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4653 Enact Main Streat Rochester, New York 14609


Compilation © 1993 University Publications of America. ' All rights reserved.

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QL Edison. fapers


PART IIT (1887-1898)

Thomas E. Jeffrey Microfilm Editor

Gregory Field Mary Ann Hellrigel Theresa M. Collins Paul B. Israel David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg Lisa Gitelman , Karen A. Detig Leonard DeGraaf Gregory Jankunis Dennis D. Madden Douglas G. Tarr Editors Reese V. Jenkins

Director and Editor

Sponsors Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution

University Publications of America Bethesda, Maryland 1993

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company.

i we Le Be

Thomas A. Edison Papers

at Rutgers, The State University - endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981

Copyright © 1993 by Rutgers, The State University

All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey.

ISBN 0-89093-702-8.

Mew Scene oo eee,

nents hak etitementin tistics ett

Associate Editor


Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor

Thomas E. Jeffrey Associate Director and Microfilm Editor

Robert A. Rosenberg Managing Editor, Book Edition

Helen Endick Assistant Director for Administration

Assistant Editors

Paul B. Israel Keith A. Nier Gregory Field Research Associates Lisa Gitelman Theresa M. Collins Martha J. King David W. Hutchings Karen A. Detig Secretary Grace Kurkowski Intern Student Assistant Gregory Jankunis Bethany Jankunis

| i : i I: t i i

BOARD OF SPONSORS i Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service New Jersey John Maounis Francis L. Lawrence Maryanne Gerbauckas Joseph J. Seneca Nancy Waters Richard F. Foley : George Tselos Rudolph M. Bell Smithsonian Institution New Jersey Historical Commission Bernard Finn Howard L. Green Arthur P. Molella


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Harvard University Neil Harris, University of Chicago Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Link, Princeton University Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution Robert E. Schofield, Iowa State University


William C. Hittinger (Chairman), RCA Corporation Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey * Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund Philip F, Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T


a F

NARI A MR I NEE RECEP o cnc SEB EOC pr men page ES


PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund

The Hyde and Watson Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation


National Science Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Historical Publications and Records Commission


Alabama Power Company

Amerada Hess Corporation



Atlantic Electric

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, Inc.

Battelle Memorial Institute

The Boston Edison Foundation

Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc.

Carolina Power & Light Company

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.

Consumers Power Company

Corning Glass Works Foundation.

Duke Power Company

Entergy Corporation (Middle South Electric Systems)

Exxon Corporation

Florida Power & Light Company

General Electric Foundation

Gould Inc. Foundation

Gulf States Utilities Company

Idaho Power Company

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Iowa Power and Light Company

Mr. and Mrs, Stanley H. Katz

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

McGraw-Edison Company

Minnesota Power

New Jersey Bell

New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

North American Philips Corporation

Philadelphia Electric Company

Philips International B.V.

Public Service Electric and Gas Company

RCA Corporation

Robert Bosch GmbH

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

San Diego Gas & Electric

Savannah Electric and Power Company

Schering-Plough Foundation

Texas Utilities Company

Thomas & Betts Corporation

Thomson Grand Public

Transamerica Delaval Inc.

Westinghouse Educational Foundation

Wisconsin Public Service Corporation

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A Note on the Sources The pages which have been

filmed are the best copies available. Every technical.

effort possible has been made to ensure legibility.







q aa: j


Reel duplication of the whole or of. any part of this film is prohibited. ae In lieu of transcripts, however, oe enlarged photocopies of selected ee items contained on these reels hae. _may be made in order to facilitate rene | research. “Saad

titi te a eos ep oe Sse en De te ait Aad


These records, which cover the period 1867-1900, consist of deeds, mortgage assignments, and other legal documents involving Edison; his parents, Samuel and Nancy; and other members of his family. Many of the documents relate to the Edisons’ personal property holdings. Also included are a release from Ebenezer Baker Welch (1892) in the case of Welch v. Edison, a letter from Sherburne B. Eaton (1892) regarding the keys to the Menlo Park buildings, an agreement between Edison and the National Phonograph Co. (1896), and several items pertaining to Edison’s role as administrator of the estate of Mary Stilwell Edison and guardian of William L. Edison.

All documents have been filmed except for duplicate copies of selected items.


0 ae a ne i ee

i WARRANTY DEED, (3) . Printed and Sold by Rronsoxps & Backes, Detrolt, Mich,

P| GMS Muilettnwe, cae ih 2 apo ge es Catt gta. sanding eeapesni ad ies, yor ofo our Gad ones thousand et ci ai i

handed and. stiely- fe sssteaan ansible jaaseves ieee BETWHEN. Nana, vad

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hereby confessed and acknowledged, b-sccess ty these Cia sion lal igatny, cll deantse, tcleases ie alien and confer unto the sal ab fare. sil of the second. Co. and Co... “iy FOREVER,..4L4,... Ceca ficderr.\pi

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tenances, unto the sail (fats of the second, patl, Gnd CO... Mune Seat ee teths and asse 72s,

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enscating and dels ely gy of these Presents a Lbs Msi toll setzedl, of the.above granted. a ehacten titemibes, tn Pee Senile « Phat they a are fee fiom all isenslh Ances whalever.: and hat. ee wll, and. CY hes, ORCCULO.) essrerinnennsne ad pniniitiators... sheet ast wnetthall War ae and Defend the same agatnst all lau clatins whalsocver. *

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in the year one thousand ‘eight hundred and SECEY a rrrrnnenrsrersnracrne DOPFOVE me, the subscriber, a i ne eee for said County, personally appeared r

to me known to be the same persons described in and who.cxcouted the within instrument, who severally

acknowledged the same to be their Jree act and deed; and the said seveseeecentanessorseernstanenettnnesesetnetintoeceenizesanssettneese

on a ‘private examination by me, separate and apart from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely and without any fear of, or compulsion from any one,

SSF Y, os sia

ICE, A2—... Count

ty Deed.



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. WARKANYY DEED—Suoer Fons, qi) Printed.and Sold by Hionmoxns & Daoxvs, Statloners, Detroit, Mich,

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in the year ,of our aa one thousand sight hundred and sevoniy

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and-ag e-to-and wrth thesia 7. of. the .second part, ... wel its and assigns, that at the * ‘tino

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And the said ie Lhe EAA, >

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Wannity. Deed, (Short Form. )

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se eadeg Ralaad of the second part, Of the first part, for aud in consideration vA the sum of.. Mb dear Ladd _£$A lb 22,) Acetate tee a Bae

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of the ‘onsealing and delivery of ‘those presents, Aod...xhecZ. woll seized of ythe above granted te

prem} es, in Feo Simple; that ey: are’ freo, When incumbrances whatevor; and that. obvi ‘will, and a heirs, executors,.... Mckee. poe MSE COTS venereal -shall warrant and dofond

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In Witness Whereof, Tho said ale) the first part ho-@...hereunto set...... Es

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Styned, Senlod aud Dollvored in- Presence of

i sTaTs oF ness: bs.


tin the year one thousand eight hundred and 1 a A oA Oi,

RAMEP, 2, a et A and for said County, personally appeared

to me.known to be the same person. desertbed in and who executed the within instrument, who--

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Gig, deni, o Made thi 2 : leasith.

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STATE OF MICHIGAN, ral SS, x ae ra

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On this.

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acknowledged the same to be. ee LVCE MCL ANA MCU, crrccesrnesseseisssssasinsvileccstsectstsssagasinnasninsnnsseeseniecaneees

And TRE SAE ooo

ona private examination by me, separate and apart from her said hushant, acknowledged that she executed the

same freely and without aay fear of, er compulsion from any one,



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OFFICE, ir County Llpovbe OF,

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Pow all ‘Eten be these § Peesels, 2 THAI Wn PO iaieg e AY Coc oa

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lawful money of the United States, to 22rgin hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, by

J On Gu Cis

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~ grant and convey, unto the said part part Pré-~ ewecutors, administrators, and assigns,

particularly desoriband mentioned

and assigns, against all and every person and persons whomsoever.

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the presence of



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Due service of a copy of the within | is hereby admitted. a] |




fn eens ew rat creme me

Joseph l.Loveriog


oem seen ee een mit

froderdvk A. HaSeriek Baverd FW Dewdesod Charles ®, Risherds Bnet, Thomss A, Sdisoa , an deere Se ese mete meen mee X | City aad County of Wew York 8; is i: Sdward W. Deeb bein duly svorn says; that he is one i wi the plaiabirrs an the. above entitled action; that « cause I of aetioa axists in favor of the above named plaintiffs,and against the above named dafendant).tu recover a siun or money” only, to witgG9d.vith interest thereon fron February Yth, LUer as dameges for a breach of 2 contract hereinafter stated, and arising upon the followiag facts: : : That heretofore and on or about the Yth,day of Re@oruary : i. 1884,as the City of New York,the phiatirrs paing copartaers in trade ,undar the firm aame ani style of Stoddart ,Lovering &60,,8014 end delivered to the defanddnt twenty four’ indi cuters at the shipulated price of Twonty ainal(gd) dellars fur sach,and al] amounting to the sum of 8090,¥nich the deo” fondant promised to pay plaintirts;that the plaintiffs have - heretofere duly demanded paymont of said pries,put tha da- Yeodant neplected sod refused to pay the same. os

That p)ainviffs are justly entitled tu recevec thera O°” frow the, defendanutthe sum of $096, and inserest thereon fom the O-th,dsy of February LUUd,over and above al] counter- eisims,discounts and set-offs,knowa to thy plaintirrs; ana that there ars oo countoer-claims ,discounts,os sat-ofrfs ex- igtiog ia favor of the asfendant te the knovleago of this daponent, : :

That the above entitled agtiun is bruughs for tha afore ~ said cause ,and the summons therein hus been issued for sar- Viee on the defendant,ana-a copy thereof is hersaby annexed,

That the defendant above named is net a resident of tne State of New Yuork,out resides at Menlo Perk,io the cYunty ' of Middlesex,and State of New Jersey;that nv pravduous appl i- cativa for attachment has besa made to this aetion,

Sworn to before me this day of December Idd4,

Notary Public, . Te FeSO. P ate i uy

wu | AY i



City Got of How Mork,




Plaintiff's Attorneys, Hee

19 Park Place, N. Y. Oity.

Zo the Defendant within named ;

Notice is horeby givon to you, that, on your default, judgmont will bo taken agninst you for the sum of $ satan .-, With interest

188 , and tho costs of this action.

SMITH & BOWMAN, Plaintiffs Attorneys.

ear niente | TE Ey cen oe yO Eat aioe ae lt SEE ION RN I


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Defendant .

To the above named Defendant: -

ou ure herely summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiff’s Attorneys within six days after the service of this sum- mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, J udg- ment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint,

Dated New York, ecenrper 70 Se gee


Plaintiff's Attorneys Office and Post-office Address, No. 19 Park Place, New York City, N. Y.

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! 7 , Ym 19 ant ty WH YY. iy ws omunny Acaump, that this Insurance,

Sa . Swapp aoa : se : { Mortgagor or owner of the properly Insured, nor by the occupa!

. , If ; ) LAL WANSUORANCE COMPANY To be attached to Policy No... 18336 Pris Furrik AGREED, that the Mortgagees shall notify sal knowledge, and that every Increase of hazard not perinitted by the Policy

as to tho Interest of the Mortgagecs only therein, shall not be {nvulldated by any act or neglect of the hazardous than are permitted by this Polley. hall come to thelr demand, eccording to the established Scale of rates for the use of such increase

ton of the premises for purposes more id Company of any change of ownership or Increase of hazard which s VAY Ww isa ch to the Mortgagor or owner, shall be pald for by the Mortgagees on reasonable JOA SA dQ hazard during the current year, i Ir 1s anso Acie, that whenever the Company shall pay the Mortgagces any sum for loss under this Policy.and shall claim that,as to the Morlgagor 3 or Owner, no linbllity therefor existed, it shall at once be legally subrogated to all the rights of the Mortgagecs under all the securitles held 28 collateral to the Mortgage debt to the extent of such payment, or, atits option, may pay to the Mortgagees the whole principal duc or to grow duc on the Mortgage with interest, and shall thereupon recelve a full assignment and transfer of the Mortgage and all other sccuritics held as collateral to the Morteage debt; but no de such subrogation shall Impate the right of the Mortgagees to recover the full amount of thelr claim. ~ ree ect CSETOMREOA A = perenne Te LLa cee REO

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Copyright, 1885,

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