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1653 East Main Street Fiochester, New York 14609


Compilation © 1993: University Publications of America. | All rights reserved,

et ORES aig gern tae ren

QO Edison. Tapers


PART TIT (1887-1898) Thomas E. Jeffrey Microfilm Editor Gregory Field Mary Ann Hellrigel Theresa M. Collins Paul B. Israel David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg Lisa Gitelman ; Karen A. Detig Leonard DeGraaf Gregory Jankunis Dennis D. Madden Douglas G. Tarr Editors Reese V. Jenkins

Director and Editor

Sponsors Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution

University Publications of America Bethesda, Maryland 1993

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company.

Thomas a. Edison Papers at Rutgers, The State University endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission

Copyright © 1993 by Rutgers, The State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication including 29Y portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including Photocopying recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The grate University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey.

ISBN 0-89093-702-8.


Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor

Thomas E. Jeffrey Associate Director and Microfilm Editor

t Robert A. Rosenberg \ Managing Editor, Book Edition : ! i

Helen Endick Assistant Director for Administration

Associate Editor Assistant Editors Paul B. Israel Keith A. Nier Gregory Field Research Associates Lisa Gitelman Theresa M. Collins Martha J. King David W. Hutchings Karen A. Detig Secretary Grace Kurkowski Intern Student Assistant

Gregory Jankunis Bethany Jankunis


Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service New Jersey John Maounis

Francis L, Lawrence Maryanne Gerbauckas Joseph J. Seneca Nancy Waters Richard F, Foley : George Tselos Rudolph M. Bell Smithsonian Institution

New Jersey Historical Commission Bernard Finn Howard L, Green Arthur P. Molella


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Harvard University Neil Harris, University of Chicago Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Link, Princeton University Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution Robert E. Schofield, lowa State University


William C. Hittinger (Chairman), RCA Corporation Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey * Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T



PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund

The Hyde and Watson Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation


National Science Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Historical Publications and Records Commission


Alabama Power Company

Amerada Hess Corporation



Atlantic Electric

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, Inc.

Battelle Memorial Institute

The Boston Edison Foundation

Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc.

Carolina Power & Light Company

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.

Consumers Power Company

Corning Glass Works Foundation.

Duke Power Company

Entergy Corporation (Middle South Electric Systems)

Exxon Corporation

Florida Power & Light Company

General Electric Foundation

Gould Inc. Foundation

Gulf States Utilities Company

Idaho Power Company

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Towa Power and Light Company

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

McGraw-Edison Company

Minnes»ta Power

New Jersey Bell

New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

North American Philips Corporation

Philadelphia Electric Company

Philips International B.V.

Public Service Electric and Gas Company

RCA Corporation

Robert Bosch GmbH

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

San Diego Gas & Electric

Savannah Electric and Power Company

Schering-Plough Foundation

Texas Utilities Company

Thomas & Betts Corporation

Thomson Grand Public

Transamerica Delaval Inc.

Westinghouse Educational Foundation

Wisconsin Public Service Corporation


A Note on the Sources

The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been made to ensure legibility.


Reel duplication of the whole or Of. ee. any part of this film is prohibited. oe In lieu of transcripts, however, enlarged photocopies of selected items contained on. these reels _may be made in order to facilitate _research.

Correspondence (1900)

This folder contains correspondence relating to briquettes, the sale of Edison’s crushing technology, and Edison’s instructions regarding drawings and tracings. The correspondents include Walter S. Mallory, Pilling & Crane, and James B. Tonking, superintendent of the New J ersey Zinc Co. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been filmed.


a eocinabartnig gare er sn : pee crete SSSI eee,

meen , is


Ti BROADWAY. ‘FRANKLIN FURNAGE, N. J.,---- Aprs 9519006 Thomas A.Edison,Pres., N.J.&P Concentrating Coe, Orange, N.7. Dear Sir:-

7 Your faves of the 6th inst received. Your very kind explana-~ tory letter has been carefully gone over. There is no objection that I know of as to changing the Beeee of elevator to 50 ft. per mimte. instead of 150 ft. which we are at present running,if you are satisfied it will do our work.

I do not think there is any possibility of gatting any rope to stand this tramenteiia weight Leaving or taking the ore in these buckets into consideration. It does geem to me that if we could get steel buckets that would weigh about one quarter of what these iron ones weigh it would stand the load these carry.

‘I think it would be a g00d idea for us to order buckets for

#2 Elevator as soon as we receive drawings for the changed ones of which

you say you will send us a Copy .e : -

Regarding the time of changing: buckets we are at a loss to know just how these buckets are to be ptt on without erecting them one by one on the top. We have one of the best men I think you had around your mill in charge oF our mili here and he knows of no plan for shortening the ti ime of putting in of these’ buckets. I would be obliged to you if you would furnish a man that will arrange to put-.on a dozen - buckets at a time, this will certainly help us out: which I-kmnow you are willing to doe We herewith send a piece of rope which has been advised bo

by the Roebling people that we use. The ropes are now in place: and ve.

shall commence putting buckets ‘on at once. It will not do ‘any harm to


2: pene sseeneeuneanemerties ner esa anne tetyethe mene?


NEW YORK OFFICE, 71 BROADWAY. FRANKLIN FURNACE, No Jo yecmmnnnmnnnsmneersssreesesvessetitunnsernnn i

T.A.Edison#2-4/1H/1900~. try this rope as the special iron one with 37 wires to the strand lasted only a short time. If this does not do any better than or as well

as the other it will be an easy matter to fo back to the other rope

again. It would seem as though something mst stand(for us to succeed in our work) longer than three months. We shall be flad to have you advise us and furnish us the help requested in this letter.

Yours very Truly,


| ' i i |

Forni 3. 10,0003-1000.14,880- THOMAS A, EDISON,

Pranxey, W. & MALLORY,

Vior- Parnes,



New JERSEY AND PennsyLvania CoNcENTRATING W/ ors.


—_—_—, WORKS; ON Hirai BRIDGRRRANGH, Oo FRR. OF NA, O23 Mines rum Jewngy cree, No Te


ie St TAQNAS y

OruUees TT. o fear Sirs GF y fettorday, we reccived the fol lytang / some one in vores ofPiee: f Copy of Vel egrel recsived at Orange,

4 i oh 7 Vo Thomas 4. Miison: Important,

I See you at earliest possible moment.


104 vv. /oath Sti, i f S¥ened Henry 1. Yo whish we replied: aes edison, jew Jersey; can't Leave. \ hehboratary om t phone end thes


Oe si oe




SUN's OA eae ie: mee

Evison Orricn Terupuony, 6 B Dover, NJ. Ornanau *

311 Orancou,

Ne Ja oe

Hey fiey BS iba

e from


Answer by wire when


will give you directions how to get nere



BROAD & CHESTNUT STREETS t 4 pi ER DEEEIO A: : . dip By 19003 “ues Thomas A. Edison, ‘Orange, " z Dear ee

We herewith ene tase ogy of Jobber fram thé Museinetjcony Iron Works. We omeider that at tik presend bina prompt ahiyment, of briquettes to Temple hd Sanhopy aye of vory gteat Inyortences Both of these furnaces AYA on aftyatedt that at the manath they are not only prepared buy agityus tp expaaimeht with briqnattes. If this period shéll pass over for the wrixb two steaks, oth may be unable to nse them. Shipments to’ fympltt WETA wlan probably lead

_ to good shipments to Reading, sq thx wa a6 nh Tegson why we camot furnish orders fox 200 fo WO tons per dey, if our plans go well, We are sending a oopy of this lettar to the works, not knowing which will find you first.

Wishing you evéry succssa, we are Yours very truly,


; We sav m Cd to-day of the W has agredl to fake a apupie d2 i wine mene tt at at. all or le, Swit canine, to hii of anny P ad this rate per


. cOoPY. ,

; ; July AAthe 1900; Messrs, Pilling & Crane? Philadelphia, Pai Dear sirs’

Confirming ny talk with your Mr, Crane this morning,

you will please increase our semple order for briquettes from one car to 500 tons; price to bs 8 otas a unit, less 75 ctes a ton freight allowances shipments to comuence imnediately.at the rate of from 50 to 100 tons per day, es we want to. oaMmence: cur experiments

with these briquettes without fail August lste It is impossible for

us tO say, in advance of the experiments, how mmy tons we will require to satisfactorily make them, and hence in connection with this purchase of 600 tons, I would like it understood that the

call on Edison of our fumace manager, Mre Kennedy, on or about August Iste, for shipment of briquettes in addition te this 500 ton lot will be honored up to the extent of 100 tons a day and up to

a tokal quantity, including the 500 tons above ordered, of not. exceeding 1500 tonse The experiments we, propose malcings are io portant not only to ourselves, fut to Mre Raison, end. we therefore. hope that you will arrang matters so that you can without fatl honor the calls that Mr, Kennedy may makes - It will, of course, not

do to have the fummace run out of stock while. in the midst of these

experimentse If there is any doubt. about your doing able to take care of us in the way indicated, please let ug know: that’ we e may modify our plans. accordinglys Ja -* Yours. roayeotfully, (8) The Mugponstoang . Iron Yorks, ® La Howey Prose



Pals ‘Company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages only on conditions tmiting its Mabtlity, which havo’ ‘been assented to b:

ry thosenderoft the following ig message, °

Errors be guard led against only by repeating'a message back to the sonding station for com in, and the Company will not hold itself IInble for errors or delayn

aa ieanamalesion or clivery o} fUnre ented oranges, boyout | tho amountof tolls pald thereon, nor ln: any case where the Clan snot prosonted fa Sides Mea sixty days Stier phe isan U is filed with the Com; a for ission, ae

PEATED MES: E, and ts delivered by request of tho sender, under tho conditions named above. pa THOS, T; ECKERT, President and d General Manager,

= ef : as —_ , i =

LL\ Bas

orien ORANG Dated_= : To :

oot ee. se heey Tae oe

pe Soy papas 7 ‘S . carey Beg FY Ia daceey Whee Me tents area oe olay Se a Pa,

Form 3, .10,000-3-1000-14,880, : THOMAS.A. EDISON, 7 Pxastomes, wee MALLORY, ° . a, RANDOLPH, ‘Vicx-Puesipenr. ee . : Sxeourranr-Taxasunen, |


PennsyLvanta CONCENTRATING Works.

“s |. ‘@BNERAL OFFICES: ele. gn bison LABORATORY Seed Fe ORANGE, N.'J. ce

CS Evison Ormcy TeLvpsy0NE, 5 B Dovun, N.J. * - ORANGH 811 ORaNGH.

; ; WORKS: ON HIGH DRIDGH BRANOH, C.1.R. OF N. , 02 Mines ynow Tenney Crry, Neds

EDISON, SUSSEX COUNTY, N. J. Otte, 22nd, 1900.

‘Mr. T. A. Edison, ee Orange, eee

N. J.

: Dear Siri- The following is a list of Motors, on hand, as p

quest,. furnished by Moore, see, ty L

2-16 H.P. Croker Wheeler, gieloH. P.8 fn

De OR WLP, " no 7 toa Le lH. P. G. KR. motor ; eS ; 1-.#6 Edison motor, ; ' a 2~ #1 Edison motors, a * 1- #4 Edison motor, Be Res

4~ #12 Edison dynamos,

1- #20 Edison dynamo,

5- #16 Ndison dynamos,.

l- #32? Edison dynamo, .

1- #20 - 250 volt Edison dynamo, 1- 250 volt multipolar dynamo G.E. 1- 15 H. P. GM, motor dust proof, 1- 5 H. P. Croker Whealer,

3- 1/4 H.P. G. E. motors,

i= 20 H.P: Croker Wheelzr,

1- $8 Edison dynamo:

1 bey i t hi ie

, Yours ‘very truly,

t ee :

5010—12-09—-5 3,





ORANGE, N. J. “4 Panay i ORANGE TeLerHone, "911 ORANGE,” | WORKS:

i" i EDISON, SUSSEX COUNTY, N. J. Epson 6B Doven!

ON HIGH BRIDGE BRANCH, C. R. R. OF N, Je 92 Mites From Jensty City, N. J.


ovembe 2 Vt

mv, HE. herter,

Orange ,N.J.

Hereafter, before tracings are made of any of ¢ 7:

ir, BHdison desires you to submit them to him for his apurey:%


and his signature should elso be treced on ail tracinrs.

Benson was given instructions yesterday not to put in: blue-prints that come to hin without Mr. Fdison's BOLOVEL 3

i please arrange to do this in all cases, es it will

Yours very truly,

Pye ene

Correspondence (1901)

This folder contains documents, primarily routine correspondence and memoranda, relating to company financial obligations. Only one item has been filmed: a letter to Walter S. Mallory from W. P. Hardenburgh, vice president of the New Jersey Zinc Co., concerning a means to extend the life of elevator ropes.


. a 11 BROADWAY, OFFICE a7... 5 VICE-PRESIVENT. NEW YORK, June 21st, 1901. : : (ani | gull B 189

Mr. W. H, Mallory, Vice Pres., New Jersey & Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, Orange, N. J. Dear Sir:

I am obliged for your favor of the 17th, and would be pleased to have any suggestion which would prolong the life of the elevator ropes at Franklin, If you will kindly send me print of the siofedea cua 4 shall be pleased to consider the advisability of our using it.

Kindly convey to Mr. Edison my thanks for his interest in

the matter.

Very truly yours,

: ; i i f

Correspondence (1902)

This folder contains correspondence relating to ore analysis and a potential mill site in Ontario, Canada. Approximately 20 percent of the documents have been filmed.

= . gt Sapa uals HOURS HS cp stevie a ic ch aa, © cedar eee


Ore, Yinka Fnac ai x INTRACTS ARE CONTINGENT U 4 Ely ee ¢ SF age oe . GENT UPON STRIKES ACCIDENTS AND URAVAIDABLE, DELAYS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, CU MNen Us, : nsedlent &GenlMa ie ae Searedaty PReasuteu so

Marwick Sip Jel ton Cliyf;

“leer “euch.” wv "A of

ul teen Vy ty

Lhe Ota. erenclly ty.

Neutral tlilet Mile Ivone Lig eS C7 VA ZA

Litadofps adele fed Vo Occ, iG G19 Gerad Buitdding Wa Gis LIMO Ty Fry : fa 0/02

Prilung & .0rane, Shitadedynia, Pas

Gentlemen, . | “Referring to the 8

‘Trusting. the is the Inrormetion deostiteg,

Wery Yemuly * ‘yours, Wags Iron & Steel Co,,

ear ete Oe ad ey

New vork, Jen. 11, 1902, Mr. J. Gaunt, 565 nanal St., N.Y, Dear Ssir;- Relative to the Cinnabar property in the Ruiny River. District, Ontario, cuinada, I have submitted the following questions to the discoverer of it and his vaplies thereto are given;- 1. Give location uml means or reaching it? Ans. Situated near the Indian Reserve at Wabuskang. (Note - this is about 40 miles North of C. & ry. J, E. §.) The only means of reaching it is by water in summer, or dog-train.. in winter. 2. Have you had location surveyed, or is it in surveyed territory? Ans, I have not had it surveyed yet, but hold a claim from the Government until T do pet it surveyed, which will hold ti12 noxt summer, 5. Have you gewiired your Case or Patent from the Crown?

Ansvered in No.2.

4. Areu of property?

t i ! i

Ans. TI have secured 320 acres. ; 4q 5. Development,. if any? Ans, There has been no work done with the exception of two blasts I put in when T Wag there. 6. Approximate height of ontiyd-as ebove nearest water? Ans. Say ten (10) feet, Tt runs into the water, 7, Advantages for a mill site, Ans. I took in a water power when IT marked out the location.

(Question evidently misunderstood J, EE. S. )








I have asked him to send samples of says he sends by mail, but that it is, of course, surface ore only. ore has not yet reached me. When it does, T will send it on to you.

I believe better ees he perhaps knows himself, but he has absolutely no means of developing it,

I shall feel obliged if yowwill report progress in the matter to

Is there a water power on or near it?

Ans. Phere is a water power 80 feet wide with a fall of

8 feet - with any amount of water,

Nature of country rock?

Ans. Granite, Longth of onterof tracenhies

Ans. I traced it 300 feet. Btrike and width of vein?

Ans. Width is 25 te 50 feet. As to assays of ore?

Ans. TI have never had it essayed. Is property dry or wet?

Ans. High and dry.

As to timber and fuel,

Ans, There is any amount of timber of all kinds right there.

Mr. Edison and see what he thinks about it.

The party in his letter leaves, as he says, everything to me to

arrange for him adding that he 1s very much in need of funds,

Yours sincerely,

vd. E. Stanton.

ore to submit to you, which he

from my knowledge of the man that he has a good thing

and is willing to make a reasonable deal with any one who will

i i i | i | l i i



/ 7 a ee

Mr. Devonald:- Please make’ order. This cost to be charged too

Mr, Gaunt.

April 21,2902.

ia + j :

Messra. Ricketts & Banke, -. ie 104 John St.,

New. York.

Dear Sirsi-

We sent you on Saturday, another sample of the tailings - : . from the Gaunt-Rhoads ore, which kindly assay, gen ding us the. : results at. the earliest possible moment. This in reply to vours of the 18th inst.

Yours very truly,

vr, : i

MR go ye a)

W. E. Cooke, a Bw. Crosby yuare

ara Se ey, y “WECOOKE, Lonpon!" i Sh ot OVOECOII 2? LC. IN REPLY REFER TO ie

Lhe th

Correspondence (1903)

This folder contains documents, primarily correspondence, relating to the Iona Island property deeded to Edison in 1892, One item is an inquiry from Pilling & Crane regarding the speed of Edison’s 24-inch rolls. Another letter relates to the loan of a bricking machine to John W. Converse of the Baldwin

Locomotive Works. Approximately 20 percent of the documents have been filmed.

FRdison gets the monev-: due yas Both parties. ment3. oned

Mr. W.:S. Mallory. ee Dear Sir:-- With this, I attach a report of Mr. Elliott, regard... ' ing the titie,etc. of the land at Iona Island. Iona Island is the name of the station on the West Shore Radlroad. Whe land is on the main line on the east side of the Hudson and on the north side of a large hill. Mr. Daniel Herbert of Iona Island stands ready to pay one third of the money he receives for hoop poles and have the money remitted directly to Mr. Bdison by the parties to whom he consigns the poles in New York.

Mr. Woolcock approves of Mr. Herbert's proposition as the best one and the arrangement can be closed with Mr. Herbert if Mr. Edison approves of it.

Mr. Howard Scandell, of Iona Island will pay $21.00 per cord for the wood cut and would want five years in which to cut the wood. This seems to be a good price for the wood, #8 it will cost a good deal to take 14 away from the land. I recommend that Mr. Scandell's proposition be accepted and that Mr. Woolcock and I be authorized to arrange with Mr. Scandell regarding cutting. I oo pelieve the best arrangement that can be made is to have Mr. ace ee

watch the progrees of the wood cutting aud see that Mr. ;

would Like'to know as soon as. convenient Wh

posrttions sre: ancepted or ne Be sv

[ENCLOSURE] non 9. Pfr, Se- Te _ ‘tm lifer . nes | he (i £1 Sa eh me ne te 4 eteed fremer bff Coisag fale ong abo K 149 oy | ee Kise Coreecets. dhe eas anol ao = as

. ate ie Wat si Soren om mrs. a hoes ms 19d were bial ao Aeecnent af me

ae "3 ; Bevuek Yoo 1907~ rms Ba G stains : gm é aaa Ve~ 172s, for year sper wae $e. # re


wes aly tum PT ae oy ene

| onan ae + feng bet Far cloegy@ ofleg ty day | tehouk be an aut fw Bb at Nag Soe | da. _ Ad acl. as Otnotery feer= A A, br Qaey ae CN “y Aotatedt Lonitd (Pttwtor ea | Pein: hea" Pedewnee A Bete Pr taatesiat = b: a’, = fa aa Freaw Omg pune / a ee oa Pe ae i= es x (hon fia lh Bac faponon ak ant f 10h frm ao : yr doe Va raeerta alte thay . , Ne apherty 23 Pubgerd bate Jor eget Potea by fre, Pra oop | kane! fer Mee hw

. lake flee. 2 : " Bellonlean


Mi A$, joie od waite rat . oe



6/16/03 /usi AL

Mr. F.R.Upton,


We are in. receipt of yours of the 15th inst. relative to, a : j

: the tSmber on.Iona Island. If you have satisfied yourself ‘that:

Messre. Herbert & Scandell are reasonably responsible, you may -mak the arrangement suggested, arranging with Mr. Wool cock. to water, the’ PEEKS SS of the cutting and also to see that we get our money ey having him send us duplicates of shipping receipts. , ace ee

We : however, wish to reserve the fol eyane right, thet ae in case we sell. the land, the Prysneonent be wbnoelied on sixty 5 days notice, as we do not want to tie it up and lose the possibility “8 ‘of .selling. I would BBES SE that you. have Judge Elliott- “draw up

a memor andum agreement covering the case.


W.s8,Mallory ,V.P.

Yours very truly,

‘him and. #1 fo for the contract to cease in case Hr. Radgn Bells muee:

- 6Ag/oa/RUA,

Kr. John Wooleock, Cold Sprinr, N.Y.


Iowish you would cormuniante with Mrs Daniel Herbert. and ir, Howard Seandell, both of Tona Island, and make arrangements for then to meet myself or Tudge Tat rott on Tune 30th, at Lona Island.”

oiMr. Kdtson ip ready to make -an errangenent with ‘Ur. Herbert for One third of the money he receives for hoop poles, the ; money to he remitted directly to. Fr, Edi. son by the parties to whom eat

he constens the poles in New York. -

ve are Tandy to make the arrangement wt th aes Howard

Soandel3 on the baste ‘of - {T.0O per cord for. ‘the wood, cut and,, ot ve

him five wears in which to cut the wood, Proper core heing placed .

tn the arrangenent, for you to stperyige the amount or money die

Land, ‘on a. eixty day notdce,. I Burge st, beforg neat ing” "Ey that

A “on make trip to Lona Tal and and find, iit full partioulars:


regarding Mr. Howard Seandel2, bearing on hie finenoted renponsd="s..

“‘DILIty, . a

Kindly let me hear from you.

Yours very truly,

V : i

Pe I A ig EN te See a gm A ati den rams mA a lage a

aes : MEMORANDUM. . Nilliam MeGasley, Counselor at Low. Baucrstraw, N. Z., oon OOD ha Oth yao... 190 3, \

| ‘Mr. F. R. Upton, Grange, N. J. My dear Sir:-

I herewl th send you, ‘at the request of Mr. Howard Scandeli, ! & formal contract for the sale of certain wood upon a mountain lot | belonging to Mr. Edison, and located at Stony Point, N.¥.. I, also,”

enclose a duplécate of the contract and will ask you to have Mr, Edison

attach his Signature to it and return it to Mr. Scandell, who will then consider the transaction closed. Yours truly: a 4 c

‘y \ 4

tr in a a PILLING & CRANE,


Harkne | Ye : TEE IIGE. ov..17,.1903....

Mr. Emil Herter, | Orange N. J.

Dear sir:~ Pleasa-give us the speed at

which the driving pulley of the 24" Edison roll ,

was driven when rurming at Edison N.J.

Yours very truly,

Pilling & Crane,

we) reat

ir. gob &. Converse, . , . i: Baldwin Locomotive (Yorke

| PaAlndelphte, Pa.

Bear | Biro, .

ne ‘Replying to ours: of the end inet, we tee to ask, ‘that :

you wil have’ the m9.chine shipped to the New. Jergey & Pennsylvania.

7 Concentrating Works, Raison, .J. Bee Paes ok Stas

rae We veg to. quote trom ow letter of June 20th,1902, to your:

‘ale Gonverse, sig to ¢on ditions of, the loan: i y . "We understand that you are to enews in’ -gonnection whith logding ;- shipping and uniloadini:, Ere Peat, ote. to > Philadelphia and return to Bdison. Ud OsBe. you do not, . decide to . keep’ the madh4ne , thot you agree, to return at in as, “good order O8 |

when received ce on us and that te it should not bes in’ a8 good © a:

% order, ‘that you will bear has expense of making 1 f so". op?

Correspondence (1904)

This folder contains correspondence relating to the loan of a bricking machine to John W. Converse of the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Only one item has been filmed.

. has “been, returned.

SAE ennes REY |

. 1/5 Joapoeu,t :

Mr. Pratt:-+-

I under stand: ‘the Bricking machine” charged on the New ones _ Jersey & P. C. Works books to John W. Converse, consignment, #1,¢ 000, eae

Please get the letter ‘from 1 Captadin Meliers . which, ds in

our Files and oentee to pave proper credit. -

Mallory Ve P .


Correspondence (1905)

This folder contains correspondence, primarily from O.W. Miller, father- in-law of Walter S. Mallory and manager of the Ogden works. Also included is a letter pertaining to a recommendation Edison made in 1894 urging the purchase of company stock. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been filmed.

TELEPHONE, 2517 Mann Bs ay a

Se wks 7908 Pe JOHN CHESTER . : Scare utc %

; C7 /4 We WASHINGTON, D, Cc. a : gs Liat Jef Gif 5 |

LO Bark amen ine. SACL

= |


Adee eee : rege te eee ai eRe: ees ncenicr re RES tT {

7 Nehlial Bip Phi 1s thes)


6,097--3, 1900-5M, THOMAS A, EDISON, i Prenipent. 3 ‘Ww. S& MALLORY, 1 Fy RANDOLPH. ViowPRreatpert, Swogwraey-Taxaaunee,



ORANGE, N. I. OnaNaw/TEeLMPHONE, “311 ORANaH” HDwon, - "5 B Dovur" WORKS: EDISON, SUSSEX COUNTY, N, J. OWN HIGH HRIDGR URANOH, ©. R, R. OF N. a ED BOE pt j ee me ee domed we 02 Binge vuoN Juunny Cire, Ne Je ee we ij QRoADTSHDRUT,, S Sas O. W. MILLER,

50078, 1000-5M. THOMAS A. BDISON, PuRMIDENT,

W. 8S. MALLORY, “4 J, bh RANDOLPH, Bxo



EDISON, SUSSEX COUNTY, N. ON HIGH BRIDGH BRANOH, Ck Ned 2 Mines yuom Jxnnwy Curvy, Ny dy

bie ae | thehare ates Moriirgs © covtiveh acts fecrd gLaat 7 Gt gor |

ag b 2 ag cory Te an TON Clagly: ag opuey - :



| i aw a % es aan “Gwe cc i AN ie ‘gale ow © gitay,

St % 2 “en ¢ \S


5,027=8, 1900-0M.


New Jersey ‘AND PENNSvLVANIA Concenrrarina WV orks.


_EDPISQn LA RORATORY, ORANG, N. de aa Onanan Ternupnonn, “911 ORANGR," ‘: i Aipinen * . “613 Dovnr”


OD Minne reom Fanny Ory, No ibe

Q. W. pays



“Dee 2st, 1906, .

Mr. J. Fy Randolph, Treas, Orange, N. J. Dear Sirse The Telephone Co... has come on the’ Cots property, instead of following the road they are outing . AR R4t* cra through some of

the best timber land. They are now crossing’ ene HopewelL Meadows 5

and then they will follow the Cots woodland: vn

Ee you get t to, Mr. ,

Keefe's, In your letter of June loth, graiiting permission: tO put


down telephone poles, was it your’ intention, et them. ent thirdiegh

the woods, Please advise at once and oblige. axe


: rJ CP we BT ae


Correspondence (1906)

This folder contains correspondence relating to the sale and transfer of equipment originally purchased for the Ogden works. Included are letters from Odgen employees and some letters concerning the analysis of ores and clay. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been filmed.

. _ ($250.00) Dollars for the dipper including dipper pail, dipper arms, dip- “per braces and dipper handles with racks, f. 0. b. Toledo,. Ohio.

“AN “9 1906

CFL. GFy by . y Whe Ko Mede Seep ey 0 Mttdhiine Car Gerocwel Ms eiyare oe hiveifecetuccks

co Vilee Mean Ge Geel: Deadyyeuy, : Loethpattion Seep

Losier Pon 298,

eer Soliede Hi ULP- Jan. 3, 1906 Lt! , Mr. W. S. Mallory, Vice Pres't., iw The Edison Portland Gement Gow, ~ | ' Stewartsville, N. J. a Dear Sir:-- a irow re

Replying to your favor of rn. pes: we-beg ta a fet that we have gone over the drawings 6f Sia a i pper, ee arms and eh

per handles we furnished you in 1899 and note that q dipper is 6f specib

construction and will not fit any of cur other make. shovels--it will have

Same eee S es Be

to be cut a=part and remodeled; the dipper handles and dipper arms will alas have to be refitted, which will necessitate nearly as much work as

a new dipper, and therefore, we can offer you only.Two Hundred and Fifty

Yours truly, Dic J GC W/TAA

: a gee ements uate eee sane el oe

The Toledo Foundry & Machine Co.


f Jan, 31, 1906. Mr. Ts W, Shaw, od)

: : 0/0 MeKiernan Drill company, : 2170 Broadway , N < om My dear ur. Shaws. oa ak

You will remember that ‘g.ome years ago, we old

to the c. He Connell Company ,. Mingo, Junetion, Ohio, a 65 ton steam

shovel. ‘at the time we notified you that we. had, an extra tvo-yard So

dipper. “wan you ieinaly advise me whether the. shovel is etdil ‘in possession of the Connell ‘Company ; and if BO, whether the y would have any use for this extra: aipper, ‘for whioh we paid the Toledo Foundry & Machine Company $785. 00 7.0.38, oars Toledo, Ohio, ne let. me hear from you at your earliest converitonce,

Youra very y truly,

Ware UT, Bit ens serene ty, We ae Manto, W. &. DPaaina, AumnoONn JT, Cuan, WHOMAK A. JDIHON viii. * Vice rier, TH RABUTINE. AECHIETATY, AUNT MANAQION

Aone. The Edison Portland Cement ©.

Telegraph, Freight and Passenger Station, NEW VILLAGE, N. J. IN Rte