الدلفين al-dulfīn. Thinking in the abstract, if the wordforms of Spanish salmón and delfín had become asalmón and adelfín in late medieval Spanish, that should not be enough to establish that asalmón and adelfín had been borrowed from Arabic. You'd need to look at historical context evidence before you could decide if they had come from Arabic and the same goes for atún. Everybody agrees that Spanish abedul = "birch tree" came from classical Latin betulla = "birch tree" without Arabic intermediation; Spanish adivino = "fortune-teller, person who does divination" came from classical Latin divinus = "supernatural person", without Arabic intermediation; Spanish agalla = "oak gall" came from classical Latin galla = "oak gall" without Arabic intermediation; Spanish almadreña = "wooden clog shoe" came from Spanish madreña | madereña from Spanish madera = "wood" from classical Latin materia = "wood", without any Arabic intermediation. According to an opinion usually accepted without dispute, Spanish atora = "the Torah" came from Christian Latin thora = "the Torah" without Arabic intermediation. There is less agreement about atún. The next paragraphs have more historical context for atún.
    The Spanish-Latin dictionary of Antonio Nebrija year 1495 says Spanish atun is "a well known fish" (Atun @ Spanish-to-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija, says Spanish ''atun pescado conocido'' is Latin ''thynnus''. The link is edition year 1513.ref, Spanish-to-Latin dictionary of Antonio de Nebrija, edition year 1495alt-link). One indicator of the scarcity of any such name in medieval Arabic is that it does not occur in the medieval Arabic dictionaries. For the lexicon of medieval Arabic by E.W. Lane (including Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, year 1863, under rootword تن on page 318 column 1, in Volume 1 year 1863. Altlink @ https://LaneLexicon.com/updates/ page 318, year 1863), Lane did not find the name with meaning of fish in his lexicographic sources, and anyone today can find the same null result in today's online searchable dictionaries of medieval Arabic. Another indicator comes from the large collection of searchable medieval Arabic texts online in year 2015 at www.AlWaraq.net: A search of these returns only one instance of التون al-tūn with the meaning of a fish and that instance is semantically inscrutable and possibly does not mean tuna (The geography book of Yaqut al-Hamawi (died 1229) is titled معجم البلدان. It has a list of fishnames without any definitions and the list includes the name التون. This is in Wüstenfeld's year 1866 edition of Yaqut in Volume 1 page ٨٨٦ line 5. (Spelling is الثون in another manuscript of the book, as reported by Wüstenfeld in an endnote in Volume 5 page 109 line 20).ref, ''Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes'', by Reinhart Dozy, year 1881, Volume 1, preface pages xxviii-xxix, in paragraph starting with word YACOUT, talks about mistranscriptions of fish-names in medieval manuscripts of the geography book of Yaqut al-Hamawi (died 1229). Yaqut's book gives a list of fish-names without giving any description of the fish. Transcribers tended to mistranscribe unfamiliar names.ref); but the search does return two reliable instances of التن al-tun meaning tuna fish. One of the instances is in the geography book of Muhammad al-Idrisi (died 1165-1166), in which al-Idrisi says : Off the coast near Ceuta on the African side of the Strait of Gibraltar a large fish called التن al-tun is caught in abundance, and is important in the economic life of Ceuta – In Arabic at AlWaraq.net : التن in the geography book of Al-Idrisi (died 1165-1166) نزهة المشتاق في اختراق الآفاق – الإدريسيref, Book in Arabic : ''Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne par Edrīsī. Texte Arabe... avec une traduction'', by R. Dozy et M.J. de Goeje, year 1866. التنّ is on page ١٦٨ of the Arabic text (translated on page 201 in French).alt-link. The geography book of ʿAbd al-Munʿim al-Ḥimyarī (died c. 1495) copied a lot of its overall contents from al-Idrisi's geography book, and it copied from al-Idrisi about التن al-tun. Al-Ḥimyarī says التن al-tun are caught with harpoons off the coast at Ceuta and this statement of his is copied and shortened from the corresponding item in al-Idrisi –  details Al-Idrisi's text at AlWaraq.net says: وبمدينة سبتة مصايد للحوت ولا يعدلها بلد في إصابة الحوت وجلبه ويصاد بها من السمك نحو من مائة نوع ويصاد بها السمك المسمى التن الكبير الكثير وصيدهم له يكون زرقاً بالرماح وهذه الرماح لها في أسنتها أجنحة بارزة تنشب في الحوت ولا تخرج وفي أطرافها عصيها شرائط القنب الطوال ولهم في ذلك دربة وحكمة

    محمد بن عبد المنعم الحِميري - كتاب الروض المعطار في خبر الأقطار Al-Himyari's text at AlWaraq.net says: وبسبتة مصايد للحوت، ويصاد بها منه نحو مائة نوع، ويصاد بها التن زرقاً بالرماح وفي أسنتها أجنحة تثبت في الحوت ولا تخرج وفي أطراف عصيها شرائط القنب الطوال ولهم في ذلك دربة وحكمة
    . Al-Ḥimyarī is not an independent instance; it is merely a rehash of al-Idrisi. The second instance is in the medical writer Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) who grew up on the south coast of Iberia and mostly lived in Egypt and Syria as an adult. Ibn al-Baitar has a comment about how to spell تن tun, and this comment is signalling that Ibn al-Baitar considered the word a rarity and that most of his readers would be unacquainted with the word – الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطارref (page 168). Ibn al-Baitar's medical content about تن tun mainly consists of a quotation from Dioscorides (died c. 90 AD; wrote in Greek). Ibn al-Baitar also quotes from al-Idrisi –  details Ibn al-Baitar's paragraph for the tun fish quotes from a writer he names الشريف al-Sharīf. Scattered through Ibn al-Baitar's book are numerous quotations from a medicines book by a writer he names al-Sharīf. This is الشريف الإدريسي al-Sharīf al-Idrīsī (died 1165-1166) also known as Mohammed al-Idrisi (died 1165-1166). I am told al-Sharīf al-Idrīsī wrote a medicines book titled الجامع لصفات أشتات النبات وضروب أنواع المفردات. The sentences about al-tun that Ibn al-Baitar attributes to al-Sharīf do not match what is said in al-Idrisi's geography book about al-tun. So these sentences must come from Al-Idrisi's medicines book. As quoted by Ibn al-Baitar, Al-Idrisi says the تن tun migrates from the Atlantic Ocean into the Mediterranean Sea at the begining of the month of May. Which is correct info about the bluefin tuna's annual migration.. To my knowlege the word is otherwise absent in medieval Arabic. Atun is present in at least three Spanish medical books in the late 15th century – The site HispanicSeminary.org has searchable copies of late medieval Spanish medical texts. At the site, atun or atunes is in the three texts ''Cura de la piedra y dolor'' by Julián Gutiérrez, ''Regimiento contra la peste'' by Fernando Alvarez and ''Tratado útil'' by Licenciado Fores, each dated close to year 1500.ref, Headwords ''atún'' and ''toñina'' @ ''Diccionari del castellà del segle XV a la Corona d'Aragó'', year 2013. This dictionary quotes ''salado atuni siquier toñina'' in year 1499 Spanish veterinary medicine book ''Libro de Albeyteria'', book composed first in Catalan by Manuel Díez (died 1443) and put in Spanish by translator Martín Martínez de Ampiés (died c.1513).ref. The overall rarity in all medieval Arabic writings, contrasted with its well-knownness in late medieval Spanish, and in Latin before then, is an aspect of the historical context. In 18th-century Arabic, the word is present in Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1777 but its definition subtly and implicitly conveys that it was rare:  تنّ tunn The thunny fish (which when dried is used as an antidote to the poison of serpents)تن TUN @ ''A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English'', by John Richardson, year 1777, at page-column 612ref, تنّ TUNN @ Johnson's Richardson's Persian-Arabic-English dictionary, year 1852, at page 383. Francis Johnson copied John Richardson's 1777 dictionary, and edited & enlarged it to produce the 1852 dictionary.alt-ref. Richardson's compilation undoubtedly got that from Ibn al-Baitar, who was quoting it from Dioscorides (Dioscorides's word in the Greek original is thúnnosBook in Greek, ''Pedanii Dioscuridis Anazarbei De Materia Medica Libri quinque, Volumen I [Of Three Volumes], quo continentur libri I et II'', curated by Max Wellmann, year 1907. Dioscorides's θύννου is on page 132 on line 1, where θύννου is grammatical genitive case of θύννος.ref). At the north coast of Morocco at the Strait of Gibraltar in the late 18th century the fishname تون tūn = "tuna" was in use – Book, ''Grammatica linguae Mauro-Arabicae juxta vernaculi idiomatis usum. Accessit vocabularium Latino-Mauro-Arabicum'', by Franciscus de Dombay, year 1800. Page 68 has heading ''De Piscibus'' and has تون ''tūn'' as Latin ''Thunnus''. When working on this book, Dombay lived in Tangier city and hired a teacher to teach him the local Moroccan Arabic vernacular. It was in the 1780s that Dombay lived in Tangier.ref. Arabic تنّ tunn | تنة tuna = "tuna" is in 19th-century French-to-Arabic dictionaries – TUN @ ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888, cites تون or تنّ or تنة in dictionaries of French-to-Arabic or Arabic-to-French by JJ Marcel (year 1837), Philippe Cuche (year 1862), Marcelin Beaussier (year 1871), and L & H Hélot (undated, ~1840s). French ''thon'' = Arabic تنّة is in Ellious Bocthor's dictionary (year 1828).ref.
    People fish for bluefin tuna today in the Bay of Biscay off Spain's northern coast in the Atlantic. But the first references to bluefin tuna fishing in the Bay of Biscay date from the sixteenth century Article, ''The Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) Fishery in the Bay of Biscay'', by José L. Cort, year 2009, published by International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas(ref). Medievally in Iberia, bluefin catches were practically all off of the southern and eastern coasts; and practically none off of the northern or western coasts. The bluefin tuna's spawning, migrating and feeding zones are mapped at Article, ''Bluefin Mediterranean Traps'', by Alain Fonteneau, year 2012, published by International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Page 4 has a map of bluefin distribution and bluefin movements between Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic.Ref (on page 4). All of the Iberian southern coast was under Arabic rule for more than five centuries (from 712 to 1248), though the centuries have the feature of continuing Latinate speaking by an unquantified but substantial number of people there.
    According to one set of judges, the Spanish atún is a Spanish-created hybrid word in which the letter a- is prefixed to a purely Iberian Latinate tún and there is no role for any Arabic tun or al-tun in this etymology. A contrary judgment from another set of judges is that, from Latin thynnus | thunnus, an early medieval Iberian Latinate tún(n)(o) went into Iberian Arabic as al-tun(n), and then within Iberia it went from Iberian Arabic back into Iberian Latinate as atún.
    search @ Corpus Diacrónico del EspañolMedieval Spanish atora = atora @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la RAEmodern Spanish atora = "the Torah, the old Jewish religious books". The popular derivation for the Spanish atora (also spelled tora in Spanish) is that it came from medieval Christian Latin thora = "the Torah" and did not come from medieval Arabic, even though Arabic التوراة al-tawrāa = "the Torah" is a very frequent word in medieval ArabicSearch for التوراة al-tawrāa (not tawrāa) in the medieval books at AlWaraq.net including the frequent phrase search @ AlWaraq.netالتوراة والإنجيل = "the Torah and the Gospels". Dozy & Engelmann, year 1869Book, ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann exclude both atora and atún from their collection of Spanish words of Arabic descent. Maíllo Salgado, year 1998Book, ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, 1998 edition, atún on page 125 excludes atora from his collection, and in other words he makes a judgement that the leading 'a' in atora does not reflect an Arabic source for the medieval Spanish atora. But he includes Spanish atún in his collection. He declares it came from medieval Arabic التون al-tūn. Concerning atún, Maíllo Salgado does not have any information that was not known to Dozy a century before him, and he differs as a matter of judgment under uncertainty. The following are some other Spanish words where the evidence has left room for disagreements in judgment about whether or not the Spanish wordform was wholly created inside Spanish by prefixing a Spanish a- or al- to a purely Spanish word. Spanish alcaparra = classical & medieval Latin capparis (spelled capparis in Isidore of Seville, died 636) = Italian cappero = English "caper (food condiment)" = ancient Greek kapparis = medieval Arabic al-kabar and the word is unevidenced in Arabic with the letter p. Maíllo Salgado excludes alcaparra from his collection of medieval Spanish words of Arabic parentage ''Los Arabismos del Castellano en la Baja Edad Media'', by Felipe Maíllo Salgado, 1998 edition, on pages 50-51(ref) whereas Dozy & Engelmann include alcaparra in their collection. The same kind of disagreement arises over the medieval Spanish All forms of this word are excluded in Maíllo Salgado's collection, but they are included in Dozy & Engelmann's collection. In the online library of Old Spanish Medical Texts at Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, searching for the substring MASTI will give medieval Spanish wordforms mastiga, almastiga, mastica, almastica, mastic, almastic, mastiç, mastiçis, etc.almastiga = English "mastic gum" = Italian mastice = classical & medieval Latin mastic_. Early post-medieval Spanish alcroco @ ''Diccionario de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Española'', year 1791 editionalcroco = classical & medieval Latin crocus = English "saffron" = Spanish azafrán = medieval Arabic al-zaʿfarān, and there is no known record in Arabic for a word matching alcroco semantically and phonetically. Spanish azufre = French soufre = classical & medieval Latin sulfur = English "sulfur", and Arabic does not have a matching word (medieval Arabic for sulfur was al-kibrīt). Spanish albérchigo ≈ Portuguese alperche = Portuguese alperce ≈ Catalan alberge ≈ Spanish pérsigo = Spanish pérsico = classical & medieval Latin persicum = Catalan préssec = Portuguese pêssego = Galician pexego = English "peach", and there is nothing matching in Arabic (Arabic for peach was usually khūkh).
    English "tunny", meaning tuna fish, starts in English in the 16th century. Its early English spellings are tunny | tunnie | tunnye | tunney | tuny | tunie | tunye | tonny | tonnie | thun[n]ie. Text search @ EEBO. EEBO also has a word-frequency index, which gives the frequencies of the different spellings.Early English Books Online (EEBO) has around 170 books having the "tunny" fish in English in the 16th & 17th centuries in those spellings. That quantity of books shows that the tunnies were somewhat well known by reputation, even though the tunnies were not in the sea around the British Isles. The English spelling "tuna" has no record until the late 19th century meaning any kind of fish. The English spelling "tuna" has all its early records in southern California. During the 20th century the English "tuna" displaced the pre-existing English "tunny" because tuna was the name on the package label of canned tuna. In the English-speaking world, canned tuna did not start until the first decade of the 20th century. It started in southern California. The tuna canning companies used the word "tuna" on the package label from the very begining – Tuna @ ''The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America'', year 2004 multi-volume, with Tuna in the volume for food-words that begin with letter Tref, ''The origins of California's high seas tuna fleet'', by August Felando and Harold Medina, year 2012 in ''The Journal of San Diego History'', volume 58, on pages 1, 2, and 29.ref. Secondhand reporters in late 19th century California indicated that English-speaking fishermen in southern California borrowed the wordform tuna from Portuguese-speaking or Spanish-speaking fishermen in southern California in the late 19th century – Weekly magazine ''The Breeder and Sportsman'', published in San Francisco, in issue dated 18 June 1898, says: Tunny Fishing off Catalina Island [in southern California].... The fish is called TUNA by the local and visiting anglers, possibly following the patois of the Portuguese and other fishermen in the southern waters of our State [California].e.g., Book, ''American Fishes: a Popular Treatise'', by G. Brown Goode, year 1887. Says on page 215: The Horse Mackerel, so-called, Orcynus thynnus [i.e. bluefin tunny], is the most important of the Tunnies, the TON or TUNA of the Mediterranean [people], and the TUNNY of English-speaking people. Says on page 211 that the Pacific Bonito fish is sometimes called TUNA in southern California.e.g.. Those reporters were on the English-speaking side only. On the Spanish/Portuguese side, the wordform tuna seems to lack any documentation whatsoever in Spanish or Portuguese with the meaning of tuna fish. This means a lack of known available documentary evidence with which to eliminate the scenario that the late 19th century California Portuguese/Spanish tuna came from the California English "tunny". The English wordform "tunny" is well documented in California in the late 19th century. Possibly the English wordform "tunny" generated a late 19th century California Portuguese/Spanish wordform tuna. If the California Portuguese/Spanish tuna did not come from the English "tunny", this Portuguese/Spanish tuna would not clearly or necessarily come from the standard Spanish atún. Obviously tuna and atún are phonetically different. In conclusion, there are multiple deficiencies in the claim that English "tuna" descends from an Arabic word: Insufficient evidence that English "tuna" came from Spanish atún and insufficient evidence that Spanish atún came from Arabic al-tunn.
  191. ^ albacore

    For today's English "albacore" tuna fish, the fish's flesh is white when cooked and it is a lighter shade of red when raw when compared to other tuna species. Today in Spanish the albacore tuna is often called atún blanco = "white tuna", in reference to its lighter colored flesh, and correspondingly the Bluefin tuna is often called atún rojo = "red tuna" in reference to the Bluefin's red colored flesh. An old Portuguese word for "white" was and is alba | alva | alvo. The standard Portuguese word for "color" was and is cor. Hence, there is a proposal that the 16th-century Western European fish-name albacora was created in Portuguese from alba+cor, meaning "white color". Crossref medieval Latin albicolor = "white color" and medieval Latin albicare = "to be white-ish" and ancient Latin alba = "white". This proposal for the fish-name albacora is endorsed by some Portuguese dictionaries albacora #1 @ Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa(e.g.). But it is not supported by albacora's early records, as reviewed in the paragraphs below. In all European languages in the 16th, 17th & 18th centuries, the fish-name albacora is usually not today's albacore tuna, and instead it is usually more than one of today's big tuna fish species on the Tropical High Seas whose flesh is as red as the Bluefin's red flesh. The parent of the fish-name albacora is shrouded in obscurity in the opinion in some Spanish dictionaries albacora # 2 @ Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española(e.g.), which is an opinion I agree with in the paragraphs below.
    Concerning the European fish-name albacora, the Arabic expert albacora @ ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869 on pages 61 and 388Reinhart Dozy, year 1869, pages 61 & 388 says : The old Arabic dictionaries do not contain a phonetically similar word with the meaning of a fish and moreover the whole body of Arabic writings in the relevant centuries has very little content about sea fish. Moreover the Portuguese & Spanish records give no sign that their fish-name albacora came from Arabic. This means it is practically impossible to show that the name albacora came from any Arabic fish-name.
    The earliest known record of the fish-name albacore in a European language is in 1524 in an Italian writer who travelled on a Portuguese ship in the Southern Oceans. That record is at   Ref  Book in original Italian side-by-side with an English translation : Magellan's Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta, curated and translated by James Alexander Robertson, year 1906, Volume 1 on page 72-73. Antonio Pigafetta was a crew member of the famous Magellan expedition that sailed all the way around the globe and arrived back in Portugal in 1522. His written narrative was completed in 1524. His spelling is albacore.

    Antonio Pigafetta's narrative in Volume 1 also has in Italian the fishname tiburoni which is a Portuguese name for shark fishes, which in today's Portuguese is tubarão, today's Spanish tiburón. There is probably no valid and no secure documentation for fishname tiburon in any wordform in any European language until Pigafetta's narrative, and there is no known parent word for it, and the name's root origin is a mystery.
    . The early European records are reviewed in the following eight paragraphs. From these paragraphs the main conclusion is that there is no historical foundation for claiming the European word came from any Arabic source.
    In Portuguese, a book in year 1557 says: The coast of Iran has much carriage and trade in albecoras fish, comparable to the atum (i.e. the tuna) of the south coast of Portugal – Book ''Commentarios do grande Afonso Dalboquerque'' Parte 1, compiled and written by Brás de Albuquerque (died 1581), who was son of Afonso de Albuquerque (died 1515). Book was published in 1557, with revised second edition in 1576. Linked edition is 1576. The same ''albecoras'' in 1557 edition is quoted at page 137 of year 1919 lexicon at archive.org/details/glossriolusoas00dalguoft ref. In year 1558 in Portuguese, a diary of a sailing voyage from Portugal to India noted that many albocoras swimmed alongside the ship in the tropical High Sea off west Africa – Book in Portuguese : ''Livro de Lisuarte de Abreu'', composed in years 1558-1565, published in year 1992. It contains the year 1558 diary statement ''este dia derão mujtas tuninhas comnosquo e mujtas albocoras'' (where comnosquo = conosco = ''with us''). On page 33 in the 1992 publication.ref. In year 1563 on a Portuguese ship in tropical sea off Africa, the sailors caught "the fishes which the sailors call albecoras, which are the size and shape of atum [i.e. tuna]" – ''Décadas da Ásia'' is a multi-volume book by João de Barros (died 1570). The volume with ''albecoras'' is ''Decada Terceira''.ref. A Portuguese voyager around 1574 wrote: Large fishes called albecoras were constantly visible during ship's journey in tropical sea off both west and east Africa, but the albecoras avoid the sea off southmost Africa because the water is too cold there – ''Records of South-Eastern Africa: collected in various libraries and archive departments in Europe'' [in 9 volumes], Volume 3, year 1899, a compilation by George McCall Theal. Volume 3 has Portuguese text written by Francisco Monclaro around year 1574 plus translation of the text into English.ref, Francisco Monclaro's text in English translation by George McCall Theal is in Volume 3 of Theal's collection, year 1899. The English word ALBACORES occurs twice.ref, albacora, albecora @ ''Glossário Luso-Asiático'', by Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, year 1919. Quotes from ''P. Monclaio'', which denotes Padre Monclaro, who is padre Francisco Monclaro (died 1595). Gives quotation year as 1569, which is year of outward voyage. Year of writing is about 1574.alt-ref. The tropical sea at Brazil's Bahia region had "lots of albacoras" in description in Portuguese in 1587 – Book, ''Tratado descriptivo do Brasil em 1587'', by Gabriel Soares de Sousa (died 1592; lived at Bahia's coast). Says: ''entram na Bahia muitas albacoras''.ref. Another Portuguese author at around 1591 saw "lots of albocoras" near Brazil – Article, ''Pequena crônica Jesuítica do século XVI'', year 1973 in Brazilian journal ''Revista de História'' Volume 47. It republishes a text by an unnamed Jesuit author dated about year 1591. Search for ''albocoras''. The text was published previously in years 1904 & 1966 : books.google.com/books?id=XFAkAAAAMAAJ&q=albocoras ref.
    In Spanish, Fernández de Oviedo (died 1557) says a discovered remote island in the Pacific Ocean has rich fishery for "bonitos y albacoras y doradas", and elsewhere in same book he mentions albacoras who jump out of the water into the air and again he is reporting about tropical ocean waters only. Those instances and a handful of other early records in Spanish are obtainable at search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (''CORDE'')albacoras + albicoras @ CORDE, all of which are fishes in the tropical seas. In CORDE or anywhere else, I have not seen any Spanish text prior to year 1756 in which the albacora is a fish of water near Spain.
    The albacore fish-name is in Italian and English in the 16th century in travel writers who are talking about the oceans of the Indies, including: Antonio Pigafetta (wrote 1524; his spelling Book in original Italian side-by-side with an English translation, ''Magellan's Voyage Around the World'' by Antonio Pigafetta, curated and translated by James Alexander Robertson, year 1906, Volume 1 on page 72-73.albacore), Thomas Stevens (wrote 1579; ''Letter from Thomas Stevens'' published in Volume VI of the collection ''The principal navigations, voyages...'' curated by Richard Hakluyt, year 1599, republished year 1903, albocore is 3 times on page 381-382. Same page has ''Tuberones'' which is Portuguese name for shark fishes.albocore), Filippo Sassetti (wrote 1580s; Book, ''Lettere di Filippo Sassetti''. In one letter written by Sassetti in Italian at Lisbon in Portugual, with written date 6 March 1582, ''albucore'' is mentioned three times meaning a fish of Tropical seas (on pages 174-175 at link). Same letter has ''tuberoni'', which is Portuguese name for shark fishes.albucore), Edmund Barker (wrote 1594; Chapter, ''Narrative of the First Voyage of Sir James Lancaster, by Edmund Barker, Lieutenant'', in book ''The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, kt., to the East Indies''. In the narrative, ''albocores'' are abundant in the sea near ''the mightie Iland of S. Lawrence'' which means the island of Madagascar.albocores), Francesco Carletti (wrote c. 1604; Book, ''Ragionamenti di Francesco Carletti, fiorentino, sopra le cose da lui vedute ne' suoi viaggi''. Carletti was writing when Spain and Portugal were united as a single country. So Carletti's word ''Spagnuoli'' is translatable as ''Iberian''.albacoras). Four of those five writers personally visited the Portuguese East Indies, and travelled on Portuguese ships there; and the fifth (Edmund Barker) travelled to the East Indies on an English ship and his narrative uses Portuguese place-names for all the places he visited there. It is inferable that those writers got the word from Portuguese. All five of those writers also mention "bonito" fishes in the Indies seas, where "bonito" was a fish-name in use in Portuguese in sailing ships in the Tropical seas in the 16th century. The Indies voyage narrative by Antonio Pigafetta in Italian dated 1524 (linked above) was printed in Italian-to-French translation dated 1525-1536 – Book, ''Le voyage et navigation, faict par les Espaignolz es Isles de Mollucques'', by Antonio Pigafetta. Top of print page 13 has ''dorades, abacores et bonites'', which is a misprint for albacores. Book's last page says book was translation from Italian to French. This printed book has no printed date. Date is between 1525 and 1536 inclusive.ref. In French in 1550-1551 albachores is mentioned as large fishes from Brazil – Book, ''Cest la deduction du sumptueux ordre... exhibés par les citoiens de Roüen... à la sacrée Maiesté du Treschristian Roy de France'', year 1551. It says large fishes were part of an exhibit about Brazil that was exhibited at Rouen city in year 1550. Named fishes include ''Albachores'' and ''Thuns''. Info about this book is in a year 2001 history article at jstor.org/stable/27586575 ref. In 1555 a French writer André Thevet visited Brazil on a French ship and he wrote in 1557-1558 after his return to France: "The Americans" —by which he meant the Indians in Brazil— have "a fish which they call Albacore, well bigger than the porpoise... excellent to eat" – Book, ''Les singularitez de la France antarctique'', by André Thevet, published in 1558 and republished laterref-1, André Thevet's year 1558 book about Brazil was translated to English in year 1568 with title ''The New Found Worlde''. This 1568 book is the earliest for ALBACORE in English.ref-2. We can be sure that the word went into French from the Portuguese people in Brazil. Another French writer, Jean de Léry, visited Brazil in 1556-1558 on a French ship, and he wrote a book about Brazil that has a chapter headlined "Bonites, Albacores, Dorades...". In his book's first edition in 1578 he says he thinks the albacore is "principally" a fish of the Tropics and the High Seas, and in a revised edition in 1586 he deleted the word "principally" and added that the albacora do not go near the coasts – Book in French, ''Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Bresil'', by Jean de Lery, year 1578, chapter 3 on page 27-28.ref-1, Book in Latin, ''Historia navigationis in Brasiliam'', by Jean de Lery, year 1586, chapter 3 on page 18-19. This had been translated and revised from the 1578 French edition.ref-2. Willem Lodewijcksz sailed from Amsterdam to the East Indies in 1595 and returned in 1597. His voyage description was printed at Amsterdam in Latin and Dutch in 1598. His description is 100 pages long and it has more than 120 instances of mention of "Portuguese" or "Portugal" – Book in Latin : ''Prima Pars Descriptionis Itineris Navalis in Indiam Orientalem'', by Willem Lodewijcksz, year 1598. It has 120+ instances of Latin LUSITAN__ which in the linked copy is OCR'd as LUFITAN__, LULITAN__, LUIITAN__, LUFTTAN__, LUFUAN__, etc.ref. Willem Lodewijcksz's book has a woodcut drawing of the fishes he calls albecores and bonitiBook in Latin : ''Prima Pars Descriptionis Itineris Navalis in Indiam Orientalem'', by Willem Lodewijcksz, year 1598. In the woodcut drawing on page 14+1, the albecore is labelled 'F'. The bonitus is labelled 'G' in the same drawing. The fishes are discussed on page 14 (page 14 spellings albocaris and albecores).ref. He indicates that these names were used in Portuguese for fishes met on the High Seas when going to and from the East Indies. He says he saw some albecores that were five feet long. Jean de Léry, linked above, says the albacore is five feet long. This cannot mean today's English albacore tuna, which does not exceed four feet and predominantly does not exceed three feet. Instead, in today's terms, what they were writing about was the Yellowfin tuna, which commonly reaches five feet and is abundant in the tropical High Seas; and the Yellowfin tuna is longstandingly the primary meaning for fish-name albacora in Portuguese. The Portuguese albacora also means the In English : A 25-page chapter about the Bigeye Tuna aka ''Thunnus obesus''. The chapter is in a book published by ''International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas'', year 2006. The chapter mentions that the name for Bigeye Tuna is usually ALBACORA in Brazil and in Portugal and in Azores Islands.Bigeye tuna, which closely resembles the Yellowfin and lives in the same areas.
    In Portuguese it is notable that this word's early records, for centuries, are in reports from the Indies and the Southern Oceans, not from the Iberia region. I have not seen any exception to that in the 16th or 17th or 18th centuries in Portuguese. The Portuguese dictionaries of the 18th century have albacora defined as "a fish of the High Seas resembling a tuna" –  details Peixe do alto mar = Peixe do mar alto = a fish of the high sea, a fish of the wide wide sea, a fish of the deep sea, and not of the coastal sea.

    Year 1712 Portuguese dictionary by Rafael Bluteau says: “''Vocabulario portuguez e latino'', by Rafael Bluteau, year 1712Albacor, ou Albacora, ou Albecora. Peixe do alto mar... do tamanho & feição de Atum.” Year 1734 Portuguese dictionary by Madureira Feijó says: “''Orthographia, ou arte de escrever e pronunciar com acerto a lingua portugueza'', by João de Moraes Madureira Feijó, year 1734, reprinted 1739Albacóra, peixe do mar alto do feitio de Atúm.” Year 1765 Portuguese dictionary by Monteiro de Carvalho says: “''Diccionario Portuguez'' by José Monteiro de Carvalho, year 1765, muchly derived from Rafael Bluteau's 1712 dictionaryAlbacor ou Albecora. Peixe do mar alto, que tem a figura de Atum.”
    . The year 1793 edition of Diccionario da Lingoa Portugueza, published by the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, says in Portuguese: ALBACORA. A certain fish of the High Seas. It is a fish of the Southern Ocean, still not described, which is said to be of the genre of Scomber of Linnaeus, without fish-scales, having white skin, yellow fins.... According to Died in year 1570. Author of volumes about the Portuguese East Indies. João de Barros this fish is the size and shape of a tunaalbacora @ ''Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza'' Tomo Primeiro, by Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, year 1793ref. In that definition it is crystal clear that in 1793 the name albacora was not in use in Portugal among the local fish eaters or local fish catchers.
    The Yellowfin tuna's flesh is dark red and does not qualify to be called "paler color". Today in Brazil and Portugal, the Yellowfin tuna is mainly called the albacora. The fish that is called "albacore" in today's English is mainly not called albacora in Portuguese. The Yellowfins occur in waters near Portugal in only negligibly small quantities. The Yellowfin is one of the most commercially important tuna species in the Atlantic Ocean. But Yellowfins are not caught in waters near Portugal. The Yellowfin's global distribution is mapped at In English : Description of the Yellowfin Tuna, aka ''Thunnus albacares'', is a 26-page chapter in a book published by ''International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas'', year 2006. The full book is at https://iccat.int/en/iccatmanual.html ref (pages 15 & 16). The global distribution for the "albacore" species is mapped at In English : An 18-page chapter about the Albacore Tuna, aka ''Thunnus alalunga'', is in a book published by ''International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas'' (''ICCAT''), year 2006. The full book is at https://iccat.int/en/iccatmanual.html ref (pages 85 & 86) and note the description says "albacore seldom come close to shore and prefer deep, wide open waters", i.e. the High Seas.
    I have not seen any record in any language in the 16th-18th centuries where a fish named albacore is described as having paler flesh. In English in 1707 a fish named albacore has "coloured" flesh, and further description of this particular albacore fits to Yellowfin tuna and does not fit to today's English Albacore – Book, ''A voyage to the islands Madera...'', by Hans Sloane, Volume 1 on page 11 and on page 264+2, year 1707. Unnumbered page 264+2 has a drawing labelled ''Albacore, sive Thynnus''. Page 11 describes this albacore in words, which includes the words ''the flesh is coloured''. In the drawing on page 264+2, the pectoral fin is short and the anal fin is long. Which does not fit today's Albacore. It fits today's Yellowfin.ref. In encyclopedias in French in 1759 and 1788, the Yellowfin tuna is named albicore | albacore | albacares while the Albacore tuna is named albacoretta and Classical Latin ala = ''fin of a fish (also wing of a bird)''. Classical Latin longa = ''long''. Modern Italian lunga = ''long''. Taxonomic modern Latin alalunga = alalonga = ala + lunga/longa = ''long-finned''. The alalunga tunny species has very elongated pectoral fins. That is why the species got named alalunga in 18th century taxonomy books. Alalunga was a newly created name in the 2nd half of the 18th. The book Anfibi e Pesci di Sardegna by Francesco Cetti in year 1777-1778, on pages 191-193, seems to be the location of the first use of the name.alalunga''Dictionnaire raisonne et universel des animaux.... Ouvrage composé d'après ce qu'ont écrit les Naturalistes anciens & modernes, les Historiens & les Voyageurs'' Tome Premier, year 1759. Albicore is on page 86. Albacoretta is on page 737.ref, Volume ''Ichthyologie'' in encyclopedic set ''Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois regnes de la nature'', year 1788. The volume was written by PJ Bonnaterre. The tunny fishes are on pages 139-140.ref.
    The year 1726-1739 edition of the Royal Academy of Spain's Spanish dictionary is in six volumes. It defines many dozens of seafish names, and it does not have a fish albacoraalbacora @ ''Diccionario de la lengua castellana'', Volume 1, year 1726, defines albacora as a variety of fig fruit and does not define it as a fish.ref. The year 1770 edition of the same dictionary has added the fish albacora in smaller typeface to signal that the word is scarcely used in Spanish and it has it defined as "a fish much like a bonito" – albacora #2 @ ''Diccionario de la lengua castellana'' by Real Academia Española, year 1770 edition, volume 1ref. Another illustration that the word was scarcely used in Spanish is the CORDE collection of old Spanish texts, year 2017 online. CORDE's coverage of the two centuries 1625-1825 has only one text with albacora and that text is by a Spanish traveller to a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean in 1774 – search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE). In 1774-1775 Spanish diary writer Máximo Rodríguez visited the island of Tahiti, which he calls ''la ysla de Amat''. He saw ''albacoras'' fishes in the sea there. He says the albacora at Tahiti is a big fish, and good to eat, and is caught by the Tahiti natives by a big net.ref; meanwhile CORDE's coverage has 52 texts with atún | atunes meaning "tuna" during 1625-1825.
    Albacores and Yellowfins do not have marks on their backs. Several kinds of bonito fishes do have marks on their backs. In 1789, a Spanish book by Cristóbal Medina Conde has a chapter devoted to fishes caught off the coast of Malaga in southern Spain. It has albacora described as a bonito-like fish with marks on its back, and it says this fish is so blood-filled that it is good to hang it up by its tail for 24 hours to get the blood out of its flesh – Chapter, ''Relación Ichthyologica, o de los pescados fluviales y marítimos de todas especies... en estas costas de Málaga'', published in book ''Conversaciones Históricas Malagueñas, ó Materiales de noticias seguras para formar la Historia Civil, Natural y Eclesiástica de la M. I. Ciudad de Málaga'', [Volume 1], year 1789. Albacora (also aubocora) is on page 207.ref. Taxonomic species "Euthynnus Alletteratus", known in English as "the Little Tunny", is caught off the coast of Malaga today, it has marks on its back, its flesh is dark, and the name for it most often used in Malaga and south Spain today is albacora''Euthynnus alletteratus'' @ ICTIOTERM.ES, a website in Spanish devoted to ''terminológicos y identificación de especies pesqueras de las costas de Andalucía''ref. The species that is called albacore in today's English is almost never called albacore in today's south coast of Spain – ''Thunnus alalunga'' @ www.ICTIOTERM.ES gives a list of the names & name frequencies that are in use on the south coast of Spainref. The earliest known for any fish being called albacora and being caught locally off the south coast of Iberia is year 1756 – nombre vernáculo ALBACORA @ www.ICTIOTERM.ES. It says : This name's first known occurrence at Spain's south coast is in a set of fish names in year 1756 by an anonymous writer and the set was published in year 1982 in the article ''Nombres de Pescados del océano desde Gibraltar hasta Ayamonte en el siglo XVIII'', by JL Pensado.ref. The names of fishes being caught locally at Iberia's south coast in year 1791 and year 1826 included alvacóra and albacoreta''Diccionario historico de los artes de la pesca nacional'', by Sáñez Reguart, year 1791, in Volume 1 [of five volumes]. Text on page 47 says that at Tarifa ''se coge con mas abundancia son bonitos, melvas y alvacóras''. The same volume on page 20 mentions ''Melvas, Albacoras, Bonitos''.ref, ''Diccionario geographico-estudistico de España y Portugal'', by Sebastian de Miñano, year 1826, Tomo 1, under headword ''Aguilas''. It says that at the fishing harbour of Aguilas on the south coast of Spain ''se coge en él es atun emperador, albacoreta, bonito y melva''.ref. Today the meaning of the fish-name albacora at Spain's south coast is most often the Little Tunny, Euthynnus Alletteratus. The Little Tunny is "more coastal than other tuna species" and is caught "mainly by coastal fisheries" – Chapter about Euthynnus Alletteratus, aka Little Tunny, in a book published by ''International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas'', year 2006. Chapter gives a map of geographical distribution on page 236.ref. The Little Tunny at south & east coast of Spain is often called also bacoreta nowadays (Photos of recreational fishermen having caught ''bacoretas''. The photos show that this name most often means the Little Tunny, i.e. Euthynnus Alletteratus.examples), but bacoreta is a fish name documented in only recent times (such as bacoreta @ ''Diccionario valenciano-castellano'', by José Escrig, year 1851year 1851 in Valencia). At the south coast of Spain during the 16th century, the municipal government ordinances have many mentions of names of sea fishes, and they do not mention a fish name akin to albacoraArticle, ''Los nombres de los peces en las Ordenanzas municipales (siglo XVI) de Málaga y Granada'', by José Mondéjar, year 1973. Reprinted in book ''Dialectología Andaluza'', year 1991. Fish names repeatedly in the 16th century ordinances include : anchoa, araña, atún/atunes, baila, besugo, bonito, caballa, corvina, dentón, liza, mero, raya, robalo, sardina, sargo, and others. Names are only partly searchable at link.ref, Website ICTIOTERM.ES summarizes the fish names that are reported in the year 1984 article ''El pescado en el Reino de Granada a fines de la Edad Media: especies y nivel de Consumo'', by Antonio Malpica, which is an article based on a municipal ordinance of year 1501 in the province of Málaga & Granada.ref. Supplemental info for old fish names in Spanish and Catalan is at Book, ''Vocabulario del humanista'' by Lorenzo Palmireno, year 1569, is a dictionary for some selected subject domains. It has a lengthy section on fish names. It gives Latin fish names together with Castilian and Valencian equivalent names. It does not have albacore.ref, search @ ''Noms de peixos'' @ TERMCAT.cat Centre de Terminologia Catalanref, BIBLIOGRAFÍA ICTIONÍMICA DE ANDALUCÍA @ ICTIOTERM.ESref.
    I have found nothing until the 18th century, or later, for albacora | albacoreta | bacora | bacoro | bacoreta | alvacora meaning any Iberian coastal fish. I could have spent more time digging for historical info about the word, but I have stopped. In summary and conclusion, (#1) a phonetically and semantically apt matching word is undocumented in Arabic in the relevant centuries (and semantically fanciful proposals are unacceptable), and (#2) the primary meaning of the name albacore was Yellowfin tunas in the Tropical High Seas for the first 250 years of records in European languages, and the other meanings were relatively late arrivals, and (#3) the name's early history in Portuguese and Spanish is not documented enough and not understood enough, at least not by me, and there is not an obvious source-word candidate for it. The name is of obscure origin unless somebody else is able to deliver historical documents that I failed to see.

    This item about BONITO fish is an appendage to ALBACORE fish. I have come across some writers declaring that the Iberian Latinate fish-name BONITO was perhaps an adoption from an Arabic fish-name. I have not come across good-quality evidence for it. ^ bonito

    Bonito is a commercially caught type of fish. The name bonito arrived in English in the 16th century from Portuguese & Spanish reports about the Tropical High Seas. For the first 250 years of records in English, the bonitos live in the Tropical Seas only. During the 19th century in English the name got additionally attached to bonito species living in the Temperate Seas. The name bonítol | bonito is in late medieval Catalan & Spanish meaning bonitos caught commercially in the Mediterranean Sea. The origin of the medieval name is undetermined. Further details omitted.
  193. ^ zircon

    A big landmark in the history of the word zircon is a year 1789 report in German titled "Chemische Untersuchung des Zirkons" = "Chemical Examination of Zircon", by Martin Klaproth. Klaproth found a new chemical element within the Zirkon gemstone. He called the new chemical "Zirkon earth", meaning today's zirconium. In his report, Klaproth effectively said that his name Zirkon was adopted in continuance from the mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner – Article, ''Chemische Untersuchung des Zirkons'' by Martin Klaproth, year 1789 in the journal of the ''Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin'', volume 9, pages 147-176. Klaproth says on page 148: ''Werner... in seinem Mineralsystem, unter dem Nahmen Zirkon...'' = ''Werner... in his mineral system, under the name Zirkon...''. Klaproth's chemical word Zirkonerde is on page 171.ref. The earliest known instances of name zirkon | zircon in Europe are in Abraham Gottlob Werner in German in 1780 and 1783 – Book ''Versuch einer Mineralogie'' by Axel Cronstedt with commentary by Abraham Gottlob Werner, year 1780, Part One. Cronstedt's book was published in Swedish in 1758. It was translated to German with integrated comments by Werner in 1780. Werner's comments are put in slighly smaller typesize in indented paragraphs. Page 95 has Werner's ''Jargons oder Zirkonen'' and Cronstedt's ''Sargone oder Jargon''.ref, Article ''Zirkon und Hyazinth'' by Walter Mettmann, year 1962 in journal ''Romanische Forschungen'' volume 74 on pages 123-126. The article has seven instances of the name Werner on pages 125-126. The linked page has ONLY SNIPPET VIEWS into the article. A link that has only the article's first page is www.jstor.org/stable/27936932 ref. Werner's mid-1780s and Klaproth's late-1780s Zirkon meant zircon stones that all came from the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). A description of the zircon of Ceylon in English in a minerals book in year 1804 is at ''System of Mineralogy'', by Robert Jameson, year 1804, with zircon stone on pages 28-32, and a zircon-related hyacinth stone is on pages 33-37. The book overall replicates Werner's system of mineralogy, and expands from it.Ref (pages 28-32), in which Werner's description is the foundation, though it has enlargement beyond Werner's mid-1780s description. Werner and Klaproth were among the most eminent of the mineralogists and chemists in Europe in the late 18th century. Today's international names zircon and zirconium are descended specifically from them. British mineralogy expert Richard Kirwan (died 1812) wrote in year 1800: It is well known that the mineralogical knowledge of all of Europe is chiefly derived from the Germans and Swedes, whose nomenclature is in most instances the same, and where any ambiguity has arisen it has been removed by the exertions of Werner. His nomenclature, where not too discordant with the language or at open variance with the received technical names of other countries, should therefore for the sake of precision and uniformity be universally preserved.Article, ''Of Chymical and Mineralogical Nomenclature'', by Richard Kirwan, in journal ''The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy'', Volume 8, on page 74, published in January 1802, publishing a paper that was read to a meeting of the Academy on 24 March 1800ref (on page 74).
    When Klaproth's 1789 discovery was disseminated into European languages other than German in the 1790s, the new German name Zirkon was normally translated by use of the pre-existing French name jargon. Jargon was a gemstone name with multiple meanings in the 18th century (details later). The following are two examples of mineralogy books in French in 1790 and 1792 that report Klaproth's research without using Klaproth's name zircon. What they say in French is that Klaproth has discovered a new chemical he names "jargon earth" which he has discovered in the "jargon" gemstone – ''Catalogue méthodique et raisonné de la collection des fossiles de Eléonore Raab'', by Ignace de Born (aka Ignaz von Born), year 1790, Volume 2, page 478ref, ''Manuel du minéralogiste ou Sciagraphie du règne minéral'', by several authors, the edition newly augmented by Jean Claude Delamétherie, year 1792, volume 2 page 377ref. Likewise, a mineralogy book in Italian in 1791 talks about Klaproth's findings about zircon without using Klaproth's stone name zircon, and instead using the pre-existing Italian stone name giargone (synonymous with French jargon) – Book, ''Gabinetto mineralogico del collegio Nazareno'', Volume 1, by Giovanni Vincenzo Petrini, year 1791, ''giargone'' stone discussed on pages 262-264, & page 107.ref. Richard Kirwan in his textbook Elements of Mineralogy in the 1794 edition says in English: JARGONIC EARTH, or JARGONIA: This earth hath been discovered by Mr. Klaproth; it has as yet been found only in the stone called Jargon, or Circon, of Ceylon ''Elements of Mineralogy'', by Richard Kirwan, year 1794, Volume 1 page 14[page 14] . . . .  JARGON. Zircon of the Germans. The only species of this genus hitherto known is the stone called Jargon of Ceylon, or Zircon, which exhibits the following characteristics.... Its specific gravity according to Mr. Klaproth, 4,614; according to Werner, 4,7 ''Elements of Mineralogy'', by Richard Kirwan, year 1794, Volume 1 page 333[page 333]. Christian Herrgen, born and educated in Germany, became a professor of mineralogy at Madrid in Spain in the 1790s. In a report he wrote in Spanish in year 1800 he cites Klaproth's findings about zircon without using the name zircon, and instead he uses the Spanish gemstone name jergón (from French jargon), which he spells in the old-fashioned Spanish style xergon. He says in Spanish: Description of the Xergon of the Santa Fe region.... Before describing this interesting rock, it is convenient to give the chemical analyses of Klaproth concerning... the xergon of Ceylon.Article ''Descripcion del Xergon'' by Christiano Herrgen, in journal ''Anales de historia natural'', year 1800, Volume 2, pages 74-80ref. Herrgen's 1800 Spanish "xergónica earth" = Kirwan's 1794 English "jargonic earth" = Ignace de Born's 1790 French "jargon earth" = Klaproth's 1789 German "Zirkon earth".
    An influential tome on mineralogy by René-Just Haüy in French in 1801 adopted the wordform zircon as the preferred name and nameform in French ''Traité de Minéralogie'' in 5 volumes, by René-Just Haüy, year 1801, zircon in volume 2 pages 465-479(ref), in preference to wordform jargon. Other mineralogy authors in French around the same time did the same. They did so because the pre-existing French gemstone name jargon was very poorly defined from a mineralogical point of view, whereas zircon was well-defined mineralogically by Werner and Klaproth. In a later paragraph below there will be a set of quotations for the jargon stone from ten 18th-century French sources. The 18th-century French jargon stone could be any good-quality diamond-looking gemstone excluding true diamond. The most popular jargon was colorless or only slightly colored. Commonly also it was sold in a more saturated color, especially yellow or red, but always having transparency. The 18th century jargon stones could come from anywhere, and some came from Ceylon. In today's terms the 18th century jargons were frequently zircons but also topazes, corundums, garnets, and other stones. If you take suitable raw specimens of those stones, by cutting and polishing and (sometimes) heating them, you can produce diamond-looking gems that are visually indistinguishable from one another in ordinary photographs. The 18th-century jargon was mainly a word of jewellers. It occurs sometimes in mineralogists in an ill-defined way.
    Italian giargone = "jargon gemstone" is in Italian dictionaries in years giargone @ ''Vocabolario Degli Accademici Della Crusca'', year 1741, Volume 21741, giargone @ ''Ortografia moderna Italiana per uso del Seminario di Padova Edizione Nona'', year 17511751, giargone @ ''Nouveau Dictionnaire italien-françois suivant la methode de celui de Veneroni'', year 17581758, giacinto @ ''Dizionario del cittadino o sia ristretto storico, teorico e pratico del commercio'', by Francesco Alberti, year 1762, has definition for giargone1762, etc. Although giargone was the more usual wordform, Italian also had the wordform zargone synonymous with giargone. Wordform zargone = "jargon gemstone" is in books about gemstones in Italian in years Book, ''Il Nuovo Lume delle Gioie'', by Pietro Caliari, year 1682, ''zargone'' on pages 28-291682, Book, ''Della storia naturale delle Gemme, delle Pietre e di tutti Minerali'', by Giacinto Gimma (died 1735), year 1730, Volume 1, with ''zargone'' on pages 195 & 2431730, Book, ''Instituzioni Glittografiche o sia della maniera di conoscere la qualità, e natura delle Gemme incise'', by Gioseff-Antonio Aldini, year 1785, ''zargoni'' on page 601785, Book, ''Delle gemme e delle regole per valutarle: Operetta ad uso dei giojelleri principianti'', by Pio Naldi, year 1791, ''zargone'' on page 1311791, Book, ''Dizionario istorico ragionato delle Gemme, delle Pietre, e de' Minerali'', by Giovanni Robbio, year 1824, ''zargone'' on page 1871824, for example. The year 1682 gemstone book with zargone was published at Venice. In writings in Italian in northeast Italy including Venice, any Italian 'gi' could be rendered as 'z'. E.g., Venice Italian wordform ''Dizionario del dialetto veneziano'', by Giuseppe Boerio, year 1867 editionzardìn = widespread Italian giardino = French jardin = English "garden"; e.g., Venice wordform ''Dizionario del dialetto veneziano'', by Giuseppe Boerio, year 1867 editionzara = widespread Italian giara = French jarre = English "jar"; e.g., today's English "benzoin resin" came from Venice Italian wordform benzoino, which in Florentine Italian used to be bengioino = "benzoin" and in today's French it is benjoin = "benzoin". The wordform zargone started in Venice Italian and its meaning was always the same as the French jargon gemstone.
    In Germany in years 1773 & 1776, essays about gemstones make the statement in German: "...diamond-like yellow gemstones.... They be called by the Italians formerly Sargone and by the French Jargons" – ''Abhandlung von Edelsteinen'', by Urban Brückmann, year 1773 edition, on page 66ref, German encyclopedia ''Oekonomische Encyklopädie'', volume 9, year 1776, encyclopedia entry for ''Diamant''. It copies from the 1773 gemstones book of Urban Brückmann.ref. In that statement, Sargone represents the Italian zargone. The next thing that is relevant to the origin of zirkon is that a mineralogy book in the Swedish language in 1758 by a mining expert, Axel Cronstedt, says: "Sargone or Jargon is said to designate a species quite softer than diamond; however I know nothing about it" – In Swedish : ''Försök til Mineralogie, eller Mineral-Rikets Upställning'', by Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, year 1758 on page 42.

    By the way, Axel Cronstedt's 1758 book was published in Swedish-to-English translation in year 1770 with title ''An Essay Towards A System Of Mineralogy''. In the English translation, the translator simply deleted the rare wordform Sargone. The English has the word Jargon.
    . In that statement in Swedish, sargone is the Italian zargone. The statement is in a context of talk about red-colored gemstones. In Europe at that time the red-colored jargons were often today's orange-red hyacinth stones (which are zirconium-class stones). Axel Cronstedt's book was republished in German translation in 1780 with integrated commentary on it by Werner in German. After the above-quoted remark by Cronstedt, Werner adds the following one-sentence remark in German: "Jargons or Zirkonen [plural of Zirkon] are hyacinth stones and come in white, gray, or pale yellow and pale red; they are often traded as diamonds." – Book in German, ''Versuch einer Mineralogie'', by Axel Cronstedt with commentary by Abraham Gottlob Werner, year 1780, First Volume, First Part, on page 95. In this book, Werner's comments are printed in slightly smaller typesize in indented paragraphs on the same pages as Cronstedt's text. Page 95 has Cronstedt's ''Sargone oder Jargon'' and Werner's ''Jargons oder Zirkonen''.ref, alt-link. That remark in 1780 is the earliest known record in world history for wordform zirkon | zircon for a gemstone. Notice that all the colors in Werner's color-list are pale, and Werner does not have a pale green in his list. Later in the same book Werner has the remark: "Hyacinth. This stone is usually of hyacinth-red color, which veers sometimes somewhat towards yellow, sometimes more towards red, and often instead a little towards brown. It seldom occurs in a whiter color (Zirkon)." – Book in Swedish-to-German translation, ''Versuch einer Mineralogie'' by Axel Cronstedt, with integrated commentary in German by Abraham Gottlob Werner, year 1780, First Volume, First Part, on page 162. Werner's comments are printed in slightly indented paragraphs.ref. Thereby Werner in 1780 is parenthetically saying Zirkon means a paler hyacinth stone. In numerous mineralogy authors in later years, in descriptions of the colors of the zircons of Ceylon (but not the zircons of Europe), the colors green-grey and olive-green are put near the top of the list of colors; e.g. ''Versuch einer Mineralogie'', Volume 2, 1st part, by FJA Estner, year 1795. This book was heavily overall influenced by Werner. The colors of ''zirkon'' are on page 35-36. The book says on page 39 that the only place where ''zirkon'' occurs natively is Ceylon. In other books starting around year 1800 the word zirkon includes the zircons from France and Norway, whose colors differ from the zircons from Ceylon.1795 German. And for the zircons of Ceylon, "the colours are sometimes dark, sometimes very dark" Book ''System of Mineralogy'' by Robert Jameson, year 1804, on page 29. The zircon stone is described on pages 28-32. The name WERNER occurs four times on those pages. In the book overall, the name WERNER occurs three hundred times.(ref), although more often pale. The absence of greens and darks in Werner's color-list in 1780 is one of the items of evidence that Werner possessed the name zirkon before he used it for the zircons of Ceylon. It contributes an item to the body of evidence that the name zirkon was derived from, and was originally identically synonymous with, zargone | giargone | jargon. More evidence comes from a student of Werner's, namely Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten. Karsten studied under Werner for four years, 1782-1786 Biography of Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten (born 1768, died 1810) translated from German to English : ''Biographical Account of Mr. Karsten'' in journal ''Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy...'', volume 1, year 1813, pages 161-163. The German text was an obituary in 1810 or 1811 in journal of ''Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin''.(ref). Between 1787 and 1790, Karsten, more so than Werner, wrote up and published the applications of Werner's methods for classifying minerals, including zircon. Werner's own 1780s publications are low in volume and are focused on methodology, not specific minerals. Karsten wrote about the zircons of Ceylon in a German mineralogy journal in 1787, in an article where his Zirkon exclusively means zircon from Ceylon ''Ueber Herrn Kirwans Anfangsgründe der Mineralogie'', by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten, year 1787, in journal ''Magazin für die Bergbaukunde'', volume 4, on pages 100-101(page 100-101). In this journal article, Karsten says Zirkon comes in the colors "greyish and greenish white, mountain green and olive green, a veering towards a little dark yellow, yellow brown, and violet" ''Ueber Herrn Kirwans Anfangsgründe der Mineralogie'', by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten, year 1787, in journal ''Magazin für die Bergbaukunde'', volume 4, on page 99(page 99) and Karsten in this article in 1787 states that Werner back in 1780 "had perhaps not yet seen" Zirkon of Ceylon ''Ueber Herrn Kirwans Anfangsgründe der Mineralogie'', by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten, year 1787, in journal ''Magazin für die Bergbaukunde'', volume 4, on page 98(page 98).
    In 1789 Karsten published a 600-page mineralogy book. This book by Karsten has the name "Werner" 662 times and it uses the phrase "Werners Mineralsystem" 287 times. It has hundreds of citations to an unpublished text by Werner. In the unpublished "Mineralsystem" text by Werner (as cited by Karsten) and in Karsten's own book, the Zirkon stone is put in a dedicated section, and the hyacinth stone is put in another dedicated section. That departs from Werner's 1780 statement that Zirkon stones are pale hyacinth stones. Karsten says in German: German Zirkon is French Jargons.... Prior to Mr Werner, this rock is not listed by any mineralogy writer as a italicized in original German specific species. People have held it to be a variety of diamond, or of topaz, or more frequently of hyacinth. The latter meaning [hyacinth] was formerly attached to it by Mr Werner as well.... Later, Mr Werner made the argument in his mineral classification lectures that this rock [the rock-name Zirkon now specifically redefined﴿] constituted a specific distinct species, from which consequently I too provided a precise write-up of its formal characteristics.... All of these [precisely defined] Zirkone are... from the island of CeylonKarsten's book is in German, but front page carries Latin title ''Museum Leskeanum : Regnum Minerale : quod ordine systematico disposuit atque descripsit'', year 1789. Zirkon on pages 52-53. Karsten was only 21 years old when he wrote this book. He applies Werner's system to a large collection of mineral specimens collected by Werner's earlier student Nathanael Gottfried Leske (died 1786).ref, Book, ''Des Herrn Nathanaël Gottfried Leske hinterlassenes Mineralienkabinet systematisch geordnet und beschrieben'', by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten, year 1789, on pages 52-53. The book's title is translatable as ''Leske's mineral collection systematically arranged and described''.alt-link.
    The following is from a different author in a German mineralogy journal in 1787. It conveys that the wordform Zirkon was assumed to be unknown to mineralogy experts in Germany in 1787. It invokes the rare wordform Sargone in order to define the meaning of Zirkon: Zirkonen from Ceylon. Under this name is to be understood the Sargonen or Jargonen, which are distinguishable from diamonds. They are held to be hyacinths by Mr Werner.Article ''Chemische Untersuchungen des Zirkonen aus Zeilon'' by Johann Christian Wiegleb, year 1787 in journal ''Chemische Annalen für die Freunde der Naturlehre'' volume 2 page 139ref.
    A minerals book in German in 1836 says, but without proof of correctness: "The name Zirkon, earlier Cerkon, was made up by the [German-speaking] jewellers and emerged through a corruption of the [French] word Jargon" – Book ''Die Geschichte der Natur als zweite, gänzlich umgearbeitete, Auflage der allgemeinen Naturgeschichte'' Zweiter Band, by GH Schubert, year 1836, page 191ref. Other commentators have said the same. Yet other commentators have been dubious about this, for the reason that it would be phonetically irregular, as it contains more than one small but noticeable phonetic irregularity, and it comes without the documentation from the German-speaking jewellers that would remove the phonetic doubts about it. The French jargon gemstone was put into German as German wordform Jargon in science books in German in years ''Natursystem des Mineralreichs'', by Carl Linnaeus, translated from Latin to German by Johann Friedrich Gmelin, year 1777, Volume 1 page 1381777, ''Technologisches Wörterbuch oder alphabetische Erklärung aller...'', by JKG Jacobsson and others, year 1782, volume 2 on page 306, entry for ''Jargon d'Avergne'', a gemstone1782, ''Vollständige theoretische und praktische Geschichte der Erfindungen'', by JH Orell, year 1786, [Volume 1], page 655-6561786, ''Handbuch der Naturgeschichte und der Chemie'', by AF de Fourcroy with integrated additions by Johann Christian Wiegleb, year 1788, Volume 1 page 311.1788 etc, and there is the instance quoted above where it is in German in the plural Jargonen in 1787. That is a phonetically regular way of putting it into German. However, for the people who would wish to reject a derivation of zirkon from zargone | jargon on grounds of phonetic irregularity, there is no evidence by which to derive zirkon from any other source, and especially there is no historical context evidence. All known early users are taking it from Werner. Werner does not say how he arrived at it, but there is grounds to believe that Werner adopted zargone | jargon in a deliberately non-standard wordform. He said in 1780 that zirkonen is synonymous with jargons (quoted above). So, obviously, he had received jargon as a wordform. Jargon at that time had diverse and mutually incompatible meanings as a gemstone name, which made jargon unsuitable to be a stand-alone technical mineral name. Werner aimed to remove ambiguity in nomenclature. His deliberate side-stepping of ambiguity was one of the reasons why his nomenclature was adopted by Martin Klaproth, Richard Kirwan, René-Just Haüy, etc. Werner did not start using zirkon in earnest until about 1784, and then with a far more precise meaning, when he attached it to a jargon-stone of Ceylon, after identifying this jargon of Ceylon as a distinct species. It looks to me that Werner intentionally and successfully created an unambiguous technical name out of zargone | jargon by adopting it with small phonetic changes in the form zirkon. He is unlikely to be the original maker of the phonetic changes (in 1780), but he was a motivated adopter of them (in 1784), motivated to avoid jargon.
    The following four paragraphs are about the history and meanings of the gemstone name jargon.
    The wordform jargon does not occur in the medieval era as a gemstone. But there are loads of records in medieval French for the gemstone The Book of Sydrach (aka Sidrac) was composed in French in early 14th century and thereabouts. It has a long chapter about gemstones. A printed edition in year 1531 has a paragraph headed ''iargonce'' and it says : ''iargonce est une pierre qui est appellee ballays.... iarconce retrait a la couleur du ruby mais.... Saphir... rubiz... le balay... grenat... toutes icelles pierres on peult appeller iargonce.''iargonce''Les lapidaires français du Moyen Age des 12e, 13e et 14e siècles'', curated and annotated by Leopold Pannier, year 1882. ''Jargunce'' on page 222. ''Jagunce'' on pages 46, 47, & 156. ''Jagonce'' on pages 242, 280-281, & other pages.jargunce | jagunce''Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français'', under the headword jagonce, gives a handful of citations to the wordform ''jargonce'' in 12th & 13th century French meaning a gem-stone.jagonce | jargonce, which was sold in the color red or yellow or colorless ("color of clean water"). Medieval Italian gemstone giarconsia @ TLIOgiarconsia | giarconese @ TLIOgiarconese | giagonzo @ TLIOgiagonzo | iagunço in medieval descriptions was available in the color red or yellow or blue, with the red one being explicitly distinguished from the ruby gemstone and the blue one distinguished from the blue sapphire gemstone. Medieval Spanish has gemstone search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Españoliargonça (ç = z) | jargonça | girgonça | jagonça | jagonza available in the color yellow, red, or white. The white is readable as "colorless". A minerals book in Spanish dated 1250-1278 says: "la piedra que a nombre en arauigo yacoth alaazfor, & en latin iargonça amariella" Search for ''iargonça'' in the full text of ''Lapidario de Alfonso X'', dated 1250 to 1278, at HispanicSeminary.org(ref) = "the stone which is called in Arabic Photographs of the yellow ياقوت yāqūt.ياقوت الأصفر yāqūt al-ʾasfar and in Latin yellow iargonça". The medieval yellow jargonza is regardable in today's terms as a class of gemstones including yellow zircon, yellow corundum, yellow garnet, and yellow topaz. In today's chemistry these yellow gemstones are chemically distinct. But not much separates them from each other in visual appearance after cutting and polishing, and they are also not much differing in hardness. Until the late 18th century there was no knowledge base for distinguishing the zircons from the other similar-looking gemstones. Zircon and corundum and garnet and topaz each comes in a wide variety of colors. The colors are due to small quantities of chemical impurities. In many cases the color can be lightened or removed entirely by putting the stone to a high temperature over a hot fire, whereby the chemical impurities are burned off or evaporated off. This heat treatment works for zircons and for many other gemstones. A book in year 1696 in French, translated to English in 1699, says the "jargons" gemstones of the Auvergne region of France occur naturally in red and the book describes how to make them colorless and crystal clear by heating them – Book in English, ''The art of glass: showing how to make all sorts of glass'', year 1699, with jargons on pages 192-194. The English is a translation of ''L'art de la verrerie'', by Jean Haudicquer de Blancourt, year 1696 French (French was partly copied from ''De arte vitraria'' by Antonio Neri, year 1612).ref. Similarly a book in French in 1732 describes how to de-color "jargons" by heat treatment – ''Dictionnaire oeconomique'', Volume 2, by Noel Chomel, year 1732, on page 597-598ref. In French in 1740 the color of the "jargons" stones is a brilliant rouge – jargons @ ''Dictionnaire de la langue françoise, ancienne et moderne'' by Pierre Richelet (died 1698) with later expansions by other people, year 1740 editionref. Those three French books use the word jargons in the grammatical plural only. At the time of those three books, the French jargons gemstone was somewhat often in the grammatical plural, which was a vestige of its descent from the synonymous medieval French jargonce. A French encyclopedia in 1765 defined jargons (not jargon) as: "A yellow diamond, less hard than the real diamond. Jargons is also a name for gemstones of a yellowish-red, and which resemble hyacinth stones; these come from Spain and Auvergne" – Jargons @ ''Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers'', also known as Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert. Volume 8 page 461, year 1765.ref. A minerals book in French in 1774 says: "Jargon, or false diamond, is a name given to a transparent stone, ordinarily white, sometimes yellow or reddish.... It can be cut and polished in facets.... The jargon comes to us from Brazil and other places" – ''Minéralogie'', Volume 1, by Valmont de Bomare, year 1774 edition, on page 380ref. A minerals book in French in 1783 says: "There is usage of jargon to designate any stone of not much value which, after cutting and polishing, visually imitates the diamond without having its hardness" – ''Cristallographie ou description des formes propres à tous les corps du règne mineral'', by JBL Romé de L'Isle, in 4 volumes, year 1783. Link goes to volume 2 page 302.ref. The same book puts "jargons de Ceylan" into the spinel gemstone class and into the hyacinth gemstone class – ''Cristallographie'', by Romé de L'Isle, year 1783, in Volume 2 on pages 229 and 282ref. In French in 1786 a book by a reseller of gemstones has Jargon(s) two dozen times meaning gemstones that are "cooked" to blanch their color, and among things said is: "To get the best out of the Jargons of the stones of Ceylon, you must after the first cooking take out the ones that are satisfactory, and then continue cooking the remainder, and then cooking again, until the last ones are such that you don't wish to decolor them any further." – ''Le saphir, l'oeil de chat, et la tourmaline de Ceylan démasqués'', by Pierre Laporterie, year 1786, on page 61ref. As quoted earlier, Werner in German in 1780 said "jargons" are hyacinths of paler and whiter color, and he said zirkonen is synonymous with this. This could not be a useful classification category for a mineralogist, because color was mineralogically inconsequential for almost all purposes. Later in the 1780s, as already said twice, Werner redefined zirkon to designate a hyacinth-resembling stone from Ceylon that he found was mineralogically distinctive.
    A minerals & chemistry book in 1786 says in French: "A stone whose nature is not known enough for classification is Jargon de Ceylan.... It seems that the name Jargon has been given to several stones whose structure is not yet known" – ''Elémens d'histoire naturelle et de chimie'', by AF de Fourcroy, year 1786, Volume 1 page 285ref. The same author in a new and expanded book in 1801 says in French: "zircon, which is a name given to jargon de Ceylan, a species of gemstone, comparable to diamond, found in that island, and from which Mr Klaproth...." ''Systême des connaissances chimiques, et de leurs applications aux phénomènes de la nature et de l'art'', by AF de Fourcroy, year 1801, Volume 2 page 151(page 151); and "the zircon stone... encompasses the two stones which are called... jargon d'hyacinthe and jargon de Ceylan.... Samples of the hyacinth zircons are found natively in France.... Jargon is called zircon in Ceylon" ''Systême des connaissances chimiques, et de leurs applications aux phénomènes de la nature et de l'art'', by AF de Fourcroy, year 1801, Volume 2 page 289(page 289). Contrary to that last-quoted sentence, there is no evidence whatsoever that the word zircon was in use in Ceylon before it was in use in Germany, France and Britain. The European colonial power in Ceylon in the 18th century was Netherlands. The 18th century exports of gems from Ceylon to Europe went generally on Dutch ships. The word has no record in Netherlands Dutch until 50 years after it is in German and around 35 years after it is in French and English : Earliest known for zirkon | zirkoon in Dutch is 1832 per zirkoon @ ''Chronologisch woordenboek: De ouderdom en herkomst van onze woorden'', by Nicoline van der Sijs, year 2002. Reports the word's first known occurrence is in the year 1832 ''Supplement'' to the book ''Kunstwoordenboek, of Verklaring van allerhande vreemde woorden'' (year 1824), by Pieter Weiland (WEI = Weiland). Van der Sijs says Netherlands mineral word zirkoon has come from French.Chronologisch woordenboek - van der Sijs and zirkoon @ ''Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal'', year 1913. At the linked interface you have to checkmark the box labelled ''citaten'' and click on the lefthand arrows to see historical material, which includes: 1846 Zirkon, 1847 Zircoon, 1864 Zircon.Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal.
    An influential tome on mineralogy by René-Just Haüy in French in 1801 was mentioned earlier. Haüy was among the first in French to adopt zircon in place of jargon (doing so in 1797 – Article, ''Observations sur les pierres appelées jusqu'ici par les Naturalistes, Hyacinthe et Jargon de Ceylan'', par le Citoyen HAUY, year 1797 in journal ''Annales de Chimie'' volume 22. On page 170 Hauy says in French ''I am going to use only the name zircon''.ref). Haüy in 1801 said in French: "The name jargon is given, in general, to colorless gems which, after cutting and polishing, impose upon one's eyes a fake likeness to diamond.... The zircon being the stone which, in certain cases, best pretends to be diamond, it [zircon] will continue the name jargon as a proper and specific name" – ''Traité de Minéralogie'' in 5 volumes, by René-Just Haüy, year 1801, zircon in volume 2 page 478ref. In continuation from Haüy, a mineralogy textbook in French in 1813 uses zircon as a proper and specific mineralogical name and it mentions as an aside that in commerce the zircons are known as hyacinthes and jargonsBook, ''Tableau méthodique des espèces minérales, SECONDE PARTIE, contenant... extraites du Traité de Minéralogie publié par M. Haüy...'', by J.A.H. Lucas, year 1813, zircon on pages 127-129.ref. Haüy in 1817 said the stones being called hyacinthes in commerce in his experience were far more often garnet-stones than zircons, and thus the name hyacinth was not a carrier of mineralogical specificity – Article ''What is Jacinth? A gemmologist's point of view'', by Grenville Millington, circa year 2016. The three wordforms JACINTH IACINTH HYACINTH are exactly synonymous when meaning a gem-stone. Greek letter υ with dotting is ϋ, and this does not match Roman letter ü on machine search. The article has 8 instances of Haϋy where the ϋ is the Greek ϋ and it has 2 instances of Haüy where the ü is the Roman ü.ref.
    The parentage of the medieval Latinate jargonce is a little foggy but it is understood for the main part. Jargonce is from the synonymous medieval jagonce. A 10-page article about the parentage of medieval jagonce is ''Etymologisches.... Altfranz. jagonce'' by Hugo Schuchardt in journal ''Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie'' Volume 28 pages 146-156, year 1904"Altfranz. jagonce" by Hugo Schuchardt, year 1904 in journal Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. In the medieval era, the following words all designated gemstones and were roughly equivalent to each other semantically, and they are all judged to be descendants of the same ancient gemstone name: Latinate jagonce | iagonce, Latinate jargonce | iargonce, Latinate jacinte | iacinte, Latin hyacinthus, Syriac ܝܩܘܢܕܐ yaqūndā | yuqūndā, Syriac ܝܘܩܢܬܐ yūqantā, Arabic ياقوت yāqūt (Arabic plural يواقيت yūāqīt), Armenian yakint, Armenian yakund, Persian یاکند yākand, Greek ὑάκινθος yákinthos | huákinthos. You cannot get the Latinate jagonce phonetically out of the Latinate jacinte; i.e., getting "-go-" out of "-ci-" would be non-compliant with the patterns of phonetic mutations that occurred within medieval Latinate. Phonetically, by rules of regular mutation, the Latinate jagonce | iagonce is closely near an unattested Latinate yaconta. It is closer to the Syriac yaqūndā & Armenian yakund than to the other wordforms above. The medieval Syriac yaqūndā | yūqantā gemstone has plenty of records – ܝܩܘܢܕܐ yaqūndā @ ''Thesaurus Syriacus'' by R Payne Smith, year 1879, on page 1622, at the bottom of the page. It cites a half dozen medieval Syriac texts with this word. Preface pages iii - v have the definitions of the abbreviations used for citing the names of the texts. Alt-link to page 1622: dukhrana.com/lexicon/RPayneSmith/index.php?p=1622 ref-1, ܝܘܩܢܬܐ yūqantā @ ''Thesaurus Syriacus'' by R Payne Smith, year 1879, on page 1584 at near top of pageref-2. Yaqūndā is not necessarily the parent of jagonce | iagonce but the two are closely related to each other.
    No basis is known in Arabic for deriving the medieval Latinate jargonce from Arabic. In particular, the medieval Arabic word زرقون zarqūn is ineligible on phonetic grounds, and on semantic grounds. Zarqūn meant Red Lead (Pb3O4), which is a red mineral powder, not a gemstone. Ibn Baklarish (lived c. 1100) defined zarqūn as Red Lead –  details Red Lead is a Lead Oxide. It is made from Lead metal by heating the Lead metal to a controlled high temperature in oxygenated air. Ibn Baklarish says: When Lead metal is put in a fire and highly heated, it becomes a changed substance called زرقون zarqūn whose color is red. Additionally Ibn Baklarish says: zarqūn is يصنع من الاسرب بالنار = ''made from Lead by fire''. The above info is in Ibn Baklarish's book Mostaʿīnī, aka Kitāb al-Mustaʿīnī, as Arabic ''zarqūn'' is in the editor's glossary in ''Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne par Edrīsī... avec un glossaire'', by R. Dozy & M.J. de Goeje, year 1866, on page 312-313. Edrīsī (aka al-Idrisi; died c. 1165) used word زرقون ''zarqūn'' meaning a mineral, but he did not give it further definition.reported by Dozy & De Goeje, year 1866, on page 312-313.. Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) did the same –  details Ibn al-Baitar says زرقون zarqūn is synonymous with سيلقون saylaqūn and أسرنج asrinjref: page 37 & page 403زرقون = أسرنج @ الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار. Ibn al-Baitar reports that asrinj has red color and is obtainable from White Lead by toasting. Therefore the meaning of asrinj given by Ibn al-Baitar is Red Lead. The same definition for أسرنج asrinj is surfaceable online in some other medieval Arabic sources. Meanwhile, Arabic sources that define سيلقون saylaqūn as Red Lead are cited at Dozy & Englemann's Glossaire, year 1869, on pages 225-226, and this is also surfaceable in Arabic dictionaries in the spelling سَلَقُون salaqūn.. Berggren's French-to-vernacular-Arabic dictionary in year 1844 defined vernacular زيرقون zīrqūn as synonymous with vernacular زنجفر zunjufr | zinjafr = "Mercury Sulfide and Red Lead" ''Guide Français–Arabe Vulgaire'' also titled ''Dictionnaire abrégé Français–Arabe'', by J. Berggren, year 1844, reflecting the vernacular Arabic in use in Syria and Egypt in 1844. Dictionary's entry for French word VERMILLON on page 795-796.(Ref). Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-to-English dictionary year 1852 defined زرقون zarqūn as vermilion زرقون @ Johnson's Richardson's Arabic-Persian-English dictionary, year 1852(Ref) aka Mercury Sulfide, a red mineral that was crushed to a powder and used for purposes like the purposes of Red Lead; i.e., it was used as a red colorant in paints. Zarqūn's meaning as powder in Arabic is without compatibility with zirkon's meaning as gemstone in German. Some English dictionaries today summarily claim that the German zirkon was descended from the Arabic zarqūn | zīrqūn. They are badly mistaken and they are utterly unsupported by the criteria of historical context and documented semantics. The difference between a mistake and a bad mistake is that the bad mistake has negligence about the context.
    In summary, zircon's first known record is in Abraham Gottlob Werner and all context evidence is he got it from the 18th century Latinate zargone | jargon, which was in continuation from the medieval Latinate jargonce, which was from the Latinate jagonce. Zirkon has to be an alteration of zargone because this is strongly and richly supported by every aspect of the semantics and history, whereas the phonetic irregularity is not strong enough to cast reasonable doubt upon it.
  194. ^ dura mater

    Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) has a 4-page chapter on the composition of the membranes situated on the interior of the skull. It is in Latin at Constantinus Africanus's translation ''Pantegni'' (theorica part) is alternatively titled ''De Communibus Medico Cognitu Necessariis Locis''. In year 1539 edition published at Basel, it discusses the dura mater on page 46 and pages 56-58.Ref, and another Latin edition is at Constantine the African's translation ''Theorica Pantegni'' is in the Helsinki manuscript Codex EÖ.II.14, which is a physical manuscript dated 3rd quarter of 12th century. The link has the word-searchable transcription of this manuscript. It has the inflected Latin wordforms: dura mater, dure matri, dura matre, duram matrem, durę matri, dure matris, mater dura, dura enim mater, durę matris, all meaning ''dura mater''. Also has pia mater, mater pia, matrem piam, etc.Ref. This was the place of birth of the term dura mater in Latin anatomy. Constantinus was fluent in Arabic and most of his content was translated from Arabic. For his content on dura mater, his Arabic source was Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi (died c. 990) – Article, ''Constantine's pseudo-Classical terminology'', by Gotthard Strohmaier, having dura mater on pages 95-96, published in the book ''Constantine the African and ʻAlī Ibn Al-ʻAbbās Al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related Texts'', by various authors, year 1994ref. Constantinus's chapter with dura mater also has the first known instance of the Latin term pia mater, which in Latin literally means "pious mother, and delicate mother", and which for Constantinus had the same meaning as it has in English today (i.e. a certain thin membrane lying between the brain and the skull), and this too was a loan-translation from Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi. The pia mater was الأمّ الرقيقة al-umm al-raqīqa = "thin mother, and delicate mother" in Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi. Constantinus's translations were widely circulated in the later-medieval centuries in Latin medical circles. Early adopters of the terms dura mater and pia mater include William of Conches (died c. 1154) and Roger Frugard (died c. 1195). The ancient Greek medical writer Galen (died c. 200 AD) was acquainted with the dura mater and the pia mater, which Galen named in Greek sklera meninx (literally "hard membrane", naming the dura mater) and lepte meninx (literally "thin membrane", naming the pia mater) – ancient Greek μῆνιγξ in Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of ancient Greek, year 1925. The lexicon translates ancient Greek to modern English. The lexicon cites Galen with the abbreviation ''Gal.''μῆνιγξ. For the medieval Arabic writers on medicine including Ali Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Majusi, the writings of Galen were the most quoted and requoted antecedent source for their knowledge of anatomy. For the early medieval Latins, much of the writings of Galen were unknown and not in circulation – although a subset was in circulation. The later-medieval Latins were introduced to more Galen from Arabic sources. Subsequently the Latins sought and found more Galen in Byzantine sources.
  195. ^ sine

    The origin of the medieval Latin word's semantics is summarized by several modern English dictionaries at sine @ TheFreeDictionary.com. Compare medieval Arabic جيب jayb in Rootword جيب @ Lane's Arabic-to-English Lexicon, year 1865Lane's Arabic Lexicon against classical Latin sinus in Latin-to-English dictionary by Lewis and Short, year 1879Lewis & Short's Latin dictionary.
  196. ^ scarlet

    The word scarlet was in every Western European language in the late medieval era. Its original meaning was a luxury woolen cloth that was smooth, dense and heavy. In medieval Latin it was usually spelled scarlata. The following twenty paragraphs have information about the word's early history. These paragraphs are ultimately only interested in the question of where the medieval European word came from. My conclusion will be that it came from Germanic rootwords.
    The earliest known record for the word comes from the Burgundy region in east-central France about year 1100 in Latin: "de scarlata rubea tunicam unam" = "one tunic of red scarlata [cloth]" – In Latin : ''Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny'', Tome 5, year 1894, scarlata on page 154. The curator on page 153 says the date assessment is ''1100, environ''. In the text, the Latin ''in Eduensi pago'' translates as ''in the district of Autun'' in central France. The town of Autun is about 80 kilometers from the town of Cluny. The Latin ''in Matisconensi pago'' is today's Mâcon district near Cluny.ref, ''Cartae Cluniacenses Electronicae'' : Text searchable database of the Charters of the Abbey of Cluny (802-1300). Search for ''scarlata''.alt-link. In the Burgundy region in Latin in year 1146 the rules of the Cluniac monastery organization prohibited the monks from wearing "scarlatas, or A medieval species of woolen cloth. The name is now obsolete. Its definition is in only low resolution in its medieval records. barracans, or luxury woolens which are made at Ratisbon also known as Regensburg [city in Bavaria], or embroidery." – Book in Latin, ''Bibliotheca Cluniacensis'', year 1614, publishes medieval documents. The relevant document is monastic rules titled ''Statuta Congregationis Cluniacensis''. The word ''scarlatas'' is in rule number XVIII on page 1359. These monastic rules were issued in year 1146 when the abbot of Cluny monastery was Peter the Venerable (died 1157).ref.
    The book written by Eunice Rathbone Goddard, 263 pages, focused on the semantics of clothing wordsWomen's Costume in French Texts of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries (year 1927) cites escarlate in nearly ten late-12th-century poets writing in French. One of them is Chretien de Troyes (died c. 1190) whose poems have at least ten instances of escarlate meaning a type of luxury cloth – ''Dictionnaire Électronique de Chrétien de Troyes'' is a searchable collection of the writings of Chrétien de Troyes (home page : http://www.atilf.fr/dect/ )ref. A handful more French poets of the late 12th or very early 13th century can be added to those citations – ref: escarlate @ Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français (DÉAF)escarlate @ DÉAF. At that time, escarlate was a woolen cloth that was used to make a cloak or overcoat most often, and much less often to make other outer garments (Norman French poem ''Roman de Tristan'' by Béroul, dated later 12th century, has ''les sorchauz d'une escarlate'' = ''leggings of scarlata cloth''. The same poem elsewhere has a cape cloak made of ''escarlate''.e.g., High German poem ''Parzival'' by Wolfram von Eschenbach, dated 1205-1210, has ''scharlachens hosen rot'' = ''Red leggings of scarlata cloth''. The same poem elsewhere has a mantel cloak made of ''scharlachen''. Medieval High German ''scharlachen'' was synonymous with medieval French ''escarlate'' and medieval Latin ''scarlata''.e.g.), and was worn by both sexes. A large body of late 12th and early 13th century French chivalric romance poetry exists and has been published. This poetry has frequent mentions of a person's clothing. It often mentions cloth being of silk, or else being of escarlate, and the cloth's color is often mentioned. The frequency of escarlate in the poetry of that time & place, and the way it is used in the poems, shows that it was widely fashionable among wealthy people, and people were often wearing it in preference to silk. The earliest securely dated instance in French is not until the 1160s. Thus, apparently, it became fashionable rapidly -- but the quantity of poetry greatly increases in the late 12th century in French. The colors of the silks were to a large degree the same as the colors of the escarlates: The reds, and secondly reddish-purples and reddish-browns, were by far the most popular colors. Other colors can be found, but not often.
    Around year 1214 a discussion of kermes red dye says in Latin: "The kermes red dye does dye the luxury cloths of kings, either silks, as ''Samit'' is a species of silk cloth frequently mentioned in 13th century western European texts. Now an obsolete word in English, examples of ''samit'' in later-medieval English are in the Middle English Dictionary. In medieval Latin this word was ''examitum'', also ''samitum'', @ http://DuCange.enc.sorbonne.fr/ samits, or woolens, as scarlata" – Book ''Otia Imperialia'' by Gervasius Tilberiensis talks about kermes red dye in a paragraph headlined ''De vermiculo''. Book was written c. 1214. It was printed in year 1707 in Volume 1 of the series ''Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium''. Relevant page is Volume 1 page 978. The curator has an endnote in Volume 2 page 781. The endnote says the spelling is SCHARLATA, SCARLATTA, SCARLETA, ESCARLETA, depending on the manuscript.ref, scarlatum @ Du Cange's Glossary of Medieval Latin quotes ''scarlata'' in the book ''Otia Imperialia'' by Gervasius Tilleberiensis aka Gervase of Tilbury (died c. 1222-1232)alt-ref. The following are links to medieval texts having scarlata cloths in one of the lesser-used colors, showing that red color was not part of the definition of scarlata: ۝ Long French ballad ''Chronique des ducs de Normandie'', by Benoit, dated about year 1174, has ''d'un mantel d'escarlate gris''. Same author, Benoit de Sainte-Maure, wrote a different long ballad, ''Roman de Troie'', about 1165, which has the same phrase ''un mantel d'escarlate gris''.gray scarlata circa 1174, ۝ Account books of the king of England in year 1178 have Latin ''pro j pallio de nigra escarlata'' = ''for 1 pallium cloak of black scarlata cloth''. This is cited under scarlatus @ Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (''DMLBS''), year 2013.black scarlata 1178, ۝ Long French ballad ''Perceval'' by Chretien de Troyes has ''escarlate peonace'' or ''escarlate paonace'' meaning scarlata cloth of the color ''paonace''. The color-name was formed from ''paon'' meaning peacock. Godefroy's dictionary says the color was ''a nuance of blue violet-purple reminiscent of peacock plumage''. Explicit medieval descriptions of the color-name are unknown, even though name has plenty of records.blue-ish purple-ish scarlata circa 1180, ۝ Norman French poem ''Guillaume de Dole'', about year 1210, has ''escarlate noir come meure'' = ''scarlata cloth dark as dark mulberry''. The word ''meure'' is alternatively translatable as ''blackberry'' (per www.Anglo-Norman.net). The poem is quoted in ''Women's Costume in French Texts of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries'', year 1927.dark red-purple scarlata circa 1209, ۝ Norman French poem ''Guillaume de Dole'', date assessed about year 1210, has ''une escarlate violet[t]e'' which means a violet-colored scarlata clothviolet scarlata circa 1209, ۝ High German ''brûn scharlachen'' means ''brown scarlata cloth''. It is in three well-known poems of early 13th century. They are the poems ''Parzival'' and ''Willehalm'' by Wolfram von Eschenbach, and the poem ''Wigalois'' by Wirnt von Grafenberg. They are quoted in the book ''Historisches Lexikon deutscher Farbbezeichnungen'', year 2013, on pages 67 and 161.brown scarlata 1205-1220, ۝ Year 1210 Latin at seaport of Genoa : ''scarlate brunete, quas porto negotiatum Ultramare'' = ''brownish scarlata, which I am bringing to the far side of the sea for resale''. Published in ''Notai Liguri del sec. XII e del XIII : Lanfranco (1202-1226)'' Volume #1, curated by Krueger & Reynolds, year 1951, on page 334.brown scarlata 1210, ۝ Norman French poem ''Le Roman des Aventures de Fregus'', by Guillaume Le Clerc, is dated 1200-1240. An edition published in 1841 has ''une escarlate blanche''. An edition published in 1872 has ''une eskerlate blance''. The two editions copy from different medieval manuscripts. The 1872 edition is at ''Fergus Roman'' @ archive.org/details/fergusromanhrsgv00guiluoft white scarlata circa 1225, ۝ Enumeration of cloths in a short Latin text, dated 1230s, location England, includes : ''habeat scarletam nigram, albam vel virede coloratam'' = ''let him have black, white or green-colored scarlata''. The Latin is on page 519, and modern English translation is on page 524, in article ''Shops and Shopping in the Early Thirteenth Century: Three Texts'', by Martha Carlin, in book ''Money, Markets and Trade in Late Medieval Europe'', by various authors, year 2007.black scarlata circa 1230s, ۝ A year 1266 French inventory list includes an item ''la cote et le corset d'escarlate poonnace''. Poonnace = paonace = peonace. The inventory list is published in an article titled ''Inventaire et Comptes de la succession d'Eudes, Comte de Nevers (Acre 1266)'', curated by Chazaud, year 1871.blue-ish purple-ish scarlata 1266, ۝ A household inventory list in year 1278 in northern Italy includes : ''supercotum scarleti pro domina cum penna varia. mantellum scarleti albi pro domina sine floratura. supercotum scarleti virmilii pro domina cum penna. iupam unam cendati vermilii pro domina.'' Published in ''Atti della Società Ligure di storia patria'' Volume XXXI Fascicolo 2, page 208, year 1903.white scarlata 1278, ۝ Long ballad titled ''Weltchronik'' by Jans der Enikel, aka Jansen Enikel, dated 1270-1290, in High German, has ''scharlach wîz'' (on three pages) and ''wîzem scharlach'' (on page 567 at line number 28545), where ''wîz'' and ''wîzem'' mean white (today's German ''weiss''), and ''scharlach'' means the medieval woolen cloth scarlata. Text curated by Philipp Strauch, year 1900. Link goes to scharlach in book's word index.white scarlata circa 1280, ۝ Valuable goods at the Vatican were put in an inventory list in 1295 and the list includes: ''xxxj brachiatas scarlati rubei.... xlij brachiatas de scarlato albo.... xxxj brach. de scarleto rubeo.... de scarlato albo xxviij.'' List published in 1880s in six installments under title ''Inventaire du trésor du Saint-Siège sous Boniface VIII (1295)'', curated by Molinier. The linked file is installment #5 only.white scarlata circa 1295, ۝ Norman French tale ''Fulk Fitz Warine'' (or ''Fouke le Fitz Waryn'') has : ''se vestirent de un escarlet vert'' = ''they clothed themselves in green-colored scarlata''. It is on page 128 in edition year 1855 curated by Thomas Wright. The 1855 edition has French-to-English translation on same page as French.green scarlata circa 1300, ۝ ''Glossaire archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', Volume 2, by Victor Gay, completed by Henri Stein, year 1928, on page 112, quoting from a French inventory dated 1328: ''Un mantel à alemant rond, d'escarlate violet.... Un mantel à alemant de escarlate noir.'' (Alemant = Allemand).a violet scarlata and a black scarlata, 1328, ۝ Article, ''Un inventario del rey Jaime III de Mallorca (1349)'', by JN Hillgarth, in journal ''Studia Lulliana'' aka ''Estudios Lulianos'', Volume 30, year 1990. Year 1349 inventory has ''unum corssetum muliebre de scarlata alba.... Item, unam tunicam de scarlata alba muliebre.... Item, unum alium cossetum muliebre de scarlata rubea.'' Altlink : core.ac.uk/download/153143739.pdf white scarlata 1349, ۝ In an expenditure record on 29 May 1364, the King of Navarre bought ''une houpelande longue d’escarlate noire fourree de cendal ynde''. Published in the series ''Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco'' in the subseries ''Archivo General de Navarra (1349-1387)'' in Volume III : ''Documentación Real de Carlos II (1364-1365)'', curated by Ruiz, year 1998/1999, published by Eusko Ikaskuntza. Altlink : core.ac.uk/download/11501949.pdf black scarlata 1364. Usually a scarlata cloth was all one color. In year 1316 the king of France bought escarllate cloths in the colors pink, vermilion, dark red, and violet, each cloth only one color – ''Comptes de l'argenterie des rois de France au XIVe siècle'', curated by L. Douët-d'Arcq, year 1851. Publishes money account books for personal inventory of royal family. Chapter ''Compte de Geoffroi De Fleuri'' on pages 7 to 55 is dated 1316. It has : escarllate rosée, escarllate vermeille, escarllate mourée, escarllate viollète. The linked copy is searchable but has OCR errors.ref. In a few 14th century records the scarlata's color was variegated or multi-colored; e.g. ''Scarlet Motle'' @ Middle English Dictionary, where ''motle'' meant motley, mottled, variegated color.circa 1396. A chronicler in the 1380s wrote in French: "And there was on this day the king of Portugal dressed in a white escarlatte having a red Cross of Saint George" – Book ''Chroniques'' by Jean Froissart (died 1405) has ''vestu de blanche escarlatte'' in the spelling in a certain early manuscript. Some other manuscripts of this book have spelling ''vestu de blance escarlate'' ( www.dhi.ac.uk/onlinefroissart/ ).ref. A person's scarlata garment is explicitly stated to be a red color in a large number of medieval texts. In contrast, the number of texts where the scarlata is explicitly stated to be woolen is much smaller. This reflects that scarlata was a woolen by definition, and was not red by definition. No examples are known of a non-woolen scarlata cloth during the first 200+ years of the word's records. Also, no early examples are known of this word used as an adjective; it is a noun. Scarlata meaning "red color" can be found in the late 13th century and increasingly in the 14th and 15th, concurrently with continued meaning as a dense, smooth and pricey woolen cloth. The meaning as cloth continued into the 16th century. Description of the town of Placentia in Italy written in year 1388 in Latin: The ladies wear clothing long and large of velvet silk with kermes red dye, and silk cloth with golden metal thread work, and cloth with goldwork, and cloth of silk muchly/only, and cloth of scarlata wool with kermes red dye, and In its context it is a noun meaning a kind of cloth. The cloth is not well defined. But it is related to medieval Italian ''paonazzo'' & ''pagonazzo'' meaning a certain color. The color is not well defined but it was a blend of red dye and blue dye. paonacio with kermes red dye, and other luxurious draperies of wool.Text ''De Moribus Civium Placentiae'' is a chapter in the book ''Chronicon Placentinum'' by Johannes de Mussis (died soon after 1402; aka Giovanni de Mussi). The chapter is dated 1388. Published in ''Rerum Italicarum Scriptores'' Volume XVI, edited by Muratori, year 1730, at column 579. Says at column 579: ''de panno de lana scarlata de grana, & de paonacio de grana, & de aliis nobilissimis drappis de lana''.ref in Latin.
    The word has loads of records in High German in the late 12th and early 13th century spelled scarlachen | scharlachen | scharlach meaning the scarlata cloth. Around two dozen of those records are cited and quoted in Book by William Jervis Jones. On pages 160-161 the book has a good collection of the word's early records in German.Historisches Lexikon deutscher Farbbezeichnungen, year 2013. Around a dozen of them are quoted in Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch''Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch'' by Matthias Lexer, year 1878, has citations for around two dozen records from the 12th and 13th centuries, around half of which are from the 12th and early 13th, year 1878. The earliest in High German is in the poem Rede vom Heiligen Glauben by Arme Hartmann, dated about 1150. Its estimated composition date of 1150 is reported at Book, ''Killy Literaturlexikon: Autoren Und Werke Des Deutschsprachigen Kulturraumes'', Volume 1, year 2008, on page 200ref, Book, ''Medieval Listening and Reading: The Primary Reception of German Literature 800-1300'', by D.H. Green, year 1994, on page 226ref, Book, ''Historical Dictionary of German Literature'', by William Grange, year 2011, on page 140ref. It contains "zindal @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' von Benecke Müller Zarncke, year 1866cindal unde samit @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' von Benecke Müller Zarncke, year 1866samit di scarlachen damit " = "cendal and samit the scarlata therewith", where cendal and samit were medieval luxury cloths of occasionally unstable definition but they were nearly always kinds of silk. The next earliest in High German is in the poem König Rother, dated about 1160 (Book, ''King Rother and His Bride'', by Thomas Kerth, year 2010, on page 21ref for date), which has scarlachin in a list of expensive clothing. Around year 1190 the poem Tristrant by Eilhart von Oberg has it spelled either scharlachen or scharlach, depending on the manuscript. It is relevant that in medieval High German lachen @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'', by Benecke, Müller & Zarncke, year 1866lachen = "cloth", and a lesser-used High German lach = "cloth" occurs also. Poems Erec and Iwein by Hartmann von Aue, about 1190-1200, have "ein scharlachen" where ein = "one". Scharlachen was generally not a grammatical plural. Poem Wigalois by Wirnt von Grafenberg, date assessed about 1210 (Book in English, ''Wigalois: The Knight of Fortune's Wheel'' by Wirnt von Grafenberg, translated from German by J.W. Thomas, year 1977, with an introduction. The introductory pages 3 - 7 review the evidence about the date.ref for date), has both scharlachen and scharlach as wordforms, it has five instances, and one of them is "the ladies... wore well-cut cloaks of brown scharlachen" Wigalois has: ''die stolzen frouwen... Die vuorten [= fürten = führten] kappen wol gesniten von brunem scharlachen''. Edition at the link was done in year 1819. More recent, re-worked editions exist.(ref). Many of the early records in High German are in chivalric ballads influenced by French models. But Rede vom Heiligen Glauben is a pious religious poem. König Rother is a legend ballad uninfluenced by French models Book ''A Preface to the Nibelungenlied'', by Theodore M. Andersson, year 1987, on page 68 and on many other pages -- search for the poem title ''Rother''(ref). Please notice that the dates of those two early German poems are slightly earlier than the earliest securely dated instance in French.
    Arnold von Lübeck (died c. 1212) was a chronicle writer who lived in northern Germany and wrote in Latin. In a published edition of his Chronica Slavorum, the word occurs once as scarlacco and twice as scarlatto. Arnold von Lübeck says: when Heinrich the Duke of Saxony & Bavaria visited Byzantine Constantinople in year 1172 he sent gifts in front of him to the king at Constantinople, the gifts were chosen to represent nearly the best modes of Saxony & Bavaria, and the gifts included beautiful horse's saddles, cloths of scarlacco, and cloths of fine linen – Book in Latin : ''Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum'', by Arnold of Lübeck, completed at or before 1210, curated by I.M. Lappenberg, year 1868, word ''scarlacco'' on page 18ref. The king's wife at Constantinople reciprocated with gifts of samit silk cloth, representing the best modes of the Byzantines – Book in Latin : ''Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum'', by Arnold of Lübeck, completed at or before 1210, curated by I.M. Lappenberg, year 1868, word ''samitt__'' on pages 20-21ref, Book, ''Courtly Culture: Literature and Society in the High Middle Ages'', by Joachim Bumke, year 1991, on page 133alt-ref. Arnold von Lübeck elsewhere says that the people living in Denmark "nowadays" (late 12th century) imitate the Germans in their clothing style, including in wearing scarlatto, and he says the scarlatto in Denmark is purchased from foreign merchants – Book in Latin : ''Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum'', by Arnold of Lübeck, completed at or before 1210, curated by I.M. Lappenberg, year 1868, word ''scarlatto'' on page 77ref. In year 1225 the king of Denmark was captured by a warlord from north Germany. A king's ransom was agreed for the release of the king from captivity. The ransom agreement was written in Latin. One of the things paid in the ransom was enough quantity of scarlatto flandrensi to clothe one hundred soldiers – The ransom agreement is printed in book ''Codex diplomaticus Lubecensis : Lübeckisches Urkundenbuch. 1ste Abtheilung, Erster Theil'', year 1843, on page 33. In the 2nd sentence of the ransom agreement, the Latin name ''comiti Heinrico de Zverin'' means ''Count Heinrich of Schwerin'', who was the warlord whose men took the king of Denmark captive. Schwerin is located 30 kilometers from the Baltic Sea and 60 kilometers from Lübeck.ref, Book ''Jacob Sunesön af Møn'', by F Bojsen, year 1902, has an appendix in which the year 1225 ransom agreement is printed in Latin and translated to modern Danish. Page 132 has Latin ''scarlatto flandrensi''. Page 135 has Danish ''Flandersk skarlagen''.altlink. Scarlatto flandrensi meant "scarlata cloth of Flanders (West Belgium)".
    Wolfram von Eschenbach (died c. 1220) in High German has "brunez scharlach [or else scharlachen, depending on the manuscript] braht von Gint " = "brown scarlata brought from Ghent" (city in West Belgium) – Poem ''Willehalm'' by Wolfram von Eschenbach, medieval text plus translation to modern German, in an edition in year 2003. A 19th-century edition of ''Willehalm'' is at archive.org/details/wolframvoneschen00wolf ref. Ghent, a Germanic-speaking city, at that time was one of Europe's biggest manufacturing centers for woolens. Ghent was perhaps the number-one biggest in Europe for the high-quality dense woolens in particular. The nearby city of Ypres was perhaps the second biggest. A toll-tax or import-tax regulation at the city of Vienna in Austria in High German in the 13th includes: "Ten cloths of Ghent is a pack-load [packaged on the back of a mule or donkey at entrance to the city]. Eight scharlachen is a pack-load. Twelve cloths of Ypres is a pack-load." – Book, ''Die Rechte und Freiheiten der Stadt Wien'' Volume 1, curated by J.A. Tomaschek, year 1877. On page 7 it publishes a one-page text that begins: ''Ditze ist der Wienner reht von der wagenmaut'' = ''This is the Vienna regulation for the toll-tax''. The text is in a physical manuscript date-assessed 13th century.ref. The city of Lille, which is located 30 kilometers from Ypres, was another of the biggest centers of production of high-quality woollens in Europe in the early 13th century. The scarlatas exported from Ghent and Ypres and Lille will be turning up in discussion later below. However, the word's early records are a century earlier and far more numerous in High German than in Netherlands Dutch or Low German. Netherlands Dutch (includes the Germanic of Flanders) has the word from 1263 onward, and not before then. The Netherlands wordform was scarlaken = "scarlata cloth", also scaerlaken, later scharlaken. It is relevant that a vocabulary item in medieval (and modern) Netherlands Dutch is laken = "cloth". Netherlands Dutch historical dictionaries: search @ ''Historische woordenboeken op internet : De Geïntegreerde Taalbank'' : Put online by Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (''INL''). One of the things in this lexicon is a quotation for Netherlands scarlaken in year 1263.INL Historische woordenboeken and scharlaken @ ''Chronologisch woordenboek: De ouderdom en herkomst van onze woorden'', by Nicoline van der Sijs, year 2002Sijs, Chronologisch woordenboek. As reported by those dictionaries, the earliest record for Dutch linnen = "linen" is 1236, earliest for Dutch wol = "wool" is 1240, and earliest for Dutch laken = "cloth" is lachan circa 1100 with the next occurrence being laken in 1240. Those three words are assuredly ancient words in Dutch speech. They are found in writing in High German at a much earlier date, including Old High German lachen | lachanTreated under the headword LAHHAN @ ''Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch'', year 1970 and later. In the Old High German writing systems, CH and HH were two ways of writing down the same sound, and this sound was the ch sound in Bach. In other words, LACHAN was sometimes spelled LAHHAN and the spelled LAHHAN was pronounced LACHAN. = "cloth". Therefore, the 1263 starting date for the Dutch scarlaken has no power to indicate a lower bound on when scarlaken started in Dutch speech.
    In events in Netherlands-speaking Belgian Limburg & Flanders in the late 1180s, the high-value merchandise of the merchants included "scarlatas et alios pannos" = "scarlatas and other cloths" and this nugget is in a Latin chronicle whose date of writing is securely put at 1195-1196 and place of writing was Latinate-speaking Belgian Hainaut – Book in Latin : ''La Chronique de Gislebert de Mons'' (Latin author died 1224; lived in Belgium), curated by Vanderkindere, year 1904. On page 238 the chronicle says that the Count of Duras in Limburg took up warfare against the Counts of Leuven and Flanders, and he captured their merchants, and he carried away merchandise that included scarlatas.ref-1, Book in English : ''Chronicle of Hainaut'' by Gilbert of Mons (died 1224), translated from Latin to English by Laura Napran, year 2005. Translator's preface page xxviii gives the basis for the 1195-1196 date of the Latin. The full book is downloadable at https://epdf.tips/chronicle-of-hainaut.html ref-2.
    Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources has a set of instances of the scarlata cloth in England in the years 1155, 1164, 1167, 1174, 1178, 1182, 1188, 1190, in Latin forms scarlatum, scarlata, escarlata, scarleta. Half of those early instances are in the expense accounts of the king of England. The king's household bought scarlata by the old unit of measure, convertible to square meter ell and then tailors made it into garments for the royal household. The king's prime minister wore a cloak made of Book, ''Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury'' Volume 3, year 1877 (curated by JC Robertson). The volume includes the biography of Thomas Becket written in Latin by William Fitzstephen at around year 1174. Page 25 has ''scarleta'' in the main body and the curator's footnote on same page says the spelling is also ''scarlata'', depending on the medieval manuscript.scarlata or scarleta as reported in Latin around year 1174. Ref: search @ Logeion.uchicago.edu Scarlatus @ ''DMLBS'' (i.e. Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources), and the dictionary's abbreviated source identifiers are expanded in Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources : Bibliography, year 2013DMLBS BibliographyAlternative link to the DMLBS Bibliography. In case the first link dies.alt‑link ). The native language of the kings and lords of England at that time was French. Their Latin word scarlata came from French.
    Southern France. The poet Bernart Marti wrote in Occitan, he lived in the northern part of the Midi-Pyrénées region of southern France, his output is dated the 3rd quarter of the 12th century Article ''Sur l'identité de quelques troubadours'', by C. Brunel, year 1954 in journal ''Annales du Midi'', volume 66 pages 244-245(ref), and he has garnir d'escarlat = "dressed in scarlata" – ''Escarlat'' @ ''Lexique roman ou dictionnaire de la langue des troubadours'', by Raynouard, volume III page 148, year 1844. Has quotation from Bernart Marti's poem titled ''A, senhors, qui so cuges''.ref. This is the earliest from southern France. Subsequent records in southern France are much less numerous than in northern France.
    This paragraph is about northern Italy. Scarlata is repeatedly at seaport of Genoa in Italy in Latin in the 2nd half of the 12th century meaning a woolen cloth imported from Belgium and far-northern France. Merchants at Genoa imported the cloth overland from northern France and resold it by sea around the Mediterranean rim. The Genoa records are in legal notarizations of commercial contracts and loan agreements, the earliest of which is in 1157. These Genoa records are more frequent from 1190 onward. They include year 1192 Latin "Book in Latin: ''Notai Liguri... : Guglielmo Cassinese (1190-1192), tomo II'', year 1938. Page 253 has year 1192 loan notarization at Genoa in which scarlata cloth was loaned to be carried from Genoa to Sicily for resale, and the loan was to be repaid in money when the borrower successfully returned from Sicily. Altlink @ https://notariorumitinera.eu/Digital_Library_Bibliografica.aspx scarlatam .i. de Lisna" = "one roll of scarlata cloth from Lille city in far-north France"; and year 1201 "scarlatas vermilias de Lisna" = "vermilion-colored scarlatas from Lille city"; and 1205 "scarllata de Ipra" = "scarlata from Ypres city in Belgium". Ref: "The Genoese Exportation of Northern Cloths to Mediterranean Ports, Twelfth Century"Article is downloadable as searchable PDF. Search it for the substring ''scarl''. The article has 34 instances of ''scarl'' as substring of scarlata. Published in journal ''Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire'', Volume 65, pages 722-750, year 1987., by HC Krueger, year 1987, 28 pages. The Genoa records are the word's earliest in Italy. The word is at Siena in Italy in Latin with date 1202 as scarlactoBook ''La Vita Privata Dei Senesi Nel Dugento'', by Lodovico Zdekauer, year 1896. Appendix I on pages 91-93 is a legal inventory text dated 1202. Page 92 has three instances of Latin ''scarlacto | scarlacti'' meaning scarlata cloth.ref. Records in Italy in the 12th & 13th centuries have no indication of the scarlata cloth being made in Italy. Nor is there any indication of it being imported from Arabic lands. Throughout Italy from 1150 to 1300 the vast majority of the very high-quality or luxury-sector woolen cloths, sold under any name, were imports from Belgium and far-northern France, and this is demonstrable from trade records and cloth price lists such as Book, ''La Draperie des Pays-Bas en France et dans les Pays Méditerranéens, XIIe - XVe siècles: Un Grand Commerce d'Exportation au Moyen Age'', by Henri Laurent, year 1935. Chapters II and III are the relevant chapters. See especially pages 76-77 for names & prices of cloths on sale at Venice in year 1265. Cloth names on page 76 have footnotes on page 77. ''Scarleto'' cloth is the most expensive cloth in the list.Ref (page 76-77). Scarlata-type cloths began to be made in Italy at Florence around maybe 1300, or maybe begining somewhat later, like 1330, and Florence was importing wool from England around that time for that purpose because the wool of Italian sheep was not good enough for the purpose of making the best woolens – Book, ''The Rise, Expansion, and Decline of the Italian Wool-Based Cloth Industries, 1100–1730'', by John Munro, year 2012. Chapter headed ''The Medieval Technology of Wool Textile Production: Woolens, Worsteds, and Serges'' has necessary information about fabrication techniques. Secondary info is in chapter ''The Transformations of Italian Textile Production from the 1330s: Tuscany and Lombardy''.ref , Article, ''Italian maritime trade with medieval England (c. 1270 - c. 1530)'', by E.B. Fryde, year 1974, republished in book ''Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance'', by E.B. Fryde, year 1983. Presents the documentation of wool exports from England to Italy from 1280s to 1380s. Also has some info on wool exports from Netherlands to Italy in same time period. On PDF pages 328 - 341.ref , Article, ''The Florentine Wool Trades in the Middle Ages: A Bibliographical Note'', by E. Dixon, year 1898 in journal ''Transactions of the Royal Historical Society'', New Series Volume XII, pages 151-179ref. In Florence in 1301, scarlatta cloth was still imported from Ypres and Ghent and other towns of Belgium and far-northern France, and perhaps was also begining to be made locally in imitation of those imports, as is seen in local regulations enacted at Florence in 1301 concerning the resale of "scarlatta de ypro... et scarlatta de guanto " = "scarlata of Ypres... and scarlata of Ghent" and "panni de ypro tincti in Florentia " = "cloth of Ypres dyed in Florence" and "tinturarum omnium pannorum exceptis pannis scarlattis Link goes to definition and examples of medieval Italian ''oricello'' @ TLIO dictionary. Italian ''oricello'' and Italian-Latin ''auricello'' are the same word, as can be seen in multiple usages of ''auricello'' in the 1301 Florence regulations.auricellis de sorte de ypro " = "dyeing all cloths, except scarlata cloths dyed with Archil dye was light purple and reddish in color. It looked good when newly applied but it soon faded under exposure to sunlight, which made it unsuitable for high-quality clothing. Maybe, in some cases, cloths were initially dyed with archil and subsequently dyed additionally with kermes red. archil lichen of the sort of Ypres" – Book in Latin : ''L'Arte dei Mercanti di Calimala in Firenze: ed il suo piu Antico Statuto'', year 1889. Publishes a long statute enacted in Florence in year 1301 regulating the cloth dyeing guild. Search for Latin stem ''scarlatt__''.ref. Throughout the 14th century, raw wool was shipped to Italy from England & Netherlands in very substantial quantities – Article, ''Italian maritime trade with medieval England (c. 1270 - c. 1530)'', by E.B. Fryde, year 1974, republished in book ''Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance'', by E.B. Fryde, year 1983. Presents the documentation of wool exports from England to Italy from 1280s to 1380s. Also has some info on wool exports from Netherlands to Italy in same time period. On PDF pages 328 - 341.ref – for use in the luxury-sector woolens-making industry in Italy. Florence became a major production center for that industry in the 14th century, at which time all the top-grade Florence woolens were made with English wool with fabrication methods that had developed in the Flanders (Belgium) area – Article in English : ''The rise of the Florentine woollen industry in the fourteenth century'', by Hidetoshi Hoshino, 20 pages, year 1983. The article summarizes key parts of a book in Italian by the same author in year 1980, the book titled L'Arte della Lana in Firenze nel Basso Medioevo : Il commercio della lana e il mercato dei panni fiorentini nei secoli XIII - XIV. ref. To repeat, in the 12th and 13th centuries in Italy the luxury woolens sector was overwhelmingly dominated by imports of Northwest European cloths made with Northwest European wool, and when luxury woolens manufacturing arose in Italy in the 14th century it was based upon imports of Northwest European wool.
    This paragraph is about Iberia. Spanish poet Gonzalo de Berceo (died between 1250 and 1268) has "samit | xamit | jamit was a medieval silk cloth xamit et escarlata", written in the context of a list of expensive luxuries – Quoted in ''Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe'', by R. Dozy and W.H. Engelmann, year 1869, on page 234. By the way, on page 380 Reinhart Dozy asserts that the Latinate word ''escarlata'' was NOT derived from an Arabic source.ref. It is certainly one of the earliest records in Iberia. (Incidentally, you can find some people reporting erroneously that manto descarlata = "mantle of scarlata" is in Spanish about year 1196 in a document called Fuero de Soria. The correct date of Fuero de Soria is later than 1256 – Article, ''El Fuero Real y el Fuero de Soria'', by Gonzalo Martínez Díez, year 1969, 18 pagesref, Article, ''El fuero de Soria: Génesis y fuentes'', by Gonzalo Martínez Díez, year 2006, 22 pagesref). A notable early record in Iberia is in a decree of the king of Portugal in Latin in 1253: "cobitus de escarlata englesa meliori.... et cobitus de melior escarlata framenga " = "a cubit of scarlata of England of the better kind.... and a cubit of the better scarlata of Flanders (Belgium)" – Publication series ''Portugaliae Monumenta Historica'' in subdivision ''Leges et Consuetudines'' Volume 1, year 1856, publishes a decree of King Afonso III of Portugal dated 26 December 1253 in which ''escarlata'' is on page 193 on lines 5 & 6. Same paragraph on lines 7-14 has cloths from ''Gam'', ''Ipli'', ''Lila'', ''Brugiis'', ''sancto Omer'', meaning Ghent, Ipres, Lille, Bruges, Saint-Omer.ref, escarlata @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena and others, online at University of Murcia year 2014alt-ref. Another early record in Iberia comes from the court of the king of Castille in 1268: "escarlata de Gante " = "scarlata from Ghent (city in Flanders)" and the same document in the same paragraph has escarlata cloths from Lincoln (city in England) and from Montpellier (city on south coast of France) – ''Cortes de los antiguos reinos de León y Castilla'', Volume 1, year 1861, on pages 65 & 66 & 67. Text has ''escarlata de Monpelser'' [= Montpellier] and ''escarlata de Gante'' [= Ghent]. It has ''escarlata de Yncola'' which is read as scarlata from Lincoln town. Lincoln town was the biggest production center for scarlata cloth in England in the mid 13th century (ref e.g. historian Carus-Wilson).ref, escarlata @ ''Vocabulario del Comercio Medieval'', by Miguel Gual Camarena and others, online at University of Murcia year 2014alt-ref. All high-quality woolen cloths arriving in Spain from Montpellier in the 13th century were made in Belgium and far-northern France – Article, ''Le rôle de Montpellier dans le commerce des draps de laine avant 1350'', by Kathryn Reyerson, year 1982, in journal ''Annales du Midi'', Volume 94, pages 17-40ref, Book, ''La Draperie des Pays-Bas en France et dans les Pays Méditerranéens, XIIe - XVe siècles: Un Grand Commerce d'Exportation au Moyen Age'', by Henri Laurent, year 1935. Search for word ''Montpellier'' in Chapters II and III.ref. The word's earliest reported instances in Catalan are in the 2nd half of the 13th century. One of the earliest in Catalan is in a taxation tariff in year 1284 in which escarlata is listed along with woolen cloths imported from named places in Northwest Europe including Ypres, Ghent, Cambrai, Paris, and England, and the escarlata is the most heavily taxed cloth in the list – Book, ''Documents sur la langue catalane des anciens comtés de Roussillon et de Cerdagne'', curated by R.J. Alart, year 1881. Has year 1284 ''escarlata'' on page 78. Same document on page 77 has ''drap de Cambray'', ''drap de Gan[t]'', ''drap d'Ipre'', and ''drap de Paris''.ref , Book, ''Llibre Verd Major de Perpinyà (segle XII-1395)'', curated by Vicent Garcia Edo, year 2010. Page 84 has ''escarlata'' in a tariff dated 1284 in a manuscript copy dated 1395. The manuscript curated by Garcia Edo differs from the one curated by Alart at the other link.alt-ref. Another of the earliest Catalan instances, around year 1288, involves a garment of escarlata owned by the king of Aragon & Catalonia and the garment is trimed with expensive fur – Book, ''Crónica del Rey en Pere e dels seus antecessors passats'', by Bernat Desclot, completed around year 1288. In the chronicle, the king donates his scarlata vestment to a messenger from far away who had brought good news.ref. In Iberia in year 1243 in Latin, a Spanish earl is described as indutus scarlato = "attired in scarlata" – Book completed in 1243, ''De Rebus Hispaniae'' by Rodericus Toletanus, aka Rodrigo Ximénez de Rada (died 1247). Book has ''scarlato'' in liber 7 cap i, which is on page 148 of volume 3 of the collected works of Roderici Ximenii de Rada, bishop of Toledo.ref, scarlatum @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin. It cites the book ''De Rebus Hispaniae'' by Rodericus Toletanus (died 1247).alt-ref – which is certainly one of the word's first instances in Latinate Iberia. In Latinate Iberia the word is hard to find in any kind of document before the mid 13th century. Then quickly it comes up in multiple kinds of documents. The chronological order of all the Latinate records in Europe is one reason why the Iberian escarlata should be judged as sourced from the commonplace later-12th-century north France escarlate. A second reason is that the word at Genoa in the late 12th meant a cloth imported from Flanders; and early 13th century French has Norman French poem ''Guillaume de Dole'', date assessed about year 1210, has ''une escarlate d'Engleterre''une escarlate d'Engleterre = "a scarlata from England"; and late 13th century French has This phrase is in a two-page text called ''De l'Apostoile'', where it occurs along with ''saie de Bruges'', ''camelin de Cambrai'', ''pers de Provins'', each a kind of cloth. The two-page text is at folio 71 in a later-13th-century physical manuscript at Bibliothèque Nationale de France with archive number 19152. Manuscript folio 71v has ''esquarlate de gant'' at center of 3rd line at linked page.esquarlate de Gant and Book, ''Histoire de la Flandre et de ses institutions civiles et politiques jusqu'à l'année 1305'', by Leopold August Warnkönig, year 1836, quotation on page 501, and the source for the quotation is on page 500 in footnote #1.escarlate de Gant and Text, ''Tarif des marchandises qui se vendaient à Paris à la fin du XIIIe siècle'', curated by Douët d'Arcq, year 1852 in journal ''Revue Archéologique'' on page 219. Tax tariff has: ''Gant.... escarlatte dudit lieu''.escarlatte de Gant meaning scarlatas made in Ghent city; whereas French does not have scarlata coming from any part of southern Europe in the 12th-13th centuries. A third reason is that all Iberian wool was inferior to the better-quality grades of wool of Northwest European sheep. All Iberian wool during the relevant timeframe was essentially unsuitable for the purpose of making scarlata cloth because it was too hairy, not woolly enough. Iberian wool was from the churro-type sheep-breed. The Iberian merino-type sheep-breed is unevidenced before the 14th century. The 14th century merino wool was much inferior to what the merino became later. In the wool markets in Genoa and Florence in the 1390s the best Spanish wool sold for less than half the price (per weight) that the better class of English wool sold for – Book ''The Rise, Expansion, and Decline of the Italian Wool-Based Cloth Industries, 1100–1730'', by John Munro, year 2012. Refer to footnote #125 on page 106, which is within the chapter headed ''The Wool Supplies for the Florentine and Other Italian Cloth Industries during the Fourteenth and Early Fifteenth Century''.ref – and largely the same was true in 1440 – Book ''La pratica della mercatura scritta da Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano'', dated around year 1440, printed in year 1766. On page 86, for valuations for imported commodities, for taxation purposes in Tuscany, washed wool of England & Flanders is valued at 20 shillings, whereas washed wool of Garbo & Catalonia & Provence is 10 shillings. More prices for wool are on other pages.ref. That was after the merino breed's wool had been introduced to the markets. In the 12th-13th centuries, with small-scale exceptions, wool from Iberia was not even on sale in international markets, as evidenced by low rate of mention of it in legal and commerical documents in other countries. In the cases where Iberian wool is mentioned outside Iberia before the 14th century it was only used for making cheap coarse cloths – Article ''English textile towns, c.1290-c.1330'' by John Munro, in book ''Thirteenth Century England VII'', by various authors, year 1997/1999. On pages 112-113 the article says Spanish wools exported to England were amongst the very worst [wools] produced in Europe. In early thirteenth-century Flanders their use is recorded only for weaving very cheap and coarse saergen.... In 1262 the weavers of Andover [in England] had prohibited these wools in making cheap kerseys.examples. As a symptom of the low demand for it, Iberian wool is absent in the tariffs of Venice circa 1300 and absent in the cloth-quality guild-regulations of Verona in 1319 and of Bruges in 1292, while guild regulations of the Flemish and Artois here means the region in and near the Artois region in far-north France, beside Flemish Belgium. Artois textile towns of this era [13th and early 14th] permitted the use of ‘Spanish’ wools only for the very lowest quality products. I get that info from the article "Spanish Merino wools and the Nouvelles DraperiesArticle in journal ''Economic History Review'', Volume 58 pages 431-484, year 2005. Only pages 431-440 are relevant.", by John Munro, who has written more than one article about the qualities of raw wools as a factor in the very wide range of prices for woolen cloths in later-medieval Europe. In Iberia the scarlata-type woolens – meaning heavy dense smooth high-priced woolens under any name – could not have been made in Iberia before the 14th century because practically all Iberian wool fiber elements were not thin & "crimpy" & "scaly" enough to interlink enough during the "wet felting" and "heavy fulling" process in making these woolens. In other words: Too hairy. There are no signs of non-tiny imports of northern wool or of northern sheep, and simply no signs that scarlata-type woolen cloths were made in Iberia for 250 years after the word is found in Burgundy around year 1100. If woolens fetching scarlata-type prices would have been made in Iberia in the 12th-13th centuries, and sold under any name, then inescapably this would have shown up in the period's international trade records that have survived; and it does not show up (I looked for it in voluminous histories of medieval international trade and medieval woolens). To repeat, the judgement that the Spanish word escarlata was borrowed from Northwest Europe is supported by the absence of any reference to south Europe in connection with scarlata in the records of Northwest Europe of the 12th-13th centuries. The records from south Europe say the scarlata is imported from Northwest Europe and they say it is a luxury cloth worn by earls and royals. The word is on record with the royals of Norman England for nearly a century before it shows up with the royals of Iberia. The non-Iberian and non-Arabic origin of the European scarlata is further reinforceable by considering what is and is not found in Arabic texts before and after the 13th century, discussed later below.
    Scarlata's first record in the English language is at about 1275, spelled skarlet, meaning a species of cloth in the costly luxury category – scarlet @ Middle English Dictionary. The record circa 1275 says: ''ischrud wið skarlet & wið palle''. Medieval English ''palle'' meant cloth in the costly luxury category, and it is handled under the headword ''pal'' in same dictionary; palle & pal were rootwise from Latin ''pallium''. Medieval English ''ischrud'' is modern English ''shrouded'', but medievally it meant ''clothed'' not ''shrouded''.ref.
    From within all European languages, one of the first records where the word clearly carries the meaning "scarlet color" is in High German about 1280 in the poem Lohengrin. In Lohengrin a garment a person is wearing is described as scharlachvarwe = "scarlata color" from blood flowing from a deep wound in the person's body – ''scharlach-varwe'' @ Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer (1878), quoting from ''Lohengrin''. Medieval German ''varwe'' is modern German ''farbe'' = color.ref. The Germanic forms with the 'ch' or 'k' have been maintained through the centuries to today's German scharlach = "scarlet color" and today's Netherlands scharlaken = "scarlet color". Medievally the red colors of the scarlata cloths were from dyes that were not quite as "brilliant" as today's scarlet color. Post-medievally the color-name scarlet got a little more brilliant in conjunction with new red dyeing mordants for textile dyes. This contributed to the thriving of scarlet as a color-word.
    All of the paragraphs above were presenting early records of scarlata in western Europe. I am now finished with that presentation. All of the paragraphs below are presenting the argument that the word scarlata came from Germanic. The argument stands on the platform of the early records given above. Secondarily below, I also look at some non-Germanic origin hypothesis but I only do so for the sake of debunking them; and the purpose of debunking them is to peripherally reinforce the argument for Germanic origin.
    After they were woven into cloth, the scarlata-type medieval woolens were made denser and smoother by a lengthy process of shrinking (aka "heavy fulling" involving "wet felting"), stretching, teaseling (the raising of half-bound fibers), and shearing (shaving off the raised half-bound fibers). The shaving of the cloth was done with a shears or big scissors. Later pictures of the cloth shearing tool: Painting done on paper in year 1472 in Nürnberg city depicting shearing of woolen cloth. Altlink @ hausbuecher.nuernberg.de/ dated 1472 , Painting on parchment, dated about 1564, depicting a ''Tuchscherer'' i.e. a cloth shearer. Location Nürnberg.dated 1564. Later pictures of the cloth teaseling tool: Painting done on paper in Nürnberg depicting a cloth teaseler, German ''Tuchrauher''circa 1425, Painting done on paper in Nürnberg depicting a cloth teaseler, German ''Tuchrauher''1611. In the 11th century in a location in southwestern Germany, a Latin text titled Summarium Heinrici has the High German word scarlachen meaning definitely and precisely "sheared cloth" – Book, ''Das Thema Kleidung in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla und im Summarium Heinrici 1'', year 2013. On page 108 it prints in Latin the complete context where High German ''scarlachen'' occurs in the ''Summarium Henrici''. On page 109 it translates the Latin into modern German; translation by Malte-Ludolf Babin.ref (pages 108 & 109) ; Book, ''Die Althochdeutschen Glossen'', by Steinmeyer & Sievers, year 1895, Volume 3, on page 147 at lines 46-48. It reports three slightly different spellings from different medieval manuscripts of the ''Summarium Heinrici'' book, namely : scarlachen, scharlachen, scorlachin.ref-2. That word in its context was from commonplace medieval Germanic scar | schar | sker | scher | scer = "shear" and Germanic lachen | laken | lachan = "cloth". Medieval High German has badelachen = "bath cloth" (bade = "bath"), stuollachen = "upholstery cloth" (stuol ≈ "stool, chair"), linlachen = "bed sheet" (lin = "linen"), declachen | deckelachen | dekelachen = "bed blanket" (decke = "blanket"), tischlachen = "table cloth" (tisch = "table"), umbelachen = "an all-covering cloth" – lachen #1 @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'' by Benecke, Müller & Zarncke, year 1866, in the layout put online at Woerterbuchnetz.de. In this dictionary's interface at Woerterbuchnetz.de, the lefthand-side of the page gives a list of words that end in -LACHEN. The lefthand-side's word-list is scrollable downwards and when you scroll it you will see more words that end in -LACHEN. The list is also resizable to widen it rightward.ref-1, ''Die Althochdeutschen Glossen'' Volume 3, by Steinmeyer & Sievers, year 1895. It lists the German words that are translated Latin-to-German in the ''Summarium Heinrici'' Appendix (dated 12th century) and in the ''Summarium Heinrici'' main body (dated 11th century). Search for the substring LACH on pages 147-149, 174-175 & 190.ref-2. In the 11th century text Summarium Heinrici just cited, scarlachen did not mean scarlata cloth; it meant "sheared cloth". But the scarlata cloth was always sheared, i.e. teaseled and sheared, twice or more times, often four times. Repeated teaseling-and-shearing, also known as napping-and-shearing, also known as raising-and-cropping, was a distinctive aspect of making medieval luxury woolens; non-luxury woolens did not get this treatment – Refer only to the section headed ''The Medieval Technology of Wool Textile Production : Woolens, Worsteds, and Serges'', in the book ''The Rise, Expansion, and Decline of the Italian Wool-Based Cloth Industries, 1100–1730'', by John H. Munro, year 2012, 164 pages. The relevant section is on PDF pages 5 - 15 which is print pages 49 - 59.ref (PDF pages 5 - 15) , ''Le Drap ESCARLATE au Moyen Age: Essai sur l'étymologie et la signification du mot écarlate et notes techniques sur la fabrication de ce drap de laine au moyen age'', by J.-B. Weckerlin, year 1905. Search all text for French word ''lainage'' (English teaseling) and French word ''tondage'' (English shearing). Says on page 47 in French: ''The finer cloths received three or four teaselings and three or four shearings.''ref , Article, ''Les draperies bruxelloises en 1282'', by F. Favresse, in journal ''Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire'', year 1955, pages 295-316. Search text for French phrase ''lainage-tondage'', which is English ''teaseling-and-shearing''.ref. Hence, there is a proposal that the High German scarlachen = "scarlata cloth" (whose records with that meaning start mid-12th century) came from scar = "sheared" and lachen = "cloth". Further, it is proposed that the Latin scarlata & French escarlate came from the Germanic scarlachen | scarlaken | scharlachen | scharlach. Germanic here means the Germanic-speaking areas adjacent to the French-speaking areas and it includes High German. The proposal involves phonetically mutating the Germanic sound /'kh'/ or Germanic sound /k/ into a French and Latin /t/. The following set of examples shows that this phonetic mutation happened numerous times in medieval French: None of the above examples is exactly parallel with the hypothesized scarlachen | scarlach scarlate, but they are similar enough that any phonetic objection is a weak objection. Another weak objection to the scarlachen origin-hypothesis is that semantically this medieval Germanic cloth word, meaning scarlata cloth, was not synonymous with "sheared cloth". It is a fact that some of the repeatedly teaseled-and-sheared woolens were not called scarlatas, and seemingly did not come within the scope of the word. But medieval Germanic has loads of compound words where the meaning of the compound is narrower and distinct from the meaning of the components taken individually. E.g., medieval Netherlands has kemwolle @ Middelnederlandsch Woordenboekkemwolle | kemwulle componentwise literally meaning "combed wool" but in actual practice meaning "Dictionary definition of worsted yarn : Firm-textured and closely twisted woolen yarn made from long-length wool fibers and these fibers are combed. In contradistinction, non-worsted yarn is made from clusters of wool fibers that are not combed during manufacture. Worsted and non-worsted yarns differ also in the spinning method used, and differ in the kind of raw wool that is most suitable. worsted woolen yarn", synonymous with modern Netherlands kamwol @ Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, covering years 1500-1976kamwol. Medieval High German has the two words linlachen and lintuoch each componentwise meaning "linen cloth" but in practice they were two different kinds of cloth – Dictionaries of Medieval High GermanBMZ + Lexer @ Woerterbuchnetz.de. Medieval High German tuoch = today's German tuch = "cloth". Medieval High German has at least three instances of schartuoch meaning some kind of woolen cloth, definitely woolen, and probably not synonymous with scharlachenschartuoch @ ''Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch'', year 1866. It cites three medieval documents with this word. One of them is in regulations of woolen weavers in town of Freiberg in Saxony in 14th century, spelled ''schortuch''. Scharlachen was occasionally spelled scorlachin, scorlachen, schorlachen. The Freiberg regulations are at  archive.org/details/bub_gb_OxkYAAAAYAAJ  with schortuch on print page 277.ref.
    With regard to the Germanic speakers in the 12th century, looking at them in the abstract, if hypothetically they were presented with a foreign cloth-word scarlata, it would be easy to imagine them mutating it to scarlachen because for them lachen is meaningful and very suitable in meaning. Because the earliest records are in Latin with the 't', it may be conceived that scarlata begot scharlachen. However, the abstract hypothetical that the word was brought to Germany and northern France from southern Europe or from Arabic (still to be discussed below) has no support from the European historical context. Rather, the historical context indicators point to a Germanic origin. On the basis of medieval trade records, today's standard histories of the medieval woolens industry show that the region of Flanders & Artois -- meaning today's west Belgium and the far-north of France -- was the biggest exporting region in Europe for woolen cloth, including the scarlata-type cloth, in the 12th century and the 13th century. Flanders & Artois' woolens output greatly increased during the 12th and continued increasing in the 13th. Manufacturing in this region in the 12th had technical innovations in production of dense smooth woolens, notwithstanding that the industry's production methods are not in writing until the late 13th and later – the innovations are an inference from the trade records. The industry had local high-quality raw wool, and imported high-quality raw wool from England. The high-quality raw wool was a key ingredient in the industry's production methods from the begining – Article, ''La laine indigène dans les anciens Pays-Bas entre le XIIe et le XVIIe siècle. Mise en oeuvre industrielle, production et commerce'', by Adriaan Verhulst, year 1972 in journal ''Revue Historique'' tome CCXLVIII pages 281-322.ref, Book ''Ypres and the Medieval Cloth Industry in Flanders'', by various authors, year 1998, about 200 pages. Book has chapter ''Sheep-breeding and wool production in pre-thirteenth century Flanders'', by Adriaan Verhulst, 8 pages, where pages 37 & 38 are relevant. Altlink: https://oar.onroerenderfgoed.be/uitgave/4605 ref. The woolen cloths (of several kinds) manufactured in the Flanders & Artois region were a big success in Mediterranean markets in the 12th & 13th centuries – Book, ''La Draperie des Pays-Bas en France et dans les Pays Méditerranéens, XIIe - XVe siècles: Un Grand Commerce d'Exportation au Moyen Age'', by Henri Laurent, year 1935ref. The exports of the scarlatas from this region drove the word scarlata to spread from northern France to southern Europe. A 90-page rambling essay, Le Drap ESCARLATE au Moyen Age: Essai sur l'étymologie et la signification du mot écarlate et notes techniques sur la fabrication de ce drap de laine au moyen age, by J.-B. Weckerlin, year 1905, is written firstly to argue that the word's root is Germanic. In addition Weckerlin speculates that the word likely originated in the Germanic-speaking woolen industry towns in Flanders (towns Ghent, Ypres, and others). Weckerlin acknowledges that he did not find the word early in those towns. At the core of his etymology argument is the fabrication technique. For fabrication technique for woolens another reference is La Draperie Médiévale en Flandre et en Artois: Technique et Terminologie [in 3 volumes], Volume I - La Technique, by Guy de Poerck, year 1951, 342 pages. De Poerck endorses Weckerlin's contention that scarlata came from the roots scher | schar | skar = "shear" and lachen | laken = "cloth". Following De Poerck, other historians of medieval European textiles have also endorsed it; Article, ''À propos des textiles anciens, principalement médiévaux'', by Françoise Piponnier, year 1967 in journal ''Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations'' Volume 22. The scarlata textile is discussed in the article's first three pages. The article takes much of its info from ''La Draperie Médiévale en Flandre et en Artois: Technique et Terminologie'' by Guy de Poerck, year 1951.e.g. (in French).
    The following five points debunk the 19th-century idea that the medieval European word scarlata came from Persian. A 12-page article about the origin of the Latin word scarlata was published in 1913, ''Ciclatoun Scarlet'' by George Foot Moore on pages 25-36 in the book ''Anniversary Papers by Colleagues and Pupils of George Lyman Kittredge'', year 1913."Ciclatoun Scarlet" written by George Foot Moore, which argues that scarlata originated from Arabic in Iberia, with the Arabic source-word being سقلّاط siqillāṭ. Siqillāṭ is in 9th century Arabic, and is in the medieval Arabic dictionaries. Siqillāṭ was a high quality cloth carrying brocaded symbols or filigrees, i.e. brocaded cloth. It could be of any kind of material, including linen and wool, but most often it was silk. It could be of any color, especially multicolored. The same word is in medieval Arabic in the wordform سجلّاط sijillāṭ and is somewhat more frequent in that form. George Foot Moore has early examples in Arabic writings and more examples are at AlWaraq.net : Search for سجلّاط and سقلّاط and separately search for السجلّاط and السقلّاط. Most of the site's search results are in medieval texts.AlWaraq.net. George Foot Moore satisfactorily shows that this Arabic word had come into Arabic from Greek sigillatos of Late Antiquity meaning sigillatedClassical Latin sigillatus = ''adorned with little images''. The Latin dictionary of Lewis & Short in its entry for sigillatus cites ''vasa sigillata'' in Cicero (died 44 BC) with Latin vasa ≈ English ''vase''. It cites the Latin of the Codex Theodosianus law, dated 393 AD + 437 AD, in which a prohibition is declared against ''sigillatis sericis, aut textis utatur auratis '' = ''sigillated silk, or textiles using goldwork'', where goldwork means embroidery with golden metal threads. Latin sigillatus was from Latin sigilla = ''small image, small emblem'' which was a diminutive of Latin signum = ''sign, image, emblem''. Relatedly, English ''sigil'' is in English dictionaries. cloth. Medieval Arabic dictionaries have the variant wordforms سجلّاط sijillāṭ, سجلّاطس sijillāṭos, سجلط sijilat/sijlat, سقلّاط siqillāṭ, سقلاط siqlāṭ, and سقلاطون siqlāṭūnسجلّاط + سجلّاطس @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com ref  , سقلاط + سقلاطون @ ArabicLexicon.Hawramani.com ref  , search @ AlWaraq.net : Medieval Arabic dictionaries and texts ref ; and it is also in an adjectival form such as خَزٍّ سِجِلاطِىّ khazz sijilāṭī = "sigillated silk cloth" – Abū Mūsā al-Madīnī (died 1185) wrote a lexicon titled ''Majmūʿ al-Mughīth'', in which he mentions a tunic made of خَزٍّ سِجِلاطِىّ. He also says سجلط does also name ضرْب من ثياب الكَتَّان مُوشًّى = ''a type of dress made of embroidered linen''.ref. From the purely phonetic angle, it is a stretch but not too much of a stretch for the Arabic siqillāṭ to theoretically generate the Latin scarlata  details Here are four phonetic considerations: (#1) today's Arabic speech has many parallels for a wordform like the form siqillāṭ to change to the form like isqillāṭ in speech, without getting changed in writing; and (#2) a wordform like isqillāṭ in Iberia can become like the wordform sqillāṭ when it travels into Latin (e.g.: Iberian Arabic isbinākh ➜ Iberian Latinate vernacular espinac ➜ Latin spinachia ➜ English "spinach"); and (#3) a phonetic change from -LL- to -RL- is theoretically allowable as a hypothetical, because verified near-precedents for it exist in some other words (Examples are listed elsewhere on the current page in the context of showing that medieval Arabic TABOUL was the parent of medieval French TABOUR.examples); and (#4) scarlata cloth has records in the mid-13th-century in Latin spelled escallata | squalata which are quoted in Headword ''escallata'' @ Du Cange's glossary of medieval Latin. It quotes two examples from documents dated mid 13th. A third example is year 1241 in France in Latin escallata vermeillia, which is surfaceable by an Internet search.Du Cange's Glossary and the same wordform is in early-14th-century French spelled escallate | esquallate quoted in The essay ''Le Drap ESCARLATE au Moyen Age'', by J.-B. Weckerlin, year 1905, has quotations for escallate and esquallate in early 14th century French on pages 12, 44, 76, 79 & 89, all in clothing expense accounts of the Countess of Artois.Weckerlin year 1905 -- but those are relatively late, while the early wordforms are with the -RL- of scarlata.. The bigger objections to a claim that siqillāṭ begot scarlata are in the semantics and historical-context considerations. Medieval Arabic from an early date had siqlāṭ and siqlāṭūn as more-or-less synonymous variants of siqillāṭ. Siqlāṭūn was the begetter of the medieval Western European cloth name ciclaton. In medieval European records, the ciclaton cloth was very different from the scarlata cloth. The ciclaton was made from silk. At least sometimes it involved brocading with golden metal threads. It is demonstrable that the ciclaton cloths were imported to the Latins from the Arabs –  details Ciclaton's early records in the Western European languages are in Latin in Iberia in the 10th and 11th centuries as ciclaton(e)siglaton @ CNRTL.fr. Cites ciclaton in Latin documents of the 10th and 11th centuries in Castille, Catalonia and Portugal. The article indirectly gets this info about ciclatone from ''Zur Sprache der Mozaraber'' by Arnald Steiger, year 1942, 90 pages.ref, Book, ''La Terminologia Tèxtil a la Documentació Llatina de la Catalunya Altomedieval'', by Laura Trias Ferri, year 2012, on page 424. Has a section headed ''Ciclato'' and quotes six instances of ciclato or ciclaton in Catalonian Latin in the 11th century.ref. Ciclatun | ciclaton | siglaton was in French from about year 1100. The first record in French is in a war-ballad, Chanson de Roland, in which an ARABIC king gives ciclatons as a reward or payment. The ciclaton cloth is put into connection with Arabs in a number of 12th and 13th century European ballads. Four or five of those ballads are quoted from in a 16-page review of ciclaton/siglaton in French at Book, ''Tissues précieux en Occident, principalement en France, pendant le moyen âge'', by Francisque Michel, year 1852, Volume 1 (of 2 volumes), on pages 220-235.Ref: on pages 220-235. In the same review, the status of the siglatons among the silks in 12th & 13th century France is best shown by ballads quoted on Book, ''Tissues précieux en Occident, principalement en France, pendant le moyen âge'', by Francisque Michel, year 1852, Volume 1 pages 232-233pages 232 & 233. Almeria city in Arabic Iberia was a major production center for silk fabrics in the 12th century. The geography book of Al-Idrisi (died c. 1165) named السقلاطون al-siqlāṭūn as one of the types of silks made in Almeria – In Arabic : Muhammad al-Idrīsī's Description of Africa and Spain, edited by Dozy and De Goeje, year 1866, on page ١۹٧ on line 7. The linked edition additionally has translation to French on page 240 on line 3.ref. The encyclopedia of Al-Qalqashandi (died 1418) named al-siqlāṭūn as one of the types of highly expensive cloths that were stored in the treasuries storage of the caliph in Fatimid Egypt – Linked PDF file is the complete encyclopedia by Al-Qalqashandi, صبح الأعشى – القلقشندي. Al-Qalqashandi says the Fatimid caliphate's treasuries contained :
    الحواصل من الديباج الملون على اختلاف ضروبها، والشرب الخاص الدبيق والسقلاطون، وغير ذلك من أنواع القماش الفاخرة
    . The geography book of Yaqut al-Hamawi (died 1229) named al-siqlāṭūn as one of the types of cloth made in Tabriz city – Book in Arabic : ''Jacut's Geographisches Wörterbuch'' [i.e. معجم البلدان], by Yaqut al-Hamawi, curated by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld, year 1866, in Volume 1 [of six volumes]. On page ٨٢٢ (page 822) السقلاطون is on the 2nd-last line, within a paragraph about Tabriz.ref. A dozen other medieval Arabic authors with سقلاطون siqlāṭūn or السقلاطون al-siqlāṭūn are at Website has a large searchable collection of medieval Arabic texts AlWaraq.net. The Arabic siqlāṭūn was a non-silk cloth in some cases but more often it was a silk. The Latinate ciclatoun was always a silk. Essentially all the silk cloths of all types worn by the Latins of the 11th and 12th centuries were imported from the Arabs and the Byzantines. The Latins did not make any silk cloths in those centuries except for a negligibly tiny quantity in Latin Sicily – ref: chapter ''Silk in the Medieval World'' by Anna Muthesius in book ''The Cambridge History of Western Textiles'' Volume 1, year 2003.
    . When an attempt is made to demonstrate the same thing for scarlata, it fails. To repeat, Arnold von Lübeck (died c. 1212) said the making of the scarlata cloth was indigenous in Germany and the time when he said it is a century earlier than the earliest sign of scarlata being made anywhere in the Mediterranean area. Scarlata was not worn by Arabs in the ballads in French, German and Spanish of the 12th and 13th centuries that feature Arabs. It was always a dense woolen in those centuries. Writers almost never describe it as embroidered or brocaded or sigillated or carrying golden metal threads. There are a few mentions where a scarlata coat had decorated flanges at the outer edges. Only a few. There are a truly large number of mentions where a scarlata coat had the addition of fine fur trim, which is entirely different from sigillation. By every 12th century indicator in the previous paragraphs, the scarlata cloth was made in Northwestern Europe from the begining. Nothing in Latin or in Arabic indicates it was ever made in Arabic lands. George Foot Moore says the semantics of siqillāṭ begot the semantics of scarlata but he does not say how. He makes the following major error about scarlata. He says: [Within the European languages] The migrations of the word and the kinds of cloth to which the name was applied lay outside of my plan [and in other words he did not plan to research it, and he did not research it]. The inquiry into these questions would require wide excursions into the history of industry and trade. A complete solution of such problems... cannot be reached by the study of words alone; the knowledge of the things they stand for is indispensable. But the philologist may make his contribution to the subject in history of words as words, leaving the larger task to the historian of art or industry.... From Arabic siqillāṭ... comes the Spanish escarlata. He honestly thinks he, as a philologist, can correctly deduce the origin of the European word without the knowledge of the semantics, or the word's migration chronology, or the cloth's movement directions in commercial trading, or the source of the high-quality wool in the 12th century, or any manufacturing considerations. In short, the proposition that siqillāṭ begot scarlata is deficient by all three of the criteria for evaluating any etymology: the historical context (most fundamental), the semantics, and the phonetics.
    In Arabic in 1384, in either Morocco or Granada, there is اشكرلاط ishkarlāṭ as a high quality species of cloth – ''Dictionnaire détaillé des noms des vêtements chez les Arabes'', by R.P.A. Dozy, year 1845, on page 111-112, quotes a snippet from the history book الحلل الموشية في ذكر الاخبار المراكشية ''al-holal al-mawshshiya'', which is dated 1384. The full history book in Arabic is online elsewhere.ref. In Arabic in 1432 in Christian-ruled Iberia there is غرناجة من اشكرلاطة gharnāja min ishkarlāṭa Book, ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888. ''Eshkarlāṭa'' is discussed on page 190 using abbreviations. The abbreviation ''escr. ar. mud. Zar.'' on page 190 is defined on page CCXXIII under ''escr. ar. Zar'' and it is an Arabic document dated 1432.(ref) which translates as "a garnacha made from scarlata cloth", where garnacha was a medieval Spanish garnished robe whose garnishment was fur (equals medieval Italian guarnacca @ TLIOguarnaccia). Ishkarlāṭa with this meaning is in another Iberian Arabic text in 14th century (Simonet's ''Glosario'', year 1888 on page 190 same ref). We know that this Arabic word, ishkarlāṭ | ishkarlāṭa, was borrowed from the escarlata of Spanish & Catalan because: (#1) the records in Arabic are late in time, having no instance dated before the 14th century (a reputed exception will be cited below and will be labeled as a discardable anomaly), and (#2) the 14th and 15th century records in Arabic are few in number and are restricted to Iberia and Morocco in geographical location, and (#3) the few Arabic documents with this word have no sign that this cloth was manufactured in an Arabic-speaking place, and (#4) there is no generator word in Arabic that could generate Arabic اشكرلاط ishkarlāṭ, and in particular it could not come out of a variant of سقلّاط siqillāṭ because of the letter ك k in place of the letter ق q, and because of the letter ش sh in place of the letter س s, and (#5) converting Spanish letter 's' to Arabic letter ش sh in going from Spanish escarlata to Arabic ishkarlāṭ is a characteristic of Spanish-source words going into Arabic in Iberia. The set of Arabic documents written in later-medieval Christian-ruled Iberia contains: Arabic اشكربان ishkərəbān = "scribe" from Spanish escribano = "scribe" (In Arabic : ''Los mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII'' [in 4 volumes], curated and translated by Ángel González Palencia, years 1926-1930, in volume 1 on page 125, where اشكربان is in document #168 dated year 1183ref, Book, ''El dialecto andalusí de la Marca Media'', by Ignacio Ferrando, year 1995, ''escribano'' on page 107alt-ref); Arabic بشتيط bishtīṭ | بيشطيط bīshṭīṭ = "vestment, robe" from Spanish vestido = "vestment, robe" (In Arabic : ''Los mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII'', in volume 3 on pages 389, 392 and 451 (documents numbered #1018, #1020 and #1042)ref, Book, ''El dialecto andalusí de la Marca Media'', by Ignacio Ferrando, year 1995, ''vestido'' on page 112alt-ref); Arabic ميشتره اشكولة maīshtrah ishkūla = "[Roman Catholic] school master" from Spanish maestre escuela (In Arabic : ''Los mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII'', in volume 2 on page 167, being document #574 dated year 1248. The same volume has a spelling variant on page 203 in document #604 dated 1257 : ميشتره اشقولة دون جوان.ref, ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888, ''maéxtro'' on page 324, where Simonet's letter 'x' in ''maéxtro'' is pronounced /sh/ as in maéshtro.alt-ref). There was a good-quality medieval woolen cloth named in medieval Spanish saya @ ''Vocabulario del comercio medieval. Colección de aranceles aduaneros de la Corona de Aragón (siglo XIII y XIV)'', compiled by Miguel Gual Camarena, year 1968saya, medieval Catalan saia @ ''Diccionari català-valencià-balear'', by Alcover & Moll, year 1962, quoting medieval authorssaya, medieval English ''saie'', ''saye'' @ Middle English Dictionarysay | saye, medieval French saie @ ''Glossaire Archéologique du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance'', Volume 2, by Victor Gay, completed by Henri Stein, year 1928, on page 315saie, medieval German ''Sei'' @ Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch von Benecke, Müller, Zarncke, year 1866sei, and this name for a woolen cloth was borrowed late medievally into Iberian and Maghrebi Arabic as شاية shāyaشاية @ ''Dictionnaire détaillé des noms des vêtements chez les Arabes'', by R.P.A. Dozy, year 1845, page 212-213. Says: This word [شاية shāya] is absent in Arabic Dictionaries. The Arabs of Iberia borrowed this word from their Christian neighbors. It is the Spanish word sayo, saya. Gives a quote in Arabic from Ibn al-Khatib who died in 1374 and lived in Granada.ref, xáya @ ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888, on page 587, where notation ''xáya'' denotes شاية shāyaalt-ref. There are many more suchlike examples of Spanish letter 's' converting to Iberian Arabic ش sh. Many loanwords went from Spanish into Iberian Arabic during Iberian Arabic's late, declining period. A minority of them made their way into Moroccan Arabic too. They are cataloged in a 628-page book, ''Glosario de Voces Ibéricas y Latinas Usadas Entre los Mozárabes'', by Francisco Javier Simonet, year 1888, 860 pages, of which 628 pages is a lexicon.Glosario, by FJ Simonet, year 1888. A list supplementary to Simonet's catalog is Article, ''Francisco Javier Simonet y el estudio de las voces romances incluidas en los documentos mozárabes de Toledo (ss. XII y XIII)'', by Ignacio Ferrando, year 2012, in journal ''Collectanea Christiana Orientalia'', volume 9, pages 47-79Ref (year 2012).
    The four-volume collection Los mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII is a set of many short Arabic documents written in Christian-ruled medieval Iberia. The set was published 1926-1930, curated and translated by Ángel González Palencia. The documents are primarily legal contract notarizations. The notarizations write down the date as an integral part of the notarization. They use at Wikipedia : Hispanic Era, aka Caesar Era, an old dating convention in which the year 1 is today's conventional 38 BC. You subtract 38 years from the Hispanic Era year numbers to obtain today's conventional year numbers.Hispanic Caesar year numbers for the date. One document with an anomalous date is included in the set. This is Document #1001 (1001 is a document archive number and it has nothing to do with the date). Document #1001 is a one-page notarization written in Arabic in Iberia by a Christian whose mother-tongue was Arabic. It contains مانت اشكرلاتة mānt ishkarlāta = "mantle of scarlata", where the Iberian Arabic mānt represents medieval Spanish search @ Corpus Diacrónico del Español, a collection of old Spanish textsmanto = "mantle, cloak, robe", from ancient Latin mantelum | mantum with same meaning. The date on the document is شهر فبرير سنة خمس وثلثين والف as published by González Palencia on page 354 in Volume 3 of ''Los mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII''. Document #1001 is on page 354 in Arabic.Volume 3. As I read that date, it has a big copyist's error and is unintelligible. González Palencia agrees that it has a big copyist's error, but he re-reads it (page 353) to a date that would be anomalously early for scarlata in Iberia. Other people coming after him have invoked the reputed early date of this document as support for an Iberian origin for the word scarlata écarlate @ Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales(e.g.). But, just as much so as غرناجة gharnāja, شاية shāya, and مانت mānt, the medieval Iberian اشكرلاتة ishkarlāta | اشكرلاطة ishkarlāa can only be understood in Arabic as a borrowing from the Spanish. Accepting that as true, and knowing what we know about the Spanish word's records, the date of Document #1001 cannot be as early as González Palencia has re-read it. His four-volume collection includes about 200 legal notarizations that each carry a written date in which the century number is ثلثماية والف = "three hundred and a thousand" – which would be a plausible century number for Document #1001.
    In summary, the evidence is good that the medieval Latin scarlata | scarlatum (French escarlate) came from the medieval Germanic scarlachen | scarlach, with the phonetic alteration from 'ch' to 't' done by French speakers. The Germanic scarlachen was from Germanic scar and Germanic lachen.


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